Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 15, Image 51

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Self Heating Iron
M a It i h mill
I'lllltllltlK I f h
Works while t s
beating It eat
while it n work
miles of
mil k
t onmnti'al pafi 1
fuel heat
you iilea-e him t
b t a Jt m It o t
klti'hen Irani
0 y ii'ilt'e nti
room -tn i tvli
or antler plmde
Tree tlnritfht
n 1 1 n e. o n i' I
tlnus after
ui'N f llir Itiisoiitn :tji nt - just as
i in I l ns tliinu it Hurm into an nut
Snvcs It Coot 11 1'-
Every Month Inn- she is now 1 know not; if vou
Thr :,sk Wesel, lie will shrug liis Miouldera
' i nil sui.'i'i.'st a name of victim t. Anil
n one. Fire Th iossen suddens ami roerets a clover
inside, t arr ,.. . J,, !,., .!, ,, ...:.... -1.1
itatx n (.mlii re ".' ". a ;uii"ij uu.
wiint rizviHirowski iot, l Know; ins
freedom vns t ho row aril lu got for giv
ng up tlu- 1'loinli', Slav looking woman;
.iiul In' iriMit Lurk in1u Unit ttorlil of
. lime and treason xlie had mailt' him fool
it lioni.' in. Ho is hum a professional
mv on tin1 pn roll or I' ranee. A well
known mini. Sou re.; a liit, but still
making quite a figure in the capitals of
l.iirope; anil still "working."
lVrliaps T have mnilo it clear that
itli rare exceptions thero is no pa
t riot ism behind this dark and dirty work
of espionage. A few gentlemen, a few
"ll'icers risk their lives and honor in the
p inie; but it may be stated with abo
lute precision that the spy service ( m
t Hies of peaeo is in the hands of the
most infamous scoundrels in all Europe
men without heart, men who are
lipped red in every crime from theft
and murder to woniniitrallic. Why should
not the facts be plainly stated f I hate
named tlio men. They are known to
eterv war-ollice in Europe, and by cer
warolliee in Europo they are abetted
and paid.
For instanco
Last night they gave Pcllcas ft Mhs i
stmiiliirit" !iar at mo .Monnaie: ueiween acis i
ironinif. Kyery inin ti'MeabeforoshliM'lnclti'Kily for ,-rossed the street to the Trois Suisses to
iibii m.ii ii'vrn eti.i'ricu low (l &u.peni nnywuere
M llil M. 1 Utfvr,5JIilVi
:i'iiini wvvm
Al I kindsofi'lotltos Ironed better in luilf Hie time.
No waltini;. tn Monpini; to chance irons Itiifln Iiimi
K.isily r.'uiiluli'J. No time wuslud. Iron on nibiu uoitu
IHH13. ono minil on tlio iron,
the oilier to turn and fold tho
clothes. The "Muiuliiril"
Is neat, durable nnd emu
liact; nil parts within r.iulus
of iron an J handle. No tanks
nor tlttlnzs statullng out at
sides or ends to hinder or bo
In tho way. Nowires or huso
attnehed to bother. lCluht
flzti, right nlnipe, right,
u el tlit. Cheapest fuel, two
cents does ordinary family
s. u a w Ml.n or Women. Quick
easy. sure. All year liuiliii'm. Kipcrlciicu not
necessary. Sells on tn.Tit sells itself. They buy on
sight. Kvery homo n prospe.'t. t'.very womiiti
needs It. l'n.r -nil ean alf.Td It IHHVTII13V
DO i:i,l., Kven or A u day cives $'.T to f 40 a week
profit: 0 sales u day Is fair for an affi-ut: botuo will
oU a doien In ono d.iy. Show 10 futilities soli 8.
Not sold In (.lores. Send no money. Write postal
today for deserlptlon. agents selling plan. How to
cot niKE sa siri.i:.
C BROWN MFG. CO.. 948 Brown BIJx., Cincinoiti. O.
Try On
find it match
less for comfort
and perfect fit
just the garment
to charm par
ticular women.
Three Garments in One
COUSKT CUVKIJ. drawers and skirt. It
cannot bunch nliout the knees because
of Us deslcn. It always ilts perfectly
without adjustment.
Model No. X This garment Is a staple
model. Sold by waist measure by all mei
chants. or by Tarcei l'ost. 11.00. llooklct
on request.
227 Main St. La Crosse, Wit.
have word with a friend, who does not
love Debussy's music; and there at a ta
Me, pompous and talkative, with a Hutch
woman who is probably his wife, sat
A7eff. This famous anarchist, doubled
with a police spy, you doubtless know by
repute; if the affairs of liussia interest
you. Had Thicssen or Louis Koch come
in and sat at table with him, it would
have been a perfect gathering of the
chiefs of the clan. Tho "clearing-house
committee" might hne almost gone into
executive session. Azoff, of course, is
"condemned to death" by the Hussian
revolutionaries. Azeff, of course, owes
his life to the Hussion authorities whom
ho betrayed. Rut quito at ease Azeff ate
and drank with his new Dutch wife
tho daughter of it merchant in Amstcr
dam. And ho had "othing to conceal;
Sipsburg, tho chief of the German spy
service in Holland had put nun m tom-li
with the "clearing-house" in Ilrussels;1
he had been drafted into the sen ire of
Austria; and his title, if you please, is
director no, let me set it down in
French, exactly as he said it : j
Dircctcur iles tautes lea agences
tl 'Espionnagr MUUaires
II ?!
Frontierr h'usse.
It reads almost like a visiting card.
