THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1913. 11 SALK Oil EXCHANGE R. E. Improved Farm Half section and SO acres; south central Nebraska; fair Improvements. Trice $16,000. Want to trade this for town prop erty. No agents. Address me to Post office Box No, 633, Omaha. Neb. TRADE If you can't sell. W. 8. Frank. 1025 City Nat Bank. REAIi ESTATE WANTED WE have a buyer for your house call Osborne Bealty Co. Phone Douglaa 1174. REAIj ESTATE riTV puopriitv rim sai.k. Desn able building Lots Close In lots. 10x124, on paved street, with sewer, water, gas; near school, stores and car. $1,100 each; payments If desired. On 27th St. between Marcy and Mason. 24th and Spencer, a fine lot, 60x127, one half block to car. Price Is right and terms If desired. 27th St.. north of Sprague, east front lot, 54x136; a very good lot. Price, $600; $300 cash and balance on time. This Is worth seeing. , ,, CREIGII. SONS & COMPANY, Phone Douglas 200. 608 Bee Rldg, OWNER MOVED TO CHICA.GO Beautiful seven-room house, the samo as new. Fine location at 35th and Daven port, all ready for occupancy. Owner must sell immediately. $4,200 is mighty cheap, but we arc going to sell it, so please see us at once. T PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Bargain, $4,500 West Farnam district. 8 rooms, recep tion hall, all modern. Full city lot, street paved, terms to suit. W. T. SMITH CO., 815 City National Bank Building. CATTLE ranch in Wyoming with stock, $35,000. Flour mill in Alabama, a bargain, $7,500 ; 500-acre cotton farm in Texas, $20,000. An apartment house In Denver, Colo., $10,000. Address O. M. Brown. Arteala, N. M. TWO SNAPS. Six rooms, modern, 18th near Vinton. $300 caah balance monthly. Blx-room bungalow, 31st and Ames Ave., modern, fine corner lot. $600. PHONE DOUGLAS 3607. KOUNTZE Place; 7 rooms; modern; reasonable torms. Webster 4212. TO BUY. SELL OK HUNT, FlHSr SEE JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. ,Tnoir,T T A T, n A I vJ vtna.wvim Trinrt. em residence, good condition; West I'ar nam district. For quick salo owner will make easy terms and liberal discount. Address L 3, caro utnana, une, 1R11 LOTHROP St.-Good residence. Webster 6205. BUY FROM OWNER 1814 Evans St, IVi block from car. Three rooms downstairs and flrplace; four bed rooms upstairs; sun room and bath; beam ceilings; 8-foot brick basement. Lot 60x 125 front and back yard; all sod; Kirge Karate. Now occupied by owner. Newly completed, built for home. For further information call at 1814 Evans. ACREAGE FOIl SALE. 10 Acres Improved Adjoining Benson Only short distanco from Benson car line and paved street. Mostly east slope; fine, sightly ground. Just cast of Key Btone park; has about 150 full bearing cherry, plum and applo trees, mostly cherry, all In first class condition; three long rows of red raspberries, two long rows-of -grapes, two long row's of black berries, about halt acre In asparagus, some rhubarb, several rows of currants and goosbcr'rles, about 6 acres of alfalfa, balanco rich garden land; has 6-room house, large barn, buggy shed, chicken house and other outbuildings; steel wind mill: electric light In house and barn. A placo that you con move right onto and begin to get returns this spring. It will only be a short time until this can all be divided Into city lots, can an stinqs & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street. ' ABSTRACTS Of TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 204 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LAKU& fc'OIt SALE. 1 California. CALIFORNIA lana excursions 1st and Ed Tues. W. T. Smith Co. 815 City Nat Bk. Torrance, California's iniidvrn In'lumul city, on steam and electric roads between Los Angeles and Its harbor. For Information relative to its business opportunities, factory sites and real estate investments, which equal those of the early diys of Gary and Hammond, Ind. See or write Karl Brohme, 515 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nob. Our references: Any railroad or leading bank in California. JOIN our personally couducted excur sion to SI.NNY CALIFORNIA Our spe cial train will make stops at Denver, Salt Lake, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Round trip less than regular one way fare. Special attention will be given to the orange belt of southern California and the alfalfa Industry In the famous Ban Joaquin valley. For particulars, write Karl Brehmc. 515 Bee Bldg. Idaho. FOR SALE-40-acre stock, hay and grain ranch; good outside range; 100 head stock cattle; unincumbered. For price and terms address owner, I. C. Weant. Crawford. Idaho. Minnesota. WRITE us for our list of land bargains; now Is the time to buy; land values are increasing. First National Bank, Deer River, Minn. Southern Minnesota land from $60 to 'ju iitr nure; terms, l,ow lo .j,WO down and balance at 5 to 6 per cent. Write 'or list. Ben G. Schumann, Ida Grove, i a. Hew York. TIME to come east; 296-acre stock and dairy farm at $32 per; big producer; good dwelling and tenant houses 2 barns, shop miu c.AiAjiftiur iiuune, i,a uuren level; UU timber; 70 hillside pasture; school mile. One of the best farms In Ontario county. George O. Goodelle. Geneva. N. Y. Texas. FOR SALE. St. Joseph's Island, New Rockport,, Tex. 82,000 acres at distress prices, a great bargain, no trading. W. H. GRAHAM. Sole Agent. Cusro. Tax. tVaahluKtun. THE WALLA WALLA VALLET. Washington, presents at the present time a most attractive field for the Investor and homeBeeker. This section has never experienced a cyclone, hurricane, tornado or flood. A diversified district, where the small traot farmer does equally as well as the large grain grower. Write today for free Illustrated literature de scribing fruit growing, gardening, dairy ing and hog raising. The Commtsrcla'. Club, Walla Walla, Wash. REAL ESTATE LOANS. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F, U. WeaJ, Waad Bldg.. Uth and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS on farms and improved Tly" property, 6, 614 and t per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam St WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4 Co., 1320 Farnam rit. GABVJN BBOa'fe." GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET General Rains Bring Rebound in the Wheat Market. YELLOW CEREAL IS HELPED Specialists) Uny that Ilrul It Not nren for the Strenxth of Whrnt Corn Wonld lliiTf Rnfferrd n Orenter Drcllnr. OMAHA, April 24. 