TTfK BKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APiilL 1fi, 1.113. MOUNTAIN AIR AND SUNSHINE BRIEF CITY NEWS : AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA ? In Every Treatment of Electro-Oxygen. MANY CALL FOR TREATMENT Since the Offices Have Been Opened in the National Fi delity and Casualty Bldg., Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts., There Has Been a Passing Throng. Stacfc-raleonsr Co., Undertakers. Bailey, the Dentist, City Nafl. D. 1(66. ridslity Btorags It Van Oo. Doug. 1S1. Have Boot frink tt Nn llncon ! Press. lighting rixtarss repaired and rrt . , Ished. Burgess-Uranden Co. Douglas esl. Oood Plumbing company will do It di. tt- mi. t-i i x right, and save you moiioy. Phone us. Both. Have Their Equivalent. , Duugia wis. Th Stats Bank of omana pays 4 par cent on time deposits, I per cent on v Inc accounts. The only bnk In Omhi whose depositors ar protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. 17th and Harney streets. .Tornado Special To help those who are repalrlne or rebuilding, we will sup ply during April and May. ready mixed paints and varnlshoa at a discount of 20 per cent from regular wholesale price. E. K. Bruce 4 Co. Repair Plant Opsna Monday The city asphalt repair plant. In charge of Dean Noyca of the department of street clean ing and maintenance, will begin work Monday, confining tho repairing work at III st to the downtown streets. Hew Safety Vault Entrance The base ment of the Omaha National bank build Ins Is undergoing alteration In the way of a. new entrance for the patrons of the Omaha Safety Deposit company. The entrance will be at 1618 Karnam street In tho room formerly occupied by huclcn Stephen. Makes Substantial Profit An ex ample of profits realized In Nebraska farm land Investments comes to light In tho case of Sherman Churberg of Florence, who recently sold n tract of SO acres near Craig, Neb., at an advance of $S0 per acre, after holding tho property for fifteen years. Boads in Plood District Cleared The Pennsylvania, the Big Four and all tho other eastern roads caught In the Indiana and Ohio flood districts have notified the officials of the local roads that their lines aro cleared and restored, and that they arc again handling both freight and passenger business. Told Kim to Pack Kla Trunk That his wife one day cleaned out his trunk and told him to pack It and go, Is alleged by Charles V. Jaegers, who Is suing for a divorce. They were married on Christ mas day, 1906. Jaegers also says she re fused to cook for him and finally left home September 20, 1913. He Is a railroad carpenter. Manawa Being- Rebuilt By May 24 most of the damage done to the build Ings at Manawa will bo repaired and the park will bo opened then for tho season. While a number of the trees wero toadly torn asunder, their loss will hardly be noticeable. The heaviest damage sub talncd was around the new band stand In Shady Grove. 1 was very gratified yesterday to ' see the vast number of callers on our open ing day, said the President of tho Electro Oxygen Co. In his private office this morning. Whllo I was gratified I cannot say that I was eurprlsed for in every city where we maintain an Institution people flock to us by the hundreds, all anxious to take this twentieth century treatment People have recognized the great bent fits to be derived from Electricity and Oxygen In almost every manner of dis ease and are not slow to tuke advantago of the opportunity which has been pre sented to them in this city. Electro Oxygen is the quintessence of sunshine,' sea breezes, mountain air, ab solute rest' and careful diet all In one form. Its action on the nerves Is Just like that of a gentle ralnshower on a droop ing and parched