8 A THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 13, 1913. New Books Fiction. THE AMATRUH OKiVTC;MAN. By Jeffrey Farnol. W6 Tp. Utile, Brown and company. The scene Is laid In the early years of the nineteenth century. The hero. Marimbas Marty. has been reared by two prlxe-flghters, his father and his father's friend. Natty Mell. both ex-champlona of Bngland. Marty, sr., had married a -woman of gentle, birth, and had promised her that her son should 4arn to read and to write The boy took to hooks as n duck to water, but re sponded equally well to the training for the prise tin jilven by his father and Jfatty Bell. A iotune . left him, by an tincle In Jamaica determines him at 22 to go to lxmdon and "learn to be 11 Kentleman." The father refuses his con sent unless the boy can get the 'better of him In a friendly "mill," whereupon. In the delightful opening chapter, "Bar jiabas knocks down his father, though as dutifully as 'may be." Then follow ices dramatic arguments, In tho course of which the popular notion of a gentle man gets many a keen thriut. The book Is full of ndventure and senti ment, and not a character In the story but that la wonderfully alive and human. Tho closing sentences Is ' an epltomo of its spirit: And thus did, happiness come to. our Barnabas when least ospectid, as may It coma to each of us when 'We shall have proved ourselves, In some way, fit' and Woithy. MATIK Mv Francs Newbiold Noyes. 2iS Tp. $1.S5, lidward U Clode-. The hero is yout'g, Innocent and un sophisticated, Jhalllng from Australia, and brought up with no conception of what lie might expect should he ever return to his estate In Kngland. All he had sver learned, was to tell the truth. Ho has Inherited millions, and ns the book opens we find him In Enullah small so ciety. He begins by rofuslng an Invita tion to dinner because he Is tqo much In (rested In "Ivanho!" Yet he wins out, and makes you liku lilni. The story Is almost wholly dialogue, most of which Is clever, and Is distinctly entertaining. TUB MIGHTY ' FltlUND. By Plerro IvKrmltc. 619 Pp. 11.60. Bcnzlger Bros. A tnlo of lovo und war, plot nnd coun terplot. Whether or not the reader sym pathUes with' the spirit of trade, as so aptly embodied In tho three Harmmsters, or with the sturdy champion of agrarian Rights, Jacques de la Ferlandleref-the,eN feet of the book will b' more thatt-a'mera jafslng Impression of strife and disorder, or of lovo and hate; HER RIGHT DIVINB. By Oliver Kent. SW Pp. L23. G. W. Dillingham & Co. The great problems of love and mar riage go to moke the theme of this novel, but It Is a strangt) fact that the average author when trying to write a book of the type known as "plulnspoken" or "ad vanced" seems Immediately to suffer a Might The author has hqneatly tried to produce a fine book, but succeeds In making It merely tlrcfome, j TUB NIGHT niDBHS. By Mldgwoll Cullum. C6 Pp. J1.25. George W. Jacobs & Co. Tho story follows tho fortunes of John Tresler from the time he arrives at the J tar bolt ranch until he successfully tracks down the Night lllders and re veal the mystery which has battled and terrorised the surrounding country for years. port ant r-olnt In the battle of Gettysburg TH B A MKItlCAN CHILD. My Bltia beth 3tcCracken. 191 Pp. $1 33. Hough-ton-MUflln eoniiany. A givat many books have been written crltlcUtn: severely anil unfavorably the Americnn child. TlUs bdnk Is not one of these. 'Jt, presonts quite another view of the Atrtntlcan child; It praises the child enthusiastically and affectionately. WHAT IS NEW THOUGHT? Mv Charles Ti'rodle Patu-rson. 38S Pp. It. Thomas T, . Crowell company. Tho most recent advances In the cult are here itt down, and the lesson Is repeated-that, man Is equipped spiritually, mentally olid phyidcnlly to work out all his problems, to free himself from all kinds of HondnRv, whether of physical pain or disease, or of a mind possessed by bad thiol) ghts arid habits. HAHPB'SI? HOUSEHOLD HAND BOOK. 19t p, II.i Harper &. Bros. This bocw'tella In detail how to take care-of a lonse, how to buy food