Silk Hat Harry's GEE DOT IW OP AOAWST iT- TWArcotOflED WOMAW ajitm EMEP-Vn-ME- 5H CAlAS AlECKWAMOER TMe MOTT PWM HER Awa tMCV J WANT ADS Want nils rccolvco at any time, but to lusuro proper classification must o iircscntcu Ueloro i-.uui o'clock noon for tlio evening edition tR. D. Ncely, 4271 Hamilton St. and before 7:80 p. in. for morning WANTliD-Comueteiit Klrl for gcncrnl and Sunday editions. Want ad- re. 1 jaS- Tel. Harney tm. r.lrl ntt .irl, hours will llVO i . Uielr first Insertion under tlio head. Ing, "Too Late to Classify." CHARGE: RATES: Six words to tlio lino. Ono Insertion 12 cents per line. Tvo or more consecutivo nser ons D cents ner line. I oils u Kvmm iicr u uno line per mnui 'hlirlze. ISvcnty cents n minimum charge. A,i.nrtl.n.nnta rlinrced to natrons MTing accounts nre imAnui. j line, not by the word. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. wnnnnnwP n died at his late rcsl- High school educutlpn necessary. Ad WOODHOW r. It., aieu ni ... vancemnnt rerta n If vou mike cood. denco, 2715 Fwier :,ed with tho Mr. Woodrow was assoolatea J""' Bradstreet Agency ior mum : " , g SnlLhaaTd territory. . . I i?.,..f Thnriinv at 2 t. m. from residence. Burial Prospect Hill cemetery. interment private. nf Alhnrt W. Smith Will I be held from Croauy's parlors Wednes- . (I rn-ft Ttlt UrmftflL I oay anemoon v - hauksmkn Experienced In pocket cut Forest Uiwn cemetery. lery, to solicit orders from tho retail trade J A TAGQAHT & BON, Undertakers! in the middle west tor a prominent Amer ir location. 2213 Cumins strest TL lean manufacturer. Address, stating ex. au. 7H. Pwlence. etc., Box 12, Northfleld. Conn. LODGE NOTICES. ah members of'Omaha lodge No. 2 and membTr. of "her lodge, are earnestly- quested to meet at i. u. Vt i -M Wednesday afternoon, April a. o'clock, to auena mo un.. C8reVvls at Ilulse Be IUePn'. chapel. 700 South Slxteenin sireei, v Burial at West 1$, a. BAM K. OKEENLEAF. Sect'y. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-William and Mary Stolmte. 29 North Tweniyennwi. '. .rv". rr -""- " i v. . t. inhn nrii i Clidre Coopon to 'arergi-. omei Md iulla Cotton 1218 South Hev- ntcnthl bo)r: IBnar,ItoBle Kftn,cn 47Dea1hB-MaryrlItuV?ck t . v k i Hntn rwnniiuiu. vj i South Fourteenin: yiars. hosplUl; MaBKlf , 01 lman. 23 years, Twenty-seventh and Jackson; I'm mp "Kto fusti is commencing In the 111., 1 years, hospital; Sylvia 13. automobile business; learn now oy prac u veara! 632t J-teree. tlcal exper ence In completely equipped BUILDINO PERMITS. . T..11.. irAt William, frame dwell. !n. tLcSV R. W. Baalfeld, 240S Brown, frame dwelling, U.800. HELP WANTED FEMALB IjADY agents, ready money proposi- tlon. w aany; S W. olothes from dust, moths, odor. Bee ir. writs university ouc, m ITaotorr Bt Trndssti Women filters. na altsratlon hands wanted ul once. Apply, cloak and suit ,p,., i.oorJiucm Iarn halrUressIng at reasonable Pfioe. J. Brandels Sons Hair Goods Vorlors. HeaekelMs; nad IloMcatlcs. m airnviNT mm, piiuulh iAfrvrT na will run a Servant Girl -Wanted Ad FREE until you ftU desired results. This applies to L residents K..-.P?ft,Sf. . TA Th 11 nff ica . . .v,Al vi.- icSl . WANTEU-oin ior general nousewora; SIS uULThe Nornulndls l'sik AVe. Tf.Mf?U references requireu. arc m. xi. nsw man, Suits 1, and Pacific WANTED A young girl for generatlcan speak, read and writs the English hniiMurnpH una ui u mi i 111 uu, ui viiii. dren, no washing or ironing. Phone liar, ney sww. 1 . a i. ... .1. . .ll I family good "irveFndXrond! Har. iot Redmond, liar. ..... nini.iAm.E Kin for general nousewora. f.n7 fufi deslrible Dlaca. 'Phone iTOr aaT'oiU Ul South Central boule- vara, airs, iuiaan. ... . .11111 .-. . . . I I I cral housswork; good wages; references required. Harney zaw. WANTED-Experienced girl for s.n- eral housework; no washing. 3315 Burt WANTED Girl for ctneial housework I ln family of two. Call IL 5113 or 903 Bo. I S&Ul AVS. oTrL for general tiousework or to cook. zst Lainaon court WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Three ln family. Wages, 3A call tn evening at at a. win Ht WANTED A girl for general heuse- work. Small house. Small family. Aood wages for the right party. 