a' 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 2(3, 10in. i! SHUTS OUT THE TIGERS Cleveland Twirlcr Wins First Game , He Fitches This Season. DETROIT HELD TO FIVE HITS Nll'miliT. c OTirlen, p . Hill. p. .. Ilenrlrlnoe VffkM Tela Is T(y fntili Ml, cm llnieti, flinttlnir ' Tvllh Mi-mlier tit Trnm Kilter the llncmit l ii I ! 1 - nml l'tm1irr ril. DETROIT, Mlrh.. April S.-Hlandlng. lrilt,hlng his first gamp of the year, hlil Detroit to five singles and Cleveland tehut out Detroit today. 1 to 0. Klve Cleve tland seven lilts were for extra bases, Johnston starting with the stick with 'A double ami triple In three time at fbnt The Tluers got two hits In the topcnlng Inning and two In the ninth, but Sr Ith men on bases, Hlandlng was at his cst Johnstcn easily could have made th6 circuit on his hit In the first In ning, but the Iwil rolled under the bench In right field and Kvans allowed only three bases on the drive. lie scored a Inomcnt iater on an out. Johnston rcored tega'n In the third when his hit, or dinarily good for two hasefj went througli-"Ve-irh and rolled to the fence. Jackson made the Naps' third run In the sixth when he doubled and titlllcd on I.uJole's single. TV Cobb quietly entered the Detroit lusr-out enrtv In the game and although lie sat In the bench chuttliiK with his team mates for tome time no one in ntandr knew of his presence, Spore: n,KVBI.ANI) UKTItOir. AH 11 O A R All. II O A.K. Johnlon. lb I ! 1J 0 OIlu-li. 4 0 2 4 0 Chspmsn. hM I High, rf .4 0 4 01) Olson, 3b 4 0 1 I lCrsufnrd, rf 4 I 1 0 0 Jaikaon. ft t 2 0 OVeaCh, If.. 4 J J 0 1 Lajole. 2b. . 4 J 1 .1 OOeJnnr.. lb 4 I 10 0 0 irm'ham, rl It ! OMorlarty. lb n 4 0 0 Uriney. I 4 0 10 oVItt. lb. ..10120 JjkBi, t ....1 0 10 IHiKm, c .10 1 2 0 XJlandlng. p. 1 J 0 0 0 Mulltn. p 3 10 10 Totili .11 i: 1 2 Totals 12 i 27 II 1 Cleveland I 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 otrolt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Jackson (2), Johnston. Three-base hits: Johnston, Tiliindtng. Stolen bancs: Vltt, Jackson, ouble play: Otson and Johnston. Left on bases: Cleveland, 4; ctrolt, C. Bases on balls; Off Hlandlng. 1; off Mullln, 3. Struck out. By Hlandlng, ?; by Mullln. 2. Wild pitch; Mullln. Time1 1:M. 1'mplres: Kvans and llildt'bmnd. Nrvr York Shut Out, PHILADELPHIA, April 25.-Hplendld pitching by Plank and hard hitting by Collins featured Philadelphia's 4 to 0 victory over New York today. Only three singles were mude off Plunk, who fanned ten batsmen and was given perfect sjp rort by his team mates, i'lunk struck out J'"ofd, Wolter und t'haso In tho sixth, but did not give a pass, retired his opponents In order In seven Innings and did not permit a runner to get further than sec ond base. Aftur having runners stranded tut hlrd bnso In four Of the first live Innings, Philadelphia won the game In the sixth by mixing up three hits with two posses. Collins made three doubles and a stnglo In four times at bat and stole second and third In the first Inning. rfNKW YORK, I'lllLAPKLPIHA. All. II. OA K. AtMI.O.A.K. IVoller. r( . U I 0 Ollurphr, rf.. 0 10 0 Chase, cf....i4 0 10 OOldrlng. lf..l 0 3 0 0 1 1 1 1 Collins, lb.. 4 4 0 1 0 u 1 0 (linker, lb.... 2 0 2 0 0 I II I GMcllmli, lb, 4 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 Daley, cf... 4 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 OlUrry, e 1 1 4 0 0 14 Olpp, c 1 t 3 0 0 0 1 0 Plank, p... 1 1 0 2 0 0U00 0 0 U 1 Tolll 30 9 17 10 0 1 13 e M Bride M 4 1 ! I 0 0 1 omnia, n 10 11 0 10 0 noehllftf. P 0 0 0 0 0 BOB Sjohnwwi. p 0 0 0 0 10 9 0 0 Williams 0 0 0 0 0 ftieefrr 1110 0 J II 14 0 Total 11 13 27 14 1 Matter for Gallia in sixth I Hatted for Boehllng In eighth Hostoil 0 OOOI20004 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 -5 Two-base hits- Lewis, Hoopei. Hall, ftatidll. Mocllei. Three-base hit Speaker Home run: Kngle. lilts: Off O'Hrlen, 'J in seven Innings and none out 1 nelgth off Hall, .1 In one Inning, off (Jalllu 8 In six Innings: off lloehlln, 1 In three Innings; off Johnson. 2 In one Inning .Stolen bases: Moeller, Milan. Shanks, Double plays: Hall to Wagner to Kngle Morgan to Mcllrtde to Oandll 12) Left on bases: Itoston, 6; Wushlngton, 1. . Hases on balls: Off O'Hrlen. 1. off Hall, ' I; off Oallla. I. Stiuck out Hy O'Hrlen, 12: by Oallla. 2: hy Hoehlllig, 1, by John son, 1. Wild pitch- O'Drlrn. Time 2:05, t'tnplres- JIart and Dlneen. I Young Men of Omaha! FREE ITALIAN HAS BROKEN HARP But Relief Worker Thought He Had Broken Heart. DEPENDS ON THE WRITING 'I Hovt to Itrpnlr n IlroWen Henri I Most I'rrnlrxlnp; to tlir Relief Workers Until Hie-'Pnct Are Discos rrrrt. 