Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1913, Page 13, Image 15

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    , Tim HMK, OMAHA, WKDNKSHAV, APRIL 1fi, 1013. 3
FOR SAL.IS CHKAP Antique mnhog
ony four-poster bed. Inquire Geo. Klein.
44 Main St., Council Bluffs.
FOIl 8AltS New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard tables and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar tlx
tures of all kinds; easy payments. The
! Brunswlck-Ualke Collender Co., 407-409
I South 10th St.
EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. AnDly lice
Publishing company, 17th and Farnam
STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrlgcra
tors, grocers' display counters, Ice ma
chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam.
SAFES Overstocked Id-hand safes, all
makes. J. J. Derlght Co., 1818 Farnam St.
POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures
bought, sold. Levey, 2510 N., South Omaha.
Kindling. U. H. Gross, lumber ft wroc k i n g
FOR SALE Two pieces of plate gloss,
4 ft. 10 In. long by 22 In. wide. Call 114
8 37th St. Phono Harney 4S17.
ALL kinds household furniture, carpets,
utensils, etc. 2416 Hamilton St. Phone
Web. 97S.
Mnslcnl Instruments.
ELECTRIC piano. N?5. 119 N. 16th.
6M player piano now, $400; slightly
used &00 Upright, 1300; JIM Uptight. $250;
$350 Upright, $1S5; $325 Upright. 175; $300
I pright. $125.
Third Floor, Boston Store.
ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company.
Clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers of
Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for
Incubators and brooders; catalogue free.
For Hatching
From thoroughbred It. C. Rhode Island
Beds; vigorous hardy stock; great layers;
country range; $1 for 15; $5 per 100.
A. II. Raker, Benson Neb.
R. F. P. No, 2. Tel Benson 747-W.
ROSE-COMB Rhode Island Red ess
for hatching from the finest laying show
birds, trap nested. $2 for fifteen. Tele
phone Benson 328. W. F. S. King. Ben
son, Neb. Letters answered.
S. C, White Leghorn eggs Florence 21&
THOROUGHBRED Barred Plymouth
Rock eggs for hatching. Webster 3701.
BUFF Orpington
hen. Webster 13X
eggs, and broody
Indian Runner ducks lay moro eggs
than ANY hens. My white egg strain pro
duces largo whlta delicious eating eggs.
Ducks do not have cholera, roup, gapes,
nor lice. Limited number of settings at
$1.50 for 13. Phono Benson 403. ..rite u
M. Welsh, Cherrycroft, Benson, Neb.
THOROUGHBRED S. C. brown Leghorn
eggs for hatching. Golden, l'lorenco Z87.
The Persistent ana Jualclous Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D. S63,
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
off clothing; in fict, anything you do not
need. Wo collect, repair and sell at 131
N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and
wagon will call.
"M' A C2Q A riTP. Swedish movement. 413
iiliVCSOi-UJll Uee mag. Douglas 0372.
Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge.
MANICURING; face, scalp and mag
netic treatment. Miss Debar, 204 S. 18th.
Boston Store. Eve. and sun. appoints.
YOUNG women "coming to Omaha as
strangers aro invited to visit the Young
Women s unnstian association duiiuihk
nt 17th nnd St. Marys Ave where they
will be directed to suitable boarding
places or othenvlse assisted. L,ooK lor
our travelers' aid at the Union station.
MASSAGE, suit glow. Mme. Allen of
Chicago. 109 S. 17th St. Douglas 768o.
904 subscriptions to the L. 11. Journal
$1.50; S. E. Po3t. $1.50, und Country Gen
tleman. $1.50. will earn $3,000 for the In
valids' Pension Ass'n, which will insure
myself and fifteen other sufferers $10 a
month each.
Must have 194 In April. Your renewal
worth 50 cents. DON'T W1THOLD IT.
Phone Douglas 71C3, Omaha Neb.
Massage. Mrs. Steele. 1807 Farnam. 3d fl.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. I).
Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
LOANS on farms and Improved city
property, 6, &i and 6 per cent; no delay.
J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam St
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam ot
OATfVTM RROS Loans $500 and up
MONEY To loan on business or real
dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000.
W. II. THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm
1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros
riTV T.nATCR TtpmlH-fJarlberE Co..
O ain.-ii'! -nrfiTidcln Theater Bids.
MONEY on hand at lowest rates, for
loans on Nebraska farms and Omaliu
city property In any amounts.
823 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Dolgpff 2d hand store pays highest prices
for furniture, clothes, Jhoes. Web. 1507.
WOULD like to buy a five or six-room
house to be moved on a lot. One In the
neighborhood of 2tth and Clark preferred,
Telepho lie Red 4301.
BEST prices for furniture. Call D. 7802.
D. S055. Quick buyers of furniture.
WE have a buyer for your house call
OBborne Realty Co. Phone Douglas 1474.
BALE on exchange: It. V.
Improved Farm
Half section and 50 acres; south central
Nebraska, fair improvements. Price
116,000. Want to trade this for tuwn prop
trty. No agents. Address mo to Post
oftlce Box No. 633, Omaha. Neb.
but they can't wreck land. We have land
for city property.
1106 W. O. W. Bide.. Omaha.
HAVE good farms to exchange for resl
deuce and Income property, owners see
us. J. A. Olson, 501 City National Bank
uldg.. Omaha.
