TIJK BKK: OMAHA, VlilDAY, APK1L Uo, liUII. Oh, It's Great to Be Married! Copyright, ton, International News Fervlce. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus w WTH Aj Wik TO WAIT .NO HAVE- HERE O ON , ,WENT T0; N k , r cant UND )l J WW iCLuroyv 1 ( JS Themppop- I J P .. ' li : i ' t . Are You a Good Neighbor? If So, You Never Fawn, Flatter, Envy or Are Jeal ous. : : : : : By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. Copyright, 1913, by Aerican-Journal-Examtner. Are you a good neighbor? Whath Is a good neighbor? Perhaps you are a royal good chum with the popular people ot your town, niid show them all sorts of courtesies, and you rejoice In their success, and you defend .them against envy and malice. That Is a part of a good neighbor's duty. But how do you conduct yourself If they get In trouble?. Are you ready to stand by them In poverty and sor row aa faithfully as In prosperity and popularity? Wilt you be the last to censure, even If compelled to' be lieve, when .you hear they have made grievous mistakes? It Is not a good neighbor's or a good Christian's place to deny facts or condone crime. If yoii know that your neighbor has outraged the morals and broken tlio commandments, you arc not to make yourself ridiculous by saying ho Is an Innocent or Injured Individual. But If you are a good neighbor you will think of his family, and you will not be' afraid to ahow your friendship; you (wlll hot be afraid to say to the of fendeY: "I "a sorry for you',' begin over, and start life anew.' And you will be bravo enough to help him to do It. Again, are you a good neighbor, only In time of trouble? There are many such people to be found In country places. They are filled with envy of another's success. They show It by keeping aloof and assuming a .cold and Indifferent manner. They try to find some flaw to pick In the! popular or successful neighbor, they begrudge him all his pleasures "nd his triumphs; but let him fall sick or lose his money and they will fly to his rescue. . They will show him sympathy in his misery where they begrudged his con gratulations In his happiness. This is admirable In a way. yet not an altogether commendable quality If you are this typo of a good neighbor do not take pride In it. It Indicates that you are filled with envy of another's success, and that you like to bestow favors In a superior posi tion, rather than from a spirit of pure brotherly love. If the latter spirit dominates you, you would bo the really good neighbor, who rejoices In his brother's hour of pleasure and sorrows In his days of adversity. It is a curious fact that hundreds of people flock to a man when sickness and death enter his home, and offer, him every kind of attention and give the greatest proofs of unselfish regard for him, who' have previously, In his times of prosperity and pleasure, been thorns In his flesh. It Is, of course, more admirable to treat a man kindly who Is down than one who is up, of you have not nobility enough In your nature to treat him kindly at all times; but when you wait to Bhow your good nclghborllncss until disease or death knocks at his door, you are In a certain measure, placing yourself with the birds of, prgywho follow after death o,od di sease, and not with the song birds that sing him awa:;e In the sunlit mornings of the summer. A good neighbor Is never Jealous; he never fawns; he never flatters; he never envies another's success; he congratulates him sincerely when happiness and pros perity come; ho sympathizes sincerely when trouble and sorrow are at his door, and he encournges him to live 'down error and start life anew when ha has made mistakes. lie makes his -neighbor realize that he Is at his command when needed, but he does not obtrude himself either In his Joys or sorrows. Aro you a good neighbor? "Lady in Blue" Cubit's Mother Daily Fashions y LA RA CONTE USE. FRECKLES! Wow Is the Time to Oct 314 of rhese XJglj Spots. There's no longer the ailgntest need ol feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove these 1'omeL spots 'Simply get an ounce of ot.ilne doutle strength from Beaton Dru.j Co., also any of Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co.'s stores, and apply a ill lo of It at night and morning and you should soon sen that e.m the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entl'elv 1 Itls seldom that more than an ounce Isi needed to completely clear the skn and gain a reautirui clear complexion. Be sure to a-k for the doub!c strength othlne as this Is sold under guarantee of money .back If It fal!a to remove freckles Advertisement 1 1 PERSISTENT ADVER TISING ON THIS PAGE lias brought Increased business to many firms. Von have f I lowed the tlfrn of Hucccfas wher ever you have prospered. Why not follow the successful lead of the advertisers on this page? ttttHRhirT BBBBBBBHR&aBsBsV bbbbbHIskbbbe A very fresh and spring-like effect Is attained by the lawn frills with which this costume Is trimmed. The material Is tomato-rod cashmere, the coat having a long basque, and the sleeves continu ing to the wrists where they are edged frllla Thn I , ... ...... oa.iui iimur anu cutis jare made of satin. f j i tWD JBBBL J PALE WHITE MAN DIANA CUT2L-NQ- HER CHESTNUT HAtC DRESSED WALKING- U P5TAIK.5 T,, TRpWK World's Wonder Panama Canal Stands Out as Man's Greatest Achievement, in the Way of Overcoming Natural Obstacles. . . .J 'THIAJ E-gQ UAJE OF ER.OES a particular kind of This picture Is of a "Lady In Blue." We know It, because