10-A TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: A PHIL 27. 101 S PLAN LONG BICYCLE RACE Two Teams to Enter Upon Trans continental Race. HO MONEY TO BE FURNISHED Ench Mnn SI nut I.envc Xe-rr York TV'ithnnl n Cent In 111 Pocket and Knrn ' i:ilrnr All the Wnr. NEW TORIC. Aptjl 26,-For the first time In several years a transcontinental bicycle race will be held this year, with two competing teams representing New Tork clubs, It Is planned to begin the race on May 3 from the city hall, when J Fred Scherrer and Walter Wiley, com posing the Caribou team, will leave with a. twenty-four-hour hnndlcap on Oeorse McAdams and Ernest Hlggins, riding for the Army team and members of the Cen tury Road Club association. Bo far much Interest has been shown by other clubs in the city, and It Is pos sible that other teams will be sent away. The Caribou team wilt be accompanied by many members of the Caribou club as far as possible on the first stage of the trip, and on Sunday, May 4, the associa tion team will be escorted by the First Battery, mounted, and membera of the Century Road Club association. The association team has long been In training, as the race proposed nan been the subject talked over by the competi tors for nearly a year. On a former at tempt to cross the continent In record time Hlggtns and Wiley rodo as far as Titles, N. Y when, through a collision with an automobile, Wiley brokn his arm end both riders were compelled to re turn home. A little feeling has since arisen between them and now both rldor have their own teams atfd will compete against each other. lOppa nt It, Ernest nlgglns has for a long time been a factor In the road racing game and has never really stopped riding while taking up other sports and joining Ilattery D, field artillery, National Guard, New York. Hlggtns has also Just returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. lllgglns team mate, McAdams, Is well known among athletes on the west side and has a long string of victories to his credit. Mc Adams has also been a winner In road races, and both rider are confident that even with a twenty-four-hour handlcnp to surmount success wilt be theirs In tlin end. Fred Bcherrer and Walter Wiley are not new at the game, either, having much experience on the road, And ore rcudy to ride day and night, If necessary, in order to win. Incidentally, it might bo mentioned that Scherrer and Wlloy will attempt to lower the present New York-to-Chlcago record of five days and twenty hours. The conditions governing the contest are original. Ebch man must leave Now York City without a cent In his pnekots and all expends must bo met with money earned on th road. Their present plan is to sell ptiotographVdf themselves and they expect tpearn enough. thfttvay to, keep them In funds foV'oeveraPday at a time. New Era in Motor Cars for the Women That the woman In the family hos considerable Influence In choosing the enr has long been an axiom In motoring cliolfs. This year, she will not only help choose the car, but In many Instances drive It a considerable portion of the time. For one thing, women have learned consid erable about cars through discussions among the male members of the family nnd nro more familiar with tho opera tion of nn automolblc than a few years ago. Hut the greatest factor, perhaps, U the greater cse and convenience which new improvements havo made pos sible. Tho Midland Motor company report many sales of cars, which, will be driven by women; ns well as the men of the family. The new Midland Is equipped with left-hand drive and center control. With left-side control a woman need not step Into the slush or mud In interim; tho car. Her guests In the front seat citn step directly to the curb with hut a short step, and In these days of tight skirts this Is an Item not to bo overlooked. j . Industries, while for the last twelve years Th Thomas H. Jeffery company, an outgrowth of the old Oormully & Jef fery company, has been manufacturing Rambler motor can at Kenoshn. The original work shop on Houth Water street. Chicago, occupied one room. From this modest beginning one of the two largest concerns In the bicycle Industry was bullded. In lOOT the Jeffery factory occupied but R5.O0O square ftet of floor space. Today It has 101 acres of ground area and twenty-five ncres of floor space. The present head of tho company Is Charles T Jeffery. AUTOMATIC CRANKING FACTOR IN ECONOMY HUPM0BILE SALES CHIEF ON TRIP TO THE COAST NEW AD MANAGER FOR FIRESTONETIRE COMPANY Edward B, Ilabcox, formerly advertis ing manager of the Yawman & Krbu Manufacturing company, the world s largest makers of filing systems, Roches ter, N. Y- Is now advertising manager of the Firestone Tire and Rubber com pany, Akron, O., largest exclusive tiro and rim makers. Mr. Ilabcox Is well known In advertis ing circles, having done very effective work for tho Yawman A Erhe company and having addressed many publicity and business organizations- during the last few years. I. 8. Weeper, former advertising man ager of the Firestone company, is now general sales manager of the Colonial Printing company, Cleveland, O. AUTO FACTORY CELEBRATES ITS FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY R, O. Neighbors, sales manager of the Hupp Motor Car company, left Wednes day night for the coast on his annual trip of Inspection through western ter ritory. Mr. Neighbors will visit Denver. Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Arir., Omaha, I,os Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Spokane and Washington. "I-ast yenr." said Mr. Neighbors be fore leaving. "I visited the west Just about the time when the season of tho new Hupmcblle '32' with the radical long-stroko motor was at 'Its height." INTEREST IN AUTOMOBILE TOURING IS REVIVED The Thomas B, Jeffery company, Keno sha, Wis., manufacturers of tho Cross Country motor car, will this year cele brate the fortieth anniversary of Its en trance Into the manufacturing fluid. Although Thomas U. Je.Very, tho founder of tho business, opened his first work shop on South Water street, Chi cago, before the Chicago fire, this place was destroyed, no tho natlon-wldo reputa tion of the Jeffery products dates back Just forty years. For twenty-eight years Thomas II, Jeffery was associated with R, P. aormully In tho manufacture of the Rambler bicycle and other kindred A marked revival In popular Interest In motor car touring events Is being seen this season all over the country, accord ing to W. McKay White, advertising manager of the Mnrlon Motor Car com pany, who visited C. W. McDonald of tho Marlon Automobile company early last week, Mr. White Is chairman of the tour committee of tho tndlnna Automo bile Manufacturers association and will have charge of one of the most Important tours of the year. SLANE TAKES CHARGE OF WOODS ELECTRIC HERE Cart Li. fllane of Chlcngo has taken charge of the electric department of the Drummond Motor company and will here after push the Woods electric In Omaha. Mr. Slana Is one of tho beBt known elec tric men In' tho country and has been successful In handling the Woods electric In Chicago. Ilvrrlll MniL'n Limit Trip. Ono of the first long trips of the season has Just been made by Albert Ilurke, a brewer of Kverett, Wash., who Is back nt 1. 1 tiftmn nflnr n Intip ftf mnnntnltii.il. California In his Studebaker "3G." In , more than 2,000 miles, Mr. Burko says, l his car never faltered. The electrical starting and lighting apparatus proved Itsoir ns perfectly efficient as tho other mechanical features, and not even a puncture marred the outing. ECONOMY IN USE OF TRUCKS DEPENDS ON THE TIRES On the tiro as much as nnythlng else depends the actual worth of a truck or other delivery vehicle. This U the unani mous opinion of (ruck owners every where who have kept account of thetr truck expnio according to Ixiral Mana ger R. I Harpham of tho Flreston Tire and Rubber company. If your tires fall to protect the truck H from the bumps of travel If , they al low the grinding weight of the truck and load to be carried entirely by the chassis and springs, expenso and repairs must of necessity pile up, There was a time when motor trucks were of light weight and were used for light deliveries only. All that was neces sary than to have car protection and tire service was to make highly1 resilient tire, and form it through the