Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Subjects of Interest to Be Spoken
Upon at Church Services.
TrlnHr .Method I nt nplnrnpnt Church
Choir AVII1 !lvr n .Sncrril Con
cert nt Sntnlny limine
The choir of Trinity Methodist Kpls
copal church, Twenty-first and IMnpey
street -v J II render a sacred concert
Sunday evening at S o'olock. At tlie close
n, silver offering will be taken for the
Sabbath school's donation toward the
restoration fund of the church. Program:
Anthem -This Is the Day Until
Bolo Singing In God's Ace Brackett
Miss Dorothy Merrlnm.
Anthem I've Found a Friend Wilson
Eolo No NlKht There Danks
Mtsa I.lltlan Wlnegard.
Anthem-My Jesus. 1 Love ThecCroswell
Duet -Thorns and Hoses Burgess
Miss Elizabeth Hunsaker, Harry
Anthem The Lord God Is a Sun and
Shield Andrews
Bolo- Th i Ninety and Nine Campion
Miss Minnie Nelson.
Anthem Lend t. Our Father, Lead
Us Sullivan
Tho regular quarterly meeting of tho
Omaha Pnsbj trsl union will bo held
on Wednesday, with the South Omaha
church as hostess. Luncheon wtll follow
tho devotional hour and an Interesting
porgram In tho afternoon, with Dr. Claud
Mason of Slam ami Mrs. J. P. Ortega
of Mexico as speakers. Ileports of dele
gates will also be read.
"The Law of Karma" will bo the sub
ject of a public lecture by Ilurd F. MUlor
nt the Th"osophlcal rooms In tho Bal-drldge-Wead
building', Twentieth and
IFarnam streets, on Sunday evening at
8 o'clock.
nev. Charles W. Savldge will now move
his morning' service from tho Gaiety thea
ter to tho Peoplo's church. BIS North
Eighteenth street.
Mra Mcars, formorly Miss Margaret
"Whitney of this city, will sing tho offerto
Bolo, "With Verdure Clad," Sunday morn
ing at All Saints church.
Calvary nranch. Thirty-fourth and Bcw
nrd -Sunday, 3:30. Ill bio school Thursday,
7:80, devotional meeting.
Immanucl. Twenty-fourth and Plnkncy,
Ilev. J. B. Ebcrsole, Pastor Services, 1:30
and 8; Ulblo school at noon. Young
people's meeting nt 7; evening sermon,
"What Did Jesus Say About Hell?" De
votional meeting Wednesday at 8.
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton,
Kov K It Curry. Pastor Services at
10 SO and 7 15. Dr. Curry will conduct tho
services for the last time as pastor of
tho church. Bible school nt noon; young
peoples meeting at 6:15; Wednesday, 8.
midweek devotional service.
Zlon, Twenty-sixth and Franklin, Bov.
W F Botts, Pastor Tho ordinance of
baptism will be administered at 10; morn
ing services nt 10:30 and Illble school At
1, Baptist Young Peoplo's union, C; even
ing services, 7:30. Midweek prayer meet
ing every Wednesday at 7;30.
First. Corner Twenty-ninth and Harney,
Hov. W Jasper Howell, Pastor Morning
worship at 10;30t sermon, "State Mis
sions." Evening worship at 7:30, subject.
"Spiritual Knights.' A sermon especially
for young men. "Evening Prayer," a
solo,, will bo sung In tho evening by Miss
Grace, Corner Tcntli nnd Arbor, Ilev.
K. B. Taft, Padttir Sunday school at 10,
Preaching service', at 11. Subject, "How
to Be Suro In Religious." Illblo Young
People's union at 7. Evening preaching
en-Ice at 8, Subject. "Tho Art of Seeing
tho Good In tho Familiar." Excellent
tnuslo by male quartet nnd choir.
Firnt, Twenty-sixth and Harney, A. V.
Harmon, Pastor Morning sermon at 11.
