Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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" Kntcml arumaha poslorricti as second
class matter. ...
tkiims 01 srn?rntiTioN:
Kut day lice one year
1 10
Relief and Restoration.
Some people find it difficult to
understand the difference between
relief work and restoration work
growing out of our tornudb havoc.
Itellef Is for .the destitute and for
the distressed to prevent unfortu
Pat irdav Uce one rear...... loo1 n,wt fr' suffer ng want of sholter,
l'aiiy lice without .Sunday. ne ear., jv , "
Ha. J, Hfo. and Sunday, onr year w food and clothing, nnd to get them
Looking BackWard
This in Omaha
A PHI I J 10.
Twice Told Tales
t-Irt Il-l'tlUh tV fAtlftlKIl
I'x.Mi'B and .Sunday, per month...... w.
l.cnlrir without .Sunday, per month. .c
Da j Hee, in-ludliiR Sunday. per mfl..c
Da. v liee without Sunday, per rn ";
Address all complaint of irregularities
in Jc litryto City Circulation Dept.
HK.MITTANCR. , by drHft, express or postal order,
pajabie to The Hee Publishing compan).
Ot y - rnt stamps received In payment
of sr.i.Vi accounts. Personal checks, ex
cel t on Omaha and eastern exchaiiKC oi
at. cptcd
Omaha The IJee building.
Houth Omaha 2S1S N Ktreet.
Council Kluffo-H North Main street.
I 'nc ln-25 Little bulldlnc .
I hlcapo-1011 Marquette building.
.New York -1HW-JV. Klfth Ave.
St l.ouls-503 New Hank of Commerce.
UnsMngton-726 Fourteenth Ht., N.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should be addressed
Orraha Hoc, Kdltorlal department.
tate of Nebrnska. county ot Douglas, s:
Dwlght Williams, circulation managir
M The Bee Publishing company, being
July sworn, says that the average da II v
circulation for the month of March. 1015
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me this fcl day of April. IBIS.
(Seal Notary Public.
Subscriber lenvliiK the clir
temporarily should linvr The Iter
ninlled to llicin. Aililreaa will lie
chnncrd na aflrn n requested.
Peru has recognized China,
more does It want?
It Is almost possibles to smell that
big Toxas onion crop.
Thirty Years Ago
A large ami cnmusiasur ug" -
Joji-d watching James Hhawllok trying
to win a $10 bet tflat he could not wheel
Adolph Hlelck. In a barrow from tho
corner of Thirteenth and Williams
to the corner of Nineteenth and Hickory,
streets, without upsetting him. Rlclck
von. being upset within a block and ft
half from the starting point.
Superintendent Grant of tho Ttarbor
Asphalt (ompany. began tearing up Doug
Ins street to complcto the paving where
It was left off last winter.
Tlte meeting of tho Board of Trade
discussed u proposed railroad to the
northwest, and decided to hold another
meeting to pursue the same subject.
Five new public school rooms have had
to be opened to accommodato additional
The Paxton hotel folks have come out
with n full Bit of hand so mo new table-
Income Tax Crudities. war decorated In tho latest style of
The Income tax chapter of tho now! art to replace the old white ware;
back n soon as posslhlo where they
can prrfvlde for thcinselves'ln these
, Restoration has wholly to do with
rebuilding and reconstructing ,tho
devastated district, and necessarily
concerns directly only tho owners of
damaged or wrecked property, or
those having an ownership Interest
in It.
Itellof Is charity, or rather philan
thropy, pure and simple; restoration
has an olomont of business in it, as
well as philanthropy, and must bo
governed moro by business principles.
Tho family story of tho Arkansas
hill-billy Is a whopper.
tariff bill is nlrcady drawing flro
upon Its crudely constructed pro
visions. If tho measure were to bo
passed aB presented by tho house, it
would require litigation and Judicial
interpretation to make the moaning
clear, and rcconcllo apparently con
flicting and contradictory sections.
