T1TE RUE, OMAIl , WKDXESPW, APRTL 1H. 101.7. FALLS CITYJSKS STATION IlHESECRET OF SUCCESS iEDIT0R P0LCAR mm Railroad Commission. ttEARINQ TO BE HELD MAY FIRST L'nlform PnokltiK f GRKm AsUnl for by Crrnmrrtrii nnd rnmnillnn lloimrn, Will lip ftp to the Ilonril Inlrr. (J'Voni ti Stuff Correspondent.) UNPOLN, April 15. (Special.) The right at Kails City for a union passenrer station will tie heard before the Railway commission on May 1, when the rlsht .if the commission to force the building of b union station will bo Invoked. The Bur lington and Missouri Pacific roads are the ones affected by the order. If the the commission rules In favor of the peti tioners. A. J. Weaver of Falls City ap peared before the commission this morn ing and on his motion May 1 was set for the hearing. The two present stations are a mile or more apart and one of them some distance fro nitho business center, and the effort Is made In o'der to make the depot more easily accessible Another matter before the commission Is the uniform packing of eggs, asked for bv the creameries and commission houses. They ask the railway commlns plon to Issue such odrers as will bring the matter to a more substantial nnd uni form basis, so as to expedite handling The hearing will be before the commis sion on May 9. Stntc Hunt Property. The fever of Investigation which has prevailed In the present legislature has inoculated Governor Morehead, and after tho legislature Is off his hands ho ex pects to do a little Investigating himself. In fact, he has had whispered In his car that several of the state Institutions will show up evidence that the state has been deprived of some of Its property and that said property now reoses In the homes of former employes or apiolntees in said Institutions. So sure of his ground Is the governor that ho will make the Investigation at lilH own expense, there belli gno fund available to cover expenses of an Investi gation of this kind. Thompson Will Not Accept Any Office GRAND ISLAND. April 15.-(Ppeclal.) Jn an Interview given out hero today W. H. Thompson, chairman of tho democratic Mate committee, declares that he lll remain In Grand Island nnd continue his law proactlcb and be where he can look more closely after his business Inter ests. Mr. Thompson Indicates that after looking over Washington for two weeks and after a thorough and very pleasant acquaintance with nearly all of the dif ferent departments In Washington, he had decided to remain In Nebraska. Whllo the announcement of his appointment as solicitor of tho Treasury department was a little premature, the office was ten dered him, as wcro several other "jsl-tlons. Genuine Merit Required to Win the People's Confidence Have you ever stopped to reason why It Is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason Is plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative, value almost sells Itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy Is recommended by those who have been cured, to those who are In need of It. In an Interview on the subject a prom inent local druggist says: "Take for ex ample Dr. Kilmers Swnmp-Root. a prep aration I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for In almost every case It shows Immediate results, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy that I know of has so large a sale." The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root Is due to the fact that It fulfils every wish In overcoming kidney, liver nnd bladder diseases corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. A free trial hottlo will be sent by mall, absolutely free. AddreFs Dr. Kil mer & Co., Rlnghnmton. N. Y., nnd men tion this paper. Regular size bottles sold at drugglsts-COo and $1.00. Advertisement. new company of the guards. This will make twenty-six companies In the Na braska oragnlzatlon. NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY BHATR1CE, Neb., April 15. (Special.) The Hpntrlee Lawn Tennis club held Its annual meeting hero last evening and elected these officers: Boyd Raynor, president: A. M. Strunk, vice president; nnv W. Weaverllng. secretary-treasurey ; C. I,,. Sherwood. Arthur Hemler and A. II. Kurtz. An effort will he made to bring the state tournament to this city, nnd the winner will be sent to tho midwest tournament, which will be held In Omaha. .Tnrtemeiit lii the sum of 1228,64 was ren dered in the county court yesterday nonlnst 1,. N. Miller, proprietor of the Touzalln hotel at Wymore, In favor of George W. Hrakeman of iork, who hrniieht suit on a note. A joint meeting of Washington camp No. 8, Woodmen of the World, and the Wnndmnn Circle was held last evonlng, which was largely attended. At the close of a literary and musical program re frnMhinpntM were served. A journal of tho smoking car attached to the southbound union Pacific passen rer train broke vesterday mornln; Hhnrtlv before the train reached Holmes- vllle. Tho accident caused a delay In traffic of several hours. HALL WILL INVESTIGATE WORK OF RESTORATION (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 15. (Special.)