tubing machine. But all that Is changed. Trucks have become heavier and their loads enor mous. A molded tire, puch as was mndo several years ago, would grind away and shred to nothing In a short time. It couldn't stand the burn of road friction or the crushing weight of the load. This molded class of tiro Is still usd for the light vehicle. But It has required all the designing genius, as well as the closest study In the Firestone laborator ies, to evolve tires which will care for tho heavy loads. For heavy service the tire must be dense, must have sufficient resiliency to protect car mechanism nnd yet must be tough enough to give the most mileage possible. 1 Own Your Own Garage Buys Itself In On Tear Olvea a XdXetlme of Wear No-Rim-Cut Tires 10 Oversize No Extra Price We cut the price on No-Rim-Cut tires about 1 1 per cent in April. Partly because of lower rubber partly through multiplied output. Now these oversize tires these tires that can't rim-cut are sold as low as any stand ard clincher tires. Your Choice Now, nt the same price, you liavo this choice: You rn.ny get a hooked - base clincher tiro of which 23 per cent becoruo rlm-cut. Or you may get, at tho snrao cost, n No-Rlru-Cut tiro which never can bo rim-cut. You may get an old-typo clinch er tire, barely rated slse. Or you may get, without nn extra penny, a tire ten per cent larger in air capacity. An extra capacity which, on the average, gives 25 per cent tuoro mileage What Men Buy O f course many tire users, out ot fixed habit, cling to old-typo tiros. Some have used them slnco bi cycle days. They are content with their tiro mileage, only becauso thoy don't know what their neighbors get. But hundreds of thousands havo corno to No-RiraCut tires. And legions c new users start every month. .(?podycar tires, because of this pew type, far outsell every other tire. Ovr r n million sold in tho past 12 months. That's more than wo sold In 12 years before that. Come see these tires. Sea tho non-skid tread, the ovcrslr.0, tho No-Rim -Cut feature. You are bound to adopt them then. No-Rim-Cut Tires With of Without Non-Skid Treads Write for the Goodyear Tiro Book 1 4th. year edition. It tells all known ways to econo mlzo on tires. KUBV PORTABLE riTKELUUlI.DlNGrl for every purpoao are Klreproor, i Weather-tight, Inexpensive, lndmrurt-j lble. The one beat portable building j made. Private Guragea. Cottages, Boa' 1 Houses, StoruKu Ilojae. Tool llouke. j Work Shops, Engine Houbch, Contract firs' Bulldingi, Railway Uulldlngi. Vot- Cg BOOMS, Etc a&Ud, Areata for Nebraska and Xtwa. W. G. TEMPLETON, Special Representative, 110 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio This Company has no connection wlmtvr with nny other Omaha Branch, 2212 Parnam Street Phone Douglas 4190 In addition to Increasing the effi ciency and comfort of nn automobile, a dependable cranking device Is a ma terial factor In Kasollno economy." saji OeorKo Relm of the Cadillac Motar Car company. "In driving around the city much of the fuel Is consumed while the onKlne Is running Idle. At least such Is tho caxo when the car Is not equipped with nn efficient nutomatlc cranking device. In city work, a driver rolls up to the curb, Jumps out. makes a brief call and Is off again to the next place. He often makes many such stop In a day. If ho has no automatic starter he will let tho cnglno run becnuse he docs not want to undergo the annoyance and the labor of cranking. To go through that operation ten, twenty, or more times a day entails n great deal of energy and consumes time. Therefore, ho lets the englno run Idle so that he can step In and drive nwny without loss of time wl without the outlay of physical effort. "If, on tho other hand, his car ls'equlp ped with a dependable cranking device, ho will stop his engine, no matter how brief his call may be, because ho knows that all that Is required to start It again Is to press the button. Consequently the cur so equipped Is consuming no gaso line during these frequent stops and has that much advantage In furl economy over the car that must be cranked ly hand." NEW HUDSON SIX MASTERS THE FAMOUS "SPORT HILL" league, the factory's experimental de- , partment devised an agricultural imple ment, the like of which was never before 1 seen. An axle, slipped through a row of twenty flywheels, each weighing j seventy pounds, win the solution. The I result was amazingly effective. amazing Indian motordom. Much of his trip was over a native trail which often became little more than a path through the Jungle. The cable did not state whether the feat was done In a "S6" or ".IS" model. Ouy U Smith, the Hudson dealer, lately was advised of an unusual feat per formed by tho New Hudson Six at Bridgeport, Conn. The car on high gear easily climbed the famous "Sport hill," which has been the scene of numerous hill climbs and prob ably Is tho best known In that section of New Kngland. Tho big car starting at four miles an hour at the bottom fin ished nt the top at thirty-five miles, In high nil tho way. The hill is about i; mile long with stiff grades and many turns, and few cars mako It on high gear unless they havo a running start. Novel Knrinliiir Implement. When a roller was needed to complete tho practice diamond for the Studebaker team In the Detroit Manufacturers' BUILD HEAVILY THIS SEASON OF SIX-CYLINDER CARS With the awakening of tho public to the greater flexibility of the slx-cyllnder motor and Its increasing favor, dut to the smoother riding qualities nn Amer ican roads, this year sees a remarkable demand for this style of car. The Midland Motor company of Mollne, III., realizing the trend of favor, have made a strenuous effort to meet It, with evident success It may be added. Their modern plant has been enlatged 4,21'J square feet at Mollne and, with one ex ception, they will be this year the largest builders of little slx-cyllnder cars In the country. KlKores Too I.nre. I Due to a typographical error a report I has gained circulation to the effect that j the total of business of the Ford auto i fnctory for the six months was 78,470 cars, valued at $147,000,000. This last fig- ure Is obviously an error. It should be $47,000,000. OWE THEIR LIVES TO HUPMOBILE STAUNCHNESS To plunge. In an automobile, over nr almost perpendicular embankment, o. least seventy-five feet high, to remain the whole time in the machine, whirr turned completely over twice and lande upside down with wheels madly spinning In tho air, and escape with hardly b scratch, was the experience of Mr. H T. Henderson nnd O. E. Elliot of Leth bridge, Alberta, recently In a Hupmo-bile. GOODYEAR REDUCES TRUCK TIRE PRICES ONCE MORE "There will be another 10 per cent re duction in truck tiro prices," ruys C. W. Martin, manager of the motor truck tire department of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company, Akron, O. "This cut will take place Immediately and Is the second cut which has occurred since the first of tho year. This reduction Is made possible not only by reason of our In creased manufacturing facilities, but also by the recent drop In the price of crude rubber." OHIO ELECTRIC ENDORSES M0TZ CUSHION TIRES "We have always used the highest grade of materials thnt money can buy In every branch," says R. A. Qrlefen, president, of the Ohio Electric Vehicle company of Chicago, "and thereforo we have adopted the Motz high efficiency cushion tire as part of our standard equipment. Seta Itfcord for Indln, Thwarted by a collision with a buffalo on his first attempt, P. C. Sawyer, Stude baker representative In Bombay, tried again and drove tho 1,100 miles from his home to Calcutta In seventy-nine hours. If It's an Inter-State Six You've Bought the Best The honest worth of the Inter-State Six meets and defeats the best values of competition The Inter-State Six is a final achievement in motor car building. If you are going to buy a car you must in justice se lect the Inter-State because of the dollar-for-dollar value it offers you No car of higher cost can offer you the same sterling worth; and Only in tho Inter-Stato -will you find a car that Includes ovory consideration for service, comfort and convenience. O Cylinder 15 II. P. 182-Inch Wheel Base Electrically Started and Lighted $2750 Interstate Automobile Company 310 South 18th Street Built by THE UTTER-STATE AUTOMOBILE COMPA1TY, Munioo, Indiana. 