t BRIEF CITY NEWS I Stsck-rslconer Co., Undsrtdkera. ridsllty Storage Js Van Co Doug. 151 Have Boot Prist It Now Beacon Frees. Oood Pltunblnf Co., will do It rlcht and auve you money. 'Phone D. 191S. Xtlhting rixtures repaired and refln Ished. BurgessQranden Co. Douglas 6S1. George Squires Is Oat Ueorxo Suulrcs Is able to be out again after an Illness of nix months. Tor $3 Per Year A private safe In our vault perfect safety for valuables. Omaha Safo Deposit Co.. 1618 Farnam St George !. Hammer Improves George 1. Ilammor, operated on recently for tho removal of one of his legs. Is still con fined at tho Methodist hospital. His con dition, however, Is somewhat Improved. Tornado Special To help those who are repairing or rebuilding, we will sup ply during April and May ready mixed paints and varnishes at a discount of 20 per cent from regular wholesale prices. E. E. Bruce & Co. City to Pay for Storm Sewer Eight een thousand dollars was appropriated by tho city commission at a meeting to pay tho cost of a storm water sower from Twenty-eighth avenue and Chicago Btreet to Thirtieth and Fnrnam. The State Bank of Omaha pays 4 per cent on time deposits, 3 per cent on sav ing accounts. The only bank In Omaha whose depositors aro protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of tne state of Nebraska. 17th and Harney streets. Sells Tobacco to Minors George Hlau fus, 2913 North Thirtieth street, was ar rested Thursday afternoon for selling tobacco to minors, Blaufus, a young fel low Just starting out In business, was treated to a light line, $5 and costs, by tho court and given instructions not to repeat tho offense or the matter would bo considerably moro serious. City to Collect Bents Park Commis sioner Hummel has leased the houses and lota in Levi Carter park, formerly leased by tho East Omaha Land com pany, to about a dozen residents, who will hereafter pay tho city for tho prl vllego of living on tho land, which, after much litigation, was decided to be the property of tho municipality. Tornado Destroys Oas lamps City Gas Commissioner Butler has reported that eighty-six gas lamps were destroyed by tho tornado and that the damage to the gaa lighting In tho stricken district totalled $1,248. This sum, he says, rep resents a shortage in the gas lighting fund, out of which the cost of repairs and reinstallation of lamps was paid. Painter Breaks Lesr B. S. Anderson, a painter working at 1102 South Thlrty Bccond street, fell from a ladder to tha ground some fifteen feet below, breaking his left leg between the ankle nnd tho knee. Anderson was taken to his home, 27a Burt street, and had tho limb set by Dr. Willis, who happened to bo In tho vicinity at the time of tho accident. Held for Bootleg-ging: Moses Smith and Charles Mitchell were brought to Omaha by Deputy United States Marshal McQueen from South Dakota. Tho men havo been Indicted on a charge of In troducing liquor onto tho Santce Indian rcserviUlon. They will await a trial late this month, having been confined In the county jail under bonds of $1,000 each. Wonts Her Waton Baok Miss M. J. Graham, living at the Merrlam hotel, Twenty-fifth and Dodge streets, reported to thp police that a lady's gold watch, a present from her mother, had been stolen from her apartments some time Thursday, together with a gold rope chain necklace valued at about $15, Miss Graham is very anxious to recover the watch, wh)ch boro the initials E. G. P. on the back of tho case. Contractor is Sued Suit for $10,000 damages against F. O. Johnson, contrac tor, who wrecked the old court house building, has been brought by William A. Duncan, teamster, In the employ of u sub-contractor. Duncan alleges that he was thrown into a holo several feet deep when he was attempting to unload his wagon at a point southwest of Six teenth and Leavenworth streets and that ho was Severely Injured. Pined for Breaking Purnlture Frank King, charged with disturbing the peace, was sentenced in police court to thirty days. King, according to a statement made by Mrs. Teglmlcr, 1716 California street, who runs tho rooming house where ho lives, tried to break up the furniture. Officers have been dispatched to the houso several times, but King has usually managed to ovade them. Officer Wilson waited for him and succeeded in arrest ing him after an hour's wait. Diphtheria Breaks ' Out ' at the Child Saving Institute Five casts of diphtheria have broken out at the Child Saving institute, and all have as promptly been transferred to the City Emergency hospital, where they hare been given the standard treatment for this malady. There is now no diphtheria at the Child Saving Institute, although It Is thought that moBt of the children out side the baby nursery were exposed. There aro thirty children outside the baby nursery. All have been Inoculated with antitoxin as a safeguard against the pos ' nihility of their developing tho disease. The first cane broko out last Sunday. This was the case of a small boy who had but recently come to the institution. Mrs. Heller, In charge of the Institution, says the boy had nasal diphtheria when he came to tho Institution, and that it later developed Into throat diphtheria. It was from him that the others got it He was taken to the Emergency hospital as soon as his condition was discovered. Others, as they developed tho disease, were taken to the hospital Tuesday, and two were taken Wednesday. Health Commissioner Connell is looking after the cases at thu Emergency hospital. The authorities at the Child Saving institute hope the die case is checked and that no further canon will develop, but they are watching ulosely for any symptoms. The baby ward haa not been exposed. Motorcycle Eider Gets Severe Hurts Roy Wendt. 419 South Thirtieth street. wa painfully Injured early last night when a motorcycle upon which he was lidlng crashed Into the automobile of Dr A. A. Holtman at Twenty-ninth and Dodge streets. His injuries were attended by Dr. Holt man, and Wendt was afterwards taken to his own home. The Terslatent and Judicious lTse of Newspaper Advertising U the Itoad to Business Success. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Construction of New Barns at Yards Has Been Begun. COST TO BE QUARTER MILLION Itrjrifttrntlnn llnr Camrii Sntnrdny mid Mrnn Arc llrliiR Taken to Uct Out Voters nntl to (ianrit AKiitiiat "Ilnvffrrn." Construction work In the new steel- concrete horse and mule barn at tho Union Stock Yards has tw-en stnrted. Tho actual digging of the foundation will consume some time becauso of the oreti of ground that will be covered by tho now building. Tho building will be 300 feet rquaro and will cost approximately $250,000. Tho erection of tho horso and mule barn at the Union Stock Yards is the accomplishment of a long time desire upon the part of the management which Is anxious to mako South Omaha a horso and mule center. According to the plans the new building will be one of the most complete of Its kind In the United States. It will bo built of steel and concrete with wire glass windows.. Sales ring, paddock, stalls and offices will be provided for. There will also be outside pens for tho keeping of horses and mules not for im mediate sale. It la honed In flm futti of Omaha to dcvolp a horse show similar to those of Kansas City and St Louis. For this reason tiers of seats have been arranged about the sales ring. Ileiuly for IteiriMrnUon. Tommorrow will be registration dnv In South Omaha and every effort Is being made to get out the unregistered voters who are expected to vote on election dav. Mayor Hoctor has announced the polling Places and City Clerk Perry Wheeler has served notice on tho public that the law will be enforced strictly in to the swearing in of unregistered voters on election day. Whllo it is not tho intention of the city clerk to deprive anyone of his voto who has been unavoidably prevented from registering ho says he will Insist upon a strict adherence to tho law and that he will make an effort to Investi gate each applicant for a sworn In vote beforo Issuing a certificate. This will be applleu to both Parties and will no doubt prove small comfort to tho gang that has been making plans for ringers. At the polls thero havo also been arrangements mode to keen tab on the men who try to register. It is under stood that the good government club has organized a camera squad to follow tho men brought to the polls by the nana. Automobiles or hacks carrying voters to the polls will also be photographed. The greatest effort will be mndn tn get out the registered vote. Frank Koutsky, republican candidate for mayor, has issued a letter in which ho stanins tho effort of the democratic gang to In jure him with his friends as a political trick. For somo time the friends of the Hoctor-aillln-O'Sulllvan combine havo been circulating the report that Koutsky did not want to be elected. Along with other statements made by irresponsible gangsters, Mr. Koutsky branded the re port as nr. b.tsolr.te falsehood. "I am out for election and from every Indication I have the support of every decent man who Is tired of gang rule in South Omaha." KfliitKkr Issues Letter. Mr. Koutsky issued the following let ter: To the Citizens of South Omaha Being your candidate for mayor, as nominee on the republican ticket. I find that a very large number failed to get their mimes on the register last fall. In order to be tble to vote May 6. overybody who did not register last fall must register Saturday, April 26. It Is rumored on the streets by friends of my opponents that I do not want to be elected. To this I want to answer that I want everybody who Is In favor of such nn administration as I gave this city In my last term of office to bo sure and vote for mo and get all the assistance possible. If electod. I pledge myself to you that I personally will devote all my time and energy during the next three years to the welfare of South Omaha nnd all Its people. Those of you who Were here when I was mayor know my record. Later arrivals will have no troublo to find it out by asking their neighbors. I want to be elected and solicit your vote and support. I am FRANK KOUTSKY. Old Claims Appear. Claims, somo of which date back two and three years are being filed by snip ers at the Union Stock Yards against railroads, which through one cause or another in transporting cattle ' to and from market have caused damage to the shippers. For a long time the red tape consumed by the railroads against which claims were for delay in transportation of cat tle between Bhlpplng points has moro or less discouraged tho shippers. For somo time, however, a number of shlp- eJI COMING NEXT An Dressmakers' THE entire stock of a prominent New York dressmaker has been purchased by Mr. J. L. Orkin, who is now in that city. The selection was bought at 57c on the dollar and will be offered to the women of Omaha any article in the great lot at About Halt Price Tin Is Is Important to You. Read Sunday Papers. TIIK 11 ETC: OMAHA, SATl'IiDAV, AI'IiFI, ptrs hno begun to make Insistent de- , iiinnus upon me railroads to sntlsrv all claims according to law Nebraska statutes speelftcHlly provide that live stock must be transported over rallioads at an average speed of eighteen miles per hour between division points. In event of slower traffic the railroads must pay a damage claim based upon a shrink age of forty pounds on each head of cattle and $10 a car extra It the cattle arrive lute on the market and encoun ters a falling market. Recently K. W. Ralston, one of the largest shippers from Lexington, has bo gun activities In the Interest of tho ship pers who havo claims against the' rail roads for delays and shrinkage. Many of the claims "have already been paid and many more are being resurrected and presented by the local and outside shippers. It turns out that tho large and en thusiastic democratic meeting reported yesterday by the Glllln organ of pub licity amounted to exactly thirty-eight men, Including the candidates. Tho chulrman of the city central committee was the author of the mooting that "would have warmed the heart of any democratic candidate." It happened nt Fortieth and Q streets and the candidates from the upper part of town looked glum, Indeed, at the pitiful crowd present. A call was made for Joe Burns, presi dent of the Young Men's Independent Polltlcul club of the Seventh wurd. Burns was not to be found. He Is not for tho Hoctor-GIUIn-O'Sulllvan combine and haa said so. Mr. O'Sulllvan. the democratic candi date for city attorney, recently from Omaha, made a speech lauding Glllln for having picked him up and elevated him to the position of democratic nom Inoe. He said there was no comparison between Glllln and Martin. "Right you are," said one of the young men after tho meeting. "Martin would not go out of his own town for men to boost or glvo Jobs to as Glllln hus done." tentorium ("lull Rlects. The annual election of officers 'was held by the Centurion club, 1305 North Twenty-fourth street, last night. Much Inter and Bennett had two steel saws. StnKlo City (.OMsIp,. See Hluchey for horse shoeing. In rear of old stand. 2309 N St. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Kentncr ot Bellevue report the birth of u son. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Karlovlc, 4M South Thirty-second street Police Judge Jnmcn Callanan Is nt St. Louis, where he will bo detained for a couple of weeks. Tho condition of John Hlnchey, who underwent a surgical operation last week, Is reported as Improving. Pennant lodge No. 2S6, Ancient Order of United Workmen, held a meeting hist evening In the Workmen temple. The birth of u daughter la reported at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Anton Cer veny, 4CT South Twenty-first street. Miss Allre Virginia Davis gave nn lllus. truted lecture on Paris last evening at the First Presbyterian church. A largo crowd attended. Thero will bo a republican rally Friday evening, April 25, at Twenty-eighth and R streets. A number of good speakers have been secured and refresnments will be served. Mayor Hoctor and the now police com. missloners, W. P. Donahuo and John Devlno, will assemble within a day or two and begin the examination of tho saioon license applications. Sixty-Two Insurance Companies Will Quit Missouri This Month ""PITTSBURGH. Pa., April 25. The Western Insurance bureau, holding un annual convention hero today, decided to withdraw from tho state of Missouri because of antagonistic legislation which they assert has been enacted and which seriously lntrferes with their business. Over sixty-two inuraneo companies were represented at tho meeting. Tho action of the Western Insurance bureau follows a similar decision taken recently at Philadelphia by tho Western Insurance union. It Is said tho two or ganizations wrlto about 00 per cent of the Insurance In Missouri. The Insurance companies aro to with draw from Missouri April 30. Culls from the Wire The "hunger strike" bill passed Its third reading in the House ot Lords last night. "The navigation of tho Panama cnnal should be free and open to all and ought to he exercised on equal terms for all." This wasi tho declaration of Oregers W. Oram, minister of state of Norway, In an address In Washington last night. When Leon Jean, a ropo maker of Cherbourg, France, woko up yesterday he was amazed to find himself In a hos pital Instead of at home. Ho had been asleep seventy-seven days, although he thought ho had been In bed only u few hours. Salo J. Jackson, president of the bank rupt Jackson-Mack company of Now York, once said to be the largest manu facturers ot silk petticoats and kimonos In the world, received a prison sentence of from three and a half to seven years yesterday, pleading guilty to grand lar ceny in the first degree In New York. Event of Unparalleled Value Giving At the Theaters ATTItAl TIOXS 1 OMAHA. Boydl "Wobody's Widow." Brandtlst "The Case of Becky." Empress i Vaudeville. Oayttyi Extravaganza. Hippodrome t "A Winning- Kiss." Xrug-i nnrleiqne. Orpheuin) Vaudeville, Matinees at Empress, Oayety. Hippo drome, Krug- and Orphtum theaters. Sololnt for Mrii'1elKolut Clutlr. Miss Floience Hlnkle. the soprano who Is to nppeHr In the series of concerts to be given at the Auditorium Monday and Tuesday exenlugs by the Mendelssohn Choir of umahn anil the Theodore Thomas Orchestra of Chicago. Is one ot the leading sopranos of this country and Is greatly In demand for concerts, re citals, oratorio work nnd musical festi vals. Omaha music lovers will recall with pleasure her work last ear when she sang with the Mendelssohn choir and will be glnd to know that she Is to be one of the soloists again this season She Is a young woman of much beauty and has a charming stage presence, while her voice Is one of rare sweetness and purity. Philip Hale, the noted Boston critic, says of her: "Miss Hlnkle has a voice of lovely quality, vocal skill, gen uine feeling. She bt tho first soprano 1 have heard who gave tho final reolted 'Libera tup, Pontine' (Vei ill's Requiem) Its quietly overpowering significance, nnd for once this muster page made a profound Impression." Monday evening Miss Hlnkle will be heard In tho aria, "Wle nahte mlr der Schlumnier." from "die Frclsciiuetz." by Weber, and will sing with the Mendels sohn Choir In the "Libera Me," from Verdi's Requiem, referred to above. Tuesday evening Miss Hlnkle will sing an aria from "Carmen." Tickets for the series of concerts are now on sale nt tho Auditorium and at th A. Hospo und Hayden Bros." music departments or may bo obtained from members of tho choir. Promise, of the Prrm Agents. At theRraudcls theater tonight will bo offered David Belasco's production of 'The Case of Becky," with MIhs France Starr In the stellar role- Miss Sturr comes from n long run at Mi. Helusco's theater In New York, where, In tho pub lished opinions of the critics, she estab lished tho most Instlng hit of her career. The now piny, which Is from the pen ot Kdwuid Locke, gives Miss Starr perhaps the best opportunity of her dramatic career, for tho role she plays Is that of a young woman possessed of a double personality; In reality a sort ot female Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde, without the criminal side of the character which Stevenson's famous character developed. Only three moro performances of Miss LnnK b engagement nt tho Boyd Is the announcement that Is staring her friends In the face, nnd this is another reason why tho theater Is packed at eacli iwr foimaiiet thin week. Tho friends of this popular young woman aro loath to see hr go She is presenting this weeK onu of tho best pUys of her career, "Nobody's Widow, ' a enuppy comedy by Avery Hop wood, In which tho star und company aro doing splendid work. Next week Victor Moore and Emma Llt tK field will appear at tho Orpheuin lir a sketch called "Change Your Act or Back to tho Woods." Tho playlet Is decidedly funny. The talking motion plctuies ut tho Or plicum are unusually guod this week. The reeU show "A Scene from Faust" nnd "Jack's Joke " The voices are very dis tinct and In perfect uccord with the ac tions. Among tho features ot "A Winning Miss," playing at thu Hlppodromo tho liter this week, Is tho famous Frisco quar iTLMNW ,,,,, El tPJIMI J, C KOISklV, Our Suits Are as Good as The Look Exactly as They Seem to Be And Better Than the Price Indicates HERE'S A COMMON DAILY REMARK "Tlioso suits you have in the window ut $15.00 must ho a special cut price or a wonderful value or 1 am deceived in the looks. Have you one of those to fit me!" lie puts it on, looks at the texture and workmanship, and remarks: "Looks more like $25.00! J wouldn't ask for a better fit. 1 '11 take this." After a few minutes explanation it does not take a man long" to understand how wo save him from $5.00 to $8.00 by our faetory-to-wearer system. All shapes, all sizes up to 48, aud many with extra trousers to match. $10 and $15 Every Day in the Year 1512 Farnam Street. MON 21!, 1911. tet Tin qi i . i 1-j . mis idrred ore of tb 1 st In tablot.l nusu ,il . omedy and calls foi sexeral t n, ni s No prvttlei I'lituru has graced the popu- , iMr fliltnlv'. etiauM 11,1m ftltu ll.u, made by'.MHigle Hilton upon her flist ' -iiirRiirt mm uie run or the ".Midnight ; Maidens" performance. "Duck-Nose" Van Osten and Kltner Tenley keep the laughs coming at lively late, ladles' dime . matinee dll I The Yankee Poodle Girls." now on ' view at the King theater. Is featuring Pulutv Marie, one of the high-class arts ' or burlesque This Is country store night, when several ptemlums will be given to patrons of the Krug. Two Cars Collide, Injuring Woman, Perhaps Fatally Ono woman was probably fatally in jured, two men painfully hurt and nearly a dozen men and women badly shaken up early lust night when a north bound Sixteenth Mrret ear hit nn Albright ear at Sixteenth and Webster streets, Just as It was turning at the corner to go east. Tho Albright car was knocked from the track and everybody In the ear was showered by flno bits of glass from the broken windows. Mrs. Oeorgla Alberts, who lives wjth her father, Robert M. Corbctt, at 3116 North Fifteenth street, is tho Injured woman. She was taken to tho St. Joseph's hospital In tho police patrol and Dr. C. B. Foils, who attended her ' says that she Is suffering from Internal injuries that may prove fatal. Sho Is alro painfully bruised and cut. She was un conscious when taken from tho car. Thomas Aufdenbergo, 1919 Mason street, was bndly cut by flying gloss, and Henry Swungholiu, 3174 South Thirteenth street, sustained scalp lacnratlnns and bad bruises when he Jumped from tho rear step and fell into the car that struck n moment later. Both men wero treated by Dr. H. D. Turvey, who happened to be at tho socne, and they wero able to go to their homes. The northbound Sixteenth street car was manned by Motorman J. O. Ackerson and Conductor Frank Van Metor. Tho Albright ear was In churgo of Krlo ill lander nnd Motorman J. J. Jarobsen. I Explanation of tho cause of the accl- . dent could not bo had, but It Is thought that tho two motonnen became confused over tho right-of-way rules and both I