Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
'fcopyrlBht, HI, by the Star Company. Great Britain nights Reserved.
' ' v
' ' ) B 1MhmBB Louise, the only daughter of tho Emporor of Goi
HB' , HBB Showing'
JssssssssssssssW lasssssssssm Near-1 rouer i IA n
1 W Skirt , 1V1
Pant, April 25.
THE chic Paruienae ! now giving a great deal of attention to the
hoe and docking the 'wean in the evening, at ball and Mau Ret'
taurant." Her newejl craze i to have her evening thoet made
with two long piece of velvet itudded with diamond; these come from
the back of the thoe, and are then bound round the ankle, Greek fathioa,
and fioiih half way up the leg with a diamond -ornament.
A beautifully dretsed Periiienne hat the clock of her flesh tiik ttock
in j embroidered with pearl; juat a line of pearl up each, tide, with
three little Empire (eavet, made of pearl, Enithing the clock. From the
centre o.thee hanp a (mail tattel, alto made of pearl.
A well-known Ruttian prince, who. i. renowned for ,the beauty of
her hand and jewel, it wearing a circle of diamond on the three
centre Wert of her right hand, and from each comet a tiny diamond
chain. Thete are all brousht together at the writt with one large pearl
wounded with diamond. The ttring of diamond then encircle her writ
ia the form of a bracelet.
This ehado of rose was' designed tor
her, and Is Juat "being put on the xnarkot
here. ,1 have created this charming costume In
this shade, and am sorry that- you can
not see it in color. The fabric is a lovely supple
ratine. You must know that thore ore many dif
ferent kinds of this popular fabric, each one very
suitable for Just such costumes as this.
The blouse has one side curved and draped In
a very odd manner.' The front opens to the girdle.
And this girdle. 1b made 'of a very ornate figured
The skirt is one of the fastened-oyer "skrlts.
The back is seamless, and the fronts fasten over
in the approved manner to give the trouser effect
The hat worn with this is a tiny close-fitting Milan
straw trimmed with tiny tight rosebuds the shad
of Ahe gown.
Evening &
LADY DUFF-GORDON, the famous "Lucile" of London, and fore
moit creator of fashions in the world, write each week the fashion
article for this newspaper, presenting aH that is newest and best in
style for well-dres.ed women.
Lady Duff-Gordon's Paris establishment brings her into clou touch
with that centre of fashion.
Lady Duff-Gordon's American estabKshment is at Not, 37 and 39
West Fifty-seventh street, New York.
By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile").
sN the Spring the feminine fancy
lightly turns to fashions bizarre.
Wfe havo always a certain number
of what I call freak fashions, and
we indulge our love for the new and novel
by 'adopting these in their turn. It is bo
cause of the newness of the Spring; the
annual budding pf the flowers, and the flow
ing of the sap in the trees and shrubs makes
us Ions, like the earth, to cast asido our
Winter trappings and to put on as many
new things as our pocketbooks permit And
this is why I think that we women wear in
thete Spring months gowns and hats that
we would not wear at any other season.
Aa I have told you many times, this sea
son finds remarkably few freakish hats, but
as though to compensate for this our gowns
have many unusual features. And among
' these are the slit skirts and the near
trousers that some of the mondalnes are
Iain sending you tils week two models
that-'I think show the new Ideas to their
best advantage. The first one is the Tol
stoy gown. The skirt as you will see, fast
an to the front. The two sides are brought
together, the left over the right The left
side Is ace4 with satin of a contrasting
eeler, Tfcte arrangement gives thtt near-
trouser effect The peasant' blouse is what
gives the name to the whole costume, foe it
is modelled on the lines of those worn by
Tolstoy when he lived the simple life on his
Russian estate. The peplum is attached to
the skirt as you can see In the second fig
ure. Tho blouse is plain and tight and
draws on over the head like a Jersey. This
whole costume is created in old blue chiffon
broadcloth. The skirt facing is a bright
Worn with this is a charming littfc hat of
butter color straw swathed with blue and
green shot silk. The feather fancy out
spreading at the back Is the shade of
the hat
The second figure shows the bodice worn
with the Tolstoy costume. It is a very
charming yttle affair of blue chiffon over
green chiffon, and worn over a lace slip. It
Is simple, but delightfully chic. And right
here let me tell you that the day of tho
marquesetto and voile has passed for
bodices, and wo are back where we started
from the' chiffon counter. Everything that
can be made of chiffon must ho. This is
In the third picture I am showing you
what I consider the most chic mode of the
Russian blouse that I have created. This
rATRIMONY la a fine art To
criticise, It properly on
must tea It at & distance.
then on can and the small flaws that
sometimes apoll the masterpiece."
Mrs. Isabella Kellle, a writer and
a business woman, who has been suc
cessful at many things. Including
matrimony, fives her ldeaa on this,
subject to the Newly Weds to-day.
"A happy marriage Is made up ot
little sacrifices on both aides. When
these sacrifices are appreolatod by the
other half they turn In to mutual
"It takes a sreat deal of thought
to make a line art ot matrimony. Few
young- married people are willing to
study each other's needs and make
allowances lor tach other. Married
couples soon get into the habit of
ordering each other about without
saying "please" and thank you.' A
woman will do many Uttlo cervices
for a man if he voices his wants
politely and the same applies with
equal truth to the other sex.