26, and closes Saturday. May 3, at 9.00 P. M. 3 Your argument must not exceed 250 words In length (other things being equal we favor brevity), and must be written upon a Mngee & Deenier letterhead whlrh you may get by calling at the store. (When you call for 'he letterlind you may take advantage of that op portunity to inspect our line of I. System Clothes: try them on ond familiarize yourself with them so as to bo able to write Intelll (,'ently about their many points of superiority. Stop at the ntore as often and look as much as you like during the week. For your In- llertiell. , I I'm, If 1 (.Inner, lb.. 2 Mldklff, lb. I JUcK'li'e. 2b 3 Williams, c. 1 Koril, p 2 Fisher, p.... 0 Wterrttt ...1 Totals. ... 1 24 14 1 Hatted for Fisher In ninth. J4cw York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Philadelphia. 0 0 0 0 0 .1 1 0 -4 Two-base hits. Collins (31. Threo-baso lilt, Barry. Hits: Off I'ord, 0 In seven Innings: oft Usher, nono In one Inning, Harrlfloe hits: OldrlnK. Plank. Stolen baaei-. Hartzell. Collins (2): linker. Double plays. Collins, Hairy and Mcln iils. Lett on bases: New York. 2; Phil adelphia,, b. Basts on balls; Off Ford, 4. Fllrpt baie on enors: l'lilladelphla, 1. Struck out: Hy Kurd, 1; hv IMahk, 10, HdioI ball: Williams. Wild pitch; Ford. Time; J:-Si. I'mplres; Connolly ond AlcUreovy. l'l teller Weakens, llostnu Loses. WASHINGTON, April IS.-After pitch Ins sensational ball O'Hrlen weakened In theclxhth Inning today and Washington by a great finish batted out a victory, Winning the last Rama of the series with lloslon, 0 to 4. In ticven Innings O Tlrlon struck out twelve men, taking tlx In tho first two Innings. The first Ihreo men to face O'Hrlen in tlieelghth hit safely and Hall wan sent to the rescue. Hii waa touched for three hits and al lowed a base on balls. Boston hit Oallla hard far four runs. Ilehllng who went In In the sixth, was relieved b? Johnion after Washington took the lead. President Wilson waa In the grandstand again to day Score: BOSTON. WASHINGTON. An. 11.0. A K. All. II. O A K. Hooper, rf . 4 1 t 1 0Mollr, rf. 4 1 t 0 1 nail, 2b. ...110 2 OMIIan. ct....4 110 0 ttreaker. cf 4 110 0 1,apurtf . lb. 1 0 1 2 0 Jawli. It.... 4 3 1 0 OOandll. lb... 4 1 It 0 0 CardMf, lb. 4 0 1 1 0 Mown. 2b, 4 0 1 t o Mill, lb... 4 1 t 0 OAlnamlth. c 4 1 I 0 0 Warner. U..4 1 1 S OBhankt. If.. 4 1 10 Miss Alice Barker was perplexed. She has not often been that way since alio come here from Chicago to engage In the relief work at hcadquarteis, for slit is a prominent charity worker of Chi cago and she has handled many and divers knotty tangles In her time Still, she bumped Into h delicate problem nl the relief station when she picked up one of the Information cards containing tho ense of an Italian whoso place had been wrecked. "Heart busted," that was what slio read, or thought she read, at the ba'tom of a long list of misfortunes t.'iat had be fallen ihe man through me advent of tin tornado, She scratched her car with her pencil as she read and reread the card. She grabbed t.hp telephone to call a physi cian. Hut before she had been connected: with tho number, she slammed the re ceiver up, sharply and scratched her car again. "This might be figurative lun- BUuge," she said to hcrse!'. "It his heart Is busted, maybe ho needs a love broker worse than a physician. It Is a question whether a love broker, oven, can do anything for a passlonato Ital ian with a broken heart." On second thought aha remembered that It might b difficult for a medical doctor to do much for a man with a really busted heart, In case tho language did not mean to ho figurative. She was Jarred out of her deep reflec tions by the voice of Antonio himself, who stepped to the desk about that time. "Yes, I'm that. I'm thut," said the Italian, as she nsked him If ho was the possessor of the name at tho head of ' the loss of life and dnmago done. She already, wc arc exclusive representatives in Omaha for the! system We want to call them more effectively and forcibly to the attention of the young fel lows in Omaha, In order to accomplish this we are going to GIVE AWAY ABSO LUTELY FREE two of our finest twenty-five dollar L System Spring Suits. These suits will be given to the two young fellows who submit to us the best written arguments, not exceeding two hundred and fifty words in length, in favor of buying and wearing the L system Clothes. The contest will be governed by the tollowing conditions: 1 Any younR man In Omaha Is eligible to com- formation ami assistance we will give you one r.flA nf nur r. Kwtnm Mtvla lolirnals). The contest begins Saturday morning, April 4 Do not h'.iix your argument, but write your name and address upon a separate pleee or iinnor .mil nrln fills nlln In