1913. There was a rebound to the wheat market yesterday, which has been hinted at a number of times the last couple of weeks. The weather map yesterday showed fairly good rains In Texas and messages reported rainy conditions in portions of Oklnhoma and western Kansas. On the whole the outlook for the dry sections of the southwest were materially Im proved. This led the trade to take the selling side of the market at the opening and force a dip In the new crop month. For the balance of the day, the crop news was Ignored, also the forecast of colder weather with a possibility of snow In some portions of the wheat belt west of the Mississippi, coupled with the confirmation of large export sales at 'Duluth. All the markets of the United States showed wonderful strength. The Broomhall International Review of wheat conditions was very bullish, Indicating very heavy Import needs for the United Kingdom until the next harvest time. Tho strong leaders in the trade bought Sep tember wheat on the advance and this Increased the anxiety of shorts In all months. Traders think It wise to keep In mind the fact that any crop change of Importance from the present high con dition must be on the side of the buyer, and the fear of a runaway market in case of a crop accident In any quarter will help tho present bullish feeling. The wheat market Is broadening out Into a big affair. This was predicted by many some time ago. and It now looks ns If tho Board of Trade is to enjoy a better business than In some time. Tho east is now on the bull side of wheat, while the country traders aru said to bo pretty well divided on It, And many of them are believers In lower prices, and they are selling In the belief that tho crop Is now almost assured and they ex pect lower prices all around. Cash wheat was ttc higner. Corn specialists said that had It not been for the strength In wheat yesterday a greater decline woilld have resulted In the corn market. It was noticeable that the Armour company sold 800,000 bushels of July and considerable May. A number of the elevator people nre talking larger receipts Inside, of ten days, Cash corn was unchanged to He higher. The oats market was .very strong yes terday. The bears say thero Is no new buying power coming Into the market. Cash oats were unchanged to Uc higher. Clearances of wheat and flour were 138,000 bu.; corn, 21,000 bu.; oats. 1,000 bu. Wheat at Liverpool closed Viffttd higher and corn unchanged to Hd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 470,000 bu, and shipments M3.000 bu., against re ceipts of 365,000 bu. and shipments of V33, 000 bu. last year. ' Primary corn receipts were 290,000 bu. and shipments 367,00 bu., against receipts of 365,000 bu and shipments of 594,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 437,005 bu. and shipments 554,000 bu., against re ceipts of 3S7.O00 bu. and shipments of 370,000 last year. Carlot Itecelpia. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago Minneapolis ... Duluth Omaha Kansas City .. St. Louis Winnipeg 70 42 103 ..158 .. 63 .. 13 .. 44 .. 42 ..181 27 3S 38 Omalin Cnsh Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard. S64r64c; No. S hard, 85HS6c; No. 4 hard. 83S6c; No. 3 spring, S546c: No. 4 spring, 84W5'c: No. 2 durum, &Vi87c; No. 3 durum, 85V&S86C. CORN No. 2 white, 65Hc; No. 3 white, 54H(ff66c; No. 4 white, 51H64ttc: No. 2 yellow, 55J55!4c; No. 3 yellow, 54H"7jt55Ho; No. 2. 54!454V4c; No. 3, 644c; No. 4, 6363ic. OATS No. 2 white. 33?i634Uc; standard. 33c: No. 3 white, 33'4c; Hit. 4 white, 3314 j32-;c. BARLEY Malting. 4fi2V4.-; 'o. 1 fecJ, 411M6C ' RYE No. 2, 67S57!Sc; No. 3, 5GH667C. The following cash sales were maAn toda : WHEAT No. 2 hard, winter. 1 car. S6?ic No. 3 hard, winter: 2 cars, 56c. No. 4 hard, winter: 1 car, 86o; 1 car, 8514c. OATS Standard; 2 cars, 33fcc. No. 3 white: 1 car, (local), 3314c; 5 cars, 331ic No. 4 white: 2 cars, 32?ic. CORN No. 2 white: 3 cars, 5514c. No 4 white: 1 car, 8414c; 1 car, 64c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. 55V4c:. 3 cars. 65c. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 5il4c. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, 63V4C No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 5414c No. 3 inixca: i car, 54i!iC; z cars, 64V4c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 53ic; 1 car, 5314c RYE No. 3: 1 car, 67c. CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Fenturen of thr Trndlnir nnd Closing; Prlcen on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. April 24. Wheat weakened today on a bearish Kansas crop report. Final prices showed u net loss of Vi Si to 14c Corn suffered a net decline of ! to 14c, oats closed H lower to HUo higher and .provisions made a net gain of lOg'1214 to 30c. Not moro than 6 per cent of the wheat acreage In Kansas will bo abandoned, according to the leport of tho State Board of Agriculture. The condition Is placed at 89.5, which Is 8.38 points higher than a year ago. The acreage Is more than 1,190,000 greater. Barring accidents this indicates the largest crop of wheat In Kansas' his tory. Before this report had been made publto an upturn had been given tho market by reports of fresh sales of ex port wheat 650,000 bushels at Duluth. This, however, could not be confirmed and prices had already begun to ease RKAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY To loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. w. it. i iiuhab. Z2S male nann mug. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglaa 271i. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros 6 CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. HARRISON &. MORTON. 91 Om. Nat. MOItBY on hand at lowst rates, for loans on Nebraska farms and Otnaua city property In any amount. H. W. BINDER. E23 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED TO HUY. WANTED To buy a first mortgage or. Inside Omaha city Improved real estate for $2,500. Selby, 436 B. of T. Bldg. Tel. D. 1610. Dolgotf 2d hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes. Jhoes. Web. 1607. BEST prices for furniture. Call P.. 7. WOULD like to buy a five or six-room house to be moved on a lot. One in the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. D. bOCo. Quick buyers of furniture. ANDIRONS or grate. N 333. Bee. STEAMS HIP. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Ocean passage 714 days. Moderate rates. For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Gen't Agts., 138 N. La Salle St.. Chicago, OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. MVE STOCK MARIO'T OK WEST Dhip I we slock to South Omaha. Save mileage und shrinkage. Your .consign ments receive prompt and cartful atten tion. Live MooU LuiiiniUaloii Merchant, BYERS BROS. .- Co. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. ITZ Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. off when additional downward Impetus was given by tho crop statement Tho market showed some nervousness at times, uncertainty over the European political situation because of the crisis at Scutari being manifest. Primary receipts of wheat today were 470,000 bushels, against 3S5.000 bushels last year. fc?eaboard clearances of wheat and flour equalled 138,000 bushels. Corn ruled weak during tho entire esslon. s?omo little uplift came on an Improved eastern demand, but It was only temporary. Expectation of In creased receipts mitigated against values. Fine growing weather depressed oats, except In May option, In which thero was some short covering. Light runs of hogs hero and In the west again Influenced higher provision prices. There was a good general de mand, especially for lard, Futures closed as follows: Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.i Low. Close. I Yesy. Wheatl May 92mi 91tTH 92'.4fiH92H6' MMl's July. Sept. Corn. May. July. Sept. Oats. May. July. Sent sr 9iw.: PlHl 91-S mtmtjs. vvrrtsu 55 55 l55Ml 5S".M7 55 HAS 'i lifi 5 57 I 344 34Ml 'V 34 34WV 34'4ti85 317, SIS 84S' 34MrVi 34 H I Pork. I 1 May. I 19 60 19 60 19 80 ' 19 r.o July. 19 72V4 19 72U, 19 92-951 19 65 sept.l 19 67H 19 57HI 19 T2W1 W W Lara. May.' 11 OR 11 02H 11 10 10 M July. 10 95-971 11 07HI 10 K I 11 02H 10 HO Kent.l 10 97HU1 05-071 10 9714 U 02-05 10 92 Ribs. I .. .... .... I .. .. May. 11 33 11 35 I III) I 11 Wl July. I 11 07H Sept.! 10 90 11 07'.4I H 15 11 0214 10 90 1 10 97 HI 10 -JJ-' Chicago cash prices: Wheat. No. 2 red, $1.071461.10; No. 3 red, $1.U01.04; No. 2 hard, !MB514c. No. 3 hard, ic'i&wci No. 1 northern. 94lfif.c: No. 2 northern. 92ST !C4c; No. 3 northern, 90fi92c: No. 2 spring. 92i03c, No. 3 spring, 904j92c, No. 4 spring, RStjtKc, velvet chafi. 90i)'.U14c: duram, 954f Ke. Corn: No. 2, 5rt.Wlo; No. 2 white, &8iftc, No. 2 yellow, o614JW7c; No. 3, fc6!K)6e; No. 3 white, 87fcVe, No. 3 yel low, Knsjfno; No. 4, b(UW; ;xo. i white, 51c; No. 4 yellow, 6l'.;fi5c Oats: No. 2 white. 37ff!714c: No. 3 white, H5W 30tc; No. 4 white, ;Mtffloe; standard, 30tp ss'ic. uyp. ;s-0. z, 6jjK!Vac. Hariey; -n 70c. nmothy: J3.004in.t6. uiovcr : it.ww 21.00. Pork: $19.80. Lard: $11.17A. Ribs: $u.ocw?ii.2r. BUTTER Easier; creameries, sorcc EGGS Steadv: receipts. 32.158; ftt mark, cases Included, 17HftlSc: ordinary firsts. 16HSflSic: firsts, IT'-idlli'Sic POTATOES-Stearty: receipts, 41 cars; Michigan. 35(fiSc: Minnesota. 304T35C; Wis consin. 30B3SC. i'uui..TRY Higher; live cnicgens, uc; live springs, 17c. Corn nml AVhent llrnrlnn llnllctln. United States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for Omaha, Neb., for tho twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Thursday, April 24, 1913: OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. -Temp. Rain' High. Low. fall, Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ' Cloudy Raining Clear Raining Raining Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Raining Ashland, Neb.. 72 49 1.27 .73 .50 .4 .37 .90 .70 .93 1.22 .95 1.25 1.33 .08 .75 1.11 1.19 .03 .90 Auburn, Neb. 67 B'ken Bow. Nb 43 Columbus, Neb 49 Culbertson, Nb. 40 Falrbury, Nb 63 Fairmont, Neb. 57 Gr. Island, Nb 44 Hartlngton, Nb 60 Hastings, Neb.. M Holdrege, Neb. 76 Lincoln, Neb... 67 No. Platte. Nb 40 42 35 37 37 37 33 36 48 35 35 39 38 37 41 39 34 40 Oakdale. Neb.. 44 Omaha, NeD.... Bf Tekamah, Neb. 64 Valentine. Nb. 4 Alta, la 64 Carroll, la 69 Ctarlnda, la.... 68 44 .41 47 .31 Sioux City, la. 6S 3$ .54 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. Not Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of - Temp. Rain District. Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 Louisville, Ky... 22 Indla'polls. Ind.. 14 Chicago. Ill 14 St. Louis, Mo... 19 Des Moines, la. 22 Minneapolis 61 Kan. City, Mo.. 26 Omaha, Nob 17 80 52 .00 80 56 .00 78 68 .00 '78 ' 66 .00 78 68 .20 74 62 .20 56 38 .50 68 44 .40 56 38 .90 The weather Is much cooler In the west and central portion of tho corn and wheat region, and freezing temperatures were recorded at fifteen stations In the Minneapolis district. Good rains were general throughout tho western portion of tho region during the last twenty-four hours and continue from the Missouri river to the lakes this morning. Rains exceeding one Inch were general In east ern Nebraska. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 24. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard, SW500l4c; No. 3. 87 8914c; No. 2 red, $1.00-81.04; No. 3, 90c(R$1.02. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 58!4369c; No. 3, tsiiasHo; no. 2 white, rac: No. z, 57T6714c OATS-No. 2 white, 3614f37c; No. 2 mixed, 343414c. Closing prices on futures: WHEAT Ma)'. 8614c; July, 851ic. CORN-May, t6S(ic; July, 65HflC6!ic. OATS May, 3514c; July, 354c. HAY Unchanged. BUTTER-Creamery, $4c; firsts, 32c; ueeondK, 30c; packing, 24c. EGGS Firsts. 18o; seconds, 13c POULTRY Hens, 14'.4c; roosters, 10c; Mlnnrnpolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 24. WHEAT May, 8814c; July, 90-J890T4c; September, 91c. Cash; No. 1 hard, 9114c; No. 1 northern, &0g01o; No. 2 northern. 88SS9c; No. 2 hard Montana, 9014c; No, 3, 8Gf87c. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 551i66e. OATS No. 3 white, 321482!4c. RYE No. 2. 