Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART THREE WANT AD SECTION, Page 7-C, Image 35

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New Laws of Nebraska
THE Thirty-third legislature of Nebraska made several records,
one of them being the number of new laws passed. In adopting
the report of the Code commission, the legislature re-enacted
all the laws of the state that were retained In the code by the
commission. In addition, it passod 26G bills, of which tho gov
ernor signed 260, thus adding that many new laws to tho code, and vetoed
nix. In addition to tho six bills vetoed outright, tho governor nlso vetoed
an item in the general maintenance bill, providing StIDjOOO for the crcc
tlo of a dairy barn at tho State farm in Lincoln, to bo UBed in connection
with the College of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska; and an
Item in tho general salary bill for the relief of Superintendent Thomas
of the Institute for Feeble Minded Children at Beatrice.
The following dlgoat of the now laws passed deals only with tho bills
Introduced in the leglBlaturo during Its session, and tells nothing of tho
now code presented by tho Code commission in its report and adopted by the
legislature; this volume has not yet been printed, and 'until It comes from
the press thero Is no way to determine just what the laws of Nebraska
are, as the former codes havo been superceded; a number of the laws
passed by tho legislature are amendatory or corrective of laws contained
in the code, so that "work for tho courts has been made by the legislature.
Following will be found a classified digest of tho laws passed by tho leg
islature, those without emergency clause going into effect In July:
8. F. 123, by Hummel of Webster Pro
hibits county from aldlnK agricultural
aoclety In an amount greater than prem
iums,' other than speed prizes.
"H. R. 624. by Brott, Haslk and Ayers
Permits county boards to appropriate
money for, a. county farm demonstrator,
upon petltl6n of 10 per cent of farm land
owners, appointment to be on advice of
"University Extension department.
H. n. 646, by. Grucber of Thayer Puts
the burden of proof, in case where dis
crimination in selling: price is alleged, on
the salesman. .
8. p. SOC. by Ollls of Valley-Requires
attorney general to investigate com
plaints of discrimination under anti-discrimination
law, whenever request is
H. R. 363. by Regan Appropriates $50,
000 for state penitentiary deficit. (Emer
gency). H. R. 32, by Mockett Appropriates
$15,000 for deficiency and emergency re
pairs nt state orthopedic hospital. (Emer
gency). H. R.,9. by Potts Appropriates 1120.000
fqr salaries and expenses of the legls-
lature. . (Emergency).
H. R. 8, by Potts Appropriates 130,000
for incidental expenses, state legislature.
H. R. 234. by Cronin Appropriates 00
per cent of tho one-fifth mill state aid
bridge levy, 1913-16.
H. R. 341, by Relsche of Dawes Appro
priates money in state normal library
fund for purchase of books for Chadron
normal. (Emergency). ,
II. . SS7, by the Governor Appropri
ates $100,000 for the relief of tornado suf
ferers nnd to pay the mllltla, to be ex
pended by the following commission:
Arthur C. Smith of Omaha, Robert
Cowell of Omaha, Arthur Mullen of
Omaha, William A. Redlck of Omaha,
William Miller, sr., of Yutan, S. II.
.Buck of Otoe county, P. H. Hall of Lin
coln. (Emergency),
II. R. 3S0, by Bartels of Wayne. Kauff
man of Nemaha, Harris of Buffalo, Hos
tcttler ot Buffalo and Relche of Dawes
Appropriates cash funds of four state
normal schools to current expense funds,
IL R. EC. by Harris of Buffalo Appro
priates library cash fund of Kearney
State normal to current library fund of
that Institution.
H. R.- 155, by Bartels of Wayne Ap
propriates Wayne normal library fund
for purchase of books.
H. R. 255, by Flanagan of Douglas Ap
propriates $5,000 for Guard Doody of state
penitentiary, Injured during convict out
break. H. R. 135, by O'Malley of Hall Ap
propriates $3,000 for relief ot Mrs. Ruby
Carson, injured In laundry machlno at
Grand Island Soldier's home.
H. R. 88, by Mockett of Lancaster Ap
propriates $1,000 for relief of John Keane,
penitentiary employe Injured by falling
through trap door.
II. R. $45. by Kundson, Allen, Yater,
Morris, Gustln, Banks, Chappell andAnd
erson of Douglas Appropriates $o,000 for
hatchery at state hatcheries.
H. R. 169, by Jeary of Lancaster Ap
propriates $5,000 for relief of Mrs. Ida
Armstrong;, whose husband was killed
on tho state fair ground.
H. R. 877, by tho Governor Appro
priates $50,000 for erection and equip
ment of a new building. Girls' Industrial
home at Geneva.
II. R. 428, by Harris and Hostetler ot
BuffalO-AppropriateS $40,000 for addi
tional land for Keurncy Industrial school.
H. R. 2S2, by Grueber of Thayer Appro
priates $35,000 for a binding twine plant
at tho state penitentiary; no appro
priation for working capital.
H. R. 155, by Jackson of Nuckolls Ap
propriates $100,000 for new building at
state fair grounds and $3,000 for addi
tional land.
IL R. 726. by Busch of Otoe Appro
priates $20,000 to build a memorial armory
at Nebraska City, on site of old Fort
Kearney. .
H. It. 343, by Anderson of Douglas Ap
propriates $4,200 for deficiency at Omaha
school for the deaf.
II. R. 425, by Hoffmelster of Chase
Appropriates $12,000 for state board of
health laboratories: $5,000 for oivlpment
and $7,000 for maintenance, Including a
director's salary not to exceed $2,400 a
H. R. 404. by Jeary of Lancaster Ap
propriates $76,000 for buildings, repairs and
improvements, at the Lincoln insane
H. IL 876, by Code Commission Appro
priates $10,000 for inflrmatory building at
.Kearney tuoercuiar nospiuu.
rnnriatea 1C2 000 for construction ana1
RlUUTzl WuschoTbtoe-Approprl-
viiuou v "" v
H. R. 648, by McCarthy of Cuming
Appropriates $2,000 for a night school at
the state penitentiary.
H. R. 888, by Penitentiary Committee
Appropriates $60,000 for repairs, improve
ments -and buildings at the state peni
tentiary. (Emergency.)
H R. 690, by Puller of Seward Appro
priates $25,000 for hospital at Mllford
Soldiers nome. tr.merscnuj .i
by Hardm-APproprlate.
Eitlon and publication of
II. R. 875, by
rat mn fnr notati
revised statutes by recodification com
rirpncv.) I
mission. (Emergency.)
. r Tt v. . . Tr.nnHM,&. ii.i.vti, nnM
AiinrtinrlatKS $928 for expenses of Bherllt l
nivers of Incaster county In defending!
himself against the charge of murdering,
. 1.111 , I . . .
Roy Blunt, rarmer. wno won
officers during the chase of escaped con-1
ir.i-. i Mnwh 1912. I
H R. 365, by Anderson of Douglas Ap-,
DroDriates $100,000 for Deaf and Dumb ln-1
' . 1 1 .. . . Ilnn.,t
Stltute at umana, as wiiuno, wsv1
fnr segregation ot oral
pupils, $90,000; for power house and equip
ment. $35,000; for changing and Improv
ing present buildings, $5,000.
H. R. 229. by Helllger of Jefferson-Appropriates
$2,000 to further mark the Ore
gon trail through Nebraska.
