Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 48

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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRT SlBkl
P-BHHk 'sift fbbbbbbbbbbbbH
The Clearing House of Treason
i Continued ftvm Page S )
Surprise Friends
in This Way
Mow often lias this been your
experience? It is evening. Yon
are not expecting cnllcrs. You are
tired and you show it. Suddenly
the doorbell rings!
"Callers!" you exclaim to your
husband, "and I look like a fright."
But there's a way out. Surprise
your friends, as have many women
who know what Pompcian will
do. Slip into your bedroom. Take
a one-minute massage with Pom
pcian. Into the skin the cream
goes; in a moment out it comes
Presto! You are transformed,
and by means of
Massage Cream
The tired lines in your (ace ate lulnluril.
1 he invigorating Pompeian matsage has
relaxed your tired muscles and refreshed
you marvelouilv. Delightful, natural color
has taken the place of your sallow or pale,
wan look. The Pompcian massage has
brought the rosy blood to your cheeks.
Now go out to surprise your friends, for
you look ten years younger.
"Why, my dear, how well you look I"
exclaims one of the callers. You ore
pleased. Your husband smiles his proud
approval. And, best ol all, you both
know and everybody knows that it is
your own honest complexion, and not a
make-believe, rouge effect. (Rouge and
like methods deceive the user only.)
Nothing is left on ihe (see a(tn a Pompeian
nwiMM bur a cleat. Iieth, youlMul glow.
Um I'ompcun Masaaqe Cinn and have a com
pletion thai i Benuineljf admired. "Don't envy
a sood complexion: uie Pompcian and have one.
Try the above plan and turpriie your InencU.
Cup coupon tor I nil jar.
WARNING! Cheaply
maJe imitations ate orTetrd by
certain dealers became ibey
cod the dealer leu and he
miVrs more -! your expense.
Get ttie original and standard
mauage cream. Gel Pom.
prun 50.000 deatetiiell it -50c.
75c and$l
Get Trial Jar
Cat all, sia "i nod. Stamps accepted but colas preferred
The Pompeian Mfg. Co.
175 Prospect St., Cleveland, O.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find 6c (coin or stamps) for a tiial
ar of Pompeian Maitaie Cream.
City Stale
find you uufclinl this slim, fi'lrili
"oinou. as slip Hat in tht' Huper-heati'd
rnMtn w it h nmaic I'laiifjiii talking
ii ti enmh of lis)iratt, criminal tliinp),
von mld Imvi' moiiiIitoiI, n 1 did, what
I'fV ilic had apart urul ulmt hIh thought
iif ns sho lay nlono in tht dark. For mi'ii
like Tliicsscn anil Schwartz can tako
arc of tluuiisplvcs in a bandit way; but
"lint shall Implicit to the little, nilkt'it
"oiniin. who is caught and tangled in
Ins lm p1 of life f Prison, now and
linn, of onurwo; and in the end, what
i;r.ti drafli? Rose did not know; Hose
ld not think of it I daresay hi
mild nut think nnd, imlo'd, in hi'Mwrii
i niiii vwirs of lift, largely tumultuous,
luiil ikmit thought at all. I'or hur life
uh merely a jumble of riot and in
'rijruc spared by dark, exeitititf hours
m this prison or that. And to her it
ns n (Irnnin, amazing, fascinating as
i hough she were watching it from a
i In-liter box.
A S I liuo intimated, the spy-servico
of Oermany is admirably organized
and its "I'learing-hou1" in Mrussols
works with line precision. The KngliHh
feerice is no less complete and is imite as
far-reaching. It has to do with all the
Ureal powers Uussia, llcriiiany, France,
Austria, Italy though, of couVm', in the
pieseiit political situation it is concerned
chielly with its (ierman rival. Its chief
is a detective who lives in Hrussels and
nlio passes himself oil as a newspaper
correspondent as such he is even ac
ciedited to the Hritish embassy. (All
Iheso spies are fond of calling themselves
''journalists," which is not at all amus
ing for professional newspaper writers.)
The Austrian spy-service is merely a pale
shadow of the (ierman; indeed the work
of Austria's spies is chielly in her own
states and in Knstern Europe.
The. Russian service in Hrusels is im
portant and is directed mainly against
(iermany. At times, however, the Urns
sels agents are called upon to net against
Ihe Russian levoliitionnries, who swarni
about the lake of lieneva at Ouchy,
Lausanne, Montreux, and in (ienevn it
self. Thus a few years ago the chief
of the French spies in Hrussels lent to
his Russian emifrtrc a clever woman who
is now in jail under the name possibly
n true one of Therese Provost. With
a young man who posed as her brother,
t'luirles Provost, she was sent to Switzer
land to run down certain Russian fugi
Hm's and conspirators. It was a change
I'toni the ups-nnd-downs of military es
pionage and she set out gaily.
