Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART SIX SPORT SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 61

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3 S
Mutt Didn't Believe in Spiritualism, but He Does Now
Drawn for The Bee by '"Bud" Fisher
, ir .
I i .
f AH,tHT 50A f ONG .oft. "tMQ N ( v iRtnW
C GAT IT I'LL SL(V,CG " WWAKKAVri "mxsuvn ots tmiy awause I
I X SEtftfclON frXClFiC J OT DOWN Yt A
1 cortiHW()i-3 fey TA
THE Western league will throw
open Its gates for 1913 on S'rlday
of this week. Wo hopo It will bo
to admit largo crowdB, not only
for tho first games, but Increas
ingly largo as tho season progresses. It
Is cubtomary to hall each succeeding sea
son as the best, therefore, while hoping
thlB ono may sustain the record, we
tefraln from the hailing as a matter of
form. Tho season will prove the best If
tho teams are tho best. Base ball never
lias and never will beg support when well
played and tho Western league magnates
"need fear, nothing this year If they have
good teams, as they claim to have. As for
picking winners or even guessing on the
probable outcome, far be that from us.
We've heard that Denver proposes to re
peat again as tho pennant winner, and
wo'vo heard that Pa Rourko expects to
win, and so as to several others. Of
corusc, while we wish Denver good luck,
we hope It docs not win the pennant, and
somehow or other, as we run our eye
down the lineup, we rather doubt Its
winning, which Is not to say that Pa
will win. As to Omaha, tho team looks
formidable, but has dono none too well
against other Western league teams In
the spring preliminaries. It seems to us
It depends chiefly upon what the pitchers
do. Anyone who followed It last reason
will admit that It Is a strong team. It
lost Nlehoff and that was a genuine
loss, but young Grubb Is touted high and
may succeed In time In filling tho Kap
at tljlrd. Aside from that there is no
difference between the In and outfields
of this year and last and the catching
department has been, strengthened, It
any thing. But it was stron enough In
1912. The whole situation', so far as Omaha
Is concerned,, seems to be up to tho box.
. Ty Cobb Is still a holdout, though there
aro faint suspicions that ho and Presi
dent Navln of Detroit will soon get to
tether. One of these Is Ty's delay in'
playing a series of his games his south
ern team .ot holdouts has on hands,
"awaiting word from Detroit." Navln
Bays It Is ho who Is doing tho a-altlng;
that ho has no news to write to Brother
Ty. Of course, there haven't been many
Ty Cobbe, so It Is Impossible to say
that Ty Cobbs never are allowed to re
main holdouts long, but as a matter of
fact some stellar ball players nearly up
to tho. Cobb magnitude have been per
mittfii tn nout it out and Navln may
decldo to let Cobb pout, but we doubt
It. Ty may even decldo after a while that
ho Is worth a little Was than J15.000 a
year and come to work. In the meantime,
he seems to be observing the laws very
President Johnson of the American
league, the leader In all progressive and
jolld reforms In base ball, announces his
Intention of having the game speeded up
even more this year: that is, as to tho
economy of time. It would be well for
the Western league to adopt that plan
and compel recognition, for Instance, of
the rule forbidding a pitcher to stall by
rubbing tho ball In tho ground and re-onr-tlncr
tn other such obvious devices.
Umpires should be held responsible for
uch things. They only tire ana aisgust
fans, and fans are the ones to be satis
fied, not some white-livered pitcher, who
ecls himself going.
Jimmy Sheckard la the latest of the
Cubs to come In for congratulations, tnat
Is, to get away from Murphy. He has
yono to St. Louis. Sheck is one of the
oldest men In the game in point of
service and has been a tower of- strength
to Chicago. He was a cog In the great
wheel at Baltimore and was alter with
Brooklyn. , His going leaves only a few
of tho old Cubs Bvers and Bchunlte being
about all that Is left of the first of
"fiance's great machine.
The four Omaha members of tha 9t.
r i - ri ....... .unr. In tViA nnntnff wVLYr9t
BJ1U B ' '
3am Agnew, Jimmy Austin, Qua Williams
nd Shotten. Another Omaha man, Don
Hasan, figured in an opening game, re
lieving Nap Kucker at Brooklyn aud on
the second day he won his own game
tor Brooklyn against the Phillies.
