Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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B. E.
And makes the Following Statement: "Those people who are inclined to doubt the perman
ency of your cures can look at me." said Mr. B. E. Brooks, of 60 Dunham St. "Seven years ago
'I was attacked with consumption of my bronchial tubes. Many said it was a hopeless case. I
fell off from 140 lbs. to 110 lbs. and looked like a skeleton. It cured me in one month and I
gained 30 lbs. I have remained in the best of health ever since. I owe my life to Electro-Oxygen
and don't care who knows it. I advise anyone who is ill to take advantage of this, the best
of all cures.
'Mr. B. E. Brooks of 60 Dunham Street, Mobile, Ala." Extra Physicians engaged and at your
disposal free of charge.
Mighty good In Its place, but like
fire It Is dangerous out of Its proper
place. We have no quarrel with
legitimate and Justifiable surgery, we
don't attack surgery, but we attack the
"knife-slashing mania" that Is unnec
essary. Illogical, senseless and even
murderous Surgery Is entirely un
called for In Gallstone complaint, un
less possibly In such long neglected
severe canes where the patient Is at
death's door and the operation Is Justi
fiable on the ground that the re
moval of the Gallstones Is necessary,
FORTHWITH, In order to give the
patient a chance to live at all. This
Is the legitimate function of an opcra
ntlon anyhow. Any one who Is capa
ble of rational thinking knows that the
knife cannot reach the trouble or con
dition of the system that causes dis
ease. It cannot cure the cause of
Gallstones. H can only cut out the
seeds of the trouble, but left alone In
86 per cent of the cases when the de
mand becomes urgent Electricity It
self succeeds In expelling Gallstones
from time to time. Why employ the
dangerous knife method to do what
Electricity Itself will do without nearly
so much risk of life or pain or anx
ietyT Even If the Gallstones are success
fully removed by an operation, what
have you gained? What has the knife
done that will prevent them forming
again? Cutting the Gall bladder and
leaving It "with broken pinion," so to
speak, will surely not have tendency
to curtail the eternal Gallstone form
ing process, but on the contrary, It
will make matters worse.
An operation Is only a temporary ex
pedient at best. It is surely a pretty
dangerous and expensive one, the em
ployment of which has not a single
reason upon which to base even a hope
for permanent relief. You can't cut
out the LJver and the Gall Bladder and
live. If there were any honesty or
virtue in the claim that an operation
would euro Gallstones, these organs
at least, would have to be removed.
Let no one unwisely or unthoughtfully
Jeopardize your life to such an extent
as to Induce you to undergo an opera
tion for Gallstone or Appendicitis un
less you are absolutely sure that you
cannot live long enough to get the
permanent benefits from the slower
general treatment that cures the com
plaint. Regarding an operation PER
Governor Clarke Asked to Give
Hearing to Opponents of Act.
Deputy Sheriff Seok Woman Whi
Drew Panels Out 'of Texnn Ilnnk
thnt IleloiiRCd to Her
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, April 22.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Iowa may not have a blue sky
law. "
A public hearing on tho bill will be
held in tho governor's office Thursday
monlng. Governor Clarke announced that
he had been approached by persons who
doslro to be heard before the measure
finally Is approved.
"I am not fully advised as to the ob
jections made to the law," the governor
said "A representative of a Chicago
company dealing In securities has asked
for a hearing and I told him we could
have one Thursday morning.''
The real objections' to the law prob
ably will not be divulged until the public
hearing Is held. It Is understood that !
some of Its provisions are not clear In I
their meaning. Senators, who accepted
tho house amendments to the bill, said
that practically all of the merits of the
original bill had been killed.
Drawn Out Wrong Fond,
Deputy cheriffs are searching for Mrs.
6, G. Arnold to serve notice upon her
of a suit brought by the First National j
bank of El Paso, Tex. ,to recover $2,(W6.6.
She is alleged to have withdrawn that
amount from the bank which had been
placed there by her husband and through
mistake credited to her deposit by one of
the clerks of the Institution.
Soon after the petition was filed Judge
Brennan issued an order commanding
Mrs. Arnold to appear before a special
commlslsoner for examination.
According to the petition on file in
Upset Stomach
and Indigestion
Heartburn, Gas, Sourness or Dyspep
sia Ended in Five 'Minutes
With 'Tape's Diapepsin."
Time It! In five minutes all stomach
distress will go. No indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
dizziness, bloating, foul breath or head
ache. Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for its speed
in regulating upset stomachs. It is the
surest, quickest and most certain rem
edy in the whole world and besides It is
Millions of n.-en and women now eat
their favorite foods without fear they
know now it Is needless to have a bad
Please, for your sake, get a Urge fifty-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsin from
any drug store and put your stomach
right Don't keep on being miserable
life Is too short you are not here long.
bo make your stay agreeable. Eat what
you like and digest It; enjoy It. without
dread of rebellion In the stomach.
Diapepsin belongs In your home any
way. It should be kept handy, should
one of the family eat something which
doesn't agree with them or in case of an
attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastri
tis or stomach derangement at daytime
or during the nig ht It Is there to give
the quickest, surest relief known d.
Brooks of 60 Dunham St., Mobile, Ala., Cured Seven Years
by Electro-Oxygen of Consumption of the Bronchial
Tubes, Now in Perfect Health, Pays Us a Visit
SEEDS OR THE TOPS. If you keep at
It long enough, but when It does stop
growing It is dead.
The main thing to cure Is the cause.
, The Gallstones, themselves, will be
cured easily enough when the under
' lying cause is reached and the Gall
stones forming-process stopped.
In order to prove what we have said
regarding the nbstirdlty and futility of
most operations for Gallstones we will
take the. liberty below to quote you a
few extracts from medical authori
ties. Wo could prepare u large book
from these extracts alone, but a few
will suffice, and will prove the point,
if It needs further proof.
We believe we have shown so plainly
why an operation cannot possibly cure,
that any child can Understand. Hut
to prove that we are not blinded by
prejudice In favor of our own method
of treatment we offer the following
from the leading medical authorities:
N. Y. Medical Journal, 2-1-Ofi.
"Surgery, with nil Its dangers only
cuts out the stones already formed and
does not cure the conditions which are
responsible for their formation. Re
moval of Gallstones does not cure any
more than an operation. The cause
must bo removed that Is the liver
must be put In a healthy condition
and kept so." Dr. Home.
The veteran operater, Joe Price of
Philadelphia, contributes to the South
ern Medical Journal a most suggestive
paper on "Surgical Junk." Hero are
a few BPcclmcns:
A distinguished specialist in Gall,
Bladder diseases lost four patients In
a series of five. I reopened the abdo
men twice in the fifth patient. I
thought 1 could relieve him by freez
ing adhesions In the fifth attempt; In
the second I removed his diseased
Gall Bladder, and placed his viscera
In normal relations.
"I received a letter from a young
surgeon asking me to take a patient or
to tell him how to deal with It She
had had two or three Gall Bladder op
erations followed by fistula, and Is
the district court Mrs. Arnold drew the
money from tho Texas bank on March
21 last and left for Des Moines. The
petition nllegcs that the money had
been deposited by the woman's husband
and inadvertently placed In her name,
and that therefore she had no authority
to write a check for tho amount.
ProKrnm About Completed.
Tho progressive program of legislation
which the republican leaders outlined nt
the beginning of their recent legislative
session was practically all carried out.
according to tho estimates of tho most
observant of tho members. It was.
directed mainly toward social questions
rather than to material matters.
Tho decision to have the state purchase
sufficient ground around the state house
for a state park nnd to beautify the
grounds, Is regarded by all as the most
effective piece of advanced legislation on
the books. Next to this wns the refor
mation of the school laws nnd regulation
of educational matters, and in this there
hns been almost a revolution. Next In
Importance Is the legislation for better
roads. While a few rndlcals have com
plained because the state did not at onco
enter upon a policy of paving the country
rond. the legislators believe they took
a step as far In advance as public senti
ment would sustain at this time by re
organizing the state highway commis
sion, the classification of roads and pro
vision for careful regulation of ex
penditures. The state also took a step
which will mean the finish of the con
tract labor Bystem In prison by providing
for equipment of the prison for state
work. The bill for workmen's compensa
tion and the arbitration of labor disputes
are also listed as among the progressive
It Is known that during the session a
small group of politicians from the out
side was engaged In trying to frame mat
ters up so thnt the work of the legisla
ture could be turned to the advantagu
of tho bull moose party In the state, and
a persistent effort wns made In por
tions of the press to misrepresent the
situation. But the republican leaders of
the legislature went home very well satis
fied with the results.
Siilllvnn Will A crept Position.
Jerry B. Sullivan of this city will ac
cept appointment at the hand3 of Presi
dent Wilson to the post of one of the
appraisers of customs In New York City.
Mr. Sullivan declares that the appoint
ment came as a complete surprise to
him, though he had received considera
tion for other positions and was In Wash
ington at the time of the appointment.
Mr. Sullivan Is a prominent lawyer, has
been member of the school board and
made the race for governor once on the
democratic ticket. He rays that his chief
regret Is that the position will take him
out of Iowa. He would go at once to
New York City and the position Is prac.
tlcally for life.
Woold Try to Hold TP fine l.nvr.
It was learned today thnt an effort is
being made to cause It to nppear that
the "blue sky" law was not legally passed
and that the record will so show It Is
declared that persons fearing the effect
of the law have caused an Investigation
and declare that the house was Irregu
lar In its treatment of the law on tht
last day and that It will be declared not
adopted. Tho bill was one of the very
last passed in the legislature and it was
the first one to be Introduced.
Death of Former Superintendent.
Carl W. Von Coelln, former superin
tendent of public Instruction of Iowa,
died at his home In New london, Henry
county, of diabetes at the age of S3 years.
The widow and five children survive
Mr. Von Coelln had been 111 for more
than seven months. He was one of the
best known educators In tho state and
had lived In New London for the last
nine years. Before he was named super.
Intendent of public Instruction In Iowa
he was principal of the West Waterloo
public schools, and previous to that time
was a member of the faculty of Grlnnell
college at Grlnnell and Buena Vista col
lege at Storm Lake.
now septlc and asks for relief. I
wrote him. "I don't want her. hands
Surgery Is Unsafe
"Surgery of the gnll Bladder and
bile ducts Is dlflcult nnd far from safe
or satisfactory." Dr. Erb.
"Operation for Gallstone Is danger
ous and often has to be repeated, be
ing no guarantee against the return
of the trouble. The oiurntlou Is very
serious and should not be recom
mended, except under very severe
conditions. Va. Medical Soml-Muntlily.
Beware of the Surgery
"There Is sad reason to believe that
some have very little hesitation In
needlessly Imperiling the lives If by so
doing thes gain opportunlt to collect
fees of $.00 nnd $.100 from the person to
be carved or from executors. The
tendency to urge people to undergo
surgical operations thnt can bo read
ily avoided; the tendency to lie to a
patient as to the gravity of the risk
he Is asked to take; the tendency to
hide the real cause of death by call
ing it "heart failure." "nnemln." or
"fever." instrad of confessing honestly
that the victim wns killed by a sur
gical operations (tendencies costing
too many lives! hnve been endured In
silence too long. It Is time for vigor
ous protests against tlio wholesale cut
ting nnd slashing which is now so
much the fashion time to call for less
false science and more common sense.
Is mercenary in motive, reckless In
method, murderous In results." The
Alknloldai Clinic (10, '03.)
"A surgical operation may afford
temporary relief, but is fraught with
great danger nnd con afford no pro
tection against the future formations
of gallstones." Dr. Payne.
"Surgery can do nothing but remove
the stones that are present even If
the gall-bladder Is removed." Dr.
Operation Worse Than
"Surgery sometimes leaves n condi
tion Just as dlsagrecablo and moro
First Defeat of Season Handed Them
at Home.
President, Intensely Interested, Ite
mnlnsj Until I. nut Mini Is
.Struck Ont.
WASHINGTON, April 22. Wnshlngton
suffered Its first defeat of tho season
today, succumbing to Boston, S to 3.
President Wilson attended the game
and remained until the last man was
Inability of Wnshlngton to hit Leon
ard at critical times was responsible for
tho defeat, the locals having fourteen
men left on bases. Boston scored two
runs on the opening Inning on clean
hitting and added two more in the sec
ond, when Groom was touched for n
single and gave three bnscH on bullh,
forcing in n run. Gallia relieved Groom
and an out scored another run.
Two singles, a fielders' choice and a
double gave Washington two In the . ec
ond and Milan's walk, steal of uccond
nnd Leonard's error added the last tally.
Gallia lost control of the hall In 'he
sixth after Gardner singled and hit Engle
and passed Wagner. Hooper's base on
balls forced in one and Yerkes' long
single to left center clearen the basts.
All. It. O. AH AD. 11. O A E
Hooper, rt.. 4 S 1 0 IMoeller, rf.. 6 3 J 0 0
Yerkes. 2b.. 4 1 4 1 1 Foeler. lb... 4 0 0 1
Speaker, cf.. 8 10 6 OMIIui, rt....4 t 1 0 0
lwli. It... 6 10 OUindll, lb... 6 Oil 0 0
Gardner, lb. 5 2 0 8 0 Moron, lb.. 4 2 0 10
Engle, lb... 3 10 OAtnimlth, e. 6 1 6 11
Winner, M. . 3 0 1S 0 Shanks, If... I 2 0 10
Carrlican, c. I 0 10 0 OMcnrlde, . S 2 I 0
Ieontrd, p.. 3 0 0 2 1 Groom, p,.. 0 0 0 2 0
Gallle.. p.... I 0 0 0 0
Totlls 35 10 27 JTkMShllnr, p. 0 0 0 0
Ltporte ...1 0 0 0 0
Totala ....40 10 27 12 2
Batted for Gallia in eighth.
Boston - 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 S
Washington 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-3
Two-base hits: Hooper, Gardner. Mc
Brlde. Hits: Off Groom, i In one nnd
one-third Innings and 8 men at bat.
off Gallia, f In 6 and two-thirds innings
and 24 men at bat: oft Boehllng, 1 in one
Inning and 3 men at bat. Stolen
bases: Hooper, Moellcr. Milan (2), Mor
gan. Left on bases: Boston. 7; Wash
ington, II. Biases on balls: Off Groom
3; off Gallia. 3; off Loonard, 4. First
base on errots: Boston, 1: Washington.
2 Hit by pitched hall: By Gallia (Engle)
Struck out: By Gallia, 2; by Leonard. 8.
Time: 2:30. Umpires: Dlneen and Hart
Plillndelpliln Ilefents Yankees.
PHILADELPHIA, April 22.-Hard hit
ting in the fourth Inning when a home
Own Your Own Garage
Buys Itself tn On Tear
Qlvs a Lifetime of Wear
. for every nurnoso are Fireproof.
Weathe-tlght, Inexpensive, Inde4ruct
lble. The one best portable building
made all sizes for any purpose Private
Garages, Cottages, Boat Houses, Storage
Houses. Tool Houses, Work Shops, En.
glne Houses. Contractors' Buildings,
Railway Buildings, Voting Booths, etc,
Special Representative,
310 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
Read of some of the cases which have been cured by our knife less methods Our $5,000 Oxygon machine is here and will be
installed this week. Two experts accompanying it will cure many hopeless cases of Tuberculosis. Throat and Lung Diseases.
Fostofflce Of f lo inl, Memphis,
Tenu., Uold About Haussty.
To anyone doubting the honesty
of the Electro-Oxygen Co.. I havo
this much to sny: When 1 first
called upon them for n free exami
nation I was ready and nnxloUH to
pay them a fee; they refused to
accept my money, sajlng my case
was Incurable Now. If they had
not been honest and sincere, they
hod a chance to take my money,
as 1 was anxious to pay If I could
bo benefited. They ate the first
doctors 1 ever met who i of used a
fee when they could have had H
for tho asking. 1 then took my
wife to them nnd they cured her
of cancer of the womb, after the
best physicians in Memphis refused
to tieat her. They said it was In
curable and hopeless. This great
cure deserves to be learned and
supported more It Is twenty .sears
ahead of tho times, and tho peo
nlf. urn ton bnrkwnl'il libnllt izrusll-
lng that which is theirs by dlvlnu
J. o. TUCtvEU.
A minister of Douglas. Go., writes:
I would have been dead by now
with tuberculosis had It not been
for that great resirrector or dls
eusul flesh. Elm tio-Oxygen. As
you will riti-ombii, I gained lit
pounds of good solid flesh the first
month. 1 am pi cud to ta thnt 1
have stendll) lmpiovcd mer since
and can do my work now with all
the vigor of old. It Is a blessing to
mankind. I only hop.) that tiioy
will take advantage of It..
persistent than the biliary colic. What
of those who might have been alive
nnd well without operation who are
now dead, or worse, helpless, hopeless
Invalids? Many will run less risk with
gall-stones than with operations."
Medical Age.
"The treatment of gall-stones dis
ease Is mostly electrical. Even if sur
gery lins removed all gall stones In
sight, the patient Is but at the com
mencement of the treatment to remove
the cnuse of the dlease and keep other
concretions from forming nnd theso
are purely medical problems." Jour
nal of American Medical Association,
"Chloroform Is a marvelous agent,
hut It Is dangerous. It kills In splto
run by Melnnls, doubles by Brown and
Oldiing and Daley's singles were mixed
with a pass and a wild pitch, gavo the
homo team Tout runs and practically won
today's game from New York, the final
score helnii 7 to 4. The fourth Inning
rally drove McConnell off the rubber.
Ills place wns taken by Sehulz, off whom
only one run was made, this being a
homo by Barry. Brown Is the only Phil
adelphia pitcher to twirl n full nlue
Innlug gnme this season. He aided ma
terially in winning his game by making
a double and driving In two runs. Man
ager Chance played his first ohnmplon
shtp game. In tlve Aincilcan league and
shifted his team considerably, Cliaso
going to center field nnd Hartzell to
shortstop. Score:
WW YOUK lilll.AnHI.PlUA.
All. II. (I A . K All. H O A K.
Wolter. rf. 6 1 I 0 0 Murphy, r( . 4 0 0 0 0
Chine, cf.... 4 1 2 0 OOldrllll. It . 4 3 1 0 0
llartieli. as. S 3 2 3 OColllnf. Sb., 4 2 3 4 0
Crro, It. .. 4 2 0 0 0 Maker. 3b. . 4 0 3 0 0
Chinee, lb.. 2 1 13 I 0 Melnnls, lb. 4 2 12 0 0
Mldklff, 3b. 4 0 2 3 0 Daley, ct....J 1 3 0 0
MoK'h'e, !b 4 1 0 4 OWilih, cf...O 0 0 0 0
Wllllama, c. 4 1 2 0 0 Harry, .... 3 1 0 0
MrCunnel, p 2 0 0 ! OUpp, c S 1 ( 0 0
Bchult, p.... 2 0 0 1 nilrnwn. p.. . 3 1 0 1 0
!). Murphy. 1 0 o 0 0
Totala... .38 10 54 14 0
Totals ...3.1 12 27 13 0
Batted for Daley In the eighth Inning.
New York - 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 01
Philadelphia 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 "7
Two-base hits: Hartzell, Cree, Ooldrlng,
Brown. Home runs: Melnnls, Barry.
Hits: off McConnell. S In three and two
thirds Inlngs; off Sehulz, 4 In four nnd
one-third Inlngs. Snerifle hit: Barry.
Stolen bases' K Murphy. Oldrlng. Col
lins Double plays, Sehulz to Hnrtznll to
Call at once and get our free $5.00 examination. Wo are hero to stay. Wo havo a long lease on
our building, 313 14-15-17 National Fidelity building, and by our skill will overcome every
speck of prejudico and gain tho respect of every honorablo citizen of Omaha. Wo have in
vested $100,000 in real estate. Our standing is the best you can find.
of Individual conditions of the pa
tients, the purity of the drug, the skill
of the physician " Kansas City Medi
cal Record.
Mrs. .1. S. Mllner of Bsrnesvllle. fin.,
was cured without the knife of gall
stones and appendicitis.
Stone in the Bladdor
R. S. Susnett, assistant siierlntend
ent of Malls. Atlanta. Go., was re
lieved of these concretions ns large as
o good-sized bean -and Is fast recover
ing ftom the weakness caused by It.
Bright's Disease
If taken In time Is cured. A elco
trotcd physician. Dr Erwin Klebs,
cured In hi treatments by us after giv
ing up all hope
Is being cured by Inhaling puro
oxygen. We hae many cosos nbuilt
cured and ready to be dlsmlsed.
Mrs. A. Gross cured of n largo liver
Many could not hold their water
two months ago who have been cured.
If we fall to 'cure the most mallg
nnnt case In two months we will for
feit 1100 when the patient follows our
Electric Treatment of the
Prostatic Uretha
It Is probable that the l.ord, In Ills
goodness was endeiw oilng to cquallro
the suffering of the sexes when Ho
mode women without a prostate. Dr.
Newmann of New York City, the lead
Iiik nuthoilty on this. soyH It Is the
only true method without danger. Of
alt those operated on nt the Johns
Hopkins and St. Luke's hospital, New
York City, the report for the last venr
shows that 33's per cent recovered, AS
per cent temporarily Improved, and 11
per cent died.
In treating on enlarged piostuta. It
must he borne In mind that a loss of
the detrouser muscle which Is to raise
tho vosterlor portion of the bladder to
a level of the prostate urether, so that
all the urine may he voided. Elec
tricity Is the only thing that will ac
complish this.
Dr. J. A. L Record of Aenld, Okl..
wns cured by use of this lesion In lrt
treatments; also hundreds of others.
Chance: Barry to ColJIns to Melnnls;
Chance to Hartzell. I.oft on bases: New
York, 8; Philadelphia, 4. liases on balls:
Of McConnell, 1; off Brown, 3. Btruek
out: By McConnell, 1: by Sehulz, 2; by
Brown. 5. Wild pitched: Brown. McCon
nell. Time: 2:0(1. I'mplres: Conolly and
McG reevy.
Detroit' Lurk (iuiiiirrs.
CHICAGO. April 22.-Vlth the lineup
of the locnl American league team
changed. Manager Callahan managed to
check the winning streak of Detroit. Chi
cago won, 3 to 2.
Mnnnger Callahan removed Bodle from
center and placed Mattlck In that posi
tion, while Ted Easterly, a pinch hitter,
relieved Schalk oh catcher. Collins, after
two men were out In the Initial Inning.
hit Into the left field bleachers for a
home run.
The visitors started a rally In tho last
Inning, which almost pnyOed disastrous
to Chicago. Crawford opened with a
double and Inter Jones dropped Golnor's
fly. A sharp single to center allowed
both runners to score. Seott then tight
ened up nnd the side was retired without
further damage. Score:
All HOAR All. It. O. A K
Iluh. ... 4 0 1 2 OH. Ih. 2b .30101
lllh. rf. .4160 Olxuri, 3b 40110
Crawford, rf 4 2 3 1 0 Collins, rf. 4 t 0 0
Vearh, If.... 4 1 1 0 0 uorton, lb . I 110 2 0
Calnor, lb 4 0 8 1 OKnrtrrly, c .3 1 7 1 0
Morlarty. 3b 3 ! 2 3 0 Mattlck, e fl 0 2 0 0
VIII. 2b . 4 0 3 3 OJonea, If .20101
Mr Km. o. ... 4 1 2 I OWearsr, 3 1 3 3 0
House, p.... 2 0 0 3 Oftcott, p I 110
Dubuo 11000
lllbson 0 0 0 0 0 Tntala : t 27 U 2
Clauia, p 0 0 0 0 0
Can be cured without taking drugs,
by electricity, also the folowlng dis
eases and some cures!
Mrs. M. L Pope. 114 Bellwood ave
nue, cured of fistula nnd female trou
ble. PILES.
14. F Smith. Yorkville, S. C, curod
In ten dnys.
Female Troubles
Mrs. J. W. McCullough. I.ovcjoy, Gii.
Is one of the sure things we cure In
rverv Instance without curcmcnt of
In monv oases can be saved from
the knife
Womb and Ovarian Troubles
In nearly all enses can now bo 'Jirtd
by eh.ctrlclty.
J. D. Sinclair, of ft Brothers street,
Lung Troubles
Rev. S. T Ulllond. a minister if
Douglasvllle, (In., began treatment for
tuberculosis and other troubles. He
has gained It pounds nnd Ms feeling
C, W. Burns of Chattanooga, Oa.
Is trented and cured to stay that
w ay.
We have mastered this terrible dis
ease with the X-llay and Electro
Radio and have many cured in less
than eight weeks.
Mrs. J. O. Tucker, wife of a post
office official. .Memphis. Tcnn., wns
cured of cancer of the womb.
Mrs. R. W. Rushing enmo to ui
fioiu Alnbama with a largo fehrold
tumor. She was cured In 18 treat
ments. Totala 3 B 24 14 0
Batted for House In eighth.
Ban for Dubuo In eighth.
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
(Chicago l00t0100-3
Two-base hits: Crawford (2) Collins.
Dubuo. Homo run: Collins, Hits: Off
House, n in seven InningBi off Clauss, 0
In one Inning. Sacrifice fly: Mattlck.
Stolen bases: Bush, Collins, Morlarty.
Double plays: Scott to Weaver to Uor
ton: Crnwford to Galnor. Lett on bases:
Detroit, H; Chicago. 4. Bases on balls:
Off House, 3; off Scott, 1; off Claims, 1.
Struck otit: By House, 1; by Scott, 6.
Time: 1:40. umpires, O'l-otighlln nnd
SI. I.iiiiIii Defeats Cleveland.
T'LEVELAND. O.. April 22 -Mnnnger
George Htovnll of St. IOUls headed a
ninth-Inning batting rally whlrh enabled
St. louls to win from Cleveland, 4 to 2,
today. Wild throws by Lmd nnd Grnney
e untiled St. LoiiIb to scorn two runs In
the. first two innings. In the sixth Cleve.
land tied the score on an error nnd three
base hits by Jackson nnd IaIoln. A
double ami two bases on balls filled the
bases In Cleveland's half of the ninth,
but good fielding prevented a scorn. Karl
Hamilton Is tho first left-handed pitcher
Cleveland batters hnve faced this season.
Cl.KVKt.ANn BT. I.ouis.
All II 0 A IC AU.11.0 A. IS
Johnnton, lb- 1 6 0 Ofthotten, cf 2 110 0
Chapman, nt 1 1 1 1 J Jonaton. if 1 1 10 0
Olann. 3b.. . 6 I 1 1 0 Wllllama, rf 3 0 J 0 0
Jarkaon, rf . 4 2 1 0 0 Trait. 2b 4 1 n r. 1
IaJole, 2b 4 2(3 0Floill. lb 4 2 10 1 0
Il'm'ham, cf I 1 3 0 0 Auilln. lb 3 12 10
Oraney. If 4 0 3 0 1 Wallace, at. 8 0 4 I 1
Indolent Ulcers
Mr. J. M. Brown cured of an ulcera
tion of the stomach.
Voricoao Veins and Ulcers
Thte are enmd Trttli electricity like
magic We guarantee to euro the
worst case & ten treatments.
Granulated Eyelids
We guarantee overjr case.
Epilepsy and Clot on the
Earl Zubeh. AtlU. It. F D. New Z.
curod of epilepsy and clot on the
J. W. Cjvmp. Moreland. Ga., had ver
tigo, kidney nnd heart trouble; cured
In two months.
A. J. Glbbs. Uivrjoy. Gsu. had rertl
tlgo. kidney nnd heart trouble: cured
In tiro months.
Mr. McCrac.ken of Fulton county,
cured In two months.
Mrs. J. C. Bowen. IW Jones avenue,
relieved of rbeujnallair.
Electrical T rout m ent for
Stricture in Any Part
of the Body
Nelswnngcr of Chicago, leading au
thority, says electricity Is the only
method thnt will cure to stay cured.
We guuruntee to cure any cse.
Mr. J. N. Bagwell, of East Point
(la., was relieved of the worst casa of
stricture It has ever been our pleasure
to see. In less than two month.
Krw examination will be given nil
this week. We will glvo you our hon
est opinion of your ease.
To provo beyond all doubt the effl
lenoy of our treatment wo will give
the first month free to tho first 100
callers, oxygen excepted.
Only three more days remain for
free examination by X-Rny and tho
higher scientific agencies- Our J3.0.10
Oxyognlxtir, the largest ono ever built,
is now In the city. This machine Is a
positive cum for all throat, lung and
blood trouble. Come and sec It and
have a free treatment. National Fi
delity building, tli and Farnaru
Land, e 3 1 4 3 ttValah. u... 0 0 1 0
flteen, p.. .. 0 0 4 0 Alexander, el 0 3 1 0
Turner 1 0 0 0 0Anw. e.. . 0 0 1 0 0
Carlech . -.0 0 0 0 0 Hamilton, p4 1 10 0
I-elbold ...0 A 0 0 O'Coinplm ,.11000
"Walker .. 110 0 0
Totala 3 27 12 4
Totals..... II 21 11 3
Batted for l.and In ninth.
Batted for Steen In ninth.
Ban for Uitrlsch in ninth,
Bntted for Wallace In ninth.
Batted tor Alexander In ninth.
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 03
St. Louis 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 24
Two-base hits: Olson. Stovall. Three
base hits: Jackson, Lnjolo. Compton,
Sacrifice hit: Blrmlnghnm. Stolen bases'
D. Johnston, J Johnston, Double piny:
Lajole to Chapman to Johnston, Bases
on bulls: Off Stecn, 3; off Hamilton. 2.
Hit by pitched ball: By Steen (Wtlllamsi.
Struck out: By Steen, 5; by Hamilton. 3.
First bnso on errors: Cleveland. 2; St.
Louts, 1. Loft on bases: Cleveland, 1;
fit. Ixmls. 4. Time: 1:65, Umpires: Hll
debrand and Kvnns.
Pound n Cure for Ilheuiiin tlsm.
"I suffered with rheumatism for two
years nnd could not get my right hand to
my mouth for that length of time,"
writes Lee L. Chapman, Mnplcton, Iowa.
"I suffered terrlblo pain so I could not
sleep or lio still at night. Five years ago
I began using Chamberlain's Liniment
and In two months I was well and have
not surrfed with rheumatism Blnco." For
sale by all dealers Aavci rseinent.