'pi lift rYrTT KrncrnAv TrT3. atttt. ot im i ; , , ' ., , aa The Busy Bees -HE spring Is hero and now Is tho Ume of tho year "when gardens I aro mad ready for tho pretty flowers, which bloom later in tin summer. I wondor how many Busy Dees have started thci gardens this spring? If you havo never had a garden you do not know Just Tvhnt fun it is to plant the little seeds one then watch them to seo Just what kind of plants they will grow to bo Not only is it nico to see tho flowors grow, but Is is a real Joy to go out to your very own garden and pick up a bunch of radishes, lettticn and little green onions and bring them in and these gardens need a little caro each ub mey win crowa out tno plants which are thoro to grow. If there are any BuBy Bees who started thoir gardens this summer It would bo nice if they would -write and toll just what they had planted, and how. large their gardens aro. A bunch of garden mo nomo ana tnese too can be raised Busy Bees taken tripB into tho woods to look for them yet, but within a be showing their small blue faces from out of their winter hiding places The Busy Bees have a few moro new king and queen. Little Stories (First Prize.) The Teacher's Choice. By James Wengert Bluo Side. Maple ton, la. "I don't seo why teacher chose Ruth Mooro to play the piano for our drills, you?" "No," Kitty shook hor head thought fully. "I can't see why she did," she said, puckering her forehead. Ruth don't play nearly so well as Mae Smith or Nell Allen. "Well of, course, they are a Bood deal older than she Is." said Grace hur riedly. ''You wouldn't expect her to play so well." "No," agreed Kittle. "Ruth keeps good time but she does not know nearly so many pretty pieces as tho other girls. Mae plays a good many beautiful marches." "Yes, I know," said Grace, "but I can't see why teacher chose Ruth to play the piano.. Then there Is little Caroline Peck to lead the drill. I think Mao Smith Bhould have played the piano and Nell Allen lead the drills," said Kittle. But hero tho conver sation broko up and the little girls went to their homes. About three weeks later when tho classes wore studying their les sons quietly, Nell Allen raised her head from her book and gave a prolonged sniff. At the sound all tho children raised their heads and soon sniffs were heard all over the room. Soon the teacher raised her head and went to the door, a puff of smoke greeted tho open ing, she closed It quickly and went bask to her pupils. She raised her pencil tor the drill and Ruth came quickly and started out on a simple march. Tho children arose and started towards the door. As little Caroline Peck passed through the door the teacher leaned over and whispered to her, "Are you afraid Caroline?" "No, ma'am." said Caroline quietly. Just then the children from tho lower hall wero heard rushing out doors. This was too much for somo of the chil dren and half a dozen- of them, led by Mae Smith and Nell Allen, broke out of line and started running down stairs. "Mae, Nell, stop where you are," called the teacher catching hold 6"f Nell. "I won'tl I won't!" screamed Nell and i twisting herself free, she rushed down stairs folowed by Mae and a few others. Just then Ruth started "Tramp! Tramp!" and the remaining children fell Into line and led by Caroline they marched down stairs and out of tho building singing' lustily. As the last children filed out of tho room the teacher turned. She could scarcely se"b Ruth because of the smoke. "Come, dearie," she called. Ruth played the last of the strain then came quickly across the room. The teacher took her hand and they hurried after tho others. When they came out of the building Ruth saw Caroline standing alone and she hurried across the lawn and started home with her. As they ncared the pavement a gentle arm stole around them and the teacher said, kiss ing first ono and then the other. "I knew you wero brave enough to do It." P. S. Try very hard to beat the Reds. (Second Prize.) The Violets. By Bernard Aiken. Aged 9 Years, am South Ninth Street, Omaha. Red Side. Once upon a time there were some -violets, but they were asleep In the dark earth. The sun told tho violets that May day was comlns soon and the children wanted all the flowers they could get. II also said