Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 9, Image 45

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ho, to his knowledge, seen a portrait of her. Not
withstanding which, he says:
"A night or two afterward, as I was sleeping
with my wife, a lire brightly burning in the room
and a candle alight, I suddenly awoke, and saw a
lady sitting by the side of the bed where my wife
was sleeping soundly. At onee 1 sat up in tho bed,
and gazed so intently that even now 1 ean recall
her form and features. I remember that I was much
struck with the careful arrangement of her coiffure,
every single hair being most carefully brushed down.
"How long 1 sat and gazed 1 can not say; but
directly the apparition ceased to be, 1 got out of
bed to see if any of my wife's garments had by any
means optically deluded inc. 1 found nothing in
the line of vision but a bare wall. Returning to
bed, 1 lay till my wife, some bonis after, awoke;
and then 1 gae her an account of her friend's ap
pearance. 1 desci ibi'tl her rnlnr, form, eli .. all of
which oartl tallied with my wife's recollection of
her. Finally 1 asked, "Hut was there any special
point to strike one in her appearance' 'Yes,' my
wife promptly replied, 'we girls used to tease her
at school for devoting so much time to the arrange
ment of her hair.' This was the very thin?; which
1 have saiil so much struck me."
In former times there would have been no alterna
tive between accepting such narratives as the above
as actual evidences of supernatural activity, and re
jecting them as the fabrications of a diseased imagi
nation. Mat modern psychological investigation, and
especially the investigation of the st. te of the mind
during the transition period between sleep and full
wakefulness, has made clear the fact that it is quite
unnecessary, in seeking for an explanation, to resort
to either (lie by pothesis of fraud or (he hypothesis
of spirit actum. "The boy may lie;" but if bo is
telling the tiuth, there is a modem psychology sees
it, no need of leaping to the other extreme and rais
ing the cry of "dhosts!" At most, it is necessary
to postulate merely telepathy between living minds.
More frequently the solution of the mystery is at
hand in a certain well-established peculiarity of the
hypnoidal state, as the transition period between
sleeping and waking is technically designated.
This peculiarity is that the hypnoidal state is very
apt to permit the emergence, from the depths of the
sleeper's "subconsciousness" of memories which rise
above the threshold of consciousness in the form of
unusually ivid dreams or of hallucinations that may
readily impose themselves (Coiilniintl tn I'nge IS)
Reviewing Some Kindergarten Days
Drawings by Elizabeth Iritis Jones
O W. 1 X II K w
younger days,
Kve w a s quite
e o n tent to be
Adam's Little
Know - Nothing.
She was the same sort of child-wife as Dora Copper
field, oniy she did n't call her husband Doady.
Adam, being a man, well liked her to be that way,
and loved her for her docile, trusting, adoring
nature. lie didn't want a Cultured Highbrow or
a Suffragette for his mate; he wanted the gentle,
ignorant little girl that was bestowed upon him.
And Kve loved Adam most exceedingly; she de
ferred to him always, with a pleasant meekness,
and desired greatly to learn knowledge of him. Hut
of a truth, Adam was all unable to teach her ninny
of the traits she wished to acquire; and much lore
that she could have welcomed, he was at a loss or
unwilling to impart to her.
So Kve wandered about the flardeu of Kden and
pondered right mournfully on tho vastness of her
ignorance and her woeful lack of worldly wisdom.
And as she strolled, there came and strutted by her
side a great Peacock, dignified, yet flaunting of mien
and vastly beautiful.
"How wonderful you are!" said Kve, admiringly;
"I am not of such beauty."
"You are beautiful," returned tho Peacock, ''but
you are ignorant."
"Too true." wailed Kve, in most sad accents. "Hut
I have no Tutors to tute me. How may I acquire
worldly wisdom in (his Garden?"
"There are many Tutors about, Oh, Kve!" replied
the Peacock; "but you fail to recognize them as such.
Many of the creatures in this (Jarden have traits
and knowledge, which, learned by you, would be of
inestimable value to you; and so, to womankind for
Kvo's eyes sparkled, and her countenance grew
bright in anticipation of this coveted knowledge
that might yet be hers.
"Kxplain, Oh, Peacock!" she begged of tho beau
tiful bird.
"I, myself, will teach you vanity," ho responded,
and ho proudly flaunted his gorgeous plumage
before her eyes. "Vanity is one of the most useful
studies in a woman's curriculum. Ho vain and you
will be happy. Ho convinced of your own beauty
and you have already convinced others of it. He
vain of your own accomplishments and you have
already forced men to admire them, and women to
bo jealous of them. Vanity produces little arts
and graces hitherto undreamed of; it makes you
charming, alluring and altogether desirable." '
The Peacock twisted his neck proudly, and the
sun touched with gold the blue-green sheen.
