Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Stack-raloonr Co., Unaartaktri.
ridellty Storff It Van Co. Doug. 1G1S
nv Boot Print It Now Deacon
Good Plumbing' Co., will do tt right
nnd nave you money. 'Phone D. 1918.
Mghtlnff rixturta repaired nnd re fin
ished. Biirpcss-Grnndcn Co. Douglas 6S1.
Tor $3 Per Tear A private safe In our
vault perfect safety for valuables.
Omaha Safe Deposit company, 1618 Far
nam. Tornado Special To help those who
tiro rcpalrlnK or rebuilding, we will sup
ply during April nnd May ready mixed
paints and varnishes at n discount of iO
per cent from regular wholesale prices.
B. R. Hruco & Co.
Folic Aid In Search for Qlrl Re
becca Tlosenbloom, ngefl 17 years, has
been missing from her home, SOIS Fort
street, since Friday morning, nnd It Is
thovglt by her mother she hns eloped.
The police aro searching for the girl.
The State Sank of Omaha pays 4 per
cent on time deposits, s per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bank In Omaha
whose depositors nro protected by . the
depositors' guarantee fund of tho state
of Nebraska. lTth and Harney streets.
If Anyono Has Any Bill Against the
estate of the late George J. Duncan, will
they pleaso notify his mother, Mrs. C.
K, Duncan, 1914 Douglas street, care
Chief Salter, and everything will be
To Speak on English Cathedrals Bis
hop Bristol will speak Friday evening
nt tho First Methodist Episcopal church,
Twentieth and Davenport streets. He
will tako as his topic, "The Cathedrals
of Kngland'
Civil Government Class The class In
civil government of the Omaha Woman's
club will meet on Wednesday at 4 o'clock
In room 312 of the Young Women's Chris
tian association. Mr. K. C. Page will be
the leader of tho class.
E. rio Hawkins to Talk E. Flo Haw
kins, woman evangelist, will deliver a
lecture at tho Seventh Day Advcntlst
church. Twcuty-flflh, street and Indiana
avenue, this evening at 8 o'clock. Sub
ject, "The Heavenly Family and the
Work of the Good Angels." All Invited.
Wants Divorce from Actor Mrs. Eva
I.tngenfelter of Omaha has brought suit
for divorce against her actor husband,
Charles D. Llngenfeltcr, alleging that
while he was "on tho road" he was not
indifferent to tho charms of other wo
men. Ijlngenfelter now Is in Portland.
He la a vaudeville actor. His wife al
leges In her petition that his salary Is
from $200 to $400 a month. The couple
was married In New York December 12,
Educator Dies In Harness Superin
tendent E. U. Graff of the public schools
has learned of the death of Superintend
ent P. n. Walker of tho Rockford, Ill
schools, one of tho "grand old men of
education," who for twenty-nine years
had been superintendent of the Rockford
schools. For several years Graff, as
principal of the Rockford High nchool,
worked under Superintendent Walker.
Walker was 78 years old. Ho "died In
harness," working until three days be
fore ho died.
Falls at Old Trick J. Troy was sen
tenced to fifteen days In Jail for "work
ing a drunk." Troy was arrested at
Thirteenth and Douglas streets while
piloting Henry Nybert down that thor
oughfare. Incldently Troy was going
"t'h"foigh Nybert's pockets. He has been
nrrested three times within the last seven
days on the samo charge, the last pros
pective victim being Joo- Brooks. Troy
has not ns yet Kucceeded In picking any
thing worthy of mention from the pock
ets of his finds.
Even Most Chronic Sufferers
Find Relief After a Few
Doses Are Taken.
i - --
Hackacho, urinary disorders and rheu
matism, aro caused from weak, inactive
kidneys, which fall to filter out the Im
purities and keep the blood pure, and
the only way on earth to permanently
and positively cure such troubles is to
remove the cause.
