THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1913. WANT ADS Want Ads received t any time, but to insure proper classification mutt ho presented bbforo lvs:oo o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. lor uiorning and Sunday editions. Vxnt ads re ceived after such hours will liaro their first insertion under tlio head- MiC. "Too Late to Classify." CHARGE KATES: Six words to tiio line. nnil Intnrttnn 1Q PMltl HIM HOO. Two or more consocutivo lnaor lions a cents per line. r II.. ,,. I. II Bl). m........ ,....... n minimum rnnrtrn. AlllUlJ V V. ,1 ,0 ........... r. Advertisements cbarRCtl to patrons . . .. .1 Tiw .In. ii a v ins accounts am " line, not by tho ward. DEATH AND K0NiBRAXNOTICKS. T A TAaaAIlir"&jK)Nr Undertakers; new location. 2213 Cuinlng street Tel. Doug, nt IIKLI WANTKP--FKStAtJS Agents and halewvromen. LADY agents, ready money proposi tion $10 dally, wardrobo. bag; protects clothes from dust, moths, odor. Sen Mr. Kemp at Rome Saturday or Sunday or write University Sales, Iowa City. Ia.' "Factory ami Trade- FITTEJIB WAKTED Women fitters nd alteration hands wanted at once. Apply, cloak and suit dept., 2d Jloor. orkin nno.B. 5Tearn halrdre.sslng at reasonable Price. J. 1, Brandels fc Sons Hair Goods Parlors, llonaekecpdnB and Domestic. TUB SKICVAVNT OIHL PROBLEM ROLVED-Tho Bo will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FJIEE uAtll you got the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Xlluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyieriwu. WivTcn JIIH far cenernl luiusawnrk: references required. Mrs. M. B. New man, Suite 1, Tho NormandJe, Park Ave and Pacific. VANTKD A young girl foj general housework and to assist In tare of chll t!rn, no washing or Ironing, Phone liar. neyjaXB. WANTED -Girl for houtwwoiV: small family, good wages; very uVeslrab e place tor good girl. Mrs. T. 1. Rislmond. liar. lirr nwt family of fouv; desirable plnce. 'Phono Jiurney 3G23 ftilt 121 Soutli Central boulo vard, Mrs. LuIUart. WANTED A competent girt for Bon eral housework!: good wage; references rt quired. Hanney i9CC WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral nousewora; no wa'iniit. mm umu "n'iM'pni-i frtrl fnp linii9AWnrki iriiod home. 1528 N. lIt Bt Webster U09. WANTED Young" girl to assist with housework for room and board; good Lome 115 8. 20th St. .Phono Douglas "WANTED A good white or colored glrT for general housework; Rood wages; . . .... ... a mil. a rmail iainiiy. iu a. in m T A vrlTTI ntrl tnv ir.nnftil hflUHfiwnrlr. Good wages to right party. Apurlffiont k, t'lowry t ourt. 17th nnd C'lUcufio. WVANTED Girl for general housework. 4102 uaru ft. "WAN T B D Middle - aged Catholic woman to keep house for widower with Tour onliaren. Aunress im wj. nee tr.x?t..l flr.ul rlrl fnr irnnnrii 1 hnlln ,,v., . . u .... . v. , r. " --- work; four In family; no washing or Ironing Apply. 119 N. Itth. atlscellnneons, TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's avenue and 17th St, where tney will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station, WANTED A limited number of am bltloufe young ladles, from 18 to 23 years of age, to take up highly specialised work. Wages paid while learning, and thereafter Increased at regular intervals. High school education necessary. Ad vancement curtain If you make good. Apply In person. Room 6H, Bran dels Thrater Bldg E, A. Olson. HEIjP WANTED MALE Aa-ents, Salesmen uuu Bulicltors. Live Agents Season now on. Writ Jaeger Mfg. Co., 007 Brandols Theater Blng. FOR BALE A few unolaimed ALL WOOL Dundeo suits, 310: alterations tree. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Korthwest Corner Hth and Harney Bts. WANTED A real salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he would for him self, to represent us exclusively In Ne braska the romalndor of 191S. We have a large, well known and In every way first-class line of exclusive calendars and advertising specialties. Our line Is so at tractive and varied that eaoh and every business In every town In the country, without regard to size, can be success, fully solicited. Our goods are very at tractive, but no more so than our reason able prices, and we know from the ex perience of others who have been and are now In our employ, that any bright, hustling man who has ability and Is will ing to work, can make with us from $50 to SU0 per week. Commissions liberal. Our company was organized in 1S32. Cap italized 3200.000. Wo aro responsible and mean business. If you do. It will pay you to write Sales Manager, Merchants' Pub lishing Co.. Kalamazoo, Mich. Enclose this advertisement with your application. SALESMEN Experienced in pocket cut lery to solicit orders from the retail trade in the mlddte west tor a prominent Amer ican manufacturer. Address, stating ex perience, etc.! Box 12. Northfleld, Conn. AGENTS Fast selling specialty; agents am making 110 per day. Write for terri tory. W. LEE. Spring Valley. Minn. AGENTS wanted to sell aoddent and health insurance; experience unneces. eary, 25,000 policy for 110 annually, and 12,600 for (3; no policy fees. Call 439 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Firs t-clats automobile sales man for Omaha branch Detroit factory; a great future for a good man. Address H W5. Bee. WANTED Retail furniture salesman: must be experienced and able to glva refernces: none but first-class men need apply State Furniture Co., 14th and Dodge. factory and Trades. CLEAN paperhangers and painters; best wages, Albert O. Jensen, 1103 Leav enworth St SPRING rush Is commencing Is the autcmoblle business; learn new oy prac tical experience In completely equipped shops. 