the artist told ub bo. Otherwise wo would have said the lady was "In Dutch," or was trying to make a noise like a scrambled egg. This picture is said to be the first effort of the futurists to launch on an unsuspecting world a picturo-peep into tho visions of a hop fiend or the vagaries of a brain storm. The "Lady In Blue" can therefore be called tho mother of the cubists. She can also bo called other things, and probabb will. Tail has undtmvored to put an appropriate frame around the "lady," In which Hunk appears to excellent advantage us a "curvlBt." Tho "Lady In Blue" first ndorned tho walls at the Salon do Artonnre, In Paris. If you want to he up-to-date you are supposed to gaze at It with an enraptured expression on your face and ejacu late, "Ah, how wonderful, how expuislte!" If you aro not Inclined to he that way, you look at it and say well, never mind. Ity (lAKRKTT I. HKHVISS. In untlqtilty It was said that tliero were seven wonders of Urn world, headed by lh grtRt Pyramids of Hgypt. In tho middle ages the list of world's w iinilori was changed through out, und then It Marled with thn Coliseum of Home. Toduy, If wo should revise the list mice more, there can be no doubt as to what I would stand at tho neau it wouiu Da the Panama canal. In order to bo accepted as a "wonder" any work of man must make appeal to tho Imagination. That It ex cites admiration Is not enough! It must also awaken the feeling that In crentlng It man has taken u step forward, beyond tho line of his previous achievements. Regarded In this way the Panama ralial Is without rival, as the Intense In terest shown by the entire world In Us approaching completion proves. For the first time In his history man has directly Joined two oceans, the great est on tho globe. For the first time ho has cut two continents asunder. Thus ho has made himself, In effect, a geolo gical agent. I it their appeal to tho Imagl- nation all his former works sinks Into lelatlvo Insignificance. If some new Herodotus were to go wan dirlng through our modern world In search of marvels he would, on arriving at Panama, find no words strong enough to express his amazement. Ho would ex claim that tho Americans had defied the gods by changing their arrangement of tho face of the earth! In ordor to understand what the Panama canal means as an example of human in terference with geography we must .look at what nature had clone on the same spot. For this purpose take a map show ing Ihe Central American and Went In dian region, with indications of the depth of water on both sides, and a raised chart, like Mr. Ciray's, exhibiting a bird's; eye view ot the line of the canal across the Isthmus. Thus you will perceive that, In some rf- John Fryer's Oafit Ky REV. THOMAS 11. (JKEGOKY. Korty.elght years ago, 'April Jd. 1S5, a dastardly murder. -as:.eommItt(d In west ern Georgia, the sequel of wh1ctlwill be found In the follo.wlng little story: Along the western Uprder of Georgia and the eastern bor- d-e. r of Alabama there were, In ISwJ-CS, some 'of the meanest white men on earth. too cowaidly to fight In- eltner army, but but mean mouth to do anything vile. On the atlv tflven about eight of thete cutthroats tailed at the hum) of Hard-. Prcr (a most f .llmablA man) an) Iunpr voked. shut him to doatl'i In the presence of hla aged wife. J While this dastardly deed was being done, a llttlo band of cx-confederate sol diers, on their way home from the sur render at Appomattox, were resting from their long tramp only a few miles away. Among tliaip waa John Pryor, son of the munlmed man. John, agltuted by some sort of ugly si.splclon about the "old folks." cut his rest short and started for home, mul jpon his arrival Ihere found his father Idead and his mother distracted with grief iletweon her sobs his mother re lated the circumstances of the murder nid gave him the murderers' names. The next day grand old Harden Pryor , was laid to rest. and. kneeling on his grave. John Pryor, with uplifted faco and hands, took an oath to himself that h- would not rest, or engage in any kind cf business. o long an there was a one or ins rather s murderers alive, Reglnnlng the hunt that very day, John succeeded In killing ono or two of th'-m tefors the gang became alarmed, and tho rest ot them, panic-stricken, fled the country, hiding, no one knew where. Utit John Pryor, with the eyo of the lynx and the scent of the foxhound, kept after them. The days grew Into weeks, tliu weeks Into months, the months Into years, 'but the young man kept on their tiail. remorseless as Nemesis, One was finally located In east Tennessee, another li, Ixiulslana, another In far-away Ore gon, and as fait as they were found they were sent to their final account. Soven years rolled by, and there was but one of the gang that John had not got even with, tlut where was that one? Humor had It that he was In Texas, but Trxiis Is a big place bigger than the whole tiermau Kmplre, and "Never mind," said John, "I'll find him." And ha did. "I know what you've come for John," said the man as Pryor approached him, "but let me go to the houso and say good-bye to my wife and children." The request was grantedand a few minutes later the ciack of a pistol told that John Pryor's oath was made good. The last one of the eight scoundrels who had rnurdered his dear old father was dead. Hcturnlng home, Pryor went to work, prospered on every hand and Is today one of the leading men la the county wherein he resides. Two Boys and a Cigarette. Ily