t r TTIE OMAHA SrXDAY BEE: APflTL " i 13, m 3-A ' IT ' i Nebraska Nebraska ' : M' MANUEL DENIES CHARGES Political Attack, Says ,Ex-Superin- A J A. w n i ujuacni oi jn.carncy oonooi. SALES OF CATTLE REGULAR Extra Pnmp, Hp Snr, Wsm I'nr chimed liy Commissioner Cowles Defends Kmploj-iiicnt of Wife nnd DnuKhtrra. KEARNEY, Neb., April !2.-(Speclal.) In an Interview with cx-Superlntendent C. B. Manuel of the Industrial school at this place, ho makes the following state ments In reply to the charges preferred ugalnst him by the special committee In their report on their Investigation bc lore the house Thursday. "The report Is purely a political at tack upon me, by the same crowd of fellows who wore so free with their toasts two years ago because of my re fusal to support Jim Dahlman. It Is n rehash- of supposedly crooked deals because of which the committee Is very much perturbed becauso they found them groundless. "The system of bookkeeping Is the same ns has been 1 nvogue for years, and has been approved by the board, and every dollar of receipts and expenditures have been recorded. Receipts are on file for ell monies received and the records show from whence the monies came. "All cattle that were sold was under the sanction of the board of public lands nnd buildings. It Is true that calves and cows were sold, but this stock had been gone over by the board and they were told what yould bo secured for the stuff and when the money was turned over Mr. Cowles heartily approved the transaction. Hogs were sold at varlos times and tha highest market value was obtained, If tho committee had turned to the ledger they would have found an account opened with Mr. Falrchllds In which he bought h. cow and several other Items. These were paid for out of his salary month by inontfi and the money turned Into the cash fund and all accounted for. TraTelluir Uxpcnse. In order to make a bIiuw.ii the com mittee charges me up with traveling ex penses and lncludo in this all office In cidentals such as postage, stationery, re wards for escapes, automobile hire, car fare for officers who returned boys, etc. less than SO per cent of this amount can rightfully be charged as traveling ex penses and several other officers mado other, trips and these are charged to me. I notice an item of $125 for a trip to Chi cago. If the committeo cared to be truthful it would have TJIscovered that I made but one trip to Chicago and that tho expenses of that trip were paid by the mother of the boy, I went nfter and the records so show, The committee Is in error when they say that I made pur chases without tho proper requisitions from the board for all these requisitions are on file at the Institution and clearly give me authority to make purchases. Tho committee found a pump, and as Manuel. Is to be made tho scapegoat he must be charged up with making "the purchase. Here again if the committee had con sulted trie recprds It would have found ample authority for mo making the pur chase. This was done In consultation with Edward P. Schurlg, engineer em ployed by the board. About a week after this purchase was made Mr, Cowles mide a second purchase of a pump without our knowledge and when his attention was called to the fact .that we had two pumps he said we could use It as an extra or at another Institution. If any one Is blameable for tho purchase It Is Mr. Cowles and not Mr. Manuel. nentliiK Typewriters. "There a no record to substantiate the charge that the stenographers were com pelled to rent their typewriters from me. That two of them did rent a machine from me I do not deny and that they paid me for It I do not deny. It was their own Individual concern. They could not use the old Smith-Premier and the board would not give the permit to purchase u new machine. Stenographers when hired were given to understand that they must furnish their own machines. It made no difference to me from whom they rented. Tn regard to the employment of my wlf.i and daughters the matter Is too trivial to mention. The superintendent's wife has always been the matron of the Insti tution anf" draws the magnlflclent salary of $25 per month. The daughter that drew $33 per month filled the places of three women, one of which would havo drawn $18.66, another $13.35, and the other $5. By her doing the work the stito saved the board of two people and re ceived the full value for the money thus expended. "The charge that I purchased a Jiorao for the exclusive use of my daughter is a malicious falsehood. The