310 Oto 320 Oearned monthly oygooj men. Writs National Automobile Train ing Assr 2X14 North 20th St., Omaha. I' m nvte ni- . obs Kn.nsL j.jh. I WANT MEN to learn the barber trade and accept positions now waiting, country or city shoDs. I teach tou qu.ckly, cheaply, thoroughly and furnish tools wages while learning. See me or write tor catalogue. Manager, Moler eysiem or toiieges. nv u. 11m 01. EXPERIENCED cook; referenca re quired, two house men, .Japanese pre ferred Edmundson Hospital Co., Coun cil Bluffs. la WANTED Automobile and carriage painter at once. Andrew Murohy & Son. WANTED Tailors, pressors and bush, clman Dresher Bros., dyers, dry clean ers and tailors. 2211 Farnam St. M Isrellaueoua. MEN of ideas with Inventive ability should write for new list "Needed In ventions.' "Prizes lor Patents." Ran. tlolph It Co.. Patent Attorneys, Wash' tngton, D. t " I NEED GOOD MEN. everywhere, port -r all time, learn my business; make tnmey with me; no experience needed; and full nutfll Inu It- ,.r .. t rter ttyt 7J, W. 31st St. ' New 11V.LV WANTED MALK Miscellaneous. WANTED FOR Ii. P ATIMT Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of 13 and 35. citizens of United States, of I good character and temperate habits, who i can speak, read and write the English i language. For information apply to Re 1 crultlng Officer, Army Building, lith and Dodge sts., Omaha, Neb.; coo Fourth ML, Sioux City, la.; 130 No, 10th St., Lincoln. FARM hands, laborers furnished free of charge to employer. Evans' Employment Office. 1617 Dodge. Tel. Doug. SOU. WANT a telegraphy Jobv w nave one waiting for you. It's yours Just as soon as you can qualify for It. It's a steady all the year round year In and year out position, with good pay and better oppor tunity for promotion. Tou can qualify for It In a few short months at BOYLES COLLEGE, OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC and ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TRAIN ING SCHOOL. Free transportation to your post r.t duty will be given to you. Send for our catalogue today. BOYLBS COLLEGE. BOYLES BUILDING, II. B. BOVLES. PRESIDENT. OMAHA, NEB. LOCOMOT1 VEt firemen, brokemerv wnges about 11(0: exnerienc unnecessary. Send ago, stamp. Address Y 109 Bee. HELP WANTED MAMS AND PCSt ALU K W ! r. 1 H ...... , .......... .. ..... ticipuii muj rni it menur income corresponding for newspapers; ex- T. r I H . . .,, ..r... .. ... . . . - Correspondents' Bureau, Washington. HELP WANTED MAMS AND KKMALIi. wp . rrrr rrrr .. BO. ftW,-i IUI1CIIV excellent salaries; write Immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 714-C. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED HIT:lATION.N tlon ns housekeeper or traveling nurse and companion to child and mother. Can furnish the best of references. Harnor 477S. for small family or widower with not mora than two children, Address sea Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Phono B 1107. COLORED alrl wants ilav wnrk Onll Webster 61S3. WASHING and Imnlnit uriiImI. rlf Webster 2317. COLORED InlindrpsK wl.hAn mrli Webster 4760. VfM'Nn nrrl,l h... ...i,u .. . - . ... .... .u ....,, o.rii y rm n road rules experience, two years' office. " clty Position where energy nnd ability will meet with proper advance- A MIDDLE nged man who Is a good penman, would like an office position as correspondent for some good firm where first class servlco would bo appreciated. Address B 344, caro Omaha Bee. WANTED - Situation, position of checker In department store. Chicago cxpei-Hinco. Anurous H 348, Bre, WAVPfn ui, .. . u.lua.lUII Ufl BlllBCIUUIl IT! either hardware or grocery department of some department store. Address A 345. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW OPEN, KAPLAN'S KOSHER CAFE Northwest Corner 15th nnd UarnW. Finest Kosher meals In tho city. SAM NEWMAN Has moved to his new location, 423 8. ISth. Paper hanging and Interior deco rating his specialties. Call and look over his stock. Estimate furnished freo, His prices reasonable, Best of materials. Tel. Doug. 43. HAr.EL LEAF PILE CONES B?st remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud. Ing piles; 60o postpaid: sumplaa fre Sherman & McCnnnell Drug Co., Omaha. p. B. unrntn. wig mtr., 13 Frensor bi Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St. HAVE your piano rertnlshed, good as new. Welrloh Fixture Co, Webstar Wedding announcements. Doug. rw. '.o. THE TIB THAT ENDURES Is 11 luolcy wedding .ring from Fred Brodegaara jeweiry to., ictn ana uougias sts. At tn Sign of the Crown up tho Golden Stairs. FOUND AT LAST SCREEN DOORS. Windows made up and Installed complete. Order now boforo spring rush. Omntrt Window Screen Co., C24 N. 16th, huoment. Doug. 4C92. We are makers of Terry's patent metal corner for windows and doors. MISS Ev L. PEPPERS has returned from an extondod trip and has reopened her millinery parlors at 614 South 28th BL Will bo glad to wolcoma old and new patrons. New nats made to order; also old hats mado over and retrlmmed In latest styles. Hats cleaned, reblocked and dyed; plumos nnd flowers fancy cleaned or dyed. Phonu Harney 3908. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rate. 310 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2304. Union Loan O. CAMERAB bought nnd exchanged. Films developed free. Jordan. Douglas 7264. 