Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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5 j
Remarkable Purchase of
Gowns and Dresses
j Tells of the Early Reports of Storm
in European Papers.
lnjn In Tlinnnntiils of Mile of
Travel He crr Missed GeUlttK
n Copy of Thr Ilee for Knch
In lie Win Array.
On Special
Sale Next
from a New York Importer and
Designer of Exquisite Apparel
This purchase comprises hundreds of the most beautiful
costumes and gowns ever shown at a special sale. Charming
evening gowns, afternoon dresses, matinee frocks, fine hand
embroidered voile and lingerie dresses with real lace trimming
many are hand made models.
Elegant Imported Costumes as well as American $
Adaptations, made to sell at $60, $75, $35 and $100,
Beautiful Dresses $
made to sell up to $40
Fine Dresses made
, at 10
to sell up to $30,
Watch for Later Announcements.
See the Window Display
COURT HOUSE ROW IN COURT !-;;"air; r;: r;;,; -General Relief Fund
I the $20,000, which was to have been paid! -.-j- (NODf! EfM J
Ircnl sub-contractor. Tho Tinted States IN U W (b&aiJiJA1! ctLLLL
Commissioners Think They Are Safe
from Law Suits.
IlnnU W AVIIIImk to I'ny (he KiiiiiIn
It Hold Into Court to Let the
JmlKe Decide Where the
Money Goes.
Thr Caldwell & Drake row has leen
thrown Into court after months of wrang
ling, hut the county escapes being forced
into litigation. Agreement to pay $17,463.30
after local ererlltors are paid out of
,00(1 warrant delivered to the court
builders last week and an addi
tional $1,500 after the apiiroaches on the
north side of the building are completed,
made Monday night by the Hoard of
County Commissioners, leaves the board,
Jt Is believed, safe from lawsuits.
Stout & IUise, former attorneys for tho
arter ii
the J20,
house 1
National bank, where tho money was de
posited by Morrow Hros. of the bonding
company, to whom It was assigned, has
caused the battle of the creditors to
como before Judge Troup next Saturday,
when an application for a permanent In
junction forbidding Stout & Hose, Mor
row Bros, or Caldwell & Drake from
making attempts to gain possession of
the money, will he heard. A temporary
Injunction was granted this morning for
the same purpose.
The bank wants to pay $15,000, which
remains In Its possession, to the court
and let the Judge decide who Is entitled
to It. If the Judge should decide for
Stout & Hose this would again hold up
final payment by the county, for some of
the local ciedltois then would go unpaid.
More is Coming In
A lllooily Affair
Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It, and cure
weal; lungs, coughs and colds with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 5c and J1.00. For
sale by Rcaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
I Strengthening Food for Hard
.11. 40
It isn't necessary to eat a lot of meat to nourish and
sustain your body. It is a positive fad ask your
doctor that there is more real nutrition in a 5c pack
age of Faust Macaroni than in 2 lbs. of beef at 12 times
that price. You get more nutrition better
eating cheaper living when you eat
Made from Durum wheat, a cereal
extremely rich in gluten a bone,
muscle and flesh builder. Put up
in air-tight, moisture-proof
package write for free
rnrinf hnnlc shnwinir
I- ry
how many delicious
ways there are
for serving Faust
At all grocer'
Sc and We
Previously reported
Through IMattsmouth Commer
cial club. IMattsmouth. Neb
Helh f fund. Missouri Valley, la..
through I'nlted States National
Collected .by Osveta Amerlcka. ...
Fiom Hellef Uase, Auditorium:
S-ilc of linik Iron J4 .15
Sale of old rags and Shoes.. 1.75
Sale of rags to Salvation
Army 85.19
Total from relief base
C A. Sheldon. Crawford. Nch....
I'rlmnry class St. Mary's Avenue
Sunday School
I-. A. Keeue. l.eland, III
Wallet McArthur, San Fran
cisco. Cal., through l'Yank A.
Kennedy '.
