TITR BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRTL 26, 101.1. 15 REAIj estate CITY PROPERTY Klin SALE. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR, SALE. KEAIj ESTATE CITY PIIOPKIITY FOR S.U.K. Homes for Wa e tamers 80 Choice Building Lots To Be Closed Out In GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Traders Take Conservative Profit and Sell. MAY CORN FLATTENS IN PRICE Moderate Snlm Induce WfnknfM In Yellow Orrnl, lint Slrensrlh Returns lleforo Close of the HKPOHT OF ll.KAIU.NU HOUSE Trnnenotlotia of Associated Hanks for the Week. NEW YORK Anrtl lVKrndstrppt's bank vlearliurs renin fnr Ihrt wenk end ing April S, shows nn aggregate of 13.140,417.000. ns against tSl40B,MM last week unci SS,1W.1W,000 in th correspond ing wee last year: MELROSE HILL An ideal addition for Home Building, Fruit Growing, Chicken Rais ing, Gardening at Astonishingly Low Prices and Easy Terms. jyjn CDT?rT AT C A T T? Saturday and Sunday JJ1VJ Ol liXTULv jrxXuU April 26th and 27th Prices $150 to $285 Terms $10 Down, $5 Monthly MELROSE HILL extends from 35th to 37th streets, and from Spring to Grover Street,. Take West Side Park car line (20 min-1 ute.' ride from Farnam St.) to 32d Ave. and Vinton Sts.- and walk 2 blocks west to Melrose Hill, It is only a 20 minutes' walk from the Union Stock Yards. j 25 prosperous homes already in Melrose Hill. Come to this Special Sale, Saturday or Sunday, prepared to buy one or more lots. Salesmen at tent, 36th and Vinton, from 10 o'clock till dark both days, to re serve your choice of lots and take your earnest money. This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERY HOME SEEK ER. Melrose Hill is high and sightly, and the prices and terms are within easy reach of the humblest wage earner. No lots ever sold in Omaha at such bargain prices. DON'T MISS THE SALE. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1016 Payne & Slater Co. New Dundee Home Ready for Occupancy 5120 room Izard St. This Is a brand now -houso with sleeping porch, thor oughly well built and located at one or the most sightly points In Dundee, first floor finished In oak, second floor while onimrl with mahoKanv finished doors; 4 bedrooms, floored attic. A reasonable cash payment down, bal ance monthly, will purchase this home. Be sure and look this houso over today, oni nntiM rln.plv liow it Is built, then let ua show you how you can make your rent money ncip you own your own, num-. George & Company Phono D. 186. 90212 City Nat. Bank Bide. Easy to Buy 8-r nearly new, square, full cellar, ce mented, laundry; all sunny rooms, stair way to floored attic; high, view, solid ground; Harney line to door from depots, high school and Crelghton: $500 naw, bal- .... . i. .i I n n.r rent. ance M per inuiivu mm " , , "Will consider long lease at $3o from May L Go to tne pnone now, m O'KEEFE REAL. BBTAVft J-u-i 1018 Omaha Nat. Evenings It. 338. bin. ed - r -.ti mt iiia RTnRKrrs. lndexe A ....... . - - , , , free at our office; two stamps ny -nan. Chas. E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, care of property. OmanaF Also Omaha Red Book, vest pocket size. TO BUY, SELL. OR KENT, FIRST 8EH iniiM w'nnnHINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. Nlne-ropm mod ern residence, good condition; West Far nam district. For quick sale owner will make easy terms and liberal discount. Address L 835, care Omaha Bee. FA 11.11 RANCH 1.ANUS FOR SAL 13. HEAL- ESTATE Idaho. FOR SALE 640-acre stock, hay and grain runch; good outside range; 100 head stock cattle; unincumbered. For price and terms address owner. I. tl. Weant, Crawford, Idaho. Minnesota. SEND for free list of Minnesota farms. (30 to $76 per acre. Minnesota Land Agency, Court Blk.. St. Paul, Minn. South Minnesota land from CO to S90 per acre; terms, $1,500 to $5,000 down and balance at ft to (i per cent. Write for llHt. B. O. Bcnumann, Ida drove, la. Nebraska. 200-ACRH farm for $1,850. 4 ml. R. R. town In German neighborhood; level land; black soil, 15 to 20 feet to best water, 0 In cultivation; good schools and churches; corn went last year 50; oats CO; potatoes 240 bushel per ucro; 300 ml. from Omaha Sample of corn and oats here. 414 Barker Block, Omaha Neb. south Dacota. 320 ACRES, 8 miles from Hymore, S. D. Good "-room house, barn 150x80 feet with hay mow for 75 tons of hay. Two hog pastures fenced with woven wire. Good well with water piped In house. 1C0 acres In cultivation, balance pasture. Lays level und excellent soli. Price $45 per acre; $6,000 to $8,000 down. MARY SEYBOLD, 217 McCague Bldg., Omaha. ' Utah. BARGAIN Sl.SOO, half section of rich deep valley land In Utah, near markets, half cash, balance long time. Address E 311, Bea office. LIVE STOCK MARKET OK WEST OMAHA. April 2h 1J13- Although final prices for wheat options yesterday were, somcwhnt under the clpso of Tuesday, this does not argue anything Important against the Improved fefL!"K on the buying side of the market. The leacllon at the, close was In the nature or conseivatlvc profit-taking, duo to the very flattering figures given out by J. Oobum of Kansas, suggesting a posslmu harvest of 1W.O0O.C00 bushels or over for the state. The best support under wheat Ht this tlmn Is bneed on the belief that prices In this country arc relatively much cheaper than In Canada and Argentina, the chlof