56fl6Sc. FLOUR First patents, $4.S0ff4.fi5; mc ond patents, $4.1&34.60; first clears, $3.10 3.40; second celare. $2.60(32.80. BRAN-$1.XS17.00. HEED Flax, $1.83ti1.3414. BARLEY-41QSc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, April 24. WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 Manitoba, 7sl4d; No. 3 Mani toba, 7s914d; futures firm; May, 7s 9d, July, 7s6;d; October, 7a 514d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, now, 5s Id; American mixed, kiln dried, 6n2d; American mixed, olds, 6s; Ameri can mixed, olds, via Galveston, 6s814d; futures steady; May American mixed, 6s i!4d; July. La Plata, 6s l?id. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, April 24.-HAY-Pralrie, No. 1 to choice upland, $10.50311,00; No 2 $7.00fi9.50; No. 3. $5.0O&7.00 (unsalablo); No. 1 to choice midland. $10.0010.50; No, 2. $7.00fl9.00; No. 3, $j.Cftg7.00; No. 1 to choice lowland. $S.00'&9.60: No. 2, $.Xn 8.00; No. 3, $4.00fl6.00. Straw: Choice wheat, $5.0085.50; choice oat or rye. $5.50 6.00. Alfalfa: No. 1, $12.00013.00; No. 2, $8.00010.00. Mllvrnuker Gruln Market, MILWAUKEE. April 24. W 1 1 EAT No. 1 northern, 94fi04!4c; No. 2 northern, 9114 &t214c: No. 2 hard, winter, 94S06c: May, 90!4&S0Sc; July, lc. CORN No. 3 yellow, 6ft&6!4c; No. 3 white, 58c; No. 3, 55fl6514c; May, ISH 63;c; July. 65T4C OATS 3514636c. RYE 6314c BARLEY-52igC8c. Coffer Market. NEW YORK. April 24. COFFEE Fu tures opened barely steady at a decline of &15 polntM under renewed liquidation and somewhat disappointing cables. Tliur seemed lo ne very little demand during the early trading and prices eased off un other 2 or 3 points, but the market later rirmea up on covering and trade buying, with the close steady, net 2f(6 points lower. Hales, 98,750 bags. April, 10.82c; May. 10.B6c; June. I0.96c; July. lMc; Au gust, 11.17c; September and October, 11 ilc; November, 11.29c; December, 11.30c; Janu ary, 11.31c; February, ll.S'c; March!, 11.41c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 24.-COTTON-Bpot market closed quiet; middling upland, 12.00c; middling gulf, 12.35c; sales, 109 bales. Futures closed steady. Closing bids: April, May, June, 11.67c; July, 11.65c; Au gust, ji lie; ttepiemDer, li.wc; October, it lc Icriber, 11.24c; January, ll.Uc; March. H.:ic. NEW YORK JTOGK MARKET Declines Sharply, Influenced by Unfavorable Factors. VICTORY OF FIREMEN FELT Unllcan Situation nnil Ceillftirnln TmiRlc Also Made I'ae of by rtnnrd in I'nlllnst Mnrkrt Ita Wny, NEW YORK. April 24.-lnfluenced by a , "'r,; h'I1 "H n -f ?L"'V! MT"Wtii iZXZ Initio sharply. Sentiment has been prcdoml nantl.v bearish for som time mid It re quired only tho additional weight of the latest developments to turn the market from tho narrow groove which It has fol lowed recently and. bring about substan tial declines. Trading wait not luvivy. however, and pressure waa not severe, except at Intervals. While selling waa mainly professional, It was apparent that liquidation wna In progress In some parts of tho market. This was Indicated by tho heaviness of standard InventmenL Httvkn mid amaoncd bonds, which declined as readily as tho speculative Issues. Many new low rec ords for the movement were made and In the list were siu-h stocks us Nnw York Central, Northwestern, Illinois Central and American Tobacco. Losses of one to two points were numerous, with declines amona the less stable Industrials rutinlnts us high ns eight points. i. nicf nmoug tho day s beailsh Influ ences whs the substantial victory of tho flrvmen on eateru railroads In their con test for higher wases. While lt linil been assumed that mi Increase would bo grunted, the award drow attention to the higher operating expenses which tho rail roads will be called to meet, ns well ns to the nrohabllltv nf fnrthur ilotminds from other classes of employes. The con cern felt In Europe over the Balkan situa tion wos reflected In the foreign markots and In some nulling hero for Indon ac count. Reports of further extensive ap plications for capital, the New Haven In quiry In Boston and the decision of the national administration to d snatch the seeietnry of state to California were other Items which the beam found Useful In pulling the market their way. Bonds were again under pressure Total sales, par value. $1,000,000. Panama 3a ad vanced t4 on call. Number of sales and teadrnr muitntlnno on stocks were as follows: Etln lllih. Low. Clot. Amltmtel Copixr .... 11,100 1VM 7Vi 74 Aiiirnran Agricultural American licet 8uttr American Can American Can pM American C. A F American Cotton Oil Am. Ire securities American Unseed American Locomotive ... American 8. & It Am S. ft R. pfd Am. Sucar lletlnlrui American T. ft T American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co Atchleon Atchleon pM Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore ft Ohio Ilethtehem Steel tl l.too tov i,m uk .VK IIS .100 MU too it t0 ! 100 10 J00 J5V :9t M 47 10 35 SO MS t.0 H'i 10 31 (.100 (Sit it SOO 103. lOtli t0! 100 III 111 lit 400 K3S 14 :oo :jh4 :s4 jso it 9.700 10li hXII, 101'i 100 1 00' 100V 100 too im i:iv i:itj l.oo tu , esi ) lilt 33', to 240 2'i 33 nrookln Rapid Tr Canadian 1'aclllo . Central leather .. 1.H0O MS 11.200 2I2 soo :s 3.(00 7U 90 :M UK 6714 KVt Chesapeake, ft Ohio Chlcao O. W Chlcag-o, M. A St. P.... Chlraco ft f. W Colorado F. ft I Contolldated (! Corn rroducta Delaware ft Hudson Denver k Rla Grande.... Denver ft It. O. ptd Dlallllera' Securltle Erie llrle lit ptd Krle 2d ptd General Elerlrlo Great Northern ptd Great Northern Ore ctfe. Illinois Central Interborouch Met. lnterborough Met. pld... International Harvester .. Inter-Marine ptd Internttlonal Paper International Pump Kansas CUT Southern... Laclede Gas Ihlih Valley Loulivllle ft Nsahvllle.. M.. St. r. ft B. Bts. M. Missouri, K. T MUsourl Psrllle National Meruit .V-itlonal Iad V 11. II. of M. 2l otJ.. 0O lOIVi lOtlt IMS 3,500 132 130 130 100 tl J3 It 400 132 13Pt 131 100 10T, 100 160 I0H 10S 1(0 lta :oli 3'i 4414. 33 S 1.SO0 f0 100 2't 43 ti 2S1 44H 3d 100 110 140 JOO 12T4 127H 127 100 IS 35 34 f01 119U. H 1UU l(i (I 104 17 U 10 21 n lMi 1,600 llj 1H 3.400 i7U S0O 10 1(3 400 114 1S2U 300 113 1I3U 131 200 2S 2(S 25V4 m ills 37H 7H 1 41 100 24 24 23 New York Central 1,400 10!S 101H 101H K. V . O. ft W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific T'srlflc Msll Penusrlvsnla People's Gat P.. (, H A Bt. I ntttburgli Coal Pretsed Steel Csr rullman Pslace Car Heading Republic 1. ft S Hepubllc I. ft S. ptd... Rock Island Co Hok Island Co. pfd... Bt. I 4 P. V. 2d pfd. Besboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line ptd.. Sloss-Sheftleld B. ft L. Southern Psclflc Southern TUIlwsr to. Hallway pfd Tennetsee Copper Tenas ft l'axlfle Union raclflo Unlcn Psclflc p'd tnlted Bute nealty... United Mates llubher. .. United States Bteel U. P. 8'eel pfd 30 105V4 74 mo list; nt ni 100 33 25 2414 1.100 UtTt H4K H4Si Ill 0 500 W.i lt'.i 11 100 21 25 23 20i mi H; ir, 4,t00 l4tt IMS 1. 