Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha
Is but nnothrr ortl for doner
co-opcrntloii lietnt'cit buyer nntl
seller, for luutunl benefit.
VOL. XLJt NO. 2(3(3.
Pennsylvania Colliery in Flames as
Result of Blast at Finley
bodies of Several Victims Have Been
Company Declines Aid of United
States Government.
Can Give No Connected Account of
Condition Except "I'lcuee la
Full of Dend People."
PITTSBURGH. April 23.-Uetween 75
and 100 miners are believed to huvo lust
their lives this afternoon us u result of
a gas explosion In the Cincinnati mine
of the Mononguhula river Consolidated
Coal and Coke company tit Finley vlllo.
twenty-seven miles from this city. From
eventy-slx to sovonty-elght men made
their escape. Some o fthem, however,
were budly burned. The bodies ot ser
eral victims have been recovered.
The mine Is aflame. Rescue work Is
bolus carried on with difficulty owing
to the fire and the deadly gases. The
coal company maintains a rescue corps
patterned after the mine forco of the
United States government. Aid from the
federal mining experts, It is said, was
declined by the coal company.
Several hours after the explosion seven
foregin miners crawled from one of the
entrances ot the mine. All were seriously
burned. They could give no connected
account of the conditions in the mini, or
their individual experiences. They all
said the mine was "full of dead people."
(Business ini Finleyvllle was suspended
and practically the entire community
ruahed to the ill-fated mine.
A guard was placed at the pit's mouth
and all persons excopt rescuers and mine
officials were held at a distance.
A gas explosion Is thought to have
caused the disaster, although this fact
haB not been definitely determined.
Of the known dead all are Americans.
They are: John Green, Thomas Carter,
eon of William Carter, superintendent of
the mine; Robert Anderson, machine
boss; Charles Hager and John Lake.
The expjloslon occurred 3,000 feet from
the mouth of the mine.
A. V. Brown, assistant mine foreman,
atated,that 179 men went to work In the
xnne' this morning.
Associated Press
' Elects Its Officers
NEW YORK, April 23. Tvi board ot
directors of the Associated at a
meeting held hero today re-i'c'ted 'ill
officers as follows:
President Frank U. Noyes of tho
Washington, D. C, Star.
First Vice President General Charles
H. Taylor of the Boston Globe.
Second Vice President Crnwford Hill
of the Denver Republican
CI . .1 1 AT- I nl I
villi" u R.nn
Assistant Secretary and Assistant Gen
eral Manager Frederick Roy Martin.
Treasurer J. R. Youatt.
Executive Committee Frank B. Noyes,
"Washington Star; Victor F. Lawson.
Chicago Dally News; Charles W. Knapp,
St. Louis Republic; Charles A. Hook,
Pittsburgh Dispatch; Churles Hopkins
Clark, Hartford (Conn.) Courant; I C.
McLean, Philadelphia Rullcf.n, and
Adolph V. Ochs, New York Times.
MANCHESTER, England. April 23.-In
sentencing two militant suffragettes to
day. Justice Sir John Eldon Bankes said:
'I would send you round tho world In
a sailing ship If the law permitted It."
The women, Mrs. Forrester and Miss
Jdaneata. both socially prominent, were
brought up at the Assizes for trial on
the charge at entering the Manchester
art gallery and smashing the glass of
thirteen famous pictures. The,Jury urged
the, necessity of a new and drastic legal
AUFH for llf frntroMn militant,' onrl 4tw.n
,-., . , . ' ,' .
sentenced the women to Jail for three
months and one month respectively. They
will have to serve additional terms ot
nix months unless they give bond for their
CHICAGO, April 23. "I want to go back
to Denver as Boon as I can get out of
here," walled George Holltngshcad. Jl
years old, who was found on West Mad
ison street by the police today. "I ran
away from home Monday, so I wouldn't
have to go to school, and I beat my way
here on freight trains. I haven't had any
thing to eat since I left home and I'm
sorry I didn't go to school like my
mother told me.
George was bruised from head to foot
from the bumping of box cars and va
thoroughly repentant. He was detained
pending word from his father, who, the
boy said, la a machinist, Michael Hol
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 23,-The
tfact that several of the witnesses who
testified for the International Harvester
company at today's session of the hearing
of the government's anti-trust suit
against that concern had been witnesses
for the company in state suits against It
In Missouri or Kansas, was used by gov
ernment attorneys In an effort to show
prejudice on the part of the witnesses in
favor of the combine.
