Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 16, Image 52

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50 Attached M
f All Dealers l ,
The Tardy Cannon Ball
(.Continue J from Page 7)
will prefer Cat'f I'nw Heels Kecause tticrc
are no holes to track dirt into tlie house no
slipping on wet sidewalks or polished floors
eitra quality rubber gives greater resiliency
longer wear. Get a pair of your dealer lllack
or Tan. The name Is easy to remember.
Foster Rubber Co.," jT;r..7'Ai:et
All Sure to Bloom and Bloom All Summer
My Maryland, hiodicm. ialmonrlnx.
CIMMld. Beaptrt, T.rl.g.Ud.
Whits llama oft, pur. n hit.. Ttry doubt.
Aiaracnai rotl, a deep jallow.
La France, t.utltul roiT pink.
Kd La Francs, a rich crluiion.
uur Z5c Collections
SCkriiull tJi
rsiiui tit
a CiraallMt tit
t GiriMmi iu
C.lwt tit
rti.m n,
T.l.rms tit
11 SUaiaa Si
it riuiit. tit
anyD collection! tor
11.00; lli. etui, a col
l.ctlonl and In. ill
turn jxiv iKwaos and guaranty sort arHrul-fca
Oar 1911 cllc. "rioral Otmi, ituwlni COCC
ortr 300 flowirs In natural colors, mo! r a r.s.
McGrejor Broi. Co., Box 010 SprinjfitU, 0
jfl' i.Bm
Thousand have successfully used
iii iwruiwii iii iiiuuiu
tract's tf two, I II inn or
Morrj i oz 01 puro
dlHSiihiHl In U it. witch hazel.
use a & t&va sj.1i 1 Iib off not
it almost mug leal Dwneitt wrinkle, crow
feet. 11 well as finest tine, wmpletely and
quickly vanish Face Iwcomo 11 rm, atuooth,
ftb. and you look fiv younser. No harm to UnJerest
sua. Get f su1b btuoiils (powdsrsdJ t iur 4xuf tor.
uns way out there with nothing but
slippp to look at.
"Dink had boon mostly a grouchy,
roving sort of cuss; but now he begun to
figure that that valley was good enough
for hint until Kingdom Come. Why, he'd
get out there with them sheen '""I SK'tu
"II v sing. The sheep hardly knew hint, he
was so changed. Ol ' Floss used to pome
oer from his camp about three times a
week and stuif himself full of corn
bread and hot cakes. They even got
some chickens, and had eggs and fries,
too, sometimes.
"flie was most too nice for that kind
of life. Von know what I mean. But
she didn't seem to think so, and she was
more to them two herders than sunshine
mid rain. Luck seemed to trail her, too.
There wasn't it single disease hit the
sheep in two years, and prices held so
steady that Dink bought a lot of stuff
for her in town that looked right funny
in that log shack.
I ESS had pretty little ways, and when
J she'd laugh, a man would carry tho
sound of it for a whole day. It wasn't
like a grown-up woman's laugh at all. It
sounded more like a child playing. They
used to see which could make her laugh
most, them two. And if ol' Dink ever
begun to look serious, she'd coax him anil
stroke his hair. ' '
The agent had his shade down over his
eyes and was cutting notches iu the arm
of the chair with a penknife. He
cwni'cd some impatience over the windi
ness of this tribute. The other was not
disturbed thereby.
"Well, things moved along and Floss
kept a coming over three or four times
every week. Often the three of 'em
would joke about getting a wife for
Floss, and he'd say that she had to be a
twin to .less or back she'd go by the next
burro express. Then they'd all laugh.
"One evening. Dink came iu from fol
lowing some strays. Mighty tired he
was, and he said something about the
rain holding off.
" 'Oh,' she broke out, 'why can't you
talk about something else! J never hear
a word but rain and grass and sick
sheep. '
"He just looked at her, for he was
knocked so cold he couldn't think. It
was the first time .less had eer got real
mad. Of course, they'd had a spat now
and again you know how it is witli
married folks; everybody has 'em but
they always blowed over uiek, and her
anil Dink were lovinger than ever. Hut
now, when Dink tried to smooth her
down, she got awful fretful and tore
loose and walked the (loor, just eyeing of
him. When lie kept on explaining, she
run inside her room and called to him
through the door, for heaven's sake, to
leave her be.
"After that, nothing ho did seemed to
satisfy .less. She would get mad at him,
no matter what he done. It seemed to
worry her just to have him round. Then
again, she would have fits of crying, and
if he didn't get up and sneak off, she
would go pretty near crazy.