Ami so you havo met or seen the
chiefs of this criminal elan of spies, who
prey upon the fears and jealousies of the
great powers of Europe. Their trade is a
dark trade, and this (perhaps) is the first
time a little light has been turned upon
it. And the facts in this article are
facts and the men (half of them, it
may be for there are others than those
of Hrussels) havo been named. J bo
ilieve that tho new conditions of modern
warfare will destroy, to a great extent,
these occult and' ignoble criminals.
par x -r Nightly aeroplanes traverse the frontiers,
iOOXJtXclCrV manned by scouts. Two days ago a Uer
. I . ,i l i i
a 1 1 Tl
A Sll Aflilr
Stops the Ache.
Cleanses tho cav
llty, prevents
decay. Used by
I Millions for past
2G years.
A.I dru ttores. ir by null
I entl.
man air cruiser Hew back across the chan
tie), after having made a reconnaissance
of English forts and harbors. This
means that tho air-soldiers nro plying
their dangerous trade supplementary
to tho dark v ays of espionago lower
and obtain that exquisite cleanliness which comes only from a
perfect shampoo. Canthrox cleans the hair nnd scalp thor
oughly, completely and satisfactorily. There is nothing' like it
for creating plenty of fine, rich lather that will remove every
atom of dust, dandruff and excess oil making a clean, healthy
scalp from which beautiful hair will grow.
15 Delightful Shampoos, 5Qc
Just dissolve n toaspoonful of Canthrox In n cup of hot water
and your shampoo Is ready n shampoo that is a natural tonic nnd
cleanser, pure in its Ingredients and constructive in Its action. After
a Canthrox shampoo the hair dries quickly and evenly, and will be
ever so soft, Huffy and easy to do up.
Trial Offer: For your name, ndiiroM ml a S-ront tanin, wo will wrnil ufllclcnt
i Uantlirox for athaaipoo, no that ou can try It at our eitwuno.
H. S. PETERSON &CO.,418KinzieSt, Chicago, III.
Canthrox Shamfwos are given in irst-tlass Hairdrtssing Parlors.
CoprrlfM 1912. br U.S. I'tUnea & Co.
'VeT4 tl
A rich well cooked miiico meat can be
kept indefinitely by spreading a table
spoonful of alcohol over the contents of
each glass jar and then covering secure
ly. The alcohol can not bo detected in
the pies, and acts as a preservative only.1
E. S., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
When using a straight-backed chair
for sening, writing, etc., place a small j n.m iiikt ft.n It'.nL ri f tl.n'.r in
MAKE BIG INCOME a position to rest the lower part of your
mkn ud women co do on. rowing l.arli nnl vou can work twice ns long
mufth rooms at born In ctlUrt, table I ... . - ,. -r r n -rr-ti
I or tOe to 1 1 a pound (ftraatdaiajd--mhftl . xt v
w kill off Ills oooiiatMiiian now uagiw rice.. MMila, i . X . awn Co ltt 4 boatua llaa ' '
What's the Use of
Palliating Corns?
Why merely pare them, when they
cp.ui' My grow again
Why use old-tiinu
methods liquids,
plasters just for brief
A chemist hns
evolved a way to end
a corn completely. It
is used iu Blue-juy
Blue-jay stops the pain at once, just
like other methods.
Hut it also ends tho corn. Within
48 hours tho entire com loosens and
comes out.
No pain, no soreness. The treat
ment is complete and final.
It seems too good to be true. Hut
every mouth a million corns are taken
out in that way.
Try it on ono of. yours.
A In tho picture. Is tho soft II & It wax. It loosens tlio corn.
U stops tlio pain nnd keeps tho wax from sprcuilinir.
C wraps arouml the toe. It Is narrowed to bo comfortable.
D Is rubber adhesive to fasten tho plaster on.
Blue-jay Corn Plasters
Sold by Druggists ISc and 25c per package
Samplo Mailed Free, Also llluo-Jay Ilunlon Plasters.
Liu. imiiuuiJi muiuit
(231) Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York, Makers of Surgical Dressings, etc
1 pA
Grcldcr's Fine Catalogue
aq4 ctleodar of uretrl tvoullrr fur 1913. Urge.
niftDTpagriof puu!lrTfiu.(llQtreol Lrve1ilUBturkl
colon. It) f srlvtlei IllmtrtteJ aod dncribMl. Idea
biurf and broodera .low prtcaof ilock tod tgr for
bfttcblDg. Aperftfctgutda to allpoultrrilstri. Bead
100 for tblf botrd book.
B. B. OKEIDEB. Box 121 Ehmi, Pa.
Post Paid
Guaranteed 5 Years
T MtmiM ur tuinM.uik a fri&il nJ lBtrlwMurBtaiocu sf tlfia
Hkiebti will laud tlLalfai.t,ib bf a.all ! i-ali tr Q N LV 00
CENTS 0Una'iiM.fultalcklilUrlu4caM AratU dial ltr
Mcapaotai, iUm vtad aad ntn Mt a i-iftl tltk(r aad fully iutraau4
far t kr Bod tbU adr U ui vlia 9tt o4 Ub L.t t tf ttiara uail
patfald 8atliftetUa(tiarant4rmnBir rfuadl Ba4Mto4tr Addran
R. E. CHALMERS 4 CO.. 51S So. Dearborn St.. CHICAGO.
Marvel Fish Lure r'SfXllr
Japaata Navallr Co., Oopt. BS, Cllnlaa, Una
to pay miiMt fully iirtHtKt. k tihKixoiItt,
62hl Ht . Waahtnaliin. li f an.l Nnw York J
Bond lor New Ileliiful 1'Jhu for Iuventort