3919 Farnam. tlV .m"arfamh.ghewa."3Ts a .m ,. - " i.. i Bt CAPABLE girl for general housework. Small family. Must be a good cook. 414 a 3Sth St WANTED A good girl tor general housework. No washing. 3408 Dewey Ave. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework for room and board; good home. 115 8. 30th St Phone Douglas C564. WANTED A good white or colored girl tor general housework; good wages; small family. 815 S. 29th Bt. WANTED A Klrl for housework: good home 1B4 ti. um at. wtpstcr WANTED Olrl for general housework. Good wages to right party. Apartment K, Clowry court mn ana cnicago. WANTED H rl for general housework. WANTED Middle aged Catholic! woman to keep house for widower with four children. Address N 349, Bee. WAV-ram Clnntt nM fnr t..i.. work; lour In family; no. washing or !-f"r Apply, XU H, tfth. - Divorce Suit ThiTDog Breeds Trouble TVffnSi r nan. SA1 tAOV IF fOOO LIK6. rt J6.U. THAT 006 - '0 rfV VOd RIGHT wow- CASH HELP WANTED FEM A LE. llonsrkretit'ra mid Domestic. RELIABLE white Klrl housework; small family. II. WM. for Keneral 3040 Cuss 8t. WANTED Girl for housework, Mrs. EXPERIENCED nmld. Apply to house ml .kcoper Homo Hotel. EXPERIENCED nlrl. who Is a (food cook; no laundry. 16 8. 38th St. Tel. Harney 2660. Miscellaneous, ltranRerfl are nVted to visit the Young Women's Chilstlan association building ' ovniiH nml Ulh St.. whero they will be dlTeted to suitable boarding UJ or otnerwl8B a,gted. Look for our traveler.' culde at the Union station. WANTED A limited number of am . . bitious young ladles, from 18 to 23 years of ago, to take up highly specialized work. Waues oald while learning, and thereafter Increased at regular Intervals. Apply In person. Itoom Mi, Ilrandels Theater nidg. E. A. Olson. -,- s HELP WANTKD -MALK Acenli, snlesmen auit solicitors. T A j 1,1 VR MfferiLS Season now on. Wril imenr Mfff. CO.. 807 Brandels Theater Blog. n a . . . mill" AOENTB Send for free samnln Season able- Leader. Something new and good, Quick sales. Big profits. Easy, pleasant employment. B. II, Wellever & Co., 1313 Noble Ht, Toledo, O. AOENTB Fast selling specialty: agents ars making 110 per day. Wrlte for terii- iory. w. ututz, upnng valley, Minn, WANTEO-QOOU IIEL.IAULE AOENTS TO WHITE ACCIDENT & HEALTH IN SURANCE! UNLIMITED FIELD FOIl HUSTLEItS; SUPPLIES FUKN1BHED; UBEBJVL COMMISSION. APPLY. NATIONAL FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY, 12TH AND FA11NAM ST8. w , neat boy, (6 week to atnrt. , a . . . " .ug. Factory jnd Trde. CLIUN paperhalra and painters; ue" wages. Albert o. Jensen, 2103 Leav- enworth Bt shops; 110 Oto t20 Oearned monthly oy good men. Write National Automobile Train. ing ass n 2514 North 20th St., Oma.ia, Neb. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knleat. Uea itIJi, I WANT MEN to learn the barber trade and accept positions now waiting, country or city shops. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and furnish tools; wages while learning. See mo or write ior catalogue. Manager, Moler System of Colleges, 110 a Hth St. iai'maiwisi cook; reference re- quired; n wo house men, Japanese pre- WANTED EXDerlenced chnurfnur: must be over 40 years of age and mar ried. Apply George Brandels. Brandels Stores. WANTED Exncrlenced ( lord on nrsa I feeder. 1. A. Medlar & Co., 416 South Hth. Miscellaneous. I NEED GOOD MEN evervwharx. nr ur mi inns, learn my ousiness; make money with me: no exnerlencn nMlnri. desk and full outfit fr. v t rta. irunaer, ueDt. 73. u w. 31 at Rt n.u York. WANTED More railway mall clerks, pOBtofflce clerks, carriers everywhere ao co"nt Parcel post. Earn 170 to 1150. Write nl onc8 atlng position desired. Amerl- can institute. Dent- 1. Kansas Cltv. Mn WANTED FOR Tj. 8. AIIMY-Ahl.. P11"1 ""married men between agi. of " and J5; cltliens of United Btates. of good character and temperate habits, who innFuntf. ,nr inrnrmniinn inh v , n n crultlng Officer, Army Building, Uth and uooee Hts., umana. Neb.; ceo Fourth St, Plnn V Pltv. la 1 K1 M 1A. M, TlnMt. JAlm handl,l laborirs furnished free of charg, t0 emp0yer. Evans' Employment iui ajuuiie. a ei. uoui. sun. wim- . ..i -v.. - "Vi.'i .J"V V." n! c'a" qualify 'fo It I'a st.'sd? ai the year round year In and year out nA.IHl.. .B, . V. r J. W... - tunlty for promotion. You can qualify for 11 in a lew snort montns at BOYLES hfS .u"i.u1 ZKi? "ar? your nost cf duty will be ulven tn vou Send tor our catalogue today. BOYLES UUlaL.U,iS, HQYIaEH BUILDING, H, B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. OMAHA. NEB. HELP WANTED MALI! ANB FUSIAMO ANY Intelligent person may earn steady Income corresponding for newspapers; ex. P"ence unnecessary. Address. Press Correspondents' Bureau. Washington. -HJr JjHv... residence. Apply i wiii i-iij-1 ru lutui. woman rnnvc. ."