Through Hrownlng, King & Cc. :
Ynsas Swiss I'nderwear
Co $ 5.00
Karl Wilson. Chicago, 111... 50.00
Stelner & Sun, New Jersey.. 25. 00
llerdelheig. Wolff & Co.,
New York 23.00
T. I McCutcheon & Co 50.00
Through Mayor Dahlman:
H C. Shelden, l.ako Hark.
la $ 5.00
Church of Christ, l.lscomb,
la 45.00
People or Cut Meat. S. D. 26.00
Kalrvlcw Sunday School,
Hoosevelt. Okla 1.50
Kagles No. :!7S, Grand
Island, Neb 25.00
Jefferson City. Missouri
Valley 131.09
A. J. Darland, Seattle,
Wash 100.00
First Cong'tlonnl Church,
Hutt. la G.OO
Citizens of Iowa, through Gov
ernor Clarke. President of Hed
Cross Association
W. O. W. or Missouri. St. I,ouls.
Mo., through V. W. Beheld
Methodist Society of Colonial
D.imes In Nebraska, through
Mrs. Charles Offutt
Friend, Sioux City, la., through
W. D. Hosford
Members Omaha (Jraln Kx.
chango l,63fi.75
Tuttle & Halley Mfg. Co., New
York, through Omaha Stove
Hepalr Works M.00
"1 drove out over the tornado stricken
' district this morning." said C. N. Diet
I who with his wife just returned from n
I five months- trip in Africa and Kurope
The sight Is something awful, and l
j run see that a great deal has bron
. leaned up. rebuilt and repaired. One
i could not Imagine, that so much damage
I could be done In so short a time. You
ioIKs must have had an awful time here
Hut the enterprise of the people of
malia has been wonderful In tills emei -geiic
It has been simply wonderful,
and the way tho pooplo have stood up
I under tho blow Is something to marvel
i t "
I Mr and Mrs. Dletz were In the south
I of France when thn news came of tho
tornado In Omaha. "Tho lepotts ear
I fled by the first papers in Franco and
' London," says Mr. Dletz, "were some-
thing awful. The report was that the
j town was wiped out of existence, and
I that 10.000 people were killed. We could
j get no word from home at first, of
j course, so we hurried to Paris, wheie 1
went to tho Paris oftlco of the New York
Herald and asked them to find out some
thing about the streets that were struck
and about my relatives. Well, talk about
, efficiency. In a short time these people
practically laid a map before me show
ing what streets were struck anil the
general path of the tornado. They also
gave mo the Information that my broth
er's home was destroyed, but that the
family wero safe."
I.nrlj Account Almost I.tiillcrou.
If It had not been so (iorlous It would
jhiie been ludicrous to read tho first
foreign papers concerning tho tornado.
One of the London papers gave n half
column description of tornadoes, their
character, causes and actions. It then
told that Omaha, a prosperous and grow
ing young city of the central part of the
I'nlted States, had been completely
wiped off the map. It said that pot a
vcstlgo of the city was left to tell the
tale. Editorially tho name paper then
went on to moralize on tho fact that Eng
land has no such terrlblo freaks of
weather as tornadoes. England, through
that editorial, congratulated herself on
her good fortune. Tho editorial then re- '
marked: 'Hut. wo doubt not that through
tho courageous spirit of the American
ptopln n greater and grander city will
rise from tho ruins of Omaha."
Mr. Dletz says tho first detailed au
thentic Information he received from
Omaha was when The Omaha Heo reached
him nine days after It was printed Mon
day morning In Omaha. "It was through
the courtesy of Victor Whlto that I got
this and It was through his Intimate
knowledge of the best boats ami tho
qulckost mall service that I got it so
soon. It good early estimate of
thn dend and Injured and tho property
loss and gave tho list of names so ihat
I knew exactly what tho situation was.
I never missed nn Issue of Tho Heo
from tho time I left Omaha in the middle
of November -.until I got back. Even -vhei.
we Journeyed 3,000 miles Up tho Nile in
that wild country ot Africa 1 mil the
paper regularly."