TRADE If you can't sell. W. S. Frank,
1025 City Nat. Bank.
REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska, 206 Urandels Theater.
$500 cash, balance monthly. 1551 Mere
dith avenue, corner; both street paved
and parked; 3 bed r oma and bath; first
tory finished In Flemish oak. Prairio
Tark Co.. 509 Ware Block. Douglas s
$350 Cash
Balance monthly, buys 3034 Meredith Ave.
Six rooms, almost new; hull, parlor, din
ing room. Dantrv and back entrv down.
stairs; 3 rooms and bath upstairs; gas,
electric light, hot und cold water; ce- '
mented basement; furnace heat; lot 50x '
128, cement walks .cxf client location anil
Te8,rbl7e0right!iUtt,1OO ""a tar
C12 Faxton BIk, Buug.aj 2TS4. I
x-room modern home, containing re
ception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen
on first floor, finished In oak; three bed
rooms, bath and sleeping porch on sec
ond, floor; maple floors; Inrge lot, paved
street; two blocks to car and close to
school. See the price, $8,860; only $300
cash, balance easy. A genulno bargain.
310-313 Urandels Theater Wdg.
Biff Sucrifieo, Only $4,500
An almost new home of 7 rooms, strictly
modern, hot water heat, quarter sawed
oak and birch finish; beautiful large liv
ing room, dlnln.1 room and kitchen; four
fine bedrooms and bath;, full lot. cement
walks, paved street, car line.
P. J. Tebbens .
760 Omaha Nat'l Bank. 'Phone D. 21S2.
Seven rooms, strictly modern, located
at 2412 Spalding St., south front, good
location. Owner leaving city, wants to
sell quick. Price $3,200.
150G Farnam at. Tel. Tyler 1024.'
Dundee Home at
Low Price
This Is a 2-story, 6-room, modern square
house, located on south front lot j0x133
feet, near 61st St., having front vestibule,
living room across entire front, dining
room, butler's pantry, kitchen anil reur
vestlbulo first floor; all finished In oaK
except kitchen, and three good slicd
bedrooms with up-to-date bathroom, hav
ing tiled floor, all finished In blrcti on
second floor; full cemented basement with
hot water heat Price only $4,300. Reason
able terms.
George & Company
Tel. D. 75C. P02-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Fine Home
In Kountze Place
If you want one of the best bargains
that has been offered this year in this
choice addition you should look at 200u
Spencer St. Tho house has reception hnh.
largo front living room, dining room und
kitchen on the 'irst floor, all finished In
quarter sawed oak. Including floors, ex
cepting kitchen, which has maple floor.
Has thrco well arranged large sleeping
rooms with two windows In each loom,
uood closets and good bath room on thu
'second floor. .. ,, , ...
I Has full bricked-up cellar lined with
hollow tile brick and outsiae ceiiur un
tranco. Has first class plumbing mid
heating throughout. Nicely terraced lot,
close to Kloicnco Blvd., BChools, churches
and stores; has garage largo enough for
two machines. The location Is very choice
and some one will get a good bargain
'.n this property.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
Five-room modern cottage, near 34th
and Arbor Sts., on paved street, large lot,
$2,500, $88 cash.
Six-room new modern bungalow, $3,wu.
$500 cash. . . . ..
Six rooms, modern except heat, Zith
and Corby Sts. Prico $2,600. $000 cash.
Flvo rooms, modern except heat, 34th
and Seward Sts., $2,000. $500 cash.
Six rooms, modern, 18th near Vinton
St., $1,300 cash, balance monthly.
Flvo rooms, 19th near Ohio St. $2,000.
$300 cash.
Eight rooms, modern, 18th near Grace
St. $000 caHh, balance monthly.
Inquire 413 Karback Block. Doulgas 3607.
Build Your New Home After
Plans find Specifications
specially prepared after your own Ideas
by EXPERT ARCHITECTS to suit your
requirements In arrangement and cost
for complete plans and specifications.
Quick Service and Satisfaction
Muskogee. Okl.
$2,100 CASH. 6-room cottage and lot.
Particulars, Owner, 1790 46th Ave., San
Francisco, Cal. .
CHOICE corner lot In Dundee; both
streets paved and paid for; must oe bold
at once; $1.0C0 takes It. 106 McCague Bldg.,
Douglas 1C53.
N. E. Corner 38th Ave. and Marcy.
Modern two-story and attic. Fine largo
lawn. For prico and terms phone Har
ney 6440.
Homes ?
will :ake your
acant lot as frst
payment, or will
build for yoa.
PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616 Oma. Nat.
icii rvn.iH sr. iu block from car. 3
stairs and fireplace; 4 bed
rooms upstairs; sun room and bath; bourn
ceilings; fi-foot brick basement. Lot
50x125 front and back yard; all sod;
large garage. Now occupied by owner,
vowlv comnleted. built for home. loi
further Information call at 1814 Evans,
JUtifi vv. lv- ounu;, ,ov- . ...........
2X15 Decatur St.. with partially wrecked,
house; paving all paid; COxl27V4 ft.
03 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Tel. D 49.
The Best
$600 Building Lots
Wo are offering for sale two 50-ft. lots
i,ii r,n Mlnml street, one block cast
of 30th street car line; paved street; on
which you can duiui two ur mice mi.
tages. Have city water, sewer, gas and
permanent walks; In good location; close
to school and In a district where nearly
nil new houses have recently been built.
