Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 13, Image 49

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to, m
in Hosiery
Think of a sock, silky-
soft reinforced for
strength along sole from
toe to heel and above shoe
line; of yarn so fine that this
strong reinforcing can only be
seen clearly over an electric light;
knit to foot shape and able to stand
much more than usual wear. And
then think of getting a whole box
of these superb socks any quality
for a dollar! That's
and the greatest hosiery bargain
ever advertised.
You will find them in leading colors
tizes 9's to 12's. If unable to get them
from Jour dealer, order direct, giving tize
and color. Remember
Any Quality $1.00 a Box
Box o 4 pairs guaranteed 4 months.
Box of 3 pairs guaranteed 3 months.
Box of 2 pairs guaranteed 2 months.
Special Lightest weight guaranteed
gauze hose made box of 3 pairs guaran
teed 3 monlh
JOS. HLACK & SONS CO., York, I'a.
OriiKilly made fur
floors, is equally yood V.
for all woodwork anil
furniture around the house
It Aims so freely ami dries
so nicely jnu ran put it on
yourself. It dues quick and
haul with a lustrous, sanitary
surface that is easy to keep
clean, and is eiy durable.
Clear and seven popular colors.
TPIAI rtCFPR " n0 Kjaiilw
1 1IVL, Wrrca agent In "iir tiiwn. ffiitl
lu rent Hint your ilealer . name, ami rtsflw a trial
ran mount) to a an urillnart i-tialr a ten-cMit
lirusli a color eartl ail full iltrertionn.
Boston Varnish Company itYt"n Boston
Kuril, l'rciirli l.irtli, nti.l. 'li fart, the
urn of a mral ronstnlile nt .Tony nux
iilies. He s.inl iiii'eriiij;l : "For
nre. YVessri g;ii them .ivvnv."
t'hnrles flushed nut at linn: " W'lm
tin' devil rales for Utto Winter - - lie is
a Mime. And 1 1 tirxf rim n n is n snmr,
His xnli .s unlns!"
Then m drunk Schiedam, out of t ill
thin glasses; mid casually. I asked
"Ami vvheie is Mutliilile, these d.ivs'''
" llumh'i ," naul ( 'lull Irs shortly.
There is no way of putting into 1'i'c
lish the pithy abruptness of t'liaili
laniy Flench; but what lit meant ',
say was that Mutliilile was still in prisi.i
having been bundled Mindly anoss tl.
rrnian frontier, where she never m
tended (lloaxcn knows!) to no. A lilou.l
I'renrh spy Amlouin, n deserter fiom
the I'renrh army said sent iiuciitullv
'She was the liest of them nil. I oiujhi
to knoiv ' " And he twisted up his inu
tarhes with a self satisfied air.
"Hah!" said Charles, "she got bet
ter men than vim, vntt sausiii:e. she nut
he was a lieiiteuaiit at
Wessrl, when
I'olsdain. ' '
" Wessel wns u oaptnin, thenl"
And thev quarreled while 1 paid the
Five ilays later it was .Innuary '2f
as was enininr; out of the Hotel Metro
pole I came face lo fnre with Wessel.
lie had coarsened and fnttened; he was
no lunger the handsome fierman ollirei
spy and rogue- and thief some of
us knew a half dozen years njjo in I'tiris.
n insolM'iit spy, withal, for oxer him.
i. is theie not the protection of two
i lieat Powers, France and Flilandf
IMMFF this is the story of Wessel;
in the background of it is the lays j
triions veiled figure of the most extra ,
tirdiniiiy adveiitmess I'uiope litis suf
ti'ied fiom in the last Iwo decades. 1
have named Malhilde Haitmler. She is
a handsome, blue eyed woman, with
tin' look of a Slav rather than of a tier 1
man. She was bom in Kolnigsberg. Her
parents were Pintcslnut folk of good
standing. She was educated in n teach i
er's college, and went out into the woild
as governess in the family of a Pius
sian general. She was voting then -twenty
enrs ami ami fell into the
hands of Kit-hard do ('tiers, the Napoleun
of Spies. He it was who trained her.