?,"' ''.".u"V"l..,' ?.,,i "S I TT VT ...a.M.a. a.4 a a Z . tTtt ,t ot positions obtainable. Franklin I Institute, Dept 211-C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS COLORED girl wants day work. Call Webster Gt. COLORED laundress wishes work. Webster 4769. FIRST class wall imir rlennlnm. Ad. dress Wm. 11. Rlnehart. Uaieral Delivery. WANTED - Situation. position ot checker ln department store. Chicago experience Aaarrss a 3ic uee. WANTED Situation aa lal.lman In either hardware or grocery department of some department store. Address A 34S. nantnan wnuM Ilka an nfflra tuialtlnn aa correspondent for some good firm whers I fl , aervlce would be appreciated. I . kAAmm 1 11J ta Omaha 11a ELDERLY lady wishes a position as I housekeeper. 416 B. 19th. second floor. THE BEE: OMAHA, "WKDN'KSnAY, APRIL n 5 "i gffija! WANTED SITUATIONS WANTBD Window washing, general hoimc rlcunlng and general office clean ing. Call Web. 74G0. ELDERLY couple desire positions as caretaker and housekeeper In private family. Atldrcs M 330, care Bee. ANNOUNCES! KXTS NOW OPRN. KAPLAN'S KOSHER CAFE' Northweat Corner IRth and Harney. Finest Kosher meals In the city. SAAf NEWMAN Has moved to his new location, 423 S. ICth. I'nier hatiulng and Interior deco S"n," 'J.'" furnished free Hl h'8, "t. ,ha,uZ nf Litiriit Er,.oe!. rc.aB?',ub,e UcHt ur mttter"'8- rating his specialties. Call and look over """f. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONErf-ifJst remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies; 60c postpaid: samples fro. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. I). H. uruiiin. w nuti:, it- frenior H v HAVE your piano retlnlshed, uood ua now. Welrlch Fixture Co. Webster Wedding announcements. Doug. I'u. THE TIE THAT ENDUItES Is u lucKy weaaing ring irom irea urauugaaru Jewelrv Co.. 16th and DoUKlas Sts. At tnl Sta'rs Siar. . .Sign of the Crown up the Oolden St a FOUND AT LAST SCREEN DOUUS. Windows made up and Installed .lomp.ete. Order now beforo spring rush. Omaht Window Screen Co., 624 N. 18th, basement. Doug. 4692. We are makers of Ferry's patent metal corner for windows and doors. Gibson's Buffett 322 South 15th St. MONEY TO LOAN LUW rate. 310 Uee Bidg. Tel. Doug. O04. Union Loan w). CAMERAS bought and exchangod. Films developed free. Jordan. Douglas 7254. 1823 Leavsnworth. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug. ho. tlon picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 20th and Farnam. FORE DOORS. SEAT COVERS. ONE 1908, 2-cyllnder Bulck cheap. D. 540 or Harney 256. for sale BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. A WM. PF&FFER CAimiAaE W0rLs.f7.ith Ave. & Leavenworth, p. 692J. Aiitnmnhiln Painting done by J. II. jU.lUOUlUUllU Madoerln, for years with J. J. Derlght Co.. 910 N. 16th. 100 reward for any magneto we can't ro pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfsr. 210 N- lath. Murphy Didlt jHS"' SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run- about; never been used. Address A 427, care Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, good sec ond-hand touring car. Address E 215, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANGES RELIABLE firm desires service of bright young man who can Invest some money and take charge of one depart ment Address D 243. Omaha Bee. TO get In or uut of business, call on GANOESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. TeL D. 3477. WANTED a business man of high calibre, with some money, as a partner In a going land business. Want man more than money. A very unusual op portunltyi Address D 312. Bee. HOTEL FOR