"She took to finding fault, too, with
the way Dink dressed. Heaven kuows
there was reason enough a shcepherder
enn't put on a fresh-boiled shirt every
day to tramp around on top of a hill.
Hut, "before this, sho'd never noticed
what he wore. Why, when fiober first
set eyes on her up in Capitan, lie had on
a pair of overalls that were scandalous,
and even Floss hnd advised him to
change his shirt.
' ' ' Mr. Campbell, ho don 't go round
looking dirty all tho time,' Jess says to
him once.
" 'Mr. Campbell Do you mean ol'
Floss f '
" 'Who else could 1 mean?' she says.
It wns the first time she'd ever called
Floss 'Mr.' Oober figured she'd got it iu
for him, too.
"Dink, lie stood tho nagging and tho
coldness for quito a spell. Then ho took
to spending moro time with his tlocks,
and the more lie thought over it, the
worse ho felt. There's som,e men who
can carry this sort of troublo and come
I through all the better, but Dink, he
didn't have enough of the stern stuff in
him. For pretty soon he got into a way
of buying bottles of mescal from the na
tives who were cutting wood in them
Tlie agent appeared to be dozing over
the recital. In the pause, he yawned.
Can Have n Superb Figure Without
Paying a Penny
hit 'or up pretty
KSi" he said wearily. "Von were
1 saving as Dink
"He did and he didn't," was the
careful reply. "It did happen now and
again that Oober would go sniggering to
himself out there on a hill, along of tlie
sheep being so stupid. Hut mostly he
kept a good grip on himself. However,
it wasn't no use. Fory day they seemed
to get farther apart. They were just
like that!" the traveler made a cross
of two lingers "Once, when Floss was
over to see uhouUa shovel he needed to
patch a waterhole, Dink told him all
about it and asked what in thunder he'd
ought to do. Floss shook his head
that wasn't much in his line, because ol'
Floss had never been tiny hand with
women and pretty soon he got up and
dragged it back to camp.
"It came fall, and one day he threw
a pack-saddle on a burro and dumb up
the hills to Capitan. It was beautiful
weather sunshiny, not too hot; only
about eighty, which is easy for them alti
tudes and the clouds was trailing in
long wisps all aroifnd the middle of the
mountains. Iu one place they lifted and
bunched around a peak, and you could
see, miles off, a regular veil swaying be
tween them anil the ground. It was sure
one fine rain and Dink was some pleased,
because it was oer a stretch of country
where one of his flocks was grazing.
"Well, Oolier went along, thinking of
his sheep and of .less, and whacking the
burro good when he needed it. lie got to
the village at night, and had a drink or
two, and bought what he went for. Then
early next morning he ate his breakfast,
said 'No' to some fellers he knew, and
set out for home, driving the burro
"It was a bright, awful iirettv day.
October, it was, and the whole country
was sleek Dink hadn't ever felt better. '
The air was fine, ami he kept a singing. !
It was a song he'd learned back in Lou-
isiaua. !
It's out tin tin- road with ti very heaiy
With u miijhty awkward team and an utr
fid muddy road;
You may whip and you may holler, but
if you cuss, it v on fx uly. 1
Then irhaek the eatlle on, hoys root,
hoi), or die, i
"My voice ain't much. That high '
note didn't sound very good to me, did
it to vou i nut you Know tnat ol song
the Hull Whacker, they call it. Dink
wits awful fond of that song.
"Somehow or other, aloft in them
mountains, with a breeze blowing, Dink
couldn't get it into his head that every
thing wouldn't come right. It would
just have to. .less would be like she used
to be, and they'd set outside in the dusk
again, close up on the bench, and figure
on the sort of house they'd have when
their ship came in and there was a flock
of little Dinks to make it lively. So he
walloped the burro and went down the
steep trail at most a run. Dink aimed to
sneak up to the shack and slip in on .less
and get her around the waist and show
her tho present lio'd brought, before she
could open up on him. You see, ol'
Oober reasoned that if ho could ever take
her by surprise, that way, they'd get back
to the point where they'd left off. Hut 1
reckon that when it stnrts to die, it's go
ing to die don't youf Love, 1 mean.
"Dink stole in," all right. There
wasn't nobody to stop him. He went all
through tho shack, a-holding that pres
ent, very foolish, in his hand. It was a
red silk Mexienn shawl, which he had
paid seven dollars gold for it, and Dink
thought it would go wonderful well with
her hair. Twice ho called 'Jess,' al
though ho could see plain she was n 't
there; then ho ran out and up to the
spring. It was as quiet there as in the
Every woman wnnts n full round Imst. a sym
metrical lliruie mid shapely llmlis. So no woman
who leads tills cciiemtis ntlVr should. In fairness
to herself, fall to I i-mim1 toll.
