Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 16

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The Omaha Sunday Bee.
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claw matter.
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Daily Beo. without Sunday, one year.. w
Dntlv n. oni snniipv nm year...... -w
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Communications relating to news and
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Omaha Bee, Editorial department.
Ctate of Nebraska. County of DouRlnJi as:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
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Circulation for the month of March. "11
circulation Manager.
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Subscribers leaving the city
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mailed to then. Address will lie
changed na often ns requested.
Thanks to tho lied Cross.
Thoso d6mbcfats should tiso" safety
razors' In cuttlrrg'thtf tariff. "
Whero, Is the old-fashioned man
who-used to smoke his own bacon V
If. you wish to see a wryjfaco gazo
on the south' thvailb wing the1" proposed
'.a riff revision bill.
These copious rains como in tho
nick of time to boost those congres
sional garden seeds.
Evidently tho amlablo and shrowd
old Chlneso has not tlmo to twaddlo
over antl-nllen land laws.
"Sufficient unto tho day
evil thoreof."' Why worry
tho first day of tho month?
Is tho
When a public officer wants to let
a public contract by private negotia
tion, ho will bear watching.
Sonator Vardaman says President
Wilson, Is, steadily rising in, We esti
mation. A.,word tc the wist). Is suf-
f,cnt ' .v.?.
? . J3a v-
What'6 thlsJ English, suffragettes
accuse nn ' Ajnerlcan .woman', ofi
treason in the camp? Now for an
other tda party. . . ,( ,
That careless grave digger seems
to huvo left tho Clark-Bryan hatch
et's handle sticking out of the
ground an inch or two.
The hand that rocks tho cradle in
Britain has also rather disastrously
rocked tho windows and somo of tho
members of Parliament.
"What Texas needs," says a Texas
paper, "is a smaller legislature."
That and fewer sessions might help
In other states, as well.
Congressman Lobock might hear,
if he listened, tho voice of the "ex-
humorist" warning him against be
coming tho "wit of the house."
Truly, Chicago reaches the climax
of reform when its mayor insists
that the ancient and honqrablo gamo
of wrestling shall be on tho square.
Out In Los Angeles It appears
ths't several guileless millionaires
aro bolns put up on the auction
block by a gang of little feminine
So long as no ono accuses Mr.
Bryan of Inaugurating grapojulco
diplomacy at the Instigation of tho
manufacturers of tho beverage, all
is well. -
A Utah woman has. become her
own mother-in-law by marrying her
divorced husband's son, which ought
to facilitate her domestic tranquility
that much.
Most newspaper men whose duty
compels them to attend the legisla
ture, hasten to explain when asked
by friends, that they aro not there
as members.
Secretary Bryan has added ono
moro brand to our variety of diplo
macies, Tvhich includes midnight,
shirtsleeve, dollar and now crape
juice diplomacy.
Kansas City has a man who car
ries a brick wrapped In pink paper
to hurl at uutoists who drive too
close to him. In England the women
throw them nt the political chauf
feurs who run over them.
It is rather amusing to see how
certain national weeklies and dally
capers of "progressive" proclivities
iat during the late campaign
neered at Mr. Wilson as a theorist
and dreamer are now warming up to
him as one of the great presidents.
Nothing succeeds like" success with
iu ubuuwojsuu uuuverB. m
A Bail Bond Graft.
Tho rolooso on bond pending ap
peal In tho fedoral court of the bus
iness agent of tho structural iron
workers in Omaha Implicated In the
big dynamite conspiracy, dlsclosos a
scandalous condition that ought to
be romedlcd. It transpires that the
prisoner's bond Is furnished by a
Texas surety company in considera
tion of the payment of J400 raised
by his friends, who In addition
thoroto wero compelled to deposit
cash, or caBh Items, equal to the full
amount of the bond. In other
words, tho sutety company gobbles
$400 for tho uso of Its namo with
out running any risk, or subjecting
Itself to any liability whatover.
