THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION 17 "In One Hour ! I Learned to Play the Piano at Home" Without Lessons or Knowledge of Music You Can Play the Piano or Organ in One Hour Wonderful New Sytem That Even a Child Can Use He "You surprised me! You told me yesterday you couldn't play n note!" She "I couldn't; 1 learned to play in one hour by the wonderful 'Easy Method Muiicl"' lllll(lii!)ll' .Will sil.V - 1,1't UN HHI It ;it our I'XIM'iisi Vi will ti'a.'h .ni l pliu tin piano ur urtrun ami will not aik om nl until .win etui ila. . A musical ircnlus fiom Clilianin lini Inventi'il u wunili'tfnl sAsti'iu wherein auyom-i-an learn to iilay tin' l'lauo or Oman in out' hour. With till-, new method you don't have to Know one noto from another, yet In an hour of iniu'tlee you can lie lilajlm: the iioimlar music: with all the, thnrers of lK)th hanils ami lilavlnu' It well. 1 Ho Invention Is so slmim- that own a child can now master music without costly In struction. Anyone can Have tills new method on n flee trial merely by uskltiir. Simply write salinir. "Send me the Kasy Form Music Method as announced u the Skmi-Montiii.v M uiaxim: Section." FREE TRIAL The complete system together with 111! pieces of music will then lc sent to jihi Tree, all charges prepaid and alisolutely not one cent lo pay. You keep It seven days to thoroimhly prove II Is all that Is claimed for it. then If you are salisllcd. send us Sl.Wi anil one dollar a mouth until Sd.Mi in all is paid lf.ou are not delighted with II. send it hark in seven days and you will hate risked nollilui; and will lie under no ill lira! inn In us He sure to state nuuilier of white kcs on your piano or nrvmi also iis oMIce and expn-ss olllce. ddiess Kas. Mi thoil Music Coiiipaii.v . Iiil t'larkson Hull. lint Chirac.. III Color your Last gear's Straw Hat with (ML r IRAQI MARK MAKES OLD STRAW i iitp i aai htm HMO LUU1X INC. TV. Splendid forflxineup Ladics'2cChlldrcns hats. EASY TO APPLY Dries in. 30 Minutes. 'Made in M Yaierproui anauuraoie. Jet Black Dull Black Cardinal Red- Navy Blue Cadet Blue Sags Green Burnt Straw Brown Violet Avoid off su&sttucs-nsJst on genuine QtoKilE OfPAJ?nfWS0MGSrOfiSSlr or send 2Siit stamps ( CARPENTER-MORTON COMPANY. DOSTON-MASS. A Course of Lessons in Drugless Healing ssa", scs.ismsu- lie I OJiy t PDPP s,ot om c'nl ,( fVv 'W 1 rl 1 1 iuy Pit lie r tuM nr later nooungntion, jut jour mi pic requeit brine )m thi TnIuab!onurtienf Gil Iiton b rerm n mnil Without Cot. If YOU WANT TO EARN S2.50OTO S6.000 A YEAR - itiliahii orif. t.-diin that la ramarLaltlw nrnAlatila t tffii for ih irmnMir rnrxi what brus-iaa fUalinir hat IofT-rVOf Krmmbr ThiaOTer U lJmitd' Writ NOW fnr HiFK Court of ts:.m ;tth.U-1 Send postal or l!tr KKiliT AWAY AMERICA COtlCCS OF MECHANO THERAPY Dept 798 M W IUn...npliBt Chicago 111 m7 I i f pnn winl Ui.r house, except for the whispering of the wntrr, find he ncnt hack M?r slow. ",Ies had stm k :i piece ot wiitinr, utiilcr ii tc.-ii up on the tulile. hi n he first pit home, I link usis so worknl up he'il misseil serine; it. All she siiul win that she was puny; away ftueuT and it would n 't do any good for him to look for her, liecause she would never rume liaek; and she was n wickiul woman, but, as Hod was her judge, slip M tried to get used to the loneliness and wire for him proper and make him a good wife but why did he go to drinking, and why hail n 't he kissed tier goodbye when he went to ('apitnn? That's about all. Tlicte was more, but it didn't mean any more than that. 1)1' Dink just held the paper low down in front of him and kept a looking and n-Iooking. After ti while he noticed there was something else be side the teaeup and picked it up. It was the nickel he'd given to Floss. Diuk turned it oer in his lingers like lie'd never seen it befote, and stood there quiet for most ten minutes." rll) he ever get her baekf" asked the agent, shivering its the night breeze oil' the plains struck in through the door. "I'm n-coming to that. From what you've heard, a feller might think (io ber'd make a beeline to the bottle and forget it till; but Dink didn't do mith ing of the sort. An hour after he'd found the note he emptied on the ground three bottles he'd hid out, taking his tune and unite calm. Then he rode the burro over to Wapliael Salaznr'8 wood j camp and hired a eottple ot Mexicans to look after his sheep. "'I'm going to sell out,' lie says. 