Edward P Grosvenor of the Depart
ment of Justice cross-examining these
"Witnesses, who were Implement dealers,
attempted to show that their business
with the International had Increased since,
their testimony for the company In state
Anti-trust suits.
Montenegrins Capture City at Point
of Bayonet.
Tank of the Power 1i Cocroliw the
Little KillKdoni u Abandon It
Claim ou Allmnln Become
More Difficult.
CETT1NJE. Montenegro, April 23. After j
a final desperate attack tasting twenty-
four hours the Montenegrin troops forced
their way Into Scutari. The fortress for
six months, since the middle of October. ,
1912. has offered a stubborn and heroic
The asault, which gave the Montene
grins possession of the city which has
been the sole object of their war agalnit
Turkey, began on Monday night. The
Montenegrin army took the offensive
along the entlnre front. They completely
surprised the Ottoman defenders by
pushing right up to the Turkish positions,
where they engaged in close bayonet
The Ottoman soldiers made a number if
counter nttneks and tried with their ut
most energy to drive the attacking forco
out of their works, but they were finally
compelled to fall bnck and leavo tbelr
positions In the haius of the besiegers,
who received constant reinforcements.
It was midnight last night when the
Montenegrins obtntned their footing .n
the fortress and detachments of the be
siegers entered the city nt 4 o'clock this
According to one report, Essnnd Pasha,
the Turkish commander-in-chief, recog
nized the uselessncss of fuither resist
ance after the outlying- key position of
Tarakosch had fallen. He Is said then to
have ordered his troops to cease their
defA-nso of the fortress.
Another report says that the Mon
tenegrin eommunder-ln-chle' had been
negotiating since Monday wlthh Essaad
Pasha for the surrender of the place.
Still another account says that the
Turkish troops defended the city until
the last.
Although the Servian troops did :int
participate In the final attack, their ar
tillery was used by the Montenegrin gun
ners and it Is said that to this fact their
success was largely du&.
I The act of capitulation was signed by
I the Turkish commander shortly after the
Montenegrin troops had reached tho cen
ter of the city.
Situation In Coiiinf icnteri.
ROME. April 23. The capture of Scu
tari by the Montenegrin troops has caused
a great Impression here.
The success of the Montenegrins has
complicated tho situation, as Montenegro
(Continued on Pago Four.)
Second Bunco Man
Involves the Police
of San Francisco
SAX FRANCISCO, April 23.-ColncIdent
whir tho -statement made before an In-'
veatlgatlng committee yesterday by
Maurice De Martini, convicted bunco
man, that Detective Frank Ksola had
called upon the wife of Michael Gallo
while he was a prisoner In the county
jail, and assured her that she need not
worry about a means of support. Gallo,
now a convict at San Quentln, made a
written confession to penitentiary offi
cials last night In which he told of hav
ing paid protection money to five de
tectives whom he names. Gullo'B state
ment makes the total of this tribute
which he claims to havo paid amount to
several thousands of dolars.
The confession Involves the police de
partment In a moro sweeping manner
than those made herafter by other bunco
men, Gallo inserting that tho members
of his gang were In the habit of paying
weekly to each patrolman on tho beats
In the territory where they operated.
According to Gallo. two payment", of J30
each have been made to his wife by tho
police through "Black Tony," a toorlou
pickpocket, since his incarceration.
As Do Martini and Gallo have been
separated for months It is claimed there
could not possibly have been any col
lusion between them.
Illinois Men Land
Memory of Douglas
SPRINGFIELD, III., April 23. Three
United States senators, a former vice
president of tho United States, tho gov-
crnor of Illinois, three fornor governors
I . ,., ..,...,. ' ,.,
nearly the entire membership of the
Illinois legislature and many prominent
citizens of the stato Joined here today In
paying tribute to the memory of Stephen
A Douglas on the one hundredth anni
versary of his birthday.
Among the speakers were Senators
James Hamilton Lewis and Lawrence V.
Sherman of Illinois, Senator James A.
Reed of Missouri, former Vice President
Adlal E. Stevenson of Bloomington,
William I Davidson and Everett Jen
Douglas was lauded as tho highest
type of statesman and patriot and as a
friend of home rule and state self-govern
ment by the speakers of various political
Pope Takes Short
Walk in His Room
ROME, April 2S. Pope Pius continues
to make satisfactory progress In his con
valescence. He rose from bed at 10:30
o'clock this morning and was allowed by
bedroom. Ills temperature was 7.
suffered less from prostration and
strength had Imprrved, although
cough persisted.