-Adju-tant General Hall will make, an Investi gation of the work of restoration on ac count of tho tornado at .Yutan next Wednesday on request of Governor More head. A portion of the fund voted by the leg islature has been applied to tho assist ance of tho storm sufferers In that town and the governor desires to know how the work Is progressing. General Hall will go from Yutan to Wa hoo Thursday, where he will muster In a BENEFIT FOR TORNADO VICTIMS AT RAVENNA RAVKNNA. Nob.. April 15. (Special.) Tho Pastime theater secured pictures of the Omaha storm for the Saturday enter tainment. A bunch of citizens, headed by L. P. Southworth, bought tho entire list of seats nnd announced that every cent taken In nt the door would go to the Omaha relief committee. As a result 1103 was sent In. The exhibition wo given twice during the evening to a full house each time. Tells Court What He Meant by the Articles Published. PROGRESS OF ESTELLE'S SUIT Director of Drill)- mn AnUril to (itvr Conxtrnrt Ion of Soiitrneen nnil 1'hrnwr thnt Appear In Print. FRKMONT. Neb., April 15-(Speclal Telegram.) The libel case of Judge Kstelle against tho Omaha Dally Nows and H. V. I'ellnmii progressed a little more rapidly yesterday. Objections were a numerous as before, hut there was less argument over them. Kdltor Joseph Polcar of tho News was on the stand during most of tho afternoon ewrbIoii. On direct examination he testified thnt he never intended to and did not ehargo the plaintiff with cither malfeasance. misfeasance or corruption In office, that the meaning he Intended to convey was that the Judge felt friendly to the Third ward crowd, nnd that by rrasun of such acquaintance and friendship his Judicial notions wcro likely to be biased In their favor. He disclaimed any personal 111 will toward the plaintiff. Tho Kellman letter, he said, appeared only In tho homo edition of the paper, which then had a circulation of around 1.1.0OO. After recess Mr. Mahoney took him In hand for a rigorous cross-examination. The letter, he admitted, was addressed to the voters of Douglas, Washington, Hurt and Sarpy counties, nnd nlso ap peared as an advertisement In other editions. ICxplnlntnir nil Article. Mr. Mahoney showed him a copy of the News of April 10. containing a two column wrlteup of the trlnl on the front pnge, which he said had that place be cause It was more Important to the people of the state than the election of a district Judge In Omaha. Mr. Mahoney then took up the article, clause by clause, and Interrogated the witness as to what particular construction he put on them. At times he was In pretty tight places to give a construction which was not al most In line with thnt claimed by the plaintiff. When he reached that part charging "cohabitation of courts with thieves and gamblers In the temple of Justice." Judge Hollenbcck thought Mr. Mnhoney had gone far enough and sus tained Judge Baxter's objection. Mr. Mahoney also called his attention to a statement that tho circulation of the home edition of tho News on August 14, 1912. was over 23.000. The nrguments will begin soon after court convenes tomorrow morning, and the case will probably not reach the jury until Wednesday morning. TYPHOID The Rcrms of typhoid In nonrly cvory ensp uro taken into the Rystiun throuRh Impure drinking water. Wator thnt Is clear and bppius pure may contain tho deadly germs. When you nro worn out and run down typhoid germs meet loss nat ural reslstnnco from tho lowered vital forces and moro easily gain foothold In the body. Oviard against this condition by using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey In vntir drlnklllir water nu illroetn.l t will strengthen tho system and help ward off attacks nt disease germs it aids In destroying the germs Duffy. Pure Malt Whiskey helps the convalescents from fever regain strength uuiciuy. it is one of the greatest