The now dlscoverp, Croxone, soon re
lieves such conditions because it reaches
the very roots of tho disease. It soaks
right Into the stopped up, Inactive kid
neys, through tho walls and linings;
cleans out the little filtering cells and
glandB; neutralizes and dissolves tho
poisonous uric acid substances that lodge
In the Joints and muscles to scratch and
iiy mild treatment will euro Piles, Fistula and other Rectal disease;)
in a short tlmo, without a surgical operation. I do not use Chloroform,
Ether or other general anaesthetic I guaranteoa cure of every casii
accepted. Nopay until euro Is effected Writefor a book on Rectal
diseases and testimonials. SR. E. K. TARRY, 240 Baa Hldg., Omaha
Amazing Scarcity of Fireproof
School Buildings.
Advance Xotrs f Commencement
Srnnoti llrrr nnit Thrre Ac
(Ivltlm nf Nrnrby
A survey of school house construction
in the United States combined with an
analysis of school fires, for tho years
1911 nnd 1912, nnd two months or 191.
published In tho current number of In
surance Engineering, sums up the result
In n few words "Schoolhouses are built
to burn."
Every state In the union, and man
Canadian provinces are Included In tlx
Investigation which-comprises nearly 4(4
cities. The conclusion reached Is tha
most of tho 30,000,000 school children nnd
students In the roll of cities enumerated,
aro In constant peril from fire and panic,
because of tho fact that they nro housed
In buildings that nro flrctraps.
Within the period and area covered, the
estimated average fire loss per .school fire
la placed at SX.WO. In 1911 tho value of
school and college, buildings destroyed by
fire, was approximately $3,000,000. A con
siderable Increase over this figure was
recorded In 1912, nnd the prediction is
made that If somothlng Is not to alter
tho stylo of construction, the flro losses
In school buildings for 1913 will be nearer
tho $1,000,000 mark.
Estimates of ' the prevailing frequency
of fires In schools nrc as high as ten a
week, although the Incompleteness of the
reports makes It Imposslblo to place tho
figures exactly. It Is considered safe
to say, however, that a school, college,
or some other sort of educational building
burns pnrtlally or completely each day
In a school year.
Overcrowding, Insufficient ventilation,
unsafe heating apparatus, combustible
construction, wooden stairways, and doors
swinging Inward aro given as the prin
cipal sources of danger to school chil
dren. The most recent menace Is said
to be the introduction of motion pictures
In the schools. Unless safe projecting
machines nrc used, under fireproof
booths, nnd with tho restrictions Imposed
on public shows, fires nnd panics will,
It Is said, be greatly Increased.
Athletic Stnntn vrlth Imvrn Itnkes
nnd I.nrrn Mower.
At a meeting of the boys Thursday
morning after chapel they decided to
again do the work of keeping tho campus
raked and mowed this spring. Tho work
that the boys did last spring was praised
highly by all who visited tho college, and
tho faculty as well, and that body was
highly gratified when It was learned
that tho boys were going to continue tho
work this year. Tho campus has been
divided Into seven sections and each gang
has Its captain who oversees tho work.
Each boy agrees to put ono hour a week
o ntho work. This means forty hours a
week put In mowing the grass and clean
ing up.
Iast Wednesday evening Prof. Durrago
gave nn Illustrated talk on Homo In tho
biological lecture room, with Prof. Carl
son assisting" with "the baloptlcan. The
talk was well nttended and much Inter
est was shown In his descriptions of his
travels last summer.
On Thursday was held tho monthly
students' recital of both expression and
school of muslo pupils. This was held
Irritate and cause rheumatism; heals
the Inflamed membranes of the bladder,
and cleans out and strengthens the
stopped up. lifeless kidneys so they filter
and sift all the poisons from the blood,
and drive It out of the Bystcm.
So sure, so positive, so quick and last
ing, are tho 'results obtained from the
use of Croxone. that three doses a day
for a few days are often all that Is re
quired to euro the worst backache, regu
late the most annoying bladder disorders
nnd overcome the numerous other sim
ilar conditions.
It Is tho most wonderful preparation
ever made for the purpose. It is so
prepared that it is practically Impos
sible to take it Into the human system
without results.
An original package of Croxono costs
but a trifle, and all druggists nre au
thorized to return the purchase price If
Croxono falls to give desln-d results, re
gardless of how old you are, how long
you have suffered, or what Use has
i failed to cure you. Advertisement.
in the evening so the people from town
i-ould attend and n goodly number came.
These recitals are getting to be looked
forward to with much pleasure.