horse was used for a driving horse by me and wus not driven by my daughter a dozen times In all. "If the committee wished to be fair it would have read the biennial reports that I have filed with tho Board of Public Lands and Buildings. More than $15,000 of the present deficiency was caused by the board Installing a new" heating plant at the school. Itont fur Plucek. "The chairman nf the committee. Mr. I'lnceKi'iaceK, nas mauu a super-numnu effort to besmirch my character und for no other reason than the one of refusing to swallow the whole dmocratlc debauch for two years ago. The Investigation at the school was a farce. AVhen asked by other memebrs of the committee and by Superintendent Clark to call me to the school, Mr. Placek did not want to sen me at all. He could have written Just as good a report In his room at the Lincoln hotel and It would havo been founded on Just us much facts as the reports he has written. His report Is one-third imagl- nary and two-thirds malice. If there were were any facts in the charges made the attorney general would have been prose cuting me long ago." Morntniralde "Wins. AMES, la., April 12 -(Speclal Telegraai.) D. L. wickens of Mornlngslde college with "The New Patriotism." won first In the Iowa Intercollegiate peace oratori cal contest here tonight. Parsons und Ames tied for second. Eight colleges com eted. Wickens will represent Iova In ihe western United States section -f the National Oratorical contest In New York ' May. Weta t'nrr)' llloowf leld, HLOOMFIELD, Neb., April 12. (Special Telegram.)-The wets carried Bloomfleld at the special election here yesterday ly a vote of 199 to 90. State University Will Give Benefit For Storm Victims LINCOLN, April 12.-Spcclnl.)-The fol lowing circular was Issued here yoster da-: To All Members of the University Arrangements nave been made for a spe cial Convocation nt lit n m mi Vilnorinv. April 15, In tne Temple theater for tho nenem o: tne umaha tornado sufferers, will you kindly do all In your power to help make this occasion a complete suc cess? 'iho program for the occasion will be a presentation of Wagner's "Ijohcn grln 1 by the university ihorutt. orchestra and soloists. The admission fee will be 2o Cfnts. Tickets will be put on sale at the university temple on Saturday morn ing. All university activities will be clostri for the occasion. . P. H OHUMMANN. Chalrmnn Convocation Committeo. Approved S. AVERY. Kearney Lighting Litigation Tied Up KEARNEY. Neb.. April 12. (Special.) With the action of the supreme court in refusing to advance In tho case of Brown field against the city attorney of Kearney, the hands of the city are tied In the matter of a munlcipul lighting plant. This decision settles the matter for two years until which time tho city can do nothing. At this tlmo the ctty has no contract for 'light with tho local company, which was recently refused a franchise by tho voters of the city and It Is a question whether the council can legally pay the monthly bills for lighting tho streets to this company. NOTES FR0MNEBRASKA CITY AND OTOE COUNTY NEBRASKA CITY, Nob.. April 12 (Speclal.) Clinton Smith, Who was ur. rested some time since charged with carrying concealed weapons, plerded guilty before Judge H. D. Travis and was fined $200. Judge Travis snys tn tho future all weapon-carriers that are ar rested and -brought before him will not be fined, but will ' get tho penitentiary sentence. Paul L. Horstman and Miss Freda J. Steffens were married today at tho church near Lorton. The young couple are quite wealthy and will make their home on a farm near Lorton owned by the groom. An Informal meeting of Company C waj held last evenlnir. In which thev ivi.ro Joined by a number of citizens, at whtc! time they celebrated the passage of the bill for a new armory to be erected In tne eastern part of tho city, which jvl.l cost something' above what the state ap-propriated-$20,000. W. D. Hollobaugh and wife yestetdnv celebrated their fortieth wedding anni versary at their home In this city. All of their children were present. The Woman's Relief Corps, some forty strong, Was Present nnrl mtnlfttftil tn tha AvA "Mr. and Mrs. Hollobaugh have beon res- ments ot this city for the last thirty-five years. At a meeting of .Nuckolls lodgo No 1, Ancient Order United Workmen, the fol lowing delegates to tho -Brand lodge 'wore eiocted: M. W. Nelhart. Frank II. Mar nell, Ed C. Hock, 1 A. Prue, M. L Cran dall and R. O. Marnell; alternates, R 11. Klcketts, H. Bourller, R. Laidlaw, 1). O'Brien, Fred Helller and James Rush. Roy A. Mapes of Fremont and Miss Mario McKay of this city were married last evening. at the Catholic rectory by Father Bosslnger of St. Mary's Catholic church. They have gone on their wed ding trip and will make their future home at Fremont. NOTES FROM WEST POINT AND CUMING COUNTY WEST POINT. Neb., April 12.