"Generally one flnda when a mar
riage la not ideal that the couple are
suffering from too muoh of each
other's aoclety. In the days when
most people lived In houses sur
rounded by gardens the harassed
fcero or heroine could flee In the arbor
and Indulge In the luxury of soli
tude. But there Is no such thing aa
solitude lij the modern flat. And
every human being feels the need of
Wng alone and absolutely quiet at
Does Not Ham on Trouble,
The girl who has been In bualnoas
before her marriage realises that her
husband Is fagged out when ho cornea
home from hla day's work and. It ahe
remembers her own experience, oho
Vnowa that he can recuDerate and get
rested sooner It ahe will refrain from
pourlnr out the trials and tribula
tions of the day In his ears or adding
to his nervous state, by a weepy aym,
pathy. Many people are like animals
When they are 111 or very tired. They
want to be left absolutely alone.
"Every person Is entitled to a room
or den where they can retire and
commune with their own souls when
they need to do so, without fear of
hurting the feelings ot the rest of the
totally. The small apartrotnta where
all privacy Is Impossible have had
their share in
"Aa modern living conditions make
It Itnnnanlhla for DflODla to Bet tflS
privacy that went with larger houses
ana more space, mm senna ui prviivjr
must be recognised and respected
and fostered and the odfous' familiar
ity that Inevitably breeds contempt
must be guarded against. One can
do It If one Is forewarned and I think
that problem lies In the' hands of the
Love Doesn't Bar Politeness.
ffjiv. hnitM nnt bft a hnr to nnlttfl-
nesa and the fact that one Is married
la no good excuse tor lorKeiung- innoe
small phrases that go with a request
auch as 'Do you mind?' or 'Will you
be kind enough?" which one would
never omit to a stranger and which
smooth the rough pldces wonderfully.
"There Is 'auch a thing as seelnp:
too much of one another and I have
known of many coupla. who seem
to forget that a man needs the com
panionship of other men Just as a
woman craves that of other women,
"Once the honeymoon Is over I
think that a man should bo allowM
one night a week for his club or ha
friends, providing that the compan
ions are of the right kind, of courM.
It la a good thing for him to see oth
er men than those he meeta In busi
ness. "On the other hand, I think later
on when there are children and a
woman has no nurse for them the
father could arrange to take charge
of them one evening a week nnd Btve
the mother an absolute rest, 'an
evening off.' to go to the theatre or
aee her friends and amity. Of course,
a man says that she has the entlr
day to herself, but a .woman with
small children has not a minute
day or night to call her own. unless
aome one else takes the chaVge of
the children. V
tivk.A ivmild ti fwar bored mar
ried coUples If men end women cul
tivated a hobby. The hobby may be
anything from suffrage ' to golf or
yachting to suit the Income and
taste of tho Individual and husband
and wife should not necessarily have
the same hobby.
"A diversity of Interests or this
kind stimulates t,he mlpd and helna
conservation when the Inevitable time
comts where husband and wife find
that they have nothing new to talk
Thle poem recently toon a cold medal
awarded by the London Poet' Clubt
BEYOND all poesy, sublimity ot
Sweet eventide, when mellow
shadows throng ,
The valleys, and the alow, reluotant
On purple sandals, gliding, steals
Into the gloaming, by the sleeping
A pensive spirit passing unto dreams.
It la thehour when woods enchanted
And gentle winds with dying odors
From tree to, tree faint pipe of eve
ning call,
The bat sweeps circling by the Ivied
wall. ,
A lark dropS fluttering to hla lowly
And drowsily the ringdove croons ot
The moan of klne has ceased, the
drone of bees,
Hut ever a little, stream among the
Speeds lightly on. and slngeth as It
Songs that a child at evening might
Now the sun's night Is finished in the
Where far the great clouds veil his
flamin; crest.
The shepherd pens his weary nock
Rate folding laggard little ones that
Bidding them browse awhile ere dark
ness ateep
All things that move, In deep, em
browned aleep. ,
High uplands as at early morning
Sacred the light that gilds the day;s
As when the dawn with holy eyes
And opening blossoms sparkle with
her tears.
For gross, foreboding day, which
climbs the east.
Calling the world to work, and fight,
and feast.
The cunning day, the fierce. Insistent
, hours
Of human atrlfe with Nature's dread
ful powers.
The groaning ot a being chained to.
Although ablase with vision from his
But, come, the evening calls us, let
us go,
We must not sorrow because earth
hath woe.
A passion lingers In this serene air,
A passion void of triumph or despair.
Empty of storm, and hushed to calm
We turn our eyes to greet the coming
The stare are streaming up the
boundless hills.
The stars which smile a-t men's Incon
stant wills.
And In an opal radiance, crescent
The moon peers coldly from the limpid
The case concerned a will, and an
Irishman wan a witness.
"Was the deceased." asked the law.
yer. "In the habit of talking to him
self "when alone?"
. "I don't know." woa the reply.
rCome. come, you don't know, and
yet you pretend that you were Inti
mately acquainted with him?"
"The fact Is." said Tat dryly, "I
never happened to be with him when
he was alone."
iT AM the unlucktest man allvel"
A -What's the matter?"
"WhyI heard that Muriel was ea
gaged, so I went round and proposed
'to her, bo that she wouldn't think Z
had been trifling with her."
"And wasn't she engaged?"
"Yes; but ahe broke It off. 8he said
my love was more sincere than the
other fellow's."
ONES Short storits are all the go
Robbie Yes. I've noticed It; nearly
every person I meet tells me how
short he Is.
"Isn't my photograph good?" said a
voung wife to her husband.
"Well, my dear," replied he. "there'a
Just a little too much repose about
the mouth for It to bit quite natural."