Subject, "True Dlsclpleshlp;" evening
worship at 8. "What Is a Successful
L. J
Stops Tobacco Habit in
One Day
Sanltnrium rubllxlies Free Hook
Bliowlnu How Tolmcco Wiblt Can
Ho Ihinlslicil In From Ono
to I'lvo DajH nt Homo.
Tho Elders Sanitarium, located at 1090
Main HI , St. Joseph, Mo., lias published
a free book allowing the deadly effoct of
the tobacco habit, and how It can bo
banished In from ono to flvo days at
Men who have used tobacco for more
than fifty ycara liavo tried this method
and say It in entirely uuccessful, and In
aoamon iu uhiuhmhik mo ucsire ror to
bacco has Improved their health won
derfully. This method banishes the do
sire for tobacco, no matter whether it
Is smoking, chewing, cigarettes or snuff
As the book la being distributed frea
anyone wanting a oopy should send their
name ana aaaress ay once. AUvertlso-
Lifer Bible schoot at 9:B. Christian
Kndeavor at I
Northstde. Twenty-second and Lothrop,
H. J. Klrschsteln, Minister Morning
worship at 10:30. Evening preaching ser
vice at 7:46. Bible school at noon. Chris
tian Kndeavor at 6:30 p. m. Mid-week
meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. in.
Christian Science, ,
First, St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth-Services
at 11 and 8. Subject of
leason sermon, "Probation After Death."
Sunday school (two sessions), 3:15 and 11.
Saratoga, Ames Avenue nnd Twenty
fifth Street, F. W. Leavltt, Minister-Sunday
Mhool at 2 p. m.: preaching service
at 3 o'clock, topic, "Does Anybody Speak
the Truth?'
St. Mnry's Avenue, James Alexander
Jenkins, Minister 10:30 a. m., sermon,
"Belief and Itcconstructlon;" 12 m., men's
forum, speaker, J. T. Maxwell, subject,
"Itollglon In Athletics."
Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio, W. S.
Hampton, Pastor Morning worshp at
10:80; evening service at 8. Sunday school
nt noon; Junior Endeavor at 7. Midweek
service Wednesday at 8.
Plymouth, Meeting nt the University of
nt nmnhn Auditorium. Twenty-fourth
and Prntt Streets, Frederick W. Leavltt,
.Minister Morning service at 10:30; Sun
day school at noon; young people's mret-
suojeci or sermon-, -mo
Witch of Endor " Music by chorus choir Night" at tho Young Men's Christian as
under the direction of John G. Gunn. soclatlon Saturday evening, giving an ex
Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant, hlbltlon of their wand drills and athletics.
Thomas B. Oreenlee, .Minister Public i ilev. T. H. McConnell will speak at the
worship, 10:30, "Tho Divine Gift of 1 Sunday arternoon meeting of the Young
Music;" 7.30, "The Good, the Better and ( Men's Christian association at 4 p. m. The
ing at 6:30 p, m.; s
Voices of Nature."
First. Nineteenth nnd -Davenport. Fred
erick T. House, Pastor Morning worship,
10:30; subject, "Tho Doctrine of the Atone
ment nnd Korciveness oi wins, livening
worship at 7:15. In view of tho fact thatt
tn in unv nn ueen hoi anari ay ine re
public of China ti a. day of prayer of the
Christian world for China, the pastor will
speak on "China, Old and New." Young
People' society or mnstian isnaeavor ai
6:43. Frederic C. Freeniantel, music di
rector. I'.pUcopnl.
St. Matthias,' Tenth and Worthing
ton, ' George fl, Southworth, Hector
Holy communion at 8. Sunday school at
10. Morning prayer and sermon at 11.
Confirmation Instruction at 7:30.
Church of Bt. Philip tho Deacon, Twenty-first
Near Paul, Bev. John Albert
Williams, Hector Holy communion at
7:30. Matins nnd Sunday school at 10.
Holy eucluirlst with sermon at 11. Even
ing prayer with sermon at 8.