Like all the women who surreed as spies
she had a natural taste for inlriguc
the love of adventuie; she was fund
of riot and ext rnvngnuce ami of the
admiration of men. Ten years ago I
met her in an opera-box at the Moiiimir
in Hrtissels; she shiuuueied with opals
from her sbppeis to her hair. And she
had charm. A woiu and wicked woman
she still indintcd charm that liiiratinv
kind of fascination which eapttlies a
certain kind of uiiprnisevvorthy man. The
man who was under her spell nt'thnl
lime was V.esscl. Indeed, she had just
been married to him; but thai was a
passing sentiment and had nothing to
.lo with her business in this world,
i Wessel had been a lieutenant of engi
neers in the (ieiiiian iiriny. She was
winking for Franco at the time ehielly
for .lumps who was then prominent in
the "service" anil she succeeded in
corrupting the young (iermau ollicer, who
turned over to her all the military docn
uients upon which he could lay his hands.
Meanwhile, Wessel, unsuspected, was
made a captain. Hut Mutliilile was an
expensive acquaintance, anil in mi en
deavor to secure nunc important docu
ment for which a high price was of
feied Wessel was detected. Hy the
good ollices of Mutliilile, he managed to
yet across the frontier. Together they
went to Brussels and thence, to the sum
mer resort of treason, Ostein. In those
dns Osteiid was one of the gambling
places of Hurope a little Monte ( 'al io.
Wessel lost heavily. One night he gave
i false clieiue to a " Herman army of
fleer." He was arrested and locked up
in the prison of St. (Silos. (The tier
mail "ollicer" was a spy, who had been
detailed to "get" Wessel so he might
lie arrested, extradited ami made to pnv
for his treason.)
A few weeks later the Hclgian gov
eminent turned Wessel over to the tier
man authorities. lie was hand cuffed
and put ill the train fur Cologne,
j- ---- .tvwwa-xw nmtarvstr in iniii.ini ill' twuv- - v -jLMgrn-s,; tiA
How will you pay
expenses on your trip?
It is unsafe to earry much actual money. Tourists provide themselves with
something that represents money that etui he converted into money, or used
instead of money, for their daily expenses. The safest, most convenient
travel funds are those which can be used directly in payment of hotel hills,
railway and steamship fares, and for purchases in the principal shops.
ft y- ft JJ tlili)iu.'liiiiit the vvoi lil without n iieiNimul
VA. r. A. VxllGQUGS IntliMlnctlon: icmr dfumifim ildiKdmiiiii
Gel them at your Bank
nil' accepted like money In every elvlllzisl . f, ,i;,f i i,,,,,, i,wl, i net nil niii'ctr.i
eountl l of the VMillll. irlKi '.t. tl .1 " I7iirii. biiIi m Oif.'i'iHiili. n
ill (i, ii In rr tin i Mlti In ulitinmil in imir urlnllij
Thrv me S KK to hu,i Ns-iiuse they uiy BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, New York City
issiii m ny iimiis.uiiis ,u , inn ii an iiuiiiv-..
They an1 safe to canv lH'causo they run
of no value without your signature, and
limy Im ii'iihieeil If lost or stolen.
They iiieCONVKMKNT lH'enuse they run
Issued in Jin. Sai. St mill $100. each elieuno
enu'iavcd with Its value In the eiirivney of
the pilncliial nations. Tlie.v uiv known
ever.v where to lie limiu-i' rhniur. Issued
liy iinlhorltv of the iri-eat AssiH'latlon of
Aincrlcan Hanks, and n ooml i" (irtiail
liiuiirt;. They enn lie easlnil nt W.WO banks
These and a Thousand Other Famous Beauties Use
Freeman's Face Powder
because tliev know it is best for their skin not because
at 25c a box it costs 25 or 50 cents less than others. If
best for their skin, why not for yours? Try it without risk.
Buy a box. Use half. If you do not linil it the most
satisfactory complexion powder ever used, return the rest
to your dealer, who is authorized to return the money paid.
Four Shades: While. Flesh. Pink, lirunelle
Samples Gladly Sent
35 Freeman Perfume Co.
'Mnddin Kcaili-C'ut Houses (not port.ildi)
ire si iinliln allv dcMncd to rliiuin.itr
vvnstr in liuth material and lalmr.
(Jun k shipments in S larload lots (m
imiri) liuiii an one of our nulls lo
i atrd in Mu hi'an, Florida, Missoui i,
Tt v,i, Oreyonor California. Can lie
Inult In unskilled labor. Write toi
cit.ilo , slum in; one hundred Ivpi
vv ith pru es,
NORTH AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO., 292 Aladdin Avtnue, By City, Mich.
linn dues mi uihrrtUir liuld jour trade" 11 KhliiK vulut.