174 10.1 ll'i 100 21S 600 2IS l.W) 22V4 I3'k II 21 'i 2 Hi lit; 34H 20 3IS ... . Mt 43 ... . 30 MS if, 2(14 21 '4 77H 7IH 36 31 11 IT K2H um 84U m ,100 MS 1,100 24 300 7 frIO 35 100 IS 51.700 134 (00 SI 47 no 37.200 3H (214 1314 1S 'iiii 32 1014 3714 l4 (314 31t (l 1014 I1H 1314 3 10S 31 Kit "14 I (00 II 103 32 ioo 10 Titan Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical . Wabash Wabash pld Mr....,,, Martland .... 3,100 3li Wettern Union ur.iinhnuie Electric .. JOO 44 wheellnr ft. Ike Krle Total "alts for the dr. 241.40O sh.res. Nt York Money Market. NHW YORK. April 24,-MONBY-On call steady: 2"iim per cent; ruling rate, 2CS"per cVntl closing bid, 2K per cent; of- ifey and2Un.nertyCednay.T,,4'?i0 pTcenT '-Tk 'TA'Z&AT PAPBO-W to 6 SranuNO with actual business In bankers bills at 483.W for slxty-day bllU and at 41675 for dc; ToMMKnCIAL RILI.8-4.SJVi. 5FXU-ANBDn8-4I.B. aoVBBKMBNT IJONDS-FIrm; rail road bonds heavy. Closing quotations on bonds today vrere " Sf0refW?.;, rI.. -100 'spin 4Us M do coupon "a. C. 80. ref. Is..,. 7li 11 It r( 10114 L P. deb. 4s 1131. 10 do coupon WIliL. ft N. unl 4 I41i 11 R 4s ret IllH'M K AT 1st 4s. M do coupon Jl'Vi 'do sen. 4'ie.. .. 10 Panama 3s coupon 101V Mo Pacific 4t ...(! A .1? 1st Is ctfs. (214 'do conv Is 41i Amer. A. ( 'M '!N H H of M 41,t. 15 Am Tobicco It- N V. C. g. 3H. . . I4. .a t A. T cv. 4s 102 do d.b. 4t ... 17 Armour ft Co. 4. "N Y N H ft H Airhlson fen. 4s 3T cv IH 12 AVJ f. 1W .. MHN ft W 1st e 4t II An rV IS eA. c U 1st 4s. Hal. & Ohio 4s... Jo J4s nrook. Tr. cv. 4s Cen. of Qs. ! 0U Wr. Pacific It 14 do 3s II II 1) 1 !. rfd(. 4t ( 13 l'enn. rv 3li 1311 . 4H 10 do con. 4s.. . M14 Ten. Iestner wit neaninc n it . ,'. C-h'es. A Ohio 4141. ' 'S. LAS K. ff. 4s 74 rhlrsao A A. 4'4s " ' I S W c 4l r if A. Q. 1 ,'s A. L. sdj. Is C M A 3 P cv 41s. 101 do cv. 4s C It I ft I. c. 4s. II do 1st ref 4s . do rf.s HH'Fo. Itsllw.r I. . C A B r A 414s. 1144 do sn. 4s. . n 14 cv. 4s. . 4S Union Pacific 4s S' K G. rsf. is.. 71 'io cv 4s. . . Distillers' 'An 1" ret 4s VrlV d 1. H .... MSI 8. Jtubber la do sen 4s. . 71 U 8 steel ti Is 5? J "J . .er. n . 11 V.-C Chem. Is. 711 72 H 1114 IH 104 71 MS 2H I 10244 101 Ill Cn. 1st r. 4s. II Wsbssh lit A ex. 4s till Inter Met 4VH. 'Vi Western Md. 4i 7IS nter M M 4V4s. . West. Klsc. cV. t. I2S Did. Offered. Wis. Central 4s S94 Xevr York Mtnlnir Stock. NBW YORK. April 24.-Cloflng quota, tlons on mining stocks were: Cem. Tunnel stock.. I Meilesn 71 de bonds Ontsrtu too Con Csl. ft Vs... II Ophlr , .... 20 Iron illvsr W St.iall Hopes Lesdvllls Con. . . I sundird 100 Little tails! Yellow Jacket .. . .JIT Ottered. Trenstirj- Stntrmrnt. WASHINGTON. April 24.-The condition of the United States treasury at the be ginning of business today was: Working balance, $73,790,237. In bunks und Philip pine treasury, $11,576,647, total of general fund. $141,035,241; receipts yesterday. 41.945.. J 291; disbursements, $1,601,387. The surplus this fiscal ear is $S,rXv,Mfi, as against deficit of $14,4t5.:.M Inst year The flgu.r for receipts, disbursements, surplus ani deficit exclude Panama canal and iiulilli debt transactions London Mturk Mnrkftt LONDON. April 24 -American securltlc opened a fraction higher today. TrAdlm was light and prices moved IrregulnrI' during the first hour At noon vnluei ranged from i alxn e to below parity London closing stock quotations: CVntoli. menej 14 II 14 loulivllle ft Nh 111 do seeount . 4H Me . Kan ft T. ttS Amal. tppr . tSNe York Central. WU Atrhlsnn .. I'll V Norfolk ft Wettern lot. Ilalllmore ft Ohio 102 Ontario ft Wettern 114, Cantdltn t'aclfle I4s Penntvlvtnla MS M4 t'4 lOtS IMH W II H rer Denver ft Wo 0 21Vl'non Tarine Krle . . . do 1st pfd Grsnd Trunk Illinois Central . I0i,l' s Steel.. 47 Wabash 3St1e Peers 1tlHsnd Mines .... SIl.VKH-llnr, steady at STV1 ounce. MONKY-24 per cent. DISCOUNT ltATKH-Short bills. 3V4 3 !! per cent; three months' bills, 3S per cent. Itostnn Mlntnc Stotik, DOSTON, April 24.-Closlng quotations on mining stocks werr us follows: Allouet JIVMohtk 1114 Amal. Copper (S Nevada On US A. 7., U A ft.. .27 Nlpltstng Mine . . I Arltont Com. . SS North nulls .. 2114 n. ft C. C ft 8 M m North lke IS Csl. ft Arlrons. .. UOld Dominion .... 4IH Cal. ft Hecla.... 471 Osceola 13 Centennial 14 Qulnry MH Corper Hane C C II shannon . .. 1014 Katt llutte C M II. Superior ... .. 3 rrsnklln IS superior ft H M... IS Olrous Con 1 l-ll Tamarack 2H Oranbr Con ... (3 II P. P. It. A M . 4014 (Ireene Cananea 7 do ptd 47S Isle ltoysle Copper Vtsh Con lis Kerr I.ake IVtiUsh Clipper Co. . 2S lke Copper . . lUttVinona 114 I.a Salle Copper 114 Wolverine . . 1014 Miami Copper . 24S Atked. Wool Mnrket, LONDON. April 24 -WOOL There wtre 13.0X0 bales offered at the wool auction sales today. The selection was a tine 0110 and the demand was brisk at tirm Prices. Continental spinners were eager buyers of scoured merinos and tho home trane iook Australian greasy at higher rates. RT LOl'IK. Anrll 24 -WOOIy-Blenil.v. medium grades, combing and colthlng, 2SV4. fffaje; fine, iiT2io; heavy tine, ionise; iuu washed, 27Q06C. Melnl Mnrkrt. NEW YOUK. April 24. MKTALS-Cop-per, steady; standard, spot to July, $14. It, Ifir..25; electrolytic, $I6.7. lake, $16.87; casting. $1R.K). Tin, weak; spot, April, and May, J4S.7B4f49.S5; June. $4S.37 4S.87. liad, ateady. $4,45 bid. Hpelter, quiet. $,i. Antimony, dull; Cook son's. $!).(. Iron, steady and unchanged. Sonar Market. NBW YOniC. April 24.-.SUOAn-llaw, steady; muscovado. 2.8C5T2.S!io; centrifugal, 3.36If3.3Sc; molrmses, 2.'l02.64cs refined, quiet. Chlcnuo l.lvo rttook Market. CHICAGO, April 24. -HOGS Receipt. 