and to keep It, ho'V to take out spots and stains, Jew to make riants grow Indoors, how to mirse tlusl(J at home nnd what to do If a child Is'buf'rned or poisoned; In short, all Oio quesiUojis dealing with the house hold. A JfBRITACB OF HONOR. By Alan Hudson. SXi Pp. $125- Richard G. Badger. , The'' scenes are laid nround the shores of old Bob tea i In the romantic days of tho Amerlcaif revolution nnd are replete with charm. There were gathered rank ami beauty, trlde and power, Caught In the golden wtjb of a surprising romance. Lady Bruokfird and Paul Bedford, Mysn. Lackton anq Lord Juntel weave the alluring taW of low. As the reader treads these 'winding ways, he sees again In mansion. 1ower and summer field tho ladles gay, and lovers bold, who fought with hand and heart for the maglo prize. THE BOlTrjs OF MEN, By Martha. M. Stanloy. 36S Pp. $1.25. O. w. Dilling ham & Co. In tho appalling Isolation of the un settled tobacco districts of Cuba, a little woman dally 'exed, herself over the problem that confronted her. A wealthy man, traveling In Cuba, was attracted by the unusuiJ quality and purity of her singing voice, He offers to help her get nnlthe stage. Bho falls In with his sug gestions and follows lilm to New York, where she forthwith makes a brilliant success. Thlii man, to whom sho Is largely Indalstcd for her achievements, hovers olosnly In tho background of her triumphs, but her better nature sends her back ( to tho , waiting arms of her husband. Mldcrllaneonn. PAN-GBRMA.tol'rtM. By Roland G. Ushor. 307 Pp. ' 41.70. Houghton-Mlfflln company. ' Vital questions, discussed fragmontarlly in tho dally papers are hero treated in their entirety and with due considera tion of their reflations to each other. Tho Balkan crisis, tho war in Tripoli, Persia, Morocco, are only Incidents In a glgantlo struggle for dominion. Prof. Usher eluci dates the critical situation, and throws light upon the political and economic significance of tho vast movement known as Pan-Germ anlam. ROYAL WOMEN. By Mary Rldpath- Martin. 21 Pn. $1.25. A. C. McClurg & Co. Thn characters and careers of Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, Mario Antoinette nnd Empress Josephine- names forever linked with romnnco nnd tragedy are. horo described with sym pathetic fidelity. My Fredorlo ji.d. w. j. A SONG OF BIXPBNCB, Arnold Kummer. 3 Pp. Watt fc Co. The story of Emmy Moran Is tho story nf a type of ' woman all too common In tho life about us. It presents nn analysis of the mental processes of a -woman who utilizes tho power of sox attraction to further her ends. She docs It with a good deal of skill nnd courage, to the result that she mantis a multlmllllon alro of 60 and Is most unhappy. The alternative to Emmy's career Is that of her stater, who mnrrks a clerk in h hardware store In the little town where the two girls were born. The sister Is poor but happy. Tho difference between the two sisters Is chletly one of energy, Emmy had more capacity and moro In tellectual honesty. Tho author makes the obvious question of the tale, Khali a woman marry for money or for love? VERONICA. My Florenco Morso Kings- lev. 313 PD. 11.42. D. APPletQH ox UO, Veronica (a princess attached to the court of Herod, and living In the palace) is secretly Infected with leprosy. The story Is tho Interwoven strands of lover's quest of Veronica, and of her quest for healing. She lturns of tho cures wrought by Jesus, and she follows Him on tho way to Golgotha, and when He falls under His burden, she offers her handkerchief to wipe the blood and sweat from His face. Jefcus returns the gift graciously, and with its return comes the long-sought cure. The story ends happily. THE. ATTACK ! AND. DEFKNHB. OF I.ITTLE ROUND TOP. By Oliver Wlllcox nonon. u t p. inq cuio i-uuuaii-Ing company. , , An Interesting and Instructive narrative of the struggle for possession of this lm- YouNg MOTHE No young -woman, la tho Joy of coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for tho physi cal ordeal she Is to undergo. The health of both herself and tho coming