that he would send his warm rays down on them to help them grow. The rain ald It would help them by watering them. So the violets thought, "We will grow." Tho sun warmed them and the rain watered them. Many violets came up and with them came green leaves. Bye and byo children came. One of them saw the violets and said, "These are Just what I wanted." The children gathered many flowers and took them home. They had pretty baskets and they filled them with flowers. That night after supper they put the baskets at different doors, rang the door bell and ran. Tho violets wore put at a little girl's door. She heard the bell and went to get them. Bheept them as long as she could, but they 'soon withered and died. Tin violets were satisfied, for they had done their duty. P. S. I am a new Busy Bee and I want to Join the Red Side. (Honorable Mention.) A Passion Flower. By Vcma Clark, Aged 10 Years, Genoa, Neb. I am a flower of the genus Passeflora. I am pure and very white. A cross can be seen in me If I am looked at closely. Many girls and boys lovo me. One day when I was In a beautiful garden beside the rose a small child came past. Linger ing at the gate, she looked to Bee If any one saw her, and with her rosy hand covere'd with dimples she picked me and also my friend, a white rose. Homo she went and put me in a glass of fresh water. The house was old and one more wind could have shaken it down, One, two, three days went past. No one gave me fresh water. Four days had gone. I had fresh water then and on the seventh day I was taken to a large white house. Jt was a church. A largo man prayed and sang. On the way home I withered, petal by petal fell, then my stem, but my heart was kept safely In a book, the holy Bible, and there I lie still and I may He forever. Fourth of July. By Annie Kahnk. Aged 10 Years. Ken nard, Neb, It was a week before the Fourth and Ralph and Arthur, who were friends. were talking about what they were going to do the Fourth. Ralp said. "I have a dollar; t am going to get somo flrecrack. ers, lco cream and lemonade, and If I have them for supper. To be sure, day, for the weeds must be kept out flowers aro always nlco to have in with Just a little care. Havo any for violets? It Is a llttlo bit too early week or two theso llttlo friends will days to send in their votes for their by Little Folk RULES FOR Y0UN WRITERS 1. Write plainly on one side of we paper only ana nnmbir th pages. . Use pen and Ink, not pencil. 3. Short ana pointed artleHs will b given preference. So sot ate ovor 350 words, 4. Original stories or letters only will be used. 0. Write your name, age and ad ?" at th t0P of tho first page, rirst ana seoona prises of books wlU be given for the best two con. trlbntlons to this page each week. Address all communications to CHrCSBSXTS DEPARTMENT, Omaha Bee. Omaha, Neb. see anything else I want I'll get It, too." Arthur said, "I Just havo CO cents, but I'm going to get me some firecrackers. ice cream and lemonade and I am going to run a race with the boys." Then Ralph said, "Oh! I am, too; I never thought of that." "How old aro you?" Inquired Arthur. "I am 13." "How old are you? I am 13, too." "Well, we are old enough to run," said Arthur. "So .you try to win first prize and I'll try for second prize." Tho prize were S and 330. Ralph said, "If I get first prize I'll treat all the girls there." Arthur said, "If I get second prize I'll treat half of the girls there." "All right," said both boys. "Let us try, and we will practice ' every day." So I think the boys won, as "Practice make perfect" Charlie. By Helen Hhnrahan, Aged IS Tears, 3577 Pierce Street, Omaha. When Charley was 8 years old his father gavo him a nice fishing lino for his birthday. Ho had often wished for one and at last he got one. Tho first day It was nice Charles went fishing. "Be sure to bring home a nice mess ot fish," said his father. "Oh, yes, papa," said Charley. And with his pole over his shoulder he started out. What fun It was! First he dug some worms for bait; then he baited his hook nicely; then he stood on the llttlo plat form which was built for the fishermen and threw out hs line. For a long time the painted cork floated about on the top of the water. But after a while it tipped to one side