If you care for a line on the American
league outcome you may get It from this
eldo remark of tho Old Fox, othnrwlae
known as Clark Griffith, manager of
Washington: "We will have but one
team to beat, the Athletics."
Tho Athletics and Phillies played a
erles of five ante-session gamei, the
Athietim wlnnlne four, tho fifth result
ing In un elghteen-lnnlng tie. This ought
to give o fair idea of the relative strength
jf tho two teams.
If the work that Jimmy Sheckard did
tor the Cubs last year Is a sample of me
kind that calls for waivers, then what
about the other fellows? The Cardinals
were right to nab the veteran at '.he
"valver price.
The Sporting News with an eye to
alliteration, refers to the "Mltalcs of
Murphy" and the "Errors of Bvers."
f there have been many of the former and
T ." . ... - -
probably will be enough of tha tailor.
Of course If Jack Hendrix does not wjn
llip pennant again, we hope he will try to
smile just the same.
Local Fans Wanned Up Last Sunday
in Splendid Fashion.
Store Triumph nnd All-Stars Will
Open Season Today vrltii Illttcrly
Fought Game on l'n's
The fans started tho old pill a rolling
last Sunday In a very satisfactory man
ner. All tho games were close, just tho
kind that bring blushes to the cheeks
of tho fanatics. Several hundred bugs
witnessed tho Ancient Order of United
Workmen-Townsend contest and they
were well repaid for the fuss was iv
thriller from tho start of the duel till
the last man entered the graveyard col
umn. Before the aforementioned,
tanglo the Store and "All Stars" put
on a four-round exhibition, which re
sulted In a victory for the happy water
family, by a 2 to 1 score. Ot course, It
doesn't go down on the records as a
game, because It only went four Innings.
Anyway It was a grand demonstration of
tho national pastime. Tho two games
scheduled for Rourke park last Sabbath
were called off because Commander Davo
Rourko thought the grounds wcro not
In condition to be trampled on.
All our vacant lots that nrp avallablo
for base ball exploits will be utilized from
now on, so It will be an easy proposi
tion for tho base ball magnates to find
a place to spend their houts of recrea
tion. All the class "A" teams seem to bo
materially and substantially strengthened
slnco last term and from present Indi
cations nono of tho wiseacres care to
moke any predictions as to which out
fit will cop the .bunting this year. One
thing Is a cinch and that Is that tho
Storz Triumphs, recognized as the semi
pro crowd, will havo several teams to
buck against that will make them step
some In order to grab the sweetmeats.
From all appearances It looks as though
this season will be a vast Improvement
over all the others. As most all of tho
rough necks have been obliterated from
the ranks of tho local amateurs tho fans
are taking more of on interest In the
contests pulled off between local vege
tables. Their patronage la what helps
the wheel go around.
At Itourke Park.
Owing to the unfavorable weather
Brother Dave has) been unablo to get
Pa's ball yard in shape to allow Omana't
favorite semi-professional club, the Storz
Triumphs, to open their season, but the
word has gone forth that the grounds
are now in good condition and Manager
Bradford has arranged a stellar attrac
tion 'In celebration of the ovent.
The headllner this afternoon will bo
fought between the Storz Triumphs and
All-Stars, composed of tho local profes
sionals, including Bills ot the Omahn
team, who will do the twirling. The curtain-raiser
Is, also, of more than ordinary
caliber, being between tho Advos, ono of
our strongest amateur teams, and "Pep
per" Mullen's Alamltos, all of whom
are classed as seml-professlonals. The
first game will be called promptly at 2
The lineup, second game:
McGrath, First W. QUJgley
Bowley Second Hall
Probst Third J. MlnlKus
W. Mlnlkus Short Dougherty
Larry Gardner a Red Sox Star
Larry Gardner, tho fleet thlrd-sacker of
the Boston Red Sox, who Is generally
considered tho best custodian of tho dif
ficulty corner In the American leaotue.
Manager Jake Stahl prizes highly ihe
ability of 'Gardner nhd has been quoted
as eaylng that he will bo doing bench
duty a long tlmo beforo Larry Is relieved
ot his steady berth at third.