H. R. 146. by BChaupp ana Alien ad;
' : . ,
tt t i. , . , ii, rj. i
ii iT ;V '. y . in t , , '
iwiicp Biaie imci iiicuia.u igiuiuuiiuij '
n n HnnrnnHalaa 1 it lA fnr vrnlinrln nnH
and appropriates ll&O.OuO for grounds and
buildings for same; State uoard or Con
trol to purchase site where at least one
section of arable land is available ot
where a brick plant may be maintained,
buildings to accommodate at least UXI
prisonera to be erected, as far as possible
convict labor, any male person of
ll. n. ,146. Dy ocnaupp anu '""ft. voters expressing opinion on matter bo
nUaJve at Beatrice InsUtuU vote' or ,n oounty 0UtsIde corporate
forh. fisebl. Minded (Emergency.) "It" village or city, when county
k fL &tby LoTey of DgelAppro- board w grants. (Emergency.)
PrUtes $5000 for relief of Mary E. Hell- ; H. R. 721. by Jeary of Lancaster-Pro-tom
and daughter whosa husband and vldes that city of Lincoln and Lan
father was killed In penitentiary out- caster county may unite in purchase of
baLr erJencv.) penUenUar 0Ul site and construction of a Joint Jail. H-
Annmnrl.l.'. fn. thf, usn nf th lntH nnl. .a- 11 1V DO
m Tt ill Ku Alnllnrv nr KnT lillttM .
Verilty 93 per cent ot the annual mill ?.'." f?f,h,'Vute0
l.uv . n,rin,.n.r,'.. nniv irmann I tnree-rutns vote o
Digest of All the Bills Passed by the Law Makers and Signed
from 16 to 30 years old, when first con
victed of a felony, may be sentenced to
reformatory Instead of to penitentiary;
Board of Control may transfer other
prisoners to Institution or remove men
so committed to tho penitentiary at its
own discretion.
H. R. 423, by Norton of I 'oik Ap-
n,.lnl, tr. ftlrt fnr ! tl VPS tlClUlOU Of UH
state's resources and for giving publicity
. - .11 ... I .... n rrimm RNlnlt '
composed of the governor, the chancellor
of tho university, the director of the con-
servatlon and soli survey, tho secretary
to same; unuer uirevuun wi -
of the State Board or Agriculture m
director of the state legislative reference
bH?ait. 274. by Gates of Sarpy-Appio-prlatso
$4,000 for relief of Mrs. Roy Ulunt,
whose husband was killed during pumiit
of escaped convicts, and $3,500 for re cf
of Infant son: first sum to be paid into
her hands at- once without conditio is;
second sum to be raid to boy's guardian
for his sole use. (Emergency.)
II. R. 616. by Bcott of Hamilton Ap
propriates $1,600 for the relief of
Anna Nlchels. whose son died during a
National Guard encampment.
H. R. SS3, by Deficiencies Committee
Tho general deficiency bill, appropriat
ing $162,5(8 for 1912-1913. (Emergency.)
IL R. S72, by the Finance Commlttee
Tho general salaries bill, appropriating
$062,123 for 1S13-191E. (Emergency.)
II. R. S73, by tho Claims Committee
The gcrteral claims bill, appropriating
$62,003 for 1911-1918. $00,000 of which was
for advertising of proposed constitutional
amendments. (Emergency.)
H. R. 874, by Finance Committee Gen
eral maintenance bill, $3,190,649.
H. R. 273. by Pearson of Frontier Ap
propriates $10,000 for permanent Improve
ments at the Curtis agricultural school.
II. R, 439, by Lancaster Delegation Ap
propriates $40,000 for now hospital nt
nrthnnedlo hospital at Lincoln.
H. R. 345. by McKlssIck of Gage Appro
priates a three-fourths mill levy for the
permanent Improvement ot the state uni
versity, to be expended aa the people
shall direct by vote at the 1914 general
election, either nil for consolidation at
the farm or one-third there and two
thirds at the city campus, for extension
and Improvement.
S. P. 170, by Dodge of Douglas Pre
cincts assesors in Douglas county to be
appointed instead of elected; vacancies
in any county to be filled by appoint
ment of county assessor, Instead of by
county assessor and county board. (Emer
gency.) S. F. 236, by Macfarland of Douglas
Gives county surveyor of DouglaH county
an additional 41.000 a year as highway
commissioner; total salary, $3,000. (Emer
gency.) Banks.
II. R. 654, by Elmelund of Saunders
Requires a reserve of 20 per cent by all
state banks in cities of over 25.0OJ In
habitants; former law, only by banks in
such cities which were reserve agents for
other banks.
H. R. 447. by Elmelund of Saunders
Allows banks to loan not to exceed ten
times tho capital stock and surplus (pres
ent law, eight times). (Emergency.)
H. It. 15, by Fries of Howard Provides
a penalty of from $10 to $60 fine and lia
bility for damages for Imitating any
"corner" established by tho federal gov
ernment in the survey of public lands in
Nebraska. Emergency.
H. R. 13, by Flies of Howard In boun
dary aisputes gives state surveyor the
right to summon witnesses, administer
oaths and compel testimony. Emergency.
II. R. 12, by Fries of Howard Pro
scribes methods of establishing or restor
ing lost or obliterated corners; gives tho
county surveyor right to summon wit
nesses. Emergency.
Cities and Towns.
H. R. 748. by Keckley of York Allows
cities of 5,000 Inhabitants to voto not more
than $100,00) bonds for tho drainage of
natural water courses; designed ta per
mit York to relieve a local condition.
H. R. 154, by Lancaster Delegation
Permits city of Lincoln to purchase or
construct municipal street railway, gas or
any other public utility plant. Emergency.
H. R. 18, by Brain of Douglas Provides
that advertisements of election for Issu
ance of sewer bonds may be made by
Posting placards in prominent places. In
cae village has no newspaper. Emcr-
H. R. 24, by Hoagland of Lancaster
Provides for double shift for Lincoln fire
men. H. R. 362. by Brain. Druesedow, Flan
agan. Vates, Sugarman, Foster, Hoff,
Anderson Double shift fire service for
South Omaha firemen. (Emergency)
bv Greenwalt-Permlts cities
PoilaUo& Kolh Tce&Se,
villages irom aw to Jiu
t, it i..V t r-,.... i t i. i" irusi uBBuciuuuuB ami every oincr
n.'" i w.f?ln",7i.ermlt!' character of association and every In
?m.ata.,.l.y.?.f? -b,' dA.for.f.'i?,.n.u?l,or um ' dividual who sells or attempts to sell or
;uofVLanbmo1,.fomn,rt!?li', to
hrff-tlft'"?: Permits city council to Issue
&v,wu park bonds in 1913 without vote;
permits Issuance of $1,000,000. bonds not
over $250,000 In any one year, for Improve
ment of boulevards and parks (not for
purchase) by three fifths vote of those
h''K o" question at a special or general
c"n- ..,. of do,.,..
1 retea a metropolitan water dstrlct
'-n"i "v'!.. un Lcuiiui, ,ci t ru 1 1 v iiD
municipal muer ymui, ivuviun
for flection of a water board to govern
water ana rs 01 nmncts; no municipality
trt ft. It, ltrYt in mnn. ..... ..... '.. .r.l. ......