'Tend 'em for eight days.' "And he done just that. Sold all those sheep to a fat party ftom San An gelo. Dink did; and then lie just failed out of sight. Never went back there from that day to this. Dink didn't even take so much as a picture front the house. "He d got a tiitr price lor the baa I basts, but lie figured lie'd need it. Do 'you know what that blamed fool planned fo dot lie was going to get her back. Yes, sir. Dink was just that mule headed. "'He'll thtow her oft" when he gets tired of her anil leave her go to the dogs,' he says to me. "It's amazing what a man will do for a woman, ain't it ? If he'd had a lick ot sense, like you or inc. he'd have let her go. Never run afler a woman or a trol ley ear, I say, for there'll be another along in thiee minutes. I -tut (iobcr another tuition, too, back in his head He'd got it in st long for Floss. II. swoie he'd got a match.' he mm.i'i he'd shoot Campbell dead the first turn he set eyes on him, no matter wheie and no matter when." "TV" he gee, but that wind's cold did he ever catch up with 'em Let " have that door shut," said the agent. "lie hunted and he hunted. Some i tunes he thought he had 'em; but they'd changed their mimes, of course, and it " easy for a couple to drop out in u whop ping big country like this. So fur ns I Dink was concerned, it was just as if they'd died. And it wasn't long before; he'd spent all his money and hail to take jobs to earn more, lie'd scrimp and he'd save, turning his hand to most any thing. Now he'd prod cattle in a ship ping pen. Then he'd get a job as a waiter. And onco he drove a deliven wagon for a grocery company all up and down some canons in a copper town in Arizona. And every place lie went, he packed a gun around with him. That was for Floss. Hut ho never found linn; no, sir. "For five years Dink moved up and down and across the southwest, asking people if they'd saw a man and a woman. Then he met a widow lady in Childress. It wns in a church where Dink had gone because he could n 't think of anywhere else to go. She was one of these comfortable kind, and she sort of took a shine to Dink right off. Perhaps because he didn't lay himself out to be overnice fo her, though she had a right fine piece of property, and a lot ot Inalers were trying to marry her. "He done saw quite a bit of the vvu) ovv while he was working there, and then, one fine day, he moved on. Just packed i I ' g 11 Jj M . ,i 1 ' J t I 0 'I 1913 MAY 1913 I VsS Jl .?. i 2 a fl 4 3 6 7 IO W II 12 13 14 15 IO 17 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 20 27 211 2i 30 3 11 I Off Goes April and On $ Goes B. V. D. Oi l- jroestijrlit fitting, leni'tli. knit innliTW c.ii cramps dim luulv .iih lines oiir pores! On goes loose tilting, soft dr.ipmi; 11. V. 1). that cools ami com forts j our skin! Don't take any "Summer I'lidcrwear" or any "Ath letic I'lidcrvvcai." Accept only 11. V. 1). and icjcct all others. On every H. V. 1). Undergarment is sewed Thl U,il II - l.,ih, I MADE FOR THE. BEST RETAIL TRADE You can't i.n amiss. If von seek and find this label. It V 1 1. i '.ml i ut l n.liTlilrt mill Kurt. tniitli llriiUfTH Mir 7r , 11.00 ami 1 Mi tin' itarinent II V l I III. .11 Suits .I'itt I S A. i :iou; . ii mi. (i.mi. t;m. xi mul K.UU Uin mm. The B. V. D. Company, New 'ork Sinun turmu,' C6, Al.llK.USUMII ItV HU, ! i a f I; Everybody Who Values a Clean Scalp and a Luxuriant Head of Hair Read This TOR OVER five years we have been marketing - 3A1N11AA lirushes merely as brushes - as the best made, cleanest and most sanitary hair brushes that it was possible to produce but they are more than that They are absolutely necessary to scalp cleanliness, hair health nntl hair beauty. They aro worth many times their small coat vierclv nslirushcs. An n means of preventing dandruff and scalp Uiatasta they aro pricclcM. In hotels, clubs, harbor shops, hair dressing parlors, or in tho home -SANITAX Ilrurhra are Indisiietmabln for tho very lmiortant reason that they aro oV always aw-ct and clean always uerm-proor nut rcpul.ivo to touili nur ilaiiKcrous to use. Old-fnshioneil wooden hark" brushes rniinnf be I ent rlrun- cpnecciut nily they (Imply airnravate l.air troubles. SANITAX on tho contrary are as clean and new after u ear's use as they are the day you buy them. Qaarautee.1 satisfactory nr money refunded. Ask your llaal.r to 1st you oaamln tho aanltary SANITAX -or wo Mill sand tho Brush pictured abova, all chargss paid, upon rocalpt oltha prlco SI.OO. Will for our complsta catalog of SANITAX Hair, Shampoo, Hand sr Fountain OatliOruslissToday SANITAX BRUSH COMPANY.2356So.WbashAve..ChicaBo Daalara Noto If SANITAX itnwhes are not on gala In your storo wrilo today lor our B"iecial Uimunatration Offir. Be Sure You Get a Genuine SANITAX , PRICE l l oo )JL upwards llari'lujuiflv n kelcj, ojn-ii u'irk iih il lirutti f rimes pi' r it 4T(nn;( lilting ur t hit) Ttrd Umiun Itr sin, w uttrii y non rutt .i U ii.rt -vne (tnUratt f t,lue) wiem uiiaii any oiu iir ir on in ever Ufcra Fish Bite I.lLe hungry v,ttlW9 an t'fue uf Inc nar in uk' Miiulr I'Uli-l lire. lU'Mt ( them -ut Write t tUv unit tet m U.x to tu-in iitrodui'ii it Akit-nti wnnteii J 1 . (irt L'orj, Dept 6ti St. KoiiIh. AIo. CIVIL SERVICE ii4iiiijiat)l)N opflt the ubv Ut ttnnl (Govern uient iHt.ltiuriit 1 -an iNiat'li 'in hv iiiMii ut mall '-ot l-ull iiartifular fn c tn an American i-tlircii ftf ciKtitei-ii ir tivcr Write tiav fnp llouklet yi EAKL HOPKINS, Wnahlnuton, D. C.