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TIZ draws out all ikjNoiious exudations which hrlmr on soro ncss of the feet, and Is tho only remedy that does. IIZ cleans out every poro and glorifies the, feet-your foot. You'll never limp atraln or draw up your faco In pain and you'll foivet alxiut your corns, bunions and calluses. You'll feel like a now person. If you nllow your head to 1m swayed In favor of tnklntr a substitute, for TIZ. you'll have to answer to your feet Tor there Is nothliii? olso will ensure your feet U'lnir well. TIZ Is for sale at all druir stores, department and Koneral stores at So cents a box Money hack If TIZ doesn't do all wo say I'or a froo trial packauu wilto today to Walter Luther Dodk'o & Co., Chlcam), 111. Dun't srittl me one enl-Just let me itrot lt to uii as 1 hate, uoun for M.M2 others hi tho last six months. 1 culm to haio tho moat successful remedy for hunlons oicrmudo and 1 want sou to let me send ou a treat mentrrre. entirely at lny expense. I dun trnrti how inuny so-called cures, or shields or iads ou tncr trie! with out success- 1 don't en re howdUeusted ou are with them ul I - jou hau liot tried my remedy and 1 hao such alwoluttt conOdcnco In It that I um ffntnir tti scntl you H treatment lib. uluteljr Flti:i:. It lua wonderful jet luiilo homo remedy which relieves ou almost Instantly of tho palai It remotes thocausoof the bunion and thus tho uuly deformity disappears all this while you are wearing tighter shoosthan mer. Jut send your name nnil mlilriHiii Htnl I h.ttf n,i,nt urll I lia t,.it you promptly In plain sealed umeloixt fOOT RtMIOV CO. 3300 W. Zlh St. Chlo A New Hernial Appliance llrooks' Appliance, the modern scientific invention, the wonder (ul new discovery that euro rupture. will be sent on trial. No obnoxious sprinui or pads. Has Automatic Air Cushions. Binds and draws the broken parts together as you would broken limb. No salves. No lies l)u table, cheap. I'at Sept 10. '01 Sent on trial to prove it, I ilia tut' and measure blanks mailed tree Send name and address today C. E. BROOKS, 4C0-B Slate St., Marshall, Mich. C. E. BROOKS, ths OiucKttr PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNED Hnd sketch for free search of Patent Ortlce- ltecurd. How to Obtain a Patent and What to Invent with Hat of Inventions wanted and Prises ottered for luveu tlous sent free. Patents advertised IDlTsT WANTED NEW IDEA8. ririrM Rend for our list of Patent Ilayers. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washington, D. C. up and left. He was g'"hg ft, hunt some more. While ho was ofT looking, he'd write fo the widow woman otit'n eer so often, mid pretty soon she got the Whole story. Well, sir, it made ol' Oober feel awful foolish tho way she laughed. Why, that widow Ionian laughed at him ami his shooting-iron like ho was a boy, the next timu ho saw her. Dink, lie was so thick-headed, though, that he went away again, though she begged him not to. Hit wanted to follow up one more elun lio'd set his mind on." The agent shifted in his chair. "Yes?" ho questioned, in a dry voice. "Well, ho found her," said tho trav eler. There was a, crash and tho agent was on his feet, tho overturned chair behind him. "What's the matter!" asked tho trav eler in surprise. "1 thought say, didn't you seo somebody out there on tho platform?" Ilnwng peered out: "There- isn't nobody there." Then tho traveler nursed his knees again and took up tho thread of his story. ' "01' Dink, ho found her. Say, man, put on your coat; I swan you're shaking like a leaf. In a little ol' town, it was nothing but a wide place in the road. It's right queer." "What's queer?" "Why, tho way Gobcr felt. Here ho'd been raging all these years and hating her, and framing up what ho'd say to her when they met time and again ho framed up awful scornful things. Yet, when he dono walked into that neat par lor and saw her rocking thero in it chair, nursing a baby, aud with a husky young 'un tugging at her skirts a boy, too all Dink could say was, ' Hello, jess. ' "Sho didn't seem a bit ashamed, Jess didn't, either. .Tust for a second sho wns seared, but then they both sat down and talked very friendly. She'd got a divorco somewhere, and ol' Floss, ho'd married her all regular. Yes, sir; I do believe sho 's happy. Any how, she done told Dink she was. So guess what that loeoed party went and done?" "I givo up," the agent said. "Why, ho handed over his gun to .less. That's what he done turned over that young cannon he'd been pack ing all these years for l'loss. And then ho wired the widow. Never mind what he Faid; 1 reckon that telegram made life smooth sailing for ol' Clober. " The rails began to hum and the agent mado it divo for his lantern. Hy the time he reached the door, they were clacking, and a shrill blast far up grade announced tho approach of the Cannon Hall. "Say," said the traveler, "got a cap, or something? My hair ain't so thick as it was and I feel kind of naked." "Take that one off the nail. No-oo. 1 couldn't charge anything for it. You're sine welcome." In returning the change which he had extracted from his pocket to pay fur the cap, the traveler dropped several coins. Ho gathered them up aud went out on tho platform. "Here," said tho agent, picking one from tho lloor. "You dono missed this one." It was a plugged quarter, worn smooth aud thin. Tho Cannon Hall thundered down, the