14 THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION CHALMERS 1 Chalmers Guarantee' TOI CHALMERS IB "Porosknit" Underwear and it bears the label shown here and has the Chalmers Guarantee Bond, as shown at bottom of page, a bond with every garment. Do not be misled into accepting underwear that merely looks something like "Porosknit." It isn't. "Porosknit" is properly made ; built to be comfort able and with the quality to wear. That's why it can be and is guaranteed satisfactory or money back. Light, cool, durable, soft, absorbent, clastic, shape-retaining and perfect fitting. Try theChalmcrsnPorosknit" Union Suit with closed crotch but no bulging flaps and which stays buttoned (no gaping). Fits right at waist. GUARANTEED tub la m you ill u4 W n unjrrwf ulijKtioB, wfcm Ami ) W Hid w wtU KpUCt N M ttfra manrj, hiw pwr Tim !" ipc4 to rmy pain roioaM 1"" jumped 'Sxond.1 ot 'Imenkcl HJ0..1U Po-lm1' UJ. rSihin KmHih Ci iii,.t. AjMtaw, Hi. Yri Any Style Union Suits For Boys 50c For Men $1.00 For Men Any Style For Boys Eft Shuts and Drawers OC. OUO per Garment atsOl llVe forlllmtratcd Stule BooW CHALMERS KNITTING COMPANY SO YYaioiaiton St., Amitcrclsm. N. Y. llanJUJ h Good OtalirsEitrywhin P Hill iYTnrt.aiiw $92.50 -Our Price for Next 30 Days! Wo now offer tho Kdwanls 'Stootcoto' Garairo (1V13 Moriob dlrtvt-fnmi-factury furt'JJ.6U. Hut to protect ourselves frtmi mivunclntf prices of stool, woseta tlmo limit upon tho offer. Wo iruurunteo this record prlco for -HO iltiytt only. J ust now wo can snvo you I3& or more. Edwards Fireproof GARAGE Quickly Set Up Any Place An rtltlc. 11 reproof ft eel Btructnre for private use. OWe atMnlute protection from aueak thieves, joy rid era, lire, lightning. vldenU, careletntnemi. etc. Haves l-JO to (30 monthly In garage rent, have time, work, worry amt trouble. Come ready to set wi. All part cat and ttttel. HI in pi o. complete direction furnWIied. Abwolntely rust- firoof. Joint ami seams permanently tight, l'ractlcally tideHtmctlblP. Ixrcks securely. Ample room for largest car and all ecjnlpiiient. SI ado by one of the largest ma L era ot vortabtt fireproof buildings, l'roinpt, safe delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 1'oatal sent today brings new W page Illustrated tlarage Hook by return mall. U00) THE EDWARDS MANUFACTURING CO. 631-681 Envies ton Ave. Cincinnati. Ohio ANITA SENU NE RU33IAN UHISTLK BRUSHES X These are the brushes that you can keep sweet, clean and free fromcerms; theynrothebost proven tlvo for dandruff, scalp discuses, und falling hair. You can wash, boil or sterilizes them Instantly without injury either to frame or bristles because Tho frames aro of metal richly plated non-warplng, non-rustinp. Tho Genuine Russian Dristles In all SAN1TAX D rushes aro everlastingly secured by silver wire and aro guaranteed not to loosen or drop out. Their open-work construction makes them absolutely sanitary. I JaSBBBB fiS-Wl" 'WaelSjJJ or Snt Prepaid Sl.OO Up. Jv i KfiH U aPC'VSr' I Compl.to Catalog FREE jjac fc "mPH fift5 i I Sanitax Bruth Company .JjM ' Learn Trapshooting THE SPORT ALLURING The Most Fascinating Outdoor Recreation. Quickly Develops Ami teurs into Experts. TltAI-ailOOTlNO supplies the coveted chance to learn to shoot safely anil satisfactorily. It reiardt nn lame laws, "closed" seasons nor fame preserves. The 'clav birds" fly every day and afford opportunities for the attainment ot eipertness ami achievement of notable victories at the train, and later, in marsh or Uet.l .tilt for Mwf .tltiirtno iiimKitt ,vj ;.sj nttnriMT Dnwnro rn wii.ninnnn ri.l i'ioneer waw.a i .w., . ........ wa. for KREK liUOKl.t.Trontalnlne an enthnlatlo desortptlon of Traphootlng plrtnres of famous shooter liromlnent erents inn cIqIm sueclal troDhlen donated to winners and "Hints to lleglnners." : -1 iisiss in I , tlj TaTiSSSVIbHsSBSSSSSSSI to Thunder Creek and shooting all of j tho windows out of the plaeo weeks bo fore. Ho never saw such loyal citizens, I ho said. They were tickled as kids to ' live in a real, bang-up metropolis. It j was really nlTecting to hoo their pleasure j and tho way they had strutted around j and named tho street in front of their shack "Dunk Boulevard" nnd tho road to the stables "Hoof Avenue," and had boiled unanimous to think of Thunder Creek's being the county sent. j It was a magnificent victory. We started celebrating that minute, and we got more and inure delirious nnd lit up with joy and things, until, about Mid night, just to cool oil n littlo and keep from igniting from spontaneous com bustion, v,o took our moving wheels that we had built when we annexed Ozono City, and went over to Thunder Creek and hauled tho court liouso homo that night, county clerk and all, ho living in tho court houso and being persuaded in no gentle manner to remain in bed dur ing tho trip. Well, sir, it seemed as if wo didn't have nothing left to wish for for Jupiter City. Thero wo was, only six months old, a sure enough county seat, buildings in all directions, stores, saloons, a hotel, livery barn, and Chop Suoy parlor, Ying having given up his laundry practice, us being too busy to patronizo him reg ulnr. Thero weren't any sot of men as happy as wo right then. Wo kept a-painting up .lupiter City, and a-pol ishing her and moving houses around whero they'd set better, and mo and Ike kept a dreamin' and a dreamin' and dodging trolley cars nnd tallyhos in our sleep, and planning World's Fairs in tho morning and skyscrapers afternoons, and now and then selling a lot to some Thunder Creekor who had givo up and eomo sneaking over. I've been in love, Jim, but it wasn't over a shiver com pared with tho thrills I got out of Jupi ter City. 1 just 6eemed to grow and eracklo and expand with her. You never can tell anything about nothing whatever in this dnrn world, Jim. Wo thought suro that when we'd got tho county seat, we'd plnntcd .lupi ter City so deep in tho vitals of South Dakota that she'd ornament tho map for all time. 'Stead of that, wo ruined her. I.uined her by getting tho court houso away from Thunder Creek. Strange, aint it. Who'd a thought it? Towns hns been built, and grown so largo that i their aldermen has had to bo introduced , to each other, with less brains than we showered on Jupiter City, which aint no more. It's all luck. And luck got ( soured on us about then, and done us moro dirt than it does a fellow who drops dead with four aces in his hands. 1 It was the Low Growl boys that caused tho trouble. They couldn't stand pros perity. They was citizens of a real bang up thousand liorso power town, and had swung an election lor her, anil it went to their heads. 'Twasn't three days beforo they'd counted' noses and discovered that thev was about sixty per cent of .lupiter City, and then things I began to hnppen. 1'or arrogance nnd outrngeousness, you never saw 'em beat. They held a caucus and demanded every county oflice there was. Wo kicked, and they threatened to call another election and givo tho court house back. Wo had to persuado the old oflicers to re sign, and it took about forty town lots to do it. And then being busy any way, tho now ollicinls made us do tho work while they drew tho pay which thoy had been careful to raise, too. We thought mnybo this would satisfy them, but it jest whetted their appetite. They passed a law that no county of ficial had to pay for his drinks. That pretty near ruined our two saloons, nnd when they got to quarreling nmong themselves nnd passing around offices, so everybody