child depends largely upon the caro the bestows upon horself during the waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and Its ubo makes her comfortablo during all the term. It works with and, for nature, and by gradually expanding all tis sues, .muscles and tendons, involved, and keeping the breasts In good con dition, brings tho woman to the crisis In splendid physical condition. The baby, too, is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supremo function. No better adrlce conld ha siren a young expectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend; it is a medicine that has proven its value la thousands of cases. Mother's Friend A sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expect ant mothers which contains much Tcluable information, and iany sug gestions of a helpful nature. X&AfiL MGVtATO 0.. MUata, Cb. THE HOLT. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. By R. M. Johnston. 321 Pp. ii.w. Houghton-Mifflin company. The author's object chiefly is co-orui- natlon. to seize the proportion, tho rela tions, the movement, the essential facts pf Christianity an seen over a period or moro than 2.000 years. It may bo sold without question thnt this Is one of the most Important contributions to church history that has yet appeared. A HANDBOOK OF NORHE MYTH OLOGY. My Knrt Mortensen. 'trans lated bv Clinton Crowell. 201 Pp. 76 cents. Thomas W. Crowell company. An outline of this branch of mythology in clear and .readable style. After a general Introduction to tho whole field, ohapters occur on the myths relating to the creation of tho world, on the gods and their life, on Racnarok, the gods' crisis, on tho ancient forms of worship and religious life, and op the common popular belief. SOCIAL RELIGION My Bcott Noarlng, 224 Pp. $! The Macmlllan company In this book the author takes up the nlore deplorable elements In the modern social and Industrial world, analyzing them In tho light of a practical Christ tlanlty. Thinking people will find this .book a significant contnmmon io me great social movements or toaaj. THE FREE LIFE. My Woodrow Wil son. 60 cents. Thomas Y. Crowell com pany. The little book which here makes Its appearance In rovlKed form was given t6 the- public a few years ago as an ad dress before i Princeton graduating claarf. Us spwial alf enl Is to tho young men. It Is a plea for Individuality, for the liv ing of one's life unfettered by conven tionality and tradition. "All Individual human life Is a struggle when rightly un derstood," the president says, "against yielding In weak accommodation to the changeful, temporary, pbemeral things about us." By Orison Thomas Y. mm 0F EBfS RIEND THE JOYR OK LIVING. Bwett Marden. 403 Pp. $1.25. Crowell company. The author .points out tho happiness to be found In everyday living, showing how contsntintnt .can be cultivated, how health and happiness are related and how there Is a positive alchemy In a cheerful mind THE DIFFERENT WEST. By Arthur E. Mostwlck. ISO Pp. A. C. McClurg company. The west of the book is the belt nf great states fringing the Mississippi usually termed the middle west: nnd "different" means difference from tho east. The views are 'bright, taking and optimistic. Many bits of humor, illus trative stories, and 'facts of value fill the pager. Tho book Is eminently adapted for popular reading. SSSSSBBSSSXSHSn SBBPSSSSSSMSSBSSJSBSSBSBaSBBSMBBSMWBSBBBBJSBSflSS r ; BBS VT-ilNr.SBBBBBW S FM T. I W 1UBJ wM WSasM MHsbK. 