Tho theory and intention of framers
of tho income tax bill Is to
Includo tho excess of not Incomo
over $1,000 and to oxompt those
that fall below that figure Inci
dentally, tho law must doflno net in
como and supply a formula for esti
mating it, nt tho samo time nvoldlng
doublo taxation on tho samo incomo
pnssing through soveral hands. If
It Is to bo undorstandablo and work
able, tho incomo tax part of tho bill
Avill havo to undergo careful nnd
studied amendment.
Tho boy with tho longest fishing
Jiolc gets tho first blto.
Illinois now stops forth In defense.
of tho pulchrltudo ' bt tho United
States senate.
The College of Cardinals.
News of tho pope's continued im-
Bo careful, "Mr. Auto Speodor, or provement is gratifying, tho moro
the motorcycle man will got you. becatiso of his advanced years and
the comtmratlvelv brief Bpan of his
Perhaps a training school for nnnnnv. Bulletins from the Vatican
houso movers will ho tho ultlmato cmmbar mVo been resolved with
Solution. ..,..i, nnvlniu tlimiirli fnr nnnti-
iiiuvii uiiAm.;i v . . w . . n i - - .
monla Is p. droad dlsoaso with men
of 77. Thoroforo thoughts havo
boon turning toward tho college of,
cardinals, from which any succes
sion to tho holy sco must como.
Whllo every ono hopes It will bo yot
a number of years before tho succes
sor of Popo Pius X is named, it is
Slogan of tho baso ball conoral: nonetheless Interesting to noio a
"We'll fight it out along this lino if fow facts relative to tho mombor-
It takes all summer." Bhip ot tho collogo.
Thoro aro slxty-thrco cardinals in
County commissioners, to court all and for tho most part thoy ato
housA contractors? "Atut we dont ot ndyanccdh years. Tho youogost.
,caro If you novor como back." " - Merry dol vtl, tho -papal secretary
Ol BWIIO, IB II, ll UHluaw wni'wi
Governor Morehead ovldently bo-
Moves In fumigation, but draws tho
line at sterilization.
C. Bell, corner Ninth and uavenporx.
Is nsklng for Information about a IB-year-old
daughter, who has disappeared.
W. A. Andrews, ona of our young at
torneys, who has been sudylng with the
firm of Kennedy & Gilbert. Is leaving
to locato In New Mexico.
Hon. James 13. Boyd Is back from n.
two weeks absence, nnd Captain Tom
Bwobe and wife and 8. S. Stevens came
In on the same train from Chicago.
Twenty Years Aro
Jim Corbett, champion of the world,
hopped off a train at the Union station
nnd almost Instantly hopped onto-ncarly
so a reporter for Tho Bee, who with
Frank Handle, was at tho depot. Cor
bett took offense to an article In Tho
Bee of the day before, which he erron
eously misconstrued a saying that ho
wns afraid to fight Toter JackBon ond
proceeded to tongue-lash tho reporter,
using a lot of vllo languoge.
F. O. Keens of Kearney, passed
through Omaha on his way homo from
an extended trip through the Orient and
Levant, which extended up the Nile In
Kgypt, to Damascus and Jerusalem.
The Wesley Methodist church, Forty
first and Charles streets, was dedicated
In the presence of a largo concourse of
people. Bishop Bowman and the pastor.
Rev. T. C. Webster, had tho Important
parts In the ceremonies. On tho platform
nlso were Itev. C. O. Sterling, pastor of
Ivowo Avenue Presbyterian church; Rev.
Alfred Ilodgotts, of tho South Tenth
Street Methodist church: Presiding Elder
T. C. Gicndenntng, nnd Rev. Dr. Roe.
It was announced nt tho First rresDy-
tcrlari church, that Rev. J. M. Patter
son of Tacoma, Wash., had accepted tho
call to tho pastorate, which had been
vacant since tho departure of the Rev.
Mr. Harsha.