Five Miners Killed
and Nine Injured
BUTTH. Mont.. April M.-U Is reported
that thirteen men felt Into the sump nt
the Leonard mine this morning when a
cable snapped. At 19:30 a. m. It was said
that none had been rescued alive and It
was bolleved none were dead. The Leon
ard Is the property of the Anaconda Cop
per company.
Califomia Welcomes Pro?
His Visit to the Coast.
'Governor Asked if Secretary of State
Can Explain Position.
Commoner Urged to Be Guest of Ex
ecutivc at Sacramento.
Kxeeutlve Sn In III Tclpurmn
tlint Report Arc So t'nnf llrthiR
that Krnl Mtntnn of t'nr
I l llklMM, n.
WASHINGTON. Aplll IS!. learning
from press dispatches that his proposed j
visit would be welcomed by the Cali
fornia state authorities Secretary Uryan
late today began pteparatloll for the
trip. An official announcement was ex
pected to follow a conference with
PreMdont Wilson. Secretary Hryan re
ceived a telegiatu from Governor and
Mrs. Johnson, Inviting him to be their
guest If he should iyme to California
to counsel with the state authorities ou
pending alien land legislation.
Prtsident Wilson today telegraphed
Governor Hiram Johnson of California,
asking him whether the nntt-allcn legis
lation could be held up until Secretary
of Stato Uryan could go to California,
personally to explain the position of the
federal government and inge an ad
justment of the controversy.
The president's telegram was in re
spons.0 to Governor Johnson's messago
of yesterday that California desired to
co-operate with the federal government
to avoid international difficulties. It
wns as follows:
"Governor Hiram Johnson, Secramento,
Cal. Thank you for your patriotic tele
gram. Wo find It so difficult from this
distance to understand fully the situa
tion with regard to the sentiments and I
circumstances lying back of the pending
ptoposltion concerning the ownership of
land In tho state that 1 venture to In
quire whether It would be agreeable to
you and the legislature to have the sec
retary of state to visit Sacramento for
the purpose of counselling with you and
the members of tho legislature and co
operate with you and them In the frum
lng of a law which would meet tho views
of the people of tho stato and yet leave
untouched tho International obligations
of the United States.
The same telegram was duplicated to
(Continued on Pagu Three.)
Bryan Outlines 4
Proposed System
of Peace Treaties
...... ... . . , I According to reports to tho ruilrouds
h?h h 10,Ur m e,eMC t0'"iyln unusually heavy rain fell over a
with the entire membership of the senate j tcr , of th f u ne
committee on foreign relations. Secretary mUc8 unck fn)m tho
Bryan stated that the committee had , MM0Ur, rlvor, lt sct ltl carIy Tll(!m,liy
plan designed to bring about International I
peace. Secretary Bryan said the details
of the plan would not be given out until
ho had tulked them over with President
Tho baslo Idea of a proposed system of
treaties, as Secretary Hryan outlined It
to the committee, today, Is that all Inter
national disputes he first submitted o a
commission of lmiutry nnd that the report
of tho commission be made public before
the countries would be at liberty to pro
coed to war.
The result of today's conference, It was
said, assures a favorable reception to any
international treaties that may bo e
gotlated by the president and secretary
looking toward thH limitation of arma
ments and the investigation of all dis
putes by International commissions of in
quiry. Secretary Bryan, acting directly at tho
Instanco of President Wilson, also In-
dorsed tho plan before the committee for
the purchase of embassy buildings abroad
for American diplomats and to rent ic
commodatlons until homes could bo ac
quired. Senator Chumbcrlaln'H resolution 'or
tho abrogation of the Isthmian canal
treaties with Great Britain was referred
to a subcommittee. Senator Mark Smith's
resolution asking the president for a
report on Injuries to Americans and
American property In Mexico was re
ported favorably.
Carbolic Acid for
Toothache is Fatal
Miss SJolla Green, aged 25 years, a
stenographer. died early Wednesday
morning at the home of Mrs. Carrie K.
Clevc, 3012 Marcy street, from carbolic
acid poisoning.
Miss Green had been suffering from
toothache and purchared a bottle of
ocid Tuesday evening to relieve the
pain and evidently took tho poUon by
accident. Coroner Crosby and Dr. W.
B. Christie declared tho death to be ac
cidental. No liuiucst will bo held.
Bervce(( WLre cW yoster(,lty
aiieruuou irum numtu at irt'niir o
undertaking parlors. The body was sent
to DeWltt. Neb., for burial.