grade and camo to a stop with much screaming of brakes. Very leisurely, the traveler entered a car and took a vacant seat nt an 0en window. Tho conductor ran into and out of tho station, yelled (something to the engineer, cried 'All aboard' to a dark and empty platform, and tho Cannon Hall began to move. Tho station agent, with the lantern tucked under his arm, happened to pass just below the window. "Oh, Floss! " said the traveler, almost genially, shoving out. u long arm. "Here's your nickel." The B orderland of Sleep Continued from Page 9t upon tho mind as "ghosts." This holds truo even in tho caso of memories of inci dents that have long been forgotten, so far as conscious recollection is concerned; nnd of objects never consciously seen, but that must have been observed, figuratively speaking, out of tho corner of the eye. The mechanism involved in such hypnoidal hallucinations is precisely that involved in the hallucinations produced by crystal gazing, a superstitious practice that has not been without valuo to science as af fording, on close examination, much in sight into the obscurer workings of the human mind. yn illustrate, an Englishwoman, Miss (ioodrich-Frcer, who has deliberately cultivated tho faculty of crystal gazing for tho purposo of scientific investiga tion, once saw in hor crystal tho picture of a young girl, an iutimate friend, waving to her from a carriage. Sho par ticularly noticed that the girl was wear ing her hair "young lady fashion," instead of down her back. "Most certainly," Miss (ioodrich Freer declares, "I had not consciously seen even the carriage, the look of which I knew very well. Hut next day 1 called on my friend; she reproached me for not observing her as sho passed; and I per ceiied that sho had altered her hair in the way that the crystal had shown. Facts like these, multiplied and cor roborated by other trustworthy invest i gators, leave no doubt as to the wonder ful tenacity of tho memory, and the still more wonderful ability of the human eye and ear to apprehend and to register on the memory more than the mind is con sciously awaro of. Besides which, us must bo obvious, they throw a flood of light on hypnoidal hallucinations simu lating full-fledged apparitions. Thus, there can be no doubt that, in the case of tho "ghost" seen in tho lonely Scotch farmhouse, Mr. Bruce, dur ing his preparations for bed, must havo glanced, perhaps without knowing it, at the portrait on the wall, and thereby ob tained an impression of it iid enough to permit of its emergence us a hyp noidal hallucination when quite possi bly as the result of some digestivo dis turbauce he awoke suddenly an hour or two after retiring. Similarly, Mr. Husbands probably saw in Miss Falk tier's room, before the apparition of her friend appeared to him, the photograph which he afterward identified; and he may well lime heard also somethiug about the dead man's athletic proclivities. Nor need the case of the commercial traveler oiler any greater dilliculty. The chances are, first, that he had seen, or had heard of, the scratch on his sister 'h face, but had forgotten all about it. On tho other hand, there is also the possibility that the apparition was telepathic, having its rise in the mother's sulicoiihciousiii'ss, and later projected to her sou's. Hut it is not only as an aid in the nut utilization of the supernatural that knowledge of the peculiarities uf the hypnoidal state is of importance. It is of direct and far reaching helpfulness m a medical way. llecent research has made it certain that many diseases partic ularly sundry nervous and mental mala dies have us their cans' some emo tiuiial shock, occurring perhaps oars be fore the symptoms of disease' appear. When this is the ense, it usually hajqiens that the facts lelatiug to tins emotional disturbance are, to till intents and pur poses, forgotten by the sufferer. Hut they, nevertheless, are invariably and m tensely remembered by him subcon sciously; and, indeed, his illness is due to the ery fact of their persistence in his subconsciousness. They act, as it were, like hammers beating relentlessly on his nervous system until they finally throw it out of gear. Fortunately, it has been discovered that in order to effect a cure, all that is necessary is to get at these lost mem ories; and, having ascertained their character, to "suggest" them away. Incredible as it may seem, tiie mere re calling of them to the upper conscious ness is frequently sutlicient to bring about a return to health. The moment they are fully remembered by the pa tieut, his malady ceases to trouble him buch a slashing of prices Solid Oak on home furnishings nev- Ilc!lf.SiAln?tc er before known" We havo ifour mas f li . startled the enure natum of, .""i;. B I Home Lovers by our amazing bargain oilers. People every where ore uskins liowwo can doit. Here's the answer From Forest to Factory Direct to You We own forest, sawmills, railways, factories and warehouses. Our ilan sponKin out all inidtllo dealers, catalog houses, etc , lw SgeCV cause none can match ST J Uver l.OUO.OOO sntis. .j; -- Wjff M fled customers now take regular advantago of 30 Days Test Trial Kvcrythini shipped on 30 days' test UUltjai Money back Instantly. You are ols judxa of satisfaction. sOUUke do risk wbatowr. won't Ut youl Free Silverware EWJS,? Wm. 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