Stroncr hrmnnil fnr (Irnilnntn nt
finort Sntnrles.
There Is strong demand for graduates
of the Kearney Normal. The young mrn
are finding plnees at lucrative salaries
ranging from $75 to $100 per month. Tho
averago salary of the men thus far Is
$S per month. The young women are
receiving from SJ5 to $75 per month. Most
of the members of the class nre already
Iuthcr P. Sudden, for ninny years
members of the State Hoard of Education,
paid the Institution and his daughter,
Carrie .of the department of biology, a
pleasant visit Thursday, r. LiUdden spent
the forenoon at Kearney on his way from
Kimball to Grand Island.
Prof. H. 11. Duncanson of Peru was n
pleasant visitor on Monday and Tuesdny
of last week. Ho addressed tho faculty
In regular session at the home of Presi
dent Thomas on Monday evening, and
the students at chapel on Tuesday morn
ing. Prof. Duncanson was the guest of
Prof, and Mrs. Porter while in the city.
Harry Dryden' of the llrldgeport High
school visited the Normal Monday nt
chapel. Mr. Dryden was for many years
a star man on the Normal foot ball team.
Ho graduated two years ago nnd Is
doing well as an educator. Tho Normal
appreciates tho visits from Its former
Tho German club, under the direction
of Miss Hoslc, gaVo a very interesting
German play in the chapel on Friday
evening of last week. The play was well
attended and tho parts rendered In
pleasing manner. .
J. E. Itnllcy, general secretary of tho
Young Men's Christian association, ad
dressed tho members of tho Normal
loung Men's Christian association on
Sunday afternoon nnd tho students at
chapel on Monday morning.
OrRnnlsntion nf ('lnc for Next
Venr Well Under Wny.
Tho organization of classes for next
year Is already under headway and the
outlook for full classes in every depart
ment Is very promising. Mnny students
who enmo in for a short tlmo and wore
unclassified aro now planning to tako a
regular course next year; others who have
finished ono course will do advancod
Prof. Softlcy, dean of tho literature nnd
psychology department of tho college, was
elected president of tho Fremont Men's
club at Its last meeting.
Mrs. Mao E. Harding, who has been
spending tho winter at the college with
her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Clemmons, left
Wednesday for her home at Tipton, Ind.
Mrs. Ida B wan son and mother of Oak
land, Neb,, wero callers nt tho college
last week. Mrs. Swanson is one of the
early students of tho college.
Martin Cederllnd of Newman Grove, n
former student and commercial gradunte,
was a college visitor last week. Mr.
Cederllnd Is now ono of Boone county's
successful teachers.
Wednesday morning the scientific class
gave an Interesting program at tho chapel
hour, consisting of a unlquo representa
tion of the weekly faculty meeting and a
typical chapel exercise. Erlck Zack fea
tured ns President Clemmons nnd de
lighted his audience. Other members of
tho class played their parts with crcdlt
ablo skill.
D. I. Dartllng of this city, member of
last year's classic class, visited tho college
Wednesday afternoon.
A high-class recital was given Inst Fri
day eyenlng In tho Union Literary hall by
tho special expression pupils. The large
audience which greeted these artists was
an Indication of general interest In the
program to be rendorcd and In the young
peoplo who are specializing In this line of
rirlef Mention of the Week's llnp-
Presidency Stookey of Rellovuc, who
has been absent on an extended trip In
tho east, returned last week and delivered
a short talk to tho students Wednesday
morning In chapel exercises. He spoko
particularly upon the cltels which he
had visited and some of tho rare art
collections of the east.
Friday morning tho senior class ap
peared for the first tlmo in academic
costume. The gruduates filed into the
chapel room after all had been assam-
bled, nnd garbed In tho conventional
cap and gowns were applauded by tho
under classmen.
The consignment of rocks and geologi
cal specimens received by tho science
department some tlmo ago have been
properly classified and placed in tho
cases for examination nnd use. They
are a valuable addition to this depart
ment, containing specimens from tho
earliest periods of time, from the states
of Iowa and Illinois.
The Frehman number of the college
monthly, "Purple and Gold," Is off tho
press and was well received by the
student body.
Chndrnn fttnte Normal.
