THE SEMLMONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION tT I ffi i iTtIti HiimfN IKIiiii i iiiiM Remember the roofon vour house, Karate or other bmldiiiKS that leaked a few drops last fall a little investigation noiv may mean a big saving when you put on a new roof or replace an old one. Certain-teed (Quality Certified 'Durability Guaranteed) Roofing in Rolls and Shingles There is a Ccrtain-tced Hoofing and a simplo method of applying it fur c cry building on the farm. Look for t he Certaln-teed label of quality and 15-ycar guarantee on every roll and crate of shingles, (jet prices from your local dealer he will save you money. Gcoeral Roofinz The WortJ'a lament manuraeturtr or Ituofinmi -mil Ituiltl- nir I mperi iri..Li r i i? vrt.. wtn r-.i ,-. vaiuauie dook rree ' ". in our new look, "Modern Baildioi Ideal and Plant' tt tells iou what to do and what not to do -it sug gests economics and conveniences that will sae iou monc. A book of this kind would ordinanl) sell for $1 but as it shows the use of our Certaiirtrrd Koofinir on all klndsof model homes and farm build Ings, wr offer it to sou at 25 rents. We prefer to hate )ou go to jour lumber, hardware or building mate rial dealer, who will irladly jretjoua copy FRKK. If ou write us. enclose 25clocoiercosl,vxKtai;cand' mailing. General Roofing Mfg. Co. E. St. Lot.ii, III. York. Pa. Mir.-illri, III Minneapolis San Francisco Winnipeg, Can I Mn I I mttMV. ! I IDEAS' I MAN? 1 IS. IT 1 Color your Last .year's Straw Hat with LQLO , Sr J7!E JRAOl MARK MAKES OLD STRAW HATS LOOK NEW. Splendid for fixing up Ladies'&Chlldrcns hats. EASY TO APPLY Dries in. 30 Minutes. Waterproof and Durable. Jet Black Dull Black Cardinal Red- Navy Blue Cadet Blue Sage Green Burnt Straw Brown Violet Awldaffsuhtttutes-fiuiston genuine Qlokte OfPMrAfivr0WGsrossUr or send 2Sirt stamps toSepi.ff. CARPENTER-MORTON COMPANY. BOSTON-MASS. Makes Any Boat a Motor Boat This simple, light lioat rngino mitkos a motor boat of any boat in u jlrfy -as ijult'kly Ucturlu-il. Will tuko you 2rt miles ur (ration of traolino in an IB foot boat, ut" mi.anliour. "Porto" 2 Full H. P.-5S Ib. Ttio original, pnrtabln motor 'JO.uuo in use. guar anteed u year anil bold on a month's trial. Writu for rataloir of this ami other Waterman Motors. WATERMAN MARINE MOTOR CO. 225 Mt. Elliott Avenue Detroit, Mich. LW'Wbr j "rF? " ryxu 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w Krli Pay Two Prices For Fences we n.nuisrture nun dmUof d.ilgnsof or namantsl fences, lioth Ire and Iron 1'lcket. .Arthes ar4 I'ntranre Gates. "chiiptr 'k Xur lawns. Ichureries. eemeltries. i and factories, ele -TWrHs ler Iras salsl.iM asa special anus. tnterprise lonndrj & Fence Company, 2428 Tsaiss SlfSSl ladtaaayebi, htfiaaa WANTfD- Rlir money writlnc Songs Tast experience un necessary Send us poems or music, 111 Bosk Free, NjyMrth Music Pub. Co , CS7G, Wash., 0,C, SONG POEMS I uhat direction tliil tltpy extend T St mo ns lit? would, ho could not bring back the picture which n nioiiu'iit before had boon so clour to him. What had Amos shown him ? Ihul Anus shown him anything Tho horror of the thought clutched him by tho throat. Xol It was true! Ho had soon that figure of four dimensions, dourly, distinctly! It was no dream; it was real, real! Ho would recall Amos at once but suppose Amos could not re member? Had Amos really boon in the room ? With an inarticulate cry, Hidgluy sprang to his feet, dashed from tho room and down tho dim, wide corridor. Wrench ing open the door, ho was almost hurled from his feet by n terrific jjust of wind. He seized tho railing and peered out through tho gloom. A hundred yards away, Amos was hurrying across the grass. It had been no dream I Tho wind shrieked liko a thousand furies; then, suddenly, all was quiet. Tho sky was blotted out by an inky pall. "Amos! " The loud call rang out over the campus. The hurrying figure stopped, turned. Uidgley beckoned wildly. "Come back! " he shouted. "Coming, Bir! " And then the heavens were split by a sheet of llamo; tho very earth seemed to tremble in the terrific detonation of thun der. Iiidgley shrank back, covering his eyes with his hands. When ho looked again, Ames had van ished; but something lay prone upon the grass a sinister something that was very, very still. Liko a man walking in sleep, Kidgloy descended tho stops. Hending over tho prostrate figure, ho turned tho white face upward. Jlen wore running across tho campus; a little crowd gathered. "He's gone," some one said. nidgley bent lower; his lips moved. "I can't rememlier, Boy," ho mut tered. 