strength-givers known to science it Is a wonderful remedy In the treat ment and prevention of pneumonia, grip, coughs, colds and diseases duo to cold anu exposure, taken In small doses as directed. It Is relied upon hy doctors be cause of Its known purity. Sold by druggists. grocers and dealers at $1-00 a bottle The Duffy Malt Wnlakey Co., Hoo&eiter, If. Y. been given time to study out Its ad vantages. If It had any, and on this sauio Idea ho refused to veto on roll call. Btisheo said that since these rates nad been gornnted at Grand Island and other points he had been uhle to buy his Mer cantile) goods for his store In Nebraska, where befoie he had ben conipellel to buy most of them In Denver nnd I'hoy enne. He thought thnt any proposition which gave the Jobbers of tho state .t chnnce to buy their goods In this state ought to he allowed. A roll call was demanded on the e.'o lutnln, which was deefated by a vote of 6 to IB, Cox, Crumbach, Plncex, Robert son, Smith nnd Splrk voting In favor of the resolution. REAL AND BOGUS LIONS MIX IT ON THE STAGE change Is tn.itlr b a shift In the seen v A helper pulled a lrei too soon ,i-nl Hrown was tumbled to the stage with the lion. The leal Hon selied the m ti oiler Out of the -kln backwards to safety went Hrown. hut not until he was severely Injured by the animal's olawi Brown will not be able to assume his role for some time. Dakota Cities Hold Elections Settling Policy PIKRRi:. S. D.. April K..-tSpeclal Tele grain.) In the municipal election today Pierre went wet by n heavy majority nnd selected L. A. Muusou as city commis sioner. W. Hurvey as school commis sioner, Kurt Pierre reversed from eleven dry last year to sixteen wet this year. Blunt and Harrold went wet by small majori ties. Gettysburg went wet and Hlghtuore dry. MITCHKI.U S. D., April 15 -tSpectil Telegram.) At tho city election held to day license was tho prominent efature of the day, carrying by a majority of 22f. Only one ward went dry. This was fifteen less majority than a year ago after a very vigorous campaign was waged against license. The total olr cast was l.fi.10 In the special election held for municipal Judge, W M. Hobert waa elected by a plurality of 12 over S. F. T m and Hoscoe Sntterlee. STPRG1S. S. r April K..-(Speclol Tel egram.) The city election was held today with only one ticket In the field, the citizens. Vor ntderman: H. D. Dorger. Charles t.ehmnnn, George Unssmau, A. J. Helns were elected The wets won nearly two to one. T A R H E ADVICE ON ITS CURE If you have Catarrh let me show yon what to do for It how to drive every bli of It out of the system Without It costing you a cent, you can have tho benefit of my twenty-five year of successful experience my wide knowledge of Catarrh, Its m j.-ios and Its. cure. Don't neglect 'ntarrh! Don't let It make you Into a worn-out, run-down Catarrhal wreck. Remember. Catarrh Is moro than a trifling ailment more than a disgusting trouble It s a dangerous one. Cuchecked Catarrh too frequently destroys inell. taste and hearing and often opens the way to Consumption He warned in time. If you havo Catarrh start to cuio It NOW! Don't think It can't he cured because vmt'vo tried to euro It and fallid. Don't waste any more time energy money. In trying to i-onnuer It with worth less patent medicines Catarrh can be tired, If mi take It m hand the right way Write to me ida iiixt I II give you valuable niedlrnl mlMin free on lust what to do for it Got nil Avrflll Krluht by fear of appendicitis? Take Dr. King's New I.tfe Pills and soon see bowel trouble vanish Guaranteed. ISjr. For salo by lteaton Drug Co. -Advertisement. CATARRH SPECIALIST SFBOULE, LEARN AT ONCE HOW TO CURE CATARRH SEEK MORALS COURT TO STAMP OUT VICE (Continued from Pnge One ) Toll mo ahoul nur trnuMr After Careful etudr I'll send mi. oillmiii any rhario ohateter, conifloto illaitnnale of )nur ,-po xhlrh UI ex plain Hourly how to not rid of Catarrh fllmpl for tho ajkltn ou'll rorolvn pirotlont counael that UI point out how Catarrh ran tn cured, not Jun for a wook. or a month, or a fear hut mt.MANRNTI.Y IVm't Ift thla offer paa arcrpt mv aialitanra toda) ThH trf arlioroua ittaeaae haa boon mr Ufa atiidf 1 kno It In ovory form and etase Mr advlro haa alrrady cured thousand who now ar froe from Catarrh. Ton can bo alko If jou will ftoad mr Hat of ciuoatlon rarofully. answer thorn j-ea or no, write your namo atnl addrea plainly nn tho dottM Unfa and mall tho lro Ail vlfo foupnn to mo aa a ion as