competitors of the United Staes. ns shown by quotations nt Winnipeg and Huenos Aire. There Is llttlo doubt but that Important export sales nro made day after day and not reported, or given out twenty-four or forty-eight hours atter the buslnrsH Is closed. All foreign markets showed considera ble snap nt h'gher prices yesterday MiipnnR a ri. linen., it rt ami nn iiiiciiiK. An Imnurtnnt Hm olvon nut to the tr.t'lc yesterday was the estimate of Argentina shipments at the low figure of 2,400,1X0 bushels, less than half the average sup plies from that quarter since the first of thn vnar. Stocks of wheat at Minneapolis have iWrriiHoil Rlvum h-.iitnW sn fur this week Messages from tlmt nuarter said tliu big mills took 500.000 busheU of wheat out of their elevators yesterday. Truders realize that the crop promise at this time Is fine, being helped by the recent rains west of the Mississippi river. They are also awaro that any chango In commons will be on the side of the buyer. Imports sales will be a hull help ulso. Cash wheat l.iin lip hlelinf- The price of .May corn flattened to fi-c under vprv modprnfn miles at the opening yesterday, then had a strong turn to 55o the last hour on some aggressive. Imvlncr hv imp of Dm 1)1 it houses, and weakened to 55e at the close. Shipping Kttnvi tiiiHhelit anil char ters from Chicago to Buffalo were 300,000 bushels. The casn market, iiiruumioui tin- poiintrv xhnwed verv little snap, ana advices fiom eastern points said that both tbe east and the south had all tno prittl, -nm f),n pntllrl hnmllp fur the OTPS ent. Cnsh corn was unchanged to 0 Inu'.r. The action of the oats market whs not Important yesterday. Shipping sales of about 200.000 bushels were reported at Chicago. Cash oats were unchanged. Clearances of wheat and flour were G74, rvY Hi. mm. K.ftl till oats. 35.000 till. Wheat at Liverpool closed UtTfid higher; corn, unchanged to tl lower. 1'rlmarv wheat receipts were 520,000 bu. and shipments 1,158,000 bu., against rc ppIiiIh nf 2S!.ono bu. and shipments of oi3,- 000 bu. last year. .. Drimurv rnrn rerp nts were 310.0CW bu and shipment 577,000 bu.. against receipts of 444,000 bu. and shipments of ros.wo uu, Prlmarv oats receipts were 76.COO bu. and shipments 801,000 bu., against re ceipts ot 364,000 bu. and shipments of 601,- 000 bu last eyar. Carlo! Heorlpta. Wheat. Corn Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful oitsn-tion. Lire stock Comralaalou Merchants. BYERS BROS. & Co. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 2Z2 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. RAIYWAV TIME CARD. 47 Oats. 123 2S 1G 50 UNION STATION Tenth mid Muaon CblcnKo A Northwestern . KOUTUUOUND. . Twin City Bxprew 7:4 am Dakota l'aianzer l 7:11 am Sioux City local il::ipm Mlnntiota Eiprtta a 7:00 pm Dakota Eipr 7:00 pm Twin City l.lmltod a 1:00 cm Denr Special a 1:00 am Carroll local a 7:01 am Hawkay BiPrcaa a 7:40 am Chicago Local al3::o pm Carroll Local... ......a 4:30 pni Cnlpsto Special..... .... a 1:09 pm Ban Kranclaco Mraltea a 6:J5 pm Omltnd LlmlttiJ a l:oo pm Ore.-Waah. Umltil a t:b0 pm Loa Anl Limited all:16 pm a 1:00 am 10:30 pm 1:30 am 3::i pm a 10:10 am bio.-io pm a 7:30 am a C:00 pm al I :st pm a 3:ss pm 10:00 am a 7:to am 1:15 am a 7:30 am a :is am all:0 am 1SH LOTHROP Webster C205. St. Good residence. BUY FROM OWNER 1814 Evans St.. 1 block from car. Three rooms downstairs and ftrplace; four bed rooms upstairs; sun room and bath; beam ceilings; 8-foot brick basement. Lot 50x 125-front and back yard; all sod; large garage. Now occupied by owner. Newly Completed, built for home. For further Information call at 1814 Evans. CATTLE ranch in Wyoming with stock. $25,000. Flour mill In Alabama, a bargain. $7,500 ; 600-acro cotton farm In TexaV. $20,000. An apartment house In Denver. Colo.. $10,000. Address O. M. Brown. Artesla. N. M. KOUNTZE Place; 7 rooms; modern; reasonable terms. Webster 4212. ACUBAGK FOR SALE. Acreage Acreage Some especially good bargains in i. 10 20 and 40-acre Improved tracts, espe clally In 20 and 40-acre tracts. Possession. ORIN a MERRILL CO 111J-1214 City NaUonal Bank Bldg. WnnbliiKtou. THE WALLA WALLA VALLEY, Washington, presents at the present tlms a most attractive field for tha Investor and homeseeker. This section has never experienced a cyclone, hurricane, tornado or flood. A diversified district, whers the small tract farmer does equally as well as the large grain grower. Write today for free Illustrated literature de scribing fruit growing, gardening, dairy, ing and hog raising. The Commercial Club. Walla Walla, Wash. REAIj ESTATE IaOANH. $100 to $10,000 made promptly, F. 1). Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS on farms and Improved clly property, 6, 5V4 and t per cent: no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1803 Farnam St WANTED City loana W. Farnam Smith & Co.. and warrants. 1220 Farnam BL UA,i' AVi Dauo' Omaha Nat. Bank. rtl "nwMKR LEAVING CITY. RtrleUv modern 6-room home, corner in? two blocks from car line and Hans r.orV.rk. 1W S. 31st Bt. Tel. Har. 1913. r nnAlN for cash, modern 6-room . cot- tage on Vinton St. Address t. 7oJ. nee. - ut.ni Til modern cottage. 2 blocks Amea car; $300. balance monthly, W. 731." A D 8TRACT8 OF TITLE. oTTTrri Abstract Co., oldest abstract of; rSWRi&tSE: Brandal. Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM & ItANUH LANDS FOtt 8 A LB. California. nAT.TirOHNIA lana excursions 1st and avtIV RrAlth CO. 815 City Nat. Bk. Torrance, California's im.dvrn Uv ln. steam and electrlo roads between Los Angeles and Its harbor. For information relative to Its business opportunities, factory Bites and real estate Investments, which equal those of the early diys of Gary and Hammond. Ind. See or wilte Karl Brehme, 515 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Our references: Any railroad or leading bank in Caliloinla. MONEY To loan on business or dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. w. H. T11UMAB, zzs ntate tiank uiug. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1018 Omaha National. Douglas 2711 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HOMES. NO DELAY. J. H. Mithen Co., INC. 921 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. DOUGLAS 1278. rh.ilMn Laical Uocoln-Dallas v....a 1:00 am a 8:80 pm Uncoln-Lonf Pine .i l:llpm alOns pm Hatlnia-Suprlor b 1:18 pm b 6:10 pm Dcadwooa-Hot Sprtnza a 3:65 pm a t;lo pm Casper Lander a pm all:M am Alblon-Oakdale b 6:30 pm b 1:3 pm Chlcngo, SlllvrnoUee A St. Paul Paririn Limited a 7:&0 om atiK . Cbloago special a 6:00 pm a 7:I am California Mall a JiOO pm a 1.21 tm Chicago uayiuni opoci.i a mo am all:4S rm n.mer-rortUnd Special a &;00 pm ill. 45 nm rerry local a :S0 am all :0 am Chicago, hock AMinnu & I'nclflc EAST. No. No. 3, C1TIKS. Amount. I Inc. Dec. ow York Chicago liostou Ph lade t hin St. Uuls Pittsburgh Kansas Cltv 8n Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis iaw Angeles Cleveland Detroit New Orleans OMAHA IxnildVllle Milwaukee Seattle Portland. Ore St Paul (Deuwr inaianapolls Lincoln Sioux City Salt I-ako Cltv.. .. Columbus Toledo Duluth Des Moines Hpoknno Tucoma Oakland Peoria San Diego Dayton Sacramento Cedur Rapids Waterloo Springfield, III Qulncy, III BloomliiKton. III... Ogden, Utah Decatur. Ill Jacksonville, 111.., wnsnington St. Joseph Wichita Totieka $1.7R7,a,0). X6.0b6.UW . H2.1CS.000 , 15R.6Tft.000 82,229.000 6S.8M.000 R7.P2S.OO0 4S.40S.OOO S,2Mi,0flO 24,). , 21, 109.000 24.74S.OOO 22,so;.o 24,118,000 1R.473.0OO 15.O.S&.000 12.918.000 14,278,000 ll.KS.0CW ll.10fi.000 ?.MO.O00 8,815,000 C.74J.O0O 1,813,000 2,702,000 fi.S47.O0O B,900,0a) 5.010,000 3,70(1,000 5.2S1.000 4.9S7.000 2.8,000 .V.1O3.O00 3.218,000 2,693,000 1,(K3.000 1,83(1,000 1, 395,000 l.tacooo 1W.O00 8!W,000 002,000 435,000 2I1H.O0O 9,Xi,000 7,592.000 3.64S.000 1.620,000 6.8 7.4 4.l 8.3 3.7 13.6 i!4 9.21 16.6 23. S "i'.'t 13.8 1S.S 2.3 3.9 6.3 0.1 7.4 31.8 14.0 9.7 .& 6.0 17.8 O.S S.l 24.3 4.2 0.3 22.0 i OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET! Fricet on Cattle Show Little or No Change Friday. HOGS A BIG FIVE CENTS HIGHER Mhrrp In t.laht Receipt, lint l.lliernl Hun of l.nmlis Demand (load nnil Prices Arc JMcaily Irorut. to SOl'TII OMAHA. April . t3. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 12.(1 15.9 "s.i. u.ii.1 8,172 9,778 2 '61 9.178 12.7 23.9 35.6 0.9 8.9 4.3 6.1 S0. Offlrlal Monday 3.KR3 6.9S0 Official Tuesday 3,376 9.245 Official Wpdtlnartav . . K .YM S.67Q Official Thursday 3.326 6,139 Lstimato Frldai- eor. 6.3W Five ilnvii trila u..l 1S 17 .-r. J70 41.057 Snme day last week. 16,337 43.9 43,710 name days z wks ago..IM7 Mime davs 3 wka njn .11 y7i 52.93 33.411 Same da.vs 4 wks ruro..l5.204 43,214 24,520 nnln days ust vear.. 14.750 56. 4W 37.()iO The follow Inir tabln shows tho receipts or cattle, nogs and aneep at South ennana for tha year to date, cumtmreri with lAst Vear: I9li. mil Inc. Dea Cuttle 291.7M 311,936 , 20.14S Hogs 935.5rt3 1.217.164 28l,Cil Sheep 7IS.9C2 720.781 5,171 The following table shows the range ot Prices for hogs at South Omaha fur in last :ew aoya with comparisons: Date. UU. 11912.11911. 1910.mo9.190S.l07. (I M . l .. M . 41 6 .. 43... l .. ( . 73... 71... It... tl... 11... :. . ... t. . ii... t .. 5... 71. . 1(4 SM 51 .Ml .30 111 . Hi .7 ,.SM .137 ..It ..17 ..177 ..211 ..Ml ..370 : . 331 .111 . 314 t .963 MA ..30 1W 30 4(1 0 0 40 40 so 10 ISO 110 10 :oo . . 41. .. . . 77... 75. II... 71... tl... 7... II... 41. . 17... 74... H... 7 .. a... n .. so. . it 17. 7. I. . 13S Ml ...IK ...117 ...Ml ...141 ..200 ...1M ...its ...HI ...310 ...:( ...m ...ut .. Ml ...m ...M7 ...ns ..3 ...14 .tn it 311 71 10 M M W 1 0 10 0 I II a to t eo m i o to I 10 1 ) I 0 10 2i I 51j 1 M as IS 1 IS I IS I IS I. Aurll April April apoi April April April April April April 3.0 April 9.2 April 16.6 April April 12 g B4U 7 561 6 85 9 7 6 W 23.1 K.Sl 8.3 t m I 7( 8 78V 8 74U 8 aV, 8 47fi a 8 7 G5 7 as 7 69 7 71 7 70 7 t 7 64 7 45 7 42 7 41 7 63 & 931 6 9?i OS 6 06 6 VC! 5 sal 6 83 9 Ol 7 011 65 9 66 6i 9 14 8 K no 8 K 6 90) Oil 6 99 7 I'l 7 06 6 73 6 71 9 06 9 121 6 90 6 M 6 K 6 6 93 6 93 6 91 0 41 & 641 6 U 6 56' 6 4S 6 37 5 43 6 62 5 64 6 42 6 36 6 Ul & 40 6 38 3 6 43 6 S3 6 23 6 30 6 34 6 35 6 3S 6 21 6 31 1.8 Corn unil Whent Ileirlon Ilnllrlln. united States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau. fnr rimnh. Neb., for tho twenty-four hours nmllnar nt. a, in.. 75th meridian timr. ltviAnv. inrii "X 11114. f ' ' OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. Sunday. Receipts and disposition nf live stock nt tho union Stock yards. South Omaha, neo., ror last twonty-rour hours ending ai a o ciock yesterday: RKCE I PT8-CA RS. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. P, -Temp.- nigh. 1a)v. 2 cars. No. 4 No grade: Chicago lca! PaaaaDiar.. Chlcaso Day Eipreee Cblcaao Kiprsss.. .......... Ttoekr Mountain Limited. Depart. blO.'M am .a 1 11 am ..a 4:10 pm ..a 1:06 am n. Mnlnei uocai raaMniera cm Cblcaso-Nebratka Llmltnl ...ae;03pm WEST, Cblcago-Neb. Ltd. to L.iucoin.a 1:04 am Chlcaa-o-Colorado Expreaa a 1:M pm Oktaboma & Teiaa Eipre.a...a Ills pm Itocky Mountain Limited all:17 pm Union Pacific Oierland Limited a 1:00 am California Mall a 1:S0 pm .(i.niin Exoreia Portland & Pucet Sound Exp. .aU-KS am ixii Anaelea Llmttea Denver Special Colorado special Colorado Eipreia. an Kranclaco Limited Pacific Limited Oreson-Waihlngton United. North riatU Local Grand Ialand Local Stromanura CIllCHKO Twin CUT Perry ioc. Twli Clty EPw chlcaao Eapreea.., Wabash Omaha . In1 Eiprtaa...a 1:30 Pm Mall and Eipreia a 7:03 am itanbfrry.Local (trojn C. D.l.b l.-w pm Ml.iourl Pacific K C ft St. Louli Expren....a 1:05 am ' ,. t, at. Loula Bipren.... alias pm jcl C Bt- Loula Llmlted...alO: am ."11.S& am .a 7:33 am -.al3:01 am .a 3:30 pm .a 1:45 am .alt:30 am .a 1:45 am .a 1:15 am .....a a:io pm bll:41 cm (irrat Western Limited a 1:10 pm .a (:30 am .a 7:44 am .a I:Oo pm Arrlte. bl0:l pa a S:00 pm a 1:40 pm all:07 pm al3:13 pm a 1-00 am a S:lT pm a 4:00 pm all :10 am a 3:57 am a 7:4S pm a 6:45 pm a 1:15 am a 4:00 pm all. 00 pm all:43 am a 7:00 am a 4:00 pm a 7:35 pm a 1:M pm a IMS pm aJ0:30 am b 1:20 pm a 1:10 am all:00 pro al0:30 pm a t:t0pm a 1:15 am all.-5 pm bl0;16 am a 7:00 am a 6:45 pm a JiSOpm Chicago J2 Minneapolis 162 Duluth i Omaha J Kansas City i St. Louis ,25 WlnnlDpf 163 Omnbn Cnsh Prices. UHIPAT-Nn 9 linril. S76f87liC: NO. 1,-rrt RfffMMWo; No. 4 hard. 838ci No. i ...rlnir KVHRT.HJn: No. 4 snrlng. 84tl84lc No. 2 durum. 80S9Wc: No. 3 durum, Wt 'rirjNMn. 2 white. tSMCMic: No. white. otVitlSSc; No. 4 white. 63n63V4c: No 2 yellow, 66c: No. 3 yellow, 64'AH641c 4 ve now. t:Bnc; io. i, uiv-uu'tt 5K!j54Vici No. . 53Q64c (JATS No. 2 white, 33V4& 340; standard, 33Ho; No. 3 White. 334c; No. 4 white 33c. I1ARLEY Malting, 64SC2Hci No. 1 feed, 4lRYE-No. 2, 57H(S58c: No. 3. B7057H?. Tho following ciiBh sales wero reported '"WHEAT No. 2 hard, winter: 1 car. 87ic. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, S6V4c. No. 3 durum: 1 car. SS4c. No. 4 sprlngi'l car, 81OATB-Standard: 1 car, 33V4c No. 3 white: 8 cars, 33UC- No. 4 white: 1 cor, 33c CORN No. 3 white: 2 cars, 55c; 2 cars. Riiip N'n. 4 whlto i car, iwc. Io. yellow. 3 cars. 65c. No. 2 mixed 64V4C. No. a mixeci: 1 car, ou in xcd: 1 car, 64cj 1 car, &3ftc. 1 nVfcNo. 2: 1 car, 68c; 1 car, 6T4c. CHICAGO GRAIN AN5J PROVISIONS Frntnrrs f the Trndlnic nnil Closlnsr Prlnrs on Ilonril of Trade. CHICAGO, April 25.-Export talk today gavo wheat a net uplllt of UHo to W &in rnm nt thn close was unchanged to UOHo off; oats suffered a net decline of Wtft'tc to c and provisions closed at 2V4c to 15c lower. Renewal or oiscussion conceiiuiw mmo npprla for wheat In Europe and estimates that a great part of It, with the European situation ns it is, musi co no uom America, was accompanied with speciric .i.i.m.nt Ihnt morn tlulll 1.600.000 bush els had been worked In tho lust few days for export from New xork. t ears maw some harm to growing wheat had come from frosts last night, In Nebraska. Kansas and western jowa anu oiwbuuii. added to the bullish Hentlmeni, as aia the unsettled European politician situa tion brought buoui oy tno ocuian inci dent. Tho market showed strengin ncariy all day, temporary depressions on prum taking being followed by good rallies. July showed a bit of weakness just ai tho close, but Alay held steady. The Argen tine situation was a tacior ui mo uy Influenco. A cut of 3,000,000 bushels In the Argentine vlsime was noieci. Mmirv recptnts of wheat today were 526,000 bushels against 23,00 bushels last year. weaDoara ciearuntcn oi nrm uu flour equal oii.iw dubiicib. Declines ul Kansas vuy una umuiin depressed corn here. Expectation or larger offerings also had a weakening tendency, uais casca on on h mri,u m- creaso In receipts. Rpliini? nressuro w bed out the small advance scored by provisions at tho start and the entire list closed weak. Strength In cash products gave me rumre niumei about tho only show of vitality It had. Futures closed as rouows; Ashland. Neb.. 48 31 Auburn. Neb... 63 33 IVken Bow, Nb 54 32 Columbus, Nb. 65 31 Culbortson. Nb 60 3S Folrbury, Neb.. 66 31 Fairmont, Neb. 63 31 Or. Island, Nb 55 35 Hartlngtop, Nh 50 32 Hastings. Neb., 62 35 Holdregc, Nob. 72 35 Lincoln. Neb... 62 87 No. Platte. Nb 66 30 Oakdale, Neb.. 63 33 Omaha. Neb.... 48 38 Tekainah, Neb. 48 36 Valentine, Nb, 51 30 Alta, la 44 33 Carroll. Ia 45 34 Clarlmla. Ia 31 Sibley, la 44 30 Sioux City, Ia. 4? 