1 ' You 've taken it with you taken it with you." The Art of Pantomime (.Continued from Page S) The most ambitious effort was the En fant Prodiguo, a genuine comedy in three acta by M. Michel Carre, with music by M, Alfred Wormser. This wordless play on tho perennially attrac tive theino of the Prodigal Son proved to lo tho modern masterpiece of panto mime. It was limpidly clear in its story; it was ingeniously put together in its plot; it combined humor and pathos; and it was devoid of the acrobatic fea tures and of tho slapstick fun which have generally been considered the inevitable accessories of pantomime. The convention underlying pantomime is that we are beholding a story carried on by a race of beings whoso natural method of communicating information and ideas is gesture just as tho con volition of opera is that wo aro behold ing a story carried on by n race of beings whoso natural method of com muiiieating information and ideas is song. No such races of beings out ox isted; but wo must admit the existence of such races ns a condition precedent to our enjoyment of puutomimo and of opera. Tolstoy found fault with the ooratie hero who sang with his dying breath, and in itself this may be an ab surdity, but it is an absurdity inherent in the fundamental principle of all opera. Tt may bo equally absurd to do maud us to admit of the possibility of creatures whoso only mode of sK'och is gesture; but this is the fundamental principle of all pantomime. Tho spec tators must accept the art as it is, its it should bo; and the performers must re frain from any suggestion that they would speak if they could. This under lying convention is violated in Sutnurun when the Hunchback gives a shriek of horror when ho sees tho woman ho loves in the arms of another man. It is vio lated again in the same piny when Sum n run and two attendants tire heard sing ing. If Sumurun can sing, why can she not speak? If the Hunchback can shriek and sob audibly, why is he ordinarily re duced to mere gesture! About Skidding Fred J. Wanner, so well known to all motorists and official starter in all the Big Motor races, in an article in a recent issue of "House Beautiful", says "CliDlns, according to nearly every motorist are superior to any other form of non skidding devices. I have seen substitutes for chains skid, and skid liadly, too, when traction was vitally Important to Keep the car out of a ditch. There Is no such thlnrf as a "non-sklddinH" tire. Ask any legitimate manufacturer and lie will admit that no matter what sort of a tread the casing may have, It will slip to some extent when the road surface is covered with slippery mud or slime. What can be claimed how ever, for certain treads is that they skid a deal less than ordinary smooth treads. However, I have been on tours when expert drivers of cars equipped with so-called non-skidding tires required even two sets of chains on cadi rear wheel in order to obtain sufficient traction." Weed Chains Absolutely Prevent Skidding Weed Chains arc a necessity on both rear tires and to doubly guard yourself against accidents and to make steering comfortable and easy, put them on the front tires too. Cannot injure tires because "they creep." Applied in a moment without the use of a jack or other tool. Join today the army of "Anti-Skiddcrs." Consider your own safety - consider the safety of other road users. Equip your own car with Weed Chains and insist for your own protection that other drivers do the same. For Male by dealers everywhere Weed Chain Tire Grip Company, New York City Manufactured in Canada ly Dominion Chain Co. Ltd. Head of t Ice, 137 McGlll St., Montreal, Canada . .iCV - Hinds SSCream 50 Jmprodes the Kp y (bmplefiori c A toilet cream that is particularly agreeable and rel resiling; that keeps the skin so pure and so clean that it never looks unwholesome, but always fair, fresh and attractive. It is not creasy and cannot grow hair. You should try HINDS Honey and Almond CREAM Sold by dealers. Hinds Cream in bottles 3 Lie, and Hinds wold Cream in tubes- 5c, Wrili for Frtt Simplit A. S. HINDS, 117 West St.. Portland, Matno II IMPERIAL GRANUM FOOD for the NURSING MOTHER Increases the quantity and quality of her milk and gives strength to bear the strain of nursing. FOR THE BABY Imperial Granum is the food that gives hard firm flesh, good bone and rich red blood. Send for FREE sample and 44 pp. look, "The Care of Babies." JOHN CARLE & SONS, Dnk 30. 151 W.ter St., N. Y. City Include the nmn of thrte fnrndt with Ubiri and a Cute Kag Doll will be tent you. Health Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. SI.OO nncl.-iOcut Druu'Storosor direct upon receipt of price und dealer's name. Send 10c for sample bottle. IMiilo Hay Specialties Co.. Newark. N. J., U.S.A. KETUSK ALL SUDSTITUTUS , U The Standard of Collar Button Perfection The Standard of Collar Button Perfection Unbreakable from use A new one free in exchange for any genuine Krrmentz Dutton dimagrd or broken from any cauie. Made in I4K Rolled Cold Flate. 25 cent-; I0K Solid Cold, $1.00; I4K Solid Golf, $1 50 At all leading jeweleri and lialerjadieri, Dooklrt. thowing all thapei and tlet, free KREMENTZ & CO., 27 Chestnut Street, Newark, N. J. Manufacturers of Bodkin-Clutch Stud, and Vest Button,, and largest manufacturer, of high grade jewelry in the world