HALE Twenty-two-room, steam heated brick hotel, well located, live Iowa town; will sacrifice to close estate. Box B. Bello Plalne. la. WE offer the small Investor an op. portunlty to secure an exceptional Invest ment ln amounts of 1000 and up, wa ialm tn Klace a small amount of our treasury, stock with successful Omaha concern, this will pay you to Investi gate. Address P. O. Box 463. FREE CALIFORNIA TRIP. Wa want an influential man in your rltv to act as delegate for Prospective In vestors at EL SEQUNDO, the new. Indus trial suburb of Los Angeles. w want tlila irentleman to verity our siaumenis rrirardlnir one of the best real estate In vestments m southern California today. All expenses paid rlgnt man. ro omiga. tlon whatever. Write loday for partlcu lars. EL HKUUJMUU ru Anu iai- PROVBMEN-T CO., 135-140 Title Insur nnc Bldg., Los Angeles. RTnnK'H anil bonds. Investments.' real estate. Franklin Brokeragw Co., 1523 Doug. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects. nT.aToa anil estimates furnished. J. F. Cottrell. 4102 N. 19th. Webster SSL Artists. ART SOTIOOLroita2i:dCKjr8 Albert Rothery. 507-3 Karoacn mik. Attorneys. Dan. Hortlgan. 611 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3523. Builders and Contradtors. CARPENTERS' eJa,r,ponnt.r.urn,he, Call at Labor Temple. Douglas isa. GEO. U ALLMART & CO.. 234 PUle Bank Bldg. Doug. ww. nnwrnipmil A Nil I1U1L.DER Esu mates furnished; repair work Promptly attended to. utio moiwi". itu. q Contractors and Builders. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER C M. JESPERSEN. ion N. UdT Tel. Webster 3176. CARPENTERS pJKSS with J, r, Wilson & Co, -Whtter tSEL. tiftaj IAS Rnv. NOO POR TVQ wwor- - -VOW Ca-jl0 lcuthadej A 6-A i W A. B. C. of Omaha A ARON'S Jewelry, corner ttitii an4 Farnam. Spring clearing ia'e on all novelty Jewelry. AHKIN'S KUSHICK KKSTAUKA.M't rtands for uuallty, quantity md economy. 310 s St.. 2d floor. A NCHOIt FENCE CO: Iron and wlro fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 2U7 N. 17th .St. Tel. lted 8H. B ELL DHLU CO., U16 Failiuiil. Crutch rubbers, crutches, elastic truss?, all kinds of rubber noods inythlng you wnnt from a drug store. CALL Mme. Bennett for rctrlmmlng and rcblncklng ladles' hats. It's our specialty. 214 8. 17th. Douglas 2007. Empress SEAT c TIME GHOSH Lumber Wrecking Co. Mi kinds laundry, dairy second-hand mach inery, pipes, shafting and netting. H ILLSIDE Sanitarium. 31st and Ohio. Tel. Web. U20. Lylng-ln hospital, rest room for convalescents and de bit tated. Regular in attendance. KEHH Abstract Co., 306 S. -Hn dU Better be safe tnan sorry. Havs Kerr do your title work. Lumpman Sign Co., 2d floor, 1302 Doug. Tel. D. 3515. Signs of every (lebCrlp 1i.m Wnb niirT TiftMa rlirht A trial win convince. TV TONHEIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupees, 1VI switches from combings, 11. .Mon- XY4. h,. 11.01,.., 1rlnr. M A It Olti NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. "MICKels." 15th and Harney. Douglas lbbi We rent, repair, sell neediw, parts of all sewing machines. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOH LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENU1 NEER1NG. Write for new cat loue. 1415-17 Dodge St., Omaha, Nob. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WURKd. 1200-s Douglas. To!. Tyler rO. Water fronts, grates for furnaces, cteatn and hot water heaters In stock. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. We make mattresjes and pillows to your order, renovats feathers, mattresses and down covers. Prices reasonable: work guaranteed. QILKO CHICK FOOD vj Mado from puro grains. If your dealer does not handle, call wagncr, 501 N. ICth. Douglas 1142. BUSINESS PERSONALS Ilulluers uuu Cuiilructurs. Paper hanging, pnlntlng; good work, right prices, free estlm. C. M. Bllger. W. 475. WALLACE W. HENDERSON. W. 5038. EE HTITjTj Cuntracior. Douglas 4oJ. . Xj. XlUiJU General building .ntra. tor und repair work promptly '.emieq 10. A. C. LESSARD. carpenter, glazing, ro ll air work a specialty. Tyler 1832. Ileddlnir und Ilenuvnttusr. SPECIAL TO STORM VICTIMa Wa are maklne u SDeclal low price on our mattresses and pillows during month of April and will also ullow 10 per cent discount to storm victims only. Renovate feathers and mattresses, umana ruiow Co.. 1721 Cuming, Douglas 2467 Cement Workers. ALT. kinds cement work and parking. Chas. Frlcks A Co.. Tel. D. 67C5 Ch'lropodtsts. Carrie J. Buford. 