A-n, win nnt be able to find as good
values anywhere in the city as these
two lots, either for a home or to build
cottages for Investment. If you divide
these Into three lots, they would only
cost $400 each.
1611 Harney St
84 Acres
Near Florence
Located close to Calhoun paved
road; Is all In alfalfa- Pilce $1,075.
on terms of M cash, balance 1, 2
and 3 years. This Is the best bar
gain you can find, all In alfalfa, so
close to Florence.
1614 Harney St.
Acres in Benson
$10 Cash, $10 a .Month
Fine for fruit, gardening or poul
try. Have 6 acres; you can have
your choice. Every one Ideal. Iet
us show them to you. Price, $600
1614 Harney St. Phone D. 1006.
FARM FOR SALE-100 acres of second
Red River bottom land; SO acres cleared
and balance in timber; price $12.50 Der
acre. For further information, write
Southern Realty & Trust Co., Ashdown.
"Ttie""perslstent and JudlclousT'se5f
New-paper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Succes-
Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Iowa Iowa
a. . .1, I
Man Who Tried to Wreck Train
Admits Quilt.
I'nnlilr to Mnkr 1,IIiik lie Turn
llolio mill Fnlln nt thnt I.niul
Insr in Fart Madison
for I, Ifc
Although warned of the consequences of
such an admission, John Holmes, 33
years old, wenk In body and feebler In
Intellect, confessed yesterday afternoon
In district court that he haI placed oh
structlons on the Great AVestei'i railroad
tracks for tho purpose of wrortr.lng a
train that ho might get an opportunity
to commit robbery. After closely ques
tlonlng the man for the purposo of bring
ing out ns much of his history as pos
slble, the Inquiry was so dlsheartcntng
that tho court declared he was obliged to
sentence the man to llfo Imprisonment.
Although still far from the merldan
of life. Holmes declared he had spent
mnny years In Jails nnd prisons and had
served twelve years In Uio prison nt Au
burn. N. Y. for burglary. ' Ho said his
parents live at Buffalo nnd that the
crime for which ho was sentenced last
was committed there.
He said he was released from prison
last May and told n pitiful tnlo of his
vnln efforts to meet the buffctlngs of tho
FARM ,fc RANCH LANDS roll S A 1,15
i 'lilt form.
CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and
3d Tiles. W. T. Smith Co. 815 Cltv Nat. Uk.
FOR SALE on easy terms attractive
orcnara anu rami near ilea hiuii, eacra
mento alley. 13. B. Woolf, Rector Bldg.,
Chicago, 111.
COME to Boise; no tornadoes nor elec
trlcal storms. Bountiful hnrvests. Ad
dress Box 29, R. R. No. 3, Boise, IdahC.
has never had u. cvclnnti In its history.
Come to Idaho, where you can now do
well In a new, growing, enterprising coun
try, and where thero are no tornadoes or
crop failures. Send caid for handsome
booklet and particulars regarding tne
country. Wo also sell good business
propositions In southern Idaho.
Refer to First National and Bolso City
national banks, Boise.
Meridian, Idaho.
Boise, Idaho.
FOR SALE M0-acre stock, hay and
grain ranch; good outBlde range; 100 head
stock cattle; unincumbered. For price
anu terms address owner, I. u. weant,
Crawford, Idaho.
AN Ideal tract for a small colony. 1,500
acres in the Arkansas valley between La
.junta ana ias Animas; private aucn
with a decree for 20 cubic feet of water;
surrounding irrigated lands worth from
$100 to $150 per acre. This would make art
elegant, fine stock ranch. Price $35,000;
terms. Maps on application. F. T. Web
ber. Las Animas, Colo.
GET A HOME in the Pecos Valley,
where there aro no cyclones, floods or
blizzards. Address Countryman Land
and Immigration Co., Phllllpdburg, Kan.
FOR SALE 320 ncres. 45 miles from
Minneapolis, IV miles from town; 220
acres unacr cultivation, balanco mature,
good soil and good set bulldlngHi 15 cows,
live horses, complete set machinery, corn.
oats, hogs, chickens and everything goes
at $30 an acre; $5,000 cash, balance can
stand flvo or ten years, tl per cunt In
terest SCHWAB BROS.,
1028 Plmouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
ALL sizes of farms In Carroll county,
Missouri. i0 miles east of Kansas City;
corn, clover and blue grass. For list
write T. A. Shields, Tina, Mo.
SIXTY THOUSAND acreB Carey land
open to entry at Valler, Mont.; fifteen
annual payments; section famous lor
grain, grasses, vegetables, well adapted
diversified farming. For particulars writs
Valler Farm Sales Co., Box 2, Valler,
FOR SALE 160-acre ranch near Red
Lodge, Carbon county, Montana; good
buildings, best of black soli; nearly all
under cultivation and Irrigated; plenty of
water; fine creek with trout In across tho
place. Price $65 per acre; terms. Ad
drcsa 3040. 47th Ave., S. W Seattle, Wash.
FOR SALE 15-acro farm adjoining
Gushing, Neb.; good Improvements; 7
room house. 3 chicken houses, barn, unnr!
wen; nmau jruu uearing. AQuress A. A.
mniuaii, uusning. wen.