Crelghton .
Olson. ...........
P. Kelley.
.Left Woodrutf
. Cnnter Murmv
.Right Uoiirto
. Cutch uipir
, Pitch Moroarty
, Pitch Adams
.First Henry
.Second Brown
.Third J. Koney
.Short Glllham
.Left Lleey
.nontw Cnrjy
.Right Mlllor
. Uatcn uricii'sun
. Catch Spellman
. Pitch n'ljs
Pitch Rhodo
T.lnpiin for first came:
Two nt Fort Qnmbn.
As customary, two classy games will
be pulled off at Fort Omaha this after
noon, tho first of which will bo between
the O. D. Klpllngcrs and tho Townsends.
This jamboree ought to be a hair raiser.
The second show will bo staged by the
Jabez Cross outfit and tho Ancient Order
of United Workmen crowd. Both of these
teams started tho season last Sunday
and they both marched homo with the
bacon. This will bo the first opportunity
the Cross children havo had to wreck tho
Lodge geezers and, as a consequence,
this battle will bo stubbornly contested.
Beber, the speed artist, will push 'em
over for tho CroBB dudes, and Wells and
Cass will work for the Ancient Order of
United Workmen. First gamo at 1:30
o'clock, and second at 3:30. Following Is
the lineup for tho second gamo:
W. Qulgley First McCollough
Voleh Second Tompkins
Stephen Short Jurosh
McAndrows Third Grossman
Klllott Lett Lunger
Prefka Center Bohan
McCreary Right Overman
Coe... Catch Johnson
Miller Catch Penton
Front Pitch Beber
Cass Pitch Harris
Wright Pitch Median
Two clever duels will be spilled out
Amateur Base Ball Directory
Team. Manager. Phone or Address
Storz Triumphs F. Bradford W. 1212
A. O. U. W V F. Qulgley W. 23So
Alamlto J. Mullen W. 441
Townsends '. T. Noone W. 3190
Advos L. Feltan D. 0810
Jabez Cross R. Penton W. CS10
Shamrocks O. Kennedy S. 1893
O. D, Klpllngers . W. Pahl .., W. 5350
Council Bluffs Merchants V. Crowe , C. B. Red 1242
Omaha Electric Light Company.. J. Lucena , D 606
Omaha Gas Company W. J, Bartlett D. 1M1
Council Bluffs Imperials A. Wolcott C. B. Red 1334
Brodegaard Crowns W. Dolson H. 27CO
Ramblers J. Krullsh H. 377
Luxun J. Danzo Rod 2330
Alhambra H. Home W. 1140
Urlau Cheese Company F. Spellman W. 3108
Council Bluffs Ramblers Bert Steffen , C. B. Red 2726
Council Bluffs De Volt Victor Leo Matheson C. B. Red 2320
Foreitera T. Staltnskl H. 4174
Steinbergs R. Kelley S. 3153
Omaha Eagl C. W. Brltt D. 3540
Florence Athletics H. Grotsman 23
Wecos R. B. King D. 24
Sol Phils P. Monsky D. OOCfi
Hoctors , D, Guyer ' H. d464
Dundee Woolen Mills T. Dlneen D. 4158
Monmouth Parks Henry Gordsn W. UU
S. A. C.'e , L. Foral D. S062
Independents J. MoDermott JL 1722
Chris Lycks Chris Lyck Benson 392-W
Nebraska School for Deaf P. E. Seely W. 159
Council Bluffs Stols S. Austin C. B. Red 3913
South Omaha Boosters S. Roncka ,.,...H. 3278
Stars and Stripes G. Probst D. Um
Fontanelle Parks , V. Q. Schmlttroth W . 6784
Fort Omaha Sergeant Haggard W. 701
Omaha University Ham Zlotsky W &
Omaha High School Athletic Director Reed High School
Crelghton University M. Dailey D. 2320
Rod and Gun Club , F. Bradford W. 1212
Woodbine, la Qua Bolz , .Woodbine
Plattsmouth. Neb Mr. Johnson Plattsmouth
Wlsner, Neb Mr. Mler Wliner
Underwood, la : Mr. Cash Underwood
Honey Creek, la ....William McKeown Boomer 62H1
Logan, la....... Mr, Green , Logan
Herman. Neb, , Mn. Fitch Herman
Oakland. Neb Cutle Holmqulst Oakland
Blair, Neb.. Mr Gonsoley . lllalr
Hooper, Neb , 8, Zellers . .. Hooper
Paplllion, Neb. ....... . Ulondle Rutt Papd.loii
at Dletz park this afternoon, when tho
Ramblers buck up against tho Stars and
Stripes In tho Initial melea and tho AI
liambraB shako paws with the Sol Phils.
