Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 16, Image 54

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S 80 pronounced in pattern, that the style seekers of H
ajjy foreign capitals copy Walk-Over models as the J
H4l1ra sizes and a store-service that prevents misfitting.
p Don't Be a Wage Slave
wubiui ui mcbiidtiu'iucidpjr
$3000-5000 aYear
Our free book tells liow In a few
month you may free yourself for
FwT 2S. ev,r trom alavery. and from itu
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e-re, it ten now rou nty tm a trMutM
In Mechsno Tnenay. acknowlfda;t to
be mi of the moet elevstln and hiabett
pij BrsfvMlon far md and omo
Euprtor to tteteopsthy, N e teach yoa
y mill or tn tlui, liplomM to Gradu
ate. Endorsed by physicians and buo-
rirada nf tuir m.(uu Knrtal ru4
advaneetnont asurd. hpecial
r. wt u, t ,
wrltMl ''lotftlvliotu
51a a day and wor 1
aye wk lili I
btout. U r .write; 'i
lt petients from four
Stat and mass S2oto
tSO a dav." V
' i receive frotr li 60
to l&.UO fur final
treatment IL J
Heroes. M.T.,wrtUi.
''I trtf la 10 esses
every day at W "
now) writ Bt one for . f r t
UaMHtO tWUTM sad OUT tY4
Oo(t.7B4, 81 M.Kllpk8L, CHICAGO
For book that tell WHAT patents bring MOST
MONEY, and WHY aend 10 cents portage to
R.B.6 A.B. LACIT, E40 ,Wthlsta, D. C. IlUWlih! Mel
not only stops tooth-
A Swell A fair ache instantly, but
cleans the cavity, removes all odor,
and prevents decay. Keep a sup
ply, and save many a dentist bill.
There are Imitation!. See that you cet
Dent' Toothache Gum.
At all druccitts IS cents, or by mail.
C. S. DENT & CO, Ditroll, Mich.
Day lnuL I ullr nruttH-t. KKKlMmktat.
tanon, rVnwIck A Lawrence, Kt.62)reap.
Hit M . It II :.JL'n V...b
Send lor tievr Helpful l'inu fur Inventors
The Unknown
Continued from Page 8)
for to us, space itself lias but three ill
mensionsj and it is because of this fact
that even our wildest ilights of imagum
tion bring no tangible image of a four
dimensional figure before our mental
"That is all, gentlemen."
In another moment, the lecture room
was empty, save for the Professor and
the student, Ames, who sat drumming on
tho arm of his seat and gazing dreamily
out of the window at the approaching
"And now, Mr. Ames, 1 shall be glad
to have you tell me what you know of the
Fourth Dimension." ltidgley settled
back in his chair and regarded the young
fellow before him with keen disapproval.
Ames got to his feet in leisurely fash
ion, slouched to tho blackboard and with
a few strokes of the eraser, obliterated
tho diagrams that the Professor had
drawn. Palling tho model stand forward,
ho placed a wooden cube in position, and
with a piece of chalk, slowly and delib
erately sketched in its outlines on the
It was an extremely simple process;
but it appeared to tako considerable time;
and Ridgley had yawned several times
before tho drawing was completed. Ames
stepjKul back a pace or two and regarded
his work critically, his head on one side.
An ironical smile curved the Profes
sor's lips.
"Well, Mr. Ames?" he suggested.
The boy started slightly and passed
his hand over his forehead.
"I was just considering how best to
make it clear to you, sir." He picked up
tho cubo from tho model stand and turned
back to the board.
A RUMBLE of thunder came faintly
" through the open window. Tho heat
was very oppressive. The Professor
caught himself nodding. He yawned
again, as with half closed eyes, he
watched the deliberate journey of the
piece of chalk.
"I think you will find this correct,
sir." Ames was speaking. "Hero is the
original culo, with its threo dimensions."
He pointed to tho drawing ho had made
from tho model. "And here" he rap
idly indicated a number of dotted lines
with tho point of tho crayon "is the
body of four dimensions, of which the
cube is but the shadow. You can seo the
four-dimensional body tho cuboid, Pro
fessor I"
' 1 Yes. ' ' The word was almost a whis
per. Ridgley scarcely recognized his own
voice. It was strained nnd harsh, and
seemed to come from a vast distance off.
" That rather strikes a blow at the law of
the impenetrability of matter, doesn't it,
Ames. Apparently two bodies can occupy
the same space at the samo time." His
oyes were blinking uncertainly behind his
"May I go now, Professor?"
Ridgley did not answer; his head had
dropped to his hands. lie was amazed,
bewildered, stunned at the stupendous
revelation. Ames a mere boy had
discovered and proven the existenco of the
Fourth Dimension! Ho had achieved the
impossible, conquered tho insurmountable
And if Ames could demonstrate so
clearly tho absolute certainty of this
incredible- discovery, could not ho
I Ridgley lceturo upon it before all the
greatest scientists in tho world. To what
heights might he not climb? Ames must
, explain how
) The Professor lifted his head. He was
I alone. Ames had gone. A dense twilight
1 filled tho room.
On tho blackboard was a white blurr;
Ames had rubbed out his diagram before
I going to his rooms.
i "The culie is but the shadow," mur
mured Ridgley. Ho rose and picked up
tho chalk, drawing in the cube on tho
blackboard with swift, accurato strokes.
"The lines of tho four-dimensional body
came came"
The chalk clattered to the floor, as the
Professor leaned heavily against tho desk
for support, lie couhl not remember the
i fioure Amen had constructed!
, Thero was the shadow, but wheneo had
' como tho outlines of the substance? In
3 Years to Pay
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Mary T. Goldman, Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.
i araOilU.
(1 mat put InvTPohnol fnr lionm atuilv In tlin world
VALUUftfto.ou, WITHOUT CHAItUF. Putin fruw tied rsrulty
and SDecUl lecturer, barn etuiliei aa Harvard. Miekwan and
other bur la? school, tjuarant to cu&ch r Itr it ffrsduftte
filling to ptava bar esam fapecial butinr. law rwime. V rita
forcaUlotj am) particulars at onee while aeholarahip offer la
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American Correapondence School of Law
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I Was Deaf 25 Years
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Addretm Artillcial Kar lram Co.
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Mtdicattd Ear Urum
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worm. TbaiaAwlC,756BHanf BmiaytQB0
A Tr'rVTnn
I A. I PIV 1 Manufacturer want Owen patentn.
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The atut of dt frtlslnt ImproVfa the power of rpreHa!on.