Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART FIVE MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 50

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WHETHER or not you are now planning a new
Home, or only a new Bathroom, you should
know how to make your Bathroom permanently at-
tractive, comfortable and sanitary in every particular
See the model bathrooms in the local Showroom of the t-
r o
Standard Sanitary Alfg. Co,
u tnnAnvti ViHiir Atft. C.n. hrfnr. vnn nlan vnur nwn.
YOU should sec the 'Sftaticfowf' Guaranteed Fixtures, be
cause in these are incorporated all the most advanced ideas
in bathroom hygiene, convenience and beauty. You should
visit the '!nucfni'(f' Showroom for the information and help vc
will gladly give you in planning or improving your own Bathroom.
We will submit suggestions, if desired and show you just how to order through
your plumbers. Show you also, every modern fixture for Kitchen, Laundry and
Toilet from the least expensive to the most elaborate. You can select for
yourself the entire equipment for your house and see how it will appear
when installed. If you cannot visit our showrooms, send for "Modern Bath
rooms" our booklet, which illustrates all separate fixtures as well as complete
bathroom equipments. Sent on receipt of Cc postage.
Genuine 'SStnttifivrir fixtures are iden- quality at less expense. All 'ZStnmfard'
lifted by the Green and Gold Label.
with the exception of one brand of
baths bearing the Red and Klack
Label, which, while of the first Quality
of manufacture, have a slightly thinner
enameling, and thus meet the require
ments of those who demand 'Standard"
fixtures, with care, will last a lifetime.
And no fixture is genuine unless it
bears the guarantee label. In order
to avoid substitution of inferior fix
tures, specify "Standard" goods in
writing (not verbally) and make sure
that you get them.
Standard Sanitars1t)fo. Co. Dept. GO Pittsburgh, Pa.
New York . JS Wfit 31st Street
Chicago . 900 S MkMtfan Ae
rfiilaileliihil Walnut Street
Toronto an 9 KiclimonilSt .11
rtusburgh 106 1 etleral Street
St. Louis , 100 N. Fourth Street
Cincinnati 611 Walnut Street
Naihsllle . 31S Tenth Ave., bo.
New Orleans,
ltaronne'and St Joseph Stt.
Roston . John IUn ock ltldy.
Louisville 319 2) W. Main Street
Cleveland 648 Huron TJoad S P..
Hamilton, Can. 20-28JacVtonSt W.
Houston. Tex. Predion ASinith sts.
Washington, D C Southern Hide.
Toledo, i). . 311 321 I rle Street
I ii
aaal..r.. m 1
I lr?USSs-
WLr.r ,aJ-
ivi jMa r i ,-i
DON'T I an undcrp'd. o?er
work p.l cleik l.ct out of
the wafre-earner claM ami into
ths Mf flVlJ ( builnm lis suiusbodf ,
' RCAIJZCtUWiltUlUttiVvu. frboe
th vvrld tkl veu n milt da, litre ll
?Mirt Met. TU kUlUfdrr toilet! ll tb
rmiMt lU lodiT ft tktiiii f llm.i-4 auras
U tulle out for blaxtlf. Gl out af tbt rul ud
MAKE $25 TO $100 A WEEK
WatrtwtvutVturm 14 wtrtrt hi ritrtttd Brte.aU
fits tieluiUtlt tbrotiit. er drtttrt, We furaitb ttr?
.aire Rterroeti Pinall Mi Hit. IS enM.i.f. NI1.
rIonM stxMttrT. UmIb at vour t.wn. t-ir lime, flrup
TOl'R eriari in tits us rlcfct m fur full ltticuUit IfoC'T
rtf kd) iUa. arm ttttntaU Bad potLilfs tiwl
J. M. PEASE MFG.C0..810 PaitBldf.. Main St..Baffakt.N.Y.
LOOK-AWater Proofed Cloth Alpine!
All Nature and PaThlon summon us to diaeard the old wintee
atvla. "lhraaede'isTHhbprtnirhat aomethlnir NKW .sljl
l.h. aervlerahle. llltTEKKNT. OrurlnaUd and ..Id only br us,
Of ftna Hprlnr'Walcht waUrproofed elolh. htltf h?d erown and
brim: silk ssrtfa lined. F'our eolora; Hlack and whltecheek, un
rhecki dark BTwyrhtVrilark brown. Would coat 13 if imported.
U. eharxa ll I'RUl'AIU. Money back If riui don't like it,
Order now-sfmply state else and color- and enclose 2.
Wrlta for ''11)13 Ktrla llook" HtKK.
rDCMOLl 83 Arch Street
Philadelphia, Pa.
