Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 15, Image 53

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in dress consist;, in net
ting real valuts at a price
that represents a saving
in dollars and cents to
Styleplus Clothes $17
offer you real values which
you were never able to
obtain before for less than
$20 to $25. This means
you save $3 to $8
and obtain clothes scien
tifically built from top to
bottom, stylish and splen
didly serviceable.
Styleplus 17
ii Jblf
"The lime price the world over"
Our plant for the scientific
mnnuf ncturc of medium
priced clothes is the largest
in the world. Our superior
buying and manufacturing
facilities enable us to sell for
$17, suits which you cannot
match under $'.'0 to IfclS and
you save $3 to $8
Call at a Styleplus clothier's
and examine these clothes in
side anil out. All-wool fab
rics; exclusive patterns and
stylish, exclusive cuts, de
signed by our own artists;
water shrunk canvas and
tape; iron -strong linings;
hand-tailored coats; hand
made button-holes. Try one
of the suits on and sec how
well it "hangs"! Ask to sec
a complete assortment of
Styleplus Norfolks, Knglish
and Scotchy cheviots, fancy
English serges, cassimeres,
and worsteds.
Henry Sonneborn & Co.
Founded 1849
Baltimore, Md.
told by one leading clothier in each
town and city. It there is a Style
plus dealer in your town, he will
likely he listed in youMocal tele
phone book under Styleplus
Clothe". It there is no dealer In
your town, write us for the name ot
the nearest dealer
Look for thie label
in the coat
YOl' 'I) u thought the Low (Irowl Imysj
was our worst enemies, Hip vvnv they
kept on doinej things. They ordered ti
i oail built through the third ward lif
teen miles and made us work out our
poll taxes on it. Took us a month, mid
every time wo objected to working u mouth
on a poll ta.x, they'd start their blamed
old petition to move the court house buck
to Thunder Cieek. We was that (lis-i-ouraged
and oppressed we didn't know
which way to turn, and we begun to
lose citizens like a leaky sieve. Sam
I.mthieus licked the foteinitli of the Low
lirowl and four of the cowboys, and
then left. Pete Johnson left. So did
Lish l.egg. Kven pour old Ving 1Oe
ipnl us, the Low (Irowl boys having
passed u law that no resident, of the third
ward hud to pay for chop suey. And
then when wo was reduced to ton mis
erable and downtrodden inhabitants,
they done us the meanest trick of all.
They took the court house away from
us, and located it in the third ward,
where it would bo in the center of the
population of Jupiter City, the real
reason being because (hey needed it for
a dance hall. Anil when they did that,
i Jupiter City got up and went, away
I all but me and Ike.
, It was tragic. Such is life up in
I the roof garden one day, and in the ash
( barrel the next. There we was, jost
j where we'd boon the year before same
old farm, no money, and olio less of us.
somebody having stole the cow during
the year's excitement. 1 was too dis
i oaraged to think, but lko was defiant.
Jupiter City, he said, was suffering from
a temporary depression, jest as Chicago
and Kansas City and Sioux City, Iowa,
had done; but by criinmuny, sho had the
resources and the market, and sho was
agoing to grow yet. In the, meantime,
we could take a short hunting trip, get
some meat for winter, mid talk things
over, it being more pleasant sleeping out
on tho prairies than listening to the
yawping of the Thunder deckers, who
amused themselves by coming over and
visiting us in our misery.
Ike anil 1 hunted for a week, and
started back quiet, but firm, and full of
icsolves. Wo wore a going to stick to
Jupiter City till she revived, if it took
seventeen years. We would write to the
old home and get some real, sure enough
settlers. We would start our campaign
of education. We would advertise and
! whoop her up until Jupiter City spread
(iut like a rash over the landscape, and
I swallowed Thunder Creek entire, with
one gulp of her fifth ward.
It was hard traveling, with all the
meat we had, but on the third day in.
ve got within roach of Jupiter City, and
jest at sundown wo climbed the little
swell to the east. Then wo sat down
and looked at each other, like men who
have jest seen something that unit, theie
Hut what we hadn't seen was some
thing that should have been then. Theie
wasn't any Jupiter City. Wo rubbed
our eyes and examined the landscape
with care. It wasn't any use. Jupiter
City was gone swallowed vanished
from the face of the earth clean, over j
lastingly skedaddled to oblivion, as Ike
put it.