16,000 head; market 104115c higher; bulk of ales, is Tews..".: llirlit. IS.TOfflO.W): mixed, $8.60JfS.; heavy. $8.40f8.8o; rough, $8.40U' 8.65; pigs. $6.7&.8o. CATrieK lteoeipts, WW uenn; marnri weak; beeves, $7.30ffl9.); Texas steers, DB.8tW7.JK); western, $7.ail.10: Blockers and feeders, $6.2088.10; cows nnd heifers, $3.90 JultO; calves, $6.00tf8.W. SI I EBP AND liAMnBrtecelpts, 18,000 head; market slow and weak; native, $G.00df7.a; western. $6.25'Z.2n; yearlings, $6.507.00; Inmbs, native, $6.COa.I0; west ern, $7.0rn3fi.K. Kansas City live Mock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. April 34. OATTLB Hocelpts, 3,000 head; market steady; na tive st?ers, $7.30ifi.7n; southern Bteero, $6.50 $8.40; western cows, $417.25. HOGS Receipts. 6,000 head; market 64? 10c higher; bulk of sales, $8.&MfS.75; heavy, $R.R0ff8.fl0; packers nnd butchers. Xt.&Q 8.95; light, $8.008.80; plg. $7.257.7B. SHBBP AND LAMIIB-Ilecelpts. 3,000 head; market 10(fiirc higher; muttons, $ti.2RT7.00; Colorado lambs, 11.7HRM; range wethers and yearlings, $5,750)7.50; range ewes, $5.2506.75. Hi. Louis Live .Stock Market. BT. T.OUI8, April 24. CATTIB Re ceipts, 3,000 hend; market steady; native beef steers, $S.75t-9.00; cows and heifers, $4,5058.75; stockers and feeders, 15.258.00; southern steers, n.V4iKW- cw and hei fers, $4.0001.00; calves, $3.00.60. HOGS Receipts, 6,M head; market Be to 10c higher; pigs and lights, $T.00UJ8.8S: mlxrd and butchers, $8.65&S.85; good heavy, in nMW1.7S. SHK12P AND IjAMUR Receipts, 2,500 head; market iteaay; native muttons, $5O0iT7.26,; Ianh9. 1MWW ' Sinus fclty l.lve Stork Market. SIOUX Cm. la.. April 24. CATTLE . Receipts, WW neaa; mnraet steady 10 luc lower! native steern, $7 60f8.60; cows und heifers, $5.6087.76, canners, $3.7rVfiS,25; lorliert nnd feeders. $7.00(117.76: Calves. $6.757.fj0; bulls, $5.60(07.25. HUUO licceipte, o,uvu iiciui, inarnni oo higher; heavy, $8.408.60; mixed, $8.o0G.60; light. $; pigs. $7,254)7.60; bulk of sales, $8.6098.65. No freed! receipts of sheep. St. Jiiscph Live Stock Mnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 24. CATTLE Ilrcelnts. 1.600 head, market a trail v: steers, $7. 6W8.8G: cowa ond heifers, $4.aa 8.60; calves, $5.6088.76. HOGfi Receipts, 6.600 head; market strong; top. $8.,0; bulk of sales, $M0QK.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.000 head; market 10c higher; lambs, $7.764J8.!, Relief Bureau Moved to Elks1 Building The various branches of the tornado relief and restoration work aro now oc cupying tho largo room on the first floor or the Elks' building, 313 South Fifteenth stieet. All day the various desks were maintained and business proceeded with out a break nt the old stand, The moving waa done In the evening and night In order that the business of handling relief cases that might ap ply during the day might not be de layed In the least. The new location will not be used so much as a store house as the Auditorium. Groceries and furnl ture will be purchased as needed. No nctlon was taken by the county commissioners yesterday afternoon In re lBtlon to the proposed calling of an elec tlon to vote bonds for tornado restoration work. The subject will not be taken up by the board until the relief commit tee submits a dcllnlto estimate of the amount needed. Omaha Art Guild Chooses Officers The annual meeting and election of of- fleers of the Omaha Art Guild was held last night at the Omaha Public Library. The following officers wcro elected for the ensuing year: Doane Powell, president; Elizabeth Ferguson, secretary and treasurer; execu tive committee, II. A. Raapke. Cordelia Johnson, Robert V. Glider and Ruth ITelt of Council iiiurr. Plans for the annual fall exhibition wete made and discussed, Key to the Situation B Advertising. Movement" of Ocean Steamers, rort. Arrived. Sslltd. rillLADHXPHIA Msrlon CO HON EL. Ams. TltlKSTB 1IO.VO KONO.. . Livunrooi cimnnouRO . NBW YORK, NEW YORK 1TOBAKI MARSEILLES.. SANTOS BREMEN 1IAJ1DLTU1 llOTTERDAM...- IvsrnU sblnyo Msru.... lflrerfordi . K. r. Wllbslra. Msdonns. Ttutfslo. Csnsds. . C. st Oslicla. .. Nseker. Oceans. gakkarsb.. Frankfort. 60CTIIAMPTO LIVERPOOL.. Csirpsnls. NW YORK Polsdsm. . rillLAUELrHIA. Menon Olympic. 3MAHA LIYEJTOGK MARKET 'attic Receipts Large and Trade Slow and Lower. 0QS SELLING A SHADE LOWER hcep and I.nmha In (land Demnnil nnil (lenrrnllj- l-'rep Sellent nt nn Advsnce nf Ten to Klftren Cents. SOUTH OMAHA. April 54. 1913. necelpts were. Catte. Hogs, sheep. Official Monday 3,553 6.9SO 11,775 Official Tuesday 3.375 9,245 Mi! Official Wednesday .. 5.30S 8,676 9,778 Estimate, Thursday .. 3,500 6,000 2.000 Koitr days this wk 1A736 S.wi 31.725 Same days last week. .15.91 40.H9 41.3.S8 Same daya 3 wks. ago.14.7f9 32,267 3S.4.11 Satnn days 3 wks. ago.ll.M 45,692 34.793 Ssme daya 4 wks. ago.14.100 41,712 ,4I0 Same daya last year.. 14,295 41,203 33,326 The following table shows the receipts of cattlo, hogs and stirep at rloutli onuha. for the year to date, compared with w year: 1913. 1911 Inc. Deo. i'.iii. i m -rami 18.2st Hogs ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..Marat 1.207N04 277,370 Sheep 716,620 706,887 9,733 Tho following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha fur the last lew daya with comparisons "bate. I wis. IWlijwYl.lWlO.lfllpMjiWi Tnrll l!l S 9llii 7 BAl 6 gti't 791 6 'iJl I 41 April 13 T 65 5 92 8 691 1 011 6 641 45 April ii April 15 S9H S 761. s 6 90 5 97i 9 651 B W 7 6 9 Gill 6 H! 5 48 6 3J April 16 7 69 9 65 9 14 5 37 6 43 6 39 6 23 April 17 April IS 7 71 6 96 5 43 7 70 6 05 92 6 93 6 91 & 2 April 19 April 30, April 21 6 30 S T8H 7 69 6 Ml 8 89 8 90 7 54 5 83 5 KS 5 54 h 42 6 34 8 74U 8 C3V, 8 47 V 8 51H 8 951 April 12 7 45) 5 W) 9 0t 6 99 5 38) 6 SS 5 SI i 6 3S 6 40 6 31 April 23 7 421 7 01 April 24 7 41 5 73 7 05 Sunday. Receipts nnd dlsposlttm. or llvn slock at the t'nlon Stock yards, South Omaha. Neb., for last twenty-four hours end ing at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U't'a. c. m. & t. r. iiy- Mo. Pac. Ry 9 tTnlon Pacific R, R. 33 C. Si N. V east.. 6 l i N. W., west.. 24 C. St. P.. M. O.. S6 C, R. & Q., east... 4 C. H. A Q., west'.. C, R. 1. P., east. 2 C, R. I. & P., west. 1 Illinois Central Ry. 5 Chi. Great Wostcrn 7 Total receipts. ..143 2 .. .. 