George Gadeis Hangs
Himself in Oshkosh
IONDON. April The 'hunger
strike" bill duslgned by the government
to do away with foreible feeding of suf
fragettes jiervlng terms In prison, styled
the "cat ami inouic" bill by militant
suffragettes, passed its third reading In
the House of Commons b) a vote of 29 1
to C&
MHPT - .1 . 1
WjVSSpMH I rr ( wjoaj' cjw have HArfwzD
News Item: Secretary Bryan will promulgate the Ssvcnteqnth Amendment to the Constitution as spon
as formal notice of ratification by Nebraska and Oklahoma arrives.
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Inch or More Falls All Over the
State of Nebraska.
IIIkIi Wind Which Ilrlr Surfnrr of
the Ground In Followed b
' Torrential Hnln Which
! ' -Sonlt the'rtnlli - f
The high winds of Monday ulid Tues
day .rapidly absorbed tho moisture out
of the soil of central and western Ne
braska, but an abundant supply lias -been
! put back by tlio almost torrential ruins
that fell Tuesday afternoon and night.
afternoon and In many localities still
, continued when tho reports wero mado
1 up and sent In Wednesday morning.
Burlington territory through the centra
I and western portion of tho state and
well down Into Kansas wns vlslti'd by
a regular root-soaker. Red Cloud, Arapa
hoe, Heiiklemiiu. Republican City, Mill
den, Seward, Grand Island, Ravenna,
Columbui, Loup City, Palmer, Greeley
Center, Sargent, Harvard, Clay Center,
Stromaburg, Kearney and scores of Inter
mcdlato'polntH report an Inch ot precipi
tation. Kilctoti, up In tho sand hills, ro
ports two Indies, with threo inches at
Oxford and Holdrege.
All over the Albion division of tho
Noithwostorn thero was from ono to two
Inches, with practically tho samo amount
of precipitation over most of tho Hast
ings division and nil the way up the
Black Hills lines from Wct Point to
Lpng Pine.
, 0f ran tlir
There was about an Inch
rough northern Nebraska and
out along the Bonestcel branch.
In some scattered localities In the
houthern part of the state, prior to tho
rain of Tuesday, slight fears were enter
tained that wheat might be Injured by
the high and drying winds. These fears
have been entliely dissipated and now the
condition of the cereal is believed to be
fully 100 per cent.
John Eyler, the Burlington live stock
agent, in from the western part of the
Ktnte, says that all the way through from
the Colorado Una thero was a heavy rain
lall Tuesday and Tuesday night. Around
MoCook It was tho heaviest rain since
last summer, ranging from ono to two
Inches all the way east to Lincoln.
Mr. Eyler says the winter wluat ap
pears to bo In tliu best condition in
years. Spring seeding is compli ted and
many fields of oatB and barley arc up and
growing rapidly.
Frank J. Painter's
Bond is Approved
CHICAGO, April 23. Bonds were ap
proved hero today for Frank J. Painter
of Omaha, pno of the structural Iron
workers sent to the federal jxniltcntlary
at Ieaven worth, Kan., as a ieult of the
dynamite conspiracy trial at Indianap
olis. Painter was sentenced to two years'
Imprisonment. Ills bond of J20,(rt) will be
effective tomorrow.
CLARKr'TON, Wash.. April Zi. Charles
C. Gregg, father of Vean Gregg of the
Cleveland Americans and of David Gregg
of the Toledo American association, died
suddenly at his homo here yesterday of
heart disease. The news was withheld
from Dave Gregg until he had won hl
maiden game yesterday afternoon from
Minneapolis and been united In marriage
to Miss .Marguerite gangster of Clark-ston.
Delaying the Game
Railroad iremen
Given Increase
Through Award
NEW YORK, April 23 Rallroud flro
iikii aro granted an Increase In pay
estimated at from 1 Uto 12 per cunt by
the award of the Erdman act arbitration
board. In their cane, hinuled down to
'night'." 'Other 'clalnls of the firemen" fire
allowed, but tho demand for two fire
men on largo locomotives Is denied ex
cept In case of necessity.
Governor RejectB Bill Appropriating
Funds for Dairy Building.
Kncnilcn of t nl erl- CoiiNiilldiillon
SntUfleil illli the Victor)- Won
lit the llvpciiHt- "f tile
LINCOLN. Apill 23. - (Speclal.)-Tho
stato agricultural school at the stato
furin will havo to struggle along with
out its dairy building for at least two
yins and possibly more. Governor Moio
liuid this morning vetoed the appropria
tion In tho maintenance 1)111 giving JI15.000
fur a dairy building and heating plant
'at tho school.