and went under. "Hurrah," said Charley, and he pulled the line with a Jerk; but the bait was gone and there was no fish. the next time," and the next time ha did. It was the first fish he ever caught. After that ho caught many fish, but ha never had as good a time as he did when ho tried ono whole afternoon and only caught one fish. My Pony. By Chester Witte, Aged 10 Years, Ben son, Neb. Red Bide. I have a little Shetland pony. His name It Fleetfoot. We have lota of fun with him. Wo hitch him up to tho llttlo buggy. I often take my little friends out for a ride on Sunday afternoons. We don't work him, for he Is too small. We- leave him run around In the pasture when we are not driving him. This Is my first letter and hope to see It In print. I would like to Join the Red Side. My Pet Kitten. By Mabel Wltte. Aged 1J Years, Benson, Neb. Blue Side. One Sunday afternoon I was walking In the woods, gathering pretty flowers here and there, when all ot a sudden I heard a cat crying not far from where I was. I went in the direction from where the sound came from and found a gaunt looking, half-starved kitten. I felt so sorry for the poor little thing that 1 took It up and carried It home with mo and fed It some warm milk. I kept It and It grew to be a beautiful white cat. When I found it. It was a dirty color. It Is a great pet of mine now and I have taught him many funny little tricks. I named him Buzz. I would like to Join the Blue Side. Your new Junior. Edna's Punishment. By Laura Glantz, Aged 12 Years, 1320 V V Street, Lincoln. Neb. Blue Side. Edna had to work very hard. She had to do the dishes every morning, noon and evening, while her elder brothers and filters sat In the parlor. One night as she was at work, she could hear the merry voices of her play mates playing out side. This made her very angry, and she threw down her dish cloth and went to the back door. As she stood there thinking what to do, she made up her mind to run away. So she went to the lake and got into her small row boat and rowed to the other side of the lake. When she got there she tied up her boat and began to walk around. Finally she came to a small shanty that was vacant, She went Inside and found some dry stale bread and some dirty bacon In a skillet She did not like the looks of things there so she went out side. She sat down on one side of the house, thinking what to do next; she now wished she was home again, for it began to get dark. Just as she turned to the lake, she saw two figures coming towards her. This frightened her very much, and her knees began to tremble with fear. Just as they got to the shanty they went In and she heard them talk about there good luck and what they had ound. A few minutes later th turn back towards tho direction fron) which they came from. Kdna had by this tlmo made up her mind to go back home, so she started towards tho lake, but when she got there her boat was gone. Tho two men had taken it, and they were now out of sight Of course thero, was nothing to be done, and Edna had to stay over night out side. Tho next day the whole town was in search for LMnn, and the parents had hunted all night for her. In the after noon she saw a boat coming, sailing town tho lake, and to tho great relief of Kdna, It was her parents. They quickly took her home, for she was nearly starved to death. Ever after that. Edna would only be to glad to wash the dishes every night without thinking of running away. Robert's Story. By Alice Mahoney, 41W Chicago Btrect. Omaha. .Mother." said Robert, "I want to teU you a etory about a little boy.' ""I would bo glad to hear It," said his mother. "Ill namo Is Robert, tho same as mine, but It only happens to bo the same. Of courso. this story Is about an other boy." "Certainly." said his mother. "Well, once this boy was afraid to go upstairs alont in the dark. That'll like me," said Robert. "His mother said, 'My boy, If you ro upstairs In the dark three times I Will give you a reward.' " "How Interesting," said his mother. "Did he do ItJ" "Yes," said Robert; "at least he's been up twlco already. His mother said she would surely give him a reward of some kind." "How many times have you been up stairs alone?" said Robort's mother. "Twice," said Robert "If you will go