Bt. Martin's, Twenty-fourth and J,
South Omaha, Hov. Harold Lin wood
Bowen, Hector Fifth Sunday after
Kastor. Holy communion at 8. Sunday
school at 9:45. Morning prayer and ser
mon at 11. Choral evensorig and ad
dress at 7:30. Dally service every
morning of the weok In tho chapel at 8
Orare English) TWctlty-Stxth street,
between Popploton and Woolworth; Clar
ence is. Bwniart, Minister Moring ser
vloo at 11, theme, "The Key to the King
dom." Evening at 8. theme. "A Great
Battle." Sunday school at 10 a. m.
.Ion English, Magnolia hall. 2401 Ames
avenue, Bev, O. W. Snyder, Pastor Ser
clso at S:30 p, m., subject. "Winning tho
Person. Sunday school at 2:30 p., m. The
Pastor s tamos' Ala society will meet
Thursday afternoon at tho rcsldcnco of
Mrs. Larua U. Snyder, 1706 South Con
tral boulevard.
St. Mark's. Twentieth and Burnett.
Dr. L. Groh, Pnslor Morning worahlD at
It, subject, "A Faith not Wcaritng from
worldllness Is of no value." Htindnv
school at 9:15. Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor at 7:15. Evening
worship at 8, subject, "Tho Herold In Ite-
ugious or aecuinr is Always Aamirod."
Bt Matthews English, Nineteenth and
Castellar, nev. G. W. Snyder, Pastbr
mole icnooi ior an nt 10 a. tn subject,
"Sold to Egypt." Gosper song and ovan
gellstlo service at 7:30 p. m.. subject, "in
What Lies the Power bf the I'l-cimh.rt
Gospel." The Young People's society will
meet Friday evening at tho residence Ot
Mm. Sylvia 8. Stough, 1708 fiouth Central
Bt. Puill's. Formerly at Twenty-elKhth
and Parker. Ilev. .M. T ottn. Printtir
Residence 1009 North Thirty-fourth street,
telephone Harney 4001. Services at W
o clock, corner Thirty-fourth and Bcwnrd
streets, tjunaay school at 11:30. Evening
Sermon In Enirllali nt 8 n'olnok In thn
Norwegian Luthern church, Twenty-
sixth and Hamilton streets. Confirma
tion clasa on Monday at 8 o'clock at cor
ner Thlrty-fourth and Seward streets.
KOUntln MomnH.l IParnnm dnri
Twenty-sixth Avenuo, Rev. Dr. Qllvcr D.
ixiuiij, t-nsior services ror tho riftn
Sunday after Easter Morning worship
and sermon at 11 o'clock, subject. "The
Qualities of the U rent put Gift of the
Wprlh-While Life." At 8 p. m. the
monthly musical services, with a short
Sermon. "Ttho Wonders of Divine Grace."
ounuay school at 10 a. m. Luther league
ai i p. in.
Pearl Memorial. Twentv-fnurth Rtrent
unu i-aninore Avenue, j, Franklin Haas,
;-Bior nermon ana communion at 10:30,
l.VinlnK service nt 7.-30. Junior leairun at
j.ju. upwortn leaKUO nt 6:30.
Walnut Hill. Fnrtv.flrat nml Plmrli..
William Boyers. Pastor Puhlle wnrnhln
at lo-M and R. Morning subject. "Tho
iimy wauionc Church and Its Mission.
Hunaay school at noon. Epworth league
Trinity, Twenty-first and Ulnnev. nev.
Tl'O'iMij; Blthpll, Pastor-Morning service
... .-.-. .J..H.K.J. rinuoi ai noon, jsp
),? lra8U0. u' 7. Evening service nt 8,
... .no vviiiiuik ino cnoir win give a
"ttvK-u concert.