-- iu ruam ..uiivum.n,
existing private plants February 1. 1913,
S. P. 07. by Brookley of Clay Permits
city councils of cities of from 6.000 to
ftfV ........ I. ..I.... . I . .
-,vw ,iu.u,auuH tu vnurKe lubi oi wamr
muni exiriisionB up to auuttillg property
as a special assessment, as ut present
for sewer extensions. (Emergency.)
B. P. 2S, by Bartllng Strlkoa out word
"sporting" out of anti-Sunday amuse
ment statute; specifically permits base
ball in village or city when majority of
.inn,, mil i , i nnnn, inanrnra
ige of Douglas Permits
25.WJ population, by
f those voting on the
question, to iue not to exceed a,w
bonds ior pumio park purpoat-ti. iKmarg-
. . ,
S. P. 71. by Woli of Dodge Increases
maximum ot bonds that may bn Issued
by cities of 5,000 to 26,000 population for
construction ot heat or lighting plant
trom 6 to 10 per cent of assessed valua
tion. (Emergency )
H It Hv K wnnd nf Antelone Tip. 1
quires boud of trustes ot village to
hold annual meeting on last Tuesday In
April, which is designated the beginning
of the municipal year (Emergency.)
8. P. au by Woli of Dodge Permits
city council to fix rates, tor municipal
water and light plants by resolution as
well as by ordinance In cities ot 6,0)0 to
25,000 Inhabitants; permits council to con
fer management of municipal plants upon
a board of public works. (Emergency.)
II R. 191. by Brain of Douglas Chanres
qualifications for membership on South
Omaha School Board; changes date of
beginning of their term ot office; In
creases the salary of the secretary $200;
maximum mill levy raised to 25 mills; per
mits Issuance of $0,000 bonds.
S. F. 3S7, by Saunders ot Douglas
Establishes a pension fund for librarians
of Omaha City Library, under supervision
of city .council; fund made up of assess
ments not exceeding li per cent of
librarians' salaries, of appropriations
from the library fund, not exceeding one
and one-half times the assessments, and
of bequests or donations, or any of
of bequests or donations; pension may
be granted any employe of thirty-five
years' service, or any of twenty years'
service who may be Incapacitated for
further duty.
S. P. 450, by Hoagland of Lancaster
Provides for excise board In Llncotn In
addition to commissioners In commission
form of government.
8. P. 164, by Grossman of Douglas
Double shift for South Omaha fire de
partment. 8. P. 245. by Saunders of Dauglas Per
mits Omaha to Issue bonds for purchase
or erection of city auditorium, by two
thirds vote. (Emergency.)
H. R. 47, by Druesedow of Douglas
Increases Omaha file and police pension
from $W to $50 per month.
) vjrtel( tllat wlaow 0f Omaha policeman
srin be pain a pension ot not less than
)f tt month, unless married; minor or-
II. R. 27. by Simon of Douglas Pro
pnanea cnuuren similarly penaioneu
H. R. 152. by Jeary Mtsrtellaneous
amendments to the Lincoln city charter.
U. it. GW, by Douglas County Delegation
Raises maximum levies In Omaha for
Tire purposes trom $253,U0) to $280.00), for
police Irom $lW.tXA) to $190,000, for street
cleaning from $60,000 to $70.u; reduces
maximum levy for lighting street from
$70,00'.) to $60.0i)0; provides that city shall
repay any funds advanced by any depart
ment at city council's request. (Kmer-
II. R. 336, by Anderson of Douglas 1 he
Omaha gas bill; allows people by ma
jority voto at general or speciat election
to extend city gas franchise twenty-five
years, with privilege ot purchase by
city at end of fifteen years. (Emer
gency.) It. R. 648, by Harris of Buffalo Allows
cltleB of 6,000-26,000 to U80 proceeds of
Mile of cemetery lots for Improvement of
a i.' : i, smindrrii of DoukIrb Per
mits 10 per cent of tho voters of any home
rule city to inmate a cuy cnanur, ur
part thereof, to be voted upon as an
alternative to the charter submitted by
tho charter convention, the alternative
sections to become law if approved by a
majority of the voters. (Emergency.)
Cold Storage.
S. P. 64, by Code Commission A cold
storage warehouse regulation act. Pro
prietors must secure license from rood
.T,.mml..lnn.r mllKt kpetl tlllbllc record Ot
lecelpts and withdrawals of all foodstuffs)
quarterly reports ot ioousiuiih on ii.u
to commissioner, storage ot foodstuffs
longer than one year forbidden unless by
specific consent of food commissioner,
prospective purchaser of foodstuffs must
be notified by retailor ot whether pr not
they havo been in cold storage; unlawful
to return to cold storage any article of
fnrt fimf niH onen been released and put
on market; at least quarterly lnspoct on
by food commissioner, annual Inspection
to bo $10 for warehouso of 0.000 cubic feet.
$25 for one of 6U.OO0 to 100.000, $50 for one of
100,000 cubic feet or more; penalties, ior
first offense In violating any of these
provisions, a fine of not over $500; second
offenso, tine of not more than $1,000, Im
prisonment not over six months, or both;
food commissioner empowered to make
other regulations
Constitutional Amendments.
H. R. 166. by Banks Ratification of the
redt-rnl constitution relating to the elec
tion of United States senators.
H. R. 92, by Norton Proposed constltu
tlcnal nmendment to permit reform of
state tax system, reading as follows:
"Tho rules of taxation shall be uniform
as to any given class and taxes shall bo
levied upon BUch property as the legisla
ture shall prescribe. Taxes may be Im
posed upon privileges and occu
pations, which taxes may be graduated
and progressive, and reasonable exemp
tions may be provided In addition to those
hereinafter specifically mentioned in sec
tion 2 of this article."
II. R. 46, by Bollen of Knox and Cedar
A proposed constitutional amendment per
mitting five-sixths of a jury to render a
verdict In all civil cases and in criminal
cases less than felonies; legislature may
authorize a trial by Jury of less than
twelve men In courts inferior to the dis
trict courts.
H. R. 210, hy Palmer of Ciay Proposed
constitutional amendment fixing salary of
governor at $5,000 instead of $2,600; In
creases salaries of secretary of state,
superintendent of public Inctmctlon and
land commissioner from 12.000 to S3.600:
increases attorney general's salary from
i.wM 10 4,uuu; stato treusurcr from $2,500
to $3,000; lieutenant governor reduced
from two to one and one-half times the
salary of a state senator.
S. P. 167. by Dodge of Douglas-Exempts
from necessity of filing annual
reports with attorney general all cor
porations which are required to file re
ports with auditor of public Recounts
unless specific report is demanded; ap
plies particularly to Insurance com
panies. (Emergency.)
H. R. 752, by Potts of Pawnee-In-
creases annual corporation license tax,
particularly upon larger companies.
S. P. 4. by Cordeal A "bluo skv" law:
requires companies under lt provisions
to suDinu to an examination or solvency
and credit by state railway commission;
penalties for selling stock without a per
mlt Issued after such examination; tho
following come under tho act: Porelcn
and domestlo corporations, co-partner
ships, joint stocK companies, declaration
srhTueocumie8sith z
nuiidlnir and 1 .an ec,mr.
stock, bond or
these excmntlons:
Building and loan companies organized
in Nebraska, dealers who sell to other
dealers or to corporations, sales ot stock
In Nebraska corporations after being in
existence one year, or in foreign corporn
tloiui in existence five years, a majority
of whose stockholders are Nebraskans;
sales of real estate In Nebraska, or of
real estate outside the state when made
h,y resident owner thereof, are exempted;
mil n n refill. T 1 1 1 iirrmiii-i 1 ivh iinrrnn Kr
, state conservation ana boh survey
(Investigate and report on any sale of 1
outs i'ii if Nebraska.