Miss Copeland received several new se
lections of glee club music recently. Tho
clubs are practicing the commencement
Lnst week the students of the German
department adopted the constitution for
the new German club. The name of the
club Is "Der Vereln, Germanla." The
officers for the club were elected as fol
lows: LaVergne Irwin, president; Carrie
Allbery, vice president; Kenneth Scoval,
secretary, and Edna Conn, treasurer.
The first regular meeting will be held
Tuesdny evening.
A few weeks ago several of tho nd
vanced German students entered the cor
respondence work with students of Eng
lish in Germany. Several have received
Interesting nnd Instructive letters from
their German correspondents,
The old chapel song books have been
replaced, The new collection contains
songs by some of the best writers. Much
merriment occurred during the music
period on Monday morning after the
sinking of "Tho Spring Song" from the
Melody In F, when It occurred to the
students that three of the men of the
faculty wero wearing new spring suits.
Miss Agnes Wilkinson has accepted a
position as primary teacher In her home
town of Atkinson, Neb.
Miss Herein Fisher and Mlai Blanche
Iewls, both of whom were members of
the class of 1912, have been elected to
positions In the Chadron public schools
for the coming year.
The Girls' Athletic club has been asked
by tho Girls' Dramatic club to nrelft It
In tho gllng of the Greek play ' An
tigone." i
The fifth and sixth grades gave a very
Interesting picture
study reproduction
last week. Among the famous pictures
tnken up wero "Sir Galahad." "The
Princes In tho Tower" nnd the "Aurora."
Japan's national flower, the Iris, now
ndorns the wnlls of tho seventh nnd
eighth grade rooms.
Last Friday the "Hoosler Poet." Itlley,
wn studied In the seventh' nnd eighth
grades. The regular lyceum program
was given. In which the central theme
selections pertaining to spring, taken
from Riley's verse.
HxnmlnntliHi l)n I'm Ntuitrntn In
the Test.
State examinations wero held
nt the
of last
normal on Friday nnd Saturday
Miss Rose Clark, who has been for the
last month In Lincoln nt tho bedside of
her sister, returned to her duties hero
last Tuesday. Her sister, who died last
week, was burled Sunday.
The Everett IJbrary society gavo a
Shakexpeareau program in tho chapel on
Friday night, to which the Phllomatheam
and their friend were Invited. Misses
Ferguson and Peletler of the expression
department rendered the balcony scene
from "Romeo and Juliet" and Dr. nnd
Mrs. House gave a du . 'T.'ill Thou
Ho Good?" tho words of which are taken
from tho samo scene.
Miss Graco Schoonover of the expres
sion department, gnvo n graduate recital
to her friends In the high school room
on Wcdnosday last.
Superintendent Mooro of Osceola, who
Is a grnduate of Peru. 1909, Is visiting
hero this week, his object being to solect
thrco grado tcaohors for the coming year
In his town.
HnxtlitR CoIIckc Note.
The program for commencement week
has been partly announced. The bncca
laureate address on June S will be deliv
ered by Dr. n. M. Ixing of Lincoln, the
moderntor of Synod. Dr. R. F. folic of
Denver, former moderntor of tho Pres
byterian General Assembly of tho United
States of America, will deliver tho com
mencement address on June It.
The College Glee club, under the direc
tion of H. St. Fuhr, returned from a trip
Saturday night. Well received programs
wero given nt St. Paul and Ioup City.
Tho next entertainment was given at
Trumbull on Frldny night. April IS. The
club appenrs nt Glltner on April 21 nnd
at York on' April 22, and tho season
closes with tho home concert, April 23.
President Crone addressed tho presby
tery nf Kearney nt Fullcrton this week.
He also spoke to the high school students
at that place.
Dean Kemp has been appointed dclo-
gato to the Hastings presbytery, which
meets at Superior next week. President
Crone will also attend.
Don't Admit j
ffijLight-DecayedBeer j
Hi ll JInto Your House f
MB' jpff Yu must drink beer not only
iTp made pure, but kept pure.
bottles we use Brown Bottles.
Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives
the best protection against light. The Brown Bottle pro
tects Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass.
We began in a hut, sixty years ago. Today our agencies
dot the earth. Our output exceeds a million barrels a year.
More and more people each year are drinking Schlitz.