plant. Thin marvelous new discovery 'r rec ognized by physicians everywhere nnd strango to, say has Its best effect ypon those old chronic cases of diseases which has resisted all other method of treat ment. One hundred cases will bo received again tdmorrow and treated free of charge to demonstrate the remarkible and quick relief which Is accomplished In every treatment; tho hours are '"roru 8-12, 2-4, 7-8. Sundays 11 to 12 only Key to the Situation Bee Advertising, BRANDEIS GREEN ROOM CAFE IN POMPEIAN ROOM Special 2 Until 5 P. M. AFTERNOON LUNCHEON 4 at 40c Today's Beauty Recipes By Mme. D'Mllle. Olives ' Wednesday's Menu Celery Chicken Broth Crab Flakes au Gratln Combination Salad Tuttl Fruttl Ice Cream Cake Cup Chocolate Cabaret Entertainers All Afternoon i ,r Aye )c Hair o Vigor Just a Utile care and small expense, that s all. isn't a neaa o: ncn, heavy hair worth while? Ask Your Doctor. 'The electric needle for the removal of I superfluous hair Is both painful and ex , pensive. A quick, safe and sure way to remove wild hairs Is to apply a little tpowacrea delatone mixed with water. Just cover the hairs with this paste for a mln ute or two, wipe .off, wash the skin and the hairs will be gone. "Spring colds aro often more stubborn than colds hroUKht on bv winter exnna. u're. Mother's Salve will Break up an or dinary cold In head or chest over night It Is easy to use. quick to act, and re- , lleves catarrh, croup, sore throat. "Tho Vaucalre home treatment la so -successful In developing the bust because It accelerates the blood circulation, and builds up the Underlying tissue. Make a syrup with 1V4 cupfuls of sugar and a pint of hot water. Dissolve an ounce of gallol In this syrup and take two tea- i spoonfuls before meals. "To keep the skin fair, fresh nnd smooth, apply In the morning a lotion made by dissolving an original package of mayatono in a half pint of witch hazel. It will not rub off or show like powder and prevents the growth of hair. Mayatono quickly corrects dark, sallow and blotchy complexions. "You can recommend Mother's Sham poo to your husband and he will thank you for It. Many men who shave them selves do not shampoo frequently enough Dandruff, falling hair and baldnew are caused by a parasite, and Mother's Sham poo removes these parasites. It restore dry. brittle and faded hair to a glossy fluffy condition, and keeps the scalp healthy. , "To darken eyebrows and make them grow longer and more evenly, apply plain pyroxln with the finger tips. Pyroxln applied to the lash roots makes them grow long ond lovely. It does not coars en but makes them eoft and Bllky. -Ad-vortlsemcnt. Jerry Howard Will Give Feast to His Friends Today, BREAD, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK City Council of Maitlc City A'ntcs to Dispense with Voting; Ma chines and to Use Itallot at Klectlon. CURED TERRIBLE HUMOR ON FACE HOTELS. Hfttel Kupper Eleventh and McGee Sts. Kansas City, Mo. JOCWTEI) IN THE RETAIL AND SHOPPING MSTIUCi. A hotel ot quality and refinement at reasonable prices. European plan $1 to M por day. Take elevated car at depot marked 27th St.. di rect to hotel. KUPPEIM1ENSON HOTEL CO., Props. Co??? On Street Without Veil. I Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 19U.-"ln Decem ber, 1908, my face became sore. I tried ( everything that was recommended, and I my face got worse Instead of better. I spent over 100 and got no benefit. Thr face and nose were very red and the erup tion nad the appearance of small bolls, which Itched me terribly. I cannot tell you how terrible my face looked all I can say Is, It was dreadful, and I suffer ed beyond description. "I have not gone on the street any time since 1908 without a veil, until now. Just four months ago a friend persuaded me to give Heslnol a trial. I have used three cakes of Reslnol Boap and less than a Jar of Iteslnol Ointment, and my face Is perfectly free from any erup tion, and my skin Is as clear and clean as any child's. It Is about four weeks slnco the last pimple disappeared." (Signed) Mrs. M. J. Bateman. 