"I am accounted beautiful, yes," he went on;
"but mostly am 1 so accounted because 1 am vain
of my beauty. Vanity brings haughtiness, scornful
demeanor nnd supercilious ways, all of which are
useful, even indispensable, to the worldly-wise
Now, Eve was of a fine receptiveness, and the
words of the Peacock fell on fertile soil. Vain she
became at once. Proud id' her own beauty, she
twined her long tresses with wild flowers, and
stuck poppies coqticttishly over her ears. She chose
the lincst and best shaped fig leaves for her new
apron, and bordered it with a fringe of bright
Vanity became an ineradicable trait of her nature,
and she besought Adam for extravagant expressions
of admiration.
Adam, poor man, was a bit bewildered. He had
never seen a vain woman before, and he did n't quite
know how to treat one. He did his best to please
her, and at last he exclaimed in baflled astonish
ment: "Why, you're as vain as a Peacock!"
Then was Kve full content, for what more may
one ask than to equal one's teacher.'
Next, turned she to the Tiger for enlightenment
and wisdom.
".My child, you have much to learn," said the great
beast, looking benevolently from 'nouth shaggy brows
af the beautiful woman.
"Vain you are, but other feminine traits should
be yours. Learn, then, of me. Acquire my soft,
velvet-padded caress which yet conceals sharp claws.
Acquire my purring, indolent manner, which only
masks a most alert attention. Learn my stealthy,
secret mode of approach, oven while all prepared
for a sudden, deadly spring. This is tho spirit of
tho lore I would teach you."
"DKADILY, Kve understood. Even tho treachery
of the Tiger's nnture was imparted to her, and
stored away in her waking brain for tho use of the
Kternal Feminine.
Then came a Lamb, gamboling.
"Oh, pshaw, Tiger!"
called the Lamb, gaily;
"you 're teaching Eve
too much of your de
ceitful nature. Look
here, Madam Kve; Man
admires in woman the
meekness and playful
ness of the Lamb. A
merry gentleness und
docility doth at times
please him greatly."
"Teach me," said
Kve, tranquilly. "All
of these things I fain
would learn, that I may
use them at mv discre
tion." So, from the Lamb,
learned Eve all gentle
ness and docility of
manner, which, of a
truth, well became her.
Now, when that Eve
exploited theso newly
acquired traits in her
home, the house cat
looked at her eriticallv.
"Much hast thou learned. Oh, Kve!" she spake,
oracularly; "but more yet can I teach thee."
So Kve learned from the eat.
She acquired an elusiveness thai was most tantal
izing. She learned to walk away when called, and
to sidle up unexpectedly. She learned to select the
best seat, and she learned thoroughly the vice of
curiosity. She acquired slyness, secret vindielivo
uess, and other catty attributes, which she stored
away in her brain against the time when there should
be other women in the world.
AN'U more yet. learned Eve. Of (he Donkey, she
acquired a line stubbornness ( this she determined
to use with great moderation, hut with decided
From the Hen she learned domestic science, and
a cerlain very feminine quality known as hen-miiid-edness.
From the Chameleon, she discovered how to
lake color from her surroundings, which is a flue
art. Kvon the Crocodile taught her a pretty trick.
"Eve," said he, "weeping is a great thing to
understand. Not for a real sorrow such tears
need no teaching. Hut tears for a purpose are
among a woman's best weapons, in the unequal
light she must wage against men. It's mighty
handy to be able to shed tears at will."
Eve greatly thanked the kind Crocodile, and soon
learned to perfection the art of letting her beautiful
eyes fill with big tears, and then rolling them in
pearly drops slowly down her pink checks.
Now, the Serpent was more subtle than any beast
of the field. Anil when that the others, of their
love, had taught Kve much, then glided to her the
Serpent and finished her education. He imparted
to her the secrets of his sinuous grace, bis mysterious,
insinuating charm, and bis persuasive and fascinat
ing allurement. So, Eve learned the wisdom of
the Serpent, and now was she wise indeed. Of
such a wisdom was she that she templed Adam;
and by the inheritance of her wisdom, the
daughters of Kve have ever possessed
Knowledge, Wisdom and Power all unpar
alleled by that of man.
Eve wandered about the Carden of Eden and pondered mournfully