procedod, each expecting tho other to j stop. I O'BRIEN IN WASHINGTON; GOES TO BASE BALL GAME (From a fltnff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. April 25 (Special Tel egrnm.) D. J. O'Brien, tho "Candy Kid" of Omaha, who has been on a short visit fast, was a guest of Congressman Lobeck yesterday, leaving last night for Chicago, Mr. O'Brien could not resist tho call of tho bleachers yesterday and took the opportunity to seo tho "Climbers," as Washington has been dubbed, nnd tho Red Sox In baso ball combat. Corrlgan, catcher for Red Hox, comes from tho same town as O'Brien, Lowlnton, Mc and bn tween Johnson and Corrlgun, O'Brien had an Ideul day. i 'I iilWSJAgJ I'n-m. n ud Mur. Merchants Hotel Bldg. s DAY Sale the store Here Is a Bargain At tho present time when evorybody is stretching the buying power of every dollar they spend, wo are going to test the wisdom and knowledge of those who really appreciate a genuine bargain. As manufacturers of our own clothing wo are iu a position to offer greater values than those Who have to depend on. and practically beg, other makers at this time for clothing owing to strike, cancelled orders and delayed purchases. For one day "Saturday" we will sell 100 pairs of children's knickerbock- Ages ers that are worth $1.50, at each t 6 to 17 Also 75 two-pieoe suits for boys from 8 OM r A to 17 years, worth up to $10.00, for VlUtW Better take advantage a delayed opportunity never returns. GARTER SALE The Browning, King & Co. special pul garter in morcerized and silk that always sold at 25c and 00c, on sale Saturday, for Browning,King&Co CLOTIUNG. FURNISHINGS AND HATS ron kill), dots and o niLDUSH QUO. T. WH.BOW, Manager. Around the World By a New Route On a New, Past, Luxurious Ship 3& Sails from Liverpool June 14 Takes You Cost of This Cruise Will be $639.10 For tho Finest Accommodations the Boat Offers Slofs will bo made nt tho Island of Madeira, Cnpo Town, Durban, Colombo. Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobo and Yokohama. Side Ttifs can be made to Johan nesburg, Pretoria, Ladysmlth ana tvunuy wic cnpiiai 01 ueyion. R. ML S. Empress of Asia Built for fast mall and nassenccr service between Hong Kong and Vancouver, this new "Empress" will be the roost luxurious snip in Pacific waters. This delightful cruise, which takes her to her sta tion, nllows travel lovers to visit regions never Included In ordinary 'round-the-world tours at the best time of tho year surrounded by every modern luxury of trrtvel as sured safe conduct by tho escort of Canadian Pacific officials. OBSERVATION SERVICE ON NIGHT TRAIN to KANSAS CITY VIA THE Missouri Pacific Lcavo OuiAha 11: in p. m. Arrive Kunsns City . . .1 7:10 u. m. New Fast Daily Train to Kansas City Ijeava Oinnlia ....ll:BO n. ni. Arrive Kuiiim City 0:05 p. m. Modern equipment. Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Chair Car, and our own unsurpassed Dining Car Servico (meals a la carto) . ALSO Ionvo Omaha .......8:00 a. m. Arrive Konsan City 4:00 p. in. Latest pattern of Coaches. Chair Care. Making all stops. AH above trains make direct connection in Kansas City with Missouri Pacific trains South and West, Better Track Better Service Tlie Missouri tUl!JlXr thus Hffordlncr a mnat nnlnvnhl. nlnti,r..r,,f immmi AuyllKlit For WiJJBBf phone or (II M Wfi Tnt ItlTnilUS Tunc rnnunm- Read the Want or ins towh, jQA , irA loC and &C Sec lith Si. Display. To Far Eastern Waters via the Cape of Good Hope, Far Out of the Beaten Paths of Tour Travel. Fourteen days at Hong Kong al lows you to tour China and visit tho Philippines. Ample time to nee tho most Interesting parts of Japan. Home via Vancouver, British Co lumbia ami tho magnificent Cana dian Rockies, "50 Switzerland in One." we win genu yon to Liverpool via any railroad and steamship line from the Atlantic port that you prefer. Start now. If you wish, and seo tho slRht s of Kurope. We will arrange your tickets. We would like to give you full details of this out-of'tbo-ordlnary, 'round-the-world voyage and the rare chance it affords to see new countries and old, under unusually happy condi tions. Evervthlng.jeiplalned If you will call or write CEO. A. WALTON. Cnerl Asat 2 1 8 South CUrit Str.t. Chlcsso route of tills new service Is along: the rtlvor for a larm nurt nf H,. wav trip. renervalloni nnd anv Information nee Trav. l'aas. Agt., Pass, and Ticket Agt., l lUiJ Farnniti St. lMiotie Doug. 104, Ads, Do it Now