4256 Viola St Nothing wo can say of Reslnol equals what others, such as Mrs. Pateman. say of Jt. If you are suffering from Itching, burning skin troubles, pimples, black heads, dandruff, ulcers, bolls, stubborn sores, or piles, it will cost you nothlnr to try Iteslnol Ointment and Iteslnol Soap. Just send to Dept. 17-T. Iteslnol, Balti more, Md,, for a frco Bample of each. Every druggist sella Iteslnol. Advertisement. HOTELS. u VANDERBUT HOTEL 34S ST. EAST r PARK, AVE., TSt.Yl Oubwaf Entrance At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes from the sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. TM-HUIiard Mmapixf XXnecoar Aianajer TARIFF Single room . Double rooms ... Double bedrooms, boudoir dressing-room and bath Suites Parloir, bedroom and bath Each room with bath per dsy-U, U. 5. tt 1 , M. 7. tS $8. !0. $12 ' 110, II J, 111 Special rates for Summer Jerry Howard. Douglas county's best known statesman, Intends to teach the professional politicians another lesson on getting "next" when he gives his unique "Bread and Butter Banquet" at the Young Men's Christian association hall at Twenty-third and M streets to night. Howard and a committee on arrangements have Issued a public Invi tation to all lovers of the "sublime and the beautiful regardless of their political affiliations." Tho menu will consist of a copious supply of bread and butter with butter milk galore. The viands will be served by a bevy of charming women, and the Intellectual treat wltl bo dispensed by such speakers as Ilarlej O. More head and C. J. Smyth together with u few "casual remarks" by Howard him self. Judge J. J. Urccn wltl b toast- master. In discussing the banquet Howard said: "It Is designed as n tribute of esteem to the tried and true men who supported me at the primaries. There will t plenty of bread and butter and all tho buttermilk that anyone can drink. It la not of political bias and all my frieivls democratic or republican ore In vited to attend." The following is tho program: Introduction by tho toastmaster, J. J. ! Breen. Address. "The laborer Is "Worthy of His Hire," Hurley Moorhcad. Lecture, "Industrial Unrest, High Cost of Living and Low Wages," c. J. Smyth. "Casual Hemarks," Jerry Howard. "The Star Spangled Banner." by the audience. The following is tho committee of ar rangements: Stephen Vail, Wlloy Beck ett, John Cavanaugh, John dribble, Bob Donahue, Daniel Hurley, George Ster ritt, Michael Barrott, John Lnrkln, B. B. Spauldlng, Thomas Costcllo, Ben 11 Scull, William Sheohan, J. J. O'Donnell, John Chapman, M. D. O'Brien. Charles Curtis, Donlel Hannon, Frank Mullen, Jake Davis, Charles Kalhorn, C. J Southard, W. B. Dalley and Dr. A. A. Hagan. No More Voting Mnrblne. The city council has unanimously voted to dispense with the voting machines and use the ballot at elections. All favored tho ballot and were on their feet in a short time to second the motion. Joe Simon was awarded S137.C0 damages to his property in Sullivan's addition due to grading by tho city. Votclav Petrtelka was awaidcd H62.CO on the same count. A petition was Introduced by Steve Car roll for J350 damages for Injuries sus tained by falling on B street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets some weeks ago. The matter was re ferred to the city attorney for consid eration. Upon rccommendntlon of City Attorney Murphy, It was agreed by the council to award heirs of