Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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7r A
Monday Morning
8 to 1 Only
No mall or phono orders nccept
cd on 8 to 1 Bpoclals. Quanti
ties limited to each customer.
5 10c Toilet Soups lie
Jap Rose or Palm Ollvo
II toilet soaps, regularly
I 10c, Monday S to 1,
J each 5c
Tooth Powder He
Dr. Graves' Tooth Pow
U rider, regular 2Bc slzo
1 1 packaeo, 8 to 1 only,
mjat ....He
IOC Wash Laces lc
m Wash Laces to 3
II jl Inches wide, regular
fJLI.Prlco to 10c, Monday 8
" W to 1, yard 4c
34 8c Kmhrohlcries
f 34c
nl Embroideries, widths
In to 4 H Ins., vnls. to 8c.
fcU Mon., 8 to 1 yd.. 30
Ironing Vn.v, lc
I Ironing wax, with han-
I fl die, regular 3 for Bo
I I kind, Monday S to 1,
y each lc
-Vnsh Tape for lc
I Y3h Tape, to
I ft Inch wide, a for 5c
IB. kind, Monday 8 to 1,
1 U bolt of 3 yards lc
Shelf Paper ii for 10c
I A Shelf paper, any
i I I fl color, C yd. pieces,
111. Monday 8 to 1 only,
IUU 3 for IQc
10c Ginghams at 5c
P" Olnehams. good assort-
feff ment of patterns, 10c
rl I . quality, Monday 8 to
RJ9 IJ l onlv. yard He
4q Calicoes at 4 94 c
0 1 Standard calicoes In
. I blues and colors,
till figured designs, 6Ac
uuallty. yard . .jo
mi !'"c brooms, 15c
1 Brooms, heavy, best
I fl broom corn, 4 -tie,
Illii 3Cc quality, Mon.,
IUU 8 to 1, each . .15c
50c to 75c CH ALLIES, 25c
A now lot of clinllioa in pretty
floral, figured and border ef
fects, strictly perfect, 50c to
75c qualities, Monday, yard. .
The Heart of Omaha Sixteenth and Harney.
75c SILKS, Monday 39c
Special lot of .silks including
taffetas, mescalines, foulurdtf,
poplins, .lap silkn, etc., values
to 75c, Monday, the yard. . . .
39 c
The Style, Snappiness SS Quality ofi ttiese
ailored SUITS
Brought An Army of Shoppers Saturday
CO successful was this extraordinary sale Saturday, we have decided
tQ continue it for Monday, offering the same high class spring
suits at the same figure $12.75. , Many, indeed, were the happy wo
men who purchased these suits every one a beauty. They were en-
raptured at the smartness of style, the clever make-up and the im
mense variety to choose from. Come Monday if you didn't share
in Saturday's offering. This is by all means the greatest value giv
ing event ever held in Omaha.
for Any Suit Values Range
From $25.00, $30.00 to $35
YOU can choose from a most pleasing selec
tion of models; among them are the smart
now cutaway, Bulgarian and Russian
blouse styles. Every garment Is finished In the
best possible manner by expert tallora and lined
with the best quality peau do cygne.
TUB materials ombraco such nxcollont
weaves as Bedford Cords, Sergos, Whip
cords, Shephord checks, etc., In plain
white, Copenhagen, navy blue, Delft, tan, gray,
black and white stripes, plain blark, etc. Remember,
they aro regular K'G. $30 and t.15 values, ami are
offered to you Monday at, choice $13.73
Monday Morning
8 to 1 Only
Table Oil
Cloth, Yd.
Table oil cloth, colors
only. regular 20r
quality, limit of 2a
yard 8 to 1 only. .
Washing lovdcr Ulc.
Star Nnphtha Wash
ing Powder, 1-lh.
pkg., Mon. 8 to 1.
Laundry Soap
"Hoat-'Em-All" or "Diamond
C" laundry Soap, Mon.. 8 to 1
12 Bars, 5c
Women's Vests 10c
Womon'a extra nlzo
vesta, 19o vnluo,
Monday 8 to 1 only,
35c Union Suits 10c
Women's Union
Hulls, low neck, sleeve
less, laco trimmed, 3Su
qualities, Mon. 8 to 1. . ,
Pork JxjIiis, lb. J 5c
Pork Loins, n tho
meat shop Monday
8 to 1 only, lb.,
JIDc Overalls 15c
BoyB' Brownlo over
alls, rogular 30c
value, basement Mon
tlay 8 to 1 only. . .
50c Muslin Drawers
Women's nuiHlIn draw
ers, rtlf flo of embroid
ery, etc., BOc value,
S to 1 .Monday. .......
