Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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Han is to Have Six Transconti
nental Routes Available.
Same rathflnder Cur "Which Mnde
the Trip Last Year AVI II AKnln
He Uaed for Making
OnA of the most ImDortnnt nnnounnm
tnents that has yet come from the execu
tive offices ot the American Automobile
association Is the statement tom Man
ager Robert liruce of the touring "bureau
that the development ot nil possible trans
continental highway routes will bo con
tinued this summer 1n even more strenu
ous fashion than last year, when three
new trails across the continent were sur
veyed in the Pathfinder "W ot Indian
apolis, a 13,000-mllo road survey In 147
j The same' Identical Pathfinder Car that
Vaa selected for official pathflhdlng by
the American Automobile association and
United States government office of pub
lic roads, and which originally started
Irom New York June 11, J912, on Its record
trail blazing trip, will be used this year
to survey three more transcontinental
routes for 1913.
The 1913 program calls for supplement
ary data to bo gathered on a 12,000-mlle
survey that will dovetail closely Into the
work already done In the Pathfinder that
six transcontinental highways will be
available for tourists at the end of the
present season.
i This network of transcontinental routes
has been before tho American Automobile
association for tho last half dozen years
and when completed transcontinental de
velopment will have reached Its height
The data will be gathered as in former
years- by A. U Westgard, official Ameri
can Automobile association representa
tive. Accompanied tor Westward.
In order to officially sanction the
bosster tour of Indiana automobile manu
fatcurers from Indianapolis to the pa
clflo coast, tho American Automobile as
sociation has consented to have Mr.
(Westgard arrange his routing so as to
be In Indianapolis for tne atari oi me
Hoosler tour and to continue with the
mntnr crtravan all the way across the
country to the coast. Having covered
this ground numerous times In the past,
Mr. Westgard will be invaluable to the
tourists both In tho selection of tho most
energetic cities and' towns through which
Ao pass and In breaking virgin ground
for the lamous Flsher-Alllson highway
ln the far west.
The Pathfinder "W will leave New
Tork about June 1 for Indianapolis, by
way of Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Des
Moines, Kansas City, looping back to
the Hoosler capital In time for the official
start of the tour, July 1.
After the finish at San Francisco, the
Pathfinder will continue on Its long trail,
leaving the Hoosler tourists to disband
and return home by rail. A new sur
vey will be made of the famous Trail to
Bunset. This routing includes a number
of detours In and around Lower Cali
fornia, New Mexico. Arizona. Texas and
Arkansas, then back to New York on a
straight lino making the first official
survey ot a southern transcontinental
route. , . ,,,
While in the west, the Pathfinder will
bo used to link the Midland trail with the
Northwest trail via Bait Lake City and
Seattle and also will link the Glacier
National park In Montana with the Yel
lowstone National park in Wyoming.
The object of these tours is to give
transcontinental travelers accurate data
for any long-distance tour that may be
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Xiewspaper vaveruib w
Along the
Automobile Row
8o large has been the demand for Ford
cars this year the factory has been un
able to keep up with the domand and
deliveries will be suspended after May 14,
according to Manager Gould of the local
branch. Whllo the company has tripled
Its output, over last year the demand has
equally Increased. There were TS.000 cars
manufactured by the Ford people last
year. These were all In the hands of
tho retail trade by June 14, when further
deliveries were Impossible. This year
200,000 cars will be put on the market and
deliveries will cease a month earlier than
last year. Tho Ford factory Is turning
out on an average 1,000 cars each day.
Double shifts are employed.
It Is little wonder the factory cannot
keep up with the demand, when tho
sales by the Omaha branch In one week
Is considered. Fourteen cars were sold
Tuesday by the branch salesmen.
The E. R. Wilson Automobile company
Is working day and night selling and
delivering cars to the city and country
tradu. Mr. Wilson and his sales force
have piled up such a largo batch ot
orders that the factory Is working over
time In an endeavor to keep the com
pany stooked with, cars and so far have
been unsuccessful.
"Never before has tho automobile sea
son opened with such a rush," Mr. Wil
son stated- "We have sold more cars
this spring than any previous season.
And the sales are Increasing every
week. Tho Studebaker cars are espe
cially In demand. This line furnishes
the average buyer with the right car
at the right price." The following sales
made by the company last week bears
out Mr. Wilson's statement: V. T.
Parker, Florence, a Lexington touring
car; Henry D. Frankfurt of the Hasting
& Heyden Real Estato company, a
Studebaker; W. W. Sherwood of the
Sherwood Electrical company, a Stude
baker "20!" Dr. W. F. MUroy, a Stude
baker "3!;" Sol Brodkey, a Studebaker
"38;" R. B. Forbes, a Studebaker "SS;"
V. F. Wellmon, South Omaha live stock
merchant, a Studebajter "36;" Edward
Carrol, a Studebaker "25."
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huff motored to
Crete one day last week and returned
the following morning.
I E. Doty, well known along the
automobile row, who Is now established
In R. R. Kimball's former place of busi
ness, is accomplishing much In the sales
of Reo cars. These cars have found
much success with the city and rural
trade and Mr. Doty anticipates a large
demand for these machines this season.
So far tho sales have greatly exceeded
previous years.
The Haynes Automobile company of
Sioux City sold three Studebaker de
livery wagons last week. The company
operates under the Omaha branch.
The Cole Motor company made sev
eral city sales last week and a large
number of deliveries In this territory.
Arthur Storz ls still attending to the
wants of motorists in his new supply
house on auto row. The sales force Is
keeping the stock men on the Jump tak
ing care of orders.
With his mind off the auto show for
a few months and the new catalogue
out of his system Clarke C Powell Is
gasping for breath over the large orders
being turned In by his salesmen In this
territory. The Powell Supply company
bids fair to break all previous records
this season.
C. II. Uarnes bought an Oakland "U"
roadster from the Molntyre Automobile
company last week.
The new Studebaker "25" roadster wilt
make Its first appearance next Saturday
on tho strccts-of Omnha. It Is tho latent
thing In a medium sized two-passenger
car and great attention has been paid to
details In its construction. Manager
Keller of the local branch of the Stude
baker company Is of the opinion that It
will prove more popular than the Stude
baker "20" that was In such domand last
T. V. Graves, local manager of tho
Goodyear Tire and Rubber company, Is
up to his old tricks of smashing former
records for sales ot accessories In the
city and territory.
George Rolm's famous Cadillac car Is
making another hit with auto enthusiasts
this season. The sales this spring have
been very heavy
While tho Frooland Automobile com
pany Is located down at the foot of east
Farnam street prospective buyers start
ing down auto row always stop In to s-
the well known Mason Hill Climber cut
up capers.
T. B. Northwall'H pet, the Regal Under
slung, Is also a favorite with buyers in
ho territory if sales can be taken as
Tho police department Is not the only
concern using Inter-Stato cars. However,
the department has tested out this car
and found It not wanting In any particu
lar. Magnificently made and elaborately
upholstered tho Studebaker "S5" Sedan
enclosed car Is a beautiful piece of auto
craft. The car Is on display In the sales
rooms of the Omaha branch and Is prov
ing of great tnterest to motorists. It Is
electrle-llghted and equipped with a self
starter. The carburetor can bo adjusted
by the chauffeur without leaving the car
and an oil gauge is near the speedometer
which keeps tho chauffeur in touch with
the oil In the tank.
W. N. Hellen, sales manager of the W.
I.. Huffman Automobile company at
tended the South Dakota automobllo
show at Stoux Falls, S. D., last week.
Mr. Hellen Is high In his praises over tho
courtesies received by the Sioux Falls
A. J. Joy of Blanchard, la., mode a
contract with the W. L. Huffman Auto
mobile company for the Hupmoblle
agency last Thursday and drove a tour
ing oar home.
The Utlca Automobile company of
Neb., took home a demonstrating Hup
mohllo touring car last week and secured
his contraot for tho agency with the W.
L. Huffman Automobile company.
Carload deliveries were made on the
Hupmobllo lost week by the W. L. Huff
man Automobile company to the Central
Auto nnd Supply company of Mitchell, S.
D.; Sidles Motor Car company, Lincoln,
Nob.; H. G. Randall. Raold City. S. D.
Dr. F. S. Owen purchased a Hupmoblle
"coupe" of the W. L. Huffman Automo
bile company last Thursday. Tho doctor
purchased the car for a present to his
W. L. Huffman of the W. L. Huffman
Automobile company Is at Detroit, Clove
land and other eastern cities looking
after business matters.
Deliveries werefmade on tho Hupmoblle
by the W. L. Huffman Automobile com
pany one touring car, Gelster & Sheldon,
Groton, S. D.; one touring car, L. H.
fw, & f fm fT00 tb jSMMflHOS WC ? 1250 k
A Revelation in Motor Trucks
Hero are the trucks that surprised thousands of visitor at the New York Show. Never before
have such wonderful values been offered trucks that represent the achievement of ilO years of
engineering skill, made tq sell at exceedingly moderate prices
We have shattered the tradition that a sub
stantial, well-built truck had to sell for $3,000
to f 5,000. Tho new 1013 Dart Trucks at $1,100
and $1,775" Include more actual tangible value
than can be found in any other truck of the
same capacity in the entire world,
Model WD, 1,000 lbs. capacity, .$750
Model B, 1,500 tb 2,000 lbs. capacity,
(4 cyl)
Model O, 3,000 to 4,000 lbs. capacity,
(4 cyl)
Compare the Dart Truck and price with
others which are offered from $300 to $1,000
The liberal specifications of this truck will
amaze you. It is. impossible to build them bet
ter. They aro equipped with either Continental
or Buda motor, Sbeldon axles, springs and
frame. Brown Llep or Warner Transmission,
Imported IMnlander Ball Bearings or Heavy
Dulty New Departure Ball Bearings.
You will note that this truck is built of ab
solutely standard stuff, known throughout the
country to be tho best that is made.
The Dart Motor Manufacturing Company
have been building Commercial wagons for
twenty years and hoye not made the fatal
mistake of incorporating pleasure car construc
tion in a commercial wagon as many manufac
turers have done.
We will carry on hand extra parts so that
In case- of accident your wagon .will not. be laid
up and we also extend to owners' of the Dart
Trucks our unexcelled Oakland service.
Ail we ask of you is to fake one look at this
Truck and you wll be convinced' of itr super
iority. For four years we have been looking for a
Truch that would give the service, and wo have
found It in the Dart.
Mclntyre Automobile Company
2203 Farnam Street, Omaha
Western Agents for Dart Motor Manufacturing Company
Bock, Hock Rapid, la.; one touring car.
Inncs A McGotvan, Junius, S. D.
John A. Mngutre, western sales man
ager for the. Republic Rubber company,
whs a visitor at tho Powell supply com
pany last week, Hecognltlng Omaha's
advantages as a distributing point, addi
tional territory has been turned over to
the Powell Supply company on Itepubllc
W. It. nixby, representing the Tow ell
Supply company, has Just completed a
round-up of the southwestern part of the
state. The prospects for big crops have
made tho dealers Jubilant and thoy are
looking forward to a prosperous season.
The Powell Supply company reports big
Interest In motorcycles and bicycles.
Kvery day brings In a lot of Inquiries for
Particulars regarding the Pierce line.
Tho demand for portable garages litis
become so strong Hint the Powell Supply
company has taken on the agency for K1
wards' "Steelcote" and all steel private
Tho Kebraska-Dulck Auto company de
livered ono or Its Scldon motor trucks to
the Omaba Gas company last week. This
truck Is of tho stake body stylo with an
extra long wheel base, which gives a big
carrying capacity.
"Wo havo Just received a shipment of
Dart trucks, which are attracting a grout
deal of attention nnd favorable comment,"
says Manager Mclntyre of tho Mrlntyro
Automobllo company. "This Is duo to tho
fact that this truck Is built entliely out
of standard stuff, such as Continental
motor, Drown-Llep or Warner transmis
sion, Sheldon axles, springs nnd frame.
These manufacturers are recognised n
standard throughout tho country nnd a
good business man Is always quick to
take advantage of goods that have proven
a success. "We havo been vory busy dem
onstrating this trucJc nnd have taken a
number of orders. fne was sold to J II
tlradshaw of llinken How, who has a
large farm about sixteen miles from
town. Mo expects to lis It In hauling
grHln. hogs and general farm produce t.i
mantel. wnouver saa the Nebraska j
farmer Is not tip to the minute Is mis-1
taken." ,
Tbe Nebraskn-nulck Auto company re-1
ports the following deliveries for the
week: A "." to llovsen & Ulclenberg, 1
Schlcswlg, la.; '" to Cotad .ft Wise.1
Vllllsco, In.; "31" to license M Smith,
Omaha: "31" to Alco Peterson. Ked Oak.
In.; "" to C. M Duff, Hlookton. la.;
X" to Kl J. Bteldl. Crete. Neb.. "2y to
C. W. Sears, South Omaha; "31" to Frank
Van Orsdal, (llrnwood, la ; "40" to Mason
& Scabury, Missouri Valley, la ; "" lo
Mr. Wise. Vllllsrn. la.; "30" to Dr.
Steams, Kearney, Neb.
Tho Molntyre Automobllo company sold
nu Oakland roadster, model 42, to lien
Uarnes, the druggist nt Fortieth and
Dodgo streets.