upstairs alone tonlcht I will make the storv coma tru nnd give you a reward. I will take you downtown and you can choose any new toy that you want." "Oh, Joyl" replied Robert "1 am in glad I told you the story." After Robert had been upstairs alono three times lie was never afraid to go again. r The Blue Bird. By Florence Pursoll, Aged 10 Years, IMM Webster Avenue, Omaha. Once there, was a bird and It was named Blue Bird and was so happy It would sing a nice song and went flying away. The bird saw a mall box and put somo straw in It and It laid some eggs. How many eggs do you think It laid? It laid two eggs. And I looked In It and there was two eggs and the bird was gone. Someone got up there and broko one egg and there was ono left. And the bird never left any more. The Day Mildred Played Hookey. By Alta Dickover. Aged 12 Years, Atkin son, Neb.. Mildred was a little girl of about 10 years old. She had been going to school very regularly all through the winter, but now when spring was here and it was getting so warm, she began to dislike going to school. ' One bright, warm afternoon, a few of the pupils suggested, she play hookey with them that afternoon and go for a nice walk. This sounded very fine to Mildred. All morning she was thinking of the fun they would have. In the afternoon sho was with the rest Soul Escaped Its Bonds "X was deaf, and I hear; I was blind, and I seer I was dumb, -and I speak," The words were the oratorical climax In one of tho most remarkable addresses thatvan American or any other audience has ever been privileged to hear. They were spoken by Miss Helen Keller In her first address beforo a New York City audience, In the Forty-eighth Street the ater, Sunday night, March 80. Soma of the speaker's previous words had not been easily understood by her hearers, though their attention was almost painfully alert to catch every syllable that fell from the speaker's lips; but these words rant; out with a clearness that made them un derstood by the remotest listener: There was an unmistakable note of triumph In them; and the realization of the years of patletjt struggle that their utterance hod cost brought tears to many eyes. It was In the answering of questions, however, at tho conclusion of the ad dress, that the most dramatics Incidents of the evening occurred. Miss Keller, re moving one of her gloves, placed the fingers of her right hand on her teach er's face tho little' finger on the throat, the other fingers on the lips, and the thumb on the side of the nose. In thus Interpreting speech, Mrs. Maey explained, her pupil had a alight advan tage over the seeing deaf who Interpret speech by Hp reading which, she said, "Is to a considerable extent guesswork, for the Hp reader cannot get the guttural sounds or the nasal tones," as Miss Keller can by the touch method. The questions asked by the audience were repeated by the teacher, and almost Instantly grasped by her pupil, who answered them, facing the audiece, with quick wit and with an engaging smile that fairly lit up her face as a humorous fancy passed through her brain. One question was, "it is said that you WOMEN TAKE NOTICE! A i?0. tfnnot understand the torture and suffering many women endure nncomplaininglr. II the majo'ity ol men suffered at much pain and endured with patience the weakening sicknesses that most women do, tbey would ask lor immediate sympathy and look for quick cure. Many women havo been saved from a life ol misery and suffering by turning to the right remedy Dr, Pierce's Favorito Prescription a remedy which is safe to take became containing no narcotics, alcohol or injurious ingredients. It it an alterative, extract of roott, made with pure glycerin, and first given to the publio by ,.1;t.!mou, Pcialitt in the ditesiet of women Dr. It. V. Pieroe, of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inttitute of Buffalo, N. Y. Ms. HcaiBuiiEs, stomach, liver and AN OMAHA BUSY BEE WHO LIKES THE PAGE. SSBBBBBBBBBBsRrMUk. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb1 PMra ay zirmtn BERNARD AIKIN. of the children on their walk. They had each taken a little lunch along, which had been arranged and bought on tho way. They came to a shady lane and It was there they ato their lunch. After a little play they went back home. It was early and before school was put Mildred's mother was much alarmed to see her so early; she thought her llttlo daughtor was sick. "Well," began Mrs. White, "why are you homo so early?" "Ain't school out yet?" asked Mildred, beginning to, tremble. "It's only half past three, how did you get here so early?" Mildred was so frightened that she be gan to cry. She then told her mother what she and her schoolmates had done. Jle mother took her In her room, put hor to bed and thero sho slept until morning. In the morning, Mrs. Whlto took Mil dred to school. She had to go and tell tho professor all about It but never to this day did she play hookey again. Snow White By Waltor Paul Pattce, Aged 12 Yoars, Avoca, la. uea time. Once there was a llttlo girl and her name was Snow Whlto. One day she went In tho woods and sho got lost and sho ran. and ran.1 At last sho came to a little house and she stayed there. When the dwnrfs camo home thoy found her In the bed asleep. They did not wako her up, and tho next morning they told aer that It sho would stay with them they would give her anything that she would like to have. John's Kindness, By Marie Neville. Aged 11 Years, S72S jones oireei, umuni. John was walking' to the store one day when he' saw a boy going through a tunnel out west Tho boy was driving In the desert Ho was whipping his horse as hard as he could. John went up to him and said, "Do yoa not see It Is dark In here and the horeo cannot see where to go? Let him go slowly and can play on the harp and even on the organ. Is this truo?" With her 'Illuminating smile the answer came, "If I can play on an organ, It must be a hand organ." "Is your sense of touch abnormally koen?" was another question. "It Is the same as yours, but It has been developed more thoroughly." "How about the sense of taste?" With another laugh came the answer, "I like good things to eat." Someone asked, "Do you practice men tal healing?" There was here' a moment's confusion between the words "feeling" and "healing," but when "healing" was finally understood the reply came like a flash: "I'm no doctor!" The Joy of hearing this part of Miss Keller's talk was that It gave one the sense ot listening to a bright, happy. normal girl, who loved her friends, her home, her work In life and her hooks. As to her books, one question brought out her Interest In current literature. The Spectator bogan by saying that tho climax of Helen Keller's address was in tho words cited In the first of these para graphs. But on reflection he thinks that the real climax of the occasion was when a hearer asked, "Do you know when we applaud?" Pupil and teacher came td Mm footlights, whero there was no floor cov ering to Interfere with the vibrations, and Miss Keller's face assumed an Intent ex pression while the theater rang with ap plause for the herolo girl who had strug gled to light through darkness and who had voiced a message of love and Inspira tion to everyone present "Yes, I know you are applauding; I feel it," wero the words that told that her friends had communicated In return their love and sympathy to the Imprisoned soul that had escaped Its bonds and was free, The Outlook. Mas. Lizzie M. Hessiieimkii, of Lincoln, Neb., 529 0" St, says: "I send a testimonial with much pleasure bo that some fullering woman may know tho true worth of your remedies. I was a great sufferer from female troubles but after taking one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which a friend advised me to take, 1 found myself very much Im proved. After taking three more bottles, and using two boxes of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets, I found myself on tho road to recovery. I was In poor health for Ave year but now I am cured. "I hope all women suffering from female weakness will give Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a fair trial Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellett rcrfulate and tnrHnr.fi, bowels. Suar-coatcd, tiny granule then when you get through you can whip him If necvusary." Tho boy looked at John starlngly. At last John said, "I don't seo any need In whipping a horse, anyway." "Well, I do," replied tho Impudent hoy. So ho went on doing It through tho tun