A JiMIIHIIIMBI.il. .IIII.I.II.M "r 1 It.' ! I - OaiVt. rnmn out I - -w v--k. JmiuViiii Set tinntt! view , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit ' ttI0t0T&r?, j f ,f .X BOMB i gristles gripped in hard rubier RUBBERSET TRADE MARK Tooth Brush IOOK. at the photograph, and jou have the facts of ' the Rt BBERSET Tooth Brush. Here is a tooth hrush sawed in half, and in spite of this, every bristle is held fast, in a sulid base of hard, vulcanized rubber. This test gien to the ordinary tooth brush would have scattered the bristles tii the four winds. The bristles cannot come out of a RUBBERSET Tooth Brush. The perfection and superiority of a RUBBERSET Tooth Brush is lust as apparent on the outside. Examine a RUBBERSET Tooth Hrush and note the line imported bristles we use; the correct and siientilic shaping of the various tufts, designed to clean in between the uevii.es, and the hard-to-get-at teeth; the convenience shaping of its handles; the uuliidual sealed box that keeps clean the RL BIJERSE'J Tooth Brush after it is sterilized at the factor Withal the price is that of an ordmarv tooth brush Yuue ilmtitlXit or ilcimr tiiimt utorr Will hell yuii the KUUIIEHSET Tootli brush RUBBERSET TRADE MARK " Shaving Brush A splitting test, like the one pictured below, would demolish the base ol an ordinan shaving brush. Did you ever hear of any other brush eploiting inside construction? In a KUHHKKSKT Hrush the bristles are set in pure rubber which is then ul i.iniml to the hardness of flint. Not a solitary bristle can escape the grip of this wdeanued rubber base. It is unyielding, indestructible, permanent. The econ m ol a KUHHKKSKT is evident. Kl KHKKSKT Sliming Brushes are made in various st) Us, sizes, junlilics and shapes We p.irtu ularly recommend the dollar grade, whuh is made with badger bristles and Alberiie handles It is an example of the Kl'HHKKSKT a lues 1'rues tange from L'Si upward to $7 00 Ak uny JntKBlit, hardware dealer or general store Tor RUHUERSET Ilrushes. We Issue an Interesting catalog of styles. Free on request. RUBBERSET COMPANY u &0.11.T co.,i'nio Factories, Newark, N. J. mm DO you want your skin to be soft, clear and beautiful? Then use Palmolive the soap that cleanses, soothes and refreshes the tenderest skin because it contains and olive oils perfectly blended by our scientific method. Long before the days of Cleopatra, palm and olive oils were the chief requi sites of the toilet. Today they are made more efficient by their combina tion in the beautiful green cake, called Palmolive, which you can buy wher ever soaps are sold. Nothing in Palm olive will irritate even a baby's skin. It has a delicately faint Oriental odor. Try it for toilet and bath 15c the cake. It outsells all other high-grade toilet soaps. You will find the reason in the use of Palmolive. The natural oils of the skin are aided. Note how it improves dry hands. Palmolive lathers freely in hard or soft water, is hard milled and remains firm to the thinness of a wafer. Send two 2 -cent stamps for sample and free booklet, "The Easy Way to Beauty." Made by B. J. Johnson Soap Co., Milwaukee, Wis. PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO makes the hair lustrous and healthy and is excel lent for the scalp. It rinses out easil) and leaves the hair soft and tractable. Price, SO cents. PALMOLIVE CREAM cleanses the pores of the skin and adds a delightful touch after the use of Palmolive Soap. Price, 50 cents. N.B. If you cannot get Palmolive Cream or Shampoo of your local dealer, a full-size package of either will be mailed on receipt of price. sWusl r TTttiii.niii.nr HE V-'iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iimniiiiiiHiiiiiii)iiir niinniiiiii'mTiiMmiriiinHMi'iiiiimiiiiiiMiirf T-;;iiiiiiiiiiinni'.ninnmi!niMit-i: V SHE 3