1823 Leavenworth. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo. tlon picture machlno and film bargains. AUTOMODILKS DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 24th and Farnam, FORE DOORS. SEAT COVERS. ONE 1908. 2-cyllnder nulck for sals cheap. D. 640 or Harney KA. BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip covers; new tops nnd bodies built to order WM. PFEIKFER CARRIAGE Worts. 7ith Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 6922. Antfimohiln painting done by J. IT. ".UIOIUUUIIU Madoerin. for years with J. J. Derlght Co., 310 N 16th. 1100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. ou repairing, uaysui iorfer. 310 N- 1M0. Murphy DidltSF SECOND-HAND AUTOMOttlliES WILL sacrifice my 40-horspower run about; never been used. Address A 427, care Bee. ' WANTED To buy for cash, good second-hand touring car. Address E 213, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANGES RELIABLE firm desires service of bright young man who can Invest some money and take charge of one depart ment. Address D 243. Omaha Bee. 7Sj?tJn-or uut of business, call on QANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. WANTED a business man of high calibre, with some money, as a partner in a going land business. Want man more than money. A very unusual op portunity Address D 312, Bee. HOTEL FOR SALE Twenty-two-room, steam heated brick hotel, well located, live Iowa town, will sacrifice to close estate. Box B, Belle Platne. Ia. WE offer the small investor an op portunity to secure an exoeptlonal Invest ment In amounts of fOOO and up, we desire to place a small amount of our treasury stock with successful Omaha concern, this will pay you to Investi gate. Address P. O. Box 462. BIG opportunity tor lady or gentleman: Investigate this; It will pay you. A small Investment In an established business now starting In Omaha will secure you a permanent occupation, large income and unlimited opportunltlea If you have JIM or more Investigate. Call forenoons be tween nnd 12 at 2707 West Farnam. .. FREE CALIFORNIA TRIP. We want an Influential man In your city to sot as delegate for prospective In. vestors st Kl. SEGl'NDO. tlit new indus trial suburb of Jos Angeles. We want DTHINE88 CHANCES RTOCtf U nn.l ...n,l. 1. . . - , estate. Franklin Brokerage Co., 1523 Doug, this gentleman to verify our statements regarding one of the bent real estate. In- i raimeiiin in Numcrn i;aiuornia toay. , All AvnAnaAa nM r .k, X .ut.a .... v , . ..u . ....... i,h, ....(I. L .IUII.- Hon whatever. Write todav for nurtleu- lars. EL 8KOUNDO LAND & 1M- PROVEMENT CO., 138-140 Title InsUr ance Bldg., Los Angeles. DUSINEHS I'ERSONAXS. Architects. PLANS and estimates furnished. J. F. Cottrell. 4102 N. Hth. Webster 1. Artists. AJtT SClT0OL?n,T"ou,t;o.f,5torB Albert RoOiery, 607-3 ICnrbach Blk. Attorney. Dan. Horrlgnn. 611 Bee Bldg. Doug. KM. nallders and Contractors. CARPENTERS7 Janr,p0ernterf.urnlsh" Call at Labor Temple. Douglas 1SS3. GEO. L. ALLMART A CO., 234 State Bank Bldg, Doug. 6430. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Esti mates furnished; repair work promptly attended to. Otto Thomson. Web. 60u3. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER C. M. JESPERSEN, 1C09 N. Sd. Tel. Webster 2174. CARPENTERS !"d hullders. Shop m rT J""11 N. 27th. Flguro with J. F. Wilson a Co. Webster 4922. Paper hanging, painting; good work. riKnt rrnnil, ai. Itllgnr. W, 476. WALLACE W. HENDERSON. W. 503 E. E. HULL fl'mtractor Douglas 4oi. Qeneral building .'ontrai. m uu icmr wuih liiomptiy '.enufcq I IV pair work a specialty. Tyler 1032. Ilcddlnis. nnd Renovating;. SPECIAL TO STORM VICTIMS. Wm ova mntilhM .l I n.,, .1 nuiniiiH sitwiu iwn liriua Uii our mattrift0 and plllowa during month nf Anrll nnd llt nlm nllnw in discount to storm victims only, Renovate mauiers ana mattresses, uinana nilow Co.. 1721 Cuming. Douglns 2467. Cement Wurkera. ALL kinds cement work and narking Chas. Frlcke A Co.. Tel. D. 67D Chlrotioillsts. Carrie J. Buford, C32 Pax. Blk. Red KS7. Key to tho Situation Beo Advertising. DR. M. MONHE1T, Established 1190, Chiropractors, J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D.S46I Creameries, Dnlrle anil supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Detective. JAM ICS ALLAN. 312 Neville nik. Evl. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 113V. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. NATIONAL Detective Service (Inc.), 403 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 4317. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agoy.. bonded. Suite 423.0 Pax ton Blk. D. 13U Dressitiaklujc. Terry's Dressmaking college. 10th & Far. MISS NELSON, dressmaking; sewing by tho day. lliir. 6083. Driiics. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on J10 orders; cataloguo free. .Sherman & wcuoniicu urug co uinana. .nbd. Everything Electrical, Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee Bldg. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLKATINQ CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. rPTrPTrTSrThaths. massage, facial and J.UX.iXJ.OXJ.niJr treatment. Apt 8, 1903 Farnam. RELIABLE uurtaln cleaner, all kinds, fine hand work; lOyrs experience. D. 3732. Elec vacuum cleaner. 31.60 day W. udl. BPIRELLA CORSETS, MRS. M. ROSB, Resident corsetlere for Kounts Place Appointments, Doug. 8163; 1909 Farnam. LITTLE GIANT housecteaner. 