-(SpeciaI.) The home of Mrs. Charles Ackermann north of town, was tho scene of a pretty homo wedding on Wednesday when rhe gavo her daughter, Miss Pearl, In mar riage to Earl S. Kloeman of Scrlbner. Tho bridal. pair were attended by Leroy Klecman and Miss Laura Ackermann. Rev. E. E. Schaefer of Bemer, pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal church, per formed the ceremony. The young couple will reside on their farm near Snyder, Dodge county. H. E. C. Torell, the photographer, has sold his gallery and business to Joseph Bethschelder of Humphrey. Rev. A. Wlchelt, pastor of the Evan gelical Association church, has been re appointed to the charge at West Point and will remain at least another year. Peter Rlef, one of tho wealthiest farm ers and large land ownerfc of Cuming county, Is about to depart for. a new homo In California. STAY-AT-HOME VOTE CARRIES JAIL BONDS IN CASS PLATTSMOUTII. Neb., April 12. (Spe cial.) The canvassing board, composed of County Clerk Morgan, John Tlghe of Manley and G. L. Early of Plattsmouth canvassed the vote of the special election which was held last Tuesday for the pur pose of voting a new Jail. The official count showed 1,920 for and 1.667 against the proposition giving the county the ney Jail by 25J majority. . The vote last November when the proposition for $20,000 In bonds voted was 1,910 for and 2,332 against, there being only four more for the proposition now than in Novem ber, but a large vote against did not turn out at the April election. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. CONSUL TAYLOR'S BODY IS ON THE WAY HOME AUBURN, Neb., April 12.-(Speclal.)-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berlet start for New York tomorrow to meet their daughter, Mrs. J. Emmerson Taylor, who will ar rive there the latter part of next week with the body of her husband, the United States consul at Trinidad. Mr. Berlet received a telegraph from Secretary of State William J. Bryan, announcing that the expenses of preparation and ship ment of the body and interment will be borne by the government. Mr. Taylor resided at Lyons, Neb., and was about 40 years ot age. He was appointed by President Taft to a 'diplomatic post at Btavenger, Norway, and 'last year was promoted to consul at Trinidad. Persistent Advertising U the Road to Big Retu New EFFECT OF DYNAMITE ON THE ICH. Huge masses of Ico were piling up ngalnst tho temporary supports of the new county bridge over tho Elkhorn river Mtst of Elk City three weeks ago. it becamo necessary to dynamite the gorge. For n day and a night heavy chnrges of explosives broko tho stillness with roars and the crash of splintering Ice. Three hundred pounds of 00 per cent dy namite wero used. Great fragments of the Jam wero thrown sixty feet above the river far above the heads of Inc RESTAURANT6UESTS SCARED Officers with Subpoenas Cause a Sensation in Fashionable Places. SUMMON CABARET PERFORMERS Women with SluiutnliiK Parties In Tenderloin Districts Go Into Hysterica When Officers Cloae the Doors, CHICAGO, April 12. Agents of the Illi nois vice commission late lost night and early today brought consternation to the fashionable guests ot two aowntown restaurants Rector's nnd the States ngalnBt whose reputations there rested no question except tho nature of their cabaret entertainments. From these cafes only the managers and members of the cabaret shows were subpoenaed. They were questioned by the vice commission ns to suggestive songs which are alfeged features of caba rets. From tho tenderloin men and women slghtsecrers out "slumming" were gath ered and brought' beforo the commission. One woman, In hysterical fear of dis grace, tried to Jump from a window when the Invaders with the!