These were her instructions. She was
to go to Montreux and pose ns a young
Canadian heiress. She was to make the
niiuaiutiiiicc of the clan of revolution
aries, notably of the chief, an old rebel,
nolucholl'sky, who had a son twenty-two
years of age. At the railway station in
Itrussels a lady she had never seen
her before gave her five thousand
francs and wished her good-luck. And
she nnd her "brother" reached Lau
sanne, reached Montreux. The Cana
dian heiress made a social hit. One of
her first proposals of marriage came
from the son of the hungry old revolu
lionist, nnd she accepted him. Hy that
t into she knew a great deal of what these
exiles were plottiug.
But whnt she had been sent to dis
cover was their identity nud the names
they were, using. (Her plan is spoken
of with reverent admiration in tho spy
world of Eurox) She and her
"brother" Charles invited the family
and friends of her Russian fiance to a
pre-nuptinl luncheon. It was gien in
the banquet room of the hotel and The
rese had sent out invitations to all the
revolutionary cohort; and as it was dif
ficult for her to spell their exotic names,
sho persuaded her husband-to-be to write
out the list of guests. At dessert bhe
announced gaily that she had a surprise
for them all. She had engaged the liost
photographer of Lausanne to take a
group-picturo of them all, in commemo
ration of the day. The guests looked
askance. Sho turned to the photographer
and said:
"You will print three dozen copies
nnd deliver them all to dear Mr. (lolu
to lie my father
give one to each
choffsky, who is soon
in-law. And he will
ol us. '
And quite reassuted the guests filed
out into the sunny garden of the hotel
and posed. Within two hours proofs of
the photograph and the list drawn up
by the "fiance" were in the hands of
the Russian agents in ienea. And
Therese -and her brother were on their
way back to Hrussels. A charming ex
cursion; it had broken the monotony of
military and political espionage
After the Savoy and the Drill Room
are closed when all the bars are shut
down there is still one place in Hrus
sels where the night-folk go, be thin
criminals, apaches, wasters, gamblers,
or simply bad-husbands. It is a sort of
boutjr, a tavern kept open officially for
the use of cab-drivers and chaull'eurs.
It was here, over a table on which wen
dishes of sauerkraut and five glasses of
beer, that "brother" Charles related,
in a husky, amused half-tone, his ad
venture with Therese in the Russ
haunted "resort" of Territet-Montreux.
At a table a dozen feet away u fat Brit
isher who should have been at home and
abed five hours ngone, was playing cards
with a fox-faced American, who once
had some obscure connect ion with the
American ministry in Hrussels- and
since then leads an existence more nns
terious than the lines in the palm of
your hand. Out of-doors a winter dawn,
humid nnd gray, should have been nun
ing up over Hrabaut. As we sat there
(Charles shaking dice against his left
hand on behalf of his right, lest he
get out of practice; for most spies are
gamblers as well) there came in a blind
man led by a little girl. Slung at hi
side ho hail a huge bundle of papers
Belgian, French, English, German, Ital
inn, Dutch, Scandinavian and by some
deftness of touch or fine quality of ar
rangement he never deceived himself in
pulling out exactly the paKr or review
that one asked for. Notable figures
these in Hrussels the blind man with
his drooping mustache and pricked up
ears; the thin pathetic girl in black on
whose shoulders he leans for guidance;
and the spies and gambler-spies with
whom I sat at table, amused themselves
by trying to confuse the old man
clamoring at him for newspapers in all
Un vrai zwanze Bruxcllois quo!?
MOT being a humorist of this sort, 1
lightened the blind man's load of il
lustrated journals that cost as much as
twelve and fifteen cents apiece, and I
was looking at a picture in Simplicts
simux which depicted a green lady nine
feet high, staring down (with horror!)
into a chasm three feet deep, when
Charles swore. Being a Frenchman, and
a Parisian at that, he sworo softly a
long, low ripple of oaths through which
cows and camels ami zebras and other
animals went wickedly. He was read
ing (while he swore) the Etoile Beige
of that day January 23. Huskily to
his elbow-mate he said: "They've got
Winter at Nice both Winter and
Horstmann! "
"And Wesself" his neighbor asked.
Charles studied the Etoile Beige.
"It is a telegram from their specinl
correspondent at Nice so it happened
yesterday. Otto Winter, nged forty-two,
born at Breslau he's arrested. And
they got Horstmann of Amsterdam.
Their chief lias escaped."
"That is Weasel!"