Edna GoodHch loses her sult.-Newi go vvn nTn 80 nr moro. rilcht
Item. . I ' i ,,
uri. i t id or more, nine "
When and whoro? "... ...... ' ',.,.., 'nn-
only a low .are uuium u. ni.iij u.
Wind storm?
.No mqro wholcsnlo arrests in po- !Uo slxty-thfco aro Italians and it Is
llco raids." Yos. but lmw nhrmt from thoso that tno popes navo usu-
wholesalo arrests In shorlff's raids? n,ly boon Bolootml of ,nt0, ABBUm,n;3
that tho noxt popo win no an unuan,
Better Legislators-Head- Morry dol Val, conspicuously men
tioned, would be ruled out becauso
Fewer and
line In Houston Post
Second the motion
you got 'cm?
But how do ho Is a Spaniard. In tho collogo of
cardinals thoro aro six Spaniards, six
Vrnni'limAn. fnur Amnrlnnnn flncltld
T IJ-..A 11.11 . 1 i . .
i ruB.uum. wnson aiBo rnvora ro- , wi-i . r ttniinn hlrth hut
.u . "- - -
ioiuu uuHinvura, , unuoBiiatinRiy n...i i .i.,.
" - I IIUIUIUIUUU 111 auiuiiui; nun imuu
and steadily downward," ofAVash- AuBtrlunB in tUo cnrdlnalnto and ono
each of nlno other nationalities, in
Hnnma thnt . viuuilih iihl. " " "
.' k uui 1 llinu UUUa 11UI.I Til.. 1.1...? l., n nf
insist that It go through tho motor , . mm T4 .
nnd bo chalked up at 35 cents per ," VI'
IKnllni.H.1 l I V . . . .
Th- Tent.
Blanclalll. the strong man, was In the
znnlth of his career. Everywhere he ap
peared fresh triumphs awaited him. He
was "dolne" the Midlands and Incident
ally found himself In a first-class com
partment heated opposite ft thin, reedy
little wretch with side whiskers.
Blanclalll smirked, knowingly. "Dear.
dear; recognized again. Oettln' quite ft I
celebrity, I am." he murmured, as the
little wretch leaned forward and tapped
him deferentially on the knee.
"Excuse me. sir. but aro you not Blan
clalll. the strong man?"
Blanclalll admitted tho soft Impeach
ment. "I It true that 'you can lift two and a
half tons In harncsst"
"You can hold two men at arm's
"I can."
"And put up 500 pounds with one arm?"
"And 700 with two?"
"Then." concluded the little wretch with
side whiskers, "would you kindly raise
the carriage window for me?" 1
The tllil Wnr.
Western Offlclal-Do you tako this
woman whose hand you're squcezln to
be your lawful wife. In flush times an
"I reckon that's about the size of It,
"Do you take this man you'vo Jlncd
fists with to bo your pard through thick
an thin?"
"Well, you're about right for once, old
"All right then. Kiss In court an' I
reckon you're married about as tight as
the law can Jlne you. I guess four
blts'll do, Bill, If I don't have to kiss the
bride, if I do It's six bits extra." Pitts
burgh Dispatch.
The MUHnry Look.
When Sir John French waa In command
of the cavalry at Canterbury, ho chanced
ono day to meet a rather slouching young
"Tell me, lad," said tho new chief of
the general staff, "Docs this city belong
to you?"
The military fledgling saluted and
blushlngly replied:
"No, sir."
"Never mind," said French genially.
"Straighten yoursolf up, pull yourself to
gether and look as though you did." Chi
cago American.
Editorial Snapshots
Ton Years Atti
Dr. W. G strouse, liw eoutn aixm
Rtreet, sanitary officer of tho health de
partment, was stunned and. bruised on
tho sldo of tho faceby a fall from a
street car at Thirteenth street and Capi
tol avenue.
Tho Kansas university base ball team
beat thp Crchjhton university. 15 tp 13.
