Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Assistant Leaders Social Science Department Omaha Woman's Club
I'ltili Meet Inns.
MONDAY Meeting of the Omaha Worn
an's club at 2:30 o'clock In club rooms
meetlnR of the executive committer ot
the Woman's club it 1:15 nnd direcur
of Woman's club ut 1:S0 o'clock !n club
Tl'KSUAY MeetlnK of the Persian his
tory class In lecture room of the ;iubilc
library ut 10:30 o'clock; nieet'.HK of tin
younc women s cirss in r;uropcnn n r
tory In lecture room of the public
library at 7:30 o'clock.
WKIHCRSnAY M..tlmr nf tbe Uook l.i-
vlcw club at the home of Mrs. Cllntoi. I
nrome at 10:30 o clock; meeting or tin.
literature department of the Omahn
Woman's club at 10 o'clock In the club
rooms; meetlnK of the music department
of the Omaha Woman's cldb ut 2:V. In
the club rooms: meetlnK of the Mothers'
Culture club at the home of Mrs. V H.
Indoe at 2:30 o'clock; Women's dirlMinn
Temperance union ftMlcrntlon meed IB
In the asse-nb'v room of the Ycvnii
Women's I'birstlnn nssoclatlon at 2 30
o'clock, nieetln? of the civil government
class of the Omaha Woman's club ill
room 312 nf the Younft Men's "hr'.st''.in
association at 1 o'clock.
THURSDAY Mcetlnft of the Omalu So
cloty of Flue Arts In the lecture r n
of the public library nt 10 o'clock; nitrt
lnK of the OmahH Political Equal .5
league !n the council chamber of tm
city hall nt S o'clock.
rillDAY MeetlnK of the French hlstcy
class In the lecture room of the public
library nt 10:30 o'clock; meeting of ie
Dot can club nt the homn of Mrs a I.
Houchln at 2:30 o'clock.
HE Second District Federation
of Women's Clubs will hold Us
tenth annual convent on In
Omaha and South Omaha,
May 5 and C. The openlnK
meeting of the convention will
be held In Library hall. South Omaha,
Monday evening May 5. Itev. William
Pollock of South Omaha will open tins
convention with an Invocation. The ad
dress of welcome will be made by Mrs.
N. II. Graham, president of the South
Omaha Woman's club. Hruce McCul
loch will speak of South Omaha. Other
addresses will be made by Mrs. T. J.
Gist of Falls City, president of the State
Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs.
O. H. Margaret of Papllllon. Mrs. Edith
L. Wagoner and Miss Laura Peterson
will have charge of the music. Follow
lng the meeting a reception will be held.
The second meeting of the convention
will be held in the lecturo room of the
public, library Tuesday morning May o,
and will be called to order by Mrs. Bruce
McCuIloch, vice president of the district
Mrs. C. W. Hayes, president of the
Omaha Woman's club, will greet the con
vention on behalf of the Omaha Wom
an's olub; Mrs. Carrie Peterson of Au
rora, will have charge of the reports
from tho clubs. Reports will bo read
from the state committees as follows:
Civil service, Mrs. W. C. Swanson; civ
ics, Mrs. R. E. McKelvey; health, Mrs.
K. R. J. Edholm; Industrial, Mrs. W. E.
Weekly; program, Mrs. M. D. Cameron;
general federation secretary, Mrs. F. H.
Cole. Luncheon will be served at the
high school following the meeting, which
will be In charge of Mrs. F. II. King
and Mrs. F. J. Burnett.
The afternoon meeting will be held in
the auditorium of the Omaha High
school. Mrs. John Robinson will read a
paper on the "Cosmic Philosophy of John
Fiske;" Mrs. T. J. Lees will give a talk
on "Traveling Galleries." "Literature of
tho Biennial and the Work of Mrs.
Frances Squire Potter." will be the sub
ject of a paper by Mrs. George Dorsey.
Mrs. F. S. King will give a report of the
household economics session, and a paper
on "Domestic Science," will be given by
Mrs. A. J. Anderson. Mrs. J. E. Bednar
and Mrs. Grant Fisher will also give
papers. Miss Grace Lennon Conklin will
give a reading and the music will be
given by Miss Elizabeth Borghoff and
Ruben Vengrovltch. The clubs which
will assist In the entertaining are the
Benson Woman's club, Dundee Woman's
club, Omaha Woman's club. Railway
Mall Service Woman's chib and the South
Omaha Woman's club.
The tenth annual convention of the
First District of Nebraska Federation of
Women's Clubs will be held In Weeping
Water Thursday and Friday, May 1 and
2. A most interesting program has been
arranged and many pleasant affairs
planned for the entertainment of the
guests. The Zetetio and Chrysalis clubs
will Join In the entertainment of the con
vention. The literature department of the Omaha
Woman's club will met at the club rooms
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Elec
tion of officers for the coming year will
take place and plans for the work will
be made. A review of the work of the
last year will be given.
v oi t m inr r
Remarkable Purchase of 360
Intended to SelB at $5 to $7.50
All wool serges, diiitfonnln, chocks, otc ,
nimlo in the prettiest of new spring styles
in high unci low nock of foots. Those
dresses wore nimlo to sell from $,r.00 to
$7.50, but through a fortunate purchase
wo secured them at a groat reduction. All
colors in navy, browns, blacks, tans, ('open
hagons, etc., in all sizes, Monday at $2.98 and
Matlo up for n merchant In tho flood dlatrlrt Wo Bccurptl thorn nt about half regular
oricos. anil plnrc them on milo Monday in throo Kreat lots. Thcso units como In the
IcudlhK stylos In plain tailored and prettily trimmed efforts, including tho Bulgarian
styles. In sorRos. diagonals, fancy mixtures, cords, etc., In all shades.
worth to $12.50, at worth to $15.00, at worth to $20.00, at
1 5,00 $7.88 9,75
Thlrtj -first avenue. Fndio afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. They will few for the Visit
ing Xurse association.
The French History clues will meet In
the lecture loom of tho public library
Friday morning nt 10:30 o'clock.
The Mothers' Culture club will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. W. H. Indoe. 13U North
Forty-first street A paper will be read
by Mrs. Indoe on the "Definition of True
Obedlenoe and Methods of Securing It."
This will be followed by a discussion by
Mrs. O. E. MIckeL Mrs. J. C. Aldrlch
will give a review of the paper. Mrs.
W. W. Fisher will give a reading and
Mrs. C. B. Lehnhoffs will have the last
number on the program.
The Book Review club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Clinton Brome. 401 South
Twenty-ninth street, Wednesday morning
at 10:80 o'clock, under the leadership of
Mrs. Ida M. Hanchett.
The Dorcus club will meet nt the home
of Mrs. J. L. Houchln. 6726 North
E.estrii Vacuum Cleaner
Weighs only nine pounds.
Cleans as well as the heaviest
cleaner made. Built for every
uay use and fully guaranteed.
Ask ub to demonstrate it in
your home,
JohnHussie Hardware Go,
2407-00 Cuming HU
Tel. Douglas Ilia.
There will be a meeting of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union federation
at tho Young Women's Christian associa
tion Wednesday afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock
In the assembly room. As there Is very
Important business to como before the
meeting it Is desired that as many mem
bers ns possible attend.
v 2Zr& C.3.Cqqix
The Persian History claf will meet In
the lecturo room of the public library
Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
The VfiRtwp service nt the Young
Women's Christian association on Sunday
will be In charge of the girls of the Hos
pitality circle. There will be exceptionally
good music, consisting of two numbers
bv tha Kountxe Memorial auartet. violin
solo by Max Martin and solo by Miss
Carrie Fairchlld. "And God Shall Wipe
Away All Tears from Their Uyes." The
address will be by Miss Lilly M. Strong,
on "Our Greatest Atsct." This meeting
Is at 4:30; at 5:30 a social hour will be
held at which the Hospitality circle will
be hostess. A cordial Invitation .Is ex
tended all the young women to be present.
The last number ot the First Aid to
the Injured lectures will bo given Tues
day evening, April 29, at 7:'16, by Miss
Lillian B. Stuff. The toplo will be:
Tectum: alok room: warning, lighting
and ventilation, feeding In bed, hot and
cold applications, pulse and temperature.
The practice work will consist of mak
ing bed with Injured parson In It, giving
bath, and feeding persons unable to sit
up. Admission to members of the association.
Th annual cvm fests will be given May
4 and 6. All seats In tbe auditorium will
be reserved, so tickets must be secured
In advance. Seat sale opens May L
The Omaha Woman's club will hold its
last meeting of the year at the club rooms
at 2:30 o'clock, Keports of the commlt-
win he rend and delegates will be
oW.tert to the state and district meetings.
The same tellers who assisted at the last
meeting will assist at this meeting. As It
Is the last meeting of the year a large
attendance is desired.
Tt. Omnha Political Equality league
will meet Thursday evening. May J, In
th muncll chamber of tho city hall at 8
o'clock. The subject, "Tho Minimum
Wage," will be under discussion ana mere
nHii tv several speakers, among tnem
mm. Sherman Felt. Mrs, Frances Fol-
lansbeo. Mrs. Paul Oeetschmann and Mrs.
Anna Peterson. Mr. John Brain win leu
of the report oi the legislative committee
and what aotlon was taken. Mr. Ward
r. nHii .mk from the standpoint
of the employer. All who are Interested
in the subject and woman's suffrage are
cordially Invited.
rtmjLha Society of Fine Arte will
hold the lost meeting of the year in the
lecturo room of the public library Thurs
day morning at 10 o'clock.
The music department of the Omaha
Woman's club, under the leadership of
Miss Ruth Gannon, will meet at the club
rooms Wednesday at 2:15 p. m. Annual
reports will be given and officers will be
elected for the coming year. Mrs. A. B.
Hunt will have charge of the program,
which will be from American composers
The class In civil government under the
educational committee of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet Wedensday aft-
. i nvini-k in room 312 of the
eruuuu o-. - " -
Young Men's Christian association. Mr.
B. C. Page will be the teacner anu ine
lesson will be the one which was post
poned from last week.
The young women's class In European
history will met Tuesday evening in the
lecture room of the public library instead
of Monday evening.
Government Has Been Quietly Re
Establishing Corners.
OrlKlnnl MnrltliiKH Were Temporary
in Chnrncter mid llnil Since
Hern Olill ti'riited In
SI liny Iimtnnces.
rirntwr Rmlth. nresldent of the
Nebraska Woman Suffrage association.
has called a meeting of the executive
board for Tuesday morning at the suf
frage headquarters, when several mem
bers of the board from Lincoln, Includ
ing Dr. Inez Phllbrlck, Mrs. M. M. Clafln,
Mrs. W. E. Hardy and Mrs-. H. H.
Wheeler are expected to be present as
well as Miss Mary Williams of Kene
saw, and Mrs, Anna Kovanda of Table
George S. Tnompson. fflt North Twen-
t ty-flfth street, reported to the IMilicu
the loss of a pair of gold bowed spec
tacles and a pocketbook containing two
pustofflce money orders for $100 each.
Thompson is of the opinion that whll"
wultlng for a car at Twenty-fourth un t
1-ake streets he was relieved by a pickpocket.
The government has been In tho last
eight or ten years at work rectifying and
permanently establishing a complete re
survey of Nebraska, This big piece of
work has been done without any brnss
band demonstration. Nothing has been
written of tho adjusting of tho survey
of a whole state, surveying over 300
townships quietly and permanently fix
ing over $30,000,000 of realty values of
radically conflicting Interests with hardly
any discord.
Various methods have been tried beforo
to adjust these old fraudulent and faulty
surveys. Many Interests wished to have
them remain as they were, because It
was Impossible to settle up the country
i when the government survey was In
doubt A method of rcsurveylng was re
cently tried, which ignored the old gov
ernment survey, and new Independent cor
ners were set But, as tho law holds
that the old government corners cannot
bo ahanged, this simply complicated mat
ters and made things worse. Then the
government called In Mr. Swettzer, an
associated member of tho American Soclty
of Civil Engineers, gave him a free hand
and after eight years of effort the
problem has been solved.
Snrvey Were Faulty.
Fe'w land owners In the settled eastern
part of Nebraska realize the worries and
hardships borne by the settlers In other
regions In this and adjacent western
states, when they attempt to locate tholt
claims. Apparently the surveys In these
regions, which were made Just prior to
or during the civil war, had little or
no direct government supervision In the
field and were entirely In the hands ot
tho state politicians. Grave errors, gross
neglect and worse then perpotrated react
now on the settler trying to locate his
claim on ground where no original cor
ners exist or, If they do, are so poorly
placed that conflicting Interests make
them worthless. But the law holds that
existing government corners hold regard
less ot position. To meet this situation
there has been developed In the last few
years by the government In this state a
really remarkable science.
Wort Wni Difficult.
Imagine about forty years ago a party
of surveyors far out on our western
borders surveying township and range
lines. Water is scarce and Indians
numerous; bo they hurry along, making
corners, which, In the case ot a section
corner, consisted of digging four pits,
ten feet apart, about a foot deep and a
toot and a half square, In various posi
tions ,and throwing the sandy soli dug
out Into a mound In the center. The
notes mention a stako, but this was
seldom used. Early surveyors like to
tell tho story that as the "regulations"
required the "deposit of a quart of char
coal," a quart well wrapped In a canvas
bag attached to a stout string was
actually In many cases deposited with ap
propriate ceremonies and Immediately
withdrawn, this same charcoal serving
for thousands of corners. Time has
passed since theso corners were originally
made. The fierce winds of spring and
fall, fanning the prairie fires, rapidly
filled these pits with black ash and char
coal of burnt grasses and weeds, surface
soil and sands foreign In nature and
color to their sides and bottoms and soon
levelled as well as the mounds ot fresh
earth. After the winter snows had gone
and spring arrived, grasses and weeds
quickly sprang up, sodding over both pits
and mounds and obliterating to all ap
pearances tho boundaries of someone's
Hr Incut IniiN Mude.
This, however, Is not In reality the case.
For, with a light mold-board breaking
plow, the sod may be turned back and,
as It curls up, a discoloration different
from the prevailing local color of the
sod appears. Then, with spades sharp
ened to a beveled edge by files carried
for that purpose, these discoloration
' nuy be "shaved" and the outlines of un
if'Hg nal pit roon uppear, the charred
' ti.v a end foreign soli und sands, which
filled it, showing plainly In texture and
color ugulust the homogeneous soil ot Its
sldeti. The remaining pits may soon be
dlsoloSed and the original corner restored
and perpetuated by the cement and brnss
cupped monument now used.
To the men now doing the field work
and finding, after the elapse of mnny
years, thec hurriedly mado, misplaced
and lost corners nothing appeals to them
ns out of tho ordinary day's work; It
Is taken ns a matter of courso; so does
the chemist in the courso of his labors
think little of some ot the things he
does, but to the casual observer, they are
little short of miraculous. If Sherlock
Holmes had only taken up this ns a
theme for ono of his stories, no fiction
would have been needed. The wandering
nnd hestltatlng steps of tho original gov.
ernmont surveyors In a wild region forty
or fifty years ago. can now be followed,
when every vestige or Indication of their
work had apparently disappeared, and
their work legally perpetuated without
cost and worry to tho settler of Uncle
Sam's domain.
First rnrnem Must Stand.
Recent decisions of tho Nebrnskn su
premo court vaBtly helped the govern,
mcnt In this respect, especially In the
state of Nebraska ogulnBt Ball and
Bachelor two decisions wero rendered;
one uphold the doctrine of proportional
measurement ond the lost emphasizes the
well known legal fact that the original
government corners are unchangeable and
no state or county surveyor enn build
a corner that conflicts with it that tho
original footsteps of the first government
survey must bo followed and that no
more than thirty-six soctlons comprise
a township. True the state of Nebraska
lost In the case about 130 acres but the
more Important thing gained by tho state
was the legal decisions required to per
petunte the remaining school lands for
the futuro use of Its school children.
Cot Reduced.
Strict co-operation, tho continued em
ployment from year to year of competent
men and businesslike methods have re
duced tho cost of survey to less than IS
per mile, and last season's work
amounted to more than 8,000 miles. All
these lines were double checked and
double chained, and one man's work
checked against tho other, making errors
Tho homesteader now enn file on his
futuro home at tho local land office, go
direct to his land, where he will find a
large iron post sot in cement tho base
surmounted with a brass cap on which
Is lncr1bed his township, rungo and sec
tion. This Is very different from wlmt
It was a few years ago, when tho pros
pectlve home builder In Nebraska wan
dered aimlessly about, unable to locate
his holdings, nnd frequently ended up by
claiming lands long deeded In some
nice valley by earlier settlers. Quito fre
quently this ended in bloodshed and long-drawn-out
legal bnttles.
ors, kooiI quality, $2.9S val
ues, at S1.4S
in every pretty Spring stylo,
at 98i
AN'O l'OIPS Wo show
every now stylo In shoes anil
pumps, nt $2.48
to $5 00 Serges, Whipcords. Diagonals. Fancy Mix- a M ak
uul whlto striped skirts, oto., In neat now Btylo of- I c
s nnd sixes, at ijU.OH ami . B to "TT d9
Values to $2 00 -Flno Nainsook gowns,
prlnress slips, with enibroldory Inser
tion, medallions ami Ihco ribbon trim
med, also pretty underskirts, 93q
Muslin downs, worth "fie, at 39o
Muslin Drawers, worth 2!e, nt lBo
All tho newest
ehnnibriiys, etc
und dark colors and Mtrlpc, at
styles In glnchnms.
all lending light QQn
MONOS empire and
shirred effects, $2
The novelty G.
Values to ?G.00. Small or largo
shapes in hem. chip, brnlds, mo
hair, etc., prettily trimmed: also
chic street hats, 2.08. S1.08
Chip Straw ShapoB, largo and
small sizes, $2. CO valuos at QSt
French Ostrich Plumes, 2 valuos,
two-tono color offecta, at. ..75
black sateenB, strip
ed ginghams, cham
brays and muslins
worth 11.00,
Woman's Relief Corps
to Perpetuate Arbor
Day in This City
To perpetuate Arbor day ns a special
day for the Woman's Relief corps, Mrs
George B. Kddy, president of the corps
In Omaha has arranged for exercises to
bo held each Arbor day In Omaha. To
this end she has secured the donation
of a lot In Forest Lawn cemetery. 20 by
20 feet, which was donated by the Ceme
tery association. Five other lots were set
aside around this plot for future use.
At tho exercises Arbor day the deed to
the lot was formally turned over to
the corps by Superintendent Craig when
Mrs. Hallna Htevens led In prayer and
Kmily I. Batey read from the scriptures
The Woman's Relief Corps Memorial
nssoclatlon has been formed to perpetuate
this I flea and a national day will be
iet aside In June. The Omaha association
Is the first to start this plan and a
number of letters hao been received from
other cities in reference to tho mutter.
The local association Is formed from tho
three corps of Omaha.
Building Notes
Tho Scott-nnwltzcr company finds M10
demand for sleeping porch curtains and
for curtains nnd awnings for sunroomj
has greatly lucrensed this year. Mr. Scott
nf this firm expects n banner season
This compnny Is always trylnff to get pew
designs nnd Is busy experimenting with
different patents, designs and material!
In order to get tho best, so that now it
has practically all tho styles that any
market affords. At present flvo different
crews of this firm nro busy In the tor
nado district putting up awnings. The
assortment of materials and the pi Ices
from which to chooso give the buyer an
opportunity to got exactly what ho wants.
Tho date City Tent nnd Awning com
pnny Is locnted nt 3H-1G South Twelfth
street. In the building formerly occupied
by tho Scott Tent nnd Awning company
It Is only a few months old, but Is mak
ing rapid progress. Its line of tents, nwn
lngs, etc., Is largo and It Is ready to lake
care of nil orders. W. II Iiuhnch, for
merly with the Scott Tent nnd Awning
compnny, Is manager of the firm.
Barker Bros. Paint company lfiOOW Far
nuni street, Is having lhrgo Bales 011 Its
Spot-LUci Cleaner. This product Is used
for washing all painted nnd varnished
surfaces nnd Ik ono of tho beHt over made
It will clean painted walls without leaving
streaks, and Is used on tho Inside or out
side of house. During the last few ynnrs
the demand has grown for tainted w-illo
and decorations, and flat washablo paints
havo covered thousands, of yards) of plas
tered surfaces and when It was tlmu to
wash such decorations It was found to
require skilled wnshers to produco good
results and often then they cannot re
move radiator smoke, gas smoke, dirt and
grease that has become fixed upon the
surface of tho pnlnt, owing largely to the
kind of sonp or other washing prepara
tions employed which contain eating or
caustla properties.
Hair Truths
Stop Experimenting
If you uso a simple toilet prepara
tion and It proves to be worthless,
you only lose money. When you uso
a questionable depilatory, however It
is a very serious matter because you
not only lose money, but you take the
grava risk of permanent disfigure
ment. You Value Your Face
uso De Mlraole, tho one safo, perfect
od hair remover of proven merit Re
member, the Injury caused by the use
of doubtful hnlr removers will elthor
result In permanent dlsflguremont or
cost you many dollars because It will
take months or possibly years to gain
control of hair growths which havo
been stimulated by tho uso of aucb
P as
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Woman Faints in
Juvenile Court
Work In Juvenile court was halted when
a mother, who had been charged with
neglecting her children and who had
caught a remark of the Judge which
sounded as If he meant to take them
away from here, fell In a faint. She woji
taken Into an adjoining room and soon
recovered under first aid treatment
Mrs JoKephlne Itanfom, TOG South
I IJ'Khtecnth street, who had Karl Carver
land Fred Carr arrested for trying to beat
I her nut of V3 SO and 313 7) 1 oard bills,
I withdrew the charges against them, when
they paid up.
Only Real Hair Remover on Earth
Do Miracio contains cortaln Ingre
dients which give It the power to rob
hnlr of Us vitality. Therefore, you
must eventually uso It to retard and
gain control of growths which have
been -caused by the unwise use of
questionable depilatories. Is it not
safer and wiser to begin using De
Miracle now, before the growth gels
beyond control?
leases No Tell-Tale Smell
If you use De Miracle It will be Im
possible for any curious person to
know that you have usod a hair re
mover because Do Miracle evaporatos
immediately after accomplishing Its
work, therefore leaves no odor what
ever. On the other hand, If you use
any depilatory with a distinctive odor,
an offensive tell-tale smell will cling
to your skin for hours. If your dealer
will not supply you with De Miracle,
send il.OO direct.
Now truths in next advt
De Mirtcla Chemical Co., New York
Sold and recommended by
Sherman & .M Council DrtiK Co.,
16th and Dodge,
Owl lriin Company,
16th and Harney.
Hnrrurtl l'liurmni-y,
34th and Farnam.
I.oyul Pharmacy,
307-9 Wo. 16th Bt.
"Muon" writ! "Fbr rara I hit Img lik
ing medleln to cur conitlpttlon, liver trouble
nil tbe imuiI dleeaie that cuiu from that
source, lleadichee, iillow tkln, kldoer trouble,
dark apola before tar erea, illaiy apella and
twinge of rbeumatlini are setting wore "
Anawar: Tak three train sulphrrb tablet
(not aulphur). Thejr are' p'eked In araled tubea
with direction! and are convenient, effective and
hlghlr curative for such ailment aa arlw from
cbroulo coiutlpatloa. It rem ar dvtpeptlc, alio
take tablet trloptptln
"1UUI. A. D." Incontinence of urine can be
cured by ualng tbe following Tincture cubeb
1 dram, tincture rbua aromatic 2 dram and
corop. fluid balmwort 1 01. fllv from 10 to U
drop In water on hour before meala.
"OMA W" write- "I have auffered with ca.
tarrb of it head fur manr year. Thl ha be
come ao bad that It ha affected my blood, alo
my aUimach and bowela to a very great eittnt.
I shall appreciate an Immediate aniwer aa 1 sur
fer greatly."
Anwer. I would advts you to purchaie a,
1 o. package of Vllan powder, tak une-hatf
teaapoonfut of the powder and add to this a
pint of warm water, anuff the water from tbe
palm of tho hand through the nestrtt aeveral
tlmea a day Make a catarrh balm by mlilng
on teajpoonful ot powder with one ounce ot
vaaellne, or lard will do, and apply a far up
the noetrlla a poulble. . For tbe atomaeh,
bowels and blood 1 would recommend the tel.
lowing tonic: Syrup aarsaparllla comp. 4 on.,
corap. fluid balmwort, 1 ot., and 1 01. of fluid
eat buehu. Mix by ahaklng well In a bottle and
take one teaapoonfal after each meal and at bed
e e
"Gloria" write: "I would like you to pre
scribe a good balr and acalp treatment. I am
bothered with Itching acalp anil dandruff. My
hair la faded and falling and none of the rem
edlea 1 hare tried hav done any permanent
Answer: do to your drugglit and obtain a 4
os. Jar of plain yellow Mlnyol. Apply ai per
dlrretleoa. This treatment differ from all and
I have actually teen the astonishing transforma
tion which reeult from Ita use. The dandruff
and Itching are cured with two or three applica
tions, while It make the hair glossy, wavy and
full of Interne natural oolor
"Myrtle" write "Owing to my eitreine thin
ness I am frequently embarrasaed by slighting
rsmsrks ot roung people Csn yiu prescribe a
Drs. Mach & Mach
Bnocessor to Bailey h Maoh
The largest and best equipped dental
office In Omuha. Uxperts in charge of
nii.. i ' . It. .lo i'""0- porcelain
jui iiku mo loom, ah instru
ments sterllied after uslngr.
3d rioor Puiton Block, Omaha, Neb.
f sr. Zewr's jBaAer
10. I"""""? answered below are sen
eral in character; the symptoms or dls-
i"0 .Klve" ,u"1 u, answers will
apply to any case of similar nature.
Those wishing furthor advice, free,
may address Dr. howls llaker t olleo
Illdff.. ColleKe-UUwood Htn ' Dayton"
Ohio. encloHlnir solf-uddrcflscd. stamped
envelope r.r reply. Ku name and ad-ei"Vm"-us-
be Klv ,,l't "l.v Initials or
Im Tllf. Inscriptions can he filled
uSt m. -"! Any
ui n uutcnuicr.
leu thli ' V"6 ir,n "l-P--!""'!" tab-
ihim in"' bllt- " 11 '",C"Q tni P"lbo
them to all who are aenemlc, thin, wasting
nervous snd deblllt.ted. I recommend thlt T you
begin their uso st once snd continue regulsrly
until your system I. able to siwlmllst. tbi st tr
elemsnts of your food, then you will grow plumS
nd hsve plenty of red blood, with color Jra
lieaUh"""" l'r''bt ",-rklln
"Sick M. n." writes. "I have been ffected
for some month Willi rheutnstlsm snd hsve tik.
zrtttm:yia- v""e ---
Answer- The most efficient prescription I
h.v. ever given for rheumatism 1. iodide of
pot.islum 2 drsms, sodium ssllcylste, 4 drams
wine of rolchlum, one-half ounce, comp. eiaenc
cardlol. 1 os. , oomp. fluid balmwort. 1 o, . and
yrup aarsaparllla comp. I oia. Mix and take a
teaspoonful at meal time and at bed time.
. hT..7T",f" wrli.M: "Vo- n recommended
a home made cough syrup I tried It snd found
It the best cough and cold .yrup that I ever
heard of. It was ao prompt In relieving the
severest cough, and cold, and a pint bottle mad.
at home lasted so long thst t have forgotten
th Ingredients. Kindly publish again,"
Answer: The splendid laxative, home made
cough syrup la msde by mlilng n, 0. bot
tie of concentrsted eaeence mentho-lsxen with
home msd sugsr syrup. Direction on tha
bottle tell, how to mike snd us. It I a fine
cheap remedy.
"Johnson" write i: "I sm bothered greatlr
with Indlgeatlon. Thing I like to eat nearly al.
wajs cause a hsavy lll-at-ease feeling In mr
stomsch, and my breath la bad. while I am
nervou. Irritable and frequently cannot Bleep."
Anawer: A very excellent treatment which 1
widely prescribed for Its gradual curative action
aa well as the Initant relief It affords. Is tab!
lets trlopeptlne, packed In sealed carton. Tak
a pink tablet after breakfast, white tablet after
dinner and blue tablet after supper. Continue
and the curative agencies will soon restore nat
ural digestion.
"Mrs. M I" writes "l am recovering from
a long nines, but sm very week, nervous
sleepless and have little appetite, Can you civ
ma a good tonic restorative treatment!"
Answer- Have the following prescription filled
and take a teaspoonful before meal. Syrup of
hypophophltee comp. 8 on., tincture cadomene
oomp. 1 os., (not cardamon). Mix and shake well
before using. This Is a fin nerve tonic and
sieiem tonic for old and young.
"John n. Mc" ask "Don't you think It I
wise to tike medicine to reduce my weight? I
weigh about U pounds too much."
Answer: I do think so. and a vary convenient
and effective flesh reducer Is sold Is sealed
tube with full directions for home use. It I
tilled i-grain srbolene tablets, and any well,
stocked pharmaoy can supply them, They are
- y ant reliable.
sate remedy to increaa my weight '
Answer) I hav ao many gratifying reports 1