Tho second course will bo dlsicd out at
threo and a half tingles und the prelimi
nary argument . will commence at qno
and a halt cuckoos. The Becond con
test will bo considered a practice event,
because, the Alhambras don't Intend to
open tho season until next Sunday. All
these tams havo a large bunch of follow
ers and as a conBequenco a record-breaking
crowd Is expected.
Out at Florenqe park tho Brodegaard
Crowns will hook up with tho Florenco
Athletics, for the supremo purpose of
giving both teams a thorough work out.
Bell and the famous Minnesota wlggler
will trot them over the crockery for the
Gem Merchants, while Strtbbllng Will do
the hurling for the burgltcs. Said tanglo
will sputter at threo strikes, .
Down on tho green scenery at Twenty
fourth and Vinton streets, tile' Shamrock
Athletic club will endeavor to demon
strate tq tho Vinton -All Stars just how
the grand national pastlmo should bo
played. Of course, if the Stars shine
too strong, the opposition will have' to
wander towards a back seat Oodles ot
sourness exists between these two herds,
so a hard fought battle Is expected.
Tho first, gume at Luxus park, will
ho between tho Fontencllq Parks and the
Chris Lycks. Theso teams aro of class
"B" caliber, but at that they will evi
dently put up a fuss that will bo worth
walking blocks to Bee, country blocks
at that. For games with tho FontcnelleB,
address V. J. Schmlttroth, 3024 Meredith
avenue or tlcklo tho buzzer on Webster
Local lllanionil Gomlp.
To date Wilson Atkins hasn't coughed
up any Standard Oil lineup.
April 20 Is tho duto for the fireworks
to start going oft ut Florenco.
All are still anxiously watting to hear
about that proposed Knights of Columbus
Somo of tho managers ought to buy
some corsets to put their teams In better
The Collins brothers are now firmly
tied to the South Omaha Shamrock
Thobo Sol-Phils fully Intend to ocllpie
all records heretofore mode by Jewish
Call Grossman at Florence 233 for a
tungle with the Florenco boys or to ob
tain tho use of the park.
Hachten of the Luxus tribe pllnkod
one for the limit In their preparatory
argument with tho Crosses.
From appearances it looks as though
Rathke ought to make an excellent show
ing with tho O. D, Klpllngers.
Great preparations are being made for
tho Inauguration of the 1013 season at
Athletic park, Council Bluffs.
Vernon of tho Alhambras Is rounding
Into shape and when the Alhambras open
tne season April M, watch him.
From present Indications It looks as
though that Vol Blatz congregation has'
passed across the great divide.
Beck will be the official pencil pusher
for the Council Bluffs Merchants that
utilize Athletic park this season.
If tha weather doesn't behave probably
nil tho contest bookinl for today will
havo to go via the undertaker routo.
Tho Alhambras and IlnmbliTH gamo lum
Sunday nt Diets park was it practice nf
fair, tho Alhtinibnis will upen April 20.
Dick Wells, tho Ancient Order of United
Workmen fllngor, loft for Grand Forks,
Minn., where ho will Join a Hnlurled army.
Next Sunday tho Florenco Athletic
nnd tho Victors will mart things off In
tho lino of an opener out at Florence
Lust Sunday tha Ramblers had throe
AdvoM, four Blotz nnd a Forester when
they played tho Alhambras a practice
Nothlm: dolnc at tho Coilnc I Bluffs
Merchants park today. In all probability
thejr will bo ready to mosey forth by next
Managers havo to bo careful with out-ot-tqwn
bosses. Some of them aro on
tho square, and others about as squaro as
un apple,
Prucha of the Storz was tho only South
Omaha ball totser to get scratched by
the tornado. Ho was laid up for about
ono week,
Vaun Ciuighliin has decided not to toss
his lid-Into the ring this season. He will
bo remembered us ono of our classy outer
That JalKz Cross herd nmbly demon
strated that they aro eligible for clann A
company by tho way thoy handled tha
i.uxus team.
l'ayno won't cnuse tho Council Bluffs
Merchants nny grlof this summer bo
causo ho doesn't happon to bo buckled
to their roster.