n. Realed en velope. Number tho envelope to cot respond with the number which will appear on your letterhead. (This Is to Insure you that no fuvorltlHm will guide the Judges In selecting the best arguments; the envelopea containing the names of contestants will not be opened and heme the authors' nameH will not be known until nfler the decision ha been made). t The JudRes of the contest will be H. M. L.ln cIcmiIIihI & Sonn of Chicago (manufacturers of Ij System clothes), who are In better position than nnvonn else to ludce the merits of argu ments relative to their own clothes. They will return the winning- arguments to us, whereupon we will open the envelopes and ascertain the names of the winners. The same will be published in the dally papers. 6 The arguments must be In our hands before 9:00 P. M., May 3d. You may either leave your argument, together with the sealed envelope containing your nanio and address, at our store or mall them to us. 7 The phraseology ond sequence of thought In your argument must be original; wo will not consider arguments that are merely revisions of our own ads or those of the I System clothes appearing' in the national magazines. This is your chance! Test your wits your power of observation your ability to compete with other fellows in a fair contest! With a very slight effort you stand a good chance of walking off with one of the finest twenty-five dollar L System Suits in the house. Win and you have your un limited choice from our copious stock. Get busy! Do not foel, however, that you must enter tho contest In order to avail yourself of the advantages of the L System College and High School Week. It Is open to everyone. If you have any Interest whatever In smart clothes for men and young men, we cordially Invite you to stop and see tho L System clothes shown In Omaha only by ourselves. 413 So. 16th- MAGEE & DEEMER -413 So. 16th maid and two men, assistants who look I resembled a nickel In size. The young alter her routing and assist In taking "wn suffers terribly, and Is In danger e..r of the correspondence. L" being permanently crippicu. Mrs. Held Is a white haired, matronly and stylish, and business llko all the tlmo. In Omaha she seemed anxious to learn of tho extent of the recent tornado and Bath Knocks iheuniatism 'tUmaulcablo Effect of a Remedy That Actually Irrigates tho Entire Blood Supply. the card, Here, then, she had her man beforn her, and surely lie could tell the exact nature, of his cardiac difficulties. "You have heart disease, 1 believe," fhn ventured. ' "Me, no. sir." "Tho card says you have heart trouble." "Me have no heart trouble," argued the healthy Italian, and he thumped himself proudly upon a robust chest. ''Just a moment," said Miss Ilarkcr. She walked over to the desk of W. A. Paisley, who had written up the card In the hafty fashion of a very busy relief worker, "Didn't you write on here that this man had something the matter with his heart?" she queried, as she held her thumb to the mysterious two words, Paisley cocked his glasses hard at the cardboard. "Lord, no," he shouted. "That Italian Is c-omethlng of a musician and he thinks a great deal of his Instruments. I sim ply added the remark at the bottom of the card, 'Harp busted.'" In cn her way to San Francisco, taking a test and going out to look after prop erty "Interests. She expects to remain something like u month and will probably toturn over the southern route. OMAHA HIGH TO MEET CREIGHTON THIS AFTERNOON The Crelghton varsity and the Omaha High school base ball teams will settle their differences on Crelghton field Sat urday afternoon. This game la the one scheduled for April 5, but postponed be cause of rain. Tho rains of the last week have again threatened to spoil the fun, and Crelgh ton has been unable to practice for the last four nights. It is expected that the field will be In fairly good shape, how ever, Crelghton expects to win over the high school lads, but anticipates a hard game. Omaha, however, may spring a surprise, as It Is not known what Coach Milts has up his sleeve. This will be the first Ksnic of the year for the high school team, while Crelghton has already played one game: When tho two teams met last year, General Relief Fund Now $276,616 and Still More Coming Previously reported $27E.S33.00 'Odds und ouda sale at .vVudltorlum . , l.W IdShcrt Dempster I'urts.... 30.00 Central Linseed Oil Co.... 27.17 Through O. H. Towne. sec. Co. Bluffs relief: Island Hk. Sunday school. 8.00 C. R Morse, Sidney, la... 2.00 Co. llluffs Grocers and llutchers' assn 60.00 O. II. White 10.01 Fred White 10.00 W. II. Iledlck. Dunlap. la. 2.00 If. Itnasch. Ma?sena, ln.. B.00 W. II. McCurdy, Massena. 