1SsKSsbBSsW-1 HKi.sVasBBBBBBBBBBBBBsWlitsBBBsT KSaZSma Um. ia HIbBHSsMsbbbbbbbBSE;sbbbbbb1S SS BSBSBSEfc. W. V SS SSI BSHs i.lVviy I LV'sMVHriul LEGENDS OF PHANTOM SHIPS Lore of Kallormrn anil Flatter KolL Are Filled with Weird - Tales. III!!!!! If you only knew how very generous the great Hartman organization is, the extremely liberal, easy paying, monthly credit terms which are made, and the absolute sincerity with which you are urged to enjoy freely, and without reserve, every benefit this wonder- credit system offers, you would not hesitate an instant to open an account here. The smallest salary is large enough to famish a home at Hartman' s. The ier.y small first payment down and the little required each month thereafter, together with our liberal rule of not asking for payments while sick or out of work, is surely an exceedingly generous policy. Tn Vbvr I HsxaB (UssssflrcH H li'ffMflirilWIIWTIWTM 'H II mini I siiAisr muHsj Hartman 1913 Copyright A ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED-Every. thing Ready for Housekeeping---$5 a Month $99 HAKTMAN'8 NBWl MODEL QO-CART, foldB complotoly with ono motion, hood nnd all. Frame Ib built ontlroly of tubular ntool, whools have heavy cushion tires. Upholstorod in high grado Imperial leather. A great valuo at This Massive Brass Bed, Complete With Steel Springs and 45-Pound Sanitary Mattress 95 1 W M $4.95 TERMS $2 Cash, J ML.. Monthly 1 1 ip s2 J 1 14 BWtopMW I SIZES week's BEJD HAS 2-INCH POSTS a nd ten. heavy fillers and fuly guaranteed mattress is made with felt top and cover ed with a strong; and durable ticking. The spring Is made of steel with Banltary steel link top, strongly so cured at both ends with small heli cal spr i n gs. Entire com bination for t h 1 8 at the prico quoted. HARTMANS SPECIAL WAXED OAK KITCHEN CABINET. Just Ukq illus tration. Made with every Jknow?i con venience for tho kitchen, sliding metal top, individual flour bin, handy utensil drawers, separate compartment for pans ana roomy cnina compartment. Tho greatest value over of fered at the unheard of price of Cut HUOUti J. UU $17.95 New Spring Catalog Mailed Free MERIT REGENT STEEL RANGE, made full slzo, largo oven and six 8Mn. holes. Stovo rests on sanitary steel baso. Has largo fire box, tluplex grutcs, nlckol towel bar and elab orately nickel trimmod throughout. A de cided bargain and special ly priced for this weok at $25.75 White enameled, new style, Refrigerator HARTMAN'S NEW LINE of 1913 Model Refrigerators, made of tho best hard wood with white onamol lining and all now improve ments, lias remov able drain plpo wire shelves, ball bear ing castors, thor oughly lined with charcoal and miner al wool. Fully guar anteed In every de tail. Pricod up from KXTUA SI55K COMBINATION BOOK CAB13 UAltOAIN, nmtlo throughout of Bolld oak, beau tifully polished, han large and roomy desk section, largo mag.i zlno compartment und sepa rate drawer ror oilier necessities; hook com partment Is of lareo Blie an exceptional value, (11 OA at Most Complete Line of RUGS Ever Shown nil i mb sun HANDSOME NEW STYLE SOLID OAK DRESSER, beautifully fin ished In a rich shade of golden. Has throe large, rpomy drawers with colo nial wood pulls. Top fitted with 1'Vench beveled plato ff"T rr mirror of largo sire 71 ,jj A great valuo at HANDSOME SOLID QUA ft TEnED OAK CHINA CAIU NET. msde with bent end sides, adjustable shelves nnd handsomely carved mirror top, strongly made and brllllnntly jiollshed, on sale 0 m for this woek atTylJ. H very low price. . SOLID OAK BUFFET, mado with 2 Bmall and one large drawer (one lin ed for silverware), with roomy cup- board below. The canopy top sup ported with massive carved posts set wun targe size oevei gF f r plate mirror. This is Tk 1 J f S at.f" " $6.95 1414-14164418 DOUGLAS ST. a splendid value at. Genuine Leather Quartered-Oak DINING CHAIRS, $1.98 THIS WONDERFIII. pita in h.,. gain must be seen to be appreciat ed. Made of solid quarter sawed ouk, noavy panel back, box seat, up holstered in genuine leather. Legs are heavy and French design. Specially priced for this week's selling' at $1.98 m It would, be surprising it among tho sallormen snd flsherfolk, whose su prrstltlpn is proverbial, a large amount of legendary narrative connected with their calling did not exist. A little re search proves that Mu is so and that the sea possesses its quota of uncannl ness, but which, with one exception. Is seldom heard of. This, of course, is the famous "flying Dutchman," .or phantom ship of Vander. decktm! How the story originated Is f doubtful, but it has been Ascertained that there was a seaman of repute who many yenrs ago sailed from Holland to the