KM,A WIIKKIjER WILCOX. Copyright, 1913. by American-Journal-Kxaminer. Two bright little boys named Harry and Will Were just of the same size und the sanie age, until One day In their travels It chanced that they met A queer little creature, surnamed Cigar ette. Thlk iiueer little creature made friends with the boys, And told them a story of masculine Joys Ho held for their sharing, "1 tell you," quoth he, "The way to he manly and big la through me." Will listened and yielded, but Harry held out, "I think your assertions are open to doubt," He said. "And, besides, I'm afraid I'd be sick." "Afraid!" echoed Will, "Oh, ypu cow ardly stick! "Well, I'm not afraid; look here!" as he spoke, He blew out a halo of cigarette smoke Five years from that meeting 1 saw them again. The time had arrived when they both should be men. Hut strangely enough, although Harry boy stood As tall and as strong, as a tree In the wood. Poor Will seemed a dwarf; sunken eye, hollow cheek, Htooped shoulders proclaimed him un manly and weak, With thumb and forefinger he listlessly rolled A cigarette, smoothing each wrinkle and roia, I And the smoke that he puffed from his lips, x uci-mir, Took the form of a demon and grinned from the air And It said, "Sec that wreck of a man that I made Of a boastful young fellow that wasn't afraid." long past period, broad, though very Ir regular, necks of land probably con- ni ctcd the two Americas, Joining 'many ol the Islands to tho mainland, both nbrth and south. The Clulf of Mexico was onco nearly Isolated, like a grcnt lake, and theru were other large lakes where tho Caribbean sea now rolls Its wntors. Afterward tliero was a sinking, sepa rating the Islands from the continental shore, and leaving only the harrow Isth mus to connect North and South America, For ages thin condition hna Demisted. 'and It Is doubtful If the" two continents have over been' completely cut apart, at least since the cretaceous age. .More likely tho rocky spine of tho Isthmus has itlways connected them, whatever other changes may have occurred. If this bo so, It Is evident that', In making the Panama canal, wc have In terfered with an original arrangement ol nature. We have taken two oceans which alio had separated and united them by a waterway. That waterway, to bo sur, is a mcro thread and we havo had to clc vato much of 11 abovo sea lovel (which nature could not have done), but It servos our purpose and does It without upsetting any of naturo's broader de signs. If tho wholo IsthmiiH were swept away the Clulf stream would probably be diverted and a climatic catastreidio I might fall Upon northwestern Kurope, If not upon North America Itself. It will bo Just tio yenra next Scpttin bcr since llulbou, standing silent upon his "peuk In Darlen," saw the glitter of tho Pacific nnd thus knew that there uaa unother great ocean west of Amer ica, Ho and others after htm looked for a nutural waterway between thoso oceans, but the possibility of making such a way could not havo occurred to him und Im certainly had no foresight ot thu mighty nutlou that- was to arise In the north, coihposed of a'dlffeient race ft-om his, and destined in so short a time to link the ocean behind him with that which ho eaw far uhead. Tho ugu of discovery of new habilu'ilc lands, capable of becoming tho scats ut new empires, Is past. We now know tho wholo earth, as nature made It, having seen even Its poles, through tho cyci of brave explorers, it only remains for Ui to complete Its conquest by making It fitter for our habitation. Tho Panama canal Is the first glgmtlc stride taken In this new conquest. Amer ican genius und enterprise have achieved It unaided. Wu havo paid Its. cost In fves arid lreasuro; . leti him beware who would deprive us of the fruit of our toll and sacrifice! Teday's Beauty Recipes ily Mme, D'AIIlle. "With the approach ot worm weather face powder Is found unsatisfactory At best It does not Improve the complexion. A genuine beuutltler Is easily made lt dissolving an ortglnnf packagu of mnya tone In a half pint of witch naiel. Apply In the morning and It will not rub oft jvo show, but will keep the skin smooth, clear and satiny. "Don't get discouraged If your hair comes out when combing. Vour hair is coming out because of parasite that pre, upon It and cause It to become dull and brittle, These parasites arc removed b Mother's Bnampoo. This can be purchased In any neighborhood. It makes the tial rich, fine and fluffy. "Observing women appreciate, the fa t that regular eyebrows and long lashes aro aids to beauty. Thin, straggly., col orless and uneven eyebrows and lashes will grow long, lovely, evenly and darke In color If the roots are massaged dal with plain pyroxln. "Hair removers should be ualnleis, quick In artlon and bafe, Delatone an swers these three requirements. Make a little paste with powdered, delatone and water, cover the hair or fuxx to be re moved for two mlnutea, wipe off wash the skin and the hairs will be gone, "Pimples, skin, eruntions and certain Winds of ecsema are speedily banished bv Mother's Salve. This old-time house hold remedy oulcklv heals sor and burns without leaving a scar It is cooling, soothing and antiseptic , a nome-mane tissue builder for round ing out the bust that seldom falls ran be Prepared by making a syrup with 1H cup ruin sugar and a pint of water, to which Is added one ounce of rallol This of the best of the famous Vaur-airn treat ments. Tho dose Is two- Vaspoontul be fore meals," Advertisement.