4 . t 19 6 2 23 4 4 t 4) I 4W S9 8 2 DISPOSITION HEAD, CattK Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 677 894 ..... Swift . Co 617 1,339 1.987 1,381 1,60! Cudahy Packing Co.... ICS Armour & Co 481 Morrcll 1 L. P. Co 8 Kay P. Co Denton. Vans't A Uish 171 Hill & Son 40 F. H. Lewis 67 Huston & Co 1 J. II. Root & Co 45 J. II. Bulla 54 Rosenstock Ilroa 10 Wcrthclmer & Degen.. VA II. V. Hamilton 66 323 978 123 Jlolhschlld A Krcbs.... 15 Mo. & Knn.-Cal. Jo.... 3 Cllnn & Chrlstlo 51 Other buyers 359 1,662 Total 3,765 5,724 4.457 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were un usually largo this morning lor a Tnurs day. nnd the fact that they followed till larger receipts or ma nay ueiora made It still worse, hor ttio waeK re- celnta foot no. however, only 15.736 head. whloh is no larger than a weea ago, out larger than a year ago ny over neaa Conditions this morning were very un. favorable, an the market was still wobk and unsettled from the break yesterday. In consrnuance of this the demand was slow and packers, with largo receipts In slent. wrro able to again taxc tne Dear side, of the deal.. Thus It happens that tho trade, like yesterday, waa extremely slow and dull and very unsatisfactory from a erller's .standpoint. Reef steers sold at a decline of IDWlEo as compared with yesterday, or arouna 25c lower for the two days. Cowa w'.m worse hit than steers, 'iney AlA tint sell miirli lower vestnrdav nnd buyers took off enough to maku up for It today. They wero In many' cases 25c 'lower and slow at that. Good helfera rftrt nnt show as much decllno as cows. There were only a few stock cattle in the yards and they sold at anout steady nrlnes. It is very evident inui 1110 cuumry id sending In toq many cattle, not only here, but at all market points. The only thing to do under the circumstances Is to limit shipments for e few days until the mar ket of the country can recover trom me elf lots of tho temporary over-suppiy. OiiniBLtlnn on Cattle Good to choice heef steorl. $3.20218.76: fair to good beet steers, $7.90108.20; common to fair beef steers. fl.WQl.wi gooa 10 cnoica nonets, 17.26918.00: aood to choice cows. $6.7607.60: fair to good grades, $5.834.50; common to fair cranes. Ji.wvm.eo: soou to cnuico. Blockers and feeders. $7.50ft&25; fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.75417.50; common to fair stockers ana feeders, IH.25flC.75: stock cows and heifers, $4,003 7.00; veal caives, ii.wuj.W duiis, stags. etc., jo. will. J) Representative sales: BBISP 8T1CKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ...) 7 IS it 1011 I 10 . . 110 7 M . . itt 7 II .. 121 1 U ..741 7 70 . . Ill 7 M ..1121 1 Ti .. in 7 :s .. 741 7 71 .1011 7 10 ..1401 7 15 ..127 IH . . 171 t to ..111! 7 K .. Ill 7 10 . 1121 7 M ..141 7 II ..1014 I 00 11. 1111 1 10 1104 I II 1110 I II 1192 I IS 1010 I II 1201 I II 1211 I 11 1002 I 20 lilt I 24 1107 I 24 1111 1 20 22.... 10.... 20.... II.... II.... II.... 11.... I.... I.... II.... II.... 21.... II.... 120 1241 1 :o ..1414 I 23 11 ..1211 I 21 2 ISM I 10 II 1312 I 30 24 1111 I 14 II 1121 I 30 11 ..I 9Wi B 11 20 1241 I 00 11. .1111 100 .1141 I 00 21 1370 I 20 ii.... 1 ... .... ii.... li.... to.... 20.... I.... $.... 10.... I.... 1.... J.... I.... 4.... 1.... 10.... I.... 2.... I.... 2.... 2.... 17.. . 4,... I.... 1.... 1.... 2.... II. 1117 I 30 ....III I 00 ....III I OS ....1113 IN ....1IU I 05 ....1241 I 10 :0. .1(14 I 10 11.... II.... II.... 22.... ..1211 tu . .1211 I IS ..1446 I 40 ..1041 141 ...1123 I 10 COWB. .... Ill too II.. ..124 I 40 .1107 I IS . . 130 I II ..1061 I 71 ..1114 I IS . ... M0 C 00 ....1001 I 2S ....1101 I u ....1000 no ....1010 1 10 ....120 I 71 ....1114 i 71 . ... 720 I 00 ....1114 I 24 .... Ill I 21 .... 141 I 21 ... 1100 I 21 ....1010 I 21 ....1110 I IS .... Ill I 21 ...1101 I 40 ....1042 110 ....1440 I 10 ,...1I I M II 2 4 I 2. IU I 71 till 111 1411 i 71 1071 I M .... IIU IH 1120 I 10 .. 1140 I 10 1114 7 00 1140 7 00 1111 7 10 1114 7 10 till 7 10 1010 7 11 1111 7 24 110 7 24 .1211 t to I. ...IOCS 7 25 COW8 AND HBIFKR3. III 7 II BTKKIUJ AND IIEIFKRS. 17.... ti...'. 12.... II.... 10.... IL... 117 7 10 111 7 10 14. 1042 7 14 712 7 M 131 7 so 1111 7 14 .... Ml J 10 I . Ill 1 10 III 1 10 , 741 7 10 124 7 IS 412 7 15 ,121 7 M 125 7 10 II 14 II II 10 I 24 21 lilt 7 14 IIS I 04 Sll I 00 141 I 04 in 1 og 70S 1 14 til IB HBIKKR8. IU lit 711 I 10 I .. 115 7 40 ..1064 t SO .. 400 7 M .. 140 7 SO . . Ill 7 (0 .. 7M 7 SO .. Ill 7 SO .. 104 J M ..1401 7 10 ..711 7 14 .. 7S1 7 75 . . 4M T 10 .. 717 7 14 1 . IS4 I 14 . 70 I M .111 I 15 .1114 II .1(4 I IS . 114 7 04 . Ilff 7 00 .174 1 41 1. 17.'!.'" is".'!! I. 7 117 I 24 1. 4IS 7 15 717 7 35 4... BULLS. 1 114 t 75 1 1110 7 00 1 1210 I 04 . 1 1ls4 I 10 1 744 IU 1 1010 I 10 J 1160 I 14 1 1410 4 10 1 . . . 1194 I IS 1, 441 111 1 1114 T 04 1 104 7 04 1 1120 7 00 1 1470 I 24 2 1194 7 24 1 714 7 24 1 ... 1114 T 2S II 1110 7 21 1104 I M 1 1174 T 21 1M4 IH 1.. . . M4 7 34 1274 04 8. . 101 7 IS 1514 7 04 1 710 7 44 STAG8. I Itet 7 14 CALVI5. IK I K ..114 9 14 I M 7 1 ?4 I 10 1 924 9 14 1 270 9 75 1 M in 1 104 10 . lo 00 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. no 9 n 204 I 71 114 9 71 214 9 71 1... .104 I CO 114 04 Itt 24 V 14 1 194 9 75 STOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. 7(14 4-1 I... . . . 124 7 IS .. 703 7 IS . . . Ml 7 74 ... 711 1 TO ...142 7 74 . . . 417 7 7S . . . 40 7 75 ... 7. 7 75 . . 919 7 14 . . 13.1 7 14 . . . ISS 7 IS ...till 7 IS . I6l2 7 94 1114 I 04 112 14 Ml 7 24 141 7 24 7M 7 40 4M 7 4 144 7 14 IOO. 7 14 111 7 54 124 7 10 419 .7 14 714 7 44 MS' 7 M U4 I'll1 3., 1. II. 7... I... 9... 19... 1. . II. . 14... 9. . II . HO OS The market this mornlnit showed the first strength that has been In evldleuce this week. Receipts' were very moderate) ana ns nnvices trom otne: points were of an encoliraglng' nature the local trade was generally a shade higher than yesterday. Shippers and speculator! picked up a few loads early at figure! that were strong to as much as a nickel higher. Their purchases amounted to J cry small portion or the receipts. s that there wna a very fair slinntv at the disposal of the packers. As a result thi ouik or the nogs sold at prices that wen steady to a little stronger and the markei averaged no moro than a shade nbov yesterday. Whllo there was not vcr) much activity In evldenco at any tlim tho movement was fairly continuous nn practically everything had been disposed of by 10 o'clock. Most of the sales wen' made nt $S.45fl8.v. with a sprinkling Oli big heavies on down and some tsooi lights a high as $.160. itecoipts tooted up aeout 7 cars, or ,ou head, bringing the total for the week up In 10O1 hnnil Till, la nvr 111 n. VI larger than for the same days lout wok nnd more than 18,000 head heavier that the corresponding days a year ngo. Hcpreseniativei sales: No. Av. Sh. fr. No. AV. ST) Tr, I (hi 17.. U .. 