Bernard Hughes J8D0 dam ages for the destruction of a hedge fence on the east side of Thirty-sixth iltoo: be tween Y and Mason streets, l'ho nelis started suit for J1.000 damages. Their law yer consented to settle the claim tut "f court. Tax Commissioner Jerry Fltsgjoild wns given permission to appoint an assistant. The meeting was adjourned thlriy min utes after being called to order by tho mayor. Demo KlRhttngr Glllln. The democrats of South umana nre working together with knives. They aro working upon the political carcasses of the Hoctor-QIllln-O'SullIvan combine. Among those who wve slaughtered pri mary day were half a doren who claim thnt they were led to believe that they were on the so-called Clllln slate. Two men nre said to have paid S0 to get on the slato and then got tho knife. Olll'n's lieutenant says that Sam Winters vns sacrificed at the Instance of Mayor Hrc tor. Tho denial does not take, n vli-w of the fact that O'SullIvan was tho Ull'.m candidate. Of all the fights now on In the demo- cratlc ranks, that upon Qlllln Is the most dellghtfuly enthusiastic. The old demo crats will have none of him because of the slaughter of Ham Winters. The young men resent the Glllln attitude toward Lester Murphy and Fred Schmidt and toward the young democrats of the west end, whom Glllln Ignored when he gave out positions In his office. During the time he has served a num ber of men In his office have been from other towns nnd counties, while the young men and old men who supported mm were left to their own devices. The young democrats claim that there are many In the west end of the city who were and are still competent to hold places In the office of the treasurer Among those who are competent and who are counted good democrats are: John Luten, Automatic Spring company Walter Collins, Western Weighing as sociation. Frank Corcoran, Insurance clerk. i James Murphy, clerk. John Blunt, department foreman, Or kin Bros. James Foley. J. J. Harrlgan Plumbing company. Joe Wagman, clerk railroad office. Joe Byrne, clerk. Patrick Kennely, Morris Packing com pany. Ben Mundt, Frailer-Johnson Commis sion company. Thomas Shea, Murphy Bros. Commis sion company. George Peterson, clerk. Club Hold Smoker. The Centurion club gave a smoker last night at the club rooms, 1305 North Twenty-fourth street, for the members and friends. P.ev. Father Balleu made a short talk in which he extolled the club members for their loyalty to the organiza tion and stated the prospects were bright for making the club one of the strongest In the city. In some manner a number of the .poli ticians heard of the proposed entertain ment and they delivered a dozen boxes of cigars and light refreshments to the club rooms post haste. A special meeting will be held at the club next Thursday evening to talk over athletics. The club Intends to put a fast amateur base ball team In the field this season. Maglo City Goaaip. Itobcrt Anderson of Fremont visited friends in the city Monday. Miss Klla Cita has returned home after a visit with Mrs. is. Miunchard. ; ; Miss Mury Gibson of Tacoma, Wash., Is the guest of Miss Mary McCullough. , Patrolman Edward Ktoeger Is able to , resume his duties on the force after a short Illness. , Mrs. J. Russell will enteitalu this aft-1 ernoon at a kitchen shower In honor of , MUs Grace Peterson. Famuel Sullivan died Sunday In an ' Omaha hospital. Funeral arrangements 1 have not been made 1 Dr C M I'av. fcr a n'tnber of years In the employ ot the United States bu j WAIT! Big Undermuslin Sale Thursday Tho result of a spofinl purchase from an overstocked manufacturer, and the values will be simply extraordinary. See Wednesday night papers for full information. Liquid VENEER w 0 ll nosday V t Vi IV 10 every pa- tron who vls- Itn our paint Boctton we give a 10 cent bottle of liquid venoer frco. Tho Hoart of Omaha, Sixteenth and Harney 11.1 m Roller Skates, $1.25 Hall bearing roller Skates adjustable Special!