AP.V0 - I5Pcopal, Fcitleth and Far-
.rf nl '. , ,l'm'erwood, Pastor-Morning
fnraV,c "4..." o c'(? Sunday, school, at
HiuT YC.t"r,B 00 "0 evening service.
mini aunrterlv Knnlnr.i.u m
VDIn5w.,,i,'.Te,lth nn(1 Tlorce. C.
tho Best," Blblo school at noon. Christian
Endeavor society, mission work and Bible
work, 6:30. Wednesday, 8, "The Church
The Household ot the Faith."
Fairvlew. Pratt Street and Fortieth
Avenue, Charles H. Fleming, Pastor
Bible school at 1 :! and afternoon worship
at J; subject, "The Plan of Revision."
This Is the fourth and last of the seimon
series on the "Second Coming of Christ."
and tho leader Is Mr. Bartlctt.
Lown Avenue, Corner Fortieth and
Nicholas, Rev Nathaniel McGlffln, D. D
Pastor Morning service at 10:30; Sunday
school nt noon; Christian Endeavor at
3 p. m. and C:l.' p. m.; evening service at
7:45. Dr. Hugh B. Spccr, pastor of tho
Central United Presbyterian church, will
preach In exchange with the pastor.
Prayer and conference meeting Wednes
day at 8 p. in,
The Church of tho Covonant, Pratt and
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming,
Pastor Morning worship at 10:45; subject,
"Tho Plan of Revelation." This Is tho
last sermon of the series on tho "Second
Coming of Christ." Bible sohool nt noon;
Endeavor at 7 and evening worship, 7:45;
"Dry Bones" is the topic Wednesday
evening at 8 the subject is "Leaven," and
the leader In Sirs, Curry.
Church of Life Prenchlng at Lyric
theater at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. by Rev.
Mrs. llsll.
"The t'npnrdonable Sin" will be tho
topic of nn address by V. Flo Hawkins
nt the Seventh Day Adventlst church.
Twenty-fifth and Indiana avenue, Sun-
any, b p. m.
People's. CIS North Eighteenth. Rev.
Charles W. Savldgc, Pastor 11 a. m.,
'The Death of the Soul:" 8 p. in.. "Is tho
Rich Man Likely to Enter Heaven?"
Prof. Mertes lias charge of the music.
International nthlo Students Associa
tion, Bartght Hall, Nineteenth and Far
nam Sunday at 3 p. m. Speaker, R. L,
Woman. Subject, "Tho Three Elements of
Character that Secures to Men Spiritual
V. M. C. A. Notes.
Secretary E. F. Dcnioon spent Friday
In Lincoln.
Prof. V. L. Holllstcr will bo hero Fri
day, to meet the class In electrical engi
neering ana pian us worK ror next year.
Franklin nchool is to havo Its "Stunt
Hi Hi Pi & Hi Gi
Dnnrinn. Tn a......
Chnnl nt
'I at iu:ts, subject, "Ex
Moans Henry HornuiiB, Plumb
ing and Heating Contractors,
who baa an offlco at 1822 Far
nam St. C. P. also tttandti ior
Compotout Plumbora and
Henry Hornung can furnish
them. Every contract handled
by us Is guaranteed to be sat
isfactory. Wo do not only In
stall the very best now work
but wo also do expert repair
work and our price is tho
same to all.
No Boys
Between 8 A. M. end O P. L
Call Tyler 1001.
After O 1 M, Call Harney 870.
sin. ?nch,n, nt 8- ""bject. "Secret
iJ""' . .rr:9r "H-etlng Wednesday even-
Mdy?ohyDOl.WI" bB Vl8't0r'' Day"
more'Sr1 T"?ft!l Th'r;'rh and Larl
more, H. E, Hess, Pastor Mornlnir sr
ice at ij a. ni., subject. "Wh.n rM.
iZl Vlt Ji??'" Vnns wllfbe choieH
... tnincr oi cngusn iiymnody.
special music for the occasion will be a
duet of a violin and flute.
The Young Men's Christian association
park will open Thursday. There Is more
water, better fishing and the park is In
better condition every way than ever be
fore. A big demonstration Is planned for
the opening day.