632 Pax. Blk. Red 4S37. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. DR. M. MONHK1T. Established 1890. Chiropractor. T.awrence. D. C. 2323 Howard. D.5481 Creameries, Dulrlea and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY DetecttTea. ritira at.i. AN. 311 Nsvllle Blk. Evl" ...uiit. -T i ,,a dtnee securea in an cw. ajr,i 1. W. LONQNECICER. 517 Karbach Blk. wiTinKA T. Detective Service (Inc.), 40J Omaha Nat nana. nuiiii Sno'rat Rarvlce Detective Agoy., bonded. Suite 42S-9 Paxton Blk. D. 12U. Dresamaklnir. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th A Far. MiKS NELSON, dressmaking; sewing by the day. Har. 60S3. , Drags. nntias at cut prices; freight paid on tin nntara: catalosrue free- Sherman McConnell urug w. umma. Crcrythtnir Electrical. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 353 Bee Bldg. Everything for Women. nnr-oti niaatlnr. huttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. !O0 Douglas uik. uouiuu i rPTTPKTtJH baths, massage, racial ana treatment Apt t. 1803 Farnam. dpi iini.E nurtaln cleaner, all kinds. fins hand work; 10 yrs' experience. D. 3732. Elec. vacuum cleaner. 31.50 day W. wS Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Farnam. Doug 100L HESS A 8WOBODA, 1115 Farnam Bt L. HENDIJRSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1253. BRANDEIS cut flower dept. new stors. BATH' 3 florists. Boyd Theater Bids;. For Sten. Toupes, wigs. Hair Dept. Brandels Stores. Vor man'a artistic toupees, wig mak- Inir aee Monnelt s. issi. w. ivw a. ,.ui. Insurance. TOnNADO INSURANCE Call Tyler 1034 O'neU's. 1505 Farnam street. Motorcycles. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEB. CYCLE CO.. UTH AND HARNEY. USED motorcycles, bargains. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leav. Moving, Storage and Cleaning. McLaud & Son. Van A B.. 3-horse van. X men. $1.60 hr.. 2 hrs.. 31 per hr. D.433.W.5tt Music, Art unit I.Huguagra. WILL give piano lessons to beginners at 35 cents a leison. vvosier om. i gucrlte uartensen. 2.1. 1013. Copyright IMS, National News Ass VHEW DID ggT T? r and "u- r"aw BUSINESS PERSONALS Narscrieii unU Set-ds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN, 119 N. 16th. FRUIT TREES! SHADE TREES! Shrubs and smull fruits; no agents. Wo save you the commission. Write or phono us for catalogue. Tel. Benson 534-J. Benson-Omaha Nursery, Benson, Nub. P. J. FLYNN. PROPRIETOR FRUIT TREES! SHADE TREES! Shrubs and small fruits; no agents. We save you the commission. Write or phone us for catalogue. Tel. Benson 634-J. Benson-Omaha Nurrcry. fcenson. Neb. P. J. FLYNN, PROPRIETOR. HAZEL DELL NURSERY. West of Florence, office 24th and Pink ney, Omaha, phones Florence 1532 and Web. 3495. Full line of fruit, shade and ornamental trees; shrubs, vines and' roses. BTJSINKSS PERSONALS Nuraorlt'R nml Sreilx. M. pTyrd NURSERY CO. Ornamental ShnSbbery, Rose, Fruit and Shade Trees. We have everything that can be planted In this latitude. Call at 18th and Douglas or phone D 4498. Special prices this week. Tho Gate City Nursery has a fine line of nursery stock at their sales grour.cV' See us before you buy. J. II. MARNETTE. Manager, 18th and Harney and 53d and Burdotte. Patents. HIRAM A. STUROES, patent lawyer, (46 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3469. D. O. Barnell. Paxton 1111.. Tel. Red 7117. Oatcopatlia, Alice Johnson. 30S-9 Brandels The, Bldg. Plumber. STANDARD PLUMBINO CO.. Doug. 3398. - Store and Office Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2510 N.. South Omaha. DESKS, Bates, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 B. 12th. D. 2744. Printline DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Low W.Raber, Printer, 'Hltml BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 21D0. 624 S. 13th. Public Stenographers. CORA E. COWEN, 611 Bee Bldg.. D. 3357 lludlniu Treatment. II. P. Jensen. M. D.. 333 Bee Bldg. D; 6817. Steel Ceilings. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 So. 10th. 'I'ulIorluK. TTTTn. tho tailor for good clothes. nUVT 201 Navllla Blk. Dm Tinners. Tin Work--rir Turnudo Ploiurea. OUR national calamity ot tire, flood and tornado: 350 pages; 50 photographs; thrilling stories and sketches. Cloth bind Ing, 31; leather, 31.75; mailed or delivered May 1. E.M.SInger. 5328 N. 25th A.. Omaha Trunks and Sultciiaes. FRELING & STEIN LE, 1803 Farnam St Trusses Deformity Apparatus. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ELASTIC STOCK. 1NOS. THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANY, surgical ana nospiiai nuppues, 1410-1412 Harney Street ExDertB ln fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastlo hosiery and supporters. ft Iv llilir," AaA-ux At iaa umt . Vacuum Cleaners. 'SWEEPER VAC Vacuum cleaner, economical, durable, efficient; price, P0.00. M. Montgomery. state Agent m r arnam, uom. maj. Key to the Situation See Advertising. Wall Paper Cleaning-, SANITARY WALL PAPER CLEAN ING. Phone Douglas 31&4. Wines and Liquors, WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars. sandwiches. Alex Jstea. 602-4 S. Uth St VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large oou tie. Klein Liquor House. 522 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. -nmnlat courses ln Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready, can, write or pnone ior it Boylea College. 18th and Harney su. Omaha. Neb- 4 Dancing. Special prices ln April; learn to dance where an the ctners oo. uu uarney ot. LIVE STOLTv FOR SALE lloraea suit vvliu'ira. AM nniwiriunllv to select from our en tire stock ot horses, which consists of many well matched teams, single wagbu and driving horses. We are compelled to dlsDose of this stock becau our trads la commanding auto truck service. A tea day trial will be given tree of labor charges and will arrange to ship to. any part ot this state dr Iowa freu ot charge. Responsible parties can buy this stock by navlnit a nortlon down and the balance to suit purchaser. We advise to call and lnsDect uur stocK oetore purcnuaing else where. Ask for Manager McCauly Trans fer Co., zzx itowaru at. uoutm juka iiim.ii nf all kinds, the largest stock ln the city at attractive prices. Vohnson- Danforth Co., . w. -or. ivm uuu jua HORSES clipped 32; dogs 31 and up. 2013 Cuming St. Douglas . mcti, rt V. . ti v-w hum,,, fltid aav. arai mod wacon cears and coal boxes. Al: In god condition. Call and se tnem at lotn anu Aiarcy Bts. Havens-White Coal Co Telephone Don das can. Key to the Sltuatioa Uee Advertising. 9) Drawn for The Bee by Tad n. DAT AV MOOWy LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFf STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to asoertaln whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tho company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las IS. REWARD of t25 for the return of the handbag and contents left on Park Ave. car last Friday. Tel. Douglas 163. MESH bag, Friday. Harney GS45. Reward. Tel. LOST Hamilton open face gold watch, 17-Jewel. 16 size. Initials "L. G." on back. Reward. Phone Webster 4957. LOST Black mule, Friday night Wire cut on right front t foot. N. P. Nelson. North Omaha. Tel. Florence Livery Barn. Florence 131. LOST Boston terrier; good reward. Call Talking Machine Dept.. Brandels Store. LOST Gold brncelt engraved Zora Connlngham. Notify Mrs. Byers, 1314 Bo. 35th Ave. Reward. Phone Har. 6328. TTTlTTTvin -Arthur E. Dunn, commercial X' UUlMiV ,hntr,rriinhr. 1727 Howard. ihotographer. Flatiron Bldg. D. 33C5 MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boos; on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha MONEr TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY AND SAL ARIES. RATES VERY LOW. TERAla EASIEST. CONFIDENTIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Fl Suite 303. Paxton Bldg. Doug. 1411. Money- on furniture, pianos one" real estate at a very lo rate of interest. Nebraska Loan Co Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. $10 AND UPWARDS We make loans from 310 and upward. payable tn monthly payments. Reason able charges. Our treatment ts courta- ous. All deals are private and confi dential. Your furniture, piano ur otbir personal property will be sufficient se curity. We also make loans to valary employes without an endorser. Twenty one years of square, fair dealing inakoj this business the largest ot its kind in the city. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 1603 Farnam, 215 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone DoUglas 2995. SALARY LOANS. CHEAPEST RATUiS, Star Loan Co.. C01 Paxton block. Salary and Chattels. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPL13 and others upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; conuuenuai. ij. n, Tolman, 503 New Cm. Nat flank Bldg, DIAMOND LOANS at 2ft and A per cent Your goods Insured against fire ad uurgiary wnue in our possession tree. v C. Flatau, 1514 Dodge St. Red o619. OFFERED FOR REN1 Apurmieiita and Flats. FREE RENT TILL MAY 1 In an elegant 6-room steam heated apartment: fine location. Douglas 3622. BEST 3-ROOM APARTMENT In city, California apartment Bee janitor. Doug, las 5237. Gordon Van Co. : us r. mil at., or ziu a. mn ht. iei u. ssa. THE Indon. 611 B. 21th Bt Desirable fur, room and board, also day board, FIDELITY cWco Aiu"A - moved. Daokad. shipped inn a jacason bis. AJoug. lau. STRICTLY high class 6-room a Dart ment on West Farnam street with steam neat ana janitor service. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1803 FARNAM AT. 6-R.. modern flat. J35. H. 3170. MRW flat R mnmm nnH ,M.,n(l,n hall all modern. 3122 Cass. Tel. Benson 353W or call o. Ia. Johnson. First Nat bank. 1807 Farnam; S rooms, comnetely mod ern; suitanie location for office, studios, dental or dress making rooms, etc, for tenants wisning names aajoimng. uuu Dlst Co., 433 Ramge Bldg. IJ. 7106. THE STANDARD FLATS. A real home. 6 large, cool, well vl tllated rooms. Interior hall. bath, pantry. flna finish, a-aa range, hot water. Janitor. Steam heat. Will appeal to those who know. Summer, 125 to 3Z3. uonus to per- mancnt tenants. iteierentua requireu, niTKE A, SIjATER CO.. Om. Na. Bk. Bldg. Office Standard 1101 N. lMh. , FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT, t ""IZrnn GEORGIA." at 1040 Georgia Ave.; choicest apartment ln the city, oee it m u. in me c.vy TRUST CO.. 1623 Farnam St Doug. 898. beard and (looms. MERRIAM 3 or 4-r private bath; also small suite; l or a anisic. Furnished Kooui, NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat 1708 Jackson ot. xyier ib.i. TWO nice sleeping rooms. 2213 Douglas. VERY neat parlor, bedroom for two gentlemen, with or without board. In prl vate family. Address A-434. care Pee. " NEWLY furnished, for gentleman, ln private family. Close In. Call Tyler 1837 Kurausril lluuaea FINE West Farnam residence, with ( bedrooms and two Dams, ior rent iur nlshed for six months or longer. D. C, Patterson. Hotels uJtd Aparlnirait. THE OVERLAND HOTEL COR. 13TH AND HOWARD Will open for business May 1. tvery la nwlv furnished anJ completely modern. Special rates by the week. Your patronage is respcunuMj ". v j. j. St'LUVAN, Proprietor. DOD'.li llu't'LL Moden. r.aunabl "CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam, heated rooms. 32 per week and up; free bath. 1 B1JM55;SBS? t i -I j: I ilwr,rifj OFFERED FOR RENT Hunses and Cottnge. M'LAUD t- Son move trunks, 25a. 50c. Douglas 4338. TP T3 Exp. Co., furniture & .1 , lPPn Pianos moved, stored. J ' v Web. 2748. Tic A WW GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO. Stor age. 12 per month. We contract your Eack!M 8tor'ng and hauling. D. 4238 and D. 371& Offices 117 S. 14th St. 520 N. 16th. Moving, packing and storage of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Steraea Co.. flienrnnf storage. 503 S. ICth. hv th vimi,,. Branch office. 309 S. 17th Bt. Tel. D. 4163. 7-ROOM house and laree receDtlon hull! strictly modern. S51!i So. 20th. D. 6087. FERRIN VAN A STOIunR no H. II. Goods & pianos. Tyler 1200. W. 2747. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 28th. D. 3717. MAGOARD VAN AND STORAHE rn. packs, moves, stores and ahms household goods and pianos. Douglas 1498. Omaha Express Co us is. inn. uouRias 3354. Moving vanB. wagons, fire croof stornire. furniture packing and piano moving.. FOR RENT 5-room cattafa at SOtf North 18th St., modern except heat; large lot, paved street. Inquire at above loca tion ror a few days, or telephone H. 1509, from 8 to 9 a. m., or 6 to 7 p. m. WEST Farnam. new stucco. 