Polly and Her !, TZ : 1 iw -tSebe V'me4uT Tell me did M4, ', ' P PI lSi 2WVfcuBE4Y rE1d,w'5 THE FtoOR. SiMP JH&SAlD. L Comfoumd rrl flH J4 book jiw he hmdTMe nerve TcuT ITOUt'J A A V ' ' OIWY YouGLS HH WMT LILT CuED. SOME- To IMTEFERt J JuSI UkETllAT! , LL " " , ITl jf R4fT,W' Sb MUCH H 1 V-1 I y ' ORDERS ? VMjj y ' ' ASJ h OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. FOR SALE-GUstn'v Stlcktey dining room furniture. 100 feet new wire fenc ing, portable screen house, Weber piano, cheap. Address D 151. Bee. BEAUTIFUL muhogany cheap. Phone Hurney 2539. furniture FOR SALE Monitor range, bookcase desk, music cabinet, mirror, table and rockers. 1SU No. 22d St. 'Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months. $5. CENTRAL, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE . Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. J125.119 N lotli GENUINE" BARGAINS INNEW AND BLIGHTIiY USED PIANOS. $650 player piano new. $400; Bllghtly used $600 UprlKht. $300; $150 Uprv'ht. $250: $350 Upright, $183; $325 Upright, 17C; $300 Upright, $125. G. II. HARR PIANO CO., Third Floor, Boston Store. Miscellaneous. SAFES 2-hand. American Supply Co. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzle Pt'g Co.. 1117 Harney. D. 2644. FOR SAIiE CHEAP Antique mahog ony four-poster bed; Inquire Geo. Klein, 44 Main St, Council Bluffs. AD OFFERED FOR SALE FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-403 South 10th St. EMPTY ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing company, 17th and Farnam streets. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrlgeru' tors, grocers' display counters. Ice ma chines. The Unltod Line. 1117 Farnam. SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. Derlght Co., 1818 Farnam St. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levey. 2510 N., South Omaha. Kindling. $4. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking BOOKKEEPER'S roll-top cabinet. Web. 878. REVELATION China Kiln cheap. Phone Harney 2539. WOMEN The most Interesting book about American women. Send today 25c for a copy to Home Magazine, East Mo llne, III. DANCE the tango, Boston, waltz or twostep. Complete Instructions showing steps and positions for any one, twenty five cents. The James System, Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE Two pieces of plate glass, 4 ft. 10 In. long by 22 In. wide. Call 114 S. 37th St. Phone Harney 4817. LAWYERS, DOCTORS and PREACH ERS, by Geo. H. Bruce, A. M., L. B. The modern classic of humor. Universally praised. Delightfully interesting. Send for circular. Irvington Pub. Co., New York. FOR SALE Modern Iceless soda foun tain and back bar with glassware and supplies. A bargain. Address Y 11C, Bee. "WILL sell pocket J'rcmo camera for $20. Just purchased for $27.50. Harney 4430. BARGAINS One laundry wagon; or.q spring wagon. Address J 194, care Beo. ALL kinds household furniture, carpets, tutensils. etc 2416 Hamilton St. Phone Web. 978. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company. Clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers of Old' Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators and brooders: cataloguo free. EGGS For Hatching' From thoroughbred R. C. Rhode Island Reels; vigorous hardy stock; great layers; country range: $1 for 15: $5 per 100. A. H. Baker, Benson Neb. R. F. D. No. 2. Tel. Benson 747-W. ROSE-COMB Rhode Island Red ezgs for hatching from the finest laying show birds, trap nested, $2 for fifteen. Tele phone Benson 323. W. F. S. King. Ben von. -Veb. Letters answered. S. C. White Leghorn eggs Florence 21S THOROUGHBRED Barred Plymouth Itock eggs for hatching. Webster 3701. BUFF Orpington eggs, and broody hen. Webster 1926. ""DARK, rich red R. C. Reds, Sibley strain: eggs, $1.25 for 15; $2, 30; $3. 50; $3.50, 100; utility. $4, loo. Nora Lutaoye, North Topeka, Kan., R. 16. BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs from our champion exhtbttlon and heavy err laying strains. $1.50 for 15, or $S per 100. Send for mating list describing special mating. Ahlqulst Bros., Box C. Amu Ave. Station, Omaha. Phone Florence 104. WHITE Wyandotte eggs for hatching, 15th and Jackson, South 3399. EGO MACHINES. Indian Runner ducks lay more eggs than ANY hens. My white egg strain pro duces large white delicious eating eggs. Ducks do not have cholera, roup, gapes, nor lice. Limited number of settings at $1.50 for 13. Phone Benson 403. Write O. M. Welsh. Cherrycroft, Benson. Neb. THOROUGHBRED S. C. brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. Golden, Florence 287. MR. POULTRYMAN, Just the place you have been looking for; fine location for poultry plant; $20 down and $10 per month buys this 10-acre tract. See us it once. The Vogel Realty Agency, 1007 W. OW. Bldg. WHITE Wyandotte eggs for hatching, 15th and Jackson St. South Omaha, South 3S99. PERSONAL Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D. 863. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast ptf clothing: In fact, anything you do not heed. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the vorthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and Kagon will call. f A SKA (TIT. 8wedlsh movement. 41J 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmac. 12th and Dodge. MANICURING, face, scalp and mag vototreatment Mlsa Debar. 204 S. 19th. MASSAGE MRS, niTTENHOUSE. 308 Boston Store. Evend Sun. appolnt's. GET L. E. Lovejoy to repair your sew r machine. 2303 No. 21st St. Web. 6M. Pals And pa Gets PERSONAL- YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and S Marys Avt where they will be directed to suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. MAGNETIC lnton E. Brott, D-7803. MASSAGE, salt glow. Mmo. Allen of Chicago. 100 S. 17th St. DnuKlas 7665. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. LOOT subscriptions to the L. H. Journal $1.50; 3. E. Post. $1.60, and Country Gen tleman, $1.60. will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Pension Ass'n. which will Insure myself ami fifteen other sufferers $10 a month each. Must havo 287 In April. Your renewal worth 50 cents. DON'T WITHOLD IT. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha Neb'. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA cured for one dollar or money returned. SO-day free trial. Reference, Metropoli tan Bank & Trust Co. Particulars, ad dress J. O. MIddleton & Co., 429 Caronde let. New Orleans, La. VIRGIN snow Is not whiter than "Snow girl" will make your complexion; dis colored, yellow, sallow skin, blotches, tan, etc., vantRh over night. Particulars free. Write INTER-OCEAN PARCEL POST CO., Dept. S. Indianapolis, Ind. . LEARN PIANO BY EAR IN A WJ3EK. Write F. W. Little. 132 46th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. EVERY woman prizes clear, good com plexion and to Introduce a harmless and most perfect toilet preparation, a special offer will be made. For full, free par ticulars address, Miss E. Case, 202 W. 78th St., New York City, N. Y. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts, and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed.. Miss Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. VELVO. The complexion beautTfler; takes away the wrinkles and gives you the appearance of youth. Particulars free. Mrs. Harlan, Box 567. Altus, Okla. FACES are mirrors reflecting the work of time. Ladles may retain that youthful, refreshing appearance that charm of womanhood, by using Orocl, tho new secret preparation for removing facial lines (crow's feet and wrinkles). Orocl is not a mask nor plaster process, but soothing and delightful. Send postal for particulars. Orocl Company, Dept. 2, Box 99, Long Beach, Cal. NATURE'S OXYGEN will make you well, perfectly qtrong and happy. No exercise or drugs. My treatment based on natural law. Send CO cents to Prof. A. B. Dvorak, P. O. Box EE, Omaha, Neb. Massage. Mrs. Steele. 1807 Farnam, 3d fl. E. BELLE, Swedish massage; modern, drugless treatments. 703 S. ICth St. Apt. B. REAL ESTATE LOANS. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F, D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS on farms and Improved clly property, E, SVi and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam St. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith. & Co.. 1320 Farnam St GABVINBEOS.,iSH: MONEY To loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. W. H. THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros 6 P1TV TY1AWS rtamla.r'farlhorv C'lk 0 310-312 Brande'ls Theater Bldg. MONEY on hand at lowest rates, for loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. H. W. BINDER, 823 City Nat Bank Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. WOULD like to buy a five or six-room house to be moved on a lot. One in the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. BEST prices for furniture. Call D. 7802. D. S0C5. Quick buyers of furniture. WANTED to buy'a strictly first class rooming house or European hotel. Must be close in at a bargain. Address L 192, Bee. OLD MONEY WANTED $8 paid for certain 1853 quarters; $100 for certain 1853 half, etc, Numerous valuable coins in circulation. Get posted. Send stamp for large Illustrated coin circular. Numls matio Bank, Dept 10, Ft. Worth, Tex. Small house to move. Address A 154, Uee. LOTS and houses not beyond rebuilding in tornado belt Will accept on account of a new house. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished house or apart ment during May, June and July; refer ences exchanged. Address, Omaha Bee, WE HAVE TENANTS. Want good houses or flats. See us today. Reg. commission. D. R. BUCK & SON. 912 Omaha Nat'l Bank. D. 5226. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 6 TO 8 ACRES, rich, black garden xn'.l, near Carter park and lake, with 2-rocmi house, wen. etc; line lor pigs, cnicKdnn, etc. Also 2 acres near North 16th St., In bottom, flowing water. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a buyer for your houke call Osborne Realty Co. Phon Iiouglas 1474. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS for houses and lot. It PRICK 18 RIGHT. NORTH SIDE PREFERRED. 11. r HirnK A RON. 912 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 522. WANTED REAL ESTATE. We want a few more listings on small homes well located that can be sold on easy payments. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam Bt Tel Doug. 1064. the Broom SALE OK EXCHANGE It. L Improved Farm Half suction und SO acres; south central Nebiaska; lair improvements. Price $16,000. Want to tmdo this for town prop erly. No ugentH. Address mei to Post oftlce Box No. 63a. Omaha, Neb. CYCLONES CAN WRECK CITY PROPERTY, but they can't wreck land. We have land for city property. , PALMER LAND CO.. HOC W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE good farms to exchange for resi dence' and Income property, owners see us. J. A. Olson. 601 City' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. TRADE if you can't sell. W. S. Frank. 1025 City Nat. Bank. (600-A) Square soctlon, flnost farm in Burleigh county, 'North Dakotu. All till ablo except small creek of never foiling water. Some natural timber. Fair house, barn, granary, well, etc. 340 ucres In cul tivation. RentB for i. Paid over $3 jkt aero 1912. Prtco only $50. A fine farm, only 2A miles from Menoken, a live town. Would consider some trade in N. E. Neb. Hero is a grand opportunity for someone. (500-B) lCO-acro farm, 6 miles southwest of Hecla, S. D., Brown county. Every foot finest of tillable land. Good house, barn, granary and other outbuildings. 130 acres corn nnd wheat, 7 acres meadow, balance pasture. H4 miles to German Lutheran church. This is In German set tlement. Price $60; $3,000 cash, balanco optional. This Is a bargain. (2434) 1,610 acres of finest hay land at $20 per acre; 12 miles from Wood Lake, Neb. This 1b hlgly Improved, 'Has house, 28x40, two-story i Ice house with cold stor age: poultry house, granary, bunk house, cattle barn 20x3(8. Fine water cystem; 13 miles fence; other buildings. Will cut over 1,000 tons. Will carry 800 head. School section and leased lands thrown In. This Is positively the best ranch of its slzo In the state. Easy terms, but for sale for cash. (253G) 1,500-acrc ranch, Cherry county: 6 miles S. W. of Crookston. Neb. SCO acres deeded, 640 acres school land. Good set improvements, orchards,' Iota of good alfalfa land; 70 acres cultivated. Price $17.50 for deeded land, school leuse free. Clear of incumbrance. Will trade for 1C0 ncro farm, If