Omaha's Greatest Clothing House
Grand total J229.521.15
Donations Made
Through The Bee
to the Relief Fund
Previously reported $ 17,150.03
ladles' Hooster club, Exlra. Ia... 40.25
Pearl Hollaway, Fremont, Neb.. 6.00
A friend, Extra, la. 6.60
Citizens of Havenna, Nch.,
through L. P. Southworth 103.00
Citizens ot Emerson. Neb., and
vicinity 292.00
can buy a Suit, provided he has the price.
But why be satisfied with something that's "just
a suit a mere change from your winter togs?
What you want ii a Perfect Suit with lots
of style in its make-up, with lots of service in
its making. That's why our array of
Kuppenheimer, Schloss Bros.,
Stein-Bloch, Sophomore, Society Brand
Clothes will interest you
$io to $40
pingrrss was noted. Follow lug this the
officers foi the ensuing year were
elected Thev are as follows. Senior
warden. M. F. Sears; Junior warden, M.
C. Cole, vestrymen. Thomas A. Fry,
Joseph C. Weeth. J. W. Harnhardt. S. H.
Patten. II. It. Gould. W. C. Hoss nnd
Dwyer II. Yntes. II. H. Gould was re
appointed clerk anil the office of treasurer
was left open until the next regular meet
ing, which occurs tho first Tuesday In
At the annua! meeting of tho inemlcrs
of the Church of tho uooa Miiepnern
Monday night reports from tho vnrlous
departments for last years work were
read nnd In each one of them considerable
Dahlman Says that
Wilson Saw Opener,
So Let's Not Worry
Mayor Dahlman has Issued the follow
ing proclamation for the opening day of
the base ball season Friday:
To tho People of Omaha:
The opening game of the V.M3 base ball
season of the Omaha club will take place
at Hourke park on Friday afternoon ol
April IS.
Many of our prominent organizations,
Including the Commercial dub. the Itetall
Dealers' association. Knights of Ak-Snr-Hen,
Elks nnd Ad cluhs. are boosting the
day In an effort to make this the banner
day In attendance throughout the West
ern league, and therefoie I hope that all
of the business bouses that can conveni
ently do so will allow their employes
early leave, so that they can take ad
vantage of this event and Join with thn
multitude In making this a gala day.
Even hh Important a matter as the
tariff could not keep President Wilson
and congtess from witnessing the first
game at Washington, so why should wo
river s heav rise had not become a
reality fishing would In all prnhahiliU
have been erv pom this cai part
of four caught a string or stxtA -seven
crapples between the hours of S and 4
o'clock Sunday. William is trying to
mako arrangements for stretching a
seiles of nets over the portion where thj
river Is encroaching to prevent the game
fish of tho lake from running out.
Game Warden Says
Fishing is Better
The overflow of tho Missouri river Into
Catter lake has inado crapplo fishing
moBt excellent nt the point whoro the
water enters. Deputy Game Warden
Williams asserts that the overflow Is n
good thing for the lnke with the ono ex
ception that buffalo nnd carp aro In nil
probability corning In through tho Inlet.
Tho lnke previous to the Missouri's nd
ont was abnormally low and If the
Packing Company
is Sued by Woman
for Nervous Trouble
Lena Teshnek. a young womnn form
erly employed by Swift A Co., alleges In
a petition filed In district court that on
Jnnuury 13, while ascending a dark
stnlrway at 6:45 o'clock In the morning,
she was seized by the lower part of the
leg by a man whom she Is unable to
Identify. She says that she was so
frightened and tried so hard to get away
that in her struggles she fell from thn
stairway and was bruised and Injured.
As a consequence of the expel lenco she
alleges that she hns suffered from ner
vous prostration.
The plaintiff asks J3.0K1 from the pack
ing company In South Omaha, alleging
that It failed to keep the stairway lead
ing to the upper floors of the plant
lighted and that tho man who grabbed
her by the ankle was nn employe.
That It has long been the custom for
men supposed rcsimnslblo for tho Il
luminating of tho stalrwny to secret
themselves under It In tho darkness and
to annoy girls and women climbing up
wanl to their work Is alleged. Lena Tes
hack sayB she was not aware of this at
tho time. Hhe was employed lnttlnj suu
sago. department on the, second floor.