Infants 5l)c Dresses
Infants' long or
nhnrf ilroHRnn Kfln
vnls., Mon. S to 1 .
$1 Corsets for 00c
Corsets, all new
spring styles, brok
en assortment, ?l
valB., Mon. 8 to 1.
50,000 Yards of 25c to 50c Wash Goods at 14c
Sale of Cut -Glass
and Dinnerware
irn'n A I Four beautiful put-
Jk I iC IX terns of dinnerwnre
mm Mm consist
ing of 100 pieces to the set.
Each set worth $12.00 to
$16.00; your choice Monday,
xne set. . . . .
Haviland China One-Half Off
Odds and ends of Haviland 4 gC
and G. D. A. china, em
bracing 3 distinctive de
signs will be closed out at
$1.00 Cut Glass at 75c
Brilliantly cut, new designs Includ
ing G-inch bon bon dishes, handled
nnd unhandlod; regular $1.00 values,
Monday, each, at
$1.50 Don Don, 08c
6-inch handled and un-
handled -on-bon
actual J1.50
values. Mon
day, your r
Cut Glass at $2.08
Tall comports, berry bowls.
s u b a r h ana
creamers, fern
dtshos. nut
bowls, etc., ac- r
tuul $5 and S6 M
uerry uuwis,
The Most Remarkable Offering of This Kind
Ever Announced in Any Omaha Newspaper
"PROGRESSIVE merchandising brings you this great good fortune. A grand assembl
Jt age of new first quality wash materials in the season's newest patterns, weaves and
colorings at less than the cost to manufacture. The offering includes these wanted materials:
Bedford Corda, French Ginghams, Jap Orepes,
fancy Tissues, Plain Voiles,
Ohitfon Tissues, Embroidered Stripe
Striped Madras. Batistes, Voile, Etc. Etc.
Values From 25c to 50c,
Choice, Monday, Yard at
Silk Stripe Voiles.
Costume Ratine,
Fancy Figured Lawns and Batistes Yard 2c
Another wash goods special lor Monday tnau's certain to bring iorth a
great response. Several thousand yards of fancy figured lawns and ba
tistesthe season's most desirable colors and patterns, Monday, tho yard. . .
Monday's Money Savers in
Monday Bargains in Sheets and Cases
10c Cases for 10c
Pillow cases, slio
42x36 and 4px36
lnch, fine quality,
regular 19c, Mon
day, each
Four big specials that will
25c Cases for l-lo
Hemstitched pil
low cases, size
45x3G Inches;
regular prloo 2Ec,
very speplal Mon
day, eacli
appeal forcefully to every housewife.
noo SheetN a:tc
Bed shoots, full
slzo 72x90-lnch:
bleached; rogular
prlco OQc, sale
price, oach..
wiwj uuuouniiiii
$1 HIiccIm ftle
Hod sheots, slzo
81x99 Inchou;
bloachod; regu
lar prlco $1, aalo
prlco Mon,, each
Flour Specials
Graham Flour, 10 lb. sack iOo
"Capitol" Flour, Back, at 1.05
"Orkln'B Pride," sack, at St. IB
"Prldo of Omaha," sack, S1.1B
"Excelsior" patent, sack, $1.3B
pni-kairo 3o
paokag-. I SC
M. ......
LYI5, Ii e w I it. 3
en lis 35o
trnllon . ...aso
Clounaer, i canH
for SSo
Itmon or ranllla,
16o bottl..10o
tcmuted, p (,'., Go
OHEEHU, full
oraam, lb., loo
B B A. X) B, l)t
hand p 1 o k e &
NftTita, lb... So
package lOo
lOo quality, at,
cab 00
packBHe at.... 8o
ttol" creamary,
1-lb. brloka, 30o
HICK, whole
Japan, S Um.,2Bo
EQOB, atrlotly
fraib, doian SOo
tol" brand, lb.
pkK. Q7o
PltUNBS. Call
fornlii, 4 lbs. BSo
K1G8, cooking, 3
lbs. for ....3So
SUOAS, irranu
latad, S3 Iba. 31
TEAS, any GSc
quality, lb. ..4So
lb. pks lOo
oana for ...SSo
HAliMON, red. t
lb. can ......ISo.