South Omaha Double
Shift for Firemen
Adds Eleven Men
The law passed recently by the state
logtalaturo providing for two platoons
on tho South Omaha flro department
will go into effect July 1, and eleven new
firemen will be appointed by the fire and
police board. If tho funds are low the
new firemen will not begin work until
after August 1, when tho new levy will
be made by the city council.
Under the present arrangement there
are flvo men In each company. Every
five days one of tno men In tach com
pany Is off. leaving but four men on duty.
The double shift will glvo each com
pany six men, three working days and
thrco on duty nights. There will be two
shifts of seven men each at No. 1 flro
house, where the chief Is and where all
tho large fire apparatus Is housed.
Thcro will be forty men on tho city
payroll under the new system. Whllo
this Is not a great Inorease over the num
ber employed at present It bids fair to
greatly facilitate the firo protection of
South Omaha.
Fire Chief John McKnlo Is heartily in
favor1 of tho doublo shift. Whllo It makes
no change In his work, he having to be
Thirty-Five Are
Helped to Rebuild
Destroyed Homes
Second loans In the number of thirty
five have been made to date by the rcsto
ration committee, according to Chairman
Sam Burns, Jr. The aggregate amount
of theae loans Is $21,000 In round numbers,
or an average of some JGOO per case.
Through rehabilitation work done by the
relief committee 154 cases have been cov
ered. The average appropriation In these
cases Is $310, making a total actually ap
propriated of $47,676 for the repair and
rebuilding of homes partially wrecked or
destroyed In tho tornado. The relief com
mltteo has at present under consideration
175 other cases for rehabilitation. The
cases that have actually been turned
down are comparatively very few. The
total number of cases turned down, which
Includes those that were considered rather
cases for the restoration committee to
handle, numbers fifteen.
The relief commlttco hopes within ten
days or so to complete a list of those
who aro likely to need tho assistance of
the committee In re-establishing their
households. The commlttco feels that
this Is information that should bo re
corded In complote form In order that
it will know better how to proceed with
tho funds at hand.
ground floor. He was awakened by the
cracking of timbers and turned In the
alarm. He bad time to dress and arouse
his family before making his escape, and
It was not until firemen entered to fight
the flames that the absence of Mrs.
Riley was noticed. The origin of the fire
has not been determined.
"Mike" O'Donnell, laborer, of Cleve
land, O., arrested on North Twenty
fourth street, near Lake street, was
fined $86 and costs In polce court for be
ing drunk and Insulting women nnd
children on the Rtreet. O'Donnell was
taken in custoday by Officers Buchard
and Troy on complaint of several pedes
trians, who stntcd ho vaa bumping into
women and children and would then turn
and curse them,
J. P. Walsh, charged with delng drunk
nnd resisting an officer, was fined $10
and costs in police court. Walsh, who
failed to give his name at the station,
was booked as John Doe. Upon leaving
tho patrol wagon ho struck Officer Relgel
man in tho face. In court ho stated he
had no recollection of tho affair.
Firemen Save Life
of Mrs, Wm. Riley
Timely arrival of firemen from engine
house No. S In response to nn alarm at
3 o'clock yesterday from 171S Jackson
street saved Mrs. William Riley from
death by suffocation. Sho was dragged
from bed In a room filled with smoke,
on duty all the time, he says It will make Just In the nick ot time.
It much coaler for tho firemen and they I Tho RUeys live In tho basement of tho
will bo able to do better work house. T. B, Robertson occupies the
On May 15 Brigadier General Frederick
A. Smith will rvitire from active service
with the United States army. It Is In this
manner that ho will celebrate his sixty
fourth birthday. Word has been received
that the general has been relieved from
further duty at Texas, where ho has been
In charge of tho Fifth brigade. He will
leave Texas immediately and arrive in
Omaha next Tuesday.
He Returns Money
for Forged Checks
With Tainted Coin
Mogy Bernstein, probation officer. Is
tho recipient of money derived from
forged checks.
