Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART THREE WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 33

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Von BAXJ Rose Lawn Toultry V6.
ten lot. 5-room house, bam. sheds.
Poultry houses for a large number of
poultry: shade, fruit; best town In Kant
era Colorado; I hours from Denver; In
center of Fort Morgan; best ollmato In
Colorado. lor iirlea and terms address
S!"".',1"' f Ol'roan. 918 B. 6th St.,
1'ueblo, Colo.
160 ACRKS very fertile unimproved
land, eastern Colrado, adjoynlnir land
that yielded 36 bu. of wheat per norc
last year. 2 miles from railroad shipping
point. Will sell at a sacrifice. H, O. IJan
Inl. letl Fnrnam St.. Omaha.
IF WIS would irtve you a lOaoro farm
free, along our lino of railroad, would
you be willing to tell your friend about
our land openoiig7 For particular ad
dtoss Mr. J. II. Clark, Land Commis
sioner, Live Oak, Purry & Gujf Hallroad
Company, Box 75, Live Oak, Flo.
WK want a rcllablo man to organize
territory In Nebraska for the sate of our
Improved lands In "MIAMI QAIIDKN8."
Oood commissions. Satisfied purchasers'.
DnVal & FrauUUn, 1143 Monadnock bldg.,
COME to Bolcei no tornadoes nor elcc.
trlcul storms. Bountiful hnrvests. Ad.
dress Box 39, U. F. P.. Boise, Idaho.
lias never had a cyclone In Its history.
Come to Idaho, vhoe you can now Uo
well In a new, gro-iiig, enterprising coun
try, and where .here uro no tornadoes or
crop failures. Send card for handsome
booklet and particulars regarding the
country- We also sell good business
propositions In southern Idaho,
Kef or to First National and Botso City
National banks, Boise. , .
Meridian, Idaho.
Boise, Idaho.
GET A HOME In the Pecos Valley,
wluere thoie ai'o no cyclones, floods or
blizzards. Address Countryman Land
and Immigration Co., Phllllpsburg, Kan.
ItOUlSLVNA Orange Groves planted
and cared for under our plan of easy
monthly payments. Wo own the land
and the trees In proven Orange Belt.
Write for full details of plan. FIDELITY
IjANI) CO., 7CG Gravicr St, New Orleans.
SEND for free list of Minnesota farms.
$3S to $75 per acre. Minnesota Land
Agency, Court Block, St. Puul, Minn.
WRITH for booklet and particulars of
the great Ueer Lodge Valley to the Com
mercial Club, Deer Lodge, Mont.
CHOICE, absolutely flawless lfiO-acro
farm within two mllea of two good rail
roud market towns, six big elevators,
every foot cultivated, flno black loam fcoll,
rented for one-third crop, should bring
J1.000 annual Income. Price $12,400. Would
consider clear Omaha Income properly
up to $7,000. Big Stone Land Co., CO b.
10t,h Stt Omaha.
FINE small Ozark, poultry, fruit, al
falfa farm; cottage, barn. Price $350, $5
monthly. Edmund Steckcl, Richland, Mo.,
Turkey Ridge Farm.
SIXTY THOUSAND acres Carey land
open to entry at Valler, Mont.; fifteen
annual payments; section famous lor
grain, grasses, vegetables, well adapted
diversified farming. For particulars writs
Valler Farm Sales Co., Vox 2, Valler.
FOR SALE 15-acre farm adjoining
Cushlng, Neb.; good Improvements; 7
room house, 3 chicken houses, barn, good
well; .small fruit bearing. Address A. A.
Kimball, Cushlng. Neb.
FREE 40-acre homestead. For com
plete map of land opened to entry Oct.
1, 1913, send $2 to A. J. Van Antwerp,
County Surveyor, Broken Bow. Neb.
New Mexico.
For Sale Only abstract business In Bq
corro County, the Second largest county
In the United States; owners going to
California, Address The Socorro Title Ab
struct Company. Socorro, N. M.
1M3 EDITION, "Advantages of Oregon."
240-page book describing Oregon and
amount of Government land open to
homestead In each county; for what best
adapted1 new homestcud law, desert, tim
ber, stone, coal, mineral laws; school
land In each county, laws, price, how to
obtain; describes Government land open
to homestead In every county In U. S.:
book 33c; Oregon map showing U. S. land
districts, R. R. in operation, under con
struction and proposed, Including Eastern
and Central Oregon, 2ic. both. 50c. Ed
ward Nlmmo, 14 Hamilton Bldg., Port
land, Oro.
I WAS born and raised in Yamhill
county, Oregon. Write or come and see
mo for fruit, poultry or dairy farms.
M. E. BURGESS, Amity, Ore.
COME to the Rogue River Valley and
Escape .Cyclones and Blizzards. Best
medium climate In United States. Farm
ing and fruit lund at leasonable prices.
A. N. Parsons, Grants Pass, Ore. For
merly agent American Express. Omaha.
South Ilnkota.
FOR .SALE A very well Improved
farm of 320 acres located, within 25 miles
of the stnte fair city, Huron. Beadle
county, S. D., at $30 per acre. Will also
sell fifty head of live stock, hogs and
poultry. The best bargain In South Da
kota. Address M. M. Winter. Gary. IncL
100 ACRES. 3M miles from Carter, Tripp
county. South Dakota. All tillable, 40
acres broke. Good house, small barn,
fenced. Worth $6,100, price $5,000. Ad
dress Box 125, Dallas S. P.
acres In famous Sweetwater Valley, pay
ing about $5,000 annually. Modern im
provements valued at $10,000. Dairy herd,
stock, machinery and petwma'ty worth
$S,000. Farm and personalty $JO.0uo, terms.
Full description furniehed. Other bar
gains south.
Bristol, Tennessee.
FOR QUICK SALE G.200 acres best
South Texas land, alfalfa, onions year
round, $5,000 Improvements, 2 miles sta
tion. $12 acre. $35,000 cash. Adjoining
lands thrice this price. Jameson Realty
Co.. Pallas. Tex.
St. Joseph's Island, New Bockport, Tex.,
32.000 acres at distress prices, a great
bargain, no trading.
Sole Agent. Cuero, Tex.
Washington, presents at the present time
a most attractive field for tho Investor
and homeseeke, This section has never
experienced a cyclone, hurricane, tornado
or flood. A diversified district, where
the small tract farmer does equally as
well as the large grain grower. Write
today for free illustrated literature de
icrlblng fruit growing, gardening, dairy
ing and hog raising. The Commercial
Club, walla wana, wasn.
WASHINGTON'S bestUalry and garden
a ... .. .. - tn n , . nlira nllP
settlers cmpolyment at good wages.
Great chance, H. C. Peters, Seattle,
Wash. .
VIcmi'i. i
WISCONSIN 000-scre farm, divided to
ult. Clover belt; heavy clay sail; flno
buildlngB. Snap for pnrty with cash. Ad
dress Owner. II. Wlthee. Owen. Wis.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
Mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tive Stock Coiumliwlon Merchants.
BYERS BROS. A Co. Strong, reliable
CLIFTON Com. Co 222 Exchange Bldg
MARTIN BROS. is CO., Exchange Bid.
Wheat Conditions Are Reported
Generaly Favorable.
Individual Oprrntlonn In Yellow
CcrenI Ileconilnir More Obsolete
Concentrated Action
la Prominent.
OMAHA. April 12, 1913.
Considering tho most flattering reports
which continue to come from all portions
ot tho winter wheat belt and the change
to clear and warmer weather over the
spring wheat country whloh started spring
wheat seeding operations In many sec
tions of the Dakotas, the Chicago market
hold remarkably steady at tho closo yes
terday. Following a very bearish report
on Kansas harvest prospects yesterday,
U. W. Snow sent a report on Oklahoma
conditions today claiming that scarcely
an acre of wheat will be abandoned and
that the state has a prospect of 30,000,000
bushels, a. Ingles, another crop expert.
In rovlewing wheat conditions In Ohio and
Indiana says that the floods receded
quickly from tho wheat lands and left
the ctop In as good a condition as before.
Several messages from tho northwest re
ported a rush of- seeding operations, es
pecially in North Dakota. Tho cash
.situation at Minneapolis is showing a lit
tlo additional firmness, because of the
scarcity ot choice wheat, while tho flour
situation there Is' still slow. It must be
conceded thut there is a firm tone to the
Xorelgn markets and that Europe I
likely to want a gieat deal of wheat be
tfceen now and tho next harvest time.