poaslhlo 'Twill roat you nothlnjc and wtli obtain for )ou tho vary help ynu nood t am a urailuato in ModlHno and Suriery of tiuhltn t'nlteralty, Ireland, formorly Suraoon rirttlah Hoyal Mall Naval Sorvlra Ad droaa CATARRH SPECIALIST SPROULE 102 Trado Building, Boston BROKEN PLEDGES ALL ALONG LINE FACE THE DEMOS (Continued from Page One ) KANSAS CITY, Mo., April l!i. Clevo Brown, an actor, who has been donning the skin of n Hon In a sketch founded on tho "Beauty and the Beast" tale, nar nowly escaped death at Kansas City. Kan., last night. Brown replaced on the stage a real Hon, which Is shown. The commission had no present Intention of using tho names It hud received. "Some of these names are well known In Chicago," ho said, "but wo H.ive not Investigated tho charges against tho men." The commission wns undecided whore the next hearings would he held. HepoCs from Investigators may bring the sen-i-tors hack to Chicago or cause titcm to go to some of tho smaller cltle of tho state. IMI.ICS (MUllOn IN l TO 1-1 I) W.I. Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMHNT falls to cure any case of 1 1 o 1 1 1 n i . Blind. Hleedlng or Protruding Piles In 0 to It days. Wle Advertisement. ritEE MEDICAL ADVICE COUPON It oniltlos roadora of thla papor to froa modlral aitilro on rurlnar Catarrh, la your throat raw' lo jou anooao ofton la our hroalh foul' Aro your eyra walortt Do you taVo rold eaally la your noae atoppod up Do you hato to aplt ottont Do cruata form In your noao. Aro you woro In damp wrathrr? Do you blow, your noe a pod tloal? Aro you loaliiK your aon-m of amoll llooa your mouth taato bad mornlniat 1)0 ynu hayo a dull foollnc In your hoad Do you hao to rlrar your throat on rlalnt la thrre a tlrkllnic aonaatlon In your throat Do you hao a dtarhariro from tho noao tiooa mucua drop In back of throat? NAMK ADDUKHS Drs. Mach & Mach THE DENTISTS Bnccior to Hallty ft Maoh The largest and best equipped dental office In Omaha. Experts In charge of all work, tuodorate prices. Porcelain fillings Just llko tho tooth. All In-tru-tncnts Ktcrllzed after using. 3d Floor Faxton Blook, Omaha, JTtb. The PersiakMit and .Judicious lTso of Newspaper Advertising is tho Koad to Business Success. Cnre for Stomncli Disorder. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tab lets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Advertisement. That Tired Feeling That comes to you every spring is a sign that your blood is wanting in vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions aro signs that it is impure. Do not dolay treatment, but begin at once to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which accomplishes Its wonderful results, not simply because It contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines tho great curative principles of many roots, barks, herbs and other valuable ingredients. There is no real substitute; insist on having Hood's Saraparilla The Medicine that makes people feel better, look, eat and sleep better; the remedy for stomach, kidney and liver affections, rheumatism, catarrh, scrofula, Bkin .diseases, bolls, debil ity, and other Ills arising from im pure or impoverished blood. "I felt tired all the time and could not sleep nights. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a Uttlo while I could sleep woll and tho tired feeling had gone. This great medicine has also cured me of scrofula." Mrs. C. M. Hoot. Dox 25, Gllead, Coun. Avoid Blends! Send us your order for Hayner BOTTLED -IN -BOND Whiskey You KNOW it is good and pure the Government's Green Stamp over MATTER what others may promise -no matter how tempting their offers may seem see if they offer Bottled-in-Bond whiskey and remember there is only one way you can be sure of getting pure, straight whiskey and that is to insist on Bottled-in-Bond. That's what we offer you Hay ner Private Stock Bottled-in- Bond Whiskey rich, pure and delicious shipped in sealed case Direct from Dis tilleryand all it costs you is $3.20 for FOUR full quarts express charges paid. There's no question about a whiskey like this the Gov ernment's Green Stamp over the cork isyour assurance that it is Bottled-in-Bond fully aged, full 100 proof, full measure and a guarantee that it cornea to you just as it left the distillery, in all its original purity and goodness. Note the tuice only 80 cents a quart de livered. Where else can you buy a Bottled-in-Bond whiskey of this magnificent quality at this price. the cork is I IN STRONG WE PAY 1 