The Dingbat Family- f ?A-PAH OfcrSfe., Owl SUREST THWS- VoU KAttuD AlOW PA-PAH ' I WAWT VoU TflT ZlUEtL VUARY; P VcxA fSIS H Ir HfcNB. A MOAIEWTSJ LARY"A4E GIRL. COMfe-) QUIT FAH.AI6 POO. AW'AAH'L. Pot T "TfMT U'4V f I CI U&WEfcsfc. U)rTH7 IftlOKr AJ, iES'SBS.' WITH TWAT FAKE. RHEUMATJ3M '( ill PAST Thfi. TSKE? LTu,..w 1 ffS TTCtt VT' lira w VouV SHE Takes it So -much To HeaSE) I &J.S bSt rhbumatis'm I B9 " Thorough-bred lkz.You T0 Jsh, ,'ts 7U6M (7 V - - ' Iff! ' i ' JTl "P ' f iaTmv dre.m we REAL ESTATK riTV property for male. NORRIS & .$300.00 OASH NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Strictly modern. Rood furnace, full Imscmont. lino oak floor throughout trie homo, screens, all walls nicely decorated. This houso ta attractive and well built, on paved utrcet. Price, 2,7S0j 125 jnunlh. SK500.00 OASH NEiW 5 BOOM BUNGALOW Oak finish nnd up-to-date: built-in booK. cbiips nnd bUffot. attlo, rult scream, all wallt nicely decorated! pavlnir imld. Lo cated at na Atnea Ave. Price, t3,00d. WANT OFJTER New. atrlotty mbdern, flnext oak flnth, large living; room with flroplaco, built-in bookcaaea, tMftm oclllnfr, vestibule, pan eled vyaJla In dlninir room, large kitchen and far ntry, full baaement, iitarantcod furnace, full ocreena and window ahaclra; thrta bfdrootoa and bath on aocond floor, oak flnlih upatalra nnd down, all wills nicer decorated; lot WxlM; paved atrcet. Located In Dundee. DUNDEE Juat completed, r tns south front, two. atory bomc rnpdprn In oycry dfltn)! LET US WRITE YOUR TORNADO AND FIRE INSURANCE, OUR COMPANIES ARE ALL OLD LINE COMPANIES WITH MANY MILLIONS ASSETS NORRIS & NORRIS 400 BEE BUILDING. Walking Distance $3,250 Good Terms Nine-room modern house; largo double parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor: S nice bed rooms and bath on sec ond floor; fron tand back stairway; nice perch In front extending around on the aide, lurco lot GOxltH ft.; good barn, which rents for $10 a month; eleven nat ural shad etreea. This house could not be built for .000. The lot la worth 1.2W. If you want a barsutn call Douglas 8307. Aniferican Security Company Formerly Slilmer & Chaso Co. Urandi-ls Theater UUg.. around Floor, 17th and Douglas Bta. Open Saturday evening until 9 o'clock. Open Saturday evening until 8 o'clock.' BOULEVARD BARGAIN EA&Y TERMS 3317 N. Mill (bouievat-d), C fine, large rooms, bath and sleeping porch; oak finish and floors; guaranteed furnuoo; open plumbing; combination lighting fix tures'; outside celtar entrance. This house faces Florence boulovard which has fine large maple trees on both sides for miles. Nonresident owner Is very anxlpus to sell and offers property for $S,ICQ on you own Urms. Open tor in ipectlon this afternoon. Payne & Slater Co. 61$ Omaha National Dank Dldg. $400 Cash Balance Monthly Buya a new C-room, all modern homo nt Zlil jason 8t. Larsa reception lull, living room ana dining room finished tu ak, kitchen In hard pine; maple floors. Three good bedrooms and bathroom with U!e4 floor ui: finished In pine: white enameled. Sleeping porch xli Space In Atic for another room. Full basement. with laundry elnk, furiutou. etc. Cement walk? Ir, j'tttxi tn bo eooded. rrico linini-dlHtj lHassston. Th Byron Reed Co, Tel. Doug. 2S7. :iJ S. 47tU. Here's a Trade Lis 9-room house, located just off of icth ana caiirornis. ms., . ngnt in ttie hnart ,of tne business dlvtrlct; bouso and barn will rtnt for 170 per month. Owner going to California and very anxious to wn or irauo. j'roperty an clear. O'NEIL'S r7 E. & INS. AGENCY 1505 FARNAM STREET Tol Tyler 1034. las Farnam 8t. $100 Cash $30 Mo. Strictly Modern A 6-room cottage. Up-to-date In everv respect Nicely arranged. Oak floora in every room. Stolrwny to attic Full ce- ujeni putmtni. on soutn tront lot. Cemnt walks. Near car and school. AatEIUCAN 8ECUniTy COM PAN V. ' Former Stilmor & Chase Co. Doecl&a S687. Brnndeis Theater Illdg. Ground floor 17th and nnnrla. Bta Open Baturtay Evenings Until ' o'clock. Field Club District i -rooms, full 7 modern, nak trim. aind Woolworth Ave. Price, J6.S60: .0 caeb. This is on of the beat homa In this district. JV. PABNAM surra & CO., 1064 Farnam Street 8 UK BT. J IU3AL- E8TATI3 city property for salts. NORRIS Horn cthl mi vtry much better than uaual Ask ti to show I'ou this, l'rlce, K,W), FIELDCBEST In Field Club district between Rtd end 5ttt Rtrct3 ana Lincoln Ave. and lltck ry atroat. ' LOTS 50x132 PBICE $1,200 TO 51,700 nnd Includes water, newer, walks, build ing restrictions, etc. EAfeY TERMS These lots nra rapidly lnoreunlnn in value. If you want a lot In this claesy tract, see us at onco. BARGAINS IN LOTS In Norwood, Newton nnd other additions, ON WEST PAltNAM UUNDKI3 MxlW, north or south fronts. All Im provements In. Price, (1.200. KEEP WATCH FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF P ARK W O.O.D KUADV HOQN, .the latest, tho olasHlest the RTontost 'opportunity for Investment that win do oiroroa mis year. PHONE DOUGLAS 4270. Have You Been looking for this home. House ls a 6 room, all modern bungalow on a WxlM fcx (note tho slao) south front lot; liv ing room and dining room finished in oak, balance, of houso finished In birch and hard plno; oak floors throughout; all rooms largo; also flno attlo and ce mented bnsement; laundry tubs tn base ment. Tho number is 2226 Ogden St. And Ogden strcot is n new street of new homes, between 21th Ht. nnd the boulevard. The location Is Ideal and is convenient to schools, stores, churches and tho best car service In the city. The ownor Is making a low price ot $3,320.00 For ntiiok solb. nji he la coin if tobul Id build a larger house. You will find 11 hard to equal this buy under J3.7H). Ulmrles W. Martin Co. 1018 Omaha National Dank Dldg. $4,750, Field Club District . This Is an 8-room, 2-story, modern squuro house, recently papered and Painted throughout; first floor hns largo reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen; 4 bedrooms and bath, sec ond floor; Btalrwny to attic; furnace heat; east front lot, WxlXi fret, on one ot the best streets in the Field Club dU trlct, surrounded by expensive houses. This la a snap. Investigate at once. George & Company Phona D. 7C6. 908-13 City. Nat. Bk. Bldg. A. P. Tukey & Son 5th and Woolworth At 405 Woolworth Ave. We ore going to soli un vlght-room. nil modern house, With, hot water heat, pt the right price and on the right terms. The property Is in good condition and conveniently located for some family who wishes to be within walking distance ot the whole sale district, warehouses and freight houses. Will require but a small cash payment, balance monthly like rent. A, P, Tukey & Son 441-42 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone D 21IL $500 $500 South Side Home 1UQ 8. SCth Ave., six largo rooms, bath and sleeping porch; strictly modern; oak finish; brand new. Price. $1,300; $00 cash, balance easy. Payno & Slater Co. 16 Omaha National Bunk Bldg, $500 $500 Special Bargains 7-room, modern house "with beautiful hardwood finish conservatory, mantel und grnto and every convenience; large lot, on paved street and boulevard. 3 blocks from car line. Trice $5,000. nils property Is rented, but possession can be idyen In 30 days It desired. J. H. Dumont & Son Phone Douglas 630. 1603 Farnam Ht Flat Location ..'Walking distance of Burlington nnd Union stations, convenient to wholesale district, surrounded by beautiful hornets n j urn ruicii auoiuon I'nee only i w. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., HM Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1051. CHOICE comer lot In DumiT iTnTiT streets paved and paid for, must on kola at one-; II OM takes It 108 MoOaj:ue Bid . Douglas U33. mjHtm - And Just as the Old Man I I I . ltKAIi BSTATI3 CITY PllOPIlllTY I'OIl .HAI.K. $4,975 Buys This House 32d and Harney A splendid home, nearly new nnd thor oughly modern; mIx rooms and reception hall: nicely decorated throughout. Oak finish first floor. House too InrKe for present owner. Immediate possession, The Byron Reed Co. Tel. Douglas 297. 212 8, 17th. Field Club Specials $5,000 Now six rooms und Bleeping porch; finished tn oak and birch with oak and mnple floors. Large rooms; largo lot, 53x125. 5,"50-35th St. near Woolworth; eight rooms practically now, oak floors and birch woodwork, brick flre . place, hot water heat. Lot 56x117. $7,660 35th avenue near Woolworth; nine rooms; nearly new and .In npple pie ordor; unusually large airy rooms; finest of quarter sawed oak fin ish; convenient basement nnd large atilc. Knnt front Int. 4x123. $12,000 On Boulevard near Voppleton Ave. -inno lurgo rooms wun commouious closets. A marvel of convenience and comfort. One of tho best built nnd best finished houses In the district ..Quarter Bawed oak first floor., Whlto enamel above. Two . artlstlo flro places. Lot GOxll7; gar age and cement driveway. 8ce us for further purtloulurs. Armstrong"-Walsh Co. Tyler 163$. 2)0-12-11 State Dank Illdg. $100 Down $16 a Month Buys Brand new four-room bungalow. One block from carllne and school. City water, electric light and full cemented bueement Only $1,600. Reed Brothers 20(5 BHANDEIB TlIfeATEH BLDO. Price Reducee For One Week Only S20S S. lid SL. 7 rooms. Btrlctlv modern. about two years old. This Is a full 2- story house with 3 rooms and hiui on tne first floor finished In oak. with four bod rooms and butli on tho 2d floor, finished in maple ana pine. i'uu uasemnnt, nicety cemented: best of furnace heat. Located on ouBt front lot, convenient to two dif ferent car lluoa: centrally located be tween Omaha and South Omaha. Can arrange terms, The Price Is U.U75 this wck only, therefore if you want a bar gain either go direct to the house or call us up und. wo will be glad to show yott this property. Owner must s'cll thin week It possiDie. HASTINGS & llBYDBN, 1614 Harney 6U $500 $500 West Farnam itA Douglas St., six large rooms, bath and sleeping porch: strictly modern; oak finish; brand new. Price, $4,300; $500 cash, balance easy. Payno &' Slater Co. CIO Omaha National Bank Bldg. $500 $500 Benson Bargain o-room bungalow, bearing fruit tree. splendid shade treea, 4 large lots, nearly .ua ui an unre, on oiock irom car line. i-nce, wu casn, balance to suit purchaser. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., is ramam SU Tel. Dqug. 1064. DUNDEE HOME Largo living room, dining room fin ished in oak, and kitchen on first floor; four bed rnomi In t.lrrh n. floor, finished in btrwh; large tot; nne luvuiion, near win anq unaerwood Ave Price. $ BEMIS-OARLBER Q CO. 810-312 Branded Th,8Bter Bldg. OWNEBS' SACIHFICE. Large 7-room, oak finished home In Kountse place. Price has been reduced or quicK waie 10 j.iu. win ten on ternifc. j er r- y utiusiw at oUri, 34i Brundcls Theater Tyler llil BENSON HOME P-r , all mod T. on oar line, cheao. tjiv terms, small payment 103 Ualn or K4 W. 1 1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL Had Reformed, Too coM m Nnt,onM k As,n- Drawn for The Bee by Herriman KEAIi ESTATK CITY rilOPEUTY POIl SALE. Sholes' Bargains 81 1 Dodge St, the home of the late Wm. Glaus. This house Is colntf to be sold at once and can bo bought at a vory good price. Tho arrange ment is ideal, nnd the hotien la beautifully decorated throughout; four large bedrooms and bath on second tloor, with two finished rooms on third. An Ideal houso In every way, situated on a beautiful largo lot, with 75-foot front Don't fall to give this your consideration. $302 Harney St; beautiful modern home, southeast exposure, 9 rooms, con veniently arranged and very nicely decorated. Owner Is deslroua of selling at this time nnd has made u price of $7,600 for quick sale. Lot 60x100 feet 1930 S. 32d Ave., a beautiful corner lot, fronting Hanscom PAtk; S nlco rooms with sun parlor and sleep ing porch, besides a dlntng room that cannot be beaten any place In tho city. This rpom has built-in buffet and china cabinets, beam celling, and Is a beauty. To ap preciate tho house you should look tnroiiRh It. owner leaving tho cltv nnd willing to sell right If sold within a short time. FIELD CLUB $7,350 A beautiful 8-room houso on 33th ot. inia nouso is oak nnisiied and tho nrmngemont la right Houso faces east and location Is Ideal. If Interested in this district don't fall to call us on this one. 824 S. mh St., corner lot, 60x120 feet; oeautltul new home, onk finish downstairs; has 3 bedrooms und buth on second floor. Owner lust moved in and tvas transferred to Pacific coast; Is willing to sell out at a bargain. 403 N. 31st St. A SNAP We want nn offer on this. Out-of-town owner says sell; 6 large rooms, oak fin ish downstairs, birch up. Some body s going tq get a big bargain In this house. DUNDEE 4S03 Douglas St, n dandy 8-room, hot water neatea nouso; arrangement Ideal; oak finish downstairs, birch nnd moplo up; 4 largo bedrooms nnd sleeping porch on second floor; third floor finished. Owner leaving city liny 1. Must bo Bold before that time. 4901 Dodgo St.; corner lot, 0xl2S feet, a very well built Croom, modern bungalow: one bedroom witlf toilet nnd lavatory on first floor; two bedrooms and bath on second floor. Paving paid. We wnnt nn offer on this place. GET BUSY. 6116 Webster Bt.J nn excellent, well built stucco nouso, stucco lain on noi low tile walls, tho only way to put on this finish. House is beautifully finished and very conveniently ar ranged. Owner was compelled to leave city and house can be bought at $5,350 for n very few days. Don't full to see this. 4K01 Capitol Ave., 60x128 feet House Is tn very tine condition ana enn be bought right: Don't full to look It over. WE WANT AN OFFHB. Tho nbove houses sire only a very wmall portion of our Dundee list, nnd we are able and glad to show you nnd help you find Just what you want If It Is In Dun dee wo have It listed. Call on us. NORTH SIDE 2693 Evans St., a fine, exceedingly well ouiii, nouse, win sleeping porch; fully modern; house Just decorated and In cxcellont condi tion. Special reason for felling. $800 cash, balance $60 per month. This la A SNAP. VACANT BARGAINS $3,350-04x160 feet, northeast cornor S5th and Poppleton Ave., paving paid; room for 3 houses; biggest snap lh Field Club. Don't let it get away. $2,360-132x140 feet, JJust north of paved street on n. lotti tit A snap If there ever was one. Call on us. INVES'PMENT $12,600 Income $1,453; four close-In, well located o-room oricK nuts; ruuy modern. Sum renters. Take (6,000 or 7,000 In clear unimproved In trade, balanco cash or mortgage, $13,000 Good close-in brick flats; Income $1,200. Want choice acres or coun try place up to $8,000. Wost Dodge or Florence district preferred. D. V. Sholes Co. 1$ City National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 49. Kountze Place Home, $500 Down Look today at 1609 Evans street A beautiful house of 6 large, airy rooms nnd sleeping porch, strictly modern; oak floor and finish; fine open plumbing; guaranteed heating plant; full basement Price $4,000, $600 down, balance monthly. A beauty, nnd a bargain. Open for In lection tills p. m. Payne & Slater Co. 618 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg". CottageBargain & rooms, lot SoxlSS feet, gas, city water, sink connected with sewer. Trice, liw, I HO cash, balance 120 ner month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., l$tt rarciua Tel. Doug. 1064. 13, 1913. REAL ESTATE. CITY PnOPBIlTY FOIt SAI.B. Read This List ML.- ...... I . . . . .1 .- . . .ifieu Betj or iuiujiiune us itiuiiuuy iui full particulars and inspection ot uny of llinm That. .V. not ha daM ennn fnti lift bought on easy terms. ii.wju jurana new, nniy mree-rooni uuhb- UlOW; KOOU lOl, CniVKUU iiuudg ni.u nartf rtaaf. Aim nnA ClratiA A V P. $2,600 Good' five-room cottage, modern nvur win unit viiiu oio. $3,000 Brand new, five-room strictly mod ern DunKinow; oiik iiiubii, , nuo attlo and basement; near 35th and r milium. $3,7Ti0-Benutlful six-room, entirely mod ern ounguiow, navuiK ueu, i" dining room and kitchen on first floor, two bedrooms nnd bathroom upstnlrs; paved street; choice Jocn- . 1 . (VI .1 .. .. .1 1?n,nlAn A . . 1 11UI1. UVtM U .V11U' . U I J 1 . - ' V.. $3,760 Very complete cottage, Just fln- isnea up recently , uvc i uumo miu recoptlon hall; oak flnlBh; full 'jaso ment; paved street; paving paid; on Spruce St. east of Sherman Ave. . $4,000 New C-room nnd reception hall, square bouse; finely decorated throughout; oak finish; atllctly modern; corner lot; both streets paved, paving paid. Sherman Ave. tuiu linn rfx . $4,600 Extra fine new bungalow of six rooms unu nieeyuis iiwit oelllnga. paneled walls, plato rail; oak flRleh; nil rooms gootl hl-e. In Hanscom Park district two blocks, north of Park. SCOTT & HILL Douglas 1000. 307 McCague Bldg. Brick Flats Price $10,500 Rents $1,260 Three-apartment flat, located on 24th St., cornor, near Farnam. with every prospect for substantial Increase in value. Flats always rented and paying hand some returns oh Investment required. $5,600 loan at 6Vi per cent,:, balance re quired cash. Now Is Uie time to buy. Glover & Spain 1219-22 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 'Doug. 8963. Two Fine Homes Near Hanscom Park Priced Right Wo huVe JUst listed two beautiful, mod ern homes, whloh can be sold at prices less than cost. Both were built by day labor and tho best of materials were used. 2302 So. 31st St has 7 rooms and bath; first floor has large living room, den, oxtra large dining room, all finished In oak; roomy kitchen, pantry and vesti bule for Ice box; second, floor has three nice, light and airy bedrooms and bath; full basement partitioned off for fruit. Ooal bin und laundry; corner lot, east front, high and Blghtly: room to build smalt house on, or an automobile garage In rear. Price $4,600, $2,000 cash, balance monthly. 2309 Ho. 32d St (boulevard), fine mod ern home, built on broad lines, being about 28x40 on tho foundation. Has re ception hall, parlor, pantry and vesti bule for ice box; four good sized bed rooms finished In oak, bath and sleeping porch on second floor; large floored at tic; largo full basement with laundry sink und closet; hot water heat With ample radiation; full lot; a Very desir able location, high and sightly. Price $6,700. Don't fall to bco this. Immediate possession. PAYNE & S LATER COMPANY. Sole Agents. 616 Omaha No.fl Bank Bldg. 29th and Hamilton $3,750 1823 N. 29th St.. rooms and bath, strictly modern, full 2-alory square house, situated on a nlco coiner lot. Nearly ull of paving paid oil both slues. This house Is about two years old, extra well constructed; was Just outside of the tor nado path; Is convenient to Hurney and Cuming car lines. Can De had on terms ot $600 In cash und balance like rent Let Us show you this home as it Is a bar gain and possession can be had at once. 1LA5TUSU3 & HBXDEN,' 1614 Harney St To Tornado Victims A party who is building a home, which will be completed In 30 days, will sell it and take as part payment a damaged bouse or vacant lot. The house Is IwxJS fti built of pressed brick, has all modem conveniences, .five rooms finished beiow, 2d story floored and room to finish thros bedrooms, full consented basement; full lot Price, $3,600; mortgage. $2,100 can be n.ifcuinoo. J, H. Dumont & Son Phone Doug. 690. 1603 Farnam St 2 Cottages on Cor. North side, one street paved, paving JJM1U. 1 6-r. house p on one floor. 1 7-r. house, 6-r down and 3-r, up. Room for three houses. Water and sas. Rentals $300 yearly. $900 cash, balance monthly, 6 per cent O'Keefe Real Estato Co. 1016 Omaha. Nat. Doug. 271$ Evenings: IL S38. or H. S134. MUST SELL Modern eight-room house, bot water neat, open piummng, range, ras neater; leaving city; no reasonable offer refused. ItUQ North 29th Bt Phone "VV'eb. 6136. ON EASY TERMS Homes win rake your vacant lot as frt payment or will build for yoJ. PAYNE SLATER CO.. 61S Oral Nat WE WILL buy four wrecked houses. and Day an it is wortn. give street num ber ot house and where you can be seen. Trester Wrecking & Salvadge. Co., Ctr paxtoa Hotel, IlEAIi ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Eundee Brick and Stucco One of the most attractive, best built and best planned homes In Dundee; 9 rooms In all, finished with quarter-eawed oak, beam celling In dining room and large living room; old fashlned fireplace built of brown stone; sun room, brcak fuBt room and complete kitchen; four fine bedrooms finished In white enamel; tile bathroom and large sleeping porch; house finely decorated throughout Tile price Is -$7,000. and the paving taxer are all paid. $3,000 cash required. If you want a good home, Investigate this. Glover & Spain 1219-22 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 39G3. EASY TERMS $250.00 Cash balance $25 per month. New, modern 6-room bungalow Price, $2,700. $300.00 Cash balanco easy monthly payments. Now, modern, 5 'rooms, oak finish. Price. $3,000. $500.00 Cash Balance easy monthly payments. New 7-room house, oak finish, sun parlor, outside sleeping room. Very attractive. Price, $3,900. We also have' others. Seo us at once. BENSON & CARMICHAEL- Phone Douglas 1722. 642 Paxton Block. West Farnam Residence Ready for Occupancy This house can be bought by a small payment down and the balance monthly. Why pay rent and own nothlng7 .The first floor of this 7-room house la fin ished tn oak with selected oak floors; the second floor, natural pine finish shade trees. For full particulars, call or ad dress. George & Company 902-12 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 76G. $5,000 Will Buy six-apartment, frame flat five and six rooms each, modern except heat renting for $1,080 pur year. Lot 66x140 ft Handy to South Omaha. Has to be sold to set tlo an estate. Half cash, balance, 5V4 per cent If you are looking for good Income. here Is one. Located on South 16th St. $4,600 will buy two 8-room houses, five blocks north of the postoffice; paving all paid and renting for $73 per month. $2,600 cash will handle. $3,000 will buy an 8-room, brick house, modern except heat; and also a 3-room, frame cottage on South 17th hear Castel lnr. $1,000 cash and balance long time. Brings big rent J. B. 442 Bee Bldg. J. B. Robinson Phone Doug. 8097. OWNER MUST SELL Modern 6-room house, east front block from car, fine neighborhood, largo living room, oak finish, extra good furnace, nice cemented walks. If sold before April 25th will take $300 cash, balance monthly. price ss.wo. call me at once, uwner, Web. 7630. Creighton's 1st 2328 So. 32d Ave. We want an offer this week for this house. Owing to elcknesa owner must sell at onee, and will consider a fair offer; 8 rooms, fully modern; oak finish and nicely decorated: well built In every particular; full east front lot, good barn. Property haa cost him $6.T00. what will you glvet Glover &.Spam 1219-23 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 39SX 29th and Poppeltpn Avenue -r., oil inwcrn, jiavea street perma nent sidewalk; owner intends leaving the city. Price, $2,800. Let us flguro with you. Birkett & Company 423 Bee Building. Douglas 4754. BARGAIN $1,700.00 FOR QUICK SALE 1706 Ontario St 6 rooms. FULL LOT. $300 caah. Balance like rent Telephone owner, w easier tin. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS. Indexed, free at our office: t stamps by mall Chas. E. Williamson Co.. Real Estt Insurance, care of property. Omaha. Also umina uca uook. veil socket aUc REAli ESTATE CITY PROPERTY- FOR SALE. FOR SALE New All Modern Home CLIFTON HILL . Paved street full corner lot cement wulks. 8 rooms, oak finish on first floor! re ception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen! butler's pantry on first floor. 4 bedrooms with closets; linen oloset and bath room 6n 2d floor. Full cement base ment, laundry with stationary tuba; duBt less coal bin and separate fruit and vege table cellars. Will make reasonable term. Call owner, Webster 2395. Close in Investment New Brick Flats Renting for $1,260 Price $10;500 Corner lot 3 aDartmenta: ImMwuM fin ish; separate furnace; mortgage $5,600; five years, 6 per cent; only $8,000 cash re quired; net Income on equity IS per centi best Uuy lh Omaha, This price has been refused for the property In the last six; months. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. 2HMS-14 State Bank Bldg. BUNGALOW $2,700.00 $250.00 Cash, Balance Monthly New, modern, 6-room bumgalow, close to car. In fast Improving neighborhood. Cement IVAlkfl! AVnrvthlno- m.mM.1. . T must sell thla property before April 28th. ui uiQ ui once, owner, wcd. vtxw." Nifty Houses Corner Lot Easy Terms ISIS Laird . St, 6 rooms, all modern, only two years old, beautifully decorated throughout and newly painted outside. Screens, storm sash and $35; thermostadt goes with this house; oak finish on 1st floor, fine corner lot, $3,600 on very easy terms. Open this p. m. for your Inspec tion. Payne & Slater Co. 616 OmahaTNatlonal Bank. West Farnam We Want an -Offer Ten rooms, hot water heat, tllo bath; -walls canvassed and decorated; 6 bed rooms; every convenience; soutn ana east xront corner lot; laeai locauon, warm $12,500, but owner going to leave city and will make the price right Glover & Spain 1219-22 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 3063. West Farnam Good 7-rdotn house, all modern: nearly new, 3560 Jones. Call owner. H 8101. REAXi ESTATE FARM A BANUH LANDS FOR SALE. Arlfwnaws. FARM FOR SALE 160 acres of second Red River bottom land; 80 acres cleared and balance In timber; price 31160 per acre. For further Information, writo Bouthern Realty & Trust Co., Aahdown, Ark. CnltforaJa. CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and 3d TueB. W. T. Smith Co. S15 City Nat Bk. CALIFORNIA Irrigated land; no cy olonea or high wind; fruit vines or al falfa; an acre keeps a cow; easy terms. Illustrated book free. C. C Pease, 021 A CAIJPORNIA hnmn In lh. a rnento Valley; 10 acres for fruit, vines and poultry; only $400; easy terms; close to railroad and markets. Goaa Realty Co.. Sheridan. Cal. y FOR SALE on eaay terms attractive anil farm nn T TIIhM c .mento alley. E. B. Woolf, Rector Bldg.. fkl.BM Til Canada. GET your Canadian home from the Canadian Pacific; one-twentieth down, balance In 13 equal annual payments: loan up to $3,000 to improve your farm, can be paid off In 20 years; 6 par cent Interest; good, rich land In Western Canada for every kind of farming, from $11 to $30 ah acre. This offer only to farmers or men who wtll actually occupy or improve the land. We supply beat live stock at actual cost give you tho benefit of expert work on our demon stration farms, equip you with a ready made farm preparod by our agricultural experts If you don't want to wait for a crop. All these lands on or near rail ways, near established towns. Free booklets on Manitoba. Alberta or Saa katchewan. Address F. R. Thornton, Colonisation Agent 112 West Adams StT Chicago. Colorado. SEND us your name and address and wwJ """V? yLu a iuUfuJ booklet tell- nKton county, Co-,