P It H S ErtVKfV,
dtrow borry -or
ronborry, uiiurt
Jur 17i,o
Judo, can.... loo
DER, Capitol,
can ,..30o
T O M A T ,0 E a.
lareo can solid
pack lOo
KuntucKy blue,
lb ,33o
HEEDS, flower
u n d voKretublo.
puckuso ...3V&o
at Less Than Half Price
rtOLORED scrim curtains, striped and fig- i
J nvnrt nnlnvc olerllltolr 1'net lilvorv llflll I
worth np to $2.00, Monday, choice of any
$2.50 Curtains at 98c
Net panel curtains, handsomely braided, former
lv marked at $2.50, special Monday, pair
$5 Couch Covers $2.98
Couch covers, GO and
72 inches wide, very
$4 Curtains, $1.98
Bonne fern m e cur
tains, white and ecru,
worth $4, special
pair at.
Couch Covers, $1.98
CqucIi covers, GO ins.
wide, reversible, Ori
ental patterns, worth
$4.00, Monday, tho
each. . . .
quality; good
$5 values, Monday,
I'.". $2.98
"$8 Portieres at $2.98
Portieres, 12 styles and
some contain only one pair
of a kind, formerly marked
up to $8, Mon- QO
day, pair at
Dress and Street HATS, $5, $70, $10
AT THESE three prices wo havo specialized to the extent that competition can not
equal our offering. Wo havo succeeded in putting more value into our hats at
these prices than ever before considered possible more quality, moro style. Com
parison will demonstrate that millinery of equal quality and stylo will cost at least
25 moro elsewhere our prices Monday $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00.
Untrimmed Mats
Specially Priced
Every now shade is included,
among them aro tho juunty
toques, quaint pokes, new droop
sailor, Billy -Burke, sunshine
sailor, etc.
$2.98 Values, $1.98
Tailored Suit Hats
at $3.98
An enormous and magnifi- 'Ik
cent collection representing ;
all the now and proved ef
fects in greatest domand for
wear with the tailored suit.
Hats that are really good
$7.50. . .
$3.98 Values, $2.98
$5.98 Values, $498
$10 Values at $7.50
Manufacturers Surplus Stock
Shoe Sale Continues Monday
Women's English Pumps
Womon'a now pumps English models with low lieolB In
gun menu, patent colt, A
whlta buck and whlto can- a
vna; uIbo the regular mil-
ltary high hool pumps, In all
leathern sizes 2 to 7, D,
C and D widths. Every pump
worth not less than ?4.00,
Monday, pair
$!1 anil Shoes, $1.05
Mori's hIiook In gunniettU calf, ntitent
colt slciti, valour calf andkA,-
vlcl klU skin, laco nud 1 If
bluchor models,
$3.00 and J3.60
Monday, tho pair.
$'. mid $.50 Shoes, $1.05
Women' SJ)0 nnd $3.50 allocs. Ox
fords and pump, nil ntw A
iiioaolH. mostly all sizes, lnjjl VtB
jnnmriiT. I nnu f H
and kid skins, button and
lace, tho pair.
$1 nnd $1.50 Shoes, $'J.f5
Men's Hlioes and nxfordu Howard &
Koster, Wulkover. uoubius
and C 'rossetio maKea, nin
ton and luce styles, most
all sizes and lcuthorn,
tlie pair,
toward &
Mens 11.00 Shoes, $2.05
Moti'b new spring slioes and oxfords
in tan cair, putent colt skin, sun
metal calf and vlcl kid skin. All new
lasts button and laco
styles, sizes from 6H
to U In D, C, D and Fi
wiams: regular ii oo vai- e
uo; Monday, choice, at,
the pair
;Orkin Brothers Your Home Store;
;0rkin Brothers Your Home Store;
Government Will Restore 332,000
Acres for Settlers.
Proposed AHottment AVU1 ne Made
In Mncli tho Snrao Way the
Ilonesteel Land Warn
' Disposed Of.
From Washington the Burlinstou has
received notice of the restoration ot 621
sections, or. more than 338.000 acres of
Nebraska land to the public domain. This
land lies In Grant and MoPherson
counties and was segregated some ten
years ago, being set aside as a portion
of (he North Platte forest reserve.
The land In question lies in a body,
several miles wide and oxtendlng from a
ahort distance south of Hyannls on the
Burlington, south to near the Bridgeport
branch of tho Union Pacific and gener
ally Is the best- grailnff section lu the
state. It Is somewhat hilly along the
streams, but there are numerous high
tablelands excellent for agricultural pur
poses, besides a number of wide and rich
valleys. When It was withdrawn from
the public domain and became a part of
the North Platte forest reserve It was
ttiQ Intention to reforest the entire trucl,
pluntlng it to pine trees. The experi
ment was' tried, but It proved Impracti
cable and for several years It has been
a cattle range and looked upon as a sort
of "no man's land." In the area, whicn
Is as large as Douglas county, there aro
a number of never-falling streaint. a
dozen or more lakes fed by springs,
around which there are hay flats inllea
In extent. Before It was segregated It
was looked upon as the richest rincli
land In the state.