7 rooma. 319 N. 38th Ave. 345. Red 4927. NEW 10-room brick, all modern, bot water heat 2633 Harney, 360. inquire T. U'unin, narney ikh. uougias lalf. FTmiKPs ln all parts or the city. 9-ROOM house, strictly modern. 28th and Poppleton, 60 per month. Nebrasku Realty and Investment Co., 424 Brandels Bldg. FOR RENT All modern hnnnn. 2SS Pierce 8t Key next door. Carl E. Her ring. SAVE money ln ahlnnlnr hnii-Hi,( goods, auto, etc. Missouri River Frelgni Forwarding Co. Tel. Doug. 394. 116 S3. 17th. COLE Bxpress and Storage, Piano and furniture moving. D. 670. 2668 Sahler. 6-r., water, gas, $16. 1607 Lothrop, 6-r., all mod., 31S. 818 Hickory, 7-r., all mod., 325. 1302 S. Hth, 6-r., mod. ex heat, $22, 801 Park Ave., 6-r heat water, 325. 1815. S. 26th, 3-r., water, $9. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4764. EIGHT rooms, modern. 4 bedrooms. $37.50. 830 S. 29th St. Hanscom Park dls trlct. Phone Harney 2810. Stores and Offices. OFFICES at 1517 Farnam St., 2d floor. Store, 1020 Nt 16th St. Two stores, now, 2104-6 Cuming St Store, 1411 Harney St Store, at 338 N. 26th St., So. Omaha. O. C. REDICK,. Att'y, 1617 Farnam St FOR RENT. FARNAM riTREET- Three-story and basement building, l'jll Farnam street; will rent first floor and basement separately. Inquire. Room all. First 'National Hank uiag. telephone Douglas 1242. MOST dealraoTa warehouse sDace In Omaha. Would also consider renting part ot sample room floor, especially good for automobiles. Racine Sattley Co., loth Bt viaauct 30-ROOM brick building, bath on each floor, steam heat, electric light: good family hotel location. Nice store room. axw. one block from 24th and Cuming; close to good transfer point. Store rooms, one block from Leaven. worth St., for only $12.60 a month. Two large, fine office rooms at Uth and Harney Sts,; see us about these. Warehouse or store, 10,000 square feet steam heat, freight elevator. Nice largo store rooms, Z4th and Seward. N. P. DODGE & CO., Doug. 823. OFFERED FOR SALS Furniture. BRUSSELS oarnst ln good condition. also heating stovo; low price. Address j.337, care Moe. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room houaa. lnoludlna- piano, very cheap. Call anv time. 6111 N. 24th St Phone Webster C059. FOR SALS Oak roll top writing desk. ill. 1A mi. utnu. liV It-,! rio L- u, 6841 Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. $125. lit N. 15th. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months 35. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANOK, Miscellaneous. SAFES 2-hand. American Supply Co. i SAFES Overstocked Id-hand safes, all makes. J. J. Derlght Co.. 1818 Farnam St HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzIe Ptg. Co., 1417 Harney. D. 2644. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswick-Baute couenaer t'o., w-tw South 10th St EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing company, 17th and Farnam strbeta. Kindling. 34. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking a faur aata nf heavy harness and several ennA wneon srears and coal boxes. All in good condition. Call and see them at 16th and Marcy Sts. Havens-Whito Coal Co.. Tel. Douglas 630. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES a nnnrRS M. M. Johnson Comnanv. Clay Center. Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty incubators and Brooders, fur Incubators ano oroouers; laununuu .rv piihe Rose Comb Brown Leghorn enei. 3tt cents eacn. i-aura A. liazen, hqiiib. Kan. BUFF Orpington eggs, and broody hen. Webster 1928. EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R. Cj Rhode Island Reds; vigorous hardy stock; great layera; country range; $1 for 15; $5 per 100. A. It. Baker. Benson Neb. It F. D. No. 2. Tel. Benson 747-W. ROSE-COMB Rhode Island Red ris for hatching from the finest laying sha birds, trap nested. 31 for fifteen. T it phone Benson S2S. W F & .Kin. B... son. Neb Letters answered & C. White Leghorn eggs Florence .