Any chungo which may take place In the
present fine winter wheat outlook must
he on tho Ride of buyers. Tito bumper
crop prospect to date appears to be
largely discounted. Shipping sales In
Chicago yesterday were 0,000 bushels and
this Is probably only part of the business
done. With exporters ready to step la
and buy Chicago wheat on any material
concession in prices, traders favor the
buying sldo of tho market on all good re
actions. Cash wheat was KiyHo lower.
The Corn murknt In hmrMlnltii- mater
ially and the Individual operations are
likely to becorno lnsa nrnmlnnnf. wHIrh
Is possibly desired by some of the leuderg
In the trade after tho good advance. Re
ceipts continue very light and a freth
demand for corn will be at tho expense
ot tho visible Bupply, which should show
a tendency to decrease very rapidly. Cash
turn as utmo nigner.
The oats nnirknt m.umi tn ha entirely
In sympathy with wheat and corn. Cash
oats wero unchanged to Mo lower.
Clrarnncud- anil flour lft nm
bushels; corn, 3S0.0UU bushels; oats, 3,000
Liverpool close: Wheat, USPKd lower;
corn. hiUfid lower.
Primary wheat receipts were -136,000
bushels and shipments 291,000 bushels,
against rocelptH of 200,000 bushels nnd
shipments of 2S4,(WO bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 359,000 bush
els and shipments 409,000 bushels, against
receipts ot 358,000 bushels and shipments
ot 419.000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 538.000 bush
els and shipments 471,000 bushels, 'ngaalnst
receipts of 309,000 bushels and shipments
ot 611,000 bushels last year.
Tho following cash sales wero reported
WHEAT No. 2 hard winter. 1 car, 85Wo;
9 cars, 85c. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, 85o;
1 car 84?io. No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 84V4c No.
3 spring, 1 car, 84V&C No. 4 spring, 1 car,
CORN No. 3 white, 1 car, 53c. No. S
yellow, 1 car, 63Vic; 1 car, 63c. No. 3
mixea, i car, Mftc; ;t cars, wc. imo. 4
mixed, 1 car, 62c.
' OATS No, 3 white, 1 car. 33 C cars,
33 Vic No. 4 whlto, 2 cars, 33c
RYE No. 4. 1 car. 63V4o.
Omuhiv Cash Prices.
t WHEAT No. 2 hard, MHS5V4c; No. 3
hard, 84ff85c; No. 4 hard, 8183c; No. 3
spring, 8484Wo; No. 4 spring, 8082c; No.
2 durum, &5V&Stc; No. 3 durum, 84HS5c
CORN No. 2 white, 68ic; No. 3 white,
63Ho; No. 4 white, 62V4063c; No. 2 yellow,
63Hc; No. 3 yellow, 53ig63Vic; No. 4 yel
low. 6162Wc; No. 2. 63Vic; No. 3, 6353Vic;
No. 4, 51052c.
OATS No. 2 white, 3431tfci standard,
33c; No. 3 wlilte, 33UQ3i4c; No. 4 white.
BARLEY Malting, 64S2c; No. 1 feed,
RYE No. 2, ESgC6J4c; No. 3, 650660.
Carlot Receipts.
. WheatCorn.Oats.
Chicago k 4.. 11 81 116
Minnesota ...192
Duluth t
Omaha 49 15 20
Kansas City 25 23 17
St. Louis , v.. 33 47 20
Winnipeg ....107
Features of the Trndinif nnd CIoaluK
Prices on lionrd of Trade.
CHICAGO, April 13. A forecast ot fine
weather all over the country for the
next fey days sent wheat values) tumbling
and closing prices today were about tfij
lowest o fthe session, the rango being;
from H toTitola net loss. Corn had a
net decline of to He, oats wore
down H to c, but provisions were a
shade lower to lOo higher. The best show
of strength made by wheat was shortly
after the openlnir when, on reports of a
killing froso In Kansas there was some
buying. The rally was brief. Profit
taking sales soon caused a reaction below
tho opening figures. Good weather in the
northwest, helping seeding operations
and abundant moisture In most of the
winter belt brought on a lot ot selling.
There was talk ot good business ac
tual nnd prospective In wheat for export,
but details were not made public, and
the downward trend of prices was not
stayed. Foreign markets were generally
a shado easier. A decrease In the Eng
lish visible supply 1,665,000 bushel against
hn lncrasa ot 239.000 bushel for tha same
week last year did not serve to check
tho decline.
Primary receipts of wheat were 436,.
000 bushel against 200.000 bushel a year
ago. Seaboard clearances of wheat and
flour equalled 510,000 bushel.
Corn was dull throughout and weak
ened sharply at tho close, which was at
the lowest figures ot the day. Clearing
weather forecasts gave promise of In
creased shipments, and there was an
absence of short buying. Liquidation In
May oats on account of good weather
depressed prices In other futures also
Provisions showed strength on coverlnlc
by shorts. There was also some new
Investment buying. The bullish live stock
report by the government was still a fac
tor in tho upturn In prices.
Closing options at Chicago:
Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. 1 Close. Yesy.
2 Sept
Lard. I
ai ay.
19 9o!
19 97-4
20 12i
11 00
I 10 974
11 32V4:
11 iz
10 92Vi!
20 02H
20 20
20 00
11 w
11 00
U 024
U 37'
11 20
U 00
WftSOll 91 91
) mi 'M
89a 89H4MI 90H
66 65 66a
66 66 66
67Vi 67
33 33 35
34 34 3S(ft3o
34 34 M
19 92 19 97 19 87
20 10 20 12 20 06
19 90 19 90 I 19 87
10 92 10'96 10 95
10 95 10 95 10 95
10 95 10 950 10 97
10 97! 10 97
11 30 11 80 i 11 27
U 109 U 15 11 10
11 li
10 92 10 95 10 87
f mU rrfAfl WhnAt. 9 red
$1.05Q1.08; No. 1 red, 98c.03; No. 2 hard,
S294c; No. 3 hard, Kg93c; No. 1 north
ern. 9lG92c; No. 2 northern. 90892c:
No. 3 northern, 87f90c; No. 2 spring. 90
691o; No. S spring, 8809c; No. 4 spring,
80285c velvet chaff, 8739Zc; durum, 89
96c Corn: No. 2. WV4Q67C; No. 2
white. 573c; No. 2 yellow, 66S674e;
No 3. 54fiUc No. 3 white, 65gii3;
No 3 yellow, 64a66c; No. 4. E2H54;
No 4 white. 6&ff55c; No. 4 yellow. 3f
fl0, V.:... Vrn whim 37037UO- Vn .1
white. 34'35Uc: No. 4 white. Sa&CMKc;
Timothy. $2 75.60: clover, 115.00321 00.
Provisions Pork. $19.95; lard. $10.96; ribs,
$ii.ooan.6:. '
BUTTER Steady; creameries, 27394c.
EGGS Steady; receipts, 17,592 cases;
at mark, cases included. 17fl8c; ordi.
nary flrits. 17W017c; firsts. 1718c
POTATOES Steady ; receipts, 38 cars;
Michigan, 4547c; Minnesota, 43S"47c;
Wisconsin. 40Q1SC. , ,
POULTRY Lower; turkeys, dressed,
24c. live chlckons, 17o; live springs,
Qnolntlnna of the Day on Vnrlnns
NEW YORK. April 12,-FI.OUR-Markot
quiet without change; spring patents. $1.40
N.0O; winter straights. $l.40b4.60; winter
patents, $l.706.10; spring clears, $4.0OM4 S0:
winter extra. No. 1. $3.804.10; winter
oxtrns. No. 2, $3.T0t).lS0; Kansas straights,
$4.Wf4.25. Buckwheat flour, dull, Ryo
flour, steudy; fair to good. $3.50tf8.S0
choice. $3.854f4.00.
CORNMEAL Market steady; tine whits
and yellow. 1.30U1.S5; coarse, $1.2501.34;
kiln dried. $3.15.
BARLEY Market quiet; feeding. Mac,
e. 1. f.. New York; malting. KtrOOc, c. L
f. , Buffalo.
RYE Market steady; No. 3 western, 60o
asked, c. i. f., Buffalo, and feeding. 64c,
a. I. f.. New York, opening navigation.
WHEAT Spot market steady; No, a
red. $1.11, elevator, and $U4. f. o. b..
afloat, nominal; No. 1 northern Puluth.
$1.02, f. o. b., afloat. Futures were easy
at a decide of H on very bearish weather
and crop advices. May, 96c; July, 97c;
September. 90e. Bonded wheat: "May
and July, $1.00,
CORN Spot markot steady; export 61c;
f. o. b. afloat-
OATS Spot market steady; export, $7
CPSSc; standard white. 40tto; No. 3, SW
40c; Na 4. S9ff39c! natural white, 370
3Sc; No. 2, nominal; white clipped, 3Sty
tO'c; all on track.
HAY Market firm; No. 1, $1.0031.05;
No. 2. 8590c; No. 3. 7l80c.
HOPS Market quiet: state, common to
choice, 1913 crop. 16923c; 1911 crop, Sit He ;
Pacific coast 1913 crop, 16&20c; 1911 crop,
BRAN Market dull; western spring
bran, $22.00; standard middling, 100-pound
sacks, $2.60: city, $23.00.
LEATHER Market firm; hemlock
firsts, 2S4J29o; seconds, 27028c; thirds, 24
2Sc; rejects, 19Q20c.
HIDES Market steady; Central Amer
ica, 23c; Bogota, 281T29c-
TALLOW Market steady; prime sum
mer tallow spot, $6.78C.S8; May, $6.77;
July. $0.86; September, $S.SS; prime city,
o; country, 6S6c; special. 7a
PROVISIONS Pork market, firm;
mess, $21.75822.60; family, $23.00jt2.UM;
short clears, $21.XVg,23.60. Beet, firm:
mess. $19.00320.00; family, $23.0O25.00; beef
hams, $32.Co3l.00. Cut meats, steady;
Pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. $14.504214.76;
pickled hams, $14,75015.00. Lard, firm;
middle west prime. $11.20311.30; refined,
steady; continent, $11.80; South America,
$12.40; compound, firm.
BUTTER Firmer; receipts. 5,293 tubs;
craJ"ery,.t.ra!'' SJHOlOo; firsts. 3ltf33c.
CIIEKSE-Irregular; receipts, 1,559
boxes: state, whole milk, held, colored
specials. 17017UC
EGGS-Steady; receipts, 22,102 cases;
fresh gathered, storage packed, flrstr
20o; western gathered, whites, 204?21c.
pnrn.TnvAi.. ,n.r.... . .
i . . - ... taut, w t:oiri il
xihlckons, 18o; fowls. 18c; turkeys, 15c;
Kiiieu western towig,
16l8c; frozen turkeys, 18fJ25c.
Corn and Wheat Retrlnn Ilnlletln.
United States Department of Agricul
ture's weather bureau report for Omaha,
Neb., for tho twenty-four hours ending at
8 a. m., C6th meridian time, Saturday,
April 12. 1913:
-Temp. Rain-
, , High. Low. fall. Sky.
Ashland Neb.. 43 29 .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb... 51 32 .00 Clear
B'ken Bow, Nb 46 20 .00 Clear
Columbus, Neb. 41 23 .00 Clear
Culbertson, Nb 43 25 .00 Clear
Falrbury. Neb.. 63 26 .00 Clear
Fairmont, Neb. 48 28 .00 Clear
Gr. Island, Nb. 4i 28 .to Clear
Hartlngton ... 44 22 .00 Clear
Hastings, Neb.. 48 30 .00 Clear
Holdrege, Nb.. 48 27 .00 Clear
Lincoln. Neb... 60 30 .00 Clear
No. Platte... 60 St .00
Oakdale, Neb.. 44 25 .00 Clear
umano, Neb.... 46 32 .00 Clear
Tekarnah, Neb. 49 28 .00 Cleor
Valentine ... 40 24 , .00 Clear
Alta, la. 40 27 .00 Clear
Carroll. Ia 41 31 .00 Clear
Clarinda, la.... 47 31 .00 Clear
Sioux City Ia 42 24 .00 Clear
Not included in averages. Minimum
temperature for twelve-hour period end
ing at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain-
District Stations. High. Low. fall.
Columbus, 0 18 66 40 .30
Louisville, Ky... 22 68 43 .00
Indla'polls. Ind.. 14 48 42 .00
Chicago, 111 24 44 36 .10
St Louis. Mo... 19 44 38 .10
Dcs Moines, I a. 22 42 32 .00
Minneapolis 61 66 30 ,00
Kan. City, Mo.. 26 63 32 . 00
Omaha, Neb 17 48 28 .00
Freezing temperatures wero again re
ported general in the extreme western
portion of the corn and wheat region.
Light rains aro falling In the Chicago
and St, Louis districts. Tho weather Is
clear tn the western districts.
Local Forecaster Weather Bureau.
ICnusnfl City Grain and Provisions.
Cash: No. 2 hard, 86TS9c; No. 3. 83aJ?
STc; No. 2 red. $1.011.00; No. 3, 91ci3$1.03.
65c; No. 2 White, 56c; No.' 3, 66c. '
UA1TS INO. Z White, 3i5(U37C; NO. 3
mixed. 34c.
RYE Unchanged.
HAY Unchanged.
Closing prices.
WHEAT May, 85c; July. S3T4C.
CORN May, 64c: July, 65c.
OATS May, 35i&35C
BUTTER-Creamery. 32o; firsts, 30o;
seconds. 25c; packing, 23c.
EOGS Firsts. 18c; seconds, 13o.
POtlLTiTV linn lin. mn.t.r.
ducks, 16c.
,. . t Receipts, Shipments.
Wheat, hn. wv w
Corn, bu., .., saiooo niooo
waui, uu. , , ll.WJ
St. Iionli General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. April 12.-FLOUR-Market
Bteady; red winter patents, $4.75
66.10; .extra fancy and straights, $3.65
4.60: hard winter clears, $3.00if3.35.
SEBD-Tlmothy, $10.00.
HAY Timothy, $13.0017.60.
IRON-Cottim ties, 98c.
TWINE Hemp, 8c.
PROVISIONS Pork, lard, dry salt
meats nnd bacon unchanged.
, . Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bblB 8,000 11,000
Wheat, bu 38,000 63.000
Corn, bu r.nmi tsi.wi
uais, du 34. WJ 1T.O0O
Minneapolis Grain Sfarket.
May. 60o; July, 8888o; September,
WUc. Cash: No. 1 hard. 88c: No. i
S.i2l;. HW?y :,-c 2 northern
He?5?.L;Vo;i,J,,2r'1 Montana. 87c;
- u. as "III VlU7lll
cuius no. 3 yellow, 63&6SMc.
OATS No. 3 white. 31e32c
RYE-No. 2, 66fo58l4c
K I JTl r I n T.M rw f ! rMH e-.
nnd nntontii. li irjin in rt.t i ' TX,
---- ' t - - t -, nn. VICUIB. U.W
J3.30; second clears, $2.60ij2.70.
BARLEY 4057c.
Liverpool Grain Market,
LIVERPOOL, April 12.-WHEAT-Spot.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 10.1; No. 2
Manitoba. 7s 8d; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s6V4il.
Futures, prhv; Tnv 7ar.H. t..i.. f-t ."..
Octobef.' 7 s 3d. ' " '",54Ui
170 , rrSI01'. stoady: American mixed,
new, 4s ll'id; American mixed, new. kiln
dried. bS2n! A Til rlr-i n tnl... i
American mixed, via Galveston, 6s '9Wd
ruAV;eB', ,refulnr.! May American mixed
Cs ld; July La Plata, 6s ld. '
Milwaukee Grain Market.
Afir.WATTIf RF! Wl, n.u ,.
.T&?X.1 fiortteiLn' "HtoWc; No.2 northern.
88; July ' 88. w,,nler- May,
r21"'trNov,1 ye'iow. 64et50; no. 3
whit KTp- Nn 9 KJMU1X. tt-.l .
July. 'ewe' bid; -"'-
OA-re sbta&ic.
RYE 64c
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. III.. April 12. CORN' Nn. 5
yellow. 67c; No. 3 yellow, 66tf66c.
UA'i o xo s wmte, wc; stunaard, ssac.
Wool Market.
ST, LOUIS. April 12. WOOL-Steady;
medium grades combing and clothing,
23026c; light fine. lJ21c; heavy fine
13617c; tub washed, 27i36c.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Return.
Tone Generally Firmer, with Gain
of Over a Point.
Coming Minnesota Hate Case Ilr
rlslon tin Mnndn- Han Ten
dency tn Mnke Them
NEW YORK. April 12,-After a further
roocsslon In the first hour today the
stock market developed a firmer tone,
and at tho close there wero gains of a
point or more. In the early trading there
appeared to bo the an nit. characteristics
as In tha last few days, due to the same
influence. There was further soiling of
high grade bonds owing to the conviction
that a readjustment is necessary to con
form to tho basis established by new Is
sues paying high rates. The result ot
this selling wns again reflected In stocks,
but to a lesser oxtout than yesterday.
Important Issues did not decline henvlly,
substantial losses being restricted to tho
newer Industrials, among which thero
wns further heavy liquidation. Rumley,
California Petroleum and Mexican Pe
troleum reached new low points, inter
national Agricultural preferred broke
thlrty-ono points on tho official state
ment that the dividend probably would
bo passed.
Bear traders, flndlne tliov rmiM ninkn
little impression on the standard stocks.
snoweu somo uneasiness, nnd covering of
shorts was largely responsible for tho
brisk rally which brought the week's
trading to an end. Another consideration
which flgurod In the calculations of tho
bears was tho possibility that a decision
may bo handed down Monday by the su
preme court in the Minnesota rate case.
As the stock market Is closed .on Monday
until noon there win be no opportunity
for trading on that dnv beforo tho hour
at which tho court site.
Foreign buying wns another ttource of
strength. London has purchased stock so
consistently on concoealons recently that
Its course of action hns become one of
the most Important factors ot current
trading. Canadian Pacific In particular
was In reaucst from nbroad and rnsa
2 points on the strength of thl3 demand.
Predictions of a favorable bnnk state
ment wero fully realized, the actual table
showing a rash gain of over $3,000,000 and
a substantial addition to the reserves.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $1,262,000.
united states 2s declined y on call on
the week.
Number of sales and leading quotation
on stocks were aa follows:
Slr. lllih. Low. Clow.
Amalgamated Ctopper 1J.UU0 Ti JIT T7H
American Agricultural ai
American UeU gunr. .... 34
Amarlcan Can 5,500 jjij 11 jb'4
American Can pM 100 97Vi aH it
American C. & K lot) W',4 loft , tt
American Cotton Oil ..... 47
Am. Ice 8rcurltlea 26H
American klmiPed , 10
American Locomotive i
American 8. It 8W 7IVi 71 7m
Am. S. & it. pfd..i..., 1U1S
Am. Sugar Helming 11)
Amerlcau T. & T 100 UH4 131
American Tobacco luO 2JU IM
Anaconda Mining Co...,, Mi) 384 39H MVi
Atchlton (WO lOJVi 102 101
Atchison pfil lOOVfc
Atlantic Coaat Line 304 IUH lMft :i
Ualtlmore & Ohio 100 V4 tk M
Bethlehem Steel U
Brooklyn Rapid Tr !M 91H 1K Ht
Canadian ltclllc , 11,000 2UH !H
Central Leather 600 H SiU 93
Cheeapeaka & Ohio 1,100 8i !S u
Chicago O. W , 1
Chicago, M. & St. P.... ,900 1101,4 10K 110
ailcago & N, W
Colorado F. A 1 300 It 334 31
Ooneolldated Dli 100 13JH IISH
Corn Products 300 11 10i ioh
Delaware A Hudson
Denver & Rio Orandc 3
Denver It. 0. td 300 37 Stli 37
Olstllleri Securltlea " ..... JH
Krl 4, W0 30U JUt 30H
Krle' let pfd
Krla 2d Dfd 97
Oeneral Bloctrio 100 1J0K 140J4 40H
Great Northern pfd 400 151 1V4 1M
Oreat Northern ore eit. "i -jvi
nnuola Central 00 119 ltl 11JV4
Interborough Met
Inter. Met. pfd 100 3 S
International Harveater oj
lnter-Marln. pld 100 US 1JH 1JH
International raper H V4
International Pump J"
Kanaa CUr Southern
Lrt'VwiW"::::"":'i: "'
rS Iilll. Nashville.. J00 133H 183V4 SiH
M . St. P. & S. Ste. M 1JV4
Missouri, K. T JM V4 S 26H
Missouri Pacllle 300 88Vi 3! mi
National Biscuit "
N4nnRM.,Vd,pVd::,,iw u ni u
Newark oSftraL....... WOO JH 103 103
N. Y o. & W 100 311, 31V4 3H4
Norfolk & Western
North American '
Northern I'aclflo SO') 1HH U5H 1J
racitio Mall
Pennsrlvanla "
People's uas
riu-burgh Coal 100 tOW MH HK
Pried steel Car
Pullman Palaee Car
Itepubllo I. & S..... "
Republic I. & S. Pfd" "t f.
Hook Island Co..... 5 -3 f
Tlnv Island Co. Pfd... f
St. L & 8. r. 2d Pfd.... 200 J Vi V
Seaboard Air Line. -
Seaboard A. L. pM Jiw
sioss.6beffleld8. . I ,.
Southern Taclfie ........ "
anuthern Hallway ' l'
BO Uallwar pfd !
Tnnesse Copper i ?:
,oi;?.c!;"," im m $
Union Paclflo pfd.. Ti
United Elates Jleslty. ?u
United States ituoprr.... ...-
United Slit.. Steel g .
100 10Vi 10i 108U
300 U tt 84
100 .H 8W
loo l!4 H em
U. 8. "S'el P'd
Ulsh copper ......... i
Va.-Carollna Chemical
Wabash pfd
Western Maryland ...
Western Union .......
Westlngbouse Electrlo
mi... in. ia. ........ .
Total rales for ins
' New Vorlc aioney Market.
NEW YORK, April 12.-MONEY-On
call nominal; no loans, time loans,
stekdy; "lxty days. 4 per centi ninety
days. 48& !'' cent; six months, i per
cent; primo mercantile paper, oViSo per
actual business in bankers' bills at
S for sixty-day bills, and at ; JUtBO
for demand: commercial bills, $l.ts.
BILVKlt-har, lci Mexican dolttirs,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds wero ah
V S. reg...l00UK. C. So. ref. ts.. H
do coupon 100KL . deb. 4s 131... tov.
U S 3e. " 102HL & N. unl. 4s.... ((,
'do coupon ?,;.K T' " 1M
U S. ts, reg 113H du gen. 4H IU
'do coupon 113'Mo. raclflo 4s Ml,
Panama 3s coupon. .103 do oonv. (s , uu
Amer. A. U... . . . WkN. Y C. g IH,!!.. 14
AT&T, ev 4s.. 108 do deb. 4s tt
Am. Tobacco s 130 N. Y. N. IL & H.
Armour 4. Co, 4Ha.. MH ct. 3V4, t0i,
Atchison sen. 4 N- W. Jst c, 4s.. tit,
do cr. 4s HM 10t do cv, 4s J07H
co t. is lOJKNo. Paelfl, 4s t4
A. C. L. 1st 4 ls do 3s fj
Dal. & Ohio 4a 0. S. U rfdg, 4s.... t9K
do IHs 'i.,1."11- V4 IW..
Brook. Tr. cv. H do oon. 4s jno
Cen. of Oa. 3 lOtHlleadlog gen. 4s 35$;
Cen. Leather fs..,.. HB. L & S. F. fg 4s 76
Ches. ft Ohio 4H.. '., d en It. 7m
do wnv. 4.... . USl. L. 8. W. e. .. 7w
Chicago A. J A. L. adj. Ss.... 78(4
C. B, & J- i?tBo- e co1' H
do gen. 4i H do cv. 4s ,.. m
CK,ll'n 4w?-t?!lr(1or!'' 01
C It. t. P- e- ' K8o. Hallway Cs 104H
do rfg. 4s !4..d0 ,Q. T7
C & T A 4Vs. J Union Pacific 4s.... Mti
D ft 11. ev. 4s I do cr. 4s tiu
D. ft B. a. rf. WH&o t tc ref. 4s... ls
Distillers" S H 5' nubb' s....l08l,
nrU p. 1. 8. Steel M J,...l2
do gen. 4s Va.-Car. Cliem. Is.. M
do cr. 4s, ser. II. i3 Wabash 1st & ei. 4 8IU
HI On. let ref. 4i. lWeem Mi. 4s ti
Inter Met. 4W- WHW.t. Hleo. cv. 6... trtt
Inter. M. M. 4'.,... HWls. Central 4 toft
Japan M B,
Bid. Offered.
llantc ClearlriKs.
OMAHA, April 12. Bank clearings for
today aro $2,33S.870.S6 and $2,067,685.63 for
the corresponding day last year. The
clearings for the week ending today are
$16,153,024.30 and $16,1W,494.08 for the corre
sponding week last year.
1 - -
Treuaury Statement.
"WAHHINOTON. April 12. The condl
tlon of tha United States treasury at the
beginning of business today was: Work
ing? balance, $79,142,003; in banks and
Philippine triasur $l:t,ip,33l. t.tal ut
ht'iirnii iiinu, air.'.ikxi aw, ri'folt'lf rsti r
ilu. $:.J34.;k;. tilsbursctiU'ttts. $.',t:l..i.
Tho .surplus till fin, a! j-nir Is J14,;7S.m I,
as .malnst a dift. u of $ll,3?.'.2W lust jeai
l'he llgnre for receipts, dlsbuiiturntK,
surplus ami deruit exclude Panama
canal ami pubiii- debt transacthms.
ClrnrliiK House Hank Stntrnient.
NHW VOIIIC, April lt-The statement
of tho at'ttiHl condition of clearing house
banks and trust t'ompAtilna for tile, weeik
shows tlmt they hold Jll,!MI,4fiO reerve
In excowi of legal ivqulrements. This IS
an Increase of $l,88l,wo from last week.
Tho statement follows:
Loan ,... $1.910. too JVJltU)
specie 3S,3l..(X J,tl,(HO
I.egal tenders sa,4B;.rtW 2,401.1)00
Net deposits l,HB.&S.l,000 2,4U.f10
Circulation 4tS,M.0u0 3WVW
Excess lawful reserve. lt,W4,4W t,(Hl,tC0
Banks' oaah reserve In vault, M4T,319,0Oi).
Trtist Trust compan'.i cash reserve In
vault. $t3,6T7,000.
Aggregate cash reserve. $110.8911.000.
Trust I'ompnny'M rrscrvo with clearing
uousn memnors carrying a ier cent cash
reserve. $W,T13.000.
Summary of sluto bunks and trust
companies in Greater Now York not In
cluded in clearing house statement!
Ioans. $571.13T.lXXl; Inereaso. Sl.Wl.8lXi.
StHclc. $64,870,500; decrease. $S,0o0. Legal
tender. $8,408,200: Increase. $.104,0i.
Total deH)slts, $35,!M2,000; decrease,
T.oiiilOn Stock Stnrket.
LONDON, April 12. American secur
ities after a steady opening, advanced
on covering and closed from U to i
nbovo pnrlty. Caiindiuu I'neirio was strong
and gained 2U points. Money and dis
count rates wero easy.
London closing Ktrak quotations:
Contois, money ... 7H4LouIst11Ib A N'aah.1371,
d account .... . T Mo., Kaa. A Tr 17'
Amal. Copper 7HNew York Central .lonti
Atchison lOSSNorfolk Western.109
llslllmore Ohio, lot Ontario A Western. 351,
Canadian raclflo . triSPennaylvanla li
Chesapeake) A Ohio. M;nedlnit 4
Chi. Oreat Western USSoulhrrn Hy I7S
Chi.. Mil. 8t. 1M12 Pouthem I'aclflo ..Mi
Denver & Rio O... 3Jl,l'nlon raclflo ITiK
Erie 31SU S. steel IS
do 1st pfd 4HVahath 4
Grand Trunk MUe Dears 31 H
Illinois Central . ..121 Hand Mines 7
SILVEU-Bar, steady at 27 11-lfkt per
MONKY-3a4 per cent. '
DISCOUNT IlATKR-ciliort hills, 4 per
cont; three months' bills, 1-W per cent.
TtoKton Still Inn: Mtocks.
BOSTON, April H-Closlng quotations
on mining stocks were as follows:
Alloues 37 Mohawk I3'i
Amsl. Copper ...... 774Nevada Con 174
A. Z. L A S....... :tMplFflng Mlnea .... P
Arliona Com 3HNorth llutte 301,
h. U C. C. & 8. M. tSKhrth Lak IS
Cal. A Arlsona tiOltt Dominion ......
Pal. ft Heels ISi Osceola M
Centennial 13 Qnlncy 71
copper lIar.RO r. C. IS Hliannou II
Kast Butte C. M . . , . m4 Superior 38U
Kranklln !8uprlor A B. M... 3Vi
fliroux Con 3 13-ltTamarsck 33
Orsnby Con 61SU. 8. 8. P.. A M... 41',,
(Ireene Cananea 7, do pfd 48',,
lite Royal Copper.. 2itHt'tah Con. .......... I
Kerr I-ske 7UUUU Copper Co 334
lake Copper 13 Winona. 31,
I sane L.-opper (ttwoiverm ,. si
Miami Cupper IS
New York Milling" Stork.
NHW YOniC, April 13,-CIoslng quota
Hons on mining stocks were:
Com. Tunnel stock. . 3 Mexican S
do bondn .. ..... 13 Ontario , 200
Con. Cal. A- Va... . 15 Opnir .,
iron silver i:a small Hopes 9
Leadvllle Con. ... I 'standard 100
LlttU Chief 3 Yellow Jacket 23
BUTTElt No. 1, 1-lb. carton. iSai No
1, 60-lb. tubs. 32Jic; No. 2. 30c.
CIIREBE Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri
can Swiss, 2flo: block Bwlss. :'lc! twins,
I7c; daisies, 17V4c; triplets, 17Ho: koupg
Americas, 19c; bluo label brick, he; Urn
burger, 2-lb., 21c; Mb., 22c; New York
white. 20c.
BEI3K CUTS-lllbs, No. 1, 20o; No.
2. 17c: No. 3, 15Uc Loins, No, 1, 2io; No.
2. ISHc; No. 3. 16-Tic Chucks, No. 1, Uc;
No. 2, 1014c; No. 3, lOUa nounds, No.
I. 13140; No. 2, 13c; No. 3. nc. riatcs,
No. 1. c; No. 2, SHc; No. 3, SUc
POTJLTItY-Brollers. 1-lb. to l-lb., fco;
IVi-lb. ta 2-lb., 2Sc; hens. 18c; cocks, lie;
ducks, 20c; geese, 18c; turkeys, 7,5c; pig
eons per doz.,, 11.20; roosters. So; aucks,
full feathered, 18c; geese, full feathered.
13c; squabs. No, 1, $1.D0; No. 2, 60c.
FJSII-JWhlto, frozen, 12c; trout, frooli,
14c; large crupples, froxen, 18o; Spanish
mackerel, 14c; eol, lDc; haddock, , 12c;
flounders, lie; ahad roe, per pair. 3c:
salmon 8c; halibut, 13o; buffalo, lie: bu'l
heads, 13c; oysters, bay standards, 31. V;
northern. $1.53; selects, $1.'J6; counts, $2.10.
FBTJITS Apples, extra fancv large
Rome Beauties, per box, $1.75; extra fancy
large Yellow Newton Pippins per box,
$1.60; extra fancy Washington white win
ter Pearmalns, per box, $1.83; oxna fancy
Washington Wlncsaps, per box, noo1
Utah Wlnesaps, per box, .I.fjo; ,xtra
fancy Qanos, per box, $1.2j; extra fancy
Ben Davis, per box, $1.1S; extra fancy
Qano, per bbl., $3.00; extra fancy Ben
Davis, per bbl.. $2.75; extra fancy Wliia
sap, per bbl., $3.50; extra fancy Missouri
Pippins, per bbl.. $3.25. Oranges, Florida,
extra fancy, St. Mike's, 80, w, 112, 126. ICO.
170, 200, 216. per box, $4.00; extra fancy
Valencia. 86. 06. 112. 12. 100, 176. 200, 21B,
per box, $4,50. Lemons, .extra fancy
Southland Beauties, 300s and 360a, per
box, $8.00; extra choice, Justrtte, per
box, $7.60. Grapefruit, Florida. Indian
River, 64 und 80 sizes, $3.76; 64, $3.60; 46,
$3.23; 3C, $3.00. Louisiana strawberries,
per cnBe. $2.60. Cranberries, fancy, per
bbl., $7.00; Jumbo, per box, $2.50.