36 Minimum tcmperaturo for period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. . . N,hot -Temp,- Rain- District. niauons. mgh. Low. fall. uoiumnus, u is Ixiulsvlllo, Ky.. 22 Indla'polls, Ind.. 14 Chicago, III 24 St. Louis, Mo... 19 Des Moines, Ia. 22 Minneapolis 51 Knn. City, Mo.. 26 Omaha, Neb 17 Rain. fall, .02 .94 .00 .03 .00 .02 .00 .00 .08 .02 .0) .04 .00 .02 .07 .05 .00 .22 .05 .01 .13 .04 Sky. Clear Clear Clear rt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy it. ciouny ciotmy Clear Pt. cloudy i:icar Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy uiear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour C. M. &. St. Wabash Ry Mo. Paclflo Ry union Pacific Ry.. C. & N. W., east.. C. & N. W., west.. C. St. P. M. & O... C. II. & Q., cast.... C. B. & Q.. w.vit.. Illinois Central Ry C. O. W. Ry Total receipts 24 DISPOSITION- 3 II 34 6 14 78 'HEAD. 24 33 Morris & Co. .... Swift & Co Uudahy Packing Co... Armour & uo J. W. Murphy K. P, Co a o. p. Co. ... W. B. Vansant Co. .. Hilt A Son F U. Lowla 'Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. II. nulla McCreary & Kellogg Werthcitner & Dcgen Cllno & Chrlstlo Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 25 711 84 L296 99 3S3 143 1,333 1,702 47 13 67 8 8 6 1 5 8 1 7 76 641 6,592 608 964 611 80 76 76 74 68 68 62 66 64 64 66 64 48 46 36 30 36 34 general .00 .10 .00 .20 30 SO 30 00 00 In Bar llngton Station Tenth Jk aiasor. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros nnrllnifton nliver ft California &re"::: CITY LOANS, Bcmls-Carlberg Co.. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. , HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Not. 6 MONEY on hand at lowest rates, for loans on Nebraska farms and Oinaua city property In any amounts. ' H. W. BINDER. ICS City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED TO II try. JOIN our personally couducted excur sion to SINNV CALIFORNIA Our spe cial train will make stops at Denver, Salt Lake, Ban Francisco and Los Angeles. Round trip less than regular one way fare. Special attention will be given to the orange belt of southern California and the alfalfa Industry In the famous Ban Joaquin valley. For particulars, write Karl Brehme. 515 Bee Bldg. Colorado. FINE CATTLE PROPOSITION. 18.000 acres, fine land, on railroad. In one solid body, all under fence; an Ideal cattle, proposition offered at a very low f'oe. H. J. Cloud, 1639 Champa SL, Den ver, Colo. ii' i VTrrnjin nr. W.. l a a H Ailil4 W UUJT O, I rfll IIlUriKtUaD Uli ' ar.a lnul1. ri.akn fi 1 m nnf ..rt 1 a.ln. 1 JVa - IliniUQ s 1 1 eta ttta , vj lUlfllii tu I tnl vSlulU ' for 12.600. Selby, 436 B. of T. Bldg, Tel. D. 1510. .r-H"roouh..: Uncoln Voa .... gSI?. .::::: " ' nlln.KL Joaeph.. Joaeph.. Dipart. ..a 1:10 am ..a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm -.a 3.20 am ..a 4:10 pm ..b 1:30 pm allits pm a :U am . .b 3:05 pm ..a 7.2S pm a :n .m . .al2:.o pm ..a 7 IS am .all IS pm ..a 4.20 pm . .a f :30 pm b l pm .-a 4:35 pm ..10:45 pm .-a 1:16 am a i:oo am a t:30 .a a 1:43 ,m a 3:43 pm .10 pm 1:45 pm alius pm a 7:0o am ?. Pia uiu zo am a :0 am a 1:50 am a 1.-40 pm ii .19 pm a Ills pm a 1:04 am bll:oo am 1150 am a 4:50 am a 1:10 pm Dulgoft 2d hand store pays highest prlees for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. BE8T prices for furniture. Call D. 7W. 1 -,., ..I.: ., k Sloui City ree'. Webster Station ltJth and Webster Chlcasro, 81. J'anl, Minneapolis Omaha WOULD like to buy a five or six-room i Li citr Paaicncer nouse to ue iiiuveu un a iui. una in ine neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 430L D. h055. Quick buyers of furniture. STEAMS IIIP&. ANCHOR LINE 8TEAM8HIPS Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Depart. . .b 2:25 pm . b l:2S am ..b 1:00 pm biVlo'am Arrtva Ml. -55 an. a l:J6 pm Sioux City Paitenjer. Emeraon Acroromodetlon . tllaaoorl I'aelflo Auburn Local b 1:30 pm blO:4S am a dally, b dally except Sunday, e Sunday only. Wool Market. LONDON, April 25,-The 13,014 bales offered at the wool auction sales today were principally cross breeds, which were quickly sold to the home trade and the continent at firm prices. Germany took tho bulk of the Funta Arenas offered at Ocean passage 7 days. Moderate rates. I i" " """"" " y" For book of tours. .rates, etc. apply to, 8t LOriS. April 25.-WOOL-Bteadv HbNUbKHUN xJUUintrnH, medium grades, combing and clothing. 23 Gen't Agts.. 138 N. I Salle SL. Chleago. e2fcc. light fine. ISflSl.-j heavy fine, m jix mi iivuiu iiuum, i lie, iud watnea, sioooc. Freezing temperatures were thn upper Misslsslnnl and unner MlxaniiH valleys last night, nnil lights frosts were general In eastern Nebraska and western Iowa, nnd also occurred at points In Kansas aim Aiissouri, ine frosts wsre light In thn lower valleys and no tna- icriai aamago was caused. T. A ttc.f til r v. i, .uimii, i . Lnrnl P'orppnnlpr. Wnnll. u,..i Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions KANSAS CITY, April 25. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard. 8WWXc; No. 3, Kia 8DWe; No. 2 red, ll.00fcl.04; No. 3, 90c CORN-No." 2 mixed, 56Vic: No. 3. Kc No. 2 while, DOUc; No. 3, 55ft5C,ic. OATS-No. 2 , white, WMljSJc; No. 3 mixea. 34VHT.WO. . Closing, prices of futures: W 1 1 EAT M ay. 8674c; July, S)(e. CORN May, 55c; July, 54T4c. OATS-May. 35035140; July, S4?ic. RYIi 68c, 1 1 AY Unchanged. Bl'TTER-Creamery. 34c: firsts. 33c; aeconoB, .wc, iniuHiiiK, tc. EGGS Firsts, 18o; seconds, 13c. POl'LTRY-Hens, WAc; roosters, 10c. St. I.onls General Market. ST. LOUIS, April 28. WH EAT Cash : No. 2 red, ii.itwn.iz; No. 2 hard, 9304c. CORN-No.'2, MWttbW. No. t white, wtcoytc OATS-No. 2. 35o; No. 3, S6H837c, Closing prices of futures; WH EAT May, SOc; July. 90c. CORN May, 64Hc; July, 65Hc. OATf May, 3l',ic; July, 31c. RYE Unchanged; 62c. POULTRY Steady: chickens, 14c; springs, 18c; turkeys, 16o; ducks, 12c; geese, 7c, BUTTER Weak; creamery. 2ftffS3c. EGGS Higher; 17c. 2,344 CATTLE Recelnts of rattle nil told consisted of only twenty-four cars, which means tnnt there were really not onougn of any one kind to make a real test of the market or fix quotations. For tho week roce Pts foot un 16.1C7 head, being about 2(0 head larger than last week and not quite.' z.uw head larger than tor tue corresponding week a yeur ago. To make anotner comparison rece nts una week have baen the largest, with the slngls ex- ctPtlon of last week, ror some time nncK. lieet steers toriay were uuotcu as nom limlly steady, them not being enough to nnllv pall It n marknt. Amonr tho of- icrings was naming gooa, tue nest sioere helnir onlv Kood unouirh to bring 18.10. Hie decline during tho last two days has wipeti out an inn aavance mauo on Aion- da' and Tuesday, putting the market back to where It was at tho low time a rnioK ngo. The m&rkot on cows ntul liolfer wan steady with yosterduy, but the market Thursday was i.ic anu in somo cases Jc lower than the high day Tuesday. There were no slockers anu feeders hero todily and the receipts have beoil light till tho week, while prices have re mained steady, . (juotations on i.attie jooa to cnpice beef steers, 13.2013.75; fair to good beet steers, t7.90O8.20; common to fair beet taers. wr.teifj.w; gooa to cnoice neiiers, 17.2608.00; good to choice cows, 86.767.60; fair to good grades. S8.8508.5O; common to fair grades. JI.OOfli.M: good to cliolcc. Blockers and feeders, 7.60S.25: fair to good stockers and feeders, t6.764f7.60; common to fair stockers and feeders. l6.2S(ia.76: stock cows ana neiiers, ib.oom 7.00; veal calves, 17.00C9.76; bulls, stars, etc., o.uwa'i.a Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. t M I 55 H i U I SJH SJH S 57 Lj 17S 1 S7H It S7Uj SS1H tm 1 57(4 t r, sin I 57i S'lt S7H 1 S7H S-H I 574 I7H f V STAGS. .310 10 1 l- SHEKP'-Recelnts showed nn Incrensa over Thursday and were quite liberal for a Friday, ss soma 33 cars, or 9.178 head, wero received. . It was the largest run for a Friday slnco the second week In March. Thers worn 14 cars' of Colorado lambs and around 8 cars of clipped lambs iniu wero yaraeti oniy tor recu ana water win ia on tneir wav to nn eastern nnint. leaving only nbotit a dozen loads for tho local trade. With the exception of ono load of Montana sheep, most of which wero wethers, tho local sumilv consisted entirely of lambs, and these were mostly cilppo.il, mere being only a couple or bunches of pooled offerings on sale. . in ninifl ui inn ihci innv enriy auvicrn from other markets were hv tin means bullish the bulk of today's offerings moved readily at steady to stronR prices. Thn market opened In good season, and practically everything on sale was cleared ai an cany nour. tine load or lamos. being mostly native Cotorados and av eraging 78 pounds, brought 1.75. Sales of clipped offerings Included a couple of loads of light weights that changed hands at 37.75, tbp for tho day and Identi cal with the highest price on Thursday . .... l. - ' . l. . .. - I .... I .. -o iiiinviii ol aioiiuiiiiL itvjni'B eiBini!K io pounds was taken by a feeder buyer At 7.75. As noted abovo only one load of mut tons was offered and Ihey were mostly wethers which brought IS.bO, with a cut of 100 head. Trade for thn week has been reaturca with fairly liberal receipts and satisfac tory markets on most days. lumb values havo recovered fully from last week's sharp decline and are now 30U40c higher than me Closo or last weea. no ie muttons have been In evidence all the week that values have undergone liltii' If any chango from a week ago. Oiintntlona nn sheen and lamos: UOOti to choice Mexican lambs, 18.G0S.90; fair to good Mexican lambs, ts.lotfl.SO; good to choice western lambs, JS.S54iS.63; fait to good western lambs, 13.2M(a.35; shorn lambs. 37.6W7.76: feeder lambs, t7.75 8.35; yearlings, light. 37.35(07.76: yearlings, heavy, t7.lMt7.36; wethers, good to choice, t.757.00; wethers, fair to good, W.S5JI. 6.76; ewes, good to choice, K. 71, ewes, rnir to gooa, vo.?utjv.; cuns ana hucks. i3.uura,. No. Pr. 106 wool lambs , 79 3CT, shorn lambs 73 13 spring lambs 142 spring lambs 66 iss fed ewes ki 90 Montana feeder lamos 1 SI Montana fader lambs, ....... 7 219 Montana, shorn lambs SO 116 Montana shorn liimns ,,, 77 19 Montana shorn lambs o 99 Montana cull minus im 170 Montana owes nnd welhers.101 127 Montana owes and wethers. 102 30 cull ewes and wethers 94 623 shorn lambs S3 I lilenuo iiire sioeu jnsrxri. CHICAGO, April 2o. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,000 head; market steady: beeves, t7.3OQO.20; Texas steers, t.SOfp7.90: west erns, z(,uo2jn,iu; nioeHorn unu leeners, 40. j ffS.10: cows and heifers, S3.90fl8.40; calves, 0.604f9.00. HOGB luooipts. ii.ww noau; market, strong to Ml'lOo higher; bulk ot sales. t8.rWfJA.se ; light. t8.80H9.10; mixed, $8.704J 9.00; heavy, t8.65C8.924i rough, S$.6u3$.70; pigs. S6.M6.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000 head; market alow) native, lC.0Ofl7.15, western, S.2&4p7.25; yoarllngs. S150417.90: lambs, natlvo, t6.6oije.90; western. S7.00JP 8.90. Av. 8 76 7 75 5 00 8 75 1! 25 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 fi 70 It 60 60 6 60 7 50 92T4693 9240 i 91H4392 55HIV 55WW08 56?4j67 36?854 31V4&T41 34V4'H, 19 85 65 56H1 564l56iji: 57j67l 6H, July. j 20 00 Sent. Lard. May. July. Kept. Ribs, May. July. Sept. 19 72W 11 12'A 11 (6 11 60 11 17W 11 00 93 924 93 MJ4 Artlclel Open.l Hlgh.i Low. Close.l Yesy. Wheat! May. July. Scot. Corn. May. July. Sept. Oats, May. July. Sent. Pork. May 3.-4 35 I 3IH 19 90-92 20 00 19 76 11 22' 11 06 U 07 11 60 11 17V 11 a 34',; 19 77' 29 HO 19 67 It 02 10 95 10 96 11 40 11 07 10 87 92 92 V4 ,91i' 6511 66' 66H 34'i 3lfl4 34 19 77 19 W 10 67 11 02 10 95 10 95 mi 11 40 07 92'4fl 91H002 31 55 55 667a 19 h0 19 92-95 19 72 11 10 11 03 11 (U-06 11 IS 11 16 10 671 10 97 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No, 2 red, tl.OMll.10: No. 3 red. tl.0lttl.06; No. 2 hard, 94fo96c; No. 3 hard, SigOIHc; No. 1 northern, 95t(95c; No. 2 northern, 91 iU94c; No. 3 northern, 91V3c; No'. 2 spring. 9Si94e; No, 3 spring. 91&93c; No. 4 spring. i&tjOOc. velvet chaff, r096c; durum, 95ci(tl 00. Corn: No, 2, 66f(6bc; No. 2 white. 5S668c, No. 2 yellow. 664 57c: No. 3. 65&WC: No. 3 whlto. 67fl6ic; No. 3 yellow, 666660; No. 4. 64S64c; No. 4 white, 56c; No. 4 yellow, 64064u. Oats No. 2 white, 36i?37c: No. 3 white, Soto 35ic; No. 4 white, 347j85c; standard, 36 34c. Rye: No. 2, 82iS3c. Barley, 44 StOc, Seeds; Timothy, t2.S5fi3.65; clover, 116.0021.00. Provisions: Pork, tl9.77; lard 111 15t ribs. 11100811.75. BUTTER Ixiwer; creameries, 27090c. EGGS Firm; receipts, 34,451 cases; at mark, cases Included, 17U18c; ordinary firsts, 16V.W16T4C. firsts, 17U&17KC. POTATOES Mostly higher, receipts, 30 cars; Michigan, 36M40c; Minnesota, 30 36c Wisconsin, 32Q40c, POULTRY - Live, steady chickens and springs, 17c . Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 23. WHEAT I May, 89c: July. 91Wilc; September, P2tiS2'ic. cash. No. 1 hard. 92c: No. 1 northern. 90"MJ91)ic; No. 2 northern. 8S t:'.t.r; tin, i hard Montana, aivfcc; wo, 3, WflKlC. FLOUR Firsts patents,, t1.30a4.60: sec ond patents, t4.15ft4.60; first clears, t3.J0 3.40; second clears, (i.waz.ru. BRAN tlO.OOH.OO. CORN No. 3 yellow, 65fl6c. OAT8-N0. 3 white. J2Vrl3,324c. RYE No. 2. 6256C FLAX-t5.16. BARLEY 4 2fj42Ho LlTrrpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, April '25. WHEAT Spot. steady; No. 2 Munltoba, 7sl0d; No. t Manitoba, 7s9V4d. Futures, very firm; May, 7s9id; July, 7s7d; Octobor, ys on. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 6s Id: new kiln dried. 5s 2d: Amert. can mixed, old, via Galveston, 6s 8d. Fu tures, steady; May American mixed, us 1:111; juiy ia j-iaia, ds i?a. Peoria Market. PEOniA. III.. April S. CORN-No. 2 white, Mc; No. 3 white, 656&c; No. z yellow, boti'aooc; rno. 3 yellow, 66c. OaTS No. 2 white, ic; No. 3 white, Meiai Market. NEW YORK, Apil! 25.-METAIJ4-Steudy; standard spot, July, 114.87 iu..n', eieciroiyiic, io. 10; lake, su.a7Vi; castings. 115.60. Tin firm: spot. April and May. t49.CD3VW.00; June; June, J49.00t7i 49.37: July, f.6OtH9.0O. Lead steady at 14.45, Did. spelter quiet al Sl.liM&fci. Antt mony dull; Cookson s, S9.00. Iron steady and unchanged. Copper arrivals, 345 tons; exports this month. 30,900 tons, Lnn don copper, firm; spot, 81 15s; futures. 67 16s. Local exchange sales of tin were 20 tons. London tin, firm; spot, 228; futures. 222 10s. London lead, 18. London spelter, 26 10s. iron, Cleveland warrants. 67s In London. ST. LOUIS. April 28. METALS Lead weaker, at 14.37. Spelter, quiet, at 15.60. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 25.-COFFEE Fu tuns opened steady at a decline ot 3 to 9 points under scattering liquidation. The offerings, however, were soon absorbed and the market firmed up on covering and moderate support from trade sources. The close was steady. Hales were 109,000 bags. April, lo.vuc; May, 10.S2C: June, 11.02c; July, 11.14c; August, 11.24c; Sep tember, October and November, 11.34c; December. 11.36c: January. 11.37c i-enru ary, 11.88c; March, 11. 40c. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7s, HVc; Santos 4s, 1313Uc; mild, dull; Cordova, 1417c, nominal. Sutrar Market. NEW YORK. April 25.-SUOAR-Raw. steady, muscovado, 2.86f2.89c, centrifugal, U36tt3.39cc, molasses, 2 6102.61c. Refined, iulet. No. I.... 17... .... II.... 41.... 7.... 17.... 1.... 10... t 7.... 11.... II.... It.... 1.... 1.... 1.... .... 7.... AT, ... HI ...1031 ..,1041 ...1111 ...10M ...1117 ...1011 ...1MI ... Ill ..1210 7 U 7 IS 7 10 7 0 7 M 7 10 7 7 30 7 S 7 SO I. 32.. II.. At. .. 133 ..1210 ..ISM ..1313 ..1107 ..1311 ..1213 ..1207 .1170 .UU STEERS AND HEIFERS. sit Ml , 113 too . 010 , (20 .1140 11.. 10.. 7 SO 7 SS 1 SS COWB. s is 1... 5 SO 1... 00- 7... t 00 4.. to 1.. ...1011 ...not ....1120 ....mi .... SI ....hit 1104 COWH AND HEIFERS. Pr. 7 10 7 0 1 M s 00 s 00 I 10 10 S 20 1 as s ss 1 00 t OS is 0 40 1 75 60 I 86 St. I.onls Lire Block Market. ST. IiOUIS, April 25. CATTLE Re ctlpts, 600 head; market steady; native beef steers, S5.75iZf0.00; cows and heifers, S4.608.76; stockers and feeders, 15.258.00; southern steers, tS.255jS.60; cows and hel lers, 14. 00?(",00; calves, S5.00fJ6.60. HOGS Receipts. G.O0O hend: market 5e higher;, pigs and lights, S7.7598.95: mixed nnd butchers, t8.55ij8.95; good heavy, 18.55 HS.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady; native muttons, 15.00 (T7.2&; lamos, (.uu.w. Sioux Cltr Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, April 25. CATTLE Re ceipts, 300 head; market steady; natlvn steers, (7.358.60; cows and heifers, 15.75 7,75; Cahners, S3 .75476. 