2.00 T. Shuughnusy, Massena.. 1.00 Andrew Larson. Massena. 1.00 John Fee, Massena 1.00 Blanche Hewitt. Massena 1.00 R. J. Cornell. Massena.... 1 .00 Union church. Orlswold, la.. T. B. Luck, pastor.. 60.00 Through Omaha Dally Hee Japanese assn. of Sonoma county. Cal., through Mayor J. L. Mercler, - Santa llosa, Cal... Teachers and pupils, Dlst. No. 12, Hladcn. Neb Katherlnd Krug. through Mayor Dahlman Cltlxens of Hattle Creek, Neb., through T. D. l'reeco Citizens of Klron, la.: I. It. Olson H0.0O Mr, and Mrs. Peterson.. 5.00 Klron State bunk 5.00 M. 13. Llndskoog 3.S0 A. Norellu 2-CO C. It. Olbson 2.00 David Phillips l.OO Irving A. D. Johnson l.Oti f a nnlk 1.00 Oreen Bay Lumber Co 1.00 Jl.i0 Farmers' Lumber Co "6.00 141.00 20C.32 M.10 2.00 50.00 150.00 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Total ..270,eiC.j9 AND GAGE COUNTY For the high school. Uurkenroad or NOTES FROM BEATRICE Hughes will do tho twirling, while Mad den, Qaffney, McOulre and Hetx will J wuriv tur reiK.iiiou. aimer, capis.il ui tl)o Crelghton team, will probably do the receiving:" The Crelghton lineup will be: Catcher, Miller; pitcher, Madden. Hetx. McUulre and Gaffpey; first bade, nussum; second bary Coady; shortstop, McKee and Kane; third base. Kelly; left field, Dalley; cen ter field, Howard; right field, Pass. tTh Hardest Nut of All, Hhnrmntlsa, la Cracked by 9. a. It It sounds qu-er to tako n blood bath tut that Is precisely the effect of a most remarkable remedy known as B. B, S. It has the peculiar action of aoaklna; through the intestines directly Into the blood. In five minuter Its in fluence U at work In every artery, vein and tiny capillary. Every mem brane, every organ of the body, every munctory becomes in effect a filter to strain the blood of Impurities. The jttlmuUttnr properties or 8. 8. (. com pel the skin, liver, bowels, kidney, bladder to all wur-k to the -one end of casting- out evi Iri'.taUng-, every paln-lnfllctlng- mum of poison: It dis lodges by Irrlgai'ou all ne-umulatlont In the Joints, causes mid accretions to dissolve, rendorn them nsutral and cattera those peculiar formations In the nerve centers that causo such mystifying- arid often baflllnc rheu matic pains, And best of all, this remarkable remedy la -welcome to the weakest stomach. If you have drugged your elf until your stomach Is nearly para Jyzed. you wilt be astonished to find that R S. S. gives no sensation but goes right to work. This is because It la a pure vegetable Infusion, Is taken naturally Into your blood juit aa pure air It inhaled naturally Into our lungs. Tou can get 8. B. & at any drug ktora at It 00 a bottle. It la a standard remedy, recojmlted everywhere as the greatest blood antidote ever discov ered If yours Is & peculiar case and you desire expert advice, write to Tho Bwlft Sped fJo Co., 17 Bwlft Bldg., Atlanta, a a. SOCIAL SERVICE BOARD MAKES ADDITIONAL RULES Itules regulating public dance halls are to be strictly enforced by the Social Serv-, Ice board. At the regular meeting of the board Thursday night the following addition to the rules was adopted: "A copy of these rules will be posted In conspicuous places In dance halls and In the dressing rooms. Dancers violating these rules will be subject to expulsion from the hall and arrested on charge of disorderly conduct. Proprietors and .lessees of dance halls violating the rules will be subject to arrest and their permit canceled and revoked." Dr. Z. D. Clark will leave Saturday for Kansas C(ty. where he will spend Sun. day Investigating the existing social con ditions In that city. Particular attention will be paid to the moving picture houses and dance halls. Dr. Clark will make a report to the board at the next regular meeting. The board will make Its first report to Mayor Dahlman within the next three weeks. Along wth the report several recommendations will be made. MRS, WHITELAW REID IS IN 0MAHAASH0RT TIME Accompanied by her secretary, a dapper little bngusn woman, Mrs. Whltelaw Held. went west Frldav occupying a private car that was attached to the fast mall uesldea Mr, field and her secretary thero were In the party htr 11KATIUCE, Neb.. April 25. (Speclal.1 Thc Wymore Independent telephone com pany, which organized at Wymore a few months ago. to oppose the Hell Interests, has dissolved, and the money furnished for the enterprise by the various stock holders has been returned to them. Ora A. lAne and Miss McVlcker were married Wednesday evening at the bride's home In went Beatrice, Rev. J. M. Darby officiating. Dr. J. H. Fulton yesterday recelvl a message from Falrbury, III., announcing the death of his only brother, A. B. Fulton. He was 85 years of age. The marriage of Albert Harrison Con-1 ley and Miss Frances Charlotte Cooler j was solemnized last evening at the : Mt-thodlst parsonage. Rev. U. G. Brown officiating. Inheritance Tax on Reinicker Estate is Thirty Thousand WUHSTKR CITY. Ia., April 25.