FREE i 40-acre homestead. For com
plete map of land opened to entry Oct
1, 1913, send $2 to A. J. Van Antwerp,
County Surveyor, Broken Bow. Nob.
FOR SALE Good bectlon of land west
of Dalton, Cheyenne County, Nebraska.
Will take $9.50 an aero eaBh if sold In
next ten days. Owner, P. O. Box 257,
St. Joseph's Inland. New Bocknort. t
32,000 acres at distress prices, a great
uurgiun, nu imuiuts.
Solo Agent. Cucro, Tex,
Washington, presents at the present time
a most attractive field for the Investoi
and homeseeker. This section has never
experienced a cyclone, hurricane, tornado
or flood. A diversified district, where
the small tract farmer does equally as
well a the large grain grower. Write
today for free Illustrated literature de
scribing fruit growing, gardening, dairy,
lng and hog raising. The Commercial
Club, Walla Walla, Wash.
Sail every Saturday to and from
Ocean passage 7V4 days. Moderate rates.
For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to
Gen't Agts., 13S N. La Sallo SL. Chicago,
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
BYERS BROS. & Co. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN imOS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg.
Depot Quartermaster, St. Louis, Mo.,
April 12, 1813. Sealed Proposals will be
received here until 12 o'clock noon, May
12, 1913, for furnishing and delivering at
either Boston, New York, Philadelphia,
Chicago or St. Louis depot of the Quarter
master Corps, the following articles of
clothing: Rubber Boots; Cords, hat and
breast; Drawers; Gauntlets; Gloves,
iMcet, shoe and Icggln: Iegglns; Over
shoes, Shoes, gymnasium, Stockings;
Susperders, Sweaters; I'ndershlrts. jti
foimatlon furnished upon application. D.
S. Stanley Lieutenant Colonel Quarter
rr,i.iUT Curps. AU-15-16-17mD.10.
world. Ho thought ho could do better In
the west nnd started out with a hopeful
heart Ho sought employment In many
directions, but ho was unskilled and
failed. His only resource was that of a
common laborer. Ills undersized body,
poorly nourished, was unequal to the
strain and he failed.
Joined the llohor.
Discouragements Induced apathy nnd ho
joined tho great nnny of hoboes. Kven In
that class ho was Inferior nnd suffered
hunger where others wcro well fed.
One nfternoon last February he reached
Omaha. Thero was only one place for
him to go for shelter and thnt was the
pollco station. Ho staid there one night
nnd was turned out with tho order to got
out of town. Ho reached Council Bluffs
on Saturday afternoon nnd soon found
his way Into the. city jail, where ho re
mained until Monday. Monday afternoon
he heard again tho old order, "move on."
He was thinly clad nnd faced the Febru
nry cold nt Its most chilling point. Not
able to meet on terms of anything but
Inferiority tho members of tho tramp
nrmy constantly flowing In and out of
tho city via the boxcar route, he started
to walk nlonn. following the tracks of the
Great Western railroad. Ho reached a
point twelve miles from Council Bluffs
when darkness came. There were cheer
ful lights In the farmhouses nnd hn fre.
qnently heard shouts of merry laughter.
"I oven wished that I might hav been
oorn a cow, a pig or a horse so I could
have had a cozy stall, a warm eont nnd
Plenty to eat." ho said bitterly, detailing
his experiences. "I was down nnd out
and did not care what became of mo or
what I did. and when the thought enme
to wreck and rob a train It seemed ns
good ns anything elso. I piled tie on
the track In two places, hoping thnt a
train would come along nnd be wrecked
and I could get a chance to tako some
thing, rob anybody or anything I could."
A freight train, moving at a slow spwd,
coming from the east, encountered the
last obstruction Holmes placed on the
track. Tho train was stopped nnd the
ties removed. Holmes, expecting n pas
senger trnln from tho west, had gone
back a mile, where he had placed the
first pile, and wns nearby when the trnln
crow stopped nnd removed the ties.
Holmes was put aboard the train and
brought bnck to Council Bluffs und lodged
in mo city jail, with tho crime committed
that gavo him n llfo sentence. The mnn
will bo confined at hard labor nt Fort
Madison. Ho took his. sentenco Indif
ferently. Five Yenrn for Stricter.
8. E. Stroeter, who was convicted of
stealing 5,000 pounds of sugar from the
Council Bluffs Stove Btorngo company
anil selling it In umaha, received n sen
tence of flvo years, tho maximum pre
scribed by tho law. Just as the other was
tho minimum. He wns Indicted also on
tho charge of breaking nnd entering, but
declared ho would admit tho guilt of the
first chargo It tho second was dismissed.
Mike Raflo, alias Mlko Gustenn, an
Italian. 22 years old, who was Indicted
for forgery for securing the vnluo of
several $5 checks to which lie hnd signed
tho namo of I Solomon of this city.
pioncicn guilty to a modification of the
charge and took a seven-year sontencn
for obtaining money under false pre
tenses. Both of these young men will go
to tno Anamosa reformatory, not to tho
penitentiary- Their sentences are Inde
terminate And both may be released by
goou conduct within two years.