S. F 2, by Smith Levies a 2 per cent
tax upon the gross earnings of all ex
press companies on Interstate business;
companies to make report for each fis
cal year between July 1 and October 1;
Includes a clause wherein any one giv
ing Information resulting In recovery of
delinquent taxes may receive 10 per cent
of such recovery. ll. R. 36. by Jackson of Nuckolls -
S. P. 440. by Hoagland of Lincoln Any I Names of candidates nominated at a prl
corporation whose products are sold In jmary election shull not be placed on the
Nebraska must have a. resident agent on 'official ballot unless tho cilndldate ac
whom service in legal action can be had; repts the nomination In writing within
tuiuiUD eio uj jvuuniD hnuun yjl iuiKii
corporation not so represented. (Emer-
S. P. 323, by Splrk of Saline Taxes ot
private car companies shall be paid Into
state treasury. Instead of through county
treasuries. (Emergency.)
County Officers and Boards.
H. R. 299. by Haslk of Butler Requires
county officials to pay annually to the
county treasurer all fees collected In ex
oks of what law allows them as salaries
(former law, paid In at end of term.)
II. R, 204, by Haslk of Butler-Substl-tutes
town treasurer for assessor as A
member of town board. (Emergency.)
II, R. 220, by Hart well of Webster Re
quires proprietor of pool hall outside ut
incorporated city or village to obtain li
cense irom county ooara on petition of
. i.n.t thlrtv frAhM urn n f nranlnni
wherein It U to be located, after publlca-
tloti of application In newspaper of gen -
vii v uiKiiuu mi Ill ll'lli-l iwtl WCPKS;
license fee. $10 ach of first thiee tableB
and $5 earl! additional; must close at 10
P. tn.. license forfeited if guilty of any
law violation.
II. R. 27S. by Anderson of Boyd-Where
county boards cannot settle dispute over
intereounty bridges, tho matter shall be
arbitrated, with each county having one
voto and the state engineer the third
11. R. Kx, by the Governor Authorises
the county board of any county, on vote
or a majority of those expressing an
opinion on th question, to Issue bonds
not to exceed 6 per cent of the assessed
valuation of the county, or $1,000,000. to
relievo destitute nnd needy silffprrra rnim
cyclones, tornadoes or destructive wind
storms; the county to loan such funds
for rebuilding and repair of homes; for
particular application to the city of
Omnha. (Emergency.)
S. F, 446. by Macfarland of Douglas
Increasea compensation of county com
missioner in Douglas county from $2,10)
io a year, ana in iancaster county
from $l,)0 to $2,100.
II. R. 556. by Elmelund of SaunderB
Repeals law requiring counties to pay for
board and cure of insane patients in state
H. R. 281. by Searle or Kelth-Requlres
sheriff Instead of county trensuror to
mako returns on distress warrants.
S. F 144, by Klein of Gagr Minor
change. in details of county treasurers
cash books.
S. P. 291. by Cordeal Retwals section
9,665 of Cobby's annotated statutes, requir
ing uupucate recorus by county cici-ks anu
county tieasurers.
S. P. J21, by Hummel A county board
may levy not over 5 mill to build a court
house or Jail; the amount so socurvd to be
not over $100,001) and the levy to extend for
not over throe years, providing that tho
total tax levy for ali purposes shall not
be more than 1V4 per cent of tho assessed
valuation: such lew to be on letltlon of
61 per cent ol tho voters, aa ascertained
by an nvcrngo of the last two election.
H It 1S9, by Code Commission Makes
a four-year term fo ctunty commission
ers and provide1, that districts cannot bo
changed oftrn-i' than once in four years.
S. F. 13, by Bushee ot Klmball-ln
counties havlnif an UBFessed valullon of
less than $700,000. compensation of county
assessors shall be $J a day for time em
ployed, not ti exceed $200; precinct assess
ors to be paid $3 a oay. (Emergency i
S. F. 116, by Robertson of Holt -Provides
that children may be cared for at home ut
expense of tho county, not to exceed $10
per month for each child, when parents
nre unable to properly provide Tor them.
H R. 214. bv Potts nf Pawnee Pro
vides for consolidation of all delinquent
laxea due prior to 1900,
11. R. 621. by Rchaupp of Gage Pro
vides that county treasurer, prior to each
annual town meeting, shall file statement
of amount of money spent in previous
yenr and funds now on hand.
H. R. (S4, by Code Commission Pro
vides for Incorporation of Arthur county
out of McPherson county. (Emergency.)
H R. IIS, by Baker of Thomas Limits
county attorneys' salaries lit counties with
less tnan 1,000 population to $300.
H. R. 322. by Jeary of Ijincuster vAu
thorlres the appointment of probation of
ficers by nny district Judge; provides for
u chief probation officer In counties of
SO.OOO to 100,000 population, salaried at
$1,200; in counties less than 60,000 popu
lation chief probation officer shall re
ceive $720 or less, as countj' board shall
determine; no probation officer shall be
appointed in counties of less than 20,000
population; prescribes In detnll duties and
rights of probation officers,
H. R. 617, by HoffmelBter of Chase
Makes It compulsory upon county board
to call a meeting of school directors to
establish a county high school in any
county which has no twelfth grado
school, accredited to tho stato university,
said nigh school to be located at the
county seat.
B. F. 401, by Dodge of Douglas Au
thorizes Douglas county to voto $100,OW)
bonds for a workhouse, to be established
by county commissioners ut least ten
miles from city limits; to be controlled
by board of Inepectorn composed, accord
Ing to tho defective wording of tho bill,
of tho chairman of tho commissioners
and three inspectors appointed by him
and confirmed by themselves. (Emer
gency.) 8. F, 104. by Reynolds of Dawes Pro
vides that counties of from 7.000 to t.OOO
population shall give tho clerk of the
dlBtrlct court $400 In addition to fees,
11. R. 124, by Nichols of Madison Re
peals the law requiring the filing In
supremo court In appeal cases of printed
abstracts of bills of exception. (Emer
gency). II. R. 382, by Baker of Thomas Raises
salaries of court reporters, from $1,600 to
$2,000 a year.
H. R. 236. by Bollen of Knox In all ac
iini,, hrnuirVit tn recover damages for in
juries to a person or his property, negli
gence ot tne piainim nimu ue i:uuaiuri-i,
In comparison with that of ,'
tho Jury to decide degree of compensation
that Is Just. (Emergency.)
H. R. 107. by Norton of Polk Permits
the collection of costs and payment of
witness fees In Juvenile court cases.
8. F. 276, by Macfarland of Douglas
Increases the salary of the clerk of the
district court In Douglas county from
$2,000 to $2,600 a year. (Emergency.)