Wo got up, sick as if we'd seen a
murder, and toddled down to the spot
where our little town had been. There
were the street signs mockeries. There
was the curb Ike and me had built on
Hroadway, real city fashion, out of
empty boor bottles. Hut there wasn't
a house in sight. There was heaps of
trash, and a young mountain of tin cans,
and nothing more. Only deep wagon
tracks, and thoy all led toward J minder
('reek. There w.i'nt any need to ask
questions. Those dunged Thunder
Creekers had sneaked over nnd stole Jup
iter City.
That's all, Jim. Aint no more to
tell. Iko and I looked nt each other,
and them street signs, and then wo jest
lit out for the thinnest place in tho lior
izon, and bored a hole through it till we
struck the Niobrara and worked on down
to civilization. And we never wont back,
i an you blame mo for not getting en
thusinstie over any city, when the pet
town T missed from infancy, and raised
with all the loving care of a father, was
tore from me this wax? Can yon blame
me '
The "Goodness Sake" Picture
For the sake of goodness (wall goodness) please
examine this picture:
It shows the package
of the widely famous
beautiful water -color
wall tint Alabastine.
It shows how very easy
it is to put on (just mix
with cold water and
apply with regular wall
It shows one of the numer
ous beautiful border sten
cils with which we will
supply you.
r Many of the most artistic homes ha
$5&(f!TrWSSVsf3fe Alabastiucd walls, beautiful watcr-col
SallfcMlllll iliUKeg effects are obtainable in every color at
smmLe shad at a price surprisingly low. Al
:f..l TV-. , . '. , " .,
The Flat Wa$hable Wall Paint
The Beautiful Mall Tint hastinc is not mile mine rutistie lli ni u.-ill
paper, but it is more sanitary and costs far less, besides, it will not rub off, peel or
chip when applied according to directions on the package. Don't make tho error of
confusing Alabastine with kalsomine. Alabastino is vastly different from
kalsomine. Say Alabastine, not kalsomine, to your dealer.
(in the cclllnirsnud upper wnlls (where
solllntr tlm.'er murks cannot iciicli'
there Is not til t isr more liislliik'ty fresh
nnd cleiin tlinii Aliiliustliie. On lower
Wdlls. st nit win s. etc., where j oil vvniil
townsli willed nluces. In bathroom mill
Mlclien. use washable Alabasco. Alabastine above unil Alabasco below ulve
fresh. laslliiB beauty at low cost.
Don't accept a eubttitute for Alabaatine or Alabaaco. We will
tell you where you can get it Write us and get the right goods.
P. fiffifn Ruilflinne Alabasco Is Ideal for olllce liulldlnirs, miaitnients. schools, halls.
TOT UHlCe DUIiaingS ,,t,iio Imlullmrs. etc. lly uslinr Alnbaseo. which can be washed, on
lower parts of walls and Alabastine on upper parts ot walls and cclllnirs you iret a Job that Is
as satisfactory as all paint nt n fraction of tho cost.
of 40 Color Plans for your Rooms.
872 Crandville Rd., Grand Rapids, Mich,
Desk 72, 105 Water Street, New York City
II P XJmmwk
The Look into the Future
Ishrlehtorlf tho father durliur his lifetime
mndn provision for tho supixirt of his wife nnd
In purchasing Life Insurance. Iteuiember
Guaranteed Low Cost Life Insurance hliecliil
lzed by The TRAVELERS Is pint) Insurance
protection, frtsj from overy element of specu
It sfuarnntees from tho Itctrlmilnir the latvcsl
amount of complete, life Insurance that your
payment will purchase.
Kvery result Is known from the (lute of pur
ehnse there, nro no estimates, no iiosslblo
ThcMi contracts are clear, concise noil con
tain In addition to llliernl values and safe
mm nls The TRAVELERS famous Disability
Prorislon, whereby the Company assumes the
pnyineut of premiums In ense you are totallj
nnd lxirmanciitlj; disabled by accident or dis
ease. Wo will furnish a contract fitted to your
particular needs and adaptable to fntuiit
The TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn. " off
Stail partlcalars ol jtr CsaraaUsd Lew Cost lassraact, Mr sums, address aad dstt el tlrlt art wriltta bdow