10... 19. II... el.. SI... ..414 . Ill . .3141 ..292 ..101 ..219 277 ..107 ..211 ..221 .217 ..111 2S II tl.. 71.. IS . 111 ... I 40 24 I 40 44 I 44 I 41 14 I 45 124 I 45 ... I 45 ... 141 ... I 45 40 I 41 20 I 45 W 124 I IIS m 14 1 S14 214 244 I I2t II Ill . 1 I S2 14 11 V. I S3 I MH ... S2ti ... !53t I MH 14 IMU It 244 II. ... 2t4 71 ... 124 II... .1M 47... II... 10... is is; 37... 12 91 ,.tS! .172 .!kS 14 IIS 10 I 45 71. 77. 10, CI. IS. I S2H 71 2M 204 I 41 I I7U I 10 ..:is 1:4 1 15 I ur ..,..roa .,..311 I 51 t II .111 .335 10 I 10 . ,233 10 I SI 12 2T0 114 I 64 f9. . . . .... 11.... 74.... 14.... 41.... 71.... II.... ti.... 10.. . 13.... 71.... 73.... 13.... II.. . 61.... 41,... 94. . . . 71. .. II... 75.... II.... 417.... 71. .. It.... 77.... 45,... 72.... 41... SI... 71.... ..149 114 t II 14 147 44 I 4 ,2SS I II 13 224 I 0 .,354 .231 ..141 I S3 I SS 71 ..234 14 I 14 14 I 10 .234 10 SS 40 SS ... 10... SI.., .271 110. I 14 .214 ....214 I to ..111 204 I IS 14.. ....141 ....20 ....215 ....111 ....297 ....111 . .311 ....211 ....270 ....III ....251 10 I SO 10 I 14 . . . I 14 44 I M ... I M 14 I 14 14 I SO 44 I 14 ... 110 14 I SO . . I 84 .117 10 I 55 74... 49., ..112 ..210 .141 I IS I 55 71.. 14 I 15 14 I 55 41. 17.. 45.. 0.. .144 ..204 114 I IS .195 I II ..144 . .200 ..111 14 IS , I SS . I IS II.. in.. 19.. 171 110 I SC .279 14 I M . Ill 8 15 fl... .214 240 1 1 . Ill 111 it I IS 101.. ...219 I S4 . 255 .199 ...201 I IS 71... ...225 244 I SO 10 I II .. I SS . . I 15- 0 SI 10 I 67 H ... I 44 10 I 40 ., I 64 .. ID ... I 44 I... ..ISO I 54 11... 41... II... II... 20. . .III .215 14 I 50 . . . I CO ,.. 114 ..211 :S1 .254 ..121 . in ..211 ..21 ..215 . .2M 10 I 10 ...117 ...251 ...222 ...217 ...211 I 54 44... 14 1 Ml 14 I 14 .. 1 sivi 14... II... 11... 10 I 2i OTAUS, 1 414 10 I 10 HlllCi:i On account nf the nrevalllnk had weather very llttlo stuff was loaded In the country, and as a consequence marked falling off was noticeable In thi receipts this morning. The arrivals num. bered only eight cars, or some 2,000 head, It being tho smallest tun for a Thursday sine June 23 of last year. As compared with a week ago tun supply leu ohuh about 11.34 head and was about the same number short of tho corresponding day one year ago. As on Wednesday Iambi mudii up the entlro receipts, there being really not enough aged sheep or ycarltngr on any day tins ween to niHKn n marnci While the early advices from oUtilui points Indicated no material Improvement In thd trrnerfll Irnrtn local business Started off In n very active way and everything was cleared up in snort oraer at a ivuiuc Briunni. Thn lirlslc mnrkrt and higher Prices waa mainly duo to the extremely light receipts, and It waa the genera opinion among traders If anything like normal supply were on saio no uuiiruvr. ment as to values would have been evi dent. Quality of the offerings was njmi. lar to that of the last few days, tho best Mexican lambs weighing 83 pounds, being good enough to bring $8.70. Home heavy lamba sold at $.15 and a load held over from yesterday and showing considerable; weight brougnt inia momma. coupln of cars of clipped lambs, being a mixed shipment of Mexicans and lea westerns, and averaging 78 pounds, changed hands at $7.75. ... , The selling aide of the trade has hup a fairly satisfactory market for the week thus tar, bh current iomo vaiuto aju 40a higher than the closo of last week As a matter of fact all last week's loss has been practically regained and the trado la In about the same position as at the beginning of last week. As to yearllnga, owes and wethers the supply of them has been scarcely larg enough to afford a test of values, and to all Intenta and purposes quotation. are practically unchanged irorn a week "SP- ... Uliotations on anrep aim ram. u to choice Mexican lambs, $S.604'8i90; tali to good Mexican lamba, $8.40,8.9): good to cholco western lambs. $S.S638.6o: fair to good western lambs. $3.2Wr.35; shorn 1,. ml,. t7.rATr7.Tr,: feeder lambs. $7.7531 8.35; yearlings, light. $7.35-87.75; yearlings, heavy. $7.l51f7.25i wethers, good to choice. $'.7W.00: wethers, fair lp Hood. M.SM 6.76; ewes, good to choice. $S.Mi.7i. ewes, fair to good, 3,id1!,:; cuhb unu bucks, $J.0Oa.&. , Representative saies; No. Av. Pr 8 30 8 00 6 00 8 50 8 25 8 (5 8 25 8 15 8 70 8 70 7 75 7 65 75 1 65 242 Mexican lambs SJ 199 fed lamb 28 cull lamns 1D0 fed lambs . 7s 127 fed lambs .. 84 278 fed 251 fed lambs 75 lambs J; 253 fed lambs 210 Mexican lamos ,10 70 Mexican 4ambs 518 shorn lambs 1 518 shorn lambs 293 Montana shorn lambs 7b 235 Montana shorn lambs ,. 9 Rotary Club on Death of George Duncan At the meeting of the Rotary club, the committee appointed to draft resolutions on the death of George Duncan, a mem ber who was also on The Bee's adver tising staff and who was killed In the recent tornado, made Its report, which was accepted nnd adopted. Tho report reviews the work of Mr. Duncan and. closes with the following resolutions: "Resolved, That In trie death of Ueorga J. Duncan this .club has lost ono of Its most active and highly respected mem bers, that wo highly appreciate hW merits and deeply regret his loss. That while deploring our own loss, we recognlie that Omaha has loit a brilliant, citizen, a man of sterling Integrity and the commercial Interest of tho city one of Its most dependable agents. That In his death In the tornado which visited our city, wc recognize that he has be come a part of the history of Omalui and linked more Indlssolubly than evvf with Its history. "Resolved. That we tender to his family our sincere sympathy uid assur ance of our continuing desire to be of aid and assistance to them. "Roeolved, Further, that these reso lutions bo spread upon tho records of tnis club, and a copy furnished to the family of tho deceased and to tho pre of the city."