H. R. 63, by Chappell of Brown Trans
fers Brown county from the Fifteenth to
tho Sixteenth Judicial dlBtrlct.
a v on ,v Vnli When a temporary in
junction has been grunted by a district
court and a permuncnt Injunction refused
if an appeal Is taken the case shall be
heard by the supreme court within ninety
duys; actions of this nuturc now pending
must be heard within sixty dayB of tak
ing ertect of tins act. tiinerKi-iiiY.j
s V xM. hv Placekl'i escribes proced
ure In probate court In estates where real
nwMu.r i. uitnut., in state, but where no
court has acquired jurisdiction; Jurisdic
tion devolves on court of county where
deceased was latt reBldent or wliere nny
property Is situate.
k v. r, hv lloaulaiul of Lincoln When
a tempornry restraining order has been
Issued, hearing on application for an In
junction must be within ten days.
II. K. 1. uy iiarum iiiunrrs ilm uunn-,i ,
statutes compiled by the recodification
commission the law of the state. Emer-
E8.CF. 127, by Hoagland ot Lincoln As
tlgucrs of casos In action nsrigneil for
purpose of collection may sue on any
clnlm assigned In writing; assignee must
furnish security for costs. (Emergency.)
II. R. 2T7. by Bollen of Knox Kequlres
a Judge to give ten days' notice of In
tention to Bit in chambers; adds to his
power In chambers the following; The
right to enter a Judgment by default, to
hear and enter Judgment In equity cases
upon agreement and stipulation of both
parties to the action; to hear and enter
Judgment In cases of law wherein a Jury
has been waived and upon agreement and
stipulation of both parties. (Umergency.)
H. R. 11, by Fries of Howard Judges
and clerks of election and eunvuseors
shall m-etvo So cents an hour for not
more thun twenty hours, party making
returns to county clor kto receive 6 cents
per mile traveled; In cities of first class
it.,?.ri, tA nn niention.
Judges iili'l cierKs to receive o a aay
.tfcll IlliyS Wllrin lunruilK lur u ijumy w
i nee or fourteen days If for a state of
flce; county clerk shall notify nominees
by mall within three days after the re
sult K ascertained.
H. R. 160, by Hardin of Harlan Brings
police magistrates under biennial election
law; next election In 1914.
H. R. 742, by Richardson of Lancaster
Prescribes detailed procedure for Initia
tive and referendum; mukes It a felony
for anyone to sign a petition who Is not
a legal voter; requires affidavit of cir
cular with each sheot of signatures, as
serting authenticity thereof; If secretry
of state refuses to accept tho act upon
petition, mandamus may bo secured from
Lancaster district court, all cases to be
advanced to earliest possible date for
hearing, either party may appeal to
supreme court within ten days of de-r-Ulon.
attornt-v (rtnera to )irepnt tltl-
for ballot, or if his title is objected to,
appeal may bo had to court, us herein.
by the
- before stated, supporters and opponents
of any question submitted by Initiative
or referendum may submit arguments
to secretary oi state, who shull print
same and mail one copy ot pamphlet to
every voter, cost of paper and printing
to be paid by person submitting argu
ment, cost of mailing by state, sectetary
pf state to secure iiHst-ssmout rolls. ill
looks and other data to make up mulling
Ht. enaltlcs prescribed.
,,s- hy Hurtling "f Otnrlf any
qualified voter Is absent from his county,
by virtue or the nrcesltles of hut occu
pation, on a general election or primary
election day, he may present himself to
2ny l,01,.,lrt't 1'1'ice In the state and rust
his ballot on all offices and quexttolis
voted upon In hi home county, voter to
swear to nn affidavit Betting forth the
facts, clerk of election to mall ballot bv
sm-clnl delivery tn county clerk of
voter b homo county, where same will be
counted by ciiuvasnlng board, penalty
for falve swearing, fine of not more than
$100; penalty for violation of confidence
by county clerk, not over $100 fine.
S. P. iro, by Bushee of Kimball
Twenty per cent of the elector, ot a
towjiNhlp or county may petition county
bourd for a resurvoy of township or
county, the board to submit the question
to n referendum.
H. It. lfii. by ('odo Commission--Abol-IrheB
off-year I'.rctlon In 1912 nnd provides
for extension of terms of state and
county officers to 1914.
S. F 126. bv Doric nf Diiticlnn V n-
thorizts tho governor to appoint an elec
tlun r.nmiiilnalnnni. .-ltii ,ti,,.i,.i.. niKimh.
Ity over the registration of elector and 1,1 Penitentiary for from one to three
the conduct of elections In Douglas y,,"r", (,,'.mrKe.".cy") ...
county; provides fur permanent wgls- ! ,8 m- h' """gland of I.lncotir-NN
tratlc-n lists, i,ll-ypnr-round regiistrntlnti. 1 '"ingp In the point of rttVMKlnn nf nnyf
system or taking plertoral censu and of 'lunie. ditch or ncquedtict shall ho to o.
checking registration; election comnils- l"lnt ,'""'B ,hl,h two miles distant rrom
loner to receive $3,lil n year; deputy. I origins! point or dlviirsinn. (Kmprgpiim-.')
appointed by him from opposite political I H; 1 . ,I0, b' "onBland or Lincoln Ri'
party, to receive J.1.SO0. other deputtps ,u,re" Irrlgatlnn companies tti report to
niiii iimiieciors lo De llppollltl-d at hi . . ' -n"i-vi. uinii-iui ui m nuirsui
discretion, to receive $T ler da ; com- pn""'1 "r water district, a llt or nil
mlBBloner to all election official. I '"S"!, l Yi". i (3'l,1rey 'n
who may or may not bp from nrrclnrt 1 ,i ' 4. u!f, Hoagland of Lincoln -Grrs
In which they are tn pn'. i V1'! ?.,n.,.c i,.0ftn . of lgatlun orlRWml
subicrt tn tmm-i-V. J?.L . . J"!"9-1""" Jurisdiction Hi all niatter pertalnlnir to
hi- L'iH-.r,,n; , r""l"" ,u"
R. 332. hy GroBsimm ofLtaucla-r-Von-
partlFnn elecllon or s nvnmMtS
county Judge: election tt. be hv
hat or supremo court caiidldute to have
k,'L """. "f ."Wol court.
and of - 'S'T, IT f';1 "Z!
loader in rrlmari- vot? tr TTi,' ai 1TJT'
or twice the number or places to be filled
to bo placed on a separate ballot to be
lotctt upon at the general elect Inn
genenil election.
TI R. 41S. by McKlssIck nnd Hntr-
Ilnrrjl "'r "n,nrv of UoM oommls.
loner from $5 a day to l.&no n year;
n-txS tnr rXi,.cV,",.l,r",?f Bot more than
$1.,000 for asslBtnnta, this amount to bo
paid out of re-PB eollectrd bv depart
ment; vnrton minor clmngrs In hotrl
regulations 1
r."' J f- ,,,y '-,KIlck and Horr
GUes hotel keepers a lien baggage or
guests for unpaid hoard bills; liability
for Iobb or guests' vnltmhlrs llmltr-d to
$300 oven ir kppt In hotpl snrn, unlr
by special agrrnmrnt. in case of dr.
structlon by fire, liability limited to $10
for each grip and contents and $50 for
each trunk and contents.