Spanish War Vets
to Hold a Reunion
Here This Month
Invitations hnve been sent out by the
publicity bureau of tho Commercial club
to 1,500 Spanish-American war veterans
In Nebraska to attend the annual conven
lion to he held in Omaha April 2S and
26. All veterans, whether they srw active
service as Folillers from Nebraska or not,
are urged to attend the meeting, nnd tho
publicity burenu Is asking for Information
regarding new residents of tho stato who
nre veterans of tho war that they may
be invited. Tho program for tho meeting
has not been completed. Headquarters
for the delegates will bo at tho Hotel
Tho publicity bureau Is also sending
out Invitations for the annual convention
of tho Mississippi Valley Historical asso
ciation, tho Stato History association and
the State History Teachers' association
About 900 Invitations have been sent to
members of the Mississippi Valley organ
Izatlon nnd J50 to persons ellglhlo to
membership. Programs nre now being
arranged. Tho convention Is to be held
Mav 8, 0 nnd 10.
Governor Morehend has nccepted nn In
vitation to address the Trl-Clty Haraca
union nt Its quarterly rally. Tho meeting
will bo at tho First Congregational
church April 28. and tho topic will bo
along tho lines of temperance.
J. O. Dntweller, chairman of thn com
mittee appointed by certain Improvement
clubs to nak federal aid for tornado vic
tims, hns appointed nn executive com
mittee of flvo to work with him. Tho
committee appointed follows:
W. H. Green. Southwest Improvement
club; T. J. Mahouey, chairman relief
committee; tyyrnn 'Hastings, president
Heal Estate exchange; D. U. Hutler. clt
commission; F. W. Fitch. Qmnha Hnr
Green has been most active in resenting
Omaha'H plan to care for Its own people
nnd as frequently denounced" tho action
of tho Commercial club In notifying the
country that help would not bo needed
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of
Ntwsapper Advertising Is the rtoad to
Huslness Success.
Can't Get Away from It
HI iMf
Is il
2 HI
ft IKf "3
rr "Sv
Total l 17.D9C.SS
NOW TOTALS $11,171.27
Not counting J5. which was turned over
directly to a tornado sufferer nt Kalston
by G. A. Pegan of Anita, In., tho Hals
ton general fund for the victims there
has reached a total of $11,171.27. Tho new
list Is ns follows:
Previously acknowledged .. ..
Citizens of Snyder, Neb
D. II. Dawson, Ardmore, Okla. ..
I'ck Lausen & Co., Wood Lake,
c P. Dunning, Sioux Falls.
S. D
J. H. Heln. mayor of Madison,
Commercial club of Moorehead,
W. L. Itldout. mayor of Luting,
D A. Vornn, mayor of Pretty
Prairie. Kan
Globe Casket Mfg. Co., Kala
mazoo. .Mien
Hrewcr. South Omaha
rles F. Wcymuller
ger Furn ture Co . Mlnnen.
polls, Minn
W. H. Guild, mayor of Sabetha,
m H orti of clatmi for tnptrlorttr amour dlitllleri tnd Uill Orit ' iV A- P.'i"'4?'. 0m.a.,m
Houiei. nd whUo w.j.d ui. thai our Tel. S 6ti"ffhl?konbI ' s.,ronS Mf- '.. Wlnsted. Conn..
Omaha National bank, umaha..
Total j 11.171.27
A dispatch from Hamburg. Germany,
conveys the news of tho death of Carl
Hagenback. the animal collector and
senior partner of tne Handels menagerie
und Tlrpark at Stelllngen. near Hamburg.