-(Spe- clal.) Tho board of appraiser has Just turned -lit its final report on the largest estate ever appraised in Hamilton county for collateral Inheritance tax. It Is the estate of tho late George Herr I Mcker nrtd It totals $16,Sfi.96, -of which . .uuut $30,343.05 will bo 'turned over to State Treasurer Brown. It will be tho largest collateral Inheritance -tax eVer turned. over1 to the state of Iowa from Hamilton county. The total amount of tho Uclnlcker'es- tate has been variously estimated at from $1,000,000 to Jl.uOO.OOO, The bulk of it, how ever, is located in Baltimore, Maryland, and consists of property In the ouslnesa district of tho city. The report Just turned In by .the appraisers here, how over, covers only such of the property hh lay In Hamilton county and consists principally of farni lands. Mr. Reinicker had made his home In Webster City some forty years. He was a bachelor and lived ijuletly such a ilfe as an average, bachelor of small means would live. His only heir was a sister living in York, Pa., and to her all his fortune will go, outside a few bequests he made In his will, perhaps chlct among which was J5.500 given the MethodlJt church of this city. Little Waste Land in Ida County IDA GROVE, la., April 25,-(Speclal,)-Farm statistics compiled by County Auditor Varner from reports of assessors show there nre 1,325 farms in Ida county, comprising 252.S34 acres. There Is but 204 acres of . waste land In the entire county. Corn was the big crop last year, there being 90,929 acres planted and the leld being 1,402,500 bushels. There were 48,017 ucres planted to oats and the yield was 2X7,184 bushels. That some winter wheat lb still raised was shown by the fact that 64S acres in this county sowed to winter wheat returned u vleld of 12,359 birshela. In spring wheut 3,156 acres brought a yield of 51,845. Barley Is a big, crop here and 7.401 ncrea produced 229,K2 bushels. There were 5 421 acres planted to pop corn, from which the product was 182,967 bushels. Alfalfa Is Just getting a start In this section. Only ninety-seven acres planted, and the yield was 202 tons. There arc 66.418 acres of pasturage In the county. 127 acres devoted to gardens and 457 acre of orchard. The farmers of Ida county own 10.839 horses, 63 mules, 98.2315 hogs und 6,09o mllch cows. Pronounced Weakness Develops Low Records of Year Made. PANIC MARK IS REACHED Principal Losses Snstnliied hy l,en .Stable Industrials unci Shares of nnllronds Ilouds I.ose (ironnil. 'Amalgamated Coppar American Agricultural American Ueet Sugar... Amtrlcan Can American Can pM Amarlcan C & F . American Cotton Oil... Am let Bfcurltlfa... American Linseed American locomotive . American X. & It Am. S. It. pfd Am. bugar Itetlntng.. . American T. ft T American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co... Atehlaon Atchlaon ptd Atlantic Coatt Une.... Ualtlmore A Ohio tlethlehem steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr.... Canadian 1'acltlc . Central Leather t'heeapeake tr Ohio cntrago O. W Chicago. M. & St. P.. Chicago & N. W Colorado P. a I Cooaolldated Caa Cora rroducle Delaoare & Hudson ... Denver A Rio Grande. rhnvir A I! CI nl,i Rock Island road Just "" UNIDENTIFIED MAN KILLED NEAR GRINNELL GRINNKKU la.. April 25. (Special.) A stranger was struck by the engine of a train on the i west of this city at noon yesterday and (Instantly killed, his head and right arm ! being severed completely front the body NEW YORK, April 25. - Pronounced weakness developed today among a num ber ot the less active stocks. A score of new low records tor the year were made, and in some cases' prices ai- prouched the low points, touched during the panic of 1907. The principal losses were sustained by the lens t.ablc indus trials and by shares oi railroads, the mulntenancu of whose rates has become a matter of doubt. Rumely Issues were conspicuously weak. The preferred which closed yes- t ei day nt b5 points opened 11 points lower louny, nnu substantially sold under 52 points. The common broke to 23. Inter national Harvester. Illinois Central, Northwestern, Southern railway preferred. Chesapeake & Ohio and American To bacco were others of tho long list which touched new low figures for 1913. The market leaders held up well dur ing the greater lart of the day in spite of tho first of tho frequent declines of 2 to 6 points among the less conspicuous shares. MovementM ot such stocks as Reading, L nlon