Prices Upon Hose
At Same Figures
And Eats Out Out
The hopo expressed by Alderman Fisher
chairman of tho fire and light committee
of the city council, that If bids for moro
than $2,000 worth of flro hoso could bo
secured without the annoynnco of hav
ing fifteen or twenty energetic salesmen
lnvado tho city and disrupt tho digestive
apparatus of the members of tho council
by insisting upon $50 banquets, the cost
of these superfluous entertainments might
dp neaucted from tho prico finally to be
paid for the hose, did not appear to bo
realized last night when a big batch of
bids wero opened. With perhaps ono or
two exceptions, tho prices ran nlonr verv
evenly on tho lines of previous purchases.
wun exactly the same figures for the
snmo grade and brand of hose now being
usen oy tno nepartment.
There were eight bids submitted and
the prices ranged from $1.25 per foot for
the highest nnd 75 cents for tho lowest.
All of the bids wero referred to the
fire and light committee nnd chief of the
flro department for tabulation to report
nt tho next meeting.
Protests ngalnst the Improvements
made by A. A. Clark, when the council
granted him permission to extend his
show windows on the Main street eight
een Inches and on tlio nroadway front
nine Inches, were quieted by tho approval
of a resolution renewing agreement per
mitting It
Tho question of ordering the pavement
of Franklin avenue from the present lino
of pavement south was discussed for half
an hour nnd finally referred to the com
mittee of the whole.
Robert B. Wallace submitted tho plat
of the new Lock wood addition on Wood
bury and South avenues, comprising
nearly ten acres of platted residence
Tho Lnna Construction compnny was
granted exemption from city taxation
for a period of five years, upon Its new
tile plant costing $6,000.
The Great Western railroad servd
notice that It disclaimed responsibility
and liability for clogged waterways at
several points along Its right-of-way.
A communication from the mavor d.
daring that the use of the street flusher
han been prevented by crtaln mmbrs of
til council and that he was getting un-
merited criticism for permitting dirty
stieets, awakened some interesting dis
cussion and led to the prompt approval
of a resolution directing the street su.
perlntendent to resume use of th sprlnk
Ir at once.
E. W. Hart, former manacor of th
Water company, was a council visitor
and near the close of the session was
called upon to make a speech.
Mnrrlnirp Licenses.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following named persons:
Nam and Address. Age
Henry Wendt, ' Fremont, Neb 27
Ella Barto, Havelock, Nob a
Edwin H. Miller. Shenandoah. Ia 21
Abble M. Stenger, Shenandoah 19
R. Earl Starr. Shenandoah 21
Georgia Rurh Rudlg. Cumberland, la. 19
Frank E. Cook. Havelock. Neb 21
Anna M. Peterson, Pender. oNb 22
Alfred R. Hansen, Omaha ,.. 30
Mabel E. Hansen, Omaha 25
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Measure for Reform in Procedure
Passes Iowa Legislature.
Kffort to Mnkr Appropriation for
Snn Frnnclneo Kx posit Ion FnlU
Utterly In Spltr of the
(From r Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, April 15.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Tlie legislature today finished up
one of the mensures for court reform
recommended by the supreme court, under
which It will be required of attorneys that
they make their objections to court In
structlons In writing and file them with
tho court before the Instructions aro
given. Tho purposo Is to prevent appeals
on technicalities.
Tho sennto today defeated tho bill to
make nppllqatlou for an Iowa building
at the Sun Francisco exposition. An of'
fort to got oven a small appropriation
Tho senato passed tho house bill which
will permit tho psnplo of Kossuth to tako
n vote on division of the county and
forming Larrabec county out of the north
Among other bills passed was a bill to
require a county attorney to ho a, law
yer; fixing pay of appraisers of land; for
bidding tnklng liquor or drugs Into the
lnebrlato hospital, and ono authorizing
tho board of hoalth to 'require sanitary
conditions at mining camps
Tho governor today named A. C. Wit'
son of Oelweln a member of tho phnr
macy commission for the three-year torm
beginning April 23.
Mny Vote Alit (or Trolley Ltnr
The, senato passed a house bill Satur
day which will provide for tax aid for the
construction of a. trolley line, or tho slec
trlflcatlon of certain railroad tines, from
Fort Dodgo to Spirit Iike. It permits
voting aid by largo districts not farther
from the proposed lino than five miles
Tho plan Is to vote aid for electrifying
tho Minneapolis rond to Llvermoro and
the Rock lslund thence to Spirit Itke,
which would make a continuous trolley
line from Des Moines to tho northern
Iowa city.
Tho sennto passed a bill Increasing the
salnry of Superintendent Mogrldge nt tho
state Institution at Glenwood to $3,000.
C'liniiiieroe Counsel's Dull en.
Tho Kcnnto passed a bill changing tho
law as to tho duties of the commerce
counsel nnd somewhat strengthening that
office. The bill gives the commerce ooun
pel moro specific duties and greater au
thority to tako tho Initiative In all mat
Tho sennto passed a bill to provide that
whore petitioners ask for opening a high
way they shall bo exempt from damages
Tho senate nonconcurred In house
amendments to tho bill to give banks the
right to act ns trust companies.
Approve PlniiN for llulldlns;,
Tho ways and means committee pre
sented a report approving plmis and
specifications for buildings to be erected
out of the mlllago taxes at the various
state colleges. The aggregate of ex
pendlturcs authorlxed In the report which
will be approved by tbo legislature Is
DriiifKlats May Continue Business
Tha senato killed off a houso bill Sat
urday that had for Its purpose lessening
tho number of drug stores In the state
by a radical change as to the manner
of sales of liquors. It proposed that the
druggists holding permits might sell at
cohol only and thnt on prescriptions. It
received but cfgh.tcen votes In the sen
The sennto passed n bill to glvo to the
Stato Highway commission for expenses
8 per cent of tho fees received from motor
vehicle licenses.