nel. As thoy were riding through the boy felt two or threo hard bumps, but thought nothing of it. When they got out of tho tunnel the boy saw tho horse was badly tirulacd, John then said, "Look nt your horse." Tho boy said, "I don't onre." "Well," said John, "may 1 havo the horso?" "Yes," said tho boy. John took the horso and treated It with kindness and care. They won innny prizes In horso races ami different things. John said It paid very well to be kind. New Busy Bee. I want to Join tho Busy Bees. Gladys Eagleton. As;cd 11 Years. De catur, Nub. April 15, 1913. I will send you r story. Onco upon n tlmo thero was a dog and ho found a plcco ot meat Ho was cross ing a bridge on his way home and hn saw In tho water another dog with a piece of meat. Ho wanted It and grabbed for It and lost his meat by being greedy. Our Kitchen Party. By Mary Davis. Aged 11 Yenrs. (llbbon, Neb., lied Side. Last Wednesday evening 15va Sprnguc, Helen Mlllor, Bernlco Ashburn, ISola Tomber and Miss Amlok (my school teacher) came over to my house after school. They put oti their aprons and started to work. Carrto Lumps, our hired girl, helped us and wo got supper which was composed of deviled eggs, fruit salad, escalloped potatoes, tea, minced ham, biscuits and honey and for dessert we had sliced pineapples and cake, and lots of other things. After wo got through cooking Miss Amlck took a flash light of us. Then we went to the parlor and played the piano and sang. Then Carrie called us and said supper was rondy and we went Into tho dining room and ato our supper. After supper we went upstairs In my room and held a special meting of 13. a B. (our club). Then they wont downstairs and washed and wiped tho dishes. When we got through with them wo had some candy and then they went home. It waB wet and snowy the next day and Eola didn't come to school. Wo teased her and said sho had eaten too much and had gotten sick and had to stay at home. A Penny. By Lester Anderson, Aged 9 Years, CCS ouuin imriy-iourin street, gmana. Blue Side. Once I was n penny and I bolonged to an old lady. Then the old lady gavo me to her swoet llttlo girl. I always llkod to be In her hands, because she was so gentle. One day she gave ma to a store keeper for a stick of candy. In the afternoon a traveling man camo In and bought a pipe. The traveling man wanted to chango some big money. I was a piece of small change. Then he happened to Ofrop ma Into his suitcase. One day ho got on a train and I had not been taken out of the suit case yet Then when tho train started to go I started to Jump up and down. Just when I started to go down nbout the second time I happened to drop In his pocket One day as he was putting a ahlrt on that I was In I dropped out A few days after a little girl found me, and as she was playing In the yard she happened to loso me In a street gutter and I was never owned again, and that was tho end of my life. PRATTLE OF THE YOUNGSTERS. Barber Well, young man, how would you like to have your hair cutT Young Man Oh, like papa's, with a hole on tho top. "You must not cat any more tonight, You can make your business grow through the proper use of news paper space. The small merchant may find display space too ex pensive, but he always can use the classified columns of The Bee to great advantage. The expense is only a few cents a day and the results are amazing. The Bee classified pages offer you a large circulation among people with large and small incomes. They reach the people who buy most willingly. Use a Bee ad for a while. Phone it to Their Own Page SUNDAY, Al'ltlL 117. Year. 1000 1903 1900 1905 1902 IS98 1903 1901 1901 1903 1005. .. . . . 1S98. 1900 1898 1S99 1900 1901 1900 1901 1901 JP03 1902 1S99 1902 1000 1899 1902 1965 1900 190G 1006 1S99 1900 Nnmo nnd Address. School. Willie ArnibruBt, 1909 Ontario St Vinton Annlo Ulnckstono, 2428 Erakluo St Ltika Emily nrlzzl, 2928 South 20th St Vinton Ueorgo Edgnr Hrunor, 2722 Fort Omnhn Mlllor Va.rU Wnllnco Carlson, 2881 Burt St Webster Holon Margaret Crawford, 2110 Lako St. ,. .Howard Kennedy GoorRo Ksclln, 2020 Lako St Lake Paul Graff. 