Thin means that tho enemies of unl-
verslty consolidation at tho Btato farm
propose to keep up their fight In hold
the university ou the down-town campus
under tho shadow of tho saloons uud
(luestlnnahln rooming Iioubcs of tho city,
even at tho expense of tho agricultural
educational department of tho state.
When In tho last closing hours of tho
late session of the legislature, at tho be
hest of tho Uinrnster county delegation,
the house voted to kill the maintenance
bill appropriating money for tho whole
state government. Because tho bill car-
(Continued on Page Two )
Seventy-Two Men
Imprisoned in Mine
and Probably Dead
PITTSBURGH. Pa.. April Kl.-Two
miners aro known to be dead and sevent
two others. It 'h feared have perished In
tho Cincinnati mine of the Monongahela
River Consolldntedd Coal and Coke com
pany at Flnieyvllle, near this city, whers
a gah explosion occurred this afternoon.
The mine ts on fire and repoatod at
temiits of rescue parties to enter the
mine aro frustrated by the flames.
There wero 100 men at work In the
mine at tho time of tho explosion
Twenty escaped by way of ono of the
ventilating fans, six others were taken
out badly tmrnod and the bodies of ttie
two dead men were recovered near the
mouth of the mine.
The rescued say that those left In tho
mine must have perished In the gas
Jury in Hawks Case
is Unable to Agree
SPENCER, la., April J.-The Jury In
the case of It. A. Hawks, accused of
causing the death of Miss Lydla Morris,
by tierformlng a criminal titration, was
unable to agree anil was dlschuiged to
It was announced the Jury stood
for conviction and four for ac-
qulttal. Hawks funnel ly was u minister
at Itossle. lu,
Representative Lies of Red Cross
Praises Relief Accomplished.
Uritr Hint (Irenter llntct He Mndc
In Comilcle Record t'nnl of
Kuiiillle Not Art UvrU
lered lor .ltnhce.
In response to a statement of facta
concerning tho work of the relief and re
storation committees, Eugene T. Llus of
tho National Red Cross ha written a
letter to T. J. Mlihoney, chairman of Iho
relief committee, giving suggestions how
fui'tliiir nilef work cult be intin and
cr.ti pli-ntidlrg tliti workers on whit r.a
al 'c.tdv been accomplished.
Hi d;i.icd tho facts In tho tclubllita-
IP i. ni-M'.tniKo had boon cnrrfullv as
certained in il the grants a llttl-i hlglur
than Is .Miuill allowed In RJ Cies
catastrophe lellef. Lies suggested that
greater hiHle be made In got'lng lecord
curds cn.uoleicd for fat. illles nut yet
registered who may need assistance.
An excerpt Irom his lottcr faltiwi;
"I shall tuko pleasure in uibi.ilMlnir
copies of your statement to tin off I lula
of the American Red Cross and to tho
officials of the Chicago Assoel itjcn of
Commerce. While, of course, I can not
guaranteo tho amounts that clthc jf
these nssnclutloiiH may bo ,ibl i Pi grant
to your con mlttoe, I shnll urit that they
he as generous as possible eo'inlderlni:
tho calls that are Mil! heini; nurto from
other tdrirkun cor.inunltlos
'After carefully reviewing, with the
courteous assistance of various persons,
the operations of tho general lellef com
mittee, may I very respectfully present
tho following conclusions and suggestions:
"l. That thn emergency work of re
lieving suffering, making tho stricken
families comfortable through the grant-
(Continued on Page Four.)
Union Pacific Will
File Motion Asking
for Additional Time
WASHINGTON, April 23. Attorneys
for the Union Pacific railroad company
will file a motion In the supromo court
tomorrow for an extension of tho three
months' limit ot time previously granted
for the dissolution of the Union Pacific
Southern Pacific merger.
The time limit expires on May 10 and
Attorney General MrReyuolds will ac
tulesc! In its extension until July 1, but
wll oppose any request that the lower
court be empowered Indefinitely to ex
tend the period. The railroad's motion
will be a request that the United States
circuit court of appeuls for the Eight
circuit, sitting as a district court in the
case, be authorized to extend the time.
It hus not developed whether tho rail
road will ask for a definite extension.
Stewart McNamara, representing Paul
D. Cravath of counsel for the Union Pa
cific, today conferred with the attorney
general and made preparations for sub
mission of the motion tomorrow.