"Of course," said Charles, "and the
paper says: 'Weasel, officer, deserter
from the German army, who lias been
implicated in many affairs of espionage
in tho last few years, is believed to have
succeeded in crossiug the Italian fron
One of the English agents spoke; lie
said: "Good old Wessel! "
Then Charles: "If he got to Venti
tnille, he's all right. He'll come up by
the Milan express and we'll see him in
a few days."
A squat little man, dark and sullen,
had been nervously fumbling the dice
laid aside bv Charles. He was Louis
Every Pair
Till Mi,.niit.'t kind u( a mone baik aurcernvn
Arnl tie Atv Pupai..! In nuke Rood Kcil i:
Sutprndrrt vmII nut mar thice pan nl the imlmjtv
kind I nihtnei and durability combined.
C.n('im to Hiv tligliteM motion ol tht human (urn,
our patmtfd smooth running double action mtd and
sntl hack and I ronl, are the n-jvoni.
Made of the finest quality mercerized wbbin
Samson woven ord. mil. le mf arced button holes.
No rubUt to rot on the dealers' heles rxfore vou
CUr put them on our back
Similar) t-CooJ clean uebbiroerour shoulders
instead ot dead rubber, lull ol peispiration.
All metal paits heavily nukelcd. Made In'alt
length and nidthi lor nun. vouths and iunioi.
Ctt Suitvndcr uise, and Red Suiptndtr uill be
your m spender (or all lime.
SoU nh ui. it it, (ujumw ,n, ir(unJ.J il not utiHi r
IM SO .! ai all fUr ur tiif
Gco.'M. Eiliiurton Coinpnny, Mfrs.
CamhrhUe Maui hinett
$92.50 Our Price
for 30 Days!
We now otfer 4 lit Met-1 cute larunp
inntlel forty! i Hut to protrrt inirei w fmm nitvant
ItiK lirtcen of teel we -ft h ttnir Hunt We KUurantef
Oil rpoortl prti't f.r TO i1h miU
Edwards Fireproof Garage
An article fire proof tI tttnu'turt for private um-,
llves fttinoliito protection f nun Kiifttk tlilevcK Jn rider,
tire, HfEtitnliiK accident caret eiMiefi etc Save fi to
30 monthly In garage rent Save tnne. irtn k, tnn-rtt ami
trimitir Come ready to tet op All part cut ami fitted.
Simple, complete direction ftirnllied Alisolntelv runt
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c ecu rely, l'rotnpt afe delivery and i-ntlnfaetlon gnu ran
teed. Postal cent tmlav lirlntt r paiit lllutrated
(ara?e Hook hy rvtttm nuul Ufl
TheEdwaroUMfg. Co.,631-681 EiiItitonAvr.. Cincinnati, Ohio
is the next thing to owning the original drawing.
All my proofs an- the first rriiitini; Imm tin- originals.
This month's olfer is a two color prunl ol n drawini;,
"The Treaty of I'eace." b Kcninii!tiicliU)ler,one
ot the most popular artists of American fiction nnd
Start Your Collection Now
Enclose ten cents (coin or stamps to coer "oslanu
and packing) for this beautiful picture in its orit'inal
colors, sue W,i x 14 inches, printed on hiijli finisli
enamel paper
A Beautiful Den Picture for Any Homo
Many other reproductions by famous artists
F. A. BARR, 1400 Kctner Building. Chicaao.lll.
$200 A MONTH
:ratlnK tl.e N. M(i:i. I'OMItl
NATION AMi:it.. U lake and inUnt
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twii -or and f ur st Irs'iiu I'ost c.itiN m
tttlrs of lintpe li'ture. and
It root h Piiturcs Hcipnrrs n ex
lcricn e iliaten I irrbod ntntk
tures I'Hf hiiimrrd i et ifnt rri
Tin: Avnituvs iii(itiT.
M().M:Y-.MAK1:1. Small invest
mriit ite complete tint. In. hnim C .mcra, Tifpotl, and
mierul for t ' ire Make itnmet the fir.t iaj . no mattn
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L LASCELLE, 627 W. 43d St., Dept. 46, New York
i mjm
Vnur rlU la (ImuII the tulvrrtlne r' freut.
INMlMlltlHmS. AuviH ilt iia.MM..iglr
tvk (u their (u int , iuapar- tiuii, mlr jear
Krtwlna tuusbruuina in ellan, Ueilt bartia,
buxec. el' 1 11) jU when to sell at hlKheal
)iira. Yn-e llluatraied (uairuitlon llooklel.
II I Hi If lUUIO.V, 834 .4flb bL, ew vrL
Motion Picture Playi Wanted 'ou can me them We
' teach yon b mml No ex
perleace needed Uig demand it ttood pay letail free
ASS'D M. P. SCHOOLS, 639 Shrldjn Rd., Chlciio