25: stockers and feeders, S7.00!ff7li75; calves, &.757.60; bulls, 50.MSUI.4U. ..... HOUtt iteceipis, 4,iaju neaa; market strong to 60 higher: heavy. Ss. 5008.65; mixed, a.wm.iw; ugnt, xs.mhik.ki: pigs. S7.25ff7.50; bulk, 18.KfjS.60. No sheep. Ht. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 23. CATTLE Rn- celpts, 100 hend. Market steady; steers, S7.25ti8.20; cows anu neiiers, xi.wjqrs.Mi; calves. S6.0OtJ8.75. HOGS Receipts. 4.KW nean. Market steady to strong; top, S8.73; bulk of sales, S8.50478.G0. HIIEKi' AINU IjA.MHM iteccipis, i,avu head. Market steady; lambs, 17.7568.90. 11 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 til S50 7S0 ISO I3 1170 1100 1170 1720 1411 1.... ... 1... 1.... t... 7... (75 II.. HEIFERS. 71 I I 7S 14 7 00 I 7 21 1 BULLS. t 00 1 7 10 1 7 10 1 7 IS 1 7 IS CALVES. 1 11 7 SO Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 25.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet: middling uplandr, 11.85c; middling gulf. 12.10c. No ssles. Futures closed stoaay. dosing bids: April. ll.40o: May. lL33c: June. 11.41c:, I July. 11.39c; August, Jl.ZVcj September, 11.13c; October, 11.12c; December, 11.14c, January, ll.OOo; March, ll.lto. lilVKKI'OOl April 2a. UUTTON Spot, quiet; prices steady: middling fair, 7.29d; good middling, 6.95d; middling, 6.771; low middling. C61d; good ordinary, 6.27d; ordinary. 6.93d. .. S2S ., 765 .. 380 .. 450 ..1590 ..1110 .. S10 .. 700 T IS 7 SS 7 71 7 71 7 24 7 tl 7W I 00 100 0 Tt AND 1.. I.. ST . FEEDERS. TOO 7 73 VJ 7 15 771 7 SS 110 0 SO ItS 0 76 STOCKERS IM 7 IS ... .050 7 40 til 7 50 751 7 CS WESTERNS WYOMING. 19 feeders.. 803 8 00 M feeders.. 916 S 00 HOGS The market opened tnis morn' Ing on a big 5c higher basis, this being thn first time this week that any ma terial advance nas neen maae. iraue was active from the outset and .by 9:30 o'clock practically everything had been sold. Shippers anu speculators were heavy buyers, their purchases amounting to a very respectable share ot the moa erate receipts, Towards the closo tho movement was not quite so activo owing to the fact that nearly all orders had been filled, and values In some cases showed considerable weakness as com pared with the earlier sales. The bulk of the hogs sold at H.6MJ-8.W. and sev era! loads of real good lights brought the too at 18.(5. During the xtrst tnree days 01 tne week tha trend of values was steadily down. ward, the decline amounting to about 30c, and while there has been a better feeling In the trade the last two days, prices are still 20c lower than at the closo of last week. Receipts tnis morning consisted of about seventy-elgnt cars, or 5,340 head, The total for the wek to date is some thing like 35.241. being over 8.500 smaller than for the same days a week ago, and more than 21.000 Heavier than' for the corresponding period a year ago, Representative sales; jo. at. Bh. Pr. No. At. an. Yr. (0 tU . I M 14 2IS ... 3 SO St. . .213 SO I SO 71 221 ... t SO 24 211 ... IH IS Ul ... S 64 71 318 120 0 SO SS 211 ... S SO 12.. .310 240 S SO SO 211 10 S 00 S 350 ... 0 50 71 237 ... I 00 43 til 10 I 51 H TO 241 ltO S SO 51 . . .111 ... 1 S1H l 211 40 I 10 S3,. .103 ... S SS 17 Ill SO 0 M 01 311 ... 1SS 75 210 .. S 0 42. . .251 . . I SS 17 301 40 S 00 IT . .117 ... 1 05 71 231 .10 0 tO 23 .210 .. I SS 17 ....230 SO I 00 II ISO M I 56 SI. 130 . 00 TS 251 40 I SS It ITI M IM ST 115 1 SS 70 til SO 1 SO 01 .2tt 0 S3 75 213 I to 303 1 IS S3 207 0 00 !..,., 2(7 10 I 11 K ::i ... I 00 JOSEPH WILLIAMS GIVEN A CHANCE TO BE GOOD "Joe" Williams, the M-ycar-old boy who confessed to Chief of Detectives Maloney Thursday that he had forged several checks on local business houses because he could find no work and wus too proud to beg, was turned over by tho court to Probation Officer Bernstein, whose desire to give the boy another chance was Instrumental In securing him Im munity from a district court sentence. Williams, who looks to be several. years younger man no reauy is, nas been an orphan practically all his life and has had a pretty tough row to hob, Notwithstanding this fact he Is well dressed and from his conversation seemed to bo possessed ot an education. "I came to Omaha," he said, "a little over u week ago alter doing a luuu work on a farm out In the state, and when I forged the checks I was desperate and did not stop to reckon the serious ness of 4the offense. It will never hap pen again; I'll starve before doing any thing criminal to ratso money." While Williams was In Chief Mo loney's office he received a good lecture, from the chief on how futile It is 10 get away with anything against the law, and how much he had escaped by the mercy of the court. Before leavlnt the building with Officer Bernstein he Insisted on seeing the chief of detec tives and thanked him for his advice William was taken to a barber shop, treated to clean linen and wJJl b given an opportunity to show his de sire to work and make a man of himself. Welsh Ilraila Science Aradeuiy. WASHINGTON. April !4.-Dr. William L. Welsh ot Johns Hopkins university was elected president ot the National Academy of Sciences hero today at the closing serslon of the academy a fiftieth anniversary, meeting. I