S, P. $64, by Code Committer A bill
for an net to provide ror the organisation
and Kovernment of Insurance companies
and to regulnte. supervise nnd contril
the business of Insurance in Nphrnskn, to
provide ponnltlps for It violation, to
provide for an insurance board .and
define its duties and powers and to repeal
Chapter 24 of Cobhey's annotated statutes
of Nebraska for the year 1911, and all nets
and ports ot act In conflict therewith.
Some of tho principal changes made In
tile present law aie us follows: The con
trol or tho Insurance department is taken
from the Btate auditor and placed In the
hands of an Insurnnce lionrd consisting
of the governor, attorney general and
auditor if public accounts, of which the
governor Is ex officio chairman. This
board appoints a secretary who receives
n salnry of $2,600 per annum, an actuary
who receive not to exceed $16 per day
for time actually employed, one or more
examiner at a salary or not to exceed
$2,000 per annum, and such clerks as
shall be necessary at a salary of not to
exceed $1,200 per annum. Thus it shirts
tho burden of responsibility from one
man to the Insurance bound, tho duties
and powers of which arc clearly defined.
Foreign companies are required to Invest
their capital In the same cIbbs of
securities ns are required by domestlo
companies doing business in the state, ex
cept that securities authorized by tne
laws ot Its home stato muy be recognized
as legal Investments in tho discretion of
the board. Reports are required trout all
companies January nnd July of ouch
year. Rebato and discrimination in every
form Is Btrlctly forbidden under heavy
penalties, and compnnles found guilty of
either nro subject to a revocation ot their
certificates of authority. A limit Is
placed upon tho amount to bo paid to
tho officers or any Insurance company.
It dcHnee what shall be cnnsldeied as
asset ot a company, provides heavy
ponaltlcn for false statements of falHe
advertisements hiuI provides for and
defines what Bhall constitute n legal
reserve. It provide that a Me Insur
ance company may wrlto a nonjmrllcl
patlng policy, a participating policy, nn
annual dividend policy and a deferred
dividend policy, but provides that when
a dererred dividend policy is written, that
the company after the third year ascer
tain and apportion' the umount of the
divisible surplus to which uch policies
as a class are entitled, nnd upon the
written request of the policyholder, shall
furnish a statement of the umount of the
surplus provisionally oscerialned and held
awaiting distribution at the expiration
of the deferred dividend period. It per
mits life Insurance companies to Insure
the employes of manufacturing eslal.
llBhmenta In groups of 100 or more against
oss of lire by accident, without requiring
a medical examination. H separates a
mutual from an assessment association,
defining each and classifies all companies
that meet their losses and expense by
levying an assessment upon their mem
bers "! anVs.Bfim-nt association. It pro
vfde. for a representative form of gov
ernment for fraternal benetldary socle
ties, defining the mme. providing that
iirnin elected shall have three-
fourths ot the voting power of the gov- )
ernlng body, and proviocs m
raise in the rates or jnu i vw
ment of benefits aro proposed upon re
meni oi " tn rnmbershlp
We"l..!?T.ZM Lr .hall be sub-
mltted to the membership and must be
endorsed by a majority of nil members
voting thereon. The comlanles are given
two vears In which to change their form
of policy If found necessary.
8. F. 273, by Ollls of Valley Provides
. . .mnliiuitni'
ror lncorpuruuu" well as tno oiispnng.
liability Insurance companies by un .,. u. Slli by Morris of t'herry-Estub-group
of twenty or more employers, wno ll(ll0!i a Mcil sanuury board of five
have In the aggregate at leust 6,tM) em- ,enibers to be appointed by the gov
ployes In Nebraska and who havo ac-rll0r; one member to be uclually en
n.ntA the provisions of the working-, tmrcil in breedlnir horses, one cattln. dim
men s compenBttiiuii n.-v.
8 P W. by Hoaglund ot Lincoln-Prevents
a murderer trom receiving life In
surance of deceased.
H. R. 71, by Regan of Platte Requires
Insurance companlts to pay plaintiffs at
torney's fees In successful suits for re
covery under life, accident. Indemnity,
sickness or guaranty, policy, amount lo
be fixed by trial Judfce. (Emergency.)
H. R. 276, by Palmer of ClHy und Har
din of Hurlan-On petition of 10 per cent
of Nebraska members, officers of nny
fraternal insurance association must
submit to a referendum any proposed
Increase In premiums or assessments, a
mutnritv vote being required to muke
incrcasu effective. (Emergency )
8. P. 313, by Wolz of Dodge County
or municipal boards to co-operate with
drainage or irrigation district lioardB in
eonstructlon of bridges acrofcs new chan-
if HlRjtifree HratnaiZA dlBtrlct shall I
rnnlr road or pave It in its original
condition, county or tnun:c:palUy to main-
tain nruiges aner vniiBirii'-iiuii
S. P Si, hy Bushee of Klmhal In-
crvases authority ot stute irrlButlon boanj
Late Legislature
or Vetoed by the
oier irrigation districts, uatn c.iniinls-. . mother may have divorced nnd reiuarrle
sinner or district noil nut In- resident J under Indian custom, all suuli inurrlaAen
thereof, duties of wnter riitniulssUiiU'r tot to be solemnized by license from county
be prescribed hy state board Instead ot;S!ourt; prohlbitH nil tribiil marrmgis or
by statute, t Emergency.) t ulioioe In the- future. iKmirnnv i
il It. mi. by Mt-iirns of Scott'i Illuf r J H. It. 7C. by Anderson of Keariv y Pro
Requires monthlv meetings of irrigation ?j "Hilts the nmrrlngp of Mhltei uitli per
district hoards thioughout the year In-V one-eighth or move negro,
Mead of oniv through the Irrigation sea-or Chinese. Present lhw. one-fourth
nn ,S uegrii. with no prohibition agnlnBt Japan-
S P. 416. by Ilushee of Klnibn,ll-PerJ( re and Clilnonp.)
mlt oll In Irrigation district elrtlonw -n . ,
to be opened only from 1 to 6:80 p m.,;i JrCnUl.
at the discretion of tho board of dlrec-j S. F. 200. by Haarmon eif Doiiela'; -tors,
when the district contains 12.000 Makes it n misdemeanor to . ti
ftOf tf lr". il pulilt, flax or linseed oil. Imnr ini"i
8 P 41B bv Rushre of Klmball-lf a. labeled, penalty, S o to p fir, J o n
bond Issue hy an Irrigation dlBtrlct foi-J prlsnnment not to exceed sixty dai
the purpose of nciiulring new nrnnprtvl rUm.irir..inv ' '
in ummiiK iuiirovpnipiiiB luiau op iiibui-h
flclent to complete the work, the Irrlgn-i
tloll district iKjnrd inav lew n miprial
Kssessinput to meet the deficiency. otl
may call a sr-cond election to bte morWI
bonds, such bonds to bp a second lelti
on proppny (limrrgency.)
S. P 16. by Bushee of Klmbatl-Manv
minor changp In detail of Irrigation ills-1
trlct organization, an elector who is non
resident In district to be given a vote'
In tlmt dlvlrdon of dlBtrlct. wherpln hut
has the most property iultv after October 1.
H P 11. by Bushee Provide pennltlpsil '' J'-.,, by Richardson of Lancaster
ror iiii-eriliig or otherwise Interfering-
With Irrigation canal: If amount nf u-utnr
diverted or dnmngiM amounts to less
than $20 ImpriBoiimont for not mure than'
.in nays or rino of not over $100: If i
I dnillHgp ureater than S20. Itnnrlntitimntii
water rights for Irrlcatton
SthVr UBeful nurpaaes. highways and
a'I 8,lch t- bo
fllrr.ct !? th?. B.t,i, "uprcmn court. Instead
rpd.VrV a,slr,CT ; prescribe pro
R 17D. hv Hnffmpl.tpr f ot,n.n
f"1? r nh net or scrennnt
!S?tt5!.Lr. 5' n1wtlon ditch. 3iinh
not over one inch; penalty for nojrlrct
after twentieth day from notification by
deputy jrame warden, $1 per day.
H. R. TBI, by Stearns of Mcottnlt'luff
Permits tho use of seepage water when
such use does not damage any other
property, not to oxcec dthreo feet to tho
acre. (Emergency.)
11- "H. by Stearns of Bcott's Bluff
Declares Irrigation work to be common
carriers and plaoe regulation or rates,
service and genpttil arrnlr of Ml irriga
tion work. ;snv thoso of Irrigation dlB
trlct. under Uio direction or tho state
railway commission.
R ,,".' urnushec-Repeals 1.111 passod
by mil legislature giving double water
appropriation to -certain lands In western
Nebraska and prescribes way In which
water from lakes nnd Btnan streams fnay
bo diverted for Irrigation.
Helatinp; to Labor.
R P, 233, by Cordeal of Red Wlllow
Provldes publlo boards shall require con
tractors for constructing public building
to give bond to secure payment of labor
nnd material used therein.
II. R. 221, by Jcnry of Lancaster Cre
nti'H hoard of mediation and Investiga
tion to -piyvimt nnd settle Industrial
strikes and lockout; provides for local
boards; state lioard of threo member
appointed by governor to receive $r. per
lay and expense: $2,004 nnnronrlatod for
-expense; entire matter optional with om-
luuyer nnci employe,
8. P. 40, by Grossman-Permits a con
tractor or laborer to secure n. lien on
eloctrlc light or gn fixtures for labor
or material.
S. P. 139, by Kemp Any officer, agent
or attorney of any voluntary nsnnrlmlnn
or labor organization, who embezzles Its
property, shall be deemed guilty of cm-J
bezzlcmetit und penalized according to
wim a, 'S," i". . .
S. h. 159, by Tnlcott Extends factory
Sllllltlltloil mill lllBliectlon act In IneJllilo
nil factories, workshops und machine
shops, instead of only those employing
eight .or mure persons; authorises ap
pointment by labor cotnlssluner of fac
tory Inspectors, to bo paid $4 a day and
expenses; prescribes extensive detailed
specification for bolt guards and other
safety precautions.
S. P. 161, by Dodgo of DouglaB-Pro-hlblts
contrnct labor by stato convicts;
prlronprB to lie employed ns far ns pos
Hlblo In manufacture of clothing, shoes
und supplies for other state Institutions;
may be employed to mntiuracture arti
cles for Balo that are not manufactured
privately in tho Blnto; all building and
repairs for tho stato to bo by convict
labor wherever possible, Mich labor to be
charged to Uie Institutions; institution to
no cri-ditea with bourd ot prisoners ut
not to exceed 60 cents a day; convict
may bo loaned to any county, city or
Village for public work.
K. I''. 334, by Tulcott of Knox-Estab-IIbIicb
a maximum working day for
women of nine hour and maximum of
fifty-four hours u week; publlo utility
employes exempted.
11. R, 161, by Knudsnu of Nance Re
moves exemption of ueigcs where debt is
rontrnctrd for noccssltlns of lift; uxeicu
lion for wnges shall not Issue until Judg
ment Is rendered.
H. R. 222, by Harris of Buffalo-Establishes
artisans' lien on personal property.
H. R. 026, by Brain and Ixwey listah
llshp n minimum wngu commission, ap
pointed by the governor, to servo with
out salary; commission has power to ap
point wage boards In any industry, com.
posed of three employers, threo employes
und three outsiders. If two-third of
such bonrds agree upon a minimum wage
calo It shall be published by the com
mission, and thereafter any employer not
maintaining the Bcale nltall bo proclaimed
In tho public print; no other method ot
enforcement; appropriates $2,600.
H. R. 63S, by Busch or Otoe-Makes fine
for eelllug liquor to habitual drunkards,
idiots or Insane $5 to $100.
S. P. 73, by Hhumwuy of Dixon Make
the Bale, girt or tratiHfur ot Intoxicants
of uny Hurt to an Indian ot whole or
mixed blood, punlshUble by a fine ot not
more than $100. or Imprisonment for not
inoie than three months, nor less than
thirty days, convicted defendant to pay
costs of prosecution. (Emergency.)
H. IL 223, by Jackson or Nuckolls Pro
hibits tho misuse by tiny other than the
owner thereof of name, mark or brand
on receptacles used In the sale ot non
Intoxicating bevcruireB. Ice cream and
butter, prohibits tho theft thereof arid
provides for searching or premises to find
: lay for misuse of receptacle. $1
to $10 for raoh offense; penalty for theft.
ti to iiu. r.mi-rgency.
Live Stock.
ll. B. 42, by Hurdln of Harlan-Pcrnilta
the owner c-f u hull, Mtalllon or Jack tu
i . l i .. 1 , . .. ,. ...... A ,. . .. ..... .. .. .. -
liuiu m. iii-u iui bfi tvu uhuh iuu uaiu us
HWlno and ono a representative of the
bouth Omaha stock yutds; board to servu
without pay; duties to Investigate live
stock conditions und to take precautions
to prevent dlreasps, board has tight or
compulsory quarantine.; board recom
mends to governor an appointee as state
veterinarian at $3,600 (now $1,Vj0) and as
sistants. H R 174, by Anderson of Boyd Pro.
i Ides that Btook shippers who travel more
than soventy-flve miles with stock ship
ments must ho given transportation In a
coach with standard seats (old law 100
miles limit); penalty Increased from $10
per day: violation $ino, ( Emergency.)
If. It. 818, by (Stevens of Lincoln Pro
vides that every employer of female help
If stores, factories, offices or schools
hall provide u seat for every such em
ploye for rest when not working; no
pinalty for violation.
S. P. 74. by .Shumwav of Knox -legal
izes all Indian trlbul murilasit. between
iii ia,, ... ..., ,.,i if
,'lt tniu. of approval of this act. legltlma
u.m i.iihlicii of ln-Uans wno uuve ro-
I .it ,t -l ;i fun , .itnUi ii' ian
eustonn, notwltlistmiding that futher und
8. F. Mi. bv Ktntiiix i 1 1,
Defines the crime or sodomy and pro
) " penalty of Imprisonment In the ic il
tcntlnry for hot more' than twi niv ,."
ls. P. IkS 111- l!nl-tllinr l ,.,. 1...
tf riliall Itso false or misleading stntcnirnt .
""i"'"" i bv" or increase tne con.
fluinptlnn or any article may bo fin. I
from ttS to $100.