All you have to do Is to wi He. salntr. "Send me
your free ticatnient and illustrated luxiUlet."
Hy leluni mall we will send jim. without a
liemiy of cost, a siilllelent iiuantlly of 1 lr. Whit
ney's Nerve and Flesh Builder to clvc you the
additional Ilesh that will add lnmieasuialily ti
your style and altracth eness.
No matter whether jour sllmness Is the lesoll
of slel ness or tiihei It ancc. Pr. liltney's Ner e
and Flesh Builder will iioni)tl. build up and
beautify your lliruie.
It acts directly on the fat iinxliielntr cells and
(Ills out the hollow places. II will cnlaiire jour
bust uieiisinemeiit from ! to 11 inches. Audbcliu.'
a timely vegetable compound It cannot xsslbh
do j on any haim. Instead It actuallj benellls
the health.
"Treatment No. 1" Is a t'ellelal system Ilesh
builder for both men and women. "Tieatnieiit
No. s" Is for chliu; dexelopmeut to the bust.
Blcase say which treatment jou prefer. Unlj
one can be had.
Please bear In mind that thlsoil'ermaj be with
drawn at anj moment. So do not dela.N . Write
to The C. U Jones Co.. OSD Friend Bide.,
Elmira. N. Y.
I We want every home lover
Fto pet some of this $1,000,000
worth of Wm. Hotrtjra & Co. Silver
' waro wo are giving away to our cus
tomers. Hut vou must send for our
v-ccVa. Banraln Hook within 30 days
Vjr -sTO or you'll tw too lata for frf il-
TtSsS' T verw&re. riU) nuw.&i once lor
thU Free t it ft. VSe cut Jrice ruf ht to thtt bono, untiertwl tins'
II competition lxcaunfl we arr the world' lanreat rxcluaive
home-iuroiahinir nous twllin direct to the people. Our price
to you are actually than dealer ami mail order con
cern can tiu i i or trie uecrei is inai wo aen
From Forest to Factory Then Direct to You
We own forests, sawmill, railroad, factories, warehouse.
Our tuslnea i enormous: oer l.OOO.OuO natiBfied customer,
llow can anyone mret our low prices? Why should you buy
snythinjr for the home except from us? Wo give you
on every purchase. No risk, no question or doubt. We roar
antee salUfaction. Hack come the irood at our risk and
pense, both was. If you are not mora than pleased with high
qusiuy ami low prices, inis iyj
tal lied at $ 2.6a is merely a drop
In the itreat ocean of oter&,U0
parrains waiting your Inspection
Write for Bargain llook now, at
once, before it is too late to snare
In free Silverware. Don't put It
off Address, at once,
Lincoln, Leonard & Co.
1531 31th 8t CHICAGO
Inret Exclusive Distributor
of 1 1 onM- Puroishliurs In th World
Wry '
If you are honest and ambitious write
us today. Nornatter where you live or
what your occupation, we will teach you
tho Heal Eatato husinesa by mail; ap
Ioint you Special Representative of
our Company in your town; start you
in a profitable business of yourou n, and
help oumako bitf money at once. .Can
arrange for eparo tunoonly if desired.
Unusual opportunity for men
without capital to bacom Inde
pendent for life Valuable Book and
lull particulars Free. Write today.
MTJimL eo-oi'Hinm: ky:altt co.
J.&U Hard n It nil d In r, Hthlna;to, H. C.
gp2 Big Entertainer'
il Mailt i. luccmiuL Entirely l .ml
320 Jokes
nn,l ni.lrlla.
1S3 Parlur Games and Macir. IB
Tricka with Card,73Toasta,7 Comic
Kecitationa,3 Monolorues,22 Funny
ltaadinira AlaaCheekera.Che&a. Dom
inoes, Kox and Geese, 9 Men Morris. All XOe. postpaid.
J. C.DOHN.709 So. Dsarbom St., Dept. 62, Chlesto.lll.
H HaSH n n dtos. iiu vii it iili ti aiiTi i ait phi iirm-
HJ 1H H MCI UiiUimir fubticatlon t)msTll( if me-
r milium We pay 60 per cent WMTN I MUUCU MtilllM aod IUUTI
Mill lltunilTII lilt, etblalnins our IIU.U Bill flis, nil Send ua
your work for fUlsdric. itth huiii rui. ei.. Mil. vumiiim, s 6.
He lonca both his tiuslnrss and adterllslnir appropriation, who falls to make cood.