Provides KlKht Ilnnk Kxnniliier.
The houso passed a bill to provide eight
bank examiners for the stato Instead of
six as at present, and they shall have
had 'five years' experience In tho bank
ing business.
Tho house passed the bill to permit
of railroads having tho long haul at com-
potltlvo points meeting the competition
of tho short line
Tho houso passed the bill lo authorize
city treasurers to place city funds In
banks nt 2 per cent Interest.
Tho senate passed a bill making a small
appropriation to reimburse two teachers
In tho school for the deaf for loss of
clothing In a fire.
Fnllnrr of Otii Road mil.
The houso failed to pass a very lra
portnnt road bill which came from the
highway committee, but which was
amended In various ways after It reached
the floor of tho house. It was the first
serious effort made to provide for the
financing of the rond movement by a
safe method. It provided for road dis
tricts, the Issue of bonds by counties and
the construction of surfaced roads where
the people of tho district wero willing
to pay for the same. But tho reactionary
element which Is determined that nothing
shall be done toward permanent roads
prevailed and the bill failed. An effort
may be made to get a similar bill
through the senate nnd again before the
Will Ilnvr One .11 ore Week.
It Is conceded that the legislature will
remain In session all the coming week
and possibly Into the next one. The pre
liminary talk Is of adjournment on tho
17th, but nobody anticipates that the
work can be finished by that time.
The large appropriation and taxation
bills havn as yet to be passed or pre
pared. They will call for more or less
of discussion and time must be taken to
consider them. Thero Is fear that If
hasty action Is taken for adjournment
this will not be done.
No Iiirouir Tux In Iorra.
The bill for a submission to tho vote of
the people tit Iowa a proposed constitu
tional amendment on the Income tax was
defeated in tho senate today. It re
ceived but eighteen votes. The houso
had early approved this nmendment, but
federal government has adoped an In
come tax system It would be better for
Iowa to wait and see how It works.
Nrhool llnok Compnny Wins.
The school boog combine had a big win
ning lu the senate today after a hard
strugglo over a bill which came from
the house to inako It easier to secure
county uniformity of text books. The
bill was Juggled by the committee. Th
effort to get It out failed. It will there
fore be killed by the committee.
The senate passed a bill amending as to
the school text book commission making
It a body of five educators.
To Adopt Tax I) 111.
The senate fixed for tomorrow, a spe
cial order on the bill for a state tax
commission, nnd giving power to the
state to secure uniformity of taxation.
The committee on ways and means In-
trodurod amendments thnt nlll be of
fered so thero will he no new offices
created, but tho whole matter will go Into
tho hands of tho ntntn executive council
for its nrtlon. This will remove a large
part of the opposition which has been
directed nt tho crenllon of u now state
commission, it Is believed thnt a very
strong effort will now bo made In both
houses to pass the bill.
Cnnltol MxtriiMlon.
Governor Clarke has been warmly con
gratulated by many people of the stnto
for having succeeded In getting the leg
islature to adopt a mlllnge tax for the
enlargement of capltol grounds. General
G. M. Dodge of Council Bluffs, chnlrmnn
of tho Alllnon Monument commission,
wrote him saying
'! not only want to coneratulnte vnu
but to thank you most heartily for your
success In having passed tho bill for
tho development of tho capltol grounds.
You have no Idea what a relief nnd sat
isfaction It Is to 1110. and I know It
was your personnl Influence and Inter,
est In the matter that brought It about.
And I want to say to you I think It will
bo ono of the most Important features
of your administration and of this leg
Islature. nnd you mnny welt bo proud
of It, for when theso grounds are ob
tained and worked out 011 tho general
Masqueruy plan, thn Iowa capltol will
have a better setting than nny state
capltol In the nUltetl Stntes. And thero
will not bo a citizen who wilt then view
IL but what will not only nppreclnto
It, hut appreciate the fact that It was
taken hold of so early and successfully."
DriitnclitN I'rsr Mrnsnrr.
Druggists of tho state, and especially
tho Jobbers, aro up In arms over a pro
posal for 11 board to control tho snlo
of proprietary medicines nnd to Issuo
licenses to thoso who (nre authorized to
sell the same. Tho scheme Is to force
tho patent tnedlclno trado out of tho de.
pnrtmnt nnd gnoral stores, but It would
also be a great hindrance to tho gon
erat trade. Just why such a bill should
havo been Introduced Into In tho session
Is now clear, it is in tho hands of
the sifting committee.
Governor Clarko caused to be recalled
to tho senate a bill In regard to un
professional conduct on tho part of doc
tors, which contained a proviso that the
mnklng of a chnrgo manifestly exorbitant
for a surgical operation should bo deemed
unprofessional conduct. This wos bo
llevod to be a clnuso thnt would cause
n great deal of litigation nnd produco
no good results.
lCreet Women's llullillnit.