VEGETABLES Potatoes. Colorado
llural, per bu., C0c; lied Illvcr Early
Ohio, per bu., 00c. Onions, large red
Globe onions, per sack, $1.00; large white
Indiana, per lb., 2a; large Spanish, per
crate, $1.60. Sweet potutoec, Kansas,
table stock, per bbl., $2.60; Kansus seed,
per bbl. (due April 1 to 10), $2.00. To
matoce. fancy Florida, per 6-banket
crate, $3.00; choice, 6-basket crate $2.60.
Celery. Florida, per crato, 3, 4, 6. 8-doz.,
$3.00; Florida, medium, per doz., toe; Cal
ifornia Jumbo, per doz, $3c. Shallots, per
doz., COo. Now beots, carroU. turnips, tier
doz., 60c. Parsley, per doz., 60c. Itadlshes,
per doz., 60c. Head lettuce, por doz., 11. 00;
homegrown leaf, per doz., 40c. Green pep
pers, per basket, 60c. Wax or green
beans, per box $5.00. Hothouse cucum
bers, por doz., $1.0002.00. Cauliflower, per
crut, $3.60. Venetian gurllo. per lb., uy.q
Nov York cabbage, per lb., i!JC. E,r6.'
plant, per doz., $2.00. Rutabagas, per lb.,
l4c; beets, turnips and carrots, par bbl
MISCELLANEOUS Onion sets, yellow
per bu 32 lbs., $1.75; red, per bu., $1.TS;
white, per bu., $2.00. Evaporated cran
berries, carton containing 36 pkgs.. per
carton. $2.70. Figs, new California, K-
size, $1.R5; Imported, 7-crown, per lb., Nc.
Dates, Halowll, per lb.. 6',4o; Dromedary
brand, packnge, $3.00; Anchor brand
package. $2,226: sugar walnut dates, per
box, $1.35. Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per
lb., 18c. Pecans, medium, per lb.. ISWe:
Jumbo, per lb. 16c; Giant Louisiana
paper shell, per lb 25c. Filberts, per lb .
16c. Almonds. Drake, per lb., 15o: paper
shell, 18c. Brazils, per lb., 10c; large
washed, per lb., 12c. Black walnuts, per
lb., 2Hc Peanuts, raw, No. 1, per lb,, 6Hc;
Jumbo, per lb, 8c; roasted, per lb., 8Ho.
Hlckorynuts, shellbark, per lb.. 4o; large,
per lb., 3c. White rice popcorn, per lb.,
tc. Horseradish, 2 doz. bottles In case,
per case, $190. Cocoanuts, per sack, $5.00;
per dozen Mott's elder, per keg., $3.60;
Nehawka, per keg. $3.25.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. April 12,-COTTON-Fu.
tures closed Htendy; closing bids; ApriL
U.S3o; Slay, ll.S4o; June, J.86o; July,
II. 88c; August, 11.71c; September, 11.47c;
October. 11.40c; December, 11.43c; January,
11.39c, Spot closed quiet; middling up
lands, 12.60c; middling gulf, 12.76c; sales,
100 bales. Closed steady at a net loss of
11 to 22 polnta under liquidation and bear
ST. LOUI8, April 12.-COTTON-Market
steady; middling, 12' Ac; sales none; re
ceipts, 1.416 bales; shipments, 1,331 bales;
stocks, 36,513 bales.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, April 12.-COKKKK-Futurea
opened barely steady at a de
cline of 14 to 16 points in responsu to a
sharp break ut Hamburg, renewed
liquidation and bear pressure. The close
was steady at a net decline of 16 to 1H
polnta. Sales. 79.760 bags. April, 10.45c:
May, !0.61c; July. 10.81c; September, ll.OSo'
October, 11.08c; December and January,
ll.llo; March, 11.11c. Spot, easy; Rio- 7s,
lie; Santos 4s, 12Tc. Mild, dull; Cordova,
Hi. Jonrpli Lives Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, April 12.-CATTL1S-Mar.
ket nominal; steers, $7.24VQ8.D0; cows vnd
heifers. I4.2AU8.W; calves, $6.009.00.
IIAMU llcalnt. 1 Wrt lianllf marlfbl
steady; top. $9.30; bulk, $9.00S10.10.
Hlll'.fc,!' AINU uiMiio-Aturnei nuuii 'ui,
lambs, n.&oao.oo.
Beeves Stcndy with Last Week's
Closo Cow Stuff Stronger.
.Slirrp Active unit l.'lftr lllnlter for
the Wrk l'.nntlm Flftren 1
Twntt-Flv llluhrr Tlinn
n Week Ann,
SOfTH OMAHA. April 12. Ult
r.ecolpti were; Cattl. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday........ 4.719 4.316 lB.Tltl
Official Tuesday 4.831 0.873 K'M
Official Wednesday.... 3.045 J.S07 0,719
nrrii.iui Ti,m...i.n. om m km
f)rltl.lul Ii'im.iui. It It .All I Oil
300 3.800 1.1'D
nl.. ..i..i ....
vt.n-ini r i limy . . . .
Estimate Saturday
. This .week 16,171) 3S.2S6 4 .W.
Ijist Week II.0J7 M,;HK) 3!,43
Two Weeks ago 15.3W W.041 31
Three weeks aso 15,416 44,333 2I.W"
Knur weeks ago 19,570 Bf,t)ll t.'t
Same tlmo Inst yuur..U,SS "O.lfiO W.HO
Tho following taoirf shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for tho year to date, us compared with
Inst year; ' mis. iai2. le.
Cattle 21W.li8 27S ,AS6 1D.20S
HogH ti50,4S2 1.0S1.721 SJI.M'J
Sheep 641,167 6U',3iS MM
The following tnblo shows tho rango ot
prices for hogs at South Omaha for tho
mat few days with comparisons:
Dnto. I 1313. ll)12.iaU.181O.llJU.m'O!i.l!07.
April l. 8 MHI 7 T3 ( 3IIIU Wl 6 16, o 7vi 6 48
April 2. 1 8 8J I 7 7V 1 10 til 6 T5, 6 7'J tt 45
nin ii 0.1 wi-ui 1 iai u asj - 1 u iu a vi 11
April 4.1 3 76jtti 1 6li U -vjlO iV)i ! 6 74
3HI 7 uM ti .10 uO, 6 71 1
I 1 uo u -iiu .a d mi 11 iui
April 7 I VJ'.ii 1 tt U10 16
April 8. S 85 17 6t tt 1S10 16
April 'J. 8 8IUI 7 6I1 110 101
April 1U 8 c'iUl 7 M 6 SI,
April U 8 Ul I 7 48, 6 S310 03
ti t i
ii 48
U 46
tt 'Ml 5 82
6 IW 15 74i 1
6 D3, 5 74 tt
f SW1 5 ti tt 3
5 il) U, to
.inril 18 1 7 btjl o o 9 Ttf I C 71)1 I " 4J
.. 1
Recelpis and disposition or live stock
at tho Union Stock yards. South Oinulin,
Nub., tor twenty-lour hours ending at 1
o'clock yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Shccl. H'r't.
C, M. & St. P...... 13..
Missouri I'acltic 11 4 1
v.. it N. W., east.... 4 a ..
C. Ac N. W.. west IT .. 1
C, St. P., M. cc O... 1 i
C, U. i Q west 1U
O.. It, 1. .t P., cast.... 1 ..
C. It- I. it P., west 1
Illinois Central 2
Chicago Ut. Western... 1 ..
Total rocplpts.... ti 63 4 'A
Mortis rc Co...
HWlit & Company.
uuuntiy I'acKing coiuinuiy
Aimour & Co
j. w. Murpuy
Totul 3,013
Ci 1 1 ur-l hero weru no cattle of any
consequence in tho yards thlB morning
and prices can lutru. bo quuteu v"1''r
than steady. Kor the .t'euK lucvipta liVo
been luige, shuwing a gain ovur last week
und a siignt gam over a year ugo.
licet siccro, owing to largu rocelptt),
begun thu week a little lower, and tney
wuiu euslur 011 rtiesuuy. Since mat ilatu
under tno mtlucnco ot lighter runs, prices
havu been lirmum up until the loss hus
been entirely reutm-iudi At 1110 c.oso 01
tno week tno inurkct Is buck where It
was a weuk ago.