Perfect Hearing!
brought to sufferers from deafness by tlio marvelous
new invention. Justoutt J. he unproved 1913 INIodel
Ear Phone
"Positive, perfect hcnrinir for thoso who nro nfllictcd with deafness. This wonder
ful Instrument litis four tl lire rent sound strengths. Instantly rli.inertl liy 11 toutli of the llnccr on
n tiny switch, Four times nspowcrfal. four tfmesns efficient, four times as convenient, four times
ns neipiui ns nny otner iienrine instrument.
R,i InlrnrlnrlArv flfTof 8"J NOW for our Grt IntroJactory
lilg InlrOdUCtOry Utler Oiteronthiinewrearvelof Only
the first 8,000 to U oM direct to men at Jobber's Lowest Net Price)
to advertise. It. A few dollars, payable on easy terms, if desired, ae
cures you complete relief from your affliction. Write today for this
remarkable olTer that aaves you more than one-half the retail price.
A nnatatlkrinoa f rtx Main Ilonlr. talva Ul vnur adJeeaa.
MEARS EAR PHONE CO. Sulte2J 4S West 34th Street. New York. N. Y.
Ask about ourTen Days Free Trial OlTer.
Nothina to pay forathoroutihtrlalonyour
own cars in jour own home. We want it
hack unlrsa It helps you. Write for our
Free Trial OlTer today
pleasure ami brotherly aU'ei'tum that
yon M almost have swore they loetl us
like brothers. 1Uilil)iii(; it in. they were.
Hail us licked to a frazzle. Count iiitf
their graders, whieh tliey eertainly
would and no way for us to prevent it.
they all licing strong men. they had
more than fifty husky voter;s, and
they were not only (joint? to keep the
court house, hut we would Ik1 lucky as
all yet out if they didn't pass a law
making it illegal for any other town to
run in the county. We went home with
every symptom of seasickness.
Course we didn't take any stock in
the railroad. Thunder (.'reek had lieen
fishing for railroads for four years.
She'd paid the fare hack home for more
than a dozen luisted surveying parties
though that wasn't the reason they gave
for collecting money. And she hail
every survey on her map of Thunder
Creek and environs, making it look like
a cartwheel liristling with spokes. But
railroad or no railroad, then were the
graders and they were our ruin. Trou
ble was, Thunder Creek had a million
aire. His name was Del.aney Smith,
from a horrible ways l'ast, and he'd
come to town witli a couple of thousand
and got a hundred more every month.
Poker or nothing else could get it away
from him. We'd tried it. And now
DeLancy was financing the phony rail
road for the glory of Thunder Creek.
It was another clear case of capital
trampling down labor. We turned social
ists, every one of us, and as for Ike he
turned plumb anarchist, and wanted to
put a charge of dynamite under that
camp nnd plaster the zenith with ties
sicated Dagos.
Funny how totally prosperous and
chesty you can he one day, and how
much you feel like an angle-worm that
has been stepped on, the next. 'Twasn't
twenty-four hours after we diseoered
Thunder Creek 's transplanted . popula
tion until what .lupiter City men were
still hopeful had their hands full hold
ing those that were all for giving
up nnd hopping the band wagon. We
was so busy at it we didn't have time
to electioneer at. all. Resides, it wasn't
any use. There weren't four votes in
the county outside the two towns and
how wo were going to accumulate twenty
live citizens in forty days, unless it
clouded up and rained 'em, not one of
us could see. It was along about that
time, when we were sitting in the ex- I
trenie sub-cellar of the everlasting dumps,
that Sam I.inthicus came roaring into
town one afternoon, with the proud
light of victory and other things making
i his face as red as a boiled beet, anil
asked me, the mayor, to call a meeting I
of the city council which 1 did that
minute by stepping to the door and hol
lering across to Hill Crawford's place.
When Sam got us assembled he began
to make a speech. It was all about the
glory of .lupiter City and how she was
progressing, and how we ought not In
choke her down with a city limits that
was as tight as a corset string, but
ought to widen out and let her grow and
expand. It was fine to hear, but the
aldermen were impatient, most of them
having left chips on the table, and they
asked Sam to come down out of the sky
and tell, in short, easy words, what was
eating him. "All right," said Sam. "I
want to introduce an ordinance to widen
this here town and make her more ca
pacious, you might say, by annexing a
strip of ground half a mile wide, ex
tending from Pete Allen's cow barn on
the west limits, to the county line."
"Whee-ooo! " we says, simultaneously,
Tho county lino was fifteen miles away,
and the territory between didn't contain
anything more exciting than prairie dogs.