Hagenback was born near Hamburg In
1S44. Four years later his father started
the nnlmal business with a few seals
and n polar bear, which were brought
In a whaler to Hamburg. When Carl
pis 1 FuE Quart Whiskey FREE lis
Try It At Our Expense
$ 10,2.',2 62
20. 00
a. oo
Then ara
Wlitikev Ho
beat, or even cmaled in quality, or price, (till we are sot tolni to aik anrona
free, one full quart bottle to tit. We want ton to prore br drlnkloe it thai
Fcla 3-Slar Whlikrr Ii pure, wholoiome, fultr a-ed mellow ai can be and abote
alt baa real whlikey itreneth. Ve want jou to add half water to tt If ion like
and we tar that too, wl.l stilt bate ttroncer and better wbliker than noil Mall
Orderllouaei oll at onr prlrc. Anyone eaoeaiilr under. land that should we luit
end out bottles of whiikrjr free that we would be Coodtd with reauesta braoraa
unscrupulous people and dealers and lar ourselres open to a (earful onelatii-ht.
This we cannot do, but neTertheless, the bottle is free to honest people.
Now here Is our proposition:
We will send you one full quart bottle of Fels S Star Whisker ab
aoluflr free, alone with your first order for 8 full quart bottles ot Kels 3
titnr Whiskey for 3.E and we pay the express charter. Af'er you receive
the 9 full quart bottles, open one of them, test tt anyway yon like and
If not entirely satisfactory, you bare the prlTlleee of returning to us tha
pottles and the one estra bottle yon may keep free and we
remaining 8
will Immodlately return you,r o.tS. Or send us f 3 M for 4 full quart
bottles of l- Is S Etar Whiskey, etpress prepaid, and we will Include one
test bottle free. Test the; free; bottle and if not absolutely satisfactory
nnd tha best whiskey you cter tasted at any Price, just return to us tha
4 bottles and keep the free bottle and wa will refund your 2.5 without I
quc-tion or arcument. With each ordr-r we ctre a free Gold Tipped (.less
and I rtent Corkscrew. Itemember. we ear we nar the eznreis
K- k close before you permit some of the low prices of Mali Order Houses
m-ivi uiu.! au uuo joa pi ui cipnu cairiti. as 21 years or age His father trans-
T7o mean to prore superiority In the whiskey business! wa rnesn to ferred the business to him 'Mm sun ...
proTeatonrcipensc,byclin a free test bottle, that Kels l-Star Whiskey Itrrr" ""w"' I1,m '"p " 'en
has pa er :al. Our quart bottles are full Sj-ounea quarts and col short gathered animals from every countrv on
quurn sou wo every tiatement we make and bark them with n,,. ulnlie hiu! II... tvori.i
our paid up capital of (.ooo.l5. If you want real whiskey and not weak. Ult BIO,,p """ ,ourt" the world with,
watery concoctions, send us your remittance on our free test proposition t " m In 'M the ll,i. nlmi'l; th'iw.- came I
The Uste Is the test, that will prove more than we can writ. Addreae ,. ,,,. ...i,,P.. n,... ...... . I
orders end letters and maku remittances payable to A. Pels, filer., or "'' 8 ''fri tbc were one of the1
IMnt.tllll a".- ' cfv i nu tr m ll,1f attractions ul tho Trans-Missis.
I-eIsDIslillingCov 155FcIsDIdfl., Kansas City, H, xp03.uon. i
Is it possible to nourish, strcngthon nnd
Rebuild the Bruin by Food?
Every man who thinks uses up part of tho
brain each day. Why doesn't It nil disappear
and leave an empty skull In Hay a month of
brain work? fiecauso tho man rohuilds each
If he builds a llttlo less than ho destroys,
brain fag and nervous prostration result suro.
If ho builds back a little morn ench day, tha
brain grows stronger and more capable. That
also Is sure. Whoro docs man got tho mater
ial to rebuild his brain? Is It from air, sky
or tho Ice of tho Arctic sea? When you como
to think about it, tho rebuilding maleriui
must bo in the food and drink.
That also is suro.
Aro tho brain robiilldlng mutorlals found
In all food? In a good variety but not In suit
able proportion in all.
To Illustrate: we know bones aro mado
largely of llnio and niaguesln taken from
food; therefore to mako healthy bono struc
ture we must have food containing thcBo
things. We would hardly feed only sugar and
fat to make healthy bono structure In a
growing child.