enst via the Capo of Good Hope, but was never again' heard of. Some authorities say that, meeting with contrary winds off tho enpe, he sworo a terrtulo oath, In consequence of which the divine wrath decreed thut ho should bo occupied till the crack of doom In endeav orlnit to weather tho headland. Others state that this punishment was meted out to him In retribution for a terrible murder ho committed before commencing his fateful voyuso. Whatever the cause of this ancient gen tleman's monotonous wanderings may be. it Is probably In connection with him, says the London Olobe. that the most authentic and coldblooded record of any phantom exlts either afloat or -ashore, for It Is stated that In the log of H. M. B Hacchsnte. while on a voyage around the world with the llttlo princes In 1SS1. therw appears on July 11 the entry: "Klylnk- Dutchmnn crossed our bows." The log book of one of the then largest of her majesty's warships Is certainly the very- last plare to expect to find that which Is generally associated with tho hysterical of either sex. In the "Chronicles of tho St. Iiwronce " by Le Maine. It Is recorded that on a cer tain day In the year a phantom ship Is seen off Cape d'HspoIr In Onspe bay. Lights are seen abroad of Its and Its decks are crowded with men. Ry the foot of the bowsprit a man Is conspicuously standing and facing toward the shore. with a lady clinging to his arm. Grad ually thn lights go out and the vessel sinks. It Is said to be the ghost of the flagship of A fleet which was sent out to reduce the French forts, the vessel being lost with all hands. There Is also related among the lumbermen of the same great river the tale of an antique caravel which sails up the Cadolla Falls, where no other vessel dare or oould fol low. To come to English waters, there aro numerous instance related In local history of tho visitations of ghostly ves sels, too west of Ens Und, might be expected, being most prolific In these rec ords. Indeed, Cornwall boasts of a gob lin ship probably unique the world over, as It not only sails tho water, but pro ceedsmost unconcernedly some good dis tance Inland. This is tho specter ship of the 1'orth curno, and In Itobcrt Hunt's book is re lated the experience of a local Inhnbltant who witnessed one of Its escapades. It Is described ns a black squaro rigged sin gle masted vessel, sometimes tow ing a small boat. No crow Is ever seen; presumably they are down below. The personal narrative says: "On come the craft. It passed steadily through the breakers, glided on over the sands, stead ily purMied Its course on the dry land as If It had been water. On it went to node Ian, where St. Levon formerly dwelt. It then steered Its course to Chygwldcn, and there vanished like smoke." Uottrell also tells ns that In another Cornish hay during an Incoming fog the noUe of falling spars, guns firing and ro forth Is. heard as It an action were tn progress. Many Instances can he given of how ships themselves are said to bo haunted, especially when a murdor has occurred on board. And of tho West Indies gruesome stories are told of the restlessspirits of the, ancient pirates, who presumably are too wicked to leave this sphere, but visit their old quarters and pruvldu any un fortunate shipwrecked seaman with a fund of "horrors," which he eventually relates to a gaping audience of brother suits. ChlCHEo Itecord-Hehald. Commissioners and Contractors Will Arbitrate Contract The county commissioners have reached an agreement whereby they will Issue a $30,000 warrant upon the county to the contractors as a port payment of tho balance of tho money still due them for putting up the building. This money Is to be used for distribution by tho general contractors among the local sub-con tractors. Consent to arbitrate matters "specif ically stipulated and tn the maner as provided In the contract" was glvon by the Hoard of County Commissioner.! ,n reference to the dispute with Caldwoll &. Drake over the amount still due the builders of the court house. A resolution to this effect was passed In answer