Pacific, Steel and Amal gamated, Were Irreguiur und compara tively narrow until lute In the session, when they gave way with the rest of the list, losing a point or so. Sentiment was bearish and talk of divi dend reductions and other unfavorable de velopments was common enough, but thero was little in the way of concrete new Influences' to which the course of the market could be ascribed. The entire lack of a genuine demand, for either stocks or bonds Is the depressing fea ture of tho situation, even the recent lowering of the bond prices having failed to give rise to Investment buying to up pieclable extent. The first ot the March reports of west ern roads appeared today and presented a marked contrast to the unfavorable statement of eastern lines, which lost heavily from the flood. Atchison repotted u net Increase of Seaboard Air I.lne 1) Seaboard A I, pfd 43 Sloaa-Sbetfleld S. i. I . . 30 Southern 1'aclflc 3,100 99V, SSVi 98 Southern Railway 1.S00 :si 25Vi 23 3o. Railway pfd 500 77S "I1 77 Tennesaee Copper 400 34'i 3&W 34H Teias A Pacific 1TV! Union Tactile 32,900 m lilt, lMVi Union Piclllc pfd 400 M'.i 844 MVi United Slatea Healty 200 67 66 4 United States Rubber.... 2,10V 634 60 1; tOVi United States Steel S8.000 61?, 60 60), U. S. Steel pfd 200 108S 1MU 108H Utah Copper 1.400 53 MM 62 Va. -Carolina Chemical, .. 600 32t 32Vi 324 Wabaah 3 Wabash pfd 10'i Wenlern Maryland 400 38 4 38 37H Western Union 500 (64 66 Westlnghoute Electric .. 800 ti 634 63 Wheeling & LeJie Erie Total aales for tho day, EX-dlV. 358,000 tharea. Nevr Yorlc Money Market. NEW YORK, April 25. MONEY On cull steady at 2M13 per cent, ruling rate. 24 per cent; closing bid. 2s, per cent; offered rC 3 per cent. Time loans easy; sixty to ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, V.LfH? per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4V43tf nap Ct?nt STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S35') for sixty-day bills and at $4.8G55 for de mand; commercial bills, $4.83. SI LiVER Bar, 60Hc; Mexican dollars, 4Sc. BONDS Government and railroad, heavy. Closing quotations on tonas toduy were as follows: U S. ref. 2s. reg..-100UK C. So. ref. 5 .. 914 do coupon 100iU S. deb. 4s 1931. 90 U s. 3a. reg 1024 L. N. unl. 4a 94 do coupon MH M. K. T. let 4s 90 V. S. 4s, reg 1134 "do 44 84 do coupon 1134 Mo. Pacific 4s 69 Panama 3 coupon.. 1024 do conv. 6a 4$i A -C. 1st 6s ctf. .- 634 ".V R R of M 44. 83 Amer. Ag. 5a KM. N. V. C. g. 34... 834 A T T cv. 4a. 101 do deb. 4a M Am.' Tobacco 6a. .1214 N. Y. N". H. & II. Armour & Co. 44 90 cv. 34a 78 Atchison gen. ts oi v.. lai c. is. ". 'ao cy. i jvj- 1004 No. Pacific 4a 94 MVl do 3a 61 9:i,0. S. U rfdg. 4a... 894 94rcnn. cv. 34s 1915.. 964 894 do con. 4s 994 105 Readtnx gen. 4s 94H 964 S. I,. S. F. fg. 4s 73 954 do gen. Ss 784 8St. L. a. W. c. 4s.. 79 Chicago A A 44s. 58 S. A L. adj. 6 . . . 724 C. 11. & Q . 4s.... 944 So. Pac col. 4s do gen. 4 N do cv. 4s C M S P cr 4t'- 101,4 do ,rt nt- C Ri I. P 'OH 80. Railway 6s.. Hn rim. it '4 do gen. ts... . S, r K t pl union 1 mint; 11. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRAD ; Confidence Still Prevails, Particu larly in West and South. CROP OUTLOOK THE REASOii do CT. 4s I960.... do cv 6s A. C. L. 1st 4s Hal. Ohio 4s. do J4s Drook. Tr. cv. 4s.. Cen. of Ca 6s... Cen. beather 5s ... Ches. & Ohio 44s. . do conv. v,s. 44,vw ana ouinern l'lictnc or iwiitw. 1 f, v ,, 4, 961, do cv. 4s. VUIIUB IUB ft WUIH4 ttfttltl, VI Mil C. V. l I V- weakness In some Issues, Total safes par value, 32,123,000. Panama 3s declined V on call. Number ot sales and leadmt; quotations on stocKs were as follows Sales High Low. Close. . 26,6.x) T54 73 4 73, 60 400 30 4 30 . 10,20) 34 33 400 944 944 70) SO 4914 300 46 454 500 2-5 4 25V, 914 SS4 894 1044 76U 934 924 91 1024 SOU 1,600 35 674 35 (84 no 1014 200 111!. 6O0 1294 800 2304 226 1,300 384 314 I, .1)0 101' 200 100 294 3) 934 . 464 264 10 344 674 1004 100 1.000 99 4 800 34 3,40) 90 1.900 142 7M 24 7.200 194 (.200 144 4.100 103 4 1.(00 no IRRIGATION BILL IS LATE, BUT SIGNED WITH REST T"eA beyTnnl TT nfi.. rn-osnitlon. The name oT Riley K. An- inurborouih M Erie 1st pfd Krle d pM General Klectrlc Great Northern ptd Or ells. lnterborouah Met thony was on the the Inside llninn ot 1 inter Met pfd his coat. letters .11 his pocket were , ;;;iVlSV i'S".T.!!r. directed to Edward McN'ally. Council international Paper ... Bluffs, la. Neither money nor anything 1?""'