"What's your object?" I asks.
" Xono of your dam business," said
Sam pleasantly, "and don't you go nos
ing around either. Just annex that ter
ritory fast as you can and I '11 undertake
to guarantee that when this here olec
tion conies along, Thunder Creek will
poll the nicest little minority yon could
ever hope to see. Pellows citizens, do
we enlarge 1"
We did. We did it to please Sam,
nnd because it couldn't hurt anything
any way. And then Sam offered to beat
' the liver and lights out of any citizen
of .lupiter City who tried to explore the
jr - -
The L. C. McLain
Orthopedic Sanitarium
'PHIS thoroughly equipped prlvato gnn
Ititrlum Is devoted exclusively to tho
treatment of crippled and deformed con
ditions, such ns Club Feet, Infantile Pnr
ulysls, Hip Disease, Bplnnl Diseases nnd
Deformities, Wry Keck, Bow Lens and
Knock Knees.
l,ct us lulvlso you recardlne any crip
pled, paralyzed or deformed child or
person In whom you may bo Interested.
It will cost you nothing, nnd In view of
over !U1 yenrs' experience In this work,
our advice should bo valuable.
This Girl Was Born With Club Feet
Gertrude Snyder, thirteen years old,
daifjj liter of ltobert Snyder of Natrona,
l'a., waalrarn with Club Feet and woa
hroUKht to thU Sanitarium in May, 1911,
'1 ho position of her foot at that timo ia
shown in the loft picture, while tho po
sition and condition of her feet at tho
rresent time, after treatment at this
Sanitarium, U shown in the picture on
the naht.
iixe correction
was made without
Chloroform Ether
or any General An'
aesthetic Plaster
Paris was not used
Writo Mr. Snyder ntxmt
this for ho will bo glad to
tell you of his experience.
A book entitled Deform
ities and 1'aralysis, also a
dook or reierences, with
testimonials from practically every state
in the Union, will boficnt-iinon mTtiMt:.
free of charge.
The McLain OrthopedicSanilarium
931 Aubert Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
Don't Worry
if you have
I'tir now with a few appllentloiisof a mar
velous new eieam ytm can reduce theso
unsightly lilemMie to their normal Mze.
This now and wonderful preparation is a
thick white )'.. mo nhu-h heuts cleanses and
Quickly closes theentartrod pores refining thu
Kkin tenure and .cnvinc it isoft as velvet,
riniptes. blackheads and every other eruption
can fed by enlarged, el tigged up pores disappear
ui ii uy ma guv alter a lew application
of roKKt'ltKAM which makeH a niarxe V
reddened tUn nmootli and white at snnn V
TUvy while yon remeinlwr iend 11.
and poctagefor aJarof l'tHCi: CltK.M. to
Suite G7, 509 Fifth Ave., New York
I IV MTRctenllfle Kiln Treatment, ad-
LOOK IOtinC ministered in mr tilth Asemia
Luu" a uuug Salon, mar he prartisp,! bjr you, AT
1IOMK rronal instruction awnt each client lullpar
iiculars anil hamiaomc booklet sent by return mall.
For Hoarseness
NcTtr fall to promptly relieve lnaa of voice, coughs, sore
tliroat. Invaluable to publio tpeakrra and slrjeera,
23c, te. 11.00. Sample Free.
JOHN I. Tilt OWN & SON noifon. Muss.
Get YOUR Home in the North
I.o-te adjacent to Northern Fad fie Rallwayth hat nVreloped
(tectum of th Northwest In Umneaota North Dakota, Montana,
Idaho, WaahiriKton Oreiron tho land of priia rati la and crop, btay
near home market auick Iran per tatiun, cloae to iron. nefirnbon and
Kood achoola, no Isolated pioneertnv. Free United Stat a Uovera
mer.t homestead land, atate land on eaajr term, deeded land at love
price and un crop payment plan. Write quick fur free literature
about theM "1'ruHperity btate of America nay what etate most
interest you Ask about low fares L J Itrlcker.tien'l lmmigra
turn Agent, 266 Northern 1'aciftc tllda- , Saint I'aul. Minn.
J8 PAID far certain 1853 Ouartars! I1IM for rrrtaln ISM Half.
$100 for DIME 1894 5 mint etc We ps; highest csih prsmlums
on all rart mensy ta 1909 Keep all old money senu atanip
for Large Illustrated Cain Circular Veu have nothing to lose.
Keller to rrutl u tliou-uml udt f rtl-enif ntti tliitn mint Hit one )ou uet-il.