The capacity and uses ot nn air com
pressor outfit aro well Illustrated by tho
Plant Installed by the Powell Supply com
pany. This outfit supplies air for ths
Powell tiro repair shop and a free olr
station, and In addition. Is drawn upon by
Powell's nelghlHU-s, tho Cartorcnr com
pany and the .Marlon Auto company. The
Cortorvnr company makes uses of the air
In Its shop in connection with Its brazing
Percy V. Slater, of tho Powell Supply
company, Is visiting nt his homo In
Columbus, Neb. Incidentally he Is drum
ming up business for his houso In that
Hcffinil firnnil I'niiyim Tour.
Tho second annual Studebaker tour
from Phoenix, Ariz , to Urand Canyon,
wll be run early this season. Kntrlos
j of moro thnn fifty Studebaker curs aro
I already promised.
Firestone rubber and design
mean mileage never before
Fullest comfort, greatest car pro
tection with fewest tire and car
repairs are additional values and
economies. Twelve years of unin
terrupted leadership is your proof.
Aik for book," What' What In Tim."
The Firestone Tire & Robber Co.
"America's Largest Exclusive
Tlrs and Kim axakors."
2220 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Borne Office and raotory, Akron, O.
ranohea In All arga Cities.
For 16 years our chemists have
tested and experimented with
pure rubber and
Our engi
neers have con
structed and torn
down thousands
of test tires.
We have supple
mented their work
with the most modern
tire building machinery
We have spared neither time nor
expense to give you the "More Mileage" tire you
demanded and now we offer you
(No Clinch)
made of Vitalized Rubber
Onr engineers have mastered the prin
ciples of Rim Contact construction, and you can
get the Diamond (No-Clinch) Tire, with Perfect
3-Point Rim Contact an important advantage that
has been heretofore overlooked.
Here is a combination of easy-riding and more
mileage advantages you can't get in any other tire today
Vitalised Rubber, Perfect 3-Point Rim Contact, No-Pinch
Safety Flap, for inner tube protection and, if you wish, the
now famous Safety (Squeegee) Tread made to fit all
types of rims.
So this time buy Diamond Vitalized Rubber Tires
you can get them to fit your rims at any.of the
VanBrunt Automobile Co.
Overland and Pop'
Council Blnffa X
Omaha. Hanr.
Marion Automobile Co.
Dlatrlbutora of h
Marlon ana Harmon
das Can and Stand
ard siaotrioa.
Q101.3 Tarnam BL
F. O. B. Detreit
The Greatest Value for the Price .
on the Market
Option of all-clcctrlc or sna and oil lighting syBtoins
without extra charge.
Russian green or R-C-II red hody as desired.
Easiest riding car in tho world.
Tho moBt economical car to operate.
More equipment than any other car for tho price.
Motor: 4 cyllndfir en bloc, 3ttD, extra heavy crank fthaft,
timing Ki-aiH and valvex enclosed. 3 point HUxpeitHlon. Wheel
bane: 110 Inches. Control: center lever and hand emergency
brake, foot accelerator. Left side drive. Irreversible worm
gear, 16-Inch steering wheel, throttle control on steering
column. Springs: seml-clllptlo on front, full elliptic mounted
on swivel seats on rear. Frutno. pressed Hteel channel. Axles:
front, 1-beam, drop forged; rear, seml-floatlnx. Transmission
3 speeds forward and reverse, selective sliding gear. Hody:
Tourlnsr car Full X passenge-, exceptionally roomy. Road
ster two passenger, lCngllHh type. Cdlor: option of dark
Russian green or It-C-II red without extra charge.
Iong whoelbaBO loto of leg room touring car Beats
five grown persons comfortably.
Long stroke motor loft, sldo drive center control.
Powerful, speedy and sturdy.
Demonstration whenever you want It. Act quick and
get an early delivery.
Lighting: Option nf gas headlights with oil side and tall
lmnpK, or all-electric system with five latest type, powerful
lamps. ,,Ulgh grade In euory detail. Tires' 32xtt-lnch all
around, tilosah high tension magneto. High radu .speedo
meter. Demountable rims. ICxtra rim and holders. '"Tally
ho" horn. "Jiffy" curtains. Top and top cover. Windshield.
Tool kit. Jack. Tire Pump. Tiro Itopalr Outfit. Itobn'Uall.
With tho Roadster Is a 26-gallon gasollno tank, with baggage
trunk large enough to curry two suit cases, Is mpunted'gn th
rear deck. Tire holder Ih also furnished.
6th and Pacific Streets.
Phone Qouglas 10?
a W.IXa--I A ft