??,.' ."X else of value was found on his person. A .,.., ,a,l r.mfA ,t tt,. l 1 M nn ,vH T,l stream, could be diverted '""ij'f'!"" j bune was In his pocket, lie heard the uses, became lost In the shuffle durlnir , , , , , . ti e closing day. of the legislature and 1 engineer's whistle and sterped off he did not reach the office of Governor . ck only o turn again either pur ...... . rosely or accidentally and fall acrots the Noreneaci unui mis nrrnouii. - - u , , .1 n n. of M. Sd oti.. However.. the bill was promptly signed '' " "e n.u.'pvu. , Kw yk ,Vnlrl,..;. ... (From a Btaff Correspondent. I,INCOI,N, Neb.. April a&.-(Bpeclal.) By some means senate file No, S2, a bill re lating to Irrigating and providing meth ods In which water from lakes nd small Kansas City Southern.... Ielede Gas klh Vail hUHJlaillla & N'aihvllle... M , St P S. Ste. il Missouri. K. T Missouri rsclfle National niaeutt National Lead by his excellency and the law is Just as good as if It had accompanied the othqr bills in the usual way. Tho body was brought to Orlnnell and i prepared for burial. EDITOR OF AMES TIMES DIES VERY SUDDENLY Sit. n ArrldiM.tt.il)- Stint Its Knee, STELLA, Neb.. April 25.-(Bpeclal.)- Qeorse Clark ot Howe was working with , a revolver, which he believed was un- ' loaded. The weapon was discharged and ! the bullet lodged under his knee rap, ;mau and editor of the Amen Times for striking the bone Physicians probed and j tweut'-one yea is. died vuddenly In his found the bullet, which wu flattened and! of flee today of heart disease. SlOl'X CITY. la. April 36.-r.on o. Hardin, a well known Iowa newspaper N Y , o. w. Norfolk it Western orth Amerlean Northern Paelflc . ..7. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa P.. C. C. 8t Ij.... Ptttsbursh Col rreaied Steel Car Pullman Tataee Car Readme Itepubii ' ft IterubM. I A 8 pfd Km a. Is'and 110.1. Island ( Pfd et l. g. r u ttt 900 1304 130 410 10 10V 400 HO 15 100 38 3 2O0 1(4 1(4 -S.900 19 4 284 700 4 4 4 43i 1,100 1JS4 13SVs 200 127 )2 1.800 14 4 34 1.930 IK HI, 7.900 1(4 US (.340 5(4 544 200 101 1031 200 94 9't 200 . U 900 97 98 3.490 1194 U 2'X) 133i 1334 t.ioo its 3(4 KM 111 114 6 4( 4 494 KW 24 it 1.6O0 1014 1014 M0 80S 34 70 1M4 144 304 7( ?( 1.00 11J4 1144 ' s'.ioo 1114 iii4 309 1114 lift " 100 19 i(4 5ft) tS 314 300 1194 M94 (3 V 1(14 Hit, KU 3ts, 244 ano 114 934 2 900 14 9 34 334 UN n 13 1014 101 in, mi 1294. 1294 22( 374 101 994 121 94 334 894 2414 244 984 114 1074 129 324 129 104 1(7 2l 34 1(4 234 434 344, US'. 12( 331 984 334 894 241 244 914 144 1074 1284 n & It. O. ref. ts iv "do 1st rer. u m.illlera' 6a 44 U. S. nubber Ca. Erie p. I. SJ4U. S. Steel 2d 5S....1004 do sen. 48 i-.a.-v. v nem. as. .. sjv do cv. 4s. ser. P.. 71 Wabash 1st & ei- 4s 98 111 Cen. 1st r. 4s 91 weitern Md. 4s.... "94 Inter Mel. 44s. 7(4 West. Elec. cv. 6a.. 914 Inter M. M 44s M ls. Central 4t 90 Japan 44s " Bid. "Offered. London Stock Market. IXlNDON, April 25. American securities opened steady and unchanged today. Trading was light during the forenoon, but a good tone prevailed and the list ad vanced under the lead of Canadian Pa cific. At noon values were from Ud to lTid higher than yesterday's New York cloilng. consols, money . lo iouisvute e 7t. . ..i do account .. 16 1-KM.. K. T .. : Amsl. Copper 77 N. V. Central .... 103 Atchlaon 1024 Norfolk & W 1084 Baltimore Ohio . .1014 Ontario W 314 Canadian Pacific... 249 PenniyUanla 59 Chesapeake AO... tS Reading: 834 Chlcaio O. W .... 13 Southern H... . 2(4 gt Paul HI Southern Pacific. ..lOP, Denver & Hlo tl. .. 214 Union Paelflc 15(4 Erie 30 V. S. Steel (34 do 1st pfd 4 Wtbath 34 Cirand Trunk .... 284 IX" neers 214 Illinois Centrsl 118 Itsnd Mines. .. .. ,4 Ex-divldend. ' SILtVBR Bar. steady at 2U,d per oz. MONBY-2,i per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 9-16 per cent; for three months' bills. per cent Iloston aitnlntr StoeU. BOSTON, April 25. Closing quotations on mining stocks were us follows: Amal. Copper . 734 Mohan V A. Z. L. S- 5(U Nevada Con . . . . . , - 11. Vlnli.l,.. in... '4 I n it n C S. M 54rth nml. ... Cal. & Arizona.. . (54-N'orlh Lake . Cal. & llecla 4(1 OJd Dominion .. Centsnnlal llHOaceola Copper Hangs 4 C. 42'iQulncy East Butte C M . It Shannon i franklin ... (4 Superior ! tllroui Con. ... 1346uperlor A. B ' 4 I , , V, rnn SI T.m.r.rV Greene Cananea . . (4 V. S. S, R. Isle Iloyale Copper. 244 do ptd I Kerr Lake .34 t'tah Con Iake tTopper . . 124 Utah Copper Co 4 Winona 44 Wolverine II 154 i (44 1M 17 1 94 10 1C4 1(34 133 26tl 7 I IS Iji Salle Copper 41 r.r . M. M. 494 174 84 2 14 47 (2 ((4 104 24 34 21 404 47S, 74 62 134 604 Tariff nrntlJiiNtiiient Cout Iiiik-n Inspire Cnutlou liu-rcnise In Iletnll Activity la Seen. NEW YORK, April 2d.