1100 Increase! That Figure Represents the Amazing Increase in Sides of Imperial Cars Since Our Initial Year Vital Facts for You In the purchase of an automobile, you ihould be guided by these vital facts i The history behind the car. The experience and (kill of its builders. Its claims to public approval. Its service to own en. Behind the Imperial are 25 years of pleasure vehi cle building a priceless preparation for our later work in the motor propelled vehicle field. Automobile experts, undisputed leaders in their fields, build Imperial cars in one of the largest, individual automobile factories in the world. As proof of public approval and service rendered i Our sales havo increased 1100 per cent since the advent of the Imperial I That is the highest and most conclusive endorse ment we can offer you. These aro some of the inditputabU rtaioni why you should investigate the Imperial before you purchase a car. MAD THE SPECIFICATIONS Imperial "34" ttm-tutnttt Toartac Cat. 60 It. P 6-ejt, cut la threttl 41-Inch tottl Si-Inch strokei 117-lach wheel buei I6x 4J-lxh Urn. Zltrtrtt JttrWuf W e-n rrork VlkHmt CempL equipment SDUU Imperial "44" rtre.PuKfirw Toorlor Or. 10 II. r I 4-cjrl. nit U ftlni 4i-lnch bore i Si-Inch itrokei 122-Inch wheel tuuei I6 4-Inch tlrn. tlKtrit Srnntmt tnd n7I, Uihttmt tfotwt. Cemfl equipment 1 0 O Imperial "34" Flre-ruMnttr Tcmriar Car. 4$ II. P.i 4-ctLI 4t-ih bora! It-loch trokti US-Inch wheel buei 4i4-lcb tlret. JUttrlt tHrtini n4 Ufltttnt tMn. 1 C it Cwntkts njulf mem 1 Outl Reaion for Imperial Growth Every Imperial is constructed with infinite care. Every part is built perfeft in itself perfect in its relation to every other part. You will find a maxi mum of power, strength, durability and service in every Imperial. The extremely desirable qualities of comfort and beauty have been developed to a point of perfection. Every ImperM owner has enthusiastically praised "Imperial Quality and Service." This word of mouth message, backed by the car's proven efficien cy, has sold thousands of Imperials increased our sales by leap and bounds. Where We Excel , Imarriat Motor t Creates surplus power runs silently is simple every useless part eliminated assures accessibility vitally important to you. Is vibrationless adding to life and service of car, to the comfort of the occupants. OP OUR PIVB TYPU SKLOWi Imperial "34" Uif, nomr rtxdrtrr !. 'HMniRKUUI ...HA a oau Unit Power Plant t Clutch, transmission, motor and control levers combined in unit power plant with a three point suspension. Keeps vital parts in perfect alignment. Dodyt Distinctive beauty of design long, graceful, sweeping lines. Every advancement con ducive to beauty and comfort incorporated. Safety: Application of proven engineering principles has resulted in the development of this essential factor to the highest point in Imperial cars. Better Quality r Lower Price Our vast factory facilities, our experience and knowledge, our factory spirit of co-operation, make it possible to offer you at a very moderate price, a car that surpasses in constructional values and con sequent service, machines that it I for at ltat$tt0OO mirt. This is true of the five types of cars we build. Highest quality most moderate price. frawrn Imperial 32 Flre-FwienreT Tonrliif Cw. 40 H. P.i 4-ctLi 4f-tiKb.bori J J Inch Rrokei 114-loch wheel huei 14x4- nnH lack urn. Complete equipment.... 3 OD Imperial "33" Twc-PtMenrer Roiduer. 40 11 P.i4rl 41-lnchborti Si-Inch rtroke; 114.1b. wheel tw 44-ln. tlree, i OOC Complete equipment...".. plOO ImperiaLtuS4,""44'' and "34" electrically started and lighted Get in touch with our dealer in your locality at once. Write or phone, and he will gladly send an Imperial to your home or office for a demonstration. Ask for our distinctive and comprehensive Imperial Catalog. Bradley, Merriam Smith Council Bluifs, Iowa. IMPERIAL AUTOMOBILE CO. Factories: JACKSOX, MICHIGAN c AUBURN CARS 2559 Farn&m St. Th SCit far tb -acoaey W, X. WliSOW. Down Town Garage Wl-tn DAY AND NIGHT Skilled Mechanics Washing and Polishing at Rea sonable Prices. R. M. HARRIS, Proprietor 1418 Howard St. Opposite the Auditorium. HMHMHHMsWinsVsVsHnMIs v X. -,?' 1 IMPERIAL "44"