could have a turn, both irri gation plants went out of business and moved over to Thunder Creek, which was I sore anyway and didn't obey no county laws. That was a hard blow. It hurt us terrible. Wo lost eight citizens right off. including Judge Simms, who vowed he'd never lived in no desert, and wnsn't going to begin at his age. Ho packed I up his statute book and went over to Thunder Creek. RUDDER DUTTON Hose Supporter For Lively Little People Running, jumping, kneeling, stretching, growing youngsters need something light, substantial and secure to hold their stockings neatly. That something is &tr&UJS, Rubber Button Hose Supporter. Also made in many styles for Women. Get the real feZtftofir and be satisfied. Sold Everywhere. CEORCE FROST CO., Makers, BOSTON Don't Be Side-Tracked! Red E Suipendert are worn by the dUcrimlnslEng bcue of their durability light net, freedom from deterioration and because they will outwear three pair of the ordinary hind, ELASTIC, WITHOUT RUBBER Red E Suipendert, improved and modern, combine all the features which make a perfect tutpender and eliminate the many disadvantages of the ordinary kind. Made of the best quality mercerited webbing, no rubber to rot or stretch. Conform to the slightest molkm, no matter what position you lake. No binding, the double action, smooth running cord and swivel that come into play on the slightest motion, back and front, are the reasons. Extreme lightness and durability, with no strain' or the t router buttons. Metal parts heavily nickled Samson woven cord, with reinforced button holes. I low much better it is to have good clean mercerized webbing over your shoulders instead of dead rubber full of perspiration? Sold with our factory guarantee. Price 50 cents at all dealers or wnte direct. Money refunded if not satisfactory. GEORGE M. EDGARTON CO- MFRS. CAMBRIDCE. MASSACHUSETTS 1 SZW ST. Wrinkles 1 housandi have suii-esgfullv iisp1 thin formula tti rpmmt trncPH of nt, illiiotut or worn 1 oz. of puro Powdered SAXOLITE dUftnlvfMl In H Tt witrh IirtpI uo a a furo unJi 1 lio alTiMt Is almost niaulcul. Dee pom t wrinkled, crown feet, as well as finest linen, completely and ?iulckly vanUh Faro bet omen tlrni, smooth, reah, ami jrou look year younger. No harm to temierrit 4 mm About Mushrooms How to really make Lift money In muflh rootna U fully eti laintni in the wonderful book "The Truth Alnut Muanroumi" a great revolutionary improvement, thing 'miry grow em never knew it fore Kvery thir ei plained from A to 2. ml Artt hand, frcm tho greatest practical authority in America. Add f 10 to $70 a week to your in come. Demand eiceeda aucly. tirow in cellars, aheda. botes, etc iSmall capital to tart tHifila -.ltwr bti.I rillls-L Ann im. can do It. WomenanJchildren.too. Now Isbenttime. Send for free book. Bureau of Mushroom Industry, Dept. 70, 1342 N Clark St.. Chic i go All About Poultry Keeping; Itc PrnfitC KOBEUT ESSEX.well known ia a lUll IS. throunhout America after a QUARTER CENTURY'S experience In all branches of rioultrykeeplnir. tells How to Mikt Money with H.na. Show Blrda, Market Fowl. Mow to Start Rlghti Avoid Lose. Plcturae 30 Poultry Housoa. Describes A MEH ICA'3 IAHUMT1.INI-; OK INCUHATOHS and BROOD ERS. Fanclere,FarmerarBeslnnara. and Exp.rte send for Iraa rataloirue. Contains it all. Address nearett office. Robert lsexIncubalorCo.&llrkU PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNED Bend sketch for free .earch of Tatent Ortire ItecunL.. How to Obtain a Patent and What to Invent wlfli Hat of Inventlona wanted and Prlsea ntrered for Inven tlons sent free, l'atents advertised DDCC WANTED IteW IDEAS. X.H.Hi. Send for oar list of Patent Havers. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washington. D. C. )