3200; IM down; monthly payments. 'Phone Weo. ster 44C9. 6624 North 28th St. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. Doug, loot HE3H A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1263. BRANDEIS cut flower dept. new store. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Ifor Men. Tou pes, wigs. Hair Dept.. Brandels Stores. For men's artistic toupees, wig mok lng see Munhelt's. Est. 1S30. 403 S. 16th. Insurance, , TORNADO INSURANCE-Call Tyler 2024 O'nell's, 1605 Farnam street Motorcycles. WRITE" FOR LIST Or SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKHL'S NEB. CYCLE CO., 16TH AND HARNEY. USED motorcycles, bargains. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man," 3703 Leav. Movlna?, a torn we and Cleaning;. McLaud & Son, Van ft 8., 3.horas van, 1 men. 11.60 hr.. a hrs.. 31 per hr. P.m. W.&4J. Nnrserles anil Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. FRUIT TREES I SHADE TREES) Shrubs and small fruits; no agents. We save you the commission. Write or phone us for catalogue. Tel. Benson 634 -J. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson. Neb. P. J. FLYNN. PROPRIETOR. HAZEL DELL NURSERY. West of Florenoe. office 24th and Pink ney, Omaha, phones Florence 1532 and Web. 349S. Full line of fruit, shade and ornamental trees; shrubs, vines and roses. Music, Art una tunxuases. WILL give piano lessons to beginners at 33 cents a lesson. Webster 6292. Mar guerite Martenson. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO. Ornamontnl Shrubbery, Rose, Fruit and Sbado Troos. We have everything that can be planted In this latitude. Call at 13th and Douglas or phone D 449S. Special prices this week. The Gate City NurBcry has a fine line bt nursery stock at their sales grourV See n before you buy. J. H. kARNETTE, Manager, 18th and Harney and 63d and BurJette. Patents. HIRAM A. STUROES. patent lawyer, M6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3463. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Bit:. Tel. Red 7117. Usteotwtbs. Alice Johnson, 306-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Prescription Chemist, N H SRTLRR Oraduate prtscrlp- IN. Jl. om.UI iXV,Uon chemJit. nJ No. 28th. Free delivery. Douglas 107X Plumbers. STANDARD PLUMBING CO.. Doug. S99S. Store and Office Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bougnt, soia. Lvy, zeiu M., south Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv. lng. etc. We buy, wo sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-13 & 12th. D. 37U PHntlna, DOUGLAS Prtttlng Co. Tel. Doug. 641. Lew W. Raber, Printer. ,u"?hi BEE BLDO. ENTRVNCE ON COURT. WATBRS-BARNHART PtB. Co.. qual ity pilntlns. Tel. Doug. 2t9a C24 8. ISth. l'ubllo Strnouraphers. CORA E. COWEN, Ml Bee Bldg.. D. 3167 A.B.C. of Omaha A" A RON S Jewe.ry, corner 16th ana Farnsm Spring clearing sale a all novelty jewelry. ARKIN'S KOSHER REHTALltA.NT stands for quality, quantity and ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last life- time. 207 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. Lrutcjj rubbers, crutches, clastlo trusses, all kinds of rubber goods anything you want from a drug stoie. CALL Mme. Bennett for retrtmmlng nnd reblocklng ladles' hats. It's our RIKClalty. 214 a Hth. Douglas 2007. Empress ANY SEAT 10c ANY TIME GROSS Lumber Wrecktng Co. Ml kinds laundry, dairy second-hand mach Inery, pipes, shafting and ueltlng. HILLSIDE Sanitarium, 31st and Ohio. Tel. Web. K20. Lying-in hospital, rest room for convalescents and de bilitated. Regular physician In attendance. KERR Abstruct Co., 30j S. -7tn du Better be sate than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. Lampman Sign Co., 2d floor, 19)2 Doug.' Tel. D. 2C15. Signs of every descrip tion. Work ami prices right. A trlul will convince. M ONHEIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupees, swucnes irom comDings, 11. ion helfs Beauty Parlors, 403 a. 16. DtXj NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," ISth and Harney. Douglas 1WJ. We rent, repair, sell needleJ, parts of all sewing machines. NI3BRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL,. LEARN . AUTOMOBILE ENGI NEERING. Write for new caU logue. 1416-17 Dodge Bt., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WOKKU, 1206-8 Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water fronts, grates for furnaceB, cteaiu and hot water heaters In stock. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Wo make mattress and pillows to your order, renovate teatherH. mattresses and down covers. Prices reasonable; work guuranteed. SILK CHICK FOOD Made from pure grains. If your dealer does not handle, call Wagner. eui n . intn. Douglas lliz, BUSINESS l'EHSONALS Radium Treatment. H. P. Jensen. M. P.. 332 Bee Bldg. D. 6817. Steel CellluKS, Carter Sheet M eta! Works, HO So. 10th. Tullnrluu. TTTTfr tno .tailor for good clothes. uuu 04 Neville Blk. D-6318. Tlnuera. 'Pin Wnr1rMecn,in'caIly. Promptly done, .m "orltU Wllg & Son. H. 1W7. Tornudu Pictures, nun nn,ini i i... . . , vw,. uiuiiiiij ui lire, i.uou and tornado; 300 pages; 60 photographs; Mirllllnir alnrlAB nnrl al.tnl... r(tlh I...... . . . . . . . . , ...... nni..v.((va. .U ,11 UIIIU Ing, tl; leather, 31.76; mailed or delivered i ri "" ""'KiTi i. am a., uinana Tmeses Deformity Auyarntns. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ELASTIC STOCK INGS. THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANY. Surgical nnd Hospital Supplies, 1410-1412 Harney Street. Experts In fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. SKILLED LADY ATTENDANT. Trunks anil Suitcases, FREL1NG & STEINLE. 1S03 Farnam St Vacuum Cleaners. SWEEPER VAC Vacuum cleaner, economical. iliirnhl efficient; price, 310.00. M. Montgomery, KtlltA Aepr.t. 1711 lPnrnnm rioilir Key to the Situation Beo Advertising. Wnll Paper ClrniitiiK. SANtTlATtY WAt.T. D.inifll nt.iMV. ING. Phono Douglas 313-1. Wines and Lienors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jctes. 602-4 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65o a large dou tie. Klein Liquor House. 122 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Completo coursos In Business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sts. Omaha. Neb. , Danolnir. Special prices In April; learn to dance where u31 the others do. 1313 Harney St IJVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses ami Veblulex. AN opportunity to select from our en tire stock of horses, which consists of many well matched teams, single wagen and driving horses. We are compelled to dispose ot this stock becau" our trade Is commanding auto truck service. A ten day trial will be given free of labor charges and will arrange to ship to any part of thir state or Iowa freo of charge. Responsible parties can buy this stock by paying a portion down and the balance to suit purchaser. We advise to call and Inspect our stock before purchasing else where. A9k tor Manager McCauly Trans fer Co., 2226 Howard St. Douglas 3760. Harness ot all kinds, the largest stock in the city at attractive prices. Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. HORSES clipped 32; dogs31 andup. 2013 Cuming St. Douglas S433. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the .office ot the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. LOST Black mule, Friday night Wire cut on right front foot. N. P. Nelson, North Omaha. Tel. Florence Livery Barn. Florence 131. LOST Boston terrier; good reward. Call Talking Machine Dept. Brandels Store. TTnTTNrn -Arthur E. Dunn, commercial ihotographer. 1727 Howard. Flatiron Bldg. D. 3363 MKDICAIj Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. It Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Write tor boo on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY .ND SAL ARIES. RATES VERY LOW. TER414 EASIEST. CONFIDENTIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d Fl.. Suite 308. Paxton Bldg. Doug. 1411. TA T on furniture, piano IVlOneV real eitate at a very ATJ-VXVJ rate of Interest anj lo Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1366. 230 Bee Bldg. $10 AND UPWARDS We make loans from 310 and upward, payable In monthly payments. Reason able charges. Our treatment Is courte ous. All deals are private and conn dentlaL Your furniture, piano or othir perional property will be sufficient se curity. We also make loans to ralary employes without an endorser. Twenty one years ot square, fair dealing inakqs this business the largest of Its kind m the city Omuha Mortgage Loan Co., 1003 Farnam. 215 Board ot Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 299S. SALARY I.OANS. CHEAPEST It AT h: a Star Loan Co., 001 Paxton block. MONEY TO IJAN Snlnrr nnd Chattels. Balarr and Clinttela. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLI1 Ami nnnn fhnlr nwn nnmej rhejlnt i rates, easy payments; coniiaeniiai. u. i Toiinan. GOJ New Om. Nat. Baok Bid DIAMOND LOANS at 2M nnd Pe cent. Your goods Insured against fire and Durgiary wnue in our nossession tree. C Flatau, 1514 Dodge St. Red oili. OFKEHED FOU KENT Apartments mill Tints. JHEE RENTTHjL MAY In an elegant 5-room steam heated apartment, tine location, uougia zsn. FOUR-HOO.M brick flat. 3814 Sherman Ave.; Phone Webster 1793. SEVEN-room new brick, all modern walking distance. S40. Douglas 440. GordonVan Co. figffi 219 N. 11th St. or 210 S. 17th St Tel D. 3K FIDELITY g&QS moved. Backed. shipped 16th & Jackson sts. Doug, lfcis. STRICTLY high class 5-room nDart ment on West Farnam street with steam neat and janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. BIX-ROOM modern flat. U12 S. Hth. 6-R, modern flat 335. II. 3170. vT ein a . n.i v.. ii all modern, 3122 Cass. Tel. Benson SM-W or can o. L. Johnson. First Nat. bank. TWO stenm-heated stores, near post oiiicc, low rent. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 CHICAGO. 1607 Farnam: 6 rooms, comnotelv mod ern; suitable location for office, studios, dental or dress making rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co., 433 Ramgo Bldg. D. 7406. 600 8. 26th Ave. Upper 6-room flat Call Douglas G451. THE STANDARD FLATS. A real home. 6 Inrge, cool, well ven ttlated rooms. Interior hall, bath, pantry, fine finish, gas range, hot water. Janitor. Htpmn heat. Will nDneal to those who know. Summer. 325 to 328. Bonus to per mancnt tenants. nererences requireu. PAYNE & SLATER UU Om. No. Bk. Bldg. Office Standard 1101 N 18th. FIVE-ROOM Apt. In The Sherman Web. 67(5. ftcard and Xtooius. KTmrTI.V modern rooms, excellent board; centrnlly located. 61S S. 19th Doug. 1208. mi? uniAll 1 i.r.. nrlvate bath: al so ... HI......." u . . ' I , - small Buue; i or mimic Furnlshca Rooms. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat 1708 Jackson St. Tyier ii.'i, TWO nice sleeping rooms, 2213 Douglas TTtsliV nA em strr rtfwl frtrtm f OT t W gentlemen, with or without board. In prl . .... , 1 .1 A tli nn r-A HO. vnto iamuy. iMurran ..-.i.. ,,-. tj. t v , IfflppA nirv rooms private family. 2120 Douglas street. Mrs Elder wivn ..iiil,.w.t AYnnnllrp nrlvate bath. For one or two, ine viutum Douglns 5006 i.nn,vifpii" wiKTRn Yfiiinff man. 1 VWU 1,1 ..... A 1. ,, .... i..- , . . . n J1.60 weekly. upposito puouc iiumry Douglas 6006. Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. NEWtt furnished, for gentleman. In . . fii j 1 1 rr ,t n M private iamuy. vjiosoin. -.uii ,iyim iji Furnlslieil Houses, o.nnAM V.M1... from Mnv 1 until Sent i; 300 a. asm at. .ei. iiaruey o. WIWP IV... Varnnm rejtlrlrtnr,.. with R , , n . - - - , ...... - i. rrt a nnrl ru'n nn i n . inp rpni nil. nlHlied for six months or longer. D. C I'attcrson. Hotels aJid Apartutents. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. r a T TirnnMT A ITOTV.T. Stptitri heated rooms. 2 per week and up: tree oatn. Houses anil Oottnaes. lW'T.ATTT Son move trunks, 25a, i UALIi- M. Doualas 4S3S. J T) J Exp. Co.. furniture & I . rrfl pianos moved, stored. ,V-y AVVVJ. Web 274J Red j, SEVEN-ROOM house. 1420 South 7th street. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO stnr. age. 32 per month. We contract your Eaciting, storing and hauling. D. 4233 and . 3785. Offices 117 S. 14th St. 520 N. 16th. Moving, packing and storage ot house hold goods and Dtanos Is our bualnui Omaha Van and Sterage Co., fiieproof smrase, inn a. iota, oy tne viaduct Branch office. 309 S. Hth Bt Tel. D. 4163. 7-ROOM house and large reception hall; strictly moaern. sam po. zvtn. t. 60CT, FERRIN VAN ft STORAGE CO. II. H. Goods & pianos. Tyler 1200. W. 2747. I ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D, 2717 MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household gooas ana pianos, uougias use Omaha Express Co 119 IN. llin. UOUglOB 3351. Moving vans, wagons, fire proof storage furniture packing and piano moving, FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 2063 iNorth lisin st.. mouern except neat; large lot, pavea street, inquire at aoove loca tion for a tew days, or telephone H. 1609, irom o to a. m., or e to i p. m. FOR RENT Field club district. Mod ern 6-room house. Possession May 1, Phone Harney 3007. WEST Farnam. new stucco. 7 rooms. 319 N. RSth Ave. 243, Red 41T7 NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hot water heat 2eo Harney. su. inquire x. J. O'Brien, Harney 1831. Douglas mt rr..r.. In all parts of the city. n u not. Crelgh. Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. 9-ROOM house, strictly modern, 28th and Poppleton, 350 per month. Nebraska Realty and Investment Co., 424 Brandels Bldg, FOR RENT Completely modern tf-roorrt house at 2702 S. 21st St: cheap to rtsht party. Tel. Benson M3 w. FOR RENT All modern house. 2558 Pierce St Key next door, Carl E. Her ring. 2011 ELM ST. Six rooms, modern, good shade. 32Z. 1'none Harney ttio. SEVEN and eight rooms, modem, first floor, oak finish, 601 Park Ave. and 2917 Jackson St, 342 and 345. Telephone itarneyioio. 3024 CASS 9-room, modern house, nice lawn and shade. Phone Harney 2575. Beo This First A NICE, NEAT 6-ROOM modern flat good lawn. 320; walking distance. CALL HARNEY 1692. SAVE money In shipping household goods, auto, etc. Missouri Rlvnr Freight ... .i m.i n. .-. . . V- l urwiwuuip; . i. i r,. i'uub. oji. io ... n in rjOTiTT! Express and Storage. Piano V-'A-"J and furniture moving. D. 670. 2568 Sahler, 6-r., water, gas, 31S. 1607 Lothrop, 6-r., all mod., 318. 18 Hickory, T-rM all mod., 32S. 1303 S. Hth. 6-r., mod. ex heat 322, 801 Park Ave., 6-r., heat, water, 325. 1812 8. Sth, 3-r., water. 19. BIRKETT ft COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4764. Stores nnd Of flees. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To Whom This May Concern All those having goods in pawn at my store, 1211 Douglas street, are earnestly requested to redeem them within 30 days from April 15. 1313. as I am positively going out ot Dusiness. r mures tor saie. store for rent I. Friedman. OFFICES at 1517 Farnam 3t, 2d floor. Store, 1020 N. 16th St Two stores, new. 21044 Cuming St Store, 1111 Harney St i Store, at 336 N. 26th St., So. Omaha. O. C REDICK, Att'y, 1517 Farnam St FOR RENT. FARNAM STREET Three-story and basement building. 15U Farnam street: will rent first floor a ad basement separately Inquire. Room ill. First National bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1242. OFFEKED FOB BENT Stores nnd Offices. MOST deslrabt warehouse space In Omaha. Would alio consider renting part of sample room floor, especially Kooa ior auiomoDiied. liacine battle t-o., lutn ot. vinauct 30-ROOM brick building, bath on each floor, steam heat, electric light; good family hotel location. NlCO Store room. 22x60. one hlnrlc from 21th and Cuming; close to good transfer point. Storo rooms, one block from Leaven worth St. for only 312.50 a month. Two large, fine office rooms at 15th and nnrney uts.; see us about there. Warehouse or Btore, 10,000 square feet, sicHm neat, ireignt elevator. Nice large store rooms. 24th and Seward, N. P. DODGE & CO., Doug. 829. OFFEUED FOB SALE Furniture., tai i.cfc ill Bvu .uiiviiiiuii. uibu ji'.'uuns siovo; low pnee. .uuress u-odi, i-am xjuc. Mnslcal Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. 3125. 119 N. ISth. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. V. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, Mlsoella neons. SAFES 2-hand. American Supply Co. GIVING up housekeeping, everything goes, including turnuure garret to kitchen and basement; beds, dishes, din ing room equipment, book case, books, phonograph, plnno and player, music box, tools, counters, benches, shelving, office files, etc; typewriter, neostvle. blank enevolpes, canned cleaner, 6c for Zou can; mite and lice killing nest eggs. Pedlars take notice; surgeon's chair and Instruments; gas and gasollno stoves other things, too numerous to name. All week. 2416 Hamilton St, Tel. Web. 978, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures ot all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-409 South 10th Pt SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. uengni uo isis f arnam St. 1 EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee I n..i..i-i.i. ........ , - . streets. Kindling, 34. H. Gross, lumber & wrocking HALL'S safes, new nnd 2d-hnnd. Corey & McKenxIe Ttg. Co., 1417 Harney. D. IG4I. rOUlTBY AND SUPPLITSS ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company. Clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators and brooders: cataioguo tree. PURE Rose Comb Brown Leghorn eggs. 3V4 cents each. Laura A. Hazen, Hollls, Kan. BUFF Orpington eggs, and broody hen. Webster 1926. EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R C. Rhode Island Reds; vigorous hardy stock; great layers; country range: 31 for 15: 35 Per 100. A. H. linker. Den son neo. R. F. D. No. 2. Tel. Benson 747-W. R03E.COMB Rhode Island Red ezes for hatching from the finest laying show birds, trap nested, 82 for fifteen. Tele phone Benson 323. W. F. S. King, Ben son. Neb. Letters answered. S. C. White Leghorn eggs Florence 218 THnnnnnHHllKD Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. Webster T701. PEBSONAL Massage. Mrs. Steele. 1S07 Farnam. 3d fl. Miss Fisher, mas., bath.' elec. treat. D. 863. Tit, salvation ARMY solicits cast- off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair nnd sell at 131 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, t the worthy poor, mono uouama vii um wagon will call. "Vf AGQAllTH .Swedish movement. 413 MiVC50ii.tJili Bee jjidg. Douglas 6372. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten phafmauy, 12th and Dodge. lANinuniNU: face, scalo and mag netic treatment. Miss Debar. 204 S. 19th. MASSAGE MRS. RITTENHOU8E, 308 Boston Store. Eve. and Sun. appolnt's. ata !-vnr'rriT',i treatment. E. Brott iU.-ttAJr.lliA.H- M29 Vinton. D-7S9S. MASSAGE,, salt glow. Mme. Allen ot Chicago. 109 S. Hth St Douglas 7665. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 945 subscriDtlons to the L. H. Journal 31.60; S. E. Post 31.60. ana country uen tieman. win earn u.uw ior tne in vallds Pension Ass'n. which will Insure myself and fifteen other sufterers 310 a month eacn. Must have Its In April. Tour renewal worth 60 cents. DON'T withold it. Phone Douglas 7163, umana nd. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. E-ot.-it i ,-ci Massage, Modern . BihUUh, ' Troatments. 703 S. 16th St., Apt. 8. YOUNG women coralnn to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Marys Avt- where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aia at tne union station. BALE Oil EXCnXAXGB It. E. Improved Farm Halt section and SO acves; south central Nebraska: fair Improvements. Price $16,000. Want to trade this for town prop erty. No agents. Address me to Post office Box No. 633, Omaha. Neb. CYCLONES CAN WRECK CITY PROPERTY. but they can't wreck land. We have land for city properly. LAND CO.. 1106 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE good farms to exchange for resi dence and Income property. Owners see us. J. A. Olson, BQi city National uana Bldg., Omaha. TRADE If you can't sell. W. 8. Frank. 1025 City Nat. Bank. REAL ESTATE WANTED wk have a buyer for your house call Osborne Realty Co. Fhont Douglas 1474. ItEAIi ESTATE CITY PIIOPEIITY FOtt SALE. 2120 Wirt The homo of Architect F. W. Clarke. therefore well built first-class, artistic. First floor has living room, has beamed celling, panelled walnscoat, built-in cabi nets, ledges, seats, leaded glass, U sawed 'oak; dining room has creened porch ad Joining three rooms; dressing room and bath upstairs: south front lot 60x124; pretty yards, big trees. O'Keefo Eeal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2715. TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST HEK JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. A NICE HOME. In north part of city, 8 good rooms. pantry, bath room and closets, large. ugni. airy Daaeraent. cemented; nouse partly modern, in excellent condition, near car, school and church, good neighborhood, has large lot with bear ing fruit $2,400 for a short time, terms to suit W. W. Mitchell, Bee Bldg., Douglas 1S73. ONE BLOCK OF AVENUE B SCHOOL, UUUNV-'IIj BUUf'i o. Oood 6-room cottage, city water. large porch, nice, high 44-foot lot: rents stead ily tor 112.60. Nonresident owner says let It go at $1,300. It is worth the price. Let us show you. M GEE REAL KSTATH CJ., 105 Pearl St ITNIISUAI. BARGAIN. Nine-room mod ern residence, good condition; West Far nam district. For quick sale owner will make easv terms and liberal discount Address L 335. care Omaha Bee. Kvm SALE OR RENT The handsome residence of irs. Samuel Katx. corner 37th and Jones Sts. ; garage. Keys at next door, or 'phone Douglas 3418. HKAIj ESTATE tlTY PROPERTY FOR SAI.H. Will SeU 'Cheap or Take in Trade Good Building Lot on Nearly New 7 Room House Located lit 2416 Webster Ave., has t rooms on the first floor, hallway, living room, dining room nnd den finished In onk and one bedroom, kitchen and bath finished In pine. Two nice bedrooms, hallway and two large closets on the sec ond floor finished In best of pine. This houso Ib strictly modern with good fur nace, cement basement; lot 40x133 ft, with good barn or garage; half block from car line that goes direct to Sixteenth and rarnam without transferring; olose to now school and stores. This house was built for a home by a contractor, who Is still occupying same. You can go direct to the house and the owner will show you through, or we will be glad to take you out can arrango some terms. HASTINGS & HBYDBN, 1614 Harney S. ON EASY TERM8 Homes Will rake your vacant lot as frst payment, or wilt , build for yoJ. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616 Oma. Nat Some real bargains in new, modern, up- to-date Bungalows. low unaerwooa Ave., stucco house; 7 rooms, oak finish: bcumed ceilings; fire place; built-in book cases; buffet. A real home. Trlpo ftw i n.,i .., J40 per month. 1606 Laird SIT mnmej haumnH r a 1 1 1 n rr 1 l-k. . , ... viuun, van. 1.III1SU, strictly modern. Den. bath, kitchen. Pantry, dlnlnr room, nnrln. nn tat rt.. two bedrooms, two closets, hall, store room on second floor. Price 32,700; $600 cash, $25 per month. Corner 20th and Sprague JllRt r"i I n cr r)rtmn1fliAJ C . A -vt 1 beauty; finish same as 4S09 Underwood A VP.. litlt HlffstAnt olvla TJ-1& ! wa. J800:ah, balance 35 per month. 1721 lJratt St. 5 rooms with fire lmnlr pdi. n b- finish: new and n dnnflv. iMi.. m irw. $600 cash, balance $30 per month. ' Theoo houses aro all well built of first class material and by day labor; nO con tract work; all first clnss In every re spect. Call mo un and I win inv vnn n show you through. Sunday or any time you like might take a good building lot as part payment. A. H. Olmstead Phone Web. 3G20. New Frame and Stucco House Immediate Possession Open Today ...... n u v v... uaiu iuiiueu,' CIOS1 to the new boulevard and In the district whop. 1 1 I k. ,1 .,.1 ... ... . ..coiujuiicui ivura vi tnt ?? ew'earB has bepn going on, so that ... i,uiv.iiat ui mis nouso win not only get a first-class home, but also a steady Increase In vnlue. caused by tho sur rounding Improvements; the large living room with beamed celling, handsome m, i.epl.aof nnd sun porch opening out of the living room and dining room, re.inljLB few of -tho attracUve features , nuuoci ii ii i us l oe noen to be appreciated. COME OUT TODAY. Very hi ,,,B ol BaJe can DB secured. " vu wvvii IIU1UO. George & Company Phono D.J766.JQM2 City Natl. Bank Dli. BUY FROM 1814 Evann fa. it rooms down-it. if rn nnH . - i . .. lie a a lyiaue . I OUT D6U rooms upstairs; sun room and bath: beam ceilings: 8-foot brick basement Lot COx 125-front and back yard; all sod; large garage. Now occupied by owner. Newly completed, built for home. For further Information call at 1814 Evans. ACREAGE TOR SALE. i 3-6 ACRES. Located In Keystone Park; highly improved: nice, nearly new 6-room house; all necessary outbuildings; tine 6-year-old orchard and plenty of small fruit Price. $4,000. Terms. O'NEIL'S n. E. & INS. AGENCY, 1606 FARNAM ST. Tel. Tyler 1024. 16M-ACRE PLACE TO EXCHANGE. Adjoining Council Bluffs; tine, rich gar den land; good 7-room house, barn; ail kinds of fruit The last owner grew rich selling garden stuff off this place. It Is a good place for gardening or any pur pose and worth the price of $6,000. Can use Omaha house and lot as part pay-i ment M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, 206 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM A RAM II LNDi KOIl SALE. California. CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and 3d Tues. W. T. Smith Co. 815 City Nat Blc Idabo. FOR SALE-40-acre stock, hay and alum runcn; goon outsiae range; 100 head stock cattle; unincumbered. For price owner, u u. weant. Crawford. Idaho. THE BEAUTIFUL BOISE VALLEY- rw,!w.vrY..hd a cy0'0"8 n Its history. Come to Idaho, where you can now do US?1 '" aiw' STeng. enterprising coun try, and where there are no tornadoes or ?5SSritlUlure Se,(1 ,Cttrd for handsome j!Ht and, particulars regarding the Mry. We also sell good business propositions in southern Idaho. Refer to First NaUonal and Boise City National banks. Boise. GEORGE E. AT WATER, Meridian, ldaio. J. B. SCHOOLER'S AGENCY, , Boise. Idaho. Mlanesiota. FOR SALE 320 acres. 45 miles from AflnrtMrvilla iu mil.. eAn . A . ATA, lln I . .. ... u. UUI.IIUIIUII, UCUA11VO IIHIHIff, good soli and good set buildings; 15 cows. uwiKi oonipiete sut inocninery, corn, os, to, hogs, chlckons and everything goes , IM nn r evtn v. . . - yw mi mi,, mwu uuu, muureB WQ stand five or ten years, 6 per cent in- , vu uivvo., 1028 Plmouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. New York. TO SETTLE MILLIONAIRE'S ESTATE. lio-acre farm. Duuaings worth p.000. Price. $6,000. $1,000 cash down, balance 5 per cent. Write for photo. Railroad fare to purchaser. 2426 S. Sallna St., Syracuse. N. Y. Nebraska. WESTERN NEBRASKA RANCH. To exchange for hotel, in western Iowa or eastern Nebraska, preferred; excellent opportunity for party who wants farm and ranch. F, J. Bchnorr, 518 Broadway. uouncu uiutis, ia. U'Ucuu4, TROUT POND-BIg Snring treek. one. half mile and eighty acres of land for sale by Charles Dormbrack. Nye Polk rounty, Wis., IVi miles north ot Nye de pot Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. 1 V '1 1