-1 for nit sizes very spe rial Wl. nesday, at per pair Sale of House Cleaning; IMeecls T 1TTLE helps which everv housewife, needs offered in a special sale Wed J t in large quantities naturally brings about the lowest cost and we give y SI Curtain Stretchers.49c Curtain stretchers with brass pins, full length, will fold into small space. Regular $1 valuo 49c Mc Steplnilders, 40c Stepladders, 6 ft. size, best quality Norway pine with shelf for pall, well Tln luhed. 85c value for . . . . 43c Crpot Swccpera 9 1. ,10 National Swocpor Com pany's Winner Cnrpot Swoopor, Ruarantood, special enlo price, Wed nesday . . . . 31.30 8 TO 1 ONLY HKOOM8, beat 4-tle, good, hoavj cane, regular 35c valuo, Wednes day, (no phono orders), 8 to 1 only, eft. lie Regina Vacuum Cleaner On Trial In Your Homo for Tuo WcckH Without ClinrRO. nesday at big saving advantages. Buying on the benefit of every transaction. 75c Floor Mops. 25c Floor Mops, medicated, large size, will lake up all dust and can be washed, 75e valuo for Wk aro so certain of tho merits j( tho KokIiiu Vacuum Cleanor that wo tnako this very liberal offer. If at the ond ot two woeks It has not proven satisfactory return It and you aro under no obligations to us what ever If you do find tt satisfactory, pay us That's fair enough, Isn't lt7 Electric Cleaner from 9.1R to $50. IU1 J I Ullll II ain't U t 25c $2,no Wringers, ftt.Hft Clothes Wringers Horseshoe brand, ful ly guarnnteod, $2.50 values, Wed nesday, at, each $1.85 too Hruslics, Be Scrubbing Hrushefl, tho large size, won made, regular price 10 cents, salo prlco Wednesday, each 3c CHAIR SEATS. 5c Chair Seats, leatherette, any size, brown, green or black 4' shnpos, at, onch 5c .23 Black Peau de Soie at 89c SPECIAL! Yesl Here is iudeed a special that will ap peal to scores of thrifty shoppers. It's a big lot of Peau do Soie Silk 36 inches wido and guaranteed to wear. I'uro dye, rich hiBtrous black, worth every cent of $125, Wednesday very special at yard 89c 25c to 50c Wash Goods at 14c 3PFfTAI JDi(I yoU got your kJA Ld Virile share of these won derful AVaBh Goods bargains Monday or today? f you did not, come in Wednesday whllo tho selection Is still good. All tho Benson's host wonvca In cholco now patterns and colorings. 25c to 50c values yd. I4c 19c EMBROIDERIES. Wednesday, 19c SPLENDID lot of new embroideries, edges and insertions, widths up to 17 inches, good, desirable designs, values to 19c, Wednesday special, at, yard 10c T, lUn. CrnoArr Featuring Special Prices J. 11 1115 uiuifeijr on Goods in Dozen Quantities SUGAR, granu lated, special. 22 pounds for 91.00 OLIVES, small Qucrii, quart 360 T O M A T OES, solid pack 2 Ih. can. doscn $1.00 CATSUP, Snld cr's. dozen 0.a5 CORN FLAKES toasted, coupon In each pk?., the dozen 70o SARDINES, In oil or mustnrd, dozen for . . .40o HOMINY, spe cial, at dozen 73o PORK AND 13 BAN'S. In toma to sauce, doz. 83o PEARS, Capitol brand, doz. 91.40 CORN, Capitol brand, doz. 9 So JAPAN RICE, whole, lb Bo IVOKY SOAP with rrocsry ordsr, excepting sufsr, a bars for 35o MILK, Carna-' tlon, brand, 3 cans for . . .S5o TEAS, assorted, C8c quality, the found BSo IOM1NY, spe cial, lb 3o COFFEE, our best 40c quaJlty, pound Tor . . 