Wolsrnhctmcrs are still up tn tho air
as to who Is who in local circles. This
year Hqvcral teams aro going to keop
them guessing.
Tho HaiiHCom Parks received their fu
nonil notice last week. Captain .Benson
couldn't sco his way clear to hold the
managerial reins.
Bohiui .played a stellar gamo for tho
Jabez Crofcs combination Inst Sunday.
Ono particular play ho trudo was to grab
ono on or ins snoe strings.
Dodd, on first baso for the Alhambras,
Is playing In first-class form nnd Is hit
ting tho sphero on tho nose llko n Dutch
man who plays with Pittsburgh.
Now that JamoH O'Neill Im a full-fledged
tooth-enrponter ho ought to land n poslsh
wun ono or tne tjc&t tmso ban nines. Any
way ho ought to havo n good pull.
Holland,-who was going to twirl for the
Ancient uracr of unlteu Workmen team,
rpcontly left for his homo town In In
diana, but will be back nbout May 10.
Remember that on Aurll 27 tho Ne
braska Indians will put on a war dance
nt Rourko park. They will do their
uarnaest to scaip tno storz Triumphs.
Out In tho golden west, close to tho Pa
clflo splashes, "is where Ralp Tuttlo Bpont
the winter and Incidentally a. few nicks.
Ho slid In to this burg Hafo and sound tho
otner any. "
Greetings and salutations will ho In
order for the All Nations on Sunday,
May 11. They will sail Into the cltv
determined to wlpo tho Storz Triumph w
ok mo map.
Tho other day Bruggemnnn, who used
to sllnir 'em for thu Storz TrlumnhH.
dropped In town to witness the destruc
tion executed on hat uunuay, no Is now
lunching in ues Aioincs.
Next Sunday the Ancient Order of
United Workmen teiitn will hook u.) witn
tho pure food merchants, belter known
us the Advos. A pot of mnziiuta will
bo wagered on this contest.
Sammy Gross, will In all likelihood keep
score for Just those teams ho wants to at
Council llluffs this M'iison. Across the
Muxzoo ho Is a relished article when you
you want un necurnlo tabster.
tn this burg Is a pliiyor of nolo labeled
Glon PurkhurM. who used to float tho
Pill for the Kcnrney Military ncadomy
and would llko to. bo associated with
somo fust hord. A manuscript will catch
him at 2X3 California street.
Tho Ihilon Pacific Athletlcn. composed
of employes of tho Union Pacific rollroad
headquarter, have organized for Satur
day gainvR. Any one wishing games for
Saturday afternoons will call on or wrlto
to James Kennedy. Union Pacific mall
room, Union Pacific headquarters.
Henley n Holdout.
Jack Hendricks him suspended Cliff
Henley, one of last year's twlrlers.
Healcy has been holding out, claiming
lie was colntr to manage n semi-professional
team this season.
An amateur base ball tcum lias ocon
organized and nnnlcd tho Mooso teim
and will bo run under tho direction of
that lodge. Several promising playera
havo been secured, Among whom aro
Jack Henry-, "Splko" "Kennnrd, Al Fair
brother nnd Lester Burkcnroad.
By consulting M. W. Mnce of tho Han-lcy-Maco
Cluar company nt 1512 Harney
street, any amateur team In the state
can maka arrangements for gomes with
tho Mooso nine.
Andrfna a Dm Moines,
"Red" George Anilrens. captain last
yenr on tho Flout: City1, team, will pilot
tho Dcs Molnos Boosters this year.
I'lnslly Plenum.
The Pittsburgh papers are considerably
tickled because Johnny Lore, the New
York boxer, thinks the Pirates will win
tho pennant.
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