Harry Welch took a turn at pitching
nnd playing first for Crelghton, whllo
Prendergast helped in tho box and Eddlo
Crelghton caught.
Tho Omaha lcoguo team let uollevue
collego havo two runs, whllo tho leag
uers wore piling up,18.
Miss Curtis came from Chicago to
spend a week with her parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. 8. 8. Curtis?
Treasurer Elsasscr's monthly report
showed a balance on hand, March 1, of
JIM, 150.33. and Mnrch collections, $U,-'D02.KI.
Roy Campbell, U years, nnd Miss Daisy
Knapp, 22 years, ' Invested In a license
to wed.
Tho Tom Moore Social club gave Its
monthly dance at Tumor hall. Thirteenth
streut. near Dorcas street. This club was
for purely social purposes with John
Power as president; Mlko Ivce, vice presi
dent, and Miss Council, secretary.
i 1 1 m l
Tho Japanese government has In. Hasten me icsi,
vested $800,000 in airships. Call- Attor ,U1' Jft-mn B relation io can
fornta thinks It hns boon buying aj fornla b alien land laws may do a
lew air castles also. moro manor oi eiunoiogy. uur tuu
oral statutes deny the rlght of natu-
It Is tho way of now parties to rallzed citizenship to Mongolians,
continue "organizing" In order to with which wo havo always classed
Btay in tho public oyo nnd tho latest Japnnoso. Japan says wo aro wrong,
now party Is no exception. ISthnologlsts say wo aro right. Japan
says It can provo we aro wrong If
A momber of tho Missouri Icglsla- dvon tho opportunity before our
turo flatly told' tho govornor ho was federal suproiuo court.
onereu i,uuo to urgo tho governor By all moans grant tho opportu
to voto tho eight-hour bill. Got tho nlty; bnsten tho tost and have dono
man who made tho offer. onco and for nil with this sourco
and occasion for recurring friction
Tho clerical press of Brussols nnii .iiuniitn calculated to undormino
Bneerlngly pronounces n strike bo- tho growing friendship between tho
ginning wuti men as a fwn crBat nations. Esneclally Bhould
PRiaDio fiasco. Wonder what hhla ho done since no other conclu
jimnt-B u roai BtriKO m urussois. RVo method of ndlustment seems
Invnllnttln Wn mlphf sen rtn tiirinft.
Both outgoing and Incoming gov-L..,v nomntinir , .loinrminn tho
crnors mado various rocommonda- ,,. nnthorltv of state and fed.
uons to tno legis.aiuro wnen it con- eral laws and treaty rights In such
cneu, oui u any or thorn woro ro- ,nattors without reaching satlsfac-
memneroa and acted upon, rest as- t0rv results
uurea u was wnony accidental.
People Talked About
Tho action of tho Leavenworth
convicts in fighting tho flames in
stead of escnplnc when the ponl
tentlary burned ought to provoko sov
nrnl new mmiillln A I
Ezrr W1U ,nB,8ttupir J,apan
" iuiDuuib I i,inf i-lvon nvorv nlinnrt unit v fnr n
So. whllo Americans heretofore
havo hardly paused to glvo the mat
tor of Japan's origin a second
thought, as ot no consequence to
them, they find, as a matter ot fact,
that it Is of tho utmost Importance
A man haa been arrested In Boston for
peddling verses In the strecta without the
permission of tho tax collector. Ho evi
dently had not heard of poetic license.
Signs multiply that II. II. Kohlsaat has
come to stay with tho Chicago Inter
Ocean. Among them may be mentioned
a libel suit for 4250,000 started by a former
"esteemed contemporary."
About June 1 John Bordon will start
from San Francisco nn his specially built
SSO.ono yacht after whales, walruses, etc
and Roy C. Androws of tho American
Museum of Natural History will go along.
Both hope to get a bowhead whale.
The inimical end of the religious fabric
of Pittsburgh Is In u state bordering on
convulsions. Walter E. Hall, organist of
Old Trinity Episcopal church, resigned
the Job rather than yield to the pastor's
demand for "ecclesiastical ragtime." Just
what "ecclesiastical ragtime" Is only the
Initiated know, but -It must be something
awful to drive an organist away from
the Job.
Tramping on their way from Ottawa,
Cunada. to San Francisco on their honey
moon, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williams
have arrived In Philadelphia. They will
remain here for several weeks, .and will
resume their Journey when conditions In
tho recently flooded sections of the mid
die west are again restored to their nor
mal state.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Tho term
"gentlewoman" Is purely British. And
how tho gentlemen of England wish they
could spilt that word In two. In order to
have a few gentlo women once morel
Houston Post: It cost tho lato Am
bassador Held $425,000 a. year to live In
London. It Is well enough to cut this
some and Mr. Pao will bo ablo to do it,
having been trained for economy in North
Carolina, where chickens can be had for
$2 a dozen.
Indianapolis News: Perhaps the shade
of tho late Jphn Adams looked on ap
provingly while Woodrow Wilson read
his message the first of tho kind In' a
hundred years In the chamber of tho
house. It Is a great time for getting
back to tho older and simpler customs.
New York World: The British House
of Commons has passed the bill -abolishing
plural voting by 303 to 107 on first
reading. So long as some men and all
women In Great Britain aro still deprived
of votes, It does seem queer that a fow
privileged repeaters have almost more
votes than they can use.
Philadelphia Ledger: There was food
for thought In this observation made by
our Washington correspondent In his let
ter on the tariff: "The main purpose of
all tho schemes that have been proposed
Is not how llttlo to raise, but how much
to spend. There has been no serious sug
gestion that tho revenue shall be reduced
by cutting tho expenses." This Is tho
most hopeless fnct In our political life
today. It Is spend, spend, spendl Econ
omy Is effete and retrenchment is obsolete.
Nqw York Sun: Woman suffrage has
been beaten again In Michigan, and since
tho voters appear to have accepted the
initiative, referendum and recall and
municipal ownership, that renewed de
feat can hardly be ascribed to any excess
Wolverine conservatism. The un-
tinted suffragists lay-the blame on the
floods and the liquor dealers, water and
firewater, whisky and water, and are
preparing cheerfully to carry on their
war to a happier conclusion. The third
wavo Is the great wave and tho third
time counts.
being given every opportunity for a
full, fair hearing, and it Is most
President Wilson wore a silk hat gratifying to noto from dispatches
and frock coat on his excursion to that tho foderal ndra,n,8tratln
congress to road his mossago, though favorably inclined on tho subject, if
tho custom of congressmen now u Japan provos that it Is right and all
tho sack coat and any old hat. But
tho Btandard ethnologists are wrong;
the president's visit tbat ,lav win and have been ior au tnese ages, it
nothing If pot a blasting defiance of rtalnlr will bo entitled to ellglbll-
Bll moss-covered customs. ltv t0 citizensnip as non-mongonanB
An esteemed contemporary re- Over at Chicago tho validity in
minds Mr. Carnegie that if ho bad law of hundreds of marriages have
succeeded In his effort long ago to boon attacked with a consequent
land a Job as reporter on a Pitts- grand rush to have tho nuptial knot
burgh paper ho might now be hold- tied again. If not overdrawn, all
Ing down tho exchange editor's desk, those accounts suggest that it wivild
Possibly, but more probably ho pay Omaha's marrying minister to
would own that and a long chain of 'hire a special train and lose no time
Other paperp. i Jn BeUng on tho ground.
Ohio Flood Gossip
t'P to last Friday tho number of known
dead by drowning was 02. Quite a num
ber are reported mixing.
Revised statistics of lo?s of life and
property In the Ohio flood, complied by
the Cincinnati Enquirer, impressively
outline the havoc wrought.
Approximately juu.uw persons were
rendered homeless by the flood. Th
property damaged is too great to be estl
mated at tho present time.
Statistics on homes destroyed or dam
aged are Incomplete. The towns report
lug show a total of 2.158 homes de
iruycu. uuuiBKru uomrs are greatly In
excess of this number.
Dayton, Columbus and Hamilton were
the greatest sufferers. Some 20,000 per
on were made homeless In Cincinnati
2t,GU In Dayton and about 3,000 In llanill
By Word of Mouth
Pittsburgh Dispatch! The revolution-
ary tendencies of the president should
cause little worry and less surprise. A
chief maglatrato who began by recognis
ing tho exlstenco of a vice president
might be expected to go the length of
even delivering In person an address to
New York Tribune: We tremble to
think what would have happened to
President Wilson If the Hon. "Joe" P.a.
ley had held over Into this congress,
Joe" would at least have tried to ex
press what he thought Jefferson ought
to havo thought under such trying clr
Philadelphia Bulletin: Why should our
democratic friends be so greatly excted
over the "speech from the throne" 'n
Washington? It may be the entering
wedge for the revival of many other Ir
tercstlng old customs that will help t
cheer and amuse us In these rushlntr
days. Who knows but what we may
have the lord mayor's parade In Phila
delphia some time In the future?
Springfield Republican: History will
not say of President Wilson that ne
lacked initiative or the courage to defy
custom when It seemed advisable to fol
low new courses. It Is his deliberate
Judgment that the public Interest would
be promoted by a return to the original
practice of presidents of the Unltec
Statos In personally appearing before
either branch of the legislative body.
whenever circumstances seemed to war
rant It. to present the views of the chief
magistrate, or to give "Information of
the state of the 'union.' " In the phraie of
the constitution. Washington and Adams
alone ot the long line of presidents did
that, however Jefferson established the
custom that has since prevailed until It
.has eemed like an unwritten law.
A Sample of Water Ilonril Cnnie.
OMAHA. April 16. To the Elltor of The
Bee: On April 7 I sent a check for $5.41 to
the Omaha Water board In payment of
water bill for privilege of uslntf water
from April 1 to July 1, which they im
mediately returned demanding an extra
5 per cent because this bill had not been
paid on on before April 1.
This bill was for water In a five-room
cottage located In tho midst of the tor
nado district In the northeast part of the
city. In the confusion and wreckage of
the house nhd furniture this bill was not
found until April 7 and a check waa im
mediately sent therefor, but was refused
as being 28 cents short of the rate to be
collected after April 1.
At the rate of this bill the expense of
using water this year wilt be J5.88 higher
than last year for the same cottage.
nenil the Illblr More.
BRADSHAW, Neb., April lB.-To the
Editor of The Bee: Much has been said
through Tho Bee's- letter box since the
destructive tornado that swept down
through your beautiful city Easter Sun
day, attempting to plncc tho cause, and
whether God's hand was or was not In it
Some of tho discussions have been shock
ing to good moral sense while others have
been more or less amusing, but all have
shown to a greater or less degree the
various Ideas poor mortal man has of his
Maker and ft very meager knowledge of
the scrlpturces. The subject Is n sacred
one. too sacred for me to attempt to en
large or elaborate upon, but wo wish to
quote a few references from God's own
holy word and allow the reader to look
up the texts and study them out for
Wp aro told In second Timothv. 3:lfi:
"All scripture Is given by Inspiration of
uou and Is profitable for Instruction in
righteousness." Now let us turn to first
Corinthians, 2:16, where we reaA
"Who hath known the mind of tho Lord,
that he may Instruct Him?" Then again
In Romans, 11:34-35, we read: "For who
hath known tho mind of the 1-ord? or
M.Ka I. . I. ...
".u uuwi iieen tus counsellor? or
who hath first given to Him, and It shall
be recompensed unto him again?" Then
turn over to Job, 23:13: "But He Is In one
mind and who caif turn Him? and what
ills soul deslreth, even that Ho doth.'
Wo havo quoted tho above passages of
scripturo that they may arouse an In
teresi in tno reader to read further
along this samo lino of thought and offer
the following references that the readers
of Tho Bee may search out and read for
themselves: Numbers, 16:28-33; Isaiah,
10:15-18; Proverbs, 27:30, nnd Job, 28:12-14-23-28.
It Is generally concelded by all Bible
readers and students that tho Great
Ruler, architect and builder of this uni
verse, whom wo call God, possesses !
three qualities or powers. He Is omnip
otent. He is omniscient and He is omnl
present. Recognising these facts, let us j
cease our making gods after our humane
and Inhumane Ideas, and to close this
article we refor the reader to Psalms
133:6-16- JOHN B. DEY.
An Onttldtr'i Advice.
DENVER, Colo.. April 14.-To tho Ed
itor of The Bee: Tho recent disasters of
cyclone, flood and fire should not be con
sidered, as Individual calamities. In the
proper light they are community disasters
and therefore community problems. Time
wns when wo could not look upon them
thus, but a new splrU Is on us and new
powers are In our hands.
Wo issue bonds against tho Incomo of
our cities for civic centers, park systems
and other great public ornaments which
wo believe will havo moral as well as
other effects upon our citizens.
But here Is R public movement mor.i
vital. In Its effect upon the community,
which If the city could finance It, would
become an mtercst bearing Investment to
the city for all time.
In the great calamities of Omaha, Day
ton and other cities, there will no doubt
be hundreds of citizens formerly self
supporting and city supporting that will,
by the destruction of their life savings,
bo thrown into the class of thoso who
Struggle for mere existence, or who be
come a burden upon tho community.
In the presence of such disasters it is
easy for parents to convince themselves
that the boy can leave school and be
come a member of tho already too great
army of child laborers. The girls, too.
ore not spared and they enter the factor
ies to brave the dangers of modern in-
dustrlal lite.
Already our western papers are plan
ning to gain additional population for the
west because these ylctlms of disaster
nre uprooted In their present environ
ment and there Is a feeling that they can
be Induced to go Into new communities
if It means that they must start all over
Now you cities of the cast will spend
money to Induce new citizens to take
tho placo of those you lose. Why not ba
willing to spend a. llttlo to keep thoso you
nnve. it you can bond your cities for
civic beauty, why not do so to repair this
calamity. You will thus first assure the
rebuilding of the destroyed districts be
cause It Is a civic venture, and not de
pendable upon Individual Initiative which
may, and too often Is, Inadequate to the
tasK. You can hold an already present
population without suffering tho loss
which must ensue upon a large migration
from your city.
The present problems should open a new
era in socializing our clvlo activities.
"No woman knows how to drive ft
"And what of that? Every woman
knows how to drive a. man any way she
wants him to go." Kansas City Journal.
'Do VOU believe In IntenRtv crArtlpn-
Ing, Mrs. Hoernke?" asked the visitor.
"Well, rather." said Mrs. Hoornke. "I
spent all last winter raising one geran
ium In a soapbox." Harper's Weekly.
"tlneln RjisttlK. t hpnr flint vnu ! vnnr
wife take In washing."
"Dat ain't so. Mlstah Walkah. I takes
It In. suh; a.11 tho does Is do woshin'."
Chicago Tribune.
Marie I wonder how old you are?
Julia I Just told you my age.
Marie Y'cs: that's what m tn wnn.
"I understand your husband Is a men
of great abilities."
"lie certnlnlv U lt hrnf nn fnnr hill
collectors yesterday so they can't conic
oaca ior six montns.' 1 llegenue Blatter
"Johnny, you're a naughy boy. Y'ou
can Just go to bed without nny supper."
"Well, mother, what about that medi
cine I've got to take after meals." Life.
Miss Cutting So porry I couldn't see
you when you called, but I was Just hav
ing my hair washed.