917 North 25th Avo Kollom Kttn Grossman, 1417 North 17th St Kollom John HnlRron, 2003 Atwood Avo.. Vinton Harold Horrlck, 530 South 26th Avo Farnam Joseph Howard, 717 South 31st Si Farnam Fred V. Irving, 2100 North 27th St Long Samuol Isrnol, 1826 North 21st St Kollom Androw Jncobaon, 816 South 51st St......... Deals Thoron Jofforson, 2202 North 27th St Long Arvld Gustavo Johnson, 132 North 37th St.. Saundors Gardner Kirk, 1461 Phelps Bt Edward Itosowator Goldlo G. Lovolady, 4215 Grand Avo Central Park Sylvia L. Lovolady, 4215 Grand Avo ... Central Park Dentrtco Lynch, 2429 Decatur St Long John McClcnoghnn, 3611 Jones St Columbian Edith Murphy, 1118 Frodorlok St Bancroft Niels Norro, 4610 Cuming St ...Walnut Hilt Thoresia Nybbolln, 3124 Lindsay Avo Howard Kennedy Thomas OakoB, 2023 Douglas St. . . t Central Lester Postnl, 1013 South 29th St Dupont Trlrablo Portor, 2122 North 28th Avo...; ....Long Edith Sadlor, 3016 Lafayotto Avo Franklin Floronco Seward, 2250 North 19th St Lako Mary C. Smith, 4002 North 26th St Druid. Hill Edith Woberg, 2214 North 26th St Long Irono La Vorn Winter, 3343 Boyd St Monmouth Park Willie," said his mother. "Don't you konw you can't sleep on a full stomach? "That's nil right, mamma,' replied the youngster. "I can nloep on my back. Llttlo Mnrglo was very fond of pan cakes. Ono morning she wns told that sho could not have any, as thero was no sour milk In tho house. ... 'Oh, dear," she exclaimed, "I wish we could keen two cows a sour ono and a sweet one," Little Mary was on a visit to her grandpa. On. Sunday ho took her with him to church. ttpylng a relative up In tho gullory sho whispered to h m. On grandpu, look up. There's auntie sitting on a shelf." Hilda (aged five) I saw an old woman today, mother, with a falso nose. Mother How do you know It wat false, dear 7 . , , HildaIt didn't show any signs of wear. A bright little girl, aged 4. and her brother, agod 6, wero spending the night with their aunt When bedtime cam; the aunt asked them how they said their prayers. Tho little boy answered: "Sometimes I say them to Muddle s knees and sometimes to tho side of the bed." "And how about you, little tin, r. mrA lh. nlin "T Ann't IlMd to KO.V any I sleep with daddy." "Bay, mother." asked Edgar, "when I grow up I'll be a man, won't IT" "Ye, my boy," answered tho mother, "but It you want to be a man you must be very Industrious at school, nnd learn how to behave yourself. You must not bo lazy, 'Wiiy, mother?" asked the little boy. "Do the lazy boys turn out to be women when thoy grow up?'1 Teacher Now, Tommy, what change takes place whon water freezes? Small Tommy A chango In prlco. "Now, Tommy," sold the teacher, "what Is dust?" "Dust" replied the little fellow, "Is mud with the Juloe squeezed out" "Pa, was Job a doctor?" "Not that I know of." "Thon why do people have so much to say about the patients of Job?" Tyler 1000 'This Is the tiny wo celebrato." OEEP CRACKS And Itching Sores. Started with Plmplos. Dreaded to Put Hand In Water. Scratched Until Blood CarriQ, Cured In a Month by Cu tlcura Soap and Ointment. It. V. V. No. 8. No. Crystal Lake, Xn "I had a most painful Itching right band from the thumb to tho wrist. It was covered with deep cracks and Itch ing sores. It started with small white pimples that Itched terribly and when I scratched them would open and a water-like stuff would come out Scabs would form to my annoyance, and they would then camo off and leave the hand red and very eere X dreaded to put ay Band la water as It would hurt awfully. I sometimes would scratch until blood Game sad then the bumlryf P&ln w enough to set a person crazy. X was aafeasaed to let anybody see my hand for It looked awfully, How X suf fered none can Imagine. X would wake up nights from pain caused by scratching. I had it for two years. It sometimes weald heal and break out again. " I tried ' salvo but that only made It worts. I udd different salves but none did me any good until I used Ontlcura Soap and Ointment Kow I have no more trouble and there) Is not a scar to be seen. In a month my hand was cured by Outleura Boap and Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Tneo Fret burger, May SB, 1019. Outleura Soap 26c. and Outleura Ointment COc, are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with S3-p. Sldn Book. Ad dress post-card "Outleura, Dept T, Boston." WTondor-fkced men should use OuKcura COVERED Do