good one and priced right. (2581) 1,280 acres of farm land, seven miles from Hershey, Lincoln . county, Neb., . Has good house, barn, cow shed, granary; buildings all new. Land lays fine; good soli. .One of the- best large farms in that section: 130 acres In culti vation; all can be farmed. IMce $35. Will take nearly all in trade. Would like some cash. This is attractive. J. A. ABBOTT & CO.. 604-7 City Nnt1 Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. THREE double 6-room, modern flats; fine condition; all rented; walking dis tance. Good residence lot on ono or a small farm for $7,700 equity in the three buildings. 210-acre stock farm ton miles from South Omaha. Splendid lund, good fences, large barn, seed yard, scales, etc Eighty acres of alfalfa and all the laud In a high .state of cultivation. I vunt a good clear i0 within 60 miles of Omaha as first payment, balance on time at 5 per cent. 3-aere chicken ranch. Four-room house and outbuildings. What have you Ho trade for $900 equity, in this place7 ED B GIBBS, 63J S. 30th St. Phone Harney 1692. ONE 40 H. P. Stoddard Datlon, 6-pas-senger car, too large for owner, want 1912 or 1913 Model "T" Ford, see L. W. Rushing, 820 N. 24th St.. Sputh Omaha. Ford Runabout for sale cheap, see L. W. Rushing. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One 40-H. P. Stoddard-Dalton &-pnflR?n-ger car: too large for owner; want 1H2 or 1913 Model "T" Ford. Seo L. W. Rush. Ing, 820 North 24th St., South Omtha. Ford Runabout for sale, cheap. Seo L. W. Rushing. For Sale Or Exchange 320 acres choice, level land, all under BIJou reservoir, near Fort Korean, Colo.; Kood, new bulldlngp; 135 acres in alfalfa, balance under plow;, rented to March 1, 1914, to good, thrifty tenant; ono quarter clear, $5,000 mortgage on other quarter. Price, $100 per acre. Owner wants a farm near Omaha or Omaha Income property for equity. J. H. Dumont & Son 1603 Farnam St., Omatia. Phone Douglas C90. 695240 acres In Loncuifter county, good 6-room house, barn, granary, cow sheds, well and good never-falling spring; 209 acres In cultivation. Price right for cash. 000 670-acrn grain and sturm farm In Jf ferbon county, Nebiaska, 4 mtlos from Falrbury; 3 acres fine bottom land, wells and windmills, also llvlmr water; best of Improvements, good house, barn and other buildings: feed bunkers and stock shipping station on the land, 25 No. 1 ranch of 1,210 acres In Cherrj county, good house, barn, eorralB; all fenced and cross-fenced; 350 acres in meadow. Want Implements, hard ware or lumber. 21 Highly Improved quarter suction in Hitchcock county, good house, barn, well; on farmers' ditch for Irrigation. OL1N Sc BEVARD. 488 Brandols Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (lXSB-IN Omaha retldence of 8 rooms, hardwood finish, modern throughout. Will trade fortuilf or two-thirds of value in good farm land. Tr er $F mi. Apply uwner. iuii v ny ssai i nann mug. "$30o EQl'lTV in kpp1 Iqta, want motoTl cycle. Address B 163, Bee, .TIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL Copyright, 1913. National SAIJ-J OR EXOITANUE R. E. THIUvE 28x;t Sterling casings, run 400 miles, to exchange for 30x4 casings. Ono brand new 2-cy Under air compressor. 64) acres of western Nebraska farm land for city Incomo proporty. One nicely lo cated residence lot worth $1.6C0 to ex change for .fninll rental properly. Tel Harney 1218 or Hurney 2971. 64o acres, good land, well Improved, valued J13.C00 to exchanged for stock merchandise. Address J, E. Sharp. Orolla. Neb. 1.7C0 ACRE farm and stock ranch com bined, near Cody. Neb., on main lino Northwestern R. It; 680 acres good farm land, 223 now under plow, balance used for hav nnd pasture: well fenced; good Improvement. Prlco $20,000. The furni land alone worth tho money. Owner wants lihrdwrtie and farm Implements. W W. Mitchell, 414 Ilea Bldg.. Omuha, Neb, HAVE for sale or trade A-l patented cabinet. IJmlted number have been made, are now In use, und highly satis factory. Investigation courted. Address Schuyler Sun, Schuyler, Neb. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract e' flee In Nebraska, 206 rtranrtol Theater. ACniOAOK I") 11 .-4A1.I2. ACRES. ACRES. ACRES. Adjoining South Omaha city limits and also In Patterson park at 68th St., xouth of Center St.. we have a few tracts of two to five acres that wo can Bell on very easy terms and !uV prices. N. P. DODGE & CO.. Tel. Douglas 829. 16th nnd Harney Sts. Beautiful Florence 7H acres. li miles west of BEAUTI FUL FLORENCE. 1 acre of timber with new 2-room -houBe, good cavo and barn, chicken houses, etc. 116 acre alfalfa, Prlco $3,700; good terms. Investigate. Always see me for bargains In Florence property. C. L. NETHAWAY. Tel Florence 276. Florence, Neb, Acreage Acreage Some especially good bargains In 1, , 10, 20 and 40-acro Improved tracts, espe cially In 20 and 40-acre tracts. Possession given. ORIN S. MERRILL CO., 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. Six Acres A beautiful slx-acro tract of ground, unimproved, on Main street, Just west of Benson, for $2,750. Seven Acres Seven acres on Main street, JiiHt west of Benson, with good Iioubd and fruit for 65.000; owner will take small prop erty In Omaha ns part payment. S. P. Bostwick 218 So. 17th St. 5 Acres in Florence On paved road, 16 minutes' walk from street car. Good 6-room cottage, barn, poultry house, wagon shed, etc.; li acres In alfalfa, running water In pasture, bearing fruit trees, aspurugus, pieplant and berry bushes. Party on premises will he glad to show place. Immediate possession. . Just what you have been looking for. George & Company 902-12 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Phono D. 750. CITV rilOPRIlTY FOR SALE. $2,100 CASH, 5-room cottage and lot Particulars, Owner, 17S0 46th Ave., Ban Francisco, CaJ. CHOICE DUNDEE HOME SITES Southwest corner 49th and Cass Sts. (100x135 ft.) Northwest corner 48th and Dodge Sts. (128x210 ft.) South front, between 48th and 49th on DaveniHJrt St. (100x135 ft.) South front between 50th and 51st on Chicago St. (100x135 ft.) North front, between 48th and 49th on Davenport St. (60xL15 ft.) North front, between 49th and 60th on California St. 60x135' ft.) The above are all very choice building sites In the best part of Dundee. For prices call Douglas 1722. BENSON & CARMICHAEL C42 Paxton Block. 7 Rooms New $3,200 Near Hanscom Park, Crelghton's First add., 5 rooms and bath 1st floor. 2 rooms upstairs, ull modern; full lot, paved street. Positively tho best bargain over offered in this location. A Few More Near 20th and Ohio. 7-room, all modern, hot water heat, full lot, for $3,350. Near 42d and Dodge, 7-room, all modern, Oakland birch finish, hot water heat, P. J. TBBBENS, Solo Agont. 760 Omaha Nat. Ban. Phone D. 2182. For Sale Southeast corner of 33d and Wright Sts. hlx-roomed houw and bath, all mod ern, with new garage, on large corner lot. one block from West Side street cor. Price $1,250, on terms to suit purchaser. 221 State Bunk Bldg. Te'l. Doug. 2151 ueui i.siuie ana insurance,' $1,000 LOT for $750, In Hanscom Park district on South 35th Ave., east front. n without expense. Cloe to Field club. jiunotuiii inr, mnuBor scnooi and cur line. See GRAHAM PETERS REALTY CO Phone Red 653. C29 Oman Vat TtMr 13, 1913. Drawn News Ano, REAL ESTATE CITY IMIOPKUTV K4UI HALF.. ""Don't Build Avoid the Wreckage Jiuy a nice, clean lot for your new home Vo havo forty fine lots around 41st ave nue and Davenport nt prices that are RIGHT. Paving,. sewer, water, gas and cement walks In and paid for. Some ot itic most attractive modern homes In tho city uro built In this district. Ono or two blocks from Farnam car. less than half n mile from the new cathedral. Wo can glvo you any size or frontage that you wain, iiero are a rew samples: 63x110, west front on 41st betweon Dav enport nnd Cuss, $1,800. 94.3x110. west front on 41st Ave., looklnc down Chicago St., $3,800. Mxiso, northwest corner 41st Ave. nnd Wakeley St.. south and enst fmntneo. $3,200. 6UX128, south front on Davenport St., 300 ft west of 41st Ave.. $2,250. And forty others. Tho best nnd rhenn. est Farnam lots In tho city. LET US SHOW YOU. Armstrong-Walsh Co. SOLE AGENTS. Tyler 1536. 210.12.14 atnte Hank Bldg. A. P. Tnkey & Son One Gone and Four Left Wo IlllVn flvn r.fnmu nil vArAr cottneoB, about four yearn old, at 17th St. Wn hnvn anM linn ..,,.1 offer the othor four nt $2,000 each, on vory easy payments. TIicbo aro erjr uuilliuuio 11OUB08, JiaVO ROOU Blzcd basements, bnth and furnace. Tho hoimes aro In very good condi tion ami nrn fnn unn l , f r. an,,t. . .. .. --- wwh . u.a.v.,, 1, vu imj duuiu part of town. TheBo housoa cost ntiAii4V ft . t A 1 tl uuuul f,6uu uuuu 10 Duuu una aro tht bnnf linrrrn Ina urn WHIQIMIIO " vi 11 tl U UllUIUUt If you want a large lot It will not pay to look at these houses, but there 1b plenty of room between them, although tho lots aro not vory UUUJ. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-2 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Phono Doug. 2181. 7 Room House $3,150 Located at 2415 Webster Avc has S rooms 011 the first floor, hallway, liv ing room, dining room and den flulMltd In oak and one bedroom, kitchen and hath finished In pine. Two nice bedrooms, hallway and two lnrge closets on the sec ond floor finished In best or pine. This house In strictly modern with good fur nace, cement basement: lot 40x133 feet with good barn or garage. Half block from car line that goes direct to Six teenth and Fnrnnm without trntmferrlnir Close to new school and stores. This nouse wns built ror a home by a con tractor, who Is still occupying same. You can go direct to the house nnd the owner will show you through or wo will bo glad to take you out. Can arrange some terms. UAHT1NUB & ill.YDI'.N, 1614 Hnrney St. WllX SACRIFICE If sold by Apill 25th will take $3,000 for my new, modern, 5-room, oak finished home. Will tuku $300 cash, balanco monthly. Call me at once. Phono Web ster 7C30, owner. Bemis Park Beauty 3.112 Frnuklln, dandy 5-room bungalow, Just finished, all modern In every respect Including oak finish und floors; beautiful sanitary plumbing; artistic lighting fix tures; guaranteed furnace; full basement with laundry sink. This Is 11 little dream of a home and open fur your Inspec tion mis Pi m. J'rice w,iw). Terms easy. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Blflg. Dundee Bungalow "Owner is a Burlington employe, trans ferred to Chicago, und offers hts home at the reduced price of $3,800, Including the paving taxes paid In full. There are five nice rooms on the first floor, with u targe attic sufficient for 3 additional roomK Modern throughout and nicely decorateu Located In the new district of Dundee, with substantial Improvements on al sides. Investigate this at once. Glover & Spain 1219-22 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug, sac Special! S'pecial! Klegant, well built, new 6-room, strlctlv modern home, beamed celling, paneled walls, beautiful fireplace, elegant fixtures, bullt-ln bookcases, large living room, all oak finish 1st floor, three lovely bed rooms and tiled bath 2d floor, oak. birch and yellow pine finish; house all deco rated; full brick basement; all conven iences; fine corner lot and lawn, closn to car In Kountze Place. All new home Owner sacrificing for quick sale. Price, $4,3uO. Shown bv appointment. P. J. TEBBEN8, Sole Agents. 750 Omaha Nut Bunk. Phone D. 2182. In Benson 133 South Halcyon Avo., Benson, a new C-r. modern house, with nice lot. one block from car; owner has left city and In anxious to turn this house at once, $650 cash will handle the deal, balance monthly. S. P. Bostwick ft So. 171h Bt for The Bee by REAL ESTATE CITY l'llOl'KHTV FOll SAI.R Elegai nt New 5 Room Apartments See Them Today Nothing finer In tho city; every room nu outside room; all good stse and nrtts tluilly decorated; everything tho very best; living room and dining room In oak; paneled ceilings; paneled walls nnu pl.uo mil In dining room; prexs brick mantel With Iran loir nnd fnnev tlln he.ilth In living room. Mirror door In coat closet; best or plumbing fixtures and tile floor In bathroom; bodrooms and bathroom ftninshed In white enamel with mahogany doors and glass knobs; oak floors throughout except kitchen, which h.is maple; bullt-ln minboard, gas range, ,'iood Hlzed enameled sink with cmiinol drain board In kitchen; refrigerator In ntry: drain connected with sewer; complete tut 6f window shades nnd curtain rods; laundry room In basement with laundry tubs and steam drier; dustproof lockers; house telephone system: steam heal; Janitor service Only flvo npartments lo let; ready for occupancy by April 15 to 20. Located nt northeast corner Sherman Avo and Hall Ave; tho number Is 2301-3 Hhermnn Ave; only ten minutes' ride downtown and twenty minutes walk. Open for Inspection this afternoon, 2:30 to 5:30. SCOTT & HILL Douglns 1000. 307 McCaguo Bldg. The House of Your Dreams Brand new 6-rooni all modern house', lnrgo living room, with mantel; dandy dining room, with oak paneled walls; convenient kitchen, with bullt-ln cup boards; recond floor lias 3 fine bedrooms, one having windows on two sides, and bath with finest of sanitary fixtures. Downstairs nil oak finish, with beamed ceilings; bullt-ln book cases; decorated throughout; oak floors upstairs nnd down; upstairs woodwork gum with birch doors. Every convenience, clothes ohute, laundry in basement, gunrnilteed fur nace, etc. East front corner lot nt 41st Ave. nnd California. PaVed street pav ing paid. Only two blocks to West Far nam car line, four blocks to cathedral. Prlco $4,760; $1,600 cush. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1(56. 210-12-14 Statu Hank, Bldg. New Dundee Home 5021 Capitol Ave. See It Today A brnnd now, Btrlctly modern home, well built and urrangvd for comfort and convenience; has large living room, din ing room and sun room finished In ouk; handy kitchen, large pantry with bu'lt-lu cuiibonrils, vestibule . reur e.ntrnnco for Icebox; three flno bedrooms und sleep ing porch, which is lathed and nlnnUi'cd; can bo used for un room In winter. All bedrooms arc finished In white enamel; birch doors stained mahoguny, trimmed with solid bronze hardware and Khisa doorknobs, Tho best of plumbing .and furnace heating plant Cemented base inent under whole house; out side grade entrance. Go out today and secthls place. Owner Is In house nnd will be pleased to show you through. This IB n .special bar gain because ull paving Is paid. PAYNE &. SLATER CO.. 616 Oinnha National Bank Bldg. $500 $ash Prnirio Park District At 2720 Ames Ave., a now six-room nil modern house. Hardwood finish, very at tractively decorated. Owner litis fallen down, and the low price of $(,OX) Ih mude with very easy terms. Boulevard on "Prettiest Mile" Just cast of entrance of Miller Park, a brand new seven-room all modern home, with sleeping notch. Oak finish, pretty fixtures, decorated throughout In a tasty manner. Well constructed", fn u fine location. Price only $1,200, with easy terms. These pre both good buys, all us up und seu them at once. Peters Trust Company 1122 Farnam St. Doug, 8S, 2614 Emmet $3,000 Six rooms, strictly modern, paved street, paving ull paid, two blocks from 24th St. car line. Hot water heat, full cemented basement, (ull set of screens and storm snah. This house Is u burguln at the above price, but owner wants offer; must sell at puce. $250 casIi, bal ance monthly. l.et , ut. show you this home If you want u bargain. Possession can be had at once, HASTINGS & IIKYDEN. 16U Harney St. West Farnam $12,000 One of the choicest homes on tho hill, big living room with urtlstlo fireplace and sunroom with disappearing plate glass windows, Dining room beam celling and panelled walls; butler's pantry; tine kitchen and maids' sitting room on first floor. Maids' room and bath on third floor. White enamel finish throughout. Home beautifully decorated; elaborate fixtures; fine garage; cement drive. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1336. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. North Side Bargain 7 rooms, strictly modern, located at 2412 Spauldlng St, south front, good location. Owner, leaving city, wants to sell quick. Price $3,200. 0 'Neil's It. E. & Ins. Agency 1505 FARNAM STREET. Tel. Tyler 1024. CLOSE IN COTTAGE 242G CHARLES ST. r.Mnm n1uH u- uuiii) inuuoi ii vAtri'v nil nave, JHlVt-U Mtreet; oyner anxious to sell. Price ritfut. vent, auu aotv 11s ug niiunu luiuuftlli K. H. LANDERYOU 4 Pts Wank Bid P(in ie,1 3 C Cliff Sterrett REAL ESTATE CITV l'lt.M'i:iti'Y FOR HALT''. Dundee 6 Room Bargain $5,000 At 4S08 Farnam street, we have tin best bargain in Dundee, In a beautiful now 2-story house, with flno pressed brick foundation, with solid brick front porch nnd brick columns, hau full base ment, with splendid furnace, laundry tubs und floor drain. On tho first floor there is a largo living room, 16x25 feet nnd dining room 13-6x15 feet, model kitchen with bullt-ln cabinets, worlc table, china closets, etc., rear entry foe Icebox. Most beautiful oak finish anil floors throughout. Threo bedrooms on the second floor, ono Is 12-6x19 feet, ono 11x7-6 and one 11x11, all having excep tionally good closets, tile bath room. with the very best plumbing; clabornte lighting fixtures: beautiful open ouk. staircase from living room; latest one panel doors; real brick fireplace, will burn either coal or wood. Tho lot faces south and Is 50x139 feet. Tho street I paved. It is high nnd nightly with mag nificent view and Is 30 blocks straight west of the city hall, on Fnrnam street Beautiful homes are being built all around, and It is In an Ideal resldcnco district This property is owned and wan built by a carpenter and couia not. no better in construction. Come out today nnd see this property. Charles W. Martin Co. 1018 Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. $2,200 Buys New 6 Room House In Benson $2,200 buys now 6-room houso In Bciiboii. Located In good neighborhood, one block from cur line. Una living room, dining room, reception hull, kitchen, pantry on first floor. Threo bed rooms and oath on second floor. This houso Is modern throughout. Also a modern 5-room house for $2,000. Each house has full basement E. C. FULLER. Phone Benson 4S0 or rail at S22 MAIN St.. Benson. Dundee A choice 7-room, thoroughly modern house, fireplace, sleeping porch, etc., only $5,500. On Chicago St., a splendid 7-room, thoroughly mod. house; sleeping porch, sun parlor, etc., only $5,750. On 36th St. near Pacific, u now 8-room, all mod, house. Lot 62x123 ft. Only $5,000. Terms. 2003 Bristol, a good 7-room, mod. house, with lot 53 ft front; barn. Only $3,250. Terms. 1919 S. 16th St., a good 6-room, mod. cottage. Lot 00x120 ft; paving paid. Only $3,600. Seo me for houses and lots In all parts of the city. E. W. Stoltenberg D 1510 or II 3416. 436 B. of T. Bldg. OWNER MUST SELL $250 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY. New G-ronm modern bungalow, close to car. In good neighborhood, futt lot, cement walks, everything complete. If sold by April 25 will take $2,700. Call mo at once. BENSON PROPERTY HERE IS YOUR OPPOR TUNITY 1 A now, 6-room cottage, located Hi blocks from car line, on South Morton Ave., Benson. The houso was built es pecially for the owner, out of the very beat materials, and Is Ideally located; tho lot Is a large one, 37x128 feet; the dining room and parlor floora are oak ind the bed room and kitchen floors are maple; fine bath room; entire house nicely decorated: full basement, ce mented. Will sell to right party on ex ceedingly llberat tcrma Price, $2,600; $500 cash, balance sumo as rent, $25 per mouth. 'Phone Benson 226. or call personally at 901 Woodmen of World Bldg. 5018 Cuming Street Dundee This Is a good, all modem square house, finished In oak on tho first floor with se lected oak floors; 3 good sized bedrooms and tiled bath room, second floor; .full cemented basement; hot water heat; south front. Prlco $4,200. Reasonable terms. George Sc Company Phone D. 756. 902-12 City. Nat Bk. Bldg. CUT $100 FOR QUICK SALE Practically new, 5 rooms, flue ba.tr, modern but heat block west Farnni car extension, 4623 Cuming St; full 50-ft. lot, cemtmt' walks, etc. Hoffman, 939 . 25th street ALMOST NEW Six-room modern home containing' re ception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen on first floor, finished In oak; three bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch on sec ond floor; maple floors; largo lot paved street; two blocks to car and close tu school. See the price, $3,650; only $300 cash, balance easy. A genuine bargain. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandelg Theater Bldg. TRESTER WRECKING & SALVAGE CO. An 8-roorrt and a 6-room house, near AN 8-ItOOM and a E-room house, near 224 St, for $5,360. Pick up this jap. PAYNB INVRSTMrTNT COMPANY