Whyx don't you, too, drink only pure beei Schlitz in
Brown Botdes.
r I
That Made Milwaukee Famous.
DEBATE CONTESTS NEAR END A .. i it.' e.i l n t!
"Alu "ununi igu ociiuui Viumiicw
tion Arouses Interest.
1'lnnU ro llolim Held In District
nnd Championship Will lie
I It-Ill mi High School
Fete t)n.
LINCOLN. Neb., April 20 -(Special.) -The
sixth annual contest of Nebraska's
High School Debating league the largest
In the United States Is nearlug conclu
sion. Whnt schools will have the honor
of sending representatives to the at.ttn
championship deabte at the University of
Ncbtnskn on High School Feto day In
May will soon be determined.
The championship ronleit In the north
ern district between O'Neill and Valen
tine was held at O'Neill last evening,
nnd the championship of tho eastern dis
trict was settled at Fremont this evening
when Fremont and Nebraska City met.
The final contest In the northwestern
district between Alliance nnd Sidney
took plaeo nt AUInuco last evening,
ttrokrii IIimv or Onl.
Tho Rroken How-Ord debate nt Onl.
April 2. will decide tho first honors In
tho west central district.
Falrbury won tho championship of tho
southern district by defeating DHIcr and
then Edgar.
Four other debates will he held next
week, tha Oscoola-York, April 21; tho
McCook-Trcnton, April 21; tho Falls City
Humboldt, April 22; tho Havelock-Lln-coin,
April 24.
Tho following summarizes the results of
tho second nnd the third honor series of
debates and gives tho announcements for
the final championship series In tho
entire districts, the Mhool named first
supporting the affirmative of tho league
question: "Should American Cllles Adopt
a Commission Form of Government?"
Ontrnl District.
Osceola (winner from Stromsburg)
York (winner from Friend). At Osceola.
April 21.
Geneva (winner of Osceola-York debate).
KitKlrrii District.
Nebraska City (winner from Weeping
Water) South Omaha (winner from
Hellovuo academy nnd High school). At
Nebraska City, March 21. Won by Ne
braska City. 2 to 1.
Fremont (winner from Plattsmouth by
Schuyler (winner from North Rend).
At Fremont, March 21. Won by Fremont,
Fremont (winner from Plnttsmouth by
default and Schuyler) Nebraska City
t winner from Weeping Water and South
Omnha). At Fremont, April 19.
Uellcvuo Academy and High School
Weeping Water. At Hellovuo. March 21.
Won by Uellcvuo Academy nnd High
School, unanimous.
. KiiHt-Ontrnl District.
irnvelock (winner from University
Place) Teachers' High School (winner
from Sterling). At llavelock, March 25.
Won by Havelock. 2 to 1.
HAVELOCIC (winner from University
Purity exceeds
our brewery. We even filter the air in which
Schlitz is cooled. We scald every tub, keg and
barrel, every pipe and pump, every time we use it.
instead of putting pure
The Beer
l't.ue nnd Trnchcrs Collece High School
Lincoln (winner from Wilbrr. which de
feated Nebraska Military Academy). At
llavelock. April 21.
.Northern District.
Valentine (winner from Atkinson)
O'Neill (winner from Ainsworth). At
O'Neill, April 18.
Northcnutcrn District.
Plerco (winner from Orelghton) Ran
dolph. .Nnrlli-tVntrf.1 District.
. N'orfolk-.Mndlson. At Norfolk, March
Jl. Won by Madison, 2 to 1.
Albton-Madlson twlnncr from Nor
folk). Ahlance (winner from Rushvllle)
Sldmy (winner from Mlnataro by de
fault). At Alliance. April l.. (
ortlnvctcrn District.
Falrbury (winner from Dlllvrl Edgar
(winner Iroin Superior. At Fatrbur),
Apill 11. Won by Fall bury, unanimous,
Dlllcr-Supetlor. At SuiKTlor, April 4.
Won by superior. 2 to 1.
Southern Dlntrlrt.
Uratilce (winner from Trvumsch by de
fault) Wyinore- At lloatrlee, April 4.
Won by Wymoro, unanimous.
Falls City twlnncr from Aubutn)
Humboldt (winner from Table Rock), At
Falls City. April S!.