How this dreadful result came about It
a story of the Inveterate kindness o
Judge Kennedy of the Juvenile court ant
his Insatiate desire to save sinners.
Mogy put up $30 to keep a repentan
youth from going to Jail on a charge o:
forging checks on Haydcn Brothers nnd
the McCaffrey saloon. He got the mono
back all right-but It was tainted. Tin
young man Just went and forged somi
more checks for double the amount an
gave Mogy half.
Now Martin Nielson, nged 15 years, h
held by tho police. One of tho lasl
checks he is accused of writing was on
the Brandels stores. He was captured by
Mogy Bernstein Friday night. The boy
wanted a few minutes to take his girl
home, but Mogy said no. Ho gave his
residence as 408 South Twenty-fifth avo.
Nielson came voluntary to Judge Ken
nedy several days ago and asked for an
other chance. Judge Kennedy and Of
ficer Bernstein asserted that such cases
do not discourage them, but that they
will trust the next repentant wrongdoer
Just as willingly.
Stells. Taylor was arrested Friday night
and booked as a suspicious character on
a complaint tendered the police by John
RJddenow, who states the woman robbed
him of $130 at Twelfth and Davenport
'streets. She Is being held at tho station
until the facts of the cuae are made fully
Key to tho Situation -Uee Advertising
Do not tfet discouraged. HartmarTs will helt) vou.
r? jl
No matter what you may need to complete the furnishing of I
your nome, you can secure it quicKiy oy taKing advantage or
Hartman's extremely liberal, easy-paying monthly credit terms.
jDo not be deceived into believing that Hartman,s are ever undersold else
where. Hartman's are the largest home-furnishing organization in the world.
They operate 22 large retail stores throughout the United States, and an im
mense mail order institution and furnish homes daily in every state in the
union. This proves conclusively the extreme lowness of our prices.
Rooms, Completely $
Furnished; Everything
Ready for Housekeep
ing. $5.00 A MONTH
HnndBomo nolld nuarter - sawed oak
China Cablnot. made with bent ends, ex
tra strength gloat), adjustable shelven
with elaborately carved claw feet. Top
Is sot off with Fronch beveled plat mir
ror, Htrongly m.-iilo and
brllllnntly polished.
Speolal for this week, ,
at tho low prlco of
Famous Unifold Type Davenport
Ono motion Instantly converts It from a beautiful davenport Into
a comfortable, large size bed, with splendid sot of aprlngs. Mado
of the finished American quarter-sawed oak. finished In golden.
The upholstering Is of tho finest grado of Imperial leather which
wears better than many grades of tho genuine.
An extremely great special for this week's
Massive Metal
Bed Spacisl
fcA'enl I ery ce at 8 p. m., subject. "The
oui.uu.ous iiiiuona re and I'atriarch " I
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Eprth 1
league nt 7 p. m. "pwonn .
wmi,.T,5?.n,.,(th a5d venport. M. B.
W imams. Minister-Sunday school at 9:
Sl..1 JJbM.1 wor.h,P Rt 11 a- . with'
sermon by the minister on "Can a Itlch 1
Man Knter the Kingdom of Oodr w th
particular reference to tho life and will
.. . -nHw Morgan. Epworth
league at 6:J0 p. nr. Miss Marie M. Wilson
church deacpness. will lecture on "The
Man from Italy," and will Illustrate her
discussions with over eighty fine stereop
tlcon views of Italian life In tho Old
World and the New. Public worship at
7:30 p. in., with sermon by the minister
with special application to young people,
theme, "The Choice of Ideals." The choir
will render the second In the series on
Church Music, Ancient and Modern. Mid
week prayer meeting. Wednesday even
ug at 8 p. in., topic. "The Place of the
Cub-concloUfl in the Development of the
United, Twenty-fourth and Dodge, H.