As oxplalned by those who know,
this graft Is possible only becauso
the rules of the court do not permit
a cash bond to be given, Uiub forc
ing, In cases Hko this ono, tho hiring
of nn Intermediary bondsman, or
bonding company. The only pallia
tion or Justification discoverable
for the practice) In tho suggestion
that in case of forfeiture the surety
company might have to spend somo
of Its rake-off trying to. locate, and
bring back, the fugltfro, although
why It should do so, If It hag nothing
to loso, Is not mado clear.
It seems ,to us ',thnt here Is a
chance for our courts to uso some
common sense discretion, nnd mako
Choir rules fit tho case. It a prlsonor
Is entitled to bo released on bond
ponding appeal on 'guaranty of the
forfolturo of a stipulated sum In
ovent of failure to appear, he nnd his
frlondB ought not to bo subject to a
shakedown perpetrated by nnyono
with the tacit connlvanco of the
Promoting Country Life.
Governor Eborhart of Minnesota
relates In World's Work how he la
trying to "keep Minnesota farmers
on thetr farms by making tho coun
try school houses confers for social
recreation, for amusement and for
practical instruction In agrlculturo
and household economics." It is a
worthy purposo to which any state
exocuttvo might wish to dedicate the
Influence of his great office and a
purposo that has been in tho public
mind for some tlmo. It is genorally
ndmlted that promotion of country
life must begin In and revolve
around tho school as the center of
social activity, and that groator so
cial attraction must bo created to
hold the farmers and their families,
especially the young folk, on tho
farm. It is definitely appreciated
that our problem Is not moroly
"back to tho farm" for tho city
man, but "stay on tho farm", for the,
farmer. That is why Missouri,
Minnesota and other statos aro far
sightedly endeavoring to 'Improve
conditions nnd stlmulato content
ment among their farming popula
tion. 11 ut ono thing , in this connection
must be ombaslzed, and that is tho,
need of revising tho charactor of
education in country schools, as
Governor Eborhart's plan contem
plates. Tho Boo has frequently
referred to tho Importance of adapt
ing rural education to rural inter
ests, of training tho minds of the
boys and girls from tho farm toward
tho farm, to Inculcato In. thorn Ideals
of farm llfo moro than city llfo. To
do this effectually requires teachers
of higher averago ability and oxperi-encotha-n
. ti(o. 'ordinary miss; wlp,
without knowledge of country llfo,
oes directly from high school to
attempt to train the boys and girls
on the farm.
The Amazing Legislature.
The Los Angeles Times might ap
prove Collier's plan for a stato com
mission government supplanting tho
legislature and other present heir
looms of past dignity. Under the
appealing caption, "Go Home. Fxir
God's Sake, Go Home!" the Times
thus expostulates with the California
Tho Times extends Its greetings to the
amazing state legislature at SfLcramento
and begs 1U members to'adjourn nd go
homq at once before .bankrupting the
state, 'destroying Its credit, oloaing up its
factories, ruining Ita farmers, ' depriving
Its workers, of their Jobs, .pensioning
mothers-in-law, involving the nation in n
war with Japan and making of California
an object of derision from liangor to New
Orleans, u place from which Investors
shall flee an from the wrath to come.
Wo could almost wish for ' a second
Cromwell to march tils soldiers Into the
cupltol at Sacramento arid say to' "pro
gressive" senators and assemblymen
"Disperse, ye villains, disperse!"
' Unhappily, there Is no power nny.where
to prorogue the legislature, and ' all the
Times can do is to give utterance to the
appeal Of all good cltltens of whatever
jiollUca "adjourn, gentlemen It you have
any regard for the welfare of the state,
For God's sake, adjourn, and go home,'
Therein lies the only safety and hope for
Tho Times has only expressed to
the California legislature what is
olten as strongly felt of legislatures
In other states, Perhaps there la no
functionary of government which
comes as for from justifying Its ex
istence as the average legislature
The things that have been committed
In Its name, the, name of "law
maker," ore enough to provoke pop
ular demands for its supplanting by
a commission, or almost anything
else. Surely, hero Is one reform for
which "the people" and the "special
interests" may unitedly stand, for
while the corporations have been
known to obtain "favors" from leg.
iBlatures. they of teA come higher
j m, .Utc.cie uau io go. juui
even the complaint of sheer Inability
might bo sufficient to rest this case
James Bryce, the Man.