SEALED &j EXPRESS I CASE flCHARtES j snrnmiHRDND hnif KTUJCS UJSj1 your protection. W2 WANT you to TRY this whiskey on our guarantee you will find it all we claim as fine as you ever tasted and the best value you ever saw or you may send it back at our expense and we will return your money. Rmmlir Ton talre nn chances. We take all the risk and we stand all the expense U we fall to please you. No Utter it necessary Cut Out and use this Coupon ad auldrea our n avrcat effic nt IUYNER DISTILLING CO. Enrloaod (lad U.to (or which aead ma tOUH full quart bottlaa of lla;ner PrlvaU Stock Dottlad-ln. Hood Whlakcr aipreaa paid aa par jour offer. It la undaratood that If thla whlakey la notoand aa repreaeoted aid aatlafactorr to ma In arerr war. It roar be returned at jour eipenae and mj I3.M la to be promptl refunded. O-105 Addreaa . OUtu lor Alia., Cat.. Colo., Idiko, Moat., Nee., N. Mei., Oia., Una, With, or Wro. null bo oa Ike hiilt ol 4 quam lor M.00 or Eipieat Piepala oi 50 quacti (oi MS.30 by Ficlfbt Prepaid. a-K THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY, DeptG-105 c.nil?su KANSAS CITY, MO. DISTILLERY TROY, OHIO Established ISM Offices and Shipping Depots also at St. ImIs. Ms. SL Paul. Minn. New Orleans, la. Dijtoa. O. Boston. Uass. Jacksonville. Ha. ) CAPITAL $500,000.00 Full Paid . Del out. Kaeh of these acts Is now a law A Ir, fnrrn In thR utfltP. IllcHldCd ill tlio list Is a 15 per cent reduction of , freight- rates, a 20 per cent reduction in express rates, a law to tax terminal property of railroads for city purposes, a pure food act, "a primary law, and many others Involving questions wlil"h would sUBgor this IeRlsdattire to even attempt to comprehend. If the 1907 legislature was repudiated by the people, these members of this session who violated their platform pledges and who voted nsalnst the proposition of letting the people rule, If they have any Imagination, may easily Imagine what os In store for them. Of course, tho legis lature of 1907 has been criticised for some r it. nr-tii psnr-eiallv the primary law under which this nondescript aggregation I of law makers was nominated. SAUNDHelS C1IANOKS HIS TUNIS AsUn for Home- Utile on Silicon nlll anil Dncan't Oet It. (From a Ktaff Correspondent.) I,INCOIN, Neb., April 15.-(SpeclaU-A little echo of the legislation which re sulted In the passage of senate file No. 17, tho Omaha water bill, was heard In tho senate this morning when senate file No. 3S6, Introduced by Saunders, pro viding for a change In the Slocumb law which would enable tho people of Omuha to vote on the proposition of the time for closing and opening, saloons, was brought up. In speaking In favor of the bill, Saund ers said that It was along the linos of legislation passed at this session giving the people of any community the right to vote on matters In which they them- I selves were Interested alone and was along the lino of home rule for Omaha. Hongland of Lincoln got Into tho fray' right away and called the senator to tusk for his Inconsistency In the matter. "You say that giving the people a chance to vote on matters In which they urn in terestcd locally, ' shouted the senator, "has been the policy of this legislature. Why don't you be consistent? You aro the author of a bill passed by this legis lature denying the people of Omaha and Its suburban towns affected by that bill a right to vote on the proposition of Jurisdiction over their own water plant. You voted for that bill. It denies the right of your own people to vote on mat ters which affect them, and now you turn round and advocate home rule. Wliy doti't you be consistent In this home rule proposition?" The bill was killed by a vote of 1& to 6, Dodge, Grossman, Ilaarinann, laund ers and West voting for the bill. House roll No. 247, a bill to establish a lefortnatory, called for an appropriation of J1W.O00, but on motion of Talcott this was cut to $75,000. An amendment by I'lacek carried that In selecting a loca tion for the Institution tho board "may" locate where there Is the right kind of clay suitable for the manufacture of brick for paving. Appropriation bills took up most of the time o fthe senate. JOO.000 being voted fo. new buildings and Improvements at tin state penitentiary; 130.000 for printing the new statutes, and $7G,ouo for a new u formatory for young and first-tlmo .ni. oners. A bill allowing county com nls slonerx to nppoljit a county farm demonstrator upon a petition of 10 per cent of the freeholders of a county wai: also ordered engrossed for third readliiK. Cox'h resolution calling on the rallwu; commission to cease to grant preferential rates to towns by railway companies -va dlM'iissed. llushee oppoxed the resolution as being too deep a qeustlon for the n ate to take up at tills time and In 'li.it lie waj ably seconded by Talcott, ho thought that no senator should be culled to vote on un ductton which he did not understand anu on vmikIi ho had not The heating that attracts ! 