Sniithrnatrrn District.
McCook (winner from Holbrook) Tren
ton (winner from Strntton). At Trenton,
April 21.
Oxford twlnncr from Franklin by de
fault and from Heaver Clty)-(wlnner McCook-Trcnton
.taiutliM mli'tli District.
Harvnrd-Kcarnoy. At Kearney, April
11. Won by Kearney, 2 to 1.
Holdrege-.MInduti. At Mlndcn, April 9,
Won by Mtuden. 2 to 0.
Kearney (winner from Harvard)
Mlndcn (winner from lloldrege).
Wmt-Crnlnil DlNtrlct.
llroken Row (winner from Mcrna)
Ord (winner from Sargent). At Ord.
April 24.
Dcutli from lllomt Poison
wiih pi evented by 0. W. Cloyd, Plunk,
Mo., who healed his dungernus wound
with Uucklen's Arnica Salve. Only K.
For salo by Henton Drug Co. Advertise
At the loyal hotel the Omega chapter
or the Delta Sigma Delta, n division of
the national dental fraternity, held Its
annual banquet. Plates wern laid for
fifty members, most of whom nro prac
ticing In this city.
After nn eight-course dinner the even
ing wns spent In listening to
and professional talks by several of tho
dentists who wero guests of the evening.
Plans were discussed for tho opening
of a fraternity houso next fall In which
members could make their home ns well
ns uso It ns a clubhouse.
During the evening A. H. Hippie, M. D.
fi., spoke on tho subject. "Professional
Ideals." Dr. Hlpplo Is denn of tho
Crelghton Dental college.
Officers for tho coming year wore
elected as follows: Grand master, Wnltor
Sorenson, Omaha; worthy master, llert
Mowry, Council Muffs, la,; scribe, Georgo
all other costs in
beer in light glass
See that crown or cork
is branded '"Sciitz."
Phones! Doug. 15fi7 Ind. A MIS
Bohllli Bottled lleer Depot
713 B. eta Street, Oinotia, Ncbr.
Phone 424
Uy. OrrtH-r, 101 8. Main St.
Council Bluffs
Carroll, Omaha, treasurer H F Me
Grave, Sioux Clt . la , Junior page.
Charles Andrei, Atlantic, In , senior page,
Frank Kubltschek, Eagle Grove, la his
torlan, C. Cntney, Omaha; lyler, FranK
Taylor, Grand island; deputy grand mas
ter. J. H. Wnlhice, Omaha.
Chamberlain' Tllets fop Cnat.
For constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets
aro excellent. Easy to take, mild and
gontto In effect. Give them n trial. For
snlo by all dealers. Advertisement.
$5 Nemo dives
you everything you
can dot in a corset
except fancy frills
HERE'S the greatest
in existence
No. 523 low but
No. 522 median
For every woman who need
icrf "ft abdominal support.
A joy lo dresimakeff, became
they make e full figure look slender.
Endorcd by physicians, be
cause ihoy Iiave done more to
preserve " i restore the health
: ""men than all other corsets
rnmbined. Sizes 20 to 36 -$5.
ii-Curve Back1
'THE -'oxt figure-reduc-in'
" ;n existences
N:J'06- -w"-ust.
N "medium..
T Curve Back, of Lasti
kor bing, and the four
gores " "-astikops Cloth in the
extr. - . skirt, roduce extreme
figure-reduction below the waist
when you stand, with perfect
ease and freedom w n you sit
down. Sizes 0 o 36 $5.
With Last!carve-back
A superfine corset with the
latest Nemo invention to secure
fashionable slenderness.
No. 510
-low "bust)$E5
Style Corset )
A Superb Style Corset)
The elastic extension of the
long back assures ease in all
positions, and prevents that "corset
line" which can rob even the
prel':c Eswn of its symUetry.
Sizes 21 to 36 $5.
Be a Wise Woman!
When you ask for a Nemo, be
sure you get it!
KOPS BROS.. Mf..Nw York CK)
Keep coughing; that's one vray.
Stop coughing; that's another.
To keep the cough : do nothing.
To stop the cough : Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Sold for 70 years.
.... J. O. At r CW.
ask Tour uoaor. ft