It Is generally agreed that Great
Britain never sent as its ambassador
to the United States a man of larger
caliber or more admirable attain
ments than James Bryce, to whom
wo aro reluctantly saying farowoll.
Statesman, diplomat, scholar, trav
eler, author, Mr. Bryco brought to
the office an Impress of distinction
no mere- title or official act could
give. Ho was too large for a title,
so ho accepted tho appointment upon
tho condition of his remaining sim
ply Mr. James Bryce. Endeared to
Americans by his long nnd Intlmnte
knowledge of them and their Insti
tutions, upon which he Is an author
ity, his rejection of a profferod lord
ship ns his official habllament natu
rally deepened our senso of admira
tion for tho man.
England's selection of Mr. Bryco
as its representative in America was
the most fortunato that could have
boon made at that time, and while
his distinguished successor comes
with gracious welcome, Mr, Bryco's
going con but occasion regret. It
seems ho really was ono of us, be
longed horo and ought to remain.
Tho tributes leading Americans havo
paid him upon his departure bespeak
a national sentiment, and sense of
appreciation, In which there is none
or tno clatter or perfunctory cer
Firemen's Wages and Freight Rates.
It is gratifying and quieting to
know that the railroads and their
firemen have reached an amlcablo
agreement under the Erdman arbi
tration act, averting a strike. Now
comes tho rumor of an Intention of
the railroads to urgo their demand
for lncroasod freight rates largely
on tho basis of this settlement, in
volving additional wage expenses.
Accoidlng to the reports tho wages
of the flremon under tho terms of
this agreement will be raised in the
aggrogato from 12,000,000 to $3,-
480,000. Assuming tho latter, with
fifty-four railroads involved, It
means, that oach on an averago
would hnve to add less than C5,000
to Its annual payroll.
Of courso, railroads in common
with all other interests, individual
ns well as corporate, aro compelled
to moot the exactions of a rising
scale of prlcos, for equipment as well
as labor, bu If they are entitled at
hub time t,o- nigner freignt rates, it
must be for other reasons than that
of tho advances to the firemen. That
might enter Into consideration, .but
only as a. partial, olemont. There
may be almost constant need for re
adjustment tf 'freight rates, hut tho
need of a general flat Increase is by
no means proved.
5 V
Lynchinga and Causes.
Dr. Bookor T. Washington shows
in a recent' lotter to tfio Louisville
Courier-Journal that of the thirteen
lyhchlngs of negroes In the south
slnco Jnnuary 1, not one waB In con-
Boquonco of assault upon a white
woman. Dr. Washington has for
years maintained that crlmo was not
tho primal cause of so many lynch
ings' .and ho has certainly offered
some convincing proof here, which
should go far toward removing tho
last fatuous argument in defonso
of thlB species of; outlawry.
Sovernl of thoso thirteen lynch-
Ings wore for murder, or alleged
murder; (In at least one case the
wrong man -was executed) somo
were for stealing, somo for attacking
white men and ono or two for un
known causes. Tho Courlor-Journal
no doubt Is correct in saying that
lynching has come to bo moro a mat
ter of frolic than vengeanco, though
It must be put down as a deplorablo
kind of frolic. Thoso facts ought tq
sorvo to arouse a moro Intense fool
ing on thlB subject. Many well-In
tended and ordinarily lawabldlng
peoplo have beon disposed to condono
the crime of lynching an the speed
iest form of justice, even though not
in. conformity with law, simply be
cause It .has always been rogardod
as. the natural effect of a certain
c'auso. Even If that traditional here
tical belief were entltlod to a sem
blance of justification, then in the
light of the showing made by Dr.
Washington it loses that title nnd
should in' common honesty and jus
tice bo renounced.
The Place of the Schoolmaster.