9So OLIVE O I L, purn lunch irallon for 91.30 SALMON, Red 1 lb. cann, the dozen .... fl.70 NAVY DEANS, host hand picked, per pound ... .Bo EGGS, strictly fresh, dozen 800 Women's $4,00 Spring Pumps and Oxfords, Wediesriay, $2,95 FORTUNE favored us In this Instance and wo plckod up sovoral hundred pair of women's now sprlns Pumps and Oxfords at a Li groat sacrifice. Tho newest effects In heol and toe aro included. Gun metal calf, patent, kid skins, canvas and buckskin, with light or heavy nolc; also tho much wanted English low heel modols, all sixes and wldtliB, regu lar $4.00 values, pair Wemen's $3.50 Pumps and Oxfords for $2.48 MoBt all leathers with wolt or hand turned solos. Perfect fitting models, all sizes and widths. Regular $3.50 kind, Wodnosday, per pair Haw iooatlon, South Wall, Near Xlevator, $2.45 reau of animal Industry at South Omaha, hus resigned to become head ot the IUnkers Realty company ut South Omaha. Division No. 3, Ancjent Order or Hi bernians, will give a ball Thursday even ing at the Workmen temple. Tho Garfield circle will meet this aft ernoon nt the homo of Mrs Urydson, Twenty-seventh ind D streets. Mrs. W. R. Routt has none to Lincoln in ntvnd h wrck with her husband, who Is engaged In business there temporarily. Next Thursday ovenlnir the Ladles' Aid society of tho Klrst Presbyterian church win Bcrvn their nineteenth annum mapie syrup dinner at the church. Judge James Callanan ncrt Sunday for n two weeks' visit at Kxeelslor Springs, Mo. Justice George Collins will act as police magistrate during his absence. John Zezulak, the young South Omaha man who was In tho Ralston tornado. Is able to be nbout again. Ills arm was hioken and he sustained other Injuries. Elizabeth, the B-week-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor, died ves terdav at their residence. Thirty-third and R streets. Funeral sen-Ices will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the I residence. Hurlal will be In St Mnry's ' cemetery. The Juniors of tho South Omaha High 1 school will givo their annual class play I ut the high school auditorium Kriday I evening. They will present "The Two ' Dicks, a two-act rarco comedy, ana "Spreading tht News." a one-act play The high school orchestra will furnish the music. nhrnmntlKtn Quickly Cured. "My sister's husband had nn attack ot rheumatism In his arm," wrttes a well resident nf Newton, la. "I gave him a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment which he applied to his arm and on the next morning the rheumatism was gone." For chronic muscular rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all druggists, -Advertisement. , Persistent Advertising Is the Road Dig Returns. Skin Soothed and Healed by D. D. D. Itching skin, ugly erupUons, scaly . theroby relieving that awful itch Imme scalp, Ivczema nnd Its filled diseases all ' dlately A 50o bottlo will prove this yield Instantly to the soothing Influence, much to you. of the mild, simple wash, tho X. D. D.l v are so confident that I). D. I), can PrysoripUon for rozsma. reach all cases, that wo offer you thfl From our experience with skin suffer. . first full-size bottle frss If It does not ers, wo arn convinced that skin disease do us wu say. You. ulone, to Judge. Is caused by germs beneath the outer I D. D. D. Sonn aids In keeping tho skin A Four-Day Tour In GlacierNationalPark" For $22.00 By Automobile, 4-Horse Stage, Launch and Horseback Break your journey to or from the Pacific Coast by a atop-over at Glacier National Park. It will be a new and wxnJtrful experience. A few days In this scenic wonderland will provide material for a lijt-hmi of vivid, pleas ant recollections and at a comparatively trilling cost. For Instance. $22 covers the total expense of a four-ilsy tour to I exaulsltel.ake St. Mary In the very heart of the ncenlc reefon of tho1 Park, by automobile, launch and stage, including a visit to the unique and cozy Chalets at Many-Glacirand Golng-to-the-Sun Camps the paradise of the mountain trout fisherman. An almost unlimited number of other tours, covering one to twelve days or on entire season, may be arranged at a correspondingly low cost, .V v Low Fares Every Day &y u skin that spread and multiply until ttmy a mass or gnawing animals. D. D. D . a penetrutlng liquid, destroys these germs and washes them away. pure. Ask us. Hhermun & McConnell Drug Co., Kith and Dodge. 16th and Har ney, 2tth and Farnam, No. 16th St -Advertisement. to Glul.r NsUonsl Tark and Padfte Coast. Tha aceommo'Jitiona throozbeat pa, a maonfnrtnt r . It U bolltof hui at and haatad. awl !rytaUIa tba spirt arrival. eirallantonnnHn ermoniaia or tha Ulacktwt Indiana ontof tha roost Intamtlng and fnciuroKjuvei bji uib sumTing- (noes, oiepoa aiuiacisri'araBtaugn, ths I'ark cannot ba eiealisd. In addition to tha famous chain of 8lss Chi ) n K a An siralUntopportanlrr Is afford 1 to obsarv tha tribal da neaa ami - P fir-, d jS faOJ LP I Write for Aeroplane Map and Special Booklets Varr eomplata daserlptlva lltaratora in!a!nttis aTsry fearer and bfladlnf t Uri, A,rwkM m taa MiUra in folan. will ba imJM Five-Passonger Touring Oar, $1,950. Dreadnought Moline KNOWN FOR ITS RELIABILITY. OUR RECORD, of ten successful years has demonstrated the mechanical perfection of the Dreadnought Moline models. ATTENTION TO DETAILS has gained for us a car with many features of proven merit. THE DREADNOUGHT MOLINE is a striking car in ap pearance and is a combination of simplicity, comfort, luxury and convenience. Write for full particulars. Moline Automobile Co. 2421 Farnam St. W. M. ROMDNE, Dist. Pass. Agt., U1R Seventh St., Des Moinen, Iowa. K5ZEKSEH .A-r S3S 9 ' 0 id. In .Uidltion tn th fimoui chain ett flarUa fKa.U Cmp, a maffnlftrvnt tw bote) b Juit txn completed, ofTertnrr vrrr modern luxury and eonrtnl rnov. ii f cui n, vi nuiiiugi in ivriTt ntrmonr wiui ua natural tiimff. uvery room IS ciCCUtcailj iifutou anu nsjaivu wimminf tf now- viuu in iMTnivni. r.normoUI open nrvpiaetS IjpU jtftrjrtiUlilbm$pititottZiitMitljttigavoamtcuai that U trident from the mom rot ox JVttI NIIIRIi Pauama'FutiJU JnUrxattontl Exposition, San FranoUeo, fj. Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. Omaha, Neb. RUPTURE I have a certain cure for rupture with out resorting to a painful and uncertain BUKlcal operation. I am the only imp utable physU'lun In this line ot work who will take eucli case for treatment upon a guarantee to cure, or make no charge. You may tlepoutt tho money In a bank, in your own name, anil when you are satisfied a cure has been made you then Instruct the bank to pay the money to me. Uy doing this you are aboutey certain of a euro, or It will cost you nothlnu. If I was not perfectly sure of my work I could not do busi ne& In this way very lonir, but Instead, have been doing buslneos so fur SO years, nnd adopted this plan because ro many have been swindled b quacks and fak ers. Not one of them will permit a pa tient to deposit his money until a clire has been made. When taking my treatment, patients ' must come to my office once each week fn. fnur weeks, and If they live nearby can return home and work during the Interval, X do not use ths Farafln Wax treatment, as It Is dangsrous. Call or write for literature. A FEW OF MY CURED PATIENTS A. T. Horn, Norfolk, Neb.. V. II. Nolte, postmaster. Holsteln. Is,, Dan Murphy. 1651 No, 18th St. Omaha; O, 8. Judd. Morohead. la,. John 11. Weaver. Blair, Neb., Orrln need, Ogallala. Neb.: Itev. J, o. Stanard. Heaver Crossing, Neb., John K. Hoehne, Wisner, Neb.; William Rosa, Sr. Lawrence. Neb.. JI F Relee, Dorchester, Neb., John Coe. Sioux City. Ia.; J II, Hitch. 412 So. S4th Ht St Joseph, Mo., J P. UUnnett. Vllllsra, la. HUNDREDS of others could be added to this list rXAHX X. VTXA.T, SC. D, Suite 306 Use Bldg-, Omaha. Nob.