- subpoenaes reached a restaurant In the vice district. Another fell on her knees and wept. A man Jammed a roll of bills Into the hands of an officer. "Tuko this, for God's sake," he cried, "and lot my party go. You don't know what this means." Officers kept the rushing mob some weeping, some laughing .hysterically from the doors and finally restorod order. Then they were bundled Into automobiles and taken downtown. neatnnrnnt Ilnalnesa Deifcnerntea. From some of them the senators drew reluctant admissions that a few of the songs and dances "might be" suggestive and "perhaps" had a bad effect upon tho diners. A girl singer, crying as she testified, asserted she never would sing "In My Harem," a song Lieutenant Governor O'Hura was particularly In quisitive about. The manager of a well known restaurant said the restaurant business had degenerated Into a vaude ville show and he did not know when it would stop. After Investigators und members ot a "slumming party" said they had heard an Improper song in a place on Twenty first street, the commission voted to re commend to Mayor Harrison that the cafe's license be revoked and will cull the attention of the state's attorney to the testimony of the manager, who said nothing Indecent went on. Senator Beall said he saw girls not more than 15 or 16 years old imbibing mixed drinks tn the Omaha's Quality Laundry Is On the Warpath Not for your scalp but for your business. We think wo deserve it for the caro we exercise in handling all linens nnd the manner of delivery that wil' please the most fastidious, A trial convinces. Telephone Douglas 2560 Bridge Over crowds of spectators on the banks, and twenty feet higher than tho top of a pllo driver on tho bridge. Efforts by tho contractors to complete tho structuro before tho Ice began tu move this Bprlng had failed. When a gorgo at Arlington brldgo, further up the stream where tho Northwestern railroad crojscs tho river, was broken, tho jam was transferred to tho Elk City brldgo. Tho "false work," on which most of tha weight of tho structure Is still resting, cafe, and some of them were more or less Intoxicated. Dnncea nntl Sonira Snsruentlve. Mrs. Maud Jos-phl described the sing ing and dances at a downtown rcatiu, rant. She said that in ono dance tho per. former "might Just as well have had no skirts nt all." She stated that a rrlrl did an oriental dance wearing pink tight and "a sort of a skirt of black chiffon " She said she thought the dance was rug. gestlve, Judging from the remarks mvto by male diners at nearby tables. She Bald a couple did a fancy dance, a com. blnation between the "tango" and the "apache." '.'Was It art or suggestion?" asked Lleli tenant Governor O'Hara. , "Thoro was no art tn It." Sho said such a dance might not have an effect on a young woman, but sho would "njt want to risk It." The performers then led a free-for-all dance on a space mado by clearing away tables, she said, "There was one girl about 19, who danced a peculiar kind of a danco for .1 public exhibition," she said. "Her part ner held her at arm's length and at In tervals would suddenly embrace her. No. thero wasn't any urt In It." Opinion of Performer. Tho professionals who led this free-for-all dance said they had tried to elimi nate anything that might appear sensual In their act, but admitted they micht not have been entirely successful, "Don't you think that where you seu art others might see vice?" asked Mr, O'Hara. "I guess It appeals differently, but 1 don't Beo nnythlng obscene about It " O. B. Stlpsou, manager of another downtown restaurant, asserted he biiBl ness had degenerated into a show bin!, ness, but ho had to put up a flrst-cass cabaret to get the trade. Ho was of the opinion that some of the songs have rfjna too far, and that he did not allow "In My Harem" to bo sung In his restaurants. He said that the girls did tho dances In the aisles, but they never got "raw " J, A, Buckstaff Dies Suddenly at Lincoln (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 12.-(Speclal Telegrnin ) J. A. Buckstaff, owner of Capitol beach and an old resident of Lincoln, fell 1jad this morning when entering the dining loom ut tho Uncoln hotel. Heart disease wus the cause. Post Card E.tnrn.d from Iowa Miss Evelyn Roeeslg, 4830 Hickory street, has recovered a prized postal card which was In her homo before it was destroyed by the tornado. The card was returned to her from Manson, la.,' a town about 120 miles east of Omaha. Elkhorn at Elk NEW RMIH1H NOW UNDElt was threatened until tho Ico wus so broken up that It could iuism butwceii thu piles driven Into tho rlvrr bed. A year ago an uncompleted bridge, like tills one, mado of concrete and steal, vah carried out by the flood nnd burled tu tho quicksands under tho river. The present bridge Is 3M feet long and sixteen (tut wide, nnd tho ono which was lost wus almost ntt large. It Is known as the Elk City bridge be cause It Is