An educator pleads for the restor
ation of. the 8choolmaste to his once
proud position aa the leader iu the
community, pointing to the fact that
not only in the smaller communities
of Europe, but also of this country.
he pneo enjoyed a much larger
sphere of Influence and distinction.
He Is correct. History proves It
LOBslng, for Instance, In defin
ing the early colonial days in Amer
ica, gives first place to the school
master, and from his description wo
could not Imagine a busier man. His
dutlos, according to this chronicler
of events, wore
To act aa court messenger; to serve
summonses; tb lead the choir on Sundays;
to ring the bell for publla worship; to dig
the graves; to take charge of tb schools
ana penorm otner occasional amies.
Our educator Is vindicated. We
second his motion, without stopping!
to asK now rar oacK in history he
would go for the standard of res -
( storatlon Evidently tho school-
j master was a busy and conspicuous
person, so much, In fact, that school
teaching seems only to havo been
one of tho "occasional duties." Tho
business of digging tho graves, lead
ing the choirs and ringing the church
bolls appears to have tnken pre
cedence. What do tho rest of the school
masters say. Shall we restore them
to their places of early distinction or
The Publicity Cure.
In Boason and out of season The
Beo has preached publicity as tho
best euro for evils and nbuses beset
ting the poople. Imposture, fraud
and devious ways, whether In the
political, industrial, social or re
ligious field, cannot long withstand
tho searchlight of publicity focused
upon them. The tremendous progress
mado In recent years toward the en
forcement of a higher code of morals
in all our vnrlotis activities is due
moro to the potent influence of pub
licity blighting noxious growths, and
stimulating wholesome develop
ments, than to all tho laws that have
been enacted for that purpose.
It is gratifying, therefore, to find
President Wilson laying special
stress upon tho bcneflcenco of pub
licity as a curativo agency. In his
latest chapter on "Tho New Free
dom," contributed to the current
World's Work, ho says:
Publicity Is one of the purifying elc
meiitn of politics. The best thing you can
do with anything that Is crooked Is to lift
It up where peoplo can sec that it is
crooked, and then it will cither straighten
Itself out or disappear. Nothing chocks
all the bod practices of politics like ex
posure. You cannot bo crooked In tho
light, and so the people have mado up
their minds to do the healthy thing for
both politics and big business. So I toko
It to bo the necessity of the hour to open
up all the processes of politics and public
business open them wldo to public vlow.
"Wherever any publla business Is trans
acted, wherever plans affecting the public
are laid over that place a volco must
speak, with tho divine prerogative of a
people's will, the words, "Let there be
Put it down, thoreforo, that when
ever n public officer, or a public
body, insists on doing business In the
dark it Is up to something it wnnts
to conceal. In this day of a vigilant
and energetic press the best laid plan
for keeping anything hidden which
the public ought to know seldom
succeeds. While tho searchlight
may hit some objocts that might as
woll remain unlllumlned, the good
accomplished by it is Incalculable
and beyond undoing.
China's Progress.
American church authorities aro
informed of a ukaso issued by the
Chlneso government to all "Chris
tian churches" in China to unite In
offering prayor on ono day for wis
dom to tho now republic that It may
be guided to a wiso solution of the
intricate problems confronting It
And the suggestion comes for Amer
ican churches to Join in the pett
This is of interest genorally as
showing the reach of western civ
ilization and tho overturn of insti
tutions in tho orient. It is of spe
ciflo interest to the church, of
course, as Indicating its part in pro
pagating its rollglon among tho old
est of nations. From any point of
vlow it is significant of tho gradual
advance iu which, it must bo said,
tho missionary has been a pioneer,
It was inovltnblo thnt China's
progress along now lines should be
rapid onco It got in the way, for as
a nation it reverences education
Education Is tho highest pursuit a
mnn can follow," Is ono of Its tradi
tions. It ovldently reverences the
modern system of education as pro
foundly as it did tho ancient and
supplants Its old superstition as rap-
Idly as it realizes better things. The
Chlneso torturod their girls' and
women's foet, not because they wero
a cruol raco, but because of rever
ence for what they believed to be
tho right. Thut custom passes with
modern education. So does the uso
of opium and a lot of other antique
and modern barbarisms.
Mayor Carter Harrison is to be
congratulated on laying down tho
flat proposition that if fake wrest
ling matches are attemptod in Chi
cago there will be no wrestling
matches at all during his administra
Water was to havo been turned
into that new supply main to Flor
ence before December 1, last. Still
that's about as near to any engineer
Ing mark as our hydraulic politician
has ever guessed.
A correspondent writes to his
paper to ask how to build a brick
house so that the Inside walls will
not got wot in tho rnlny season. Par
haps putting a roof on tho house
might help.
Perhaps the gentlemen from Ala
bania, North Carolina and Massa
chusetts, who framed the new tariff
bill may discover some day that there
are several big states out here In the
Our Nebraska supreme court Is
about two and a half years behind
on its docket, while our district
f court is practically abreast of Its
DUSiness, wnavs tno answer!
The club women of KIrksville,
' proposed to furnisn lawn mowers to
' residents as a moans of beautifying
the town They ought to go further
and dig the dandelion
Looking BackwWl
This Dew in Omaha,
EEES Al'Jtll, 27. ? ODO
Thirty Years Ago
Charles Godfrey, an old Omaha boy,
now an engineer of a fire department In
Lincoln Is In the city for the purposo
of borrowing ono of tho engines to test
the well nt the capital.
Itobson and Crane held forth for the
first performance of their engagement
at Boyd's.
Bock beer has been withdrawn from the
market until Saturday.
The frrst 'strawberries and cucumbers of
the season made their appearance on (he
streets today.
Hengen & Co., Inform the public that
they have moved to 1221 Ffcrnam street
with Stover & Bitteroff, Just east of the
Charles Hanley, tho Tenth street grocer,
has purchased an elegant delivery wagon
manufactured for him by M. Murphy,
the well known wagon buUder.
The Union Pacific base ball club lost
tholr first gamo today. Manager Lord
thinks the umpire beat them.
The Home for the Friendless auxiliary
appointed as n standing committee to re
ceive applicants for admission: Mrs. O.
N. Dlnsmore, 1S0S Capital avenue: Mrs.
Fuller, city mlsslonan'. Sixteenth and
Farnam; Mrs. Bastleton, 1203 Howard;
Mrs. A. M. Barney, 208 Nineteenth; Mrs.
O JI. Menton, Dodge and Fourteenth;
also this committee to solicit supplies:
Mrs. D. P. Burr, Mrs. S. W. Hoyer,
Fifteenth and Davanport; Mrs. E. D. Van
Court, 1611 California; Mrs. C. H. Dewey,
811 Twentieth, and Mrs. J. E. Kennedy.
At the ball given at Lewis' hall for
the benefit of Excelsior band, the prize
cake for the best lady waltzer was won
by Mrs. Hall.
The funeral of the late Mrs. John B.
Wilbur, took placo from the Congrega
tional ehurch, with Rev. Wlllard Scott
officiating, and services at the grave con
ducted by Bishop Clarkson. The pall
bearers wcro Senator Manderson, P. C.
Hlmebaugh, Dr. G. I Miller, a E.
Locke, M. A. Kurtz and Louis S. Reed.
Twenty Years Aki
Jack McAUUlfe, the great lightweight
champion prlzo fighter, gave a good-sized
crowd Its money's worth nt the Farnam
Street theater In the stollar role of n play
written by Duncan B. Harrison, his man
ager, entitled "The King of the Turf."
One of the Union Pacific trains from
the west had a carload of Koreans bound
for the world's fair at Chicago.
Mrs. B. B. Perkins of Hastings, field
secretary of the Nebraska State Sunday
School association, was working indus
triously to arouse a deep Interest among
Nebraskans In the approaching interna
tional Sunday school convention at St.
City Attorney .Connell put in a busy day
preparing a petition to file with the courts
asking for an early hearing of the union
depot injunction case.
Edward J. Roo was ono of the Omahana
to) view the great naval parade at Now
York, which passed in review before Pres
ident Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Slaughter and
family left for their homo In Fullerton,
Neb., their departure from Omaha, where
Mr. Slaughter had served as United States
marshal, being regretted by a host of
Ten Years Ago
President Roosevelt arrived in omana at
the Union station coming across the state
in several of whose towns he had spoken
briefly. A vast crowd greeted him al
the depot and a vaster one hailed him
along the way to the Omaha club. A
drizzling rain did not dampen tho peoplo's
ardor, nor diminish the numbers. In the
evening the president spoke to as many
as could possibly crowd Into the Coli
seum. After the meeting at the Coliseum.
where President Roosovclt spoke, WlllJam
Loeb, his secretary, had as his personal
guests at tho special train, three old
friends John Battln, Gould Diets and
William S. Heller. They renewed old ac
quaintanceship formed when they all
lived in Albany, N. Y.
Ex-Congressman David H. Mercer and
Mrs. Mercer arrived from Washington.
Mrs. Helen M., widow of Sidney E.
Locke, died at the family residence, 122
North Thirty-ninth street at 6 a, m.
The Chancel guild of AH Saints' church
gave a card party at the home of H. O.
Strclght In honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Weaver. A linen shower was bestowed
upon Mrs. Weaver, president of the guild.
People and Events
The war alarm department of the
Krupp Hun Works punctured its tires
at a critical stage of the race for bust
Five unsuccessful attempts have been
made on the life of the king of Spain
Alfonso is as swift a sldestepper as a
waterboarder confronted by his promises
May 18 is scheduled as peace day. It
your water meter works overtime on
the postal card, keep the ltd on your
wrath until the morning of the day after,
One of tho profession! highbrows of
Chicago urges the halt and the weary:
"Look at the doughnut as well as the
hole In It and then cheer up." Do you
get It?
John Bull is following the footsteps of
Uncle Sam Into the bllllon-dollar class.
This year's budget lacks S35.0OO.O0O of
crossing the line. With assurance of no
Increase In taxation, J. B. dodges the
militants and shakes hands with himself.
An Idaho potato raiser, who sold his
crop for 35 cents a sack, dropped a note
into each sack requesting the consumer
ts let him know how much was paid
for it Replies showed that prices varied
from ll.W to S3 a sack. The esteemed
middleman Is not working solely for his
Just as the police commissioner of
New York piped off to reporters a
thrilling story of the capture of the
whole gang of cigar store robbers, two
bold stick-up men raided a cigar store
and made off with tliS and a choice col
lection of smokers. Rascally crooks de
light In springing Jokes on the cops at
unseemly hours.
No sign of reactionary tendencies are
visible in the schools of today. Bold
progressive kids In Pittsburgh sohools
are out on a strike against the super
intendent, and the high school fraterni
ties In Cheater, Pa., are also on a walk
out because -they were not allowed to
decorate their mascot, a brindle pup,
with the class colors. Meanwhile the
paternal slipper rests idly in closets.
I aMlng un ,9 most tempting opportun-
jitles for flexible exerclae.
Washington Post: With prospects
brightening for church unity, It would
be Just like some meddler to Invoke the
provision of the Sherman act against the
formation of a sky pilots' trust.
Philadelphia Ledger: A church that
turns down a profit of 11,030,000 because
it will not surrender its placo in the midst
of business Is a refreshing novelty, and
tho fact that it is located on the fashion
able thoroughfare of New York adds to
the Interest. Sometimes It is well to show
that money la not everything or even
the largest part of the main thing.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Backed by the
trustees, the pastor of one of the largest
congregations in the Wyoming valley,
Pennsylvania, has notified tho woiner.
parishioners that hereafter they must re
move their millinery upon entering the
church for worship. He takes the stand
that women who come t? church for the
purpose of displaying their fancies In
headgear might Just as well, and, in fact,
better stay at home.
Baltimore American: A startling proof
of tho wonderful achievements of this
wonderful age was given at a church fu
neral In New Jersey, where the dead
man's favorite hymn was sung through a
phonograph by a friend's voice, the friend
himself having died two years before.
Tho preservation of a ltvinlng voice dis
counts even the famous preservation of
the dead body which was one of tnt
famous secrets of the Egyptians lost to
It Is estimated that there are more
than 700,000 acetylene automobile lights
In use in the United States.
During 1912 immigrants entering Brazil
numbered 130,967. Tho government en
deavors to settle all who arrive.
A glass bottle blowing machine in
vented in Germany has a speed of 2,000
bottles an hour, equal to the work of 250
expert glass blowers.
A kite which can be assembled, ready
for flight, In ten minutes, the Invention
of a German, has lifted three men to
gether to a height of forty feet.
In the residence of a Connecticut man
there has been Installed a private motion
picture theater, so located that guests
can View the pictures, as from a box,
while at the dinner table.
To keep telephones clean a San Fran
cisco Inventor has patented a machine
that automatically covers a transmitter
with paper after it has been used, whtoh
paper must be removed before the in
strument is used again.
In place of the usual trolley pole for
elefctrlo cars an Iowa Inventor has
brought out a car with a rail on top,
which takes current from brushes sus
pended from an overhead wire, the
brushes being spaced so that two always
touch the rail.
It isn't every fellow who can fall
love and land on his feet.
. The only way to have peace is to wait
for the other fellow to begin the trouble.
When you feel that you havo the world
at your feet, be careful that your foot
doesn't slip.
It takes more courago for a man to
admit that he Is wrong than to insist
that he is right.
Many a man wouldn't mind being
tongue-tied so long as he could have
a free foot.
Marriage generally demonstrates the
difference between the parental roof and
the pay-rental one.
Every cloud may have a silver lining,
but most of us don't know enough about
aviation to prove It.
Contentment may be better than
riches, but give the average man riches
and he .will be content.
Some people wouldn't enjoy perfect
peace, because then mere wouian i do
anything to kick about.
When a man Is his own worst enemy,
we are apt to wonder why he doesn't
mako friends with himself.
Women are not all cowards. They will
seldom show the white feather If a
blank one Is moro becoming. New York
Orthodox Strain nuns from Grand
father to Grandson.
Boston Herald.
Some persons will contrast the profes
sion of faith with which John Pierpont
Morgan opens his will with some of the
familiar hymns of his grandfather, whose
name he has borne, long a minister of
the HoIIIb Street church. Other observ
ers will see In the two the same religious
strain, manifesting Itself In one case
through the poetic mind and In the other
through that of a man of large affairs.
Listen to these words of the elder:
O, Thou to whom In ancient time
The lyre of Hebrew bards was strung,
Whom kings adored in songs sublime.
And prophets traised with glowing
Not now on Zlon's height alone.
Thy favored worsnlper may dwell;
Nor where, at sultry noon, thy Son
Sat weary, by the patriarch's well.
From every place below the skies,
A grateful eong. a fervent ptayer;
The Incense of the heart may rise
To heaven and find acceptance there.
O. Thou to whom In ancient time
The lyre of prophet-bards was strung
To Thee, at last. In every clime
Bhall temples rise ana praise do uns.
The grandson writes:
"I commit my soul into the hands of
my Saviour. In full confidence that, hav
ing redeemed It and washed It In His most
precious blood, He will present It fault
leas before my Heavenly Fither; and 1
entreat my children to maintain and de
fend, at all hazard, and at any coat of
personal sacrifice, the blessed doctrine of
the complete atonement for sin through
the blood of Jesus Christ once offered
and through that alone."
John Pierpont was a radical temper
ance man. Hla views gave offense to
some of his Boston parishioners, and
eventually led to his withdrawal from the
Hollla Street pulpit. He was also an In
tense abolitionist, taking the nomination
of the free soil party here for governor
In one year and for congress In another,
Although 76 years old at the outbreak of
the war, he insisted on going to the front
as the chaplain of a Massachusetts regi
ment But In theology he would not
have agreed with his distinguished grand
aon. Seldom has the doctrine of the
"blood atonement" been asserted with
more emphaala than in the last will and
testament of America's greatest financier,
Force or Example.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A New Jersey father is training his
aon to become president of the United
States. Evidently be mistakes an iso
lated inatance for a fixed habit
"My brushes are nil worn out." sighed
llio fiituHn! nnlntnr. "and I havo no
money to buy now ones." , ,
sever mina. nis wue repueu. ar
the broom." Chicago Record-Herald.
"Ulcbv can't bn beat when It comes ,t
optimism," - ,
"He's In a class nil by himself He
seen the home team play two games and
already has started to call tho aggrega
tion the 'pennant chasers.' " SU Loula
"I'm not going to take a sleeper for this
one trip."
"But Isn't part of the Journey at
"Woll, what of that?"
"How can vou make a night Journey in
a day coach?" Baltimore American.
"Come in and have it charged." was
tho Inviting sign In front of a placo of
business In a Jersey town, A stranger,
being somewhat low in funds, walked In
briskly. "I understand that I can get
things charged here," lie said, addressing
one of the employes.
"Only storage batteries," replied the
other man. Judge.
An Kngllsh and an American merchant
were dlrcussing the relatlvo Importance of
their businesses.
"Why," said the Englishman, "In my
firm the clerks Use 30.000 caJInnii nf Ink
a year!"
"Oh, that's nothing." retorted the Amer
ican, "we saved that much Ink in a year
by ordering our clerks not to dot their
1 s." Chicago Record-Herald.
MArA VOU fnltlnr- tt.A fnntr, T tAm
Yes, and. bv Geonre. I feel like nnnUinr
"I knew it would make you feel your
self again." Boston Transcript.
"I wish I had Rockefeller's money."
Is there something you wish to dot
Would so much money really make you
could run a chicken farm properly."
"I believe it would, old top. Then I
"You talk about being on the sunn vi side
of 60! Why, I happen to know that you're
past B6!"
'well, isn t that belnir on the sunnv side
of CO tho afternoon sunny side of lt7"
uucoco iTiDune.
T" ( 1 1 O V li i 1 n r wlmt Ar ..nil
thinkl Mr, Profundo, who sings in our
cuoir, wisnes mo 10 marry mm. wnat
would you advlso?
Fan fwell named) Take your bass,
Boston Transcript.
"How in the world," said Mrs. Oumrox,
severely, "did you come to Invito that
cclebratod artist to o extraordinary a
diversion as shaking dicer'
"Why, I thought it was a very neat and
complimentary Idea," replied her husband.
'You told me ho was one of our leading
cubists." Washington Star.
John Boyle O'Reilly.
I am tired of planning and tollln
In the crowded hives of men;
Heartweary of building and spoiling,
And spoiling and building again.
And I long for the dear old river,
Whero I dreamed my youth away,
For a dreamer lives forever.
And a toller dies in a day.
I am sick of the Rhowy seeming,
Of a life that Is half a lie:
Of the faces lined with scheming,
In the throng that hurries by,
From the sleepless thoughts of endeavor,
I would go where the children play;
For a dreamer lives forever.
And a thinker dies in a day.
I can feel no prldo but pity,
For the burdens the rich endure;
There is nothing i.-eet in tho city
But the pnticnt lives of tho poor,
Oh, tho little hands too skillful.
And the child mind choked with weedsl
Tho daughter's heart grown willful.
And the father's heart that bleeds I
No, nol from the street's rude bustle,
From trophies of mart and .stage,
I would fly to the wood's low rustle
And the meadow's kindly page.
Let me dream ns of yore by the river,
And be loved for the dream alwayi
For a dreumer lives forever.
And a thinker dies in a day.
The man who invented the
$L00-per-week system of
Take advantage of our lib
eral credit system and be
dressed in the most stylish
This department is full of
the prettiest creations that
you can see in the city. We
know we have just what
you are looking for,
$1 Per Week
Visit our Suit Department.
Every garment we aro
showing is correct and
stylish. Many suits to
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: )