B. Speer, Pastor Morning worship at
10:80 a. in. Babath school at noon. Young
people's meeting at 7 p. in. Evening ser
vice at 8 p. in.
Castellar Strest. C. C. Meeks. Minister
Services at 10;W and 7:iS. Sabbath school
at noon, Junior Christian Endeavor. J;
Christian Endeavor, 6:15; prayer meeting
Wednesday, 7l5.
North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt. it. V.
Illgbiw, Pastor Publlo worship at ,10:80
and services by the pastor Sunday
school at noon; Young People's 8oclft,y pt
Christian Endvavor. 8:39. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening-.
Parkvale, Ilev. A. E. Lehmann, Pastor
-lilble schol at 9:46 a. m.; Christian En
deavor society, 6:10 p, m.; evening serv
ice at 7:3J; Junior intermediate choir and
catechism class on Thursday at 4 p. m..
AJIUhCIawllusIne6aS!anorWomanil0a'fC7,cr reheamU on Thursday even-
r r .,., v. . i Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth -At
One ot good appearance. Must bavoS-.. Sunday school. josU. public worshio
ana sermon oy nev ueorge jack, e;3o.
! prayer meeting of Christian Endeavor
sales ability. Investment required
Addresg O704 Ike
I'xtra slzo Combination Book
Case Special. Made through
out of solid, oak. beautifully
polished. Has large, roomy
desk section with magazine
compartment below. Book com
partment will hold large quan
tity of hooka. Brilliantly ftn-
jsueu ana Deauuiuiiy carvea.
An exception
al value
Brass Trimmed Metal Bed
Made with heavy posts; back and foot board aro
beautifully trimmed with brass bars and brass
knobs. Tho design is very offectlve and made
with heavy angle steel supports. The enamel
used in these beds Is the finest obtainable. Ab-
eplntoly guaranteed and
specially priced for
this sale at
Genuine Leather Three-Piece Parlor Suite
Handsomely finished In birch mahogany, made of the finest and most carofully selected
kiln dried wood. Extremely well finished. Front posts carved in exquisite colonial de
signs with arms of neat scroll patterns. Upholstered in a high grade (T 4 f fJP
of gonuine leather, over full set of best, oll-tompered steel sprlugs and j I &-S fl J
flbro filling. A magnificent parlor suite at
Genuine Monarch
Brussels Rugs
These 9x12 Monarch Brussels
ruga ore of the latest Spring de
sign. Colors are so blended to
harmonize with any furnishing.
No matter what rug offerings
you havo seen, you cannot afford
society. 130. evening worship and er
mon Ix. Qeorge Jack; theme, "The
New Style,
Sanitary White
Enamel Lined
Extra largo stzo, mado
with doublo wall
o o n s t r uctlon and
filled with mineral
wool, Interln" in
lined throughout
with white enamel
tho r o u k 1 y
bakod. Has
roomy provis
ion clumber
and one remov
able shelf. The
most economi
cal refrigerator
m a nufnetured
Special this
week at
to mlsa Inves
tigating this
value at . . . .
Labor Saving
Kitchen Cabinet
Made of selected solid oak and ab
solutely dust-proof. Conveniently
built with large China compart
ment, four large spice drawers, S
utensil drawers and large tilze
flour bins. A regular 815 value
ana specially
priced for
this sale
4iu- tip vaiuo
Wonderful Rocker Value
Made ot handsomely selected hard
wood, American quarter-sawed oak
finish and beautifully poliBhed. Back
is beautifully ruffled and entirely
upholstered in Imperial leather over
steel construction. A beautiful and
shapely rocker, largo fx tj f
and comfortable at Ttrl
extremely low price. . .tfviTwf
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST,
This handsome solid oak buffet, made of
carefully selected and thoroughly seasoned
oak, built on plain colonial linea, large and
roomy, neat and attractive. All drawers nnrt
compartments, fitted with colonial wood Dulls
"mi I-icutu piaiu mirror
above, A most unusual
value at the price ,
- " wvu VUI19