Cows and huiters showed a llttio wcni
ness during Monuay and Tuesday, but
tney wero very tree sellers and nave eon
tnued in active demand until tnu ut
1110 wcult. Tney art now a little atronger
tnun at last week s close, ana as men
us tney havu been any ttmo this season.
Stock cattle und leedera havo bueu in
mouerato Bupply throughout the week.
At the muuo timo tno country domanu
hus bcun rather iiiultea owing 10 tnu un
luvutublu weather conditions prevailing
during most ot the week. Trudo on int
ttayM was active, and the few cattiu '.il
Hignt changed lianas very frueiy at goou,
ilrm prices. At mo closo ot fue weua 11
is suto to quoto stock cuttio and luudeta
gunernlly steady with tno close ot the
pluvious weuk. , ,
Vuul calves, which had commanded very
high prices, havo eased oft a llttlu aim
uio tu'utina a quarter lower for tno wet'K.
quotation on Caittu ojod to cholcu
beef Hteurs, $b.2u-a.'i6; fair to good beet
steers, $7.'JUU8.20; common to fair beef
ateers, J7.40tt7.W; good to choice heifers,
$7.25tU8.20, good to clilcu cows, $0.75tt7.5O;
tair to good gruues, o.Km).uu; common to
lair L'radtl. 4.UOU0.8I)l good to CholCO.
stockcrs and feeders, $7.608.2B; fair to
good Blockers and feeders, je.'iti'tfi.ov,
uominon to fair stockers and Xeedcrs,; stock cows und heifers, 6.WKU
7,00; veal calves, $7.O0WD.Wj bulls, slugs,
tic., $tt.WJ,UW.25. . , ...
HOUS Thu trudo olKJiied today with
both shipper and pucker buyers ulddlng
prlcea that were about C cents htgucr.
This Just about suited the salesmen
views ot what values ought to be, ana
they lost no tlmo In disposing ot thoir
holdings at this advance. Trading was
lively trom tho start, and betoro 1;JH
everything ll changed nandH. Shipper
und speculator buyeia apparently hud
good sized orders and meir purchases
amounted to nearly half of tho small
suppiy. Tho supply ut, tho disposal of
the puckers, thereloro, wos very limited,
and they cleaned up everything In aignt
In shun order. Bulk of tho nogs sold
at $8.Wii,J.oo with top us nigh us $y.00.
Besides uoing tho hlgnest for the your up
to date, mis is tho first time that hogs
have gone over tho 0 cents inurn since
110. todays uveinKo prico is also the
highest since September 11)10. when the
averugo rcuched $U.27.
At thu closo ot today's market values'
aro 2ou25o higher thun a week ugo. Bulk
lust hiiturduy wub .7ou8.7o, ub against
iS.'Mo.oo touuy, and touay'B top of $a.U)
is just I60 uuovo tnu hlgnest murks last
Huturday. Out of tho leutures of tho
week's trade Iiob been tho narrowing
of thu rango. Then, too, the bulk hua
crept up to within a nlcklu ot thu top,
whereas last week there was a gap ot
16c between tho bulk and top. This Is
explained by two things; tho largo per
centage of lights In tho receipts und ex
tra good quality that hus featured thu
market every day tnia week. From thu
sellers' standpoint, tho week's business
has been 111010 satisfactory than for some
lime past.
Receipts wero light uguln today, about
65 curs, or 3,MW lieuu, being reported
In. For the week tho total la 00,00, tho
smallest iur any week since tho last
week In December, when, only 30,wo head
wuro received, and ulmost 3I.0W smuller
than tno corieBponUliig weuk a year ugo.
The light receipts uro due mainly to
the poor condition of tho country rouds,
whlcn huvo been In some cases nearly
impuBSuble since the heavy ruins tho first
purl of tho week, und mako it out of the
question to try to gut stock to markot.
No. Av. 8h. IT No. A. Sh. IT
li -Zl? ... I vo
70 313 130 116
VO 301 0 ( Hi
U 333 M V5
61 )
It 331
f.t 311
l 333
74 3T0
44 317
..X7S 300 &
.. J
.. 33
., VO
.. IK
40 VO
.. I W
10 IM
JS 343
l 336
. J43
74.,, .. 3tC 1 3 H
70 333 ... 3 H
14 3M IN I H
., 3 W
.. to
... 1 to
.. I to
.. St3!i
.. I tilt
.. I33H
.. IH
.. 3 33
.. I !
43 i'A
.347 140 14
XI 40 I S
.. I M
.. I M
.. I t
.. I M
10 I 17 H
.. 7V
.. Hit
.. 00
114 KM 00
310 30 I S
.. 00
,.. 00
.. 00
.. 1 00
so t 00
.. I 04
80 i 06
40 3 06
10. ..
tt 301
13 173
73 Ill
73 344
81 310
K 117
a ii4
74 117
mi i km p With tho exception of four
loads or 1.000 head ot Colorado Iambs
whloh stopped hero only for feed and
water while un route to an eastern pent
nothing el" arrived at the yards. Quo
tations remain unchanged from KrIUuy'b
Ah compared with lust week and two
weeks ago tho week's receipts have been
well up to normal, as around 42.40U head
were taken cure of, being slightly laigor
than one und two weeks ago, but In tho
neighborhood of 13,900 head leva than dur
ing the name time a year ago. Uarly In
the woek lumb prices wero on the upward
trend and ut mldwovk reached $9.10, (he
hlghost point of the season und, In r-ct,
ihu hlithest nolnt since May of last year.
At that time as much us $10.46 was paid.
The most udvanoo this week was on the
heavy otfenngs mm ine snorn gruuuH,
hnth of which weru out of Hue ua com
pared with lumbs of light or handy
weights. On Thursday bad weather con
ditions and u depressing feeling In the
eastern dressed mutton trade wuro re
sponsible for a sluggish trade. On that
da utmost the entire supply rnmo In
soaking wet and packer took advantage
of the situation by bearing down on prices
as mil. h as ppsllle. most of tliolr bids
being :wiTJ Ky lower than oil ediifn-lui .
Nothing like a ileatnnre was effected
until long after the noon hour and after
allowing a little fur the wet fleeces prices
even then Were on a basis lOfflSc lower
than thH previous day. The trade wan
fairly active on Ptiday and prices Indi
eated no material change In values from
Thursday's market. At the closo o: th
week lamb are unevenly higher than a
week ago, closing quotations showing an
advance of ISt2fle Competition wan lim
ited to the packers all the week, as reeder
buyers showed little Interest In the of
rerlngB. On yesterdny's market, however
two cars of 57-pound lambs wore picked
up for shearing and finishing at $7 75.
Iho trade hna been poorly supplied
w th aged sheep and yearlings, and iii the
supply Iuh been vory, llRht for somo
time past, killers wero It. urgent need if
milt tons. The packers were good com
petitors for any ewes, wothera or year
niRs that were In sight and had little hes
Itatlon In paying prlres fully half a
dollar hlghei tlinn 11 week ago. Heavy
ewes are now selling better than for
somo tlmo .ind they are moving at fig
tiles practically on tho same level as the
light and handy kinds. On Friday a small
bunch of 131-pound fed western ewes
leached $7.10. the record prico since
Aiiril. into, there being $7.25 paid for a
f,l ,'oad during that month.
nulk of tho owes a week ago sold right
around $6.60, while tho majority of tho
offerings at tho closo of this week sold
at tho oven niuncy, $7.00. Ah a matter of
net, so few wethers and yearlings wern
offered that thero wero not enough to
mako a market, though In sympathy with
ewes they would show about the same
Quotations on sheep and .lambs: Good
to choice Mexican lambs, $8.764r9.00; fair
to good Mexican lambs, SS.tWii8.T6; good
to choloe western lambs. $S.3.iiuS.63; fair
to good western lambs, $8.16518.35; feeder
lambs, $7,7tVR8.3."i; yearlings, light. $7.66(3)
7.76; yearlings, heavy, $7.2&H7.60; wethers,
good to choice. $7.1507.60; wethers, fair to
good, f.SSOT.ltl; ewes, good to choice,
$.7Slr7.O0; ewes, fair to good. t6.S086.7B;
culls and bucks, $3.0Gu4.Go.
, .
Cattle .Steady IIoks Open StronlC
ami Closo Weak.
ceipts. 200 head; market steady; beeves,
W.KOiu-y.20: Texus steers, $0.8007.00; west
em, $7.00fl8.1G; stockers and feeders,
$1.1W8.20; cows and heifers, $8.WS9.40;
calves. $0.75i0.25.
HOGS Receipts, 8,004 head; markot
bpencd strong to 6 cents higher, closed
weak, averugn it shadn higher;, built of
sales, $0.15(ff0.30; light. t.05'&ti.37V4; mixed,
$R.tti9.3J; heavy, $8.7BJ9l30; rough, $8.7iM
8.00; pigs. $7.00i5i9.25.
8HKUP AND LAMBS Recelptm 2,00)
liotid; market steady; native, $G.2&4T7.60;
western, $tf.30fl7.60; yenHlngs, $C.768.60!
nutlvo lambs, $fl.75(6J.2S;. western lambs,
Knnnn City Mvr Stock Mnrket.
Receipts, 300 head; no southerns; markot.
steady; dressed beef ami oxport steers,
$8.2:(8.80: fair to goo1, $7.50fS.2.r); western
strrs. $7.25tf8.60; stookern and foedors,
$6.75flS.25; .southorn Btcers. $6.b08.60;
southern cows, $4,603(7.23; native cows nnd
heifers, $1,2518.35; bulls, $G.xrW.r0; calves,
$0.50U9.60. . .
HOGS-Recelpts. 1.000 head; market
steady to Co higher! bulk of nulcs, $S.Mf
S.15; heavy. $8.90liD.OO; packers and but
chers. $S.fi0.15; .llghta, $0.Q0iiv.2O;,
SIH3EP AND LAMUSTtocclptB, 10,00-J
head; markot steady; Colorado lambs.
$S.O04i8.75; yearlings, $0.6QriW.60; wethers,
5.60u7.25; owes, $5.00(rjf6.!)0
Slniix City l.lvts 9toU Mnrknt.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Ajirfll 12.-CATTLK
Receipts, 300 head; mnlkct Btendyt na
tive HteerH, $7.6038.75; il)W8 and hclfers(
$6.6088.00; canner, 3StATirrt.00; Btockera
nnd feeders. $7iiO7.7B;V calves, $6.irf7ib0(
bulls, $3.J04rf.25. m , t
HOOS-Rccelpts. 2,800 bead; market
strong to Co hlghor; heavy, $8.R0$J8.K5;
mixed, $8.86Hi8,87H; llglit, $8.85J8.l)0; plgsi
t7.SMit7.K0! bulk nf aale 1. lS.82M(a8.87V4.
8HKBP AND LAJiIBS-Recolpts. 1,60(1
liuod: market Bteady:,
awes, $5.001110.00; lambs?
Httirnr Ml
N10W YORK. April
barely steady: mua
centrifugal, 3.3.Tfl'3.3tJci;
2.61c; refined, quiet
Key to tho Bltuatlod
wethers. $o.75Q.Ki
:ovrulo, 2,a2.S0c;
molasses, z.osyi
-Beo Ad
utli nnd, Sluson.
1 1 ,
Chlcniro, llock Islhiul t raclflo
T rijtnArt.
,.bl0: ma
..a- 4i4i m
.alilo pin
I. ft, St0& am
IDKera 4:17 pu
Chlcato Ixxal rauenxar....
CMcato Day Eipreaa.... J. 4
r.l. n.r... 1 .
itockr Mountain Uiulte
Dta MoIum Local l'aaa
colQ.a 1:05 am a 6:47 pm
,v (iui a 1 .vy pin
.. 4:01 pm
Cnlctto-Nabraak Llmllc
rki...A.fJal T.I ci. In L.1
A.(VlnnHn Rtfiralil
Oklahoma & Taxas Kiprfwi,.. 4:1 pn
mum pni
Arrive. pm
a 4:00 pm
1-40 pm
all:07 put
Ul:ll pm
1:00 am
all: JO am
a 3:67 am
llocky Mountain Llmluol
LI II 111 II PUClllO 4
...1 . I.lmllMl ........ L fl. 8:00 am
California Mall .....a 3:60 pm
Ailantla ISiprcts ,
rortland & 1'ugrt Bound KUp.,al3:0S am
1.. Ant.U. Umltcd i..,.att:M am
nanvar special a 7 :96 am
Colorado special v
n..l...,t KvRl-i.ll. ...... ....L.
i.HH.tuvi l.ltnltad. . . , A. . .a. fi:lft am
Din i , " " " 1
I'aclflo Uraited ..........J.. j11;S0 am
North Platte local. a Itl5 am
Grand lalanil uocai a:upm
!i .Aw.kKn, tcal... .. . .blllll nm
I.I...1U-H. Milwaukee .b St. luul
Paclflo Umltad X.a 7.(0 pm al!;15 am
Chlcaio Special w-.a 1:00 pm Ml in,
CalKornla Mall .a 4:00 pm
Chicago Daylight T5paelal.,A..a 7:40 am
Dcnyar-PortUnd 8pclal .,.r.a S:O0 pm
I'arry Local -..a :S0 am
niilfiiun Great Western
Twin City LtmlUd ......a 1:10 pm
l'arry local .a 4:30 am
Twin City. EPaa -.a 7:44 tn
r.hlcaio Exprwa... f. a 5:00 pm
Chicago 0; NorlhwcaHeru
Twin City Eipreaa r.a7:Uam
U.koU l'anger -M gJS
gioux air il ,..i.3pm
D.kou n?xp7.:.7...........:... 7:00 pm
rtn City iii-.-v.y.-L :M
a 1:00 am
.a 7:01 am
,a 7:40 am
.altilO pin
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.a :0J pm
.a 4:3S pm
.a t.w pm
- Kl nn.
.alt:lfi Dm all-in
!! !!?:
Twin City
Dnr BPcll
Carroll Ucl..
Ilawkaya EiP"a
Clilcago 1mI
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a 4:44 pm
a 4 41 ant
a 4:00 pm
all :00 nm
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a 4:41 pm
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b i.:o pm
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1 I'M m
all:4t pm
a 3 .34 pm
alO.00 tn
a 1 ::o .m
a 3:15 am
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t I li am
ii.tlnii-Suprior " -; e" iw pm
Dowqo.MIoI 9Prlnt ?V6f"m 3Pot
iSTr Landar.. t?:pm :00Bm
.AU.l?n-OakdaW b 1:30 pm b 1:33 pm
.. 1... .11
r..h. A: Bt. Lnula Exprai...a 4:30 pm
& Bt. l4Ow ipf mni
X 8t. Iuti Kipita....all:Upm
K. C
a t It am
all li pm
bio. 14 aw
a 7:00 am
a (.44 pm
a l:3 pm
IlurUuKtoti Stutlon Tenth &. Slnaon
Vtoyt Limited
nanver & California
Bound Bxpre
Unsoln Mall --.
iWf :::::
Lhr-rutt-xnautn .... .
Chicago .
Dner ; .
c-htcuso hxpr '11
chiv"? b1""":;;::
a 7:00 am
a 4-30 am
a 3.11 pm
a I is pm
a 4 10 pm
a 3-44 pm
all u pm
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4 10 pm
bio JO am
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a t:(0 am
3-44 pm
all to pm
a 1:15 pm
a 3:00 am
blt:oo am
11:30 am
a 4:40 am
a 4:10 pm
-Webster Station 15tlt and Webster
Chicago, St. Tanl, Minneapolis it
rwMrt, Arrlt..
Sioux City Kipwai b JflJ pto bll Majn
Twlu Oty 1'wMHf b 4:36 am 4 H pm
iloux City I'aaaeagar ..e 3:4 am
Emtraon Acomm4atloo o 4:00 pm b t.U am
Aitaaouri Tnolflo
Auburn Local b 3: pm b!0:5 am
daily. 3 daily axcept Sunday, 0 Sunday only.
,..a 4:10 am
..a 4:10 pm
..a 4.10 pm
..a 3:34 am
.a 4:10pm
.b 1:30 pm
..11:33 pm
..a 1:11 am
..b 3:04 pm
..a 7.34 pm
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..a 3:15 am
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..a 4:30 pm
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..a 4.35 pm
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..a 1:15 am
... A J .