111 1L11VI111A ii Radiators DEAL Iboilers Why, in looking for a house, flat, or store, Ao you find the advertisements always mention if "Heated by Hot Water" or "Heated by Steam"? Why, also, is this message made part of the "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs on build ings? It is because the most at tractive feature that any inhab ited building can contain is the sure, sanitary heating comfort produced by i nis rec ognition on the part of build ers and real-estate men of the im portance of heating in advertising for buyers or tenants is in no small way due to the wonderful wide-spreading use of IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators. They give steady comfort in every room, with freedom from annoy ing and injurious ash-dust, and coal-gas (so common to old-fashioned heating methods). They give full heating returns from the Winter's fuel bill whether from hard or soft coal, screenings, run -of-mine or nut, coke, lignite, wood, gas or oil. IDEAL Boilers do utmost heating work because their correct air-inletting, coal-holding and fire chamber spaces bum the rich heat-making gases which even cheapest fuelb are capable of produc ing liberally. ThuB the large, active fire surfaces quickly take up the heat (which in cheap devices escapes up the chimney), and this heat all goes to the AMERICAN Radiators, which evenly distribute the sure comfort to the rooms. These outfits cannot rust or burn out, warp or loosen no repair bills. So be sure when you build, buy or rent that you get the comfort, protection and economies of IDEAL -AMERICAN heating. In case you buy a building having old-fashioned heating, you can at a moderate investment easily put in this ideal heating, which brings 10 to 15 higher rentals, or quicker sale at !Hici& otr higher price should you sell the building. . .cWheTelit.0 ch.n "taSfht of any Send for free booklet" Ideal Heating." showing you how ffluto.TO; vS5lVdfrdieht! to get and enjoy IDEAL -AMERICAN in any building, cfe.i1choUion,,:"y "ccordln8 to old or new, city or country. benefits proved by the Two up-to-date Advs. FOR RENT "The Madison Flats, corner Madison Ave. nnd Pennsyl vnnia, now ready for occupancy. The flat is supplied with two large IDEAL Boilers which secure safety of heat at all times. They range in prices from $25 to $27 per month. It is very well to say you can live under a bamboo tree in good old summer time, but when the frost is on the pumpkin a steam-heated fiat is much more comfortable." Clipped from Adv. of Finger aid Real Eitate Co., in Indianapolis Star. FOR SALE Splendid 'home and good investment; 10614 Tacoma Ave., N. E.; 2-fam. house; 6 large rooms and bath each; room in attic; Al IDEAL hot-water heating sys tem; 15 AMERICAN Radiators, electricity, gas, basement to attic; 2 elegant quartered oak mantels; hardwood floors; 3 rooms oak; re stricted location; lot 40x153; alley; must be seen to be appreciated; price $6,800. Owner occupies. Clipped from Cleveland Plain Dealer. You should know about our ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner, for dustless, complete cleaning of rooms, furnishings, etc. Sets in basement and cleans through simple wroughi-iron suction pipes running to each floor. Easily put in OLD buildings. Tested thoroughly for two years in homes, churches, schools, clubs, theatres, stores, etc. Reasonable in purchase and monthly electricity costs. Send for new ARCO WAND catalogue. Sold by all dealers No exclusive agents AMERICAN lADIATOfOMPANY Write Department N-80 413-417 South Tenth St, Omaha Public Showrooms at Chicago, New York, Botton, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orlcana, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Omaha, Minneapolis, bt, Paul, St, Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Seattle, Portland, Spokane, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto, Brantforu (Ont.), London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Milan, Vienna l& r& & iffii ift &