-Liun's revjow will say: Notwithstanding the reduction In tr.ule and industrial activity It Is xlirnlf leant that confidence still prevulls and in tho west and south a spirit ot optimism is manifest for the future largely baaed upon the fine crop outlook for both cot tcn and wheat, which contrasts with thu more conservative feeling that exists in business centers. The work of recovery from the mid western floods is progressing and thU gives increasing relief to business. The tariff readjustment continues to Inspire caution In trade centers more Im mediately affected, but the end ot un certainty Is now not far distant. Weatlur conditions are distinctly better and this gives an Impetus to building operation, and also i until trade and reul estate transfers. Money conditions nre eumn. both at home and abrond und while then Is some renewal of anxiety rcgurdlng tor Llnlkan sltuutlon, international conditions as a wholu nre much less disturbing! Cm Iron Is somewhat more active, but nt lower prices. The Iron and sttel milis report business us fully up to normal Textile lines show -omo abatement In activity. Lumber Is more active. Trade in anthracite coal is larger. Reports from the leaning western anil northwestern cities are very chceriui in tone and the advent ot more suttltd weather has resulted in large retail acti, ity. Interest and dividend disbursements In May will exceed $lUo.Ooo,000 a consider able Increase over hist ytur. Hunk clear ings this week showed u loss ot 2.i per cent as compared with 1912. Railroad earnings In the first two wpvkh of April were 1.1 per cent under a year aso, which Is nn effect of the tlouu:-. Foreign trade at New Yoik a.mouunt during the latest week tu fl.l'Ai.llK. against $12.73S.711 In 1012. Commercial failures this week In ,lu United States are 3u7, against 3io tli corresponding week last ytar. ruliuie. a Canada number forty-six. lIHADSTlIi:in'S W 13 12 1(1, 1 IlKVlIiW 33 ioi s 34 VU Tl 1114 24U 1144 169 V 90 II 244 1(9 Hli ?l M4 '14 3&S 10 gi-dlvldend Xrsv York Mlnlnu: Stock. NKW "YORK. April K. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were; Com. Tunnel stock-. Mexican TS do bonds 1 OnlarU 200 4.n Cal. & Va... 11 Ophlr It Iron 8llr I" IS1,Vi5P ,i ladvtlle Con. .. 10 StsnUrd ,.1M Uttle Chief 1 Yllo Jacket .. . 30 ottered. lloriunn tomes Hack. Arthur llofman ha come back for red Clarke Ills less are all that are ailing him. llofman bids fair tu be called 'Cir cus Solly" again. Trade Iteportx Continue In Present Co lit runt Money Knxlcr. NKW YORK, April 23 -T3radstreet's to morrow will say: Trade reports continue to present con trasts in that line of demarcation has tu ho drawn between immediate und future ai ders. On the one hund btisluens for cm -lent or nearb delivery Is good to active, all depending on the section of the coun try considered, tho stlniartalng influence being furnished by greatly Improved weather conditions. Against this devel opment must be cited the fact that then Is a general disposition, except in tin northwest and parts of the southwest, to wait until tarltf matters become clean r before anticipating future requirements With conservatism manifested on that account, the controlling Idea the country over seems to be for the scaling down of stocks. Undei the ctrcumstunces theio Is a marked tendency to shop frequently and to buy In small lots. lumber continues very active In th not th west. Wool and woolen goods, more than any other line, seem to be more strongly at fected by Impending tariff changes. Specifications on finished steel are still heavy, though the volume of such ap pears to be abating and It Is easier to get deliveries of structural steel. New buti ness Is light. Pig iron Is dull except where urgent needs necessitate prompt buying. Copper Is quiet, but prices are firm. Money Is easier. Stock prices continue irregular. The undertone as regards bonds is a lltt.e better. Crop reports are encouraging. Winter wheat is In excellent shape and neede 1 rains are repotted in the states west ot the Mississippi. In tho south the general report Is fa vorable as to crop progress or plantin. Wheat. Including flour, exports from the United' States and Canada for tl , week ending April U, aggregate 3.139MU bushes against J.169.5H bushels this week last year. Business failures forvthe neek ciidliiir P.ri' 2,4.0Vere -T3 which compares with S n the like week of 1911. Business failures In Canada numbered twenty-one. "ure Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. April 26.-The condi. t'on of the Cnlted States treasury at tl, lows: Working balance. J7J.1M m i banks and Philippine treasury, tit -1 total or general fund. J14O.ai2.S07; recelrTti yesterday. 11.961.137: rtUhurL,.' ' .L..ls t , , 1 1 ii n iineai year i S.!tt.0Rt as against a deflcit of I14S6I M last year The figures for re e'pts , ii ........ "nur i anuma caiiii and public debt transactions.