near tho town ot that uamo. Is Is about two miles west nnd north of tho village, on tho military road tho old "overland trull." Tho object of tho dy tiamlta crew nlwuys wus to find the ' key plecn" III tho gorge, tho particular blocic ot Ico which, llko tho keystone of un inch, was holding the entlro mass In plnce. Ono of the crew would "plant" a big charge, pile a block of Ico over It and hurriedly mako his escape while the fuso burned. Often a hole twenty feet squaro was torn In tho solid Ice. Tho explosion would shatter tho gorge for J00 feet around. If It was n successful chargo tho Ico field would move on and tho crew would havo only to watch till another Jain occurred when tho operation was repeated. Often repeated charges wero nccesBury. A largo number of persons continually watched tho explosions without much, re striction bring placed upon them except that they wero not permitted upon tho bridge. Dynamite Is preferred bb an cx ploslvo for this kind of work to the Ovedio Describes Alleged Murder of Madero and Suarez NEW ORLEANS, La April 12. Martins Ovlcdo, former provisional secretory to President Madero of Mexico, arrived hero today with a sensational narratlvo of the mnnncr on which Madero and his vice president, Pino Buarei, met tholr death. Oviedo declared two rurales performed the executions on the direct order of their superior and that later they were put to death to seal their lips. After Oviedo escaped from Mexico City he Joined the Carranctstas In Coahutla. Senor Oviedo reltonated a report that tho Investigation of the killing of Madero and Suarez had revonled that both, while prisoners in the national palace, had been given narcotics In their food and shot to death while unconscious In their beds. ORCHARD WILHELM A Novel Window Display Wo hnvo on display this week in our window a Sheraton design Dining Suite in solid and crotch veneer mahogany, in tho white unfinished state. It's a vory un usual thing to show furniture in this manner. Wo mako this display to bettor ac quaint you with tho true color of mahogany in its natural or unfinished condition. Thomas Sheraton, 1790 A. D., was a designor and builder of furniture of rnro ability. This suite is admirably brought out after tho true Sheraton dosign. It will undoubtedly attract unusual attention. ROOKEHr OR ARM OHAIR (Like cut). This high grado rocker or arm chair, Stlckloy Bros.' arts and crafts, fumed oak, high back, Spanish leath er, cushion seat and back. Regular value, chair or rocker $31,00 we offer a limited quantity at, each... 519.00 S3 i It j City J. CONSTRUCTION. other forms of nitroglycerin because it In less likely to cause Injury to Mic wrcckors or spectators, it directs its energy to the body which Is to be moved or destroyed to a greater extent thin other explosives, and until It Is com pressed In a cartridge or otherwise will not explode when It comes In contact with fire. I,oose dynamite will bum with less manifestation of force than gunpow der when a match Is applied to It. , Tho Klk City bridge now Is safe unless tho Elkhorn river rises to such n flood stage later this prlng as It did last year when tho other brldgo wos carried awoy. Even then this one probably would stnnd, for It Is In a more advanced stago of construction. It will bo completed early next summer. No trnfflo can cross tho Elkhorn nt that point now. A temporary bridge stood thoro last year but was removed whon construction of tho permanent ono was begun, The county Is having the bridge built by n contractor. Though any financial loss resulting from the Ico Jam would ' nvo been borne by the latter, the county !s Interested in having the brldgo com pleted nn soon an possible, and 'he county surveyor's office has been keep ing close watch of Its construction. Deputy Surveyor Louis K. Adams has been charged with tho overseeing of the. Job and has kept close watch of It through personal Inspection and through field deputies. Their bodies were soon thereafter placed in un automobile and taken near tho penitentiary, ho said, where tho Huertn government nssertod they were killed by guards when at attempt was mado to liberate them. "The two rurales who killed Presllflnt Madero nnd Vice President Suarez anted on direct orderH of Captain Cardenas of the rural'e corps, who was afterward pro. muted by' Huertn to tho position of colo nel and given a largo sum of money for the part he played In tho deed," declared Oviedo. ' "The two rurales were shot to death outside tho prison. Cardenas afterward 'said that the blood of theso two tools of tho assassin was the blood ot Madero and Suarez," concludod Oviedo. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Itnualnti Illnuaea. Russian blouses wilt continue popular Into the spring. The most approved of extend to tho knee, or Just above it. LIBRARY TABLE Solid mahogany, dull finish, heavy colonial scroll design top is 50 inches long, 30 incKes wido; con t a i us ono largo drawer and heavy shelf, regu lar value $45, special each $33.00 Odd pieces of furniture for overy room iu tho house nt special prices. Look them over. Refrigerators Wo carry tho best and most satisfactory refrigerators manufactured. Tho HEKIIICK: world wide reputation. Famous for Its dry, cold air circulation. Many sizes and styles. Prices up from S14.00- Tho GIIISON': a very popular refrigerator on account of Its excellent construction, perfect circulation and extra fine finish. Prices up from S8.00- Beforo buying Trunks, Suit Cases and Dags, Be our line. CRKIMT NOTICE We offer the help of our credit department. Terms ot payment may be made to suit your convenience. Do not hesitate to make use ot this suggestion. ASK DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT Congress at St. Louis Wants New Cabinet Position. PROPOSES FLOOD CONTROL tleitnrtment Wonlil HnTe Charite ot I.cvrea ntul Work of llrrlnmn tlun nf Nnmiip I.nndu of the Conntr)'. ST IXJUIS, April 12.-Tho National Drnlnngo congress today defeated a reso lution calling for a federal appropriation for tho work of the Mississippi River commission, nnd adopted a resolution catling Instead for the creation of a de partment of public works' under a cab- Inet member The resolution for n federal approprla. J tlnn for the work on the Mtsrisslppl Rlvir commission was Introduced by Representative R. It. Oliver ot Capo Gir ardeau, Mo. The resolution called for "such sums as may he necessary" to enable the Missis sippi River commlslon to carry out the work It tins "so wisely planned for con trotlng the floods and preventing bank erosion In the. Mississippi river and pro tecting tho lives ond property of tha dwellers In the region contiguous to that river." An for Flood Control, Tho congress then adopted resolution! asking "the Immediate consideration of adequate provision for flood control, for the regulation and control of stream flow und for tho reclamation of swamp and overflow lands," nnd In furtherance asked the natlopal congress "to create a body which will put In effect at the ear liest possible moment such plans In co operation with the several states and other agencies as will meet the nerds ot tin several localities." Tho resolution adopted says "that the most effectual and direct means wilt be the establishment of a department ot public works, with a secretary In charge thereof, who shall be a member of the president's cabinet." "Wo further believe," says the resolu tion, "that the problem ot flood control can best bo conducted under the im mediate supervision of the president ot the United States." David R. Francis received a telegram from Washington, giving assurance of the active support of the administration in the work of flood control. The telegram was read at the closing session today, but tha name ot the sender was not given. The telegram stated that the president would gtvo earnest consideration to tho suggestion of a department of publlo works, but would not commit himself until ha had given further study to tho matter. DEATH RECORD. l- i Mrs. Ilenrr Moullcr. FAIRBURY, Neb., April U-fSpeabal.) Mrs. Henry Moullrr, a pioneer of Jef ferso ncounty, succumbed to tho effects of a three months' Illness at her homa near Plymouth, northwest ot here. Death wus attributed to old age aud general .debility. Mrs. Mouller was a native of Charlotta, Germany, and was born July 6, NOG. She was married to Henry MouL ler in IMS and in 18S2 Mr. and Mrs. Mouller loft oQrmany and came to the Unltod States, iocntlng on a homestead near Plymouth. Alfredo Jnnnetta.. ' LOS ANOELES. Cal., April 11 Alfredo Jnnnetta, a well known Italian musician and composer of tha opera "Alldor," died hero last night. He was 76 years old nnd a native of Capua, Italy. Ho camo to this country In 188G. DRESSER (Like cut). A thoroughly con structed dresser of select quar tersawed golden oak, full Bwell front. 4 small and 'i large drawers, top 4 2 inches long, 22 Ins. deep, mirror 30x24 tns. An excellont value.. S22.00 (TiT Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising.