Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Two Prominent Events Scheduled
for Early in June.
Chnrllr Hnll AVI11 lip Klven Tlinri
Any KrrnlnR nt the Andltorlnm
fop Ilip Ilcllrf Fund Social
Affairs nt Fort Omnlin.
Soclnl Cnlendnr.
MOJCDAY Mrs. T. U Davis, hostess ot
the Monday Bridge club; Vesta Chapter
v f the Biiatern Star, dancinff patty at
Chambers, ..... .
Tt kSDAY-MaJor and Mr. Carl K. Hart
mann, at home at tort Omaha. Mm
i hallcs Urome. hostess of the Tuesday
Bridge Luncheon club; Miss Ksther
Hyrne. hostess of the Auction Undue
club, Mm. K. C. Harncs. hostess of the
meetlns of the Sermo club.
EDNIS8DAY Columbian Circle, card
patty at their liall. ,
Till JISDAY-Major and Mrs. Carl I
llartmnnn, dinner at Fort Omaha; Mrs.
lrank Bheets, hostess of the Wanlta
Card club, Kt-a-Vlrp club, danclni?
party at Chambers.
Poclet, Is now Interested In weddlnR
plans and enKagcments. Two of the larger
and moro fashionable church weddings
will bo celebrated the first week In June
Tho marrlafce of Miss Man Alice nos
ers, daURhter of Mrs. Thomas Ilogers, to
Mr Frank KeoKh will take place at high
noon Tuesday. June S, at St. Cecilia's pro
cathedral. Tha church la small, which will neces
sitate a small wedding. Following the
ceremony thero will be a wedding bicak
fast for the relatives and Intimate frleiidb
at the home of Mrs. Itogers.
One. of tho larger June weddings will
bts that of Miss Helen Davis, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Frederick II. Davis, to Mr.
Walter Roberts. Tho ceremony will
rlnca Saturday evening. June 7. at Trm-
ilv rnthriral. A reCCDllon will follow at
i nM nnmn nl .1 i . hiiu maid. .m.
Tnnhnrdt-Halcombe Eneacrement.
. An en inurement oC Interest Is that of
Miss Mabel Dalcombe, daughter of tlie
late Mr and Mrs. St. A. D. llalcombe, to
, xif Phiiir w lonhardt. The anounce-
TTient flne not come as a surunsa w uicii
friends. alius uaicomue Dciongs 10 one
of the pioneer families of this city. Is
prominent In social and musical circles
and In also literary. Mr. Leonhardt, who
iwas formerly of Dresden. Germany, camo
to Omaha a year ago from New York.
They will take- a wedding trip abroad and
plan to return to Omaha to make their
home. The wedding will take plaoo In a
few weeks.
Society. Interested in Music.
This will bo a musical week In so
ciety, the Mendelssohn Choir festival will
be held Monday and Tuesday at the
Auditorium and during the week several
Informal musical events have been
planned. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn,
who Ate kell known patrons of music In
this city, are entertaining Mr. Archer
Gibson, the well known organist of New
York, and are entertaining a few friends
each evening, excepting Monday and
Tuesday, when they will attend the
' musical festival.
The box holders for the Mendelssohn
Choir festival include: Mr. and Mrs. A.
C Brnlth, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountxe,
' Mr. 'and Mrs. Ward Durgess, Mr. and
Mrs. J, W. Towle, Mr. and Mrs. Gcrrlt
Fort, llr. and Mrs. 12. M. Fairfield, Mr.
; and Mrs. J. A. McSh&ne. Judge and Mrs.
j McIIugh. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash, Mr.
.' and Mrs. George A. Joslyn, Mr. and Mrs.
: Joseph Xtaldrlge, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Quintan, Mr, and Mrs. George Brandels,
I Mr and Mrs, Oeorge A.; lloagland, Mr.
and Mrs. U. F, Crofoot, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther KoUntxe, Mr, DeF. Richards,
! Dr and Mr. C. C. Allison, Mr, and Mrs.
G. TV. Holdrege, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Wattles and Mrs. G. "W. Meageth.
; Charity Ball.
I Ths charity ball which will be rrlven
i Thursday evening at the Auditorium for
I the benefit of the Wise Memorial hospital
and the Omaha Kalaton relief fund, l'he
ball wilt be one ot the big events of the
spring season and no efforts have been
spared to make it a splendid success. The
decorations will be In yellow and white.
Many prominent young women have as
sisted In selling ticket and will preside
at the candy and flower booths.
At Homes Resumed at Port Omaha.
Major and Mm. Curl F. Ilartman will
resume their "at homes" Tuesday after
noon ut Fort Omaha from 4 to 6 o'clock.
These Informal afternoons have been en
Joyed by their many friends from Omaha
and the two garrisons. The last "at
home" given at the quarters of the com
manding officer was Shrove Tuesday,
when the bachelor officers of Fort Crook
were the special guests.
Tuesday afternoon there will ba military
parade at S o'clock.
Thursday evening Major and Mrs. Hart,
mann will entertain at dinner, when nine
guests will be present.
With the Travelers Abroad.
Mies Helen Scoble and her brother,
Italston. are still In Paris and will re
main there until June, when they go to
Geneva and later to Germany, whence
Ralston sails In August for home, while
Mies Bcoble will remain for her GeiTnan
examination at Hamburg.
Mr and Mrs. EL A. Cudahy of Chicago
will sail May 6 to Join their daughters,
Florence and Alice, who are at school In
Parts. After some travel they will re
turn the latter part of June and go as
usual to their Machlnac home.
Dr Alexander Young leaves the early
part of May for New York, to sail on
the 10th for several months of study
abroad in Vienna, Zurich and London.
Two Maids Whose Wedding Days Have Been Fixed
Get Rid of That
Tired Feeling
(Medical News)
That drowxy, tired, worn-out feeling
wolrb, mott of us have at the approach
of warm weather cornea from the pois
oned impurities In the blood which gen
ft erally lead to slcknww or poor health. At
I tre first signs of spring a good, blood.
pu.lfjrlng tonic should be taken by every
member of the family.
The expense ot making such a tonic
W.l! be small it one geta from the drug
4 st re js pint alcohol and 1 ounce kardene.
thei mix that with tt cupful sugar, odd.
lu l et water to make a quart. A table-
sr-ocnful taken before meals will aeon
clear the blood ot all Impurities, banish
nimt-lt aod fallownesa and restore lost
oppctte and energy. No known remedy
Is ao strengthening and entrglrlng to a
tired, worn-out system aa this old-fash
ioned body.regulator. It Is ono of the
best heatth-restorcrs known to medical
cUace. -jUvertlaemeal
Mr. George Uohrnan will accompany him
but probably will not remain abroad as
Mr. nnd Mrs, U V. Crofott, who have
been abroad for two months, sail for
home next 8nturday nccompanlcd by her
mother, Mrs. IC. W. Nash, who has been
In Europe since October with her daugh
ter. Miss Nash, nnd hor niece, ..Miss
Proulx. The two latter will remain
abroad until July.
Mr. Fairfield left Wednesday for New
York with his daughters. Hetty nnd
Wynne, who sail todny with Mrs. Fair
field for Ivmdon. Mr. Fairfield will bo
tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlmon Bird
for a few dayn at Greenwich beforo re
turning home.
Mrs. Ward Burgess and children and
Mrs. Charles T. Kountxe nnd children
will sail from noston Juno 24 for the Islo
of Wight. They will send the mimmcr
touring through Normandy and Ilrltnny
and will be Joined by Mr. nurgess and
Mr. Kountre the latter part of August
They will snll for New York tho first of
Dr. and Mm. 13. I. Bridges sailed on
Thursday of last week to return to
Omaha after a year In Vienna and Ber
lln. They arc expected here early In tho
Where They Are.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Barlcnlow and Miss
Barkalow havo moved Into tho npartmnnt
at the West Farnam Just vacatod by Col
onel and Mrs. Chubb, and will keep It
until their home Is repaired, probably till
September, when the apartment has been
taken by Mr. Frank Keogh, whose mar
riage to Miss Alice Rogers i takes place
early In the summer.
Mrs. 19. B. Balch has given up her
home and Thursday went to her daugh
ters, aim. a, j iieea. to stay Indefi
nitely. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Coles aro 'also
with Mr. and Mrs. Reed for a few weeks.
Beturn from Winter Resorts.
Omahans by the score are returning
from California and other winter resorts.
where they havo been during the winter
and early spring.
Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy returned Friday
from La Jolla, near loa Angeles, whore
she has been with her alsier, Mrs. Al
fred Elllck, and children, and Mrs. Frank
Brown, who will remain In California for
several weeks longer.
A number are planning to return about
May 1, Including Mr, nnd Mrs. G. W.
Wattles and daughters, Margaret nnd
Mary, who have been nt their home In
Hollywood; Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ktrken
dall and daughter, Mrs. Glenn C. Whar
ton, from Beverly Mills, Cal.. nnd Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Burgess, from Long
Beach und Los Angeles,
Miss Katharine Krug, who has been
In California for some weeks, will return
this week.
Mrs. Harman Kountxe arrived Monday
from California and Is with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Jerome Magee.
Mr. John T. Pwart of Council Bluffs
and her daughter, Mrs. Wlldman. have
returned from California.
Mrs. Mary B. Reed, who has been In
ff nOfiHCL L 71.
California since September, and recently
In Reno, Nev visiting friends, returned
Thursihiy to Omaha.
Mr. R, R. Kimball and family arrived
Thursday noon from their winter home
at Ormonde Beach and are staying with
his mother, Mrs. T. U Kimball, while
their home is being put In readlnoss for
Miss Helen Rlnehart has returned from
several months In California.
Cinch Party.
Miss Sidney Stebblns entertained Fri
day evening at her home. The time was
pleasantly spont playing cinch. Thoso
preBent were:
Klcanor dishing,
Minerva Fullur,
Grace Morphy,
Ruth Yoder,
Alnetta Palmer,
Helen Hatch,
Ned Altchlson,
Irfsllo RIloy,
Herbert Vosberg,
Rudolph Von Gssel,
O. W. Snttler,
Robert Dougherty,
George Brickley,
Helen Weeks.
Oertrudo Weeth,
Mary Marston,
Gladys Hodgln,
Ixnilxo White,
Anna Fell,
Charles Keller,
James Klrkland,
Howard Wilson,
Richard Fuller,
Sumner Stebblns,
Frederick Stebblns.
Sidney Stebblns.
Friends Give a Shower.
At tho homo of Miss Marie Hlxenbough,
62ft South Nineteenth street, the Mc
Quold girls of tho First Methodist Sun
day school gave a shower Wednesday
afternoon for Miss Ruth Koch, whose
homo was destroyed by tho tornado.
Those present were:
Anna Purdy,
Anna Gleb,
Aloha Jenkins,
Ruth Koch,
Tena Dorrence,
Betty Robinson.
Mario Hlxenbough,
Thelma Canjle,
Mildred McAuley,
Marjolle Bryant,
Ircna Smith,
Alpha Tau Omega Banquet.
An informal dinner was given at the
University club Saturday evening by the
Interstate) Alumni association of Alpha
Tau Omega. Thoso present were: Hon,
8. R. McKelvIe, Lincoln: Fred Uucholx,
Jlerbcrt Davis. Phillip Downs, Dwlght
HvatiB, Herman Jobst, Harry Marsh,
Harry Monoid, Leo McShano. Foy Por
ter, Frank Walker, Harrey Nelson, James
Durkne. Horaco Blake, Floyd Harding.
Council, Bluffs: Prof. J. 15. Marshall,
Council Bluffs; Charles H. Parka, Conn
ell Bluffs: Clark Davis. Louis W. Home,
South Omaha; Parmalee. Arrles, Platts.
mouth: George A. Doll, A. Iloed O'Han
lon, William Maher, Blair; Dr. J. J.
New York Woman Who Visited in Omaha
Fossler, Millard; Fred C. Laird, Howard
Loomls, Fremont; Ralph B. Weaverllng,
North Bend; Earl D. Mallery, Alliance;
Prof. P. M. Buck, Dr. IC J. Angle, Guy
E. Reed, E. O. Sttehm, John Cutrlght,
Harley Brown, Al Coleman, Joo Fore
man, Lincoln; Harry B. Coffee, Guy Cof
fee, Chadron; T. K. Saunders, Beatrice;
Lloyd H. Adams, B. M. Burbank. L. R.
Copeland, Dr. T. E. Dalley. George D.
Gelb, Will H. Hunt. A. C. Kennedy, jr.;
i-aui, K.unns, Arthur Lemon. Dr. Henry
S. Munro, John W. Towle. Edward Un-
deland; Jack Hartc, New York City.
At the Prairie Park Club.
The regular monthly entertainment of
tho Pralrlo Park association was held at
tho club rooms Friday evening. April 25,
and the program was unusual and very
amusing. It consisted partly of a wrest
ling match and boxing match and tumb
ling. BcsldeB this were vocal and Instru
mental pieces followed by a dance. The
affair was well attended.
President Walker announced that as a
result of the Needlecraft bazaar the
Needlecraft club had turned In to the
association IH5 to be applied upon the
payment of the furniture Indebtedness.
Ho also announced tho appointment of
a Fourth of July committee consisting of
G. H. Rheam, George Gardner and B. C.
Conloy. At tho next business meeting
of the association, to be held May 9, this
committee will report its program for tho
iFourth of July celebration.
Haselmire-Tanner Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tanner announce
the engagement of their only daughter
Franoca Millie, to Mr. William Bernard
Haselmlro of this city. The wedding will
take place early in June, After an ox
tended trip, Mr. and Mm. Haselmlro will
make their home In Omaha.
New York Guests.
Mrs. Frank M. Chapman of New York
City, wlfo of the distinguished naturullst,
spent last week with her sister. Mrs it
J. Klrschsteln, of 2005 Soencer nt,t
Mra. Chapman and her Bister. Miss iuit
of New York, who wn also Mrs. Klrach-
siein s guest, have been wintering i
southern California during Dr. Chapman's
absence In South Ameiica. where ho has
niaue a moat Interesting trln through ih
Colombian Andes.
Jungers-Vawter Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Vawter an
nounce the marriage of their daughter,
Sadie Mny, to Mr. George JungeM. Tues
day, April 82. After May 1 they will be
ut home In this city.
Surprise Party.
Miss Evelyn East was given a surprise
party nt her homo Friday evening. Tho
evening was Bpent at dancing and games.
Twelve guests were present.
For the Future.
The Hungry cluo will give u dancing
party at Chambers on Friday evening,
May 2.
Pan Club Dance.
The Pan club gave a dancing party at
Metropolitan hall Friday evening. Favors
for ladles were silver engagement books,
which were used for programs. Those
protent were:
Mr. and Mrs, U E. Gllespie, ' j
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fradenburg,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rose,
Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Baughn.
Mr. and Mm. R. H. Koran,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Roberts,
Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Dudley,
Dr and Mrs. C. Rudlndall,
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. James Trimble.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tlllotson,
Mr anu airs. w. u. Fuller.
Ann Rowley,
Genevieve Read,
Reba McNamara,
Dr. W A. Cox.
Joseph W. Tanner,
Loyd Burdlck,
Fred Shearer.
Hortense Eads,
Emella Rlx.
Ann Kotslter,
Hannah Tate,
Dr. A. A. Fricke,
James T. Allan,
W. II. Cheek,
R. C. McCullough.
Celebrates Birthday.
H n. Bernard Robertson entertained
delightfully at a birthday party at her
home, C19 South Twenty-ninth street' in
celebration of the 71st birthday ot her
rnother, Mrs. John Snlvely of Fort Croak
boulevard. The guest of honor was pre
sented with a wonder bag tilled wltn
gifts, and she also received many flowers.
The latter fart of the afternoon luncheon
whs sened and the guests were Mesdamcm
W J Ucereee. Z. W. Chapman, W D
Pa tson. iv V Jones. W Balcom, W
ii Cheek, C A- Cheek, Churles Snlvely,
K T. Farnsworth, A. A. Thurslow, W. K.
Taylor, J. H. Dunham, Rastlnnon, Jacob
on, Hlgby, Howard and Burns.
Parties ot Benefit Play.
Mm. William Blaine of Fort Omaha
entertained at a matinee party at the
Brandels theater to see "The Sleeping
Beauty." The guests were the officers'
children ot Fort Omaha, including little
Misses Phyllis Hartmann, Katherlne
Vorln and Masters Billy Blaine, Jr., and
Edward Blaine.
.Mm, John J. Hannlghen entertained at
luncheon Saturday In honor of the fifth
birthday anniversary of her small sou,
Bernard. A blrthdav cake formed the
cciiterplece of the tuble. Following tiio
luncheon tho guests were entertained by
u box party to see "The Sleeping
H. duty." Those present were:
Little Misses- Little Mlfses-
Emmn N'nsh. Martha Rl Bradford.
Jane Stewart. Berth .Mae Bradford
- .
James Hannlghen. Gordon Stewart Tea.
Miss Eugenie Whltmoro was hostess at
an Informal tea Friday afternoon at her
home In honor of Miss Grace Murphy of
Wllwaukee, guest of Miss Mildred Rogers.
Et-A-Virp Club.
Tho Et-a-VIrp club will conclude Its
season of winter dances with a May
party nt Chambers' Thursday. May 1.
The annual stag party will be given Mon
day. Muy 5, at Metropolitan hall.
Columbian Cirole.
Tho Columbian Circle will entertain at
Its hall, Twenty-second and Locust
streets, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. The
hostensc.Y will be Mrs. T. Bolce and Mrs.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr Myron L. Learned has returned
from a sojourn at Excelsior Springs.
Mrs. Paul Schmidt of Now York Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Elder.
Mrs, Edwin T. Swobe left Friday even
ing for Chicago to visit relatives for ten
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colpctxer ar ex
pected home today from Excelsior
Miss Fannie Roecnstock has gone to
Chicago to spend several weekB visiting
Mr. and Mm. Albert Graham and two
daughters of Pittsburgh are the guests
of their cousin, Mr. Walter Graham.
Mr. F. I. Elllck and Mr. G. M. Durkee,
who havo spent the week at Excelsior
Springs, aro expected home the first of
the week.
Mrs. J. P. English left ThUMday for
Kansas City, where sho will spend two
weeks as the guest of her son, Mr. J. E.
English, and Mrs. English.
Miss Grace Murphy, the guest of Miss
Mildred Rogers, leaves today for her
home in Milwaukee, accompanied by her
hostess, who will visit her for awhile.
Mm. A. M. Pinto has returned from a
visit in Chicago and Milwaukee as the
guest of Mrs. Hazel Payne, Mr. and
Mm. II. D. Fishor and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Richard Baum left last week to
Join his father, J. E. Baum. In Phlladel
phla, where Mr. Baum has recently
bought a large wholesale hardware busi
ness and Into which Mr. Richard Baum
Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson and her sister,
Miss McCormlck, returned Wednesday
from New York, where they were at the
McAlplne hotel for two weeks. Previous
to that Miss McCormlck was at Palm
Beach, Fla.
Personal Gossip.
Mr. A, E. Goodson has recovered from
the Injuries which ho sustained during
the tornado and ho Is ablo to be out
j o A
G olf er
Here's the shoo thnt
beats bogey. Seamless,
genuine Russian calf or
smoked calf in grey, like
cut Wo fit them, $5.50.
1419 Farnam Street.
Ask the doctor how important is the
druggist's part in taking care of tiLs pre
scriptions and his answer will surprise
you. Too much stress cannot be laid
upon our part of the work. Carefulness,
accuracy and absolute holding to exact
ness In amount und kind of ingredient is
necessary to glva the result the physi
cian Intends. Don't take chances of
getting an thing but the best. You are
sure of the best at Prescription Depart
ments Sherman &McConnell Drug Go.
roar (4) Drusr stores In Omaha
All Good Ones.
Complete Tilth
cane, boir and ex
tra atrtngi at 13.00,
.00, ST.OO. IS.O0.
10.00, 110.00. 123
and up.
Sold on Easy Pay.
Writ fr Free Catalac of Mnalcal
HQS Dtutlii 9U Omiki, Neb.
Lacy & Tremaine
Omaha's Most
Jlnve gained prestige
by presenting tc au
thoritative styles of
the day. We are re
ceiving beautiful new
models and have an
unexcelled selection
the famous Burgess
We invite your in
spection of the Artis
tic and originally de
signed $10.00 Hats.
Corner 10th and
Howard Sts.
$50 --1 will make up a Lady's Suit
from any material in the house at
I never carry over suit fabrics from one season to an
other, and for this reason havo planned a stirring sale to
effect a positive clearance.
My offer Is this: come In at onco and solect from a large
varioty of suitings and I will make up ANY suit from ANY
fabric 1 havo, at only $50; a suit embodying ALL. of tho
admittedly high class "LA BOOK" characteristics; a suit
that will fit to a-nicety.
It would be useless to dwell upon the positive man-tailored
effect; tho trim; the make up and finish of a "LA
BOOK" suit; you are well aware of these points of super
iority; but I do wish to Impress upon you the importance
of tho reduction.
Cleaning House Furnishings
Our Prices
Are No
More Titan
You Have
to Pay for
the Best?
as they should be is a hobby with us.
We've cleaned hundreds of carpets
and rugs during the past few weeks,
many of which at first glance seemed
to be entirely ruined, but after being
cleaned by us they looked as nice as
now in practically every case.
No matter how much dirt, grease
and soil they contain, there is hope
for them as long as they are whole.
Put your case up to ua if we clean
them and you are not satisfied with
the cleaning it won't cost you a cent.
We also clean draperies, portieres,
curtains and other furnishings that
require care and skill in handling.
Call Douglas 963 and an auto will
call for your work promptly.
The Pantorium
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
1515-17 Jones St. Phone Douglas 963
South Omaha Office, 528 North 24th St. Phone So. 1283.
Careful Workmanship
Is ono of our strong point in Dry Cleaning. Our plant is equipped with
every machine and appliance that ivlll enable uk to do tha highest gTade of
work, and a dimple frock of the most costly garment can be entrusted to our
care with the utmost confidence.
We give the same careful consideration to the cleaning: of household
goods that we do clothing. Herewith quote a few seasonable prices:
Draperies and Portieres, dry cleaned 51.50 and $3.00 pair
l.aca Curtains, dry cleaned 51.00 to 93.00 per pair
Oriental and other valuable Kuks and CarpetH cleaned by our Improved
naphtha process SOo to 35c square yard
Wagrons to All Farts of tlia City.
The Wardrobe
3016 rarnam St. rilED O. WXUIOTH, lana(-r. JPnoa Boar. 1789.
If you are golns to paper this spring, we will send you. absolutely
free, one of our 1913-14 booklets showing 17 up-to-date Interiors In
natural colors, papered according to the very latest ideas In interior
By all means get this book. It will show you how to paper your
home In a new way. Wfr-ite, telephone or telegraph and we'll send it.
or call and we will give it to you. You will be under no obligation to
us by dolug so.
Wholesale and Retail
O. R. WlUlams, Munoger.
S. E. Cor., Twenty-fourth and Farnam. Telephone JongIaa 4173.
Nebraska National Bank
12th and Farnam Streets