Committees of tho legislature have
agreed upon a bill for n $75,000 building
for women nnd children nt the stato fair
grounds. This will 1.0 tho only large
building authorized for the stato fair at
this time. Tho legislature will approve
plans for buildings nt the colleges. In
cluding a $250,000 chemistry building at
the Stnto college, n gymnasium at tho
university to cost $125,000, a women's
dormitory at the Teachers' collego to cost
$100,000, and a manual training building
nt tho Teachers' collego to cost $100,000.
Aiiirnil Appropriation Illll
Tho houso nmended tho senate bill In
regard to tho appropriations for the state
historical department, raising It to $20,000.
Bills pnsscd by the sennte:
Houso bill to penalize city clerks for
V..i, . . """" nuimor.
Bill by Kimball fixing the responsl.
blllty of guosts to hotel keepers.
Senate hill to creato oducaiinn nnn.
mission on adoption of text books In a
8cnato bill to fix pcnnlty for lllogal salo
of cocalno.
Senato bill fixing county tax lovy nt 6
mius in an counties.
Bill by Kimball granting to widows of
policemen In Council Bluffs right to
oomo under pension law.
Bill to permit paying drainage district
assessments wit) drainage district war
rants. Tho senato defeated a bill to compel
railroads to pay for cost of drainage
ditches ncross right-of-way.
Tho senato amended a bill recalled
from tho governor defining unprofes
sional conduct on tho part of physicians,
and struck out the reference to ex
orbitant fees.
The senato refused to pass the Miller
bill to strengthen tho law as to prose
cution of trusts.
Htnte lllKliwny Commission.
Tho governor today appointed the stute
highway commissioners provided under
the new law. He named John Holden of
Bcranton and II. C. Beard of Mount Ayr.
The former Is n member of tho Board of
Supervisors of Greene county, and the
latter tho editor of a democratic paper
In Ringgold county. The third member
of the commission Is Prof. Marston, dean
of the engineering department at Amea,
Contcrrsntloiiallatn In Hraslon.
WEBSTER CITY, la.. April 14. 'Spe
cial.) The Webster City Asoclaton of
Congregational Churches will hold its an
nual meeting Tuesday und Wednnday
in Humboldt. The association Is composed
of tho churches in central Iowa. A meet
ing of ministers Is being held this nfter
noon and another will be held In the
morning prior to the meeting of the asso
ciation. Iorra Nena Notes.
CRKSTON-Notlce of a suit for $10,000
damages has been filed against A. I
Blbblns. landlord of li.'iltord s lending
hotel, the Garland, by Iirlne Roberts,
ead ng woman or a theatrical cumuany
which recently plnyeil there. Feme Ham
ilton, another member of the company,
has filed an action asking for $5,000 dam
ages of Charles Breckenrldge. manager
und owner of tho theatrlcul company. It
s sain when the company was leaving
Bedford Ixjrlne Roberts gave written no
tice to BlbbiiiH that he should look to
Breckenrldge and not to her for a board
bill. She then went to tho station nnd
the hotel man had tmr nrrested. Later
the caso was dismissed and tho suits fol
lowed. ACKLBY-Dr. K. M. Bronnlman of
Ackley wsb robbed of $75 In cash Satur
day afternoon 111 urooil dayl ght whl a he
was In a room next to that wlmm Dm
burglar worked. Tho doctor heard the
burglar enter' and suprosed ho was a
patient coming In. Ho looked Into the
room, but the burglar satisfied his belief
that he was a patient awaiting his turn
for attention and the doctor returnod to
his work. The burglur began u cheerful
whistling accompaniment to his manipu
lations, opened tho doctors safe and ap
propriated the roll of bills lvlnir thorn
and finally walked out,
Father of Omahan
Seriously Injured
In Auto at Denver
DBNVBR, Colo., April lS.-(8peclal Tel-
egram.) Dr. Albert K. Dlsbrow was seri
ously hurt when his auto ran Into n rope
stretched across Fourteenth street near
the Auditorium yesterday afternoon.
The rope caught the physician under the
chin and threw him backward so that
his head struck against un Iron projec
tion. His throat wns severely cut and
It Is thought he Is suffering from con-
cusslon of the brain.
Thomas Dlsbrow. tho physician'
brother, was slightly cut over the rlghl
eye by glass from tho windshield.
The Injured dortor Is the father of
Mrs. Olive Claggett of Omnha.
Mrs. Claggett Is the" wlfo of Horace G,
Claggett of 4S10 Pierce streot. Her father,
Dr. .Dlsbrow., formerly lived out In the
stnte, iut moved to Denver several year
ago where lie' has lived since. Mrs.
Claggett did not know of the Injury to
her father early Inst evening.
How to Beautify
Hair and Complexion
(Martyn's Hen' h Guide )
N thing has been found so efficient to
keep the scalp clean and healthy and th
hair lustrous, fluffy and growing ns a
shampoo prepared, by dissolving a tea
spoonful of ennthrox In n cup of hot
water. After rinsing the head feels good
nnd tho hair dries quickly without streak
ing. This shampoo costs llttlo and If
very easy to use. It removes dandruff
Instantly nnd prevents brtttlcncss and
spilt hairs.
A lotion, far better than face powder,
which seems part of skin when on and
whitens and beautifies tho complexion
can bo made at homo for llttlo money.