)l . ll. 17, by Ileuter of Otoo Substitute s
plrctrocutlon f r hangltnr an iipniii npn
r.";"T ,l. " ' iiiiioutut- dope
Intoxicants Into ln-nlti-ntlnrv
tories, Jalla or aKylums, penalty, one to
five years' Imprisonment. ICmcrgetv y
. V' 'r. 177 ?'V O Mnllej or Hall
Mukes It a mlsllemjanor to exhibit u
wild man or wild wolnnn. nny deformed
person or any Immodtst or Immoral
Hhtiw. fine or from $26 to $100 or Jail
entpnce of from thirty lo ninety days,
or lK.(h.
8. F. 113. by Dodgo of Hougln -Penalizes
manufacture, nnU or forgery ot
faked aroheologlcttl relic by flue of from
$10 to $100.
S F 3tu, hy Dodgo of Douglns-Pro-v
des that dlschnrged penitentiary con
vict shall be given JlO, a suit of clothe,
Hti overcoat and a Ulblp.
II R. 17, by BliBcli of Otoe-Ppnalty for
1. ,ri!.tl,.M ,,r Property valued at Ipsa
than $36, ImprlBonmont for not over thirty
days or fine of not less than $t00; old law
penalized destruction of property worth
less than $100 hy thirty days' Imprlson
niPilt nr fine ot twice tho n-nltlo of the
damngetl prnpoity.
H. R. 19, by IhiBch of Otoe-Penalty for
dustructton r property valued at ovet
$.V tlxed at ono to three years In peniten
tiary, not over Vhr months In county Jnl!
or fine of not -over $2iX); old law gav
owner of property right to recover ilain
age and did not Include, latter two pen
alties. H. R, flfil, by Relscho of Dawes One
half ot the earnings of each penitentiary
or reformatory convict to bo paid each
month to his dependents; if there bo no
such dependent, to bo invested for hla
use after illHchnrge
H, R. 108. hy Norton of Polk -Real es
tate Included In Inventory of decedent's
ostnto; appraisement option at discretion
of probate Judgo. (Emergency.)
H. R. 67i. by Yates pf Douglas-Requires
that nil flour be stninped with
iiama of manufacturer nnd placo ot man
ufacture: defines mlstntemont of curn
'tlv valun of any drug or food prepara
tion a "misbranding" under tho pure
food law.
8, P. 82, by Dodgo ot Dollgln Dlvldei
penitentiary oonvlctB Into three classes,
according to tiaturo or ofrciise and con
duct In prison; provide ror a nlghl
school and for military exercise,
H. R. 67. by Repnti of Platte Requlrci
all "light" locomotives to bo Inalthed b
enRlneer, iflromnn and ciindtietnr, or pilot
When running from ono division point tc
H. R. 20, by Richardson of Litnohster
AUowh railroads or express tompnnlt-s to
'transport household gomls of employes
free of charge. Emergency.
H. R. 116, by Mallery-Req ulres rail
roads to oqulp all HWltt-hstands with
tights betwpen hours of NUnxcl and sun
rise In times of dark weather, penalty,
fine of not over $3 for padh offense.
H. R. 436. hv Scott nf Hi.inUtiin-Hi..
iiulre railroad to cntiHtruct sidetrack to
tiny Industry adjacent to its right-of-way
on demand of proBpcctlve Blilppcr. bIiII
H'r ,tty C0Bt lf nillrdnel so requires.
J (Emergency.)
w. i' -14, by corneal of Red Willow -Requires
nil railroad locomotives to b
equipped with headlight capable of out
lining the figure of a man at a distance
of 000 feet; violation hy nhy official pen
alized by flno ot $100 to $600 for each of
fenw. H. R. tt, by Poster or Douglas-Pro l
Tty transported by railroads made sub
ject to lien for charges thereon If un
perishable freight Is left With charger
unpaid for sixty daj'H, railroad may hpII
sumu nt publlo auction after mailing no.
tlce tn consignor und consignee; fruit,
fresh fish, oysterB nnd other perishable,
property may be sold twenty-fmir hours
after notice has been given consignee,
owner may claim uny excess over charges
ut any time within twelve months.
H. R. 172. by Weston of Clay Requires
nil railroad to maintain gate at cross
ings In cities or villages ot less than 6.000
population when there are three or more
tracks at such crossing, and to maintain
a watchman ut each cronatng from 7 u,
m. lo 8 p. m., save In rnse no trains run
on Sunday, auch Watchman may bo dis
pensed with; penalty, $3 to $100 fine for
encli dav'n offense.
S. F. 26, by Hoagland of Llncoln-rWhen
railroad or Rtrect rnllwuy employe brings
ult for personal Injury against employer,
ussumptlon ot rlak Bhall not be a legal
derense In casts where negligence by the
employer, his servants or agent Is
hhown. (Emergency.)
8. P. 61, by Grace of Harlnn-Rallroad
i-rosslngs shall not bo less than twenty
feet In width and shall be constructed
of the Bathe material for euch crossing,
must be no opening or filled places ex
cept for rnllB.
8. F. 174, by Graco of Harlnn Requires
transportation for live stock Bhlpper to
tnnrket und return for shipment of a
alnglt car. (Former law, two car.)
Roads and Bridges.
If. R. C5. by McKlssIck and Schoull
Permlt expenditure of Inheritance tnx
fund for any road Improvement tfotuur
Uw only for permanent Improvement),
repeals requirement that such Improve,
tnent begin ut corporate limits ot some
city; allow counties of less than 60,00)
iKipii'nili-ii tt una am) for Improvement
of any out, fill or highway (formerly
under S0.OUO); letting nf contract by com
petitive bids not required In such cases.
ll. R. 41, by Mockett of Luncaster
Permits county board of Lancaster county
to Improve road within corporate limits
of city of Lincoln, when such roads are
nxtetloiiB of Improved c inrity highways;
relieves local condition. Emergency,
H. R. 14, by Prlea and Howard Pro
vides that county roads ahull be marked
by surveyor on both sides; present law,
one side. Emergency.
ll. R. 112, bv Hoarlu of Keith In cour
tles not under township organization
county board Is authorized to appropriate
unexpended balune-ei from luv- lnet ItonUT
levy, to bo used for rond Improv-ineut In
such preclnot.
II. II. 2W, by Richardson or Lancaster -Proildes
for systematic road dragging,,
county board to divide county Into drug
ging districts, to appoint n superintendent
In each precinct or township at a wage
of not over $2.60 per day; county board to
furnlBh road drug puld for out of county
road fund; dragging to bo paid for ut
not to exceed 75 cents inr mile by an
03 jo -KOdjoti j no j i)Ai aiup )oo;-Ti3
cent per mile with a seven-foot drag irid
two or three horres; i-ounty board ma
levy not to exceed 1 mill a year for spe
cial county road dragging fund.
H. R. 226, by Elwood of Antelope-
here a hit down-r is cut off from pub Ii
highway, on tltn n of count.- horl i
roadway may be e-ondemned through to
the public htghwn (Emergency )
S. P. 271. by lluaheo of Klmball-Cn -atlng
an utlvlsorj highway and brume
commission of three members, appolnteu
by the governor, to serve without pny it
expense appropriation; snld board to uci
In a purely advisory capacity when re
quested to do so by county boards, in
case of federal or state appropriation for
good roads said cominlfslon to consult
with county officials as to Its expend".
Schools and School Lands,
, H 2, by Pearson of Prontitr
f .ll',iIlV,,fi!,f0.l. y.ea.1. ?f
" "" ' " v "'" i
. -
(Continued, gn Putttj EluhXi