Wilson Will Go to
the Capitol Thursday
WASHINGTON. April SS. President
Wilson will go again to the capllol to
morrow to consult with any senators
concerning nominations he has pre
imriui. With the senate in session the
president decided there would be less In-
i convenience to the tunators if he hlmrelf
, went to the president's room and con-
, suited them about upiHjIntments. than if
I the senators came to the White House.
Agreement Limits General Discus
sion of the Proposed Measure
to Fifty Hours.
This Allowance is Deducted from
Time of Minority.
Majority Leader Says Prodducert
Are Given Back Seat
.Hprnkrr Say It I Ilnapil on War
Hate Which Were Enacted in
Meet Umcritoiir)' niul I
tjnjuat JVoiv.
WASHINGTON. A pill 13,-The tariff
delmtx was begun today In the house.
Many members of nil three parties dem
oc tn tip, republican and progressive. Indi
cated a deslro to mako short speeches
and Chairman Underwood of the ways
and means committee, and the democratic
leader, had marshalled nn array for the
opening or the fight for revision
Representative Garrett of Tennessee to
whom Speaker Clark ha referred as one
of the best parliamentarians In the house,
will preside throughout the debate, wnllo
thn bill Is technically before, the house as
a committee of thn whole house,
Mr. Underwood reiterated his1 view that
flvn day of general dubato and a ekk
mom for thn reading of tho bill with tho
privilege of five minutes' speuch to inch
member would bo sufficient tn the liousu.
He bus been conferring with Kenutors unit
has Indicated that ho believes the I ill
will go through the senate with vcty
llttlu change from the form In whlc'i I
has run the gauntlet of tho house cauuii.
I'lftr Hour' Debut.
Representatives Payne, Mouio uud Ford
ney will mako the piliiclpal speeLhed for
the minority of the ways and means com
rnUUt. tb foniur rTrntltig rnrniMmti
substitute for tht woolen nd ooiloU
schedule and the other two making tho
fight against the bill as a whole.
When the house convened Mr. Under
wood asked unanimous consent that the
debate close when the house adjourned
Monday evening.
Tho republican leaders and Representa
tive. Murdock, the progressive leader, ar
gued for some time over the division of
tho mtnoilty time between the republicans
and progressives. It was finally agreed
to give the progressives five hours of the
minority time. Altogether about fifty
hours ot gonsrnl discussion In the house
will bo allowed.
Other parliamentary rhlxups' caused do
lay before Mr. Underwood begun Ids
tlndernoort Opens.
"Tho enactment of this bill Into l.iw
will mark tho end of an era In the fbiciil
administration of this country and Uio
liuglnnlnirtf a new one," he began, whllo
democrats applauded. Mr. Underwood dis
cussed tho oilglu of the present 'high
tariff system," declaring that! It was In
stituted as an emorgency measure during
the civil war.
"These unjust war taxes," ho said,
"have been maintained eer since und
thosu who had amassed fortunes under
them havo controlled tho government ex
cept for ono brief Interval."
Jn Ills discussion he followed closely the
arguments outlined In the report of
tho democratic majority of the ways nnd
means committee.
"Our great responsibility." declared Mr
Underwood, "is tho Interests and rights
of the grout moss of consumers among
lltn Atnnflputi nennln. From OUT vlewtloint
Industry must be considered as secondary
to the rights of the consumens,"
Referring to the increase In tho cost ot ,
living, Mr. Underwood said:
"A great proportion of this lncrcaao was
caused by tho abnormally high proteuttun
given to tho great manufacturing inter
ests of this country tinder tho republican
I,uier 1'rluen Coinlim.
Mr. Underwood said, however, that the
passage ot the democratic, bill would nut
Immediately be followed by reduction lu
the cost ot living.
"But I bolleve," he added, "that within
a reasonable time after the merchants
havo disposed of the goods bought under
high protective tariff tho people ot th!
country will find tho cost of living Je
creasing." Mr. Underwood vigorously attacked tho
theory of founding a protective tariff fit
the dlfforonco on cost of production at
homo and abroad.
"A duty which will equalize the aver-
You cim secure a good
mnrket for vour stoek
through Tho Bee Want Ad
eolumns. They reach thou
sands of people m Omaha
and surrounding country
every flay.
If vou havo eggs to sell
the best medium is a Boe
want ad.
WANTED Eggs from good stock
for natcning. i-none -tyier tuuu.
A similar ad appeared
in Tho Boo several days
and brought all the eggs
that could bo handled.
Bee Ads Sure Do Get
Results. Tyler 1C00.