Dissolve 4 ounces spurmnx in H pint
wltrh hazel (or hot water), then add 3
tenspoonrnls glycerine. For taking away
that shiny, oily, sallow look and Improv
ing a "muddy" complexion It Is unequal
ed. It Is very liencflclnl to tho skin, does
not show as a powder or rub off easily
and gives to tho skin such n smooth, re- '
fined nppenranco. Advertisement.
This Washer Must Pay
for Itself.
A MAN tried to )! me a horreonc. IT Mi,
It ti tin hyrw na hd nothing lti
mttr lth It, 1 wanted a nut horM. But
1 didn't know unyitiim
about honn much, And
1 didn't know th nun
vary wll rlthrr.
Ho I told him I want
rd to trr th hor for
a mnnlli, 11 uM "All
rlhl, but pay ma tint,
and I'll ( you back
your raooay It tha hon
iin't all right."
Well, I didn't Ilk
that. I waa afraid In
limit waan't "all
right" and that I might
hare to whlitl (or my
nionay It 1 one putnl
with It. Bo I didn't
buy th bora although
1 wanted It badly, Nliw
thla act me tlilnklnz.
You ao I make Waah
lng Machlnta th
"IKK) Graylty" Waehr,
And I aald to myialt,
lota of peopl may
think about my Waah.
lng Haohlna I
thought about the horaa
?b0.Vt. ,h m,n "to" owned It.
Put I'd nTr know. !...
thay wouldn't
writ and tell m. You to t ae n, Waahlm
nonhntt w'.yT"' 1 htT' 80,11 "r
n.w '
Now, I know what our "1900 ClravlUr" Waahar
will do. I will waah the c oth.fc Vitht
out wearing or tearing them. In leaa thin half
the tlm. they ran b. waahad by hand or by
any other mar.hlne. r
clolhea In Six mlnutea. I know no other mi.
oul"hr"oth.n,eJ d0 tbat W,,l,oul '",
Our "1KX Gravity" Waaher doea th work u
eaay that a child can run It almo.t aa wall ai
a atrong woman, and It don't wear tha elothea
fray tha edgea nor break buttons th way all
other machlnea do. 1 "
It Viat drliaa aoifnv walee ,k..-i. l -
tlbera of th cloth Ilk a force pump might
So'..,,,.U'J '5 ". I will do with my "IMB
ar.V t A"h",wf,lt.r ,h "" o d
with th hbre. Only I won't wait tor peopl to
aak me. I'll offer hrat. and I'll make good th
otter rery tlm.
Let m send you a "1W0 qratlty" Waahar on
a month' free trial. I'll pay th freight out of
my own pocket, and It you don't want tha ma
rhln after you're uaed It a month. I'll tak It
back and pay th freight, too. Surely that I
fair enough, lan't Itf
Doein't It pror that th "1M0 ararlti"
Waahar muat b all that I aay It la?
And you can pay m out ot what It aave for
you. (t will aav Ita whole coat In a few montha.
In waar nnd tear on th elothea a!6na. And than
It wilt tuv (0 centa to It cent a weak orer that
In waaliitoman' wage. If you keep the machine
after tha month'e trial, I'll let you pay for It out
of what It aavee you. If It aarea you (0 cent
a week, aend me (0 centa a weak till paid for.
I'll take that cheerfully, and I'll watt for my
moo.ey until tho machine Itself earn th balance.
Drop me a Una today, and let me aend you a
book about th "Itoi Urarlty" Waaher that
washea clothe In ( mlnutea.
Addreaa me thla war-II U Marker, 10 Court
Ht , Illngliamton, N. Y If yeu lire ta Canada,
addreaa liKHt Waaher to., M0 Oourt St . Toronto.
Will Prove a Genuine lesalng to
Every Sufferer of Stomae h, Liv
er, Intestinal Ailments, Appen
dicitis and Call Stones.
Ono Dose Will Like Magic
Dispof Years of Suffering
Stomach sufferers urn not naked In
take Mayr's Wonderful Btomach Itemtdy
xor weens nno montns ueroro they aro
relieved one dose will do more In bring
ing relief and nulckly stopping your
suffering and start n cure than weeks
or months of other remedies or treat
ments. Juayrs wonaorrai stomach Bam
dy has accomplished nuch great results
thut no matter where you live this rem
edy Is known for Its remarkable cures
of Stomach, Xdvsr, Intestinal Allmsnta
and Oall-Stones and grateful people are
shouting Its praises right In your own
community, urging other sufferers to
take it. It ha prevented many surgical
operations. It has saved thousands of
Do not confuse thlw remedy with
others "just as good." Insist upon Mayr's
Wonderful Stomach Remedy. Send for
ntEE valuable booklet on stomach ail
ments to Cleo. H. Mayr. Mfg. Chemist,
166 Whiting St., Chicago. 111., and which
can he obtained from druggists overy
where. Advertisement.
The attention of our readers Is called
to the really generous offer announced In
this Issue of our paper, the offer of
helpful and valuable medical advice on
Catarrh, absolutely frco of charge, from
ono of the famous Specialists and great
public benefactors of thla country Ca
tarrh Specialist Sproule.
We advise our readers to turn at ence to
this offer on page 3 of this, paper and we
urge them to read every word of It and
send today for that valuable medical ad.
vice. Remember, this advice Is free. Ad
dress Specialist Sproule at his office. 133
Trade llulldlns, Boston, Mass, Advertisement.
!' 'J