to Insinuations by tho contractors that they would expect to arbitrate their differences If they nrb unable to come to an agree ment with the board. According to County Attorney Magney lt Is doubtful whether the board can be compelled to arbitrate the question of how much la due the contractors at thi present time under the contract. The board, however, by this resolution a sal a announces Its willingness to submit to the terms of the contract. The board and the contractors .tro fctandlng on their last offers of J 63,000 and fTifiW. respectively. police by an employe of tho McCann lunch counter. Ninth and Dodge, who saw the whole affair and later Identified thet rlo as the ones who did the Job. Signed confessions by each one V2rc tendered Chief of Detectives Steve Ma-loney. It's n Ilurnlnn Shame not to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure burns, eczema, bolls, sores, piles, cuts, bruises, wounds and ulcers. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. A Versatile Barber. On a sign over a barber shop at Stle rum, Holland: ltarent Wontera lends donkeys on hire Ilka Ills fnlhir kill. nln. i and occupies himself with all kinds of miiiaii ucinu nurn, mso snaves ano cuts hair, except on Sundays. London Stand, ard. BRIEF CITY NEWS Btaok-Saloonsr Co., Undertakers. SaUsy, ths Bsntlst, City Nafl. D. 266. Tldsllty Btorasr. & Vaa.Co. Doug. 16l. Save Hoot Print It Now Ueacon Press. tlfhtlnj- rixtarss repaired and refln Ished. Burgess-Qranden Co. Douglas tSL Ths Stats Bank of Oman pays 1 per nt on time deposits. 3 per cent on sav ing accounts. The .only bnk In Omaha whose depositors orw protected by th depositors' guarantee fund of the stats of Nebrnska. 17th and Harney streets. Tornado Special To help those who are lepalrlne or rebuilding, we will sup ply during April and May. ready mixed paints and varnishes at a discount of 20 per cent from regular wholesale prices. E. K. Bruce & Co. ' Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Favorite Fiction. "One Moro Drink Won't Hurt You, Old Chnp." "Asylum for the Oppressed of All Nations." "Gentlemen. It Gives Me Great rieasure to Hps pond to This. Toast." "I Just Won't Apologise to Him! HI Die First" "Miss Kuphcmla. I'm Sure We Shall All Be charmed to Hear You Recite a Selection." "Why, Mamma. Ho Didn't Stay Later Tlian U O'clock," Chicago Tribune. TRIO WHO ROB FARMER LATER MAKE CONFESSION John Pinnow, a prosperous farmer of Minnesota, was robbed Friday night at Ninth and Capitol avenue by Henry Johnson. Charles Williams and Florence tieddes, all rolored. The three thieves wiera arrested, from a Up given tha HOW TO PRESERVE YOUTH AND BEAUTY. One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper understanding o( her womanly system and well-being. Every woman, young or old, should isetn lm tif and her physical make up. A good way tel arrive at this knowledge is to get a good doctor book, such for instance, as "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, M. D., which can readily be procured by sending thirty-one cents lor cloth-bound copy, addressing Dr. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y. The womanly system is delicate mtxhine which can only be compared to the in tricate mechanism of a beaatiful watch which will keep in good rnnnintf order only a""" uki iuv proper ouui ure nam tunc, so inac ine oeticaie mecn- anism may not be smns sm. Very many times young women get old or rsas Jew before their time through ignorance and, the improper baaeling of this human mechanism. Mental depression, a eonfused bead, backache, headache, or hot, flashes and many symptoms of derangement of the womanly system can be avoided by a proper understanding of what to oo, m usose trying limes mac come to all women, Hsa. O. H. WnxiAjes. of Lrinhi. Va.. wrot : "it is six yean ?? ByLi!!ih V J?7 '.bsdfeajaUtnwbta and all thedceterl (I ereptord three) saU I would die. I was not abl to do my wort fay ," rtaanr.IrWInthsparSa Br. Pima's PanciU Prsacriptioa. and decided to trr ItTlkViZ.?! tikOTJt oo, buU 1 1 foSSdlt hd d.7 I took taSu1