Miss Sharpe And the laundries arc so
provoklugly slow about returning things!
a girl Isn't wearing the waist she can
plav It." replied the Cheerful Idlot.
Philadclphla Record
"I have a great scheme to mako money
If I could get some backing." said tho
Cheerful Idiot."
"What Is it?" asked the Wise Guy.
"I'm going to mako peek-a-boo waists
out of my player-plano music, and when
St. IjuIs Globe-Democrat.
There's a very small young lady
Who goes riding past my door.
Both on sunny days and shady,
Every afternoon at four.
She's a haughty little creature
And, though you're a millionaire.
She will scan your every feature
With a calm, relentless stare.
Y'ou may rent a sixty-power
Or an eighty-power car.
Or a taxi by the hour,
But with her you're not at par.
For her chauffeur is behind her
And does not obstruct the view;
There Is nothing to remind her
There's a single thing to do.
She Is moved on springs as luring
As the bosom of the sea;
"Tls like drifting from one's moorini
On a floating symphony.
But the mystery extended
Is the fuel that's employed,
For tho moro of It expended
Is the less of It destroyed. '
It's a force whose emanation
Is a flame that always glows;
Just a mother's adoration
That no waning ever known.
And so my dear, I mention
It In Joy to see you move;
Though you have no comprehension
Of the limitless dimension
Of your faithful chauffeur's love.
'If you want a hat that will give you sat
isfactory service and always look well
(-you better look up the Lanpher dealer.
Stories in Figures
Tin ore purchases by Great Britain
amounted to J2.430.000 during January and
February, compared with J1.615.0J0 in tSr
same months last year.
ine American van company turned
out 2.000.OJ0 tin cans last year, thus In
surlng continuance of back-yard devia
tions for soma time come.
The Italian production of olive oil dur.
Ins the last three years for which data
are available was: In 1900, 15,039 metric
tons; 1910, 9,398 tons; 1011. 13.529 tons.
Hxporis irom me united States to
South America will approximate 1150,000,.
000 In 1913, against 141,000,000 in 1903,
3J,OOp,000 in 1699. PO.000,000 In 1SS3 and
130.000,000 In 1873.
Rubber tapping haa been started on
Hawaiian plantations; on one 8,000 ilx-
year-old trees are reported to have
yielded last year 1.2C0 pounds. An older
plantation gave 6,700 pounds.
In Moscow, Russia, the average Income
ot the ordinary barber shop owner Is
12.000 to 14,000 ft year and the charges
for service are 5 to 10 cents for a shave,
& to 20 cents for a haircut. 15 to 30 cents
for a shampoo and from 25 cents up fnr
Solvay Coke
" The Fuel without a Fault"
Saves 20 of your fuel bill
Order a trial load by 'phone.
Leaves no ashes to sift!
Very economical
April and May prices are lowest
You should fill your bins now.
Cleanest of all fuels.
Order nut size for your range.
Keeps a bright, clear fire.
Endorsed by 100,000 consumers.
2,500 dealers in the Northwest sell Solvay Coke.
Write for booklet and name of nearest dealer.
72 Wost'AtlamsSU Chicago, til.
Central Coal & Coke Co.
405 So. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1221
n Dot ESmTiSpiigoAiL
CfloiDBKta oki EMOPrascflr
(bKivBK)OEKnr at TTbcskiowails
Leaves Chicagob 1 1-00 AJ4. B&0 5ta.5ave and HarrbonSt.
1. SSClSSTHi" P.M. Amv MIMUIMU 1.01 .K.
NevYork ExpnsT8uf.jM NFwYoN5'IiTTfns5RPM wasmigto fr-930 rm.
Consult Xeareht Ticket Agent or Address II. O. Strohm,
Traveling Passenger Agent, Oniahn, Neb.
a io TXTrc,T7 G'T, d,
Nebraska "National Bank
12th and Farnam Streets