If wo desired to keep brain strong and
healthy wo would uso food known to contain
the things Nature uses for the purpose.
True, Nature provides thoso elements In a
variety of ediblo things. Wo Biibmit tho fol
lowing facts for thoso who caro to know some
thing definite on tho subject:
Analysis of brain by an unquestionable,
authority, Oeoghegan, shows of Mineral SaltB,
Phosphoric Acid and Potash combined- (Phos
phate of Potash) 2.91 per cont ot tho total,
5.33 of all mineral Salts.
This is over one-half.
HeaunlB, another authority, howa "Phos
phoric Acid combined" and Potash 73.44 per
cent from a total of 101.07.
Considerable more than one-half of Phos
phate of Potash.
Analysis of Grapo-Nuts shows Potassium
and Phosphorous (which join and mako
Phosphato of Potash) is consldcrabln moro
than one-half of nil tho mineral suits In tho
Dr. Geo. W. Caroy, an authority on tho
constituent elements of tho body, says: "Tho
gray mutter of tho Drain Is controlled entire
ly by the Inorganic coil-salt, Potassium Phos
phato (Phosphato of PotaBh). This salt
unites with albumen nnd by thn addition of
oxygen creates nervo fluid or tho gray mat
ter of tho hrnln. Of course, thoro Is a traco
of other salts and other organic matter in
nerve fluid, but Potassium Phosphate Is the
chief factor nnd has the power within itself
to attract, ly Its own law of affinity, all
things needed to mnntifncturo tho elixir of
Further on ho says: "Tho beginning and
end of tho matter is to supply tho lacking
principle, and In molecular form, exactly oa
Nature furnishes It In vegetables, frulta and
grain. To supply deficiencies this 1h tho
only law of cure."
The natural conclusion Is that If Phosphato
of Potash Is tho needed mineral elomout In
brain nnd you uso food which docs not con
tain it, you have bruin fag becauso its dally
loss is not supplied.
On tho contrary, if you eat food known to
ho rich In this element, you place before tho
llfo forces that which naturo demands for
Mind tloes not work well on a brain that
Is broken down by lack of nourishment.
A peaceful nnd evenly poised mind Is nec
essary to good digestion.
Worry, anxiety, fear, hate, etc., etc., di
rectly Interfere with or stop tho flow of
Ptyalln, the digestive Juice of the mouth, and
also Intorforo with tho flow of the dlgestlvo
juices of stomach and pancreas.
Theroforo, the montal stato of tho Indi
vidual has much to do (more than suspected)
with digestion.
Hrnln is made of Phosphato of Potash as
tho prlnlcple Mineral Salt, ntlded to nlbumen
and water.
Orape-Nuts contain that element as moro
than ono-half of all Its mineral salts. Wo
must remember that nearly 05 of tho brain
Is composed of wntor and nlbumen, but the
llttlo worker Phosphato of Potash must bo
present In order to blend tho moro bulky ma
terials Into useable form.
So with fl rape-Nuts. Tho Phosphate of
Potash Is more than ono-half of all tho min
eral saltB, but tho total volume of thoso ele
ments Is exceedingly small aB compared with
tho greater bulk of other food elements con
tained In Grapo-Nuts.
We should also remember that this small
Ingredient should not bo put Into the food
In tho form It might come from a chemist,
because man cannot produce these eloments
In as digestible a form as Old Mother Naturo,
when sho putB them In tho wjieat and barley
from which Grnpe-Nuts Is mado.
A healthy brain is Important, If ono would
"do things" In this world.
A man who sneers at "Mind" sneors at tho
best and least understood part ot himself.
That part which some folks bellevo links ua
to tho Infinite.
Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which
to act, and Nature has defined n way to make
a healthy brain and renew It day by day as it
Is used up from work of the previous day.
Nature'B way to rebuild Is by the use of
food 'which supplies tho things required.
Drain rebuilding material is certainly found
In a very natural and perfect form in
"There's a Reason"
PnMum Cereal Co., Ltd.,
Battle Creek, Alien.