Under the order of the Interior depart
ment it Is expected that about October
I. the entire tract, which will give !.(.
persons a home of 160 acres ech. will ne
thrown open to settlement, but under
what plan Is not known at this time. It
Is presumed that the allotment ot farms
will be similar to that adopted by tne
government in disposing ot the Bonestcel
and Tflpp county lands. Notice Ul be
published ot the date of opening, after
which settlers will make their selections,
the drawings for which will occur later In
the fall.
Some of the Nebraska land that Is soor
to be thrown upon the market Is only
a short distance from railroads Jiid
towns, but the greater portion of It Is
much farther away, much of It lying fif
teen to twenty miles distant. Howevr,
generally, the most of It Is considered
valuable, none being worth less than
$3, and much right now, provided title
Could be secured, would sell from 2 to
ISO' per acre.
An inquest over tl)e body of Herman
W. Buelow, 1420 North Sixteenth stroet,
who was found dead cast of Valley
Friday morning with the veins of both
wrists slashed open by a pocket knlff,
will be held Monday morning at Valley,
a.ltr which the body will be taken In
cls.rge and held until relatives are heard
Northwestern Dairy Commissioner
Says Sand Hills Are Ideal.
Value of the Land Could He Doubled
Muiiy Times by the Installation
of Milch Caw In the
Dairy Commissioner Allen of the
Northwestern Railroad company, who
has located hundreds of dairy farmers
In northern Wisconsin during the last
five years, Is In town for a few days, Ms
purpose being to Institute and carry on
a similar line of work with reference to
the country tributary to the company
lines In northern and northwestern Ne
braska, Commissioner Allen says Hint the pine
barrens and cut-over lands "t northern
Wisconsin, which a few years ogo were
considered worthless, have been con
verted Into the best revenue portion of
the state. The same, he says, can be
done In Nebraska, and land that Is now
selling for from (5 to J 10 per aero can be
made worth from f 10 to tfo, and that
every acre can be made to produce a
revenue, adding millions of dollars an
nually to the business of Omaha.
"All thst is needed," says Commis
sioner Allen, "Is to get tho fanners
started In the dulry business and ths
country and nature will do the rest. I
havo pretty thoroughly examined what
is known as tho sund hill country along
our lines In Nebraska and am thor
oughly satisfied that tho eutlro soutlon
Is unequaled for dairying. Farmers have
got to get tho land Into alfalfa and then
not tho cows. It will not pay to go Into
stock raUIng on a large scale. This
could he done If the country could be
turned Into Immense ranehes of thou
sands of acrs.euch, but farmers cannot
afford to purohase utul stock sueh traets
and us a result they must turn their
attention to dairy herds, selling their
mill; and cream Instead of fat steers.
'In Wisconsin land that Whs sandy
and worthless Is now producing three to
five tons of alfulfa hay annually, and
from experiments that I have seen made
I am confident tho Nebraska sandy land
will do better than this. This being true,
It is poeslblo for a farmer in the Ne
braska sand hills, If ho owns 6J0 acres
ot land, to keep from fifteen to twenty
fiva cows, and off Uicse make a good
Owing to tho Ohio and Mississippi rlvi'r
floods Chicago has come back to its own
as a market for Nebraska wheat, and nil
the grain shipments out of Omaha sin
being routed to the lakes instead of to
the gulf ports.
Omaha grain deulers have received no
tice from all tho lines running towan
the gulf or having gulf connections 'that
until the floods subside no grain will be
received for shipment. As ir result the
100 a day or more curs of grain that 'ito.
tofore Imve been moving south aro ail
being sent to Chicago.
Missouri River is
Still Rising Here
The stags of the Missouri river at 7
o'clock yesterday, morning was 16.7 feel
above tho zero of the guage. or a rise ol
1.9 feet during the twenty-four hours end
ing at that time. A rise of but .1 inch
was reported at Sioux City. At the bridge
a rise of 1.9 feet was reported.
Colonel L. A, Welsh, local weather fore
cubtcr, believes today's readings will
show that Improvement is In sight. He
believes that the crest Is between here
and Sioux City, and- although the river
at this point will continue to rise to al
most another foot, ho believes that the
crest will bo reached hero by Sunday
A l'leusant Surprise
follows the first dose ot Dr. King's New
Llfo Pills; the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 36c. l-'or
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising,