PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO SIX. VOL. XTjTT NO. 43. Sherlocko the GRUEL PILES Delay Often Means Surgery Write today for Dr. Van Vleck's Remedy Which is Healing Thousands. SENDS $1 PACKAGE TO TRY FREE Since Dr. Van Vleck found this Genu ine) Holief (S-fold Absorption Method) many thouuands have already been re stored uy it to health and comfort Why not you? You know tho risk of delay. We know what our great 3 f o 1 d Absorption Treatment Is doing1 for sufferers all over the globe. then why not Ign and mall our cou pon NOW? Retutn mall will bring: the Remedy, prepaid. In plain wrapper Then after testing: its merits yourself If you are satisfied with the benefits re ceived, send us One Dollar. If not, yott pay nothing-. We take your word. We could never make this unconditional of fer If we hadn't received so many hun dreds of glad letters telling us of com plete cures of Piles by Van truck's nfter all other treatments had failed, even after 80 and 40 years of suffering:. We know its value, so don't wait, but send the coupon at once. FREE SI COUPON Good for $1 Package of Dr. Van Vleck's Complete 3-rold Treatment to be sent Free on Approval, as ex plained above, to Name . . Address Mall this coupon today to Djr. Van Vleck Co., CH318 Msjertlo Bid?., Jack son, Mich. Return post will bring- the $1.00 Package on Trial. "There's Belief In Every Package." RHEUMATISM Don't Invite Torture by Ne glecting Nature's Warnings Try My Drafts. Coupon Brings Them lo Try Free Don't let that Rheumatism gain another inch. Sign and mnll my coupon and you'll get by return post, prepaid, a reg ular Donor pair or Magio root Drafts, the great Michigan remedy for rheuma tism of every kind, To Try Tret. Thou sands write us that the Drafts cure w h e, r e everythlnr else falls, even after a lifetime of suffer ing and trying. If it were not so, now could we send thorn On Approval, for we Slent fhn Airrtmtt cases as well as the mild. Then why hes itate? When the Drafts come, try them, they're elm nip, cnnvnnlprit nnd Fred'k Drer. Cor. Sec. harmless, though powerful. Then after uying, 11 you are satisfied with the relief they bring you, you can send us One Dollar, If not, they cost you nothing. Send this coupon and make us prove these strong claims. Do It today. TIIIS 91 COUPON FREE Good for a regular $1 pair of ifagic Foot Drafts to be sent Free to try (as explained above) to Name. . . Address. Mall this coupon to Magic Foot Draft Company, GS15, Oliver Bldg., Jackson, Mich. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aircnts and Saleswomen. WANTED Position by lady of middle age, a housekeeper, can give good refer ence. No objection to working for gentle man Mrs. C. F. Moore. 1410 N. 17th St. WANTEDr-Salesladles. Apply at once. Julius Orkln. 1510 Douglas St. WANTED By pure food houie, a lady demonstrator, with experience In solicit pg high-claw customers and demonstrat ing in stores. Address K 242, care Bee. LADY agents wanted. Greatest lady's necessity since the time of Eve. Send BO cents for sample of the Comfort Sani tary protector. Pacific Toilet Supply Co.. Box 974. Riverside. Cal. WANTED Ladles capable of handling a high class proposition commanding good salary. Write or call. S17 Grand Hotel. Council Bluffs. Ask for Mrs. Hlckox. Clerical mill Office STENOGRAPHER for real estate of Tice, $G-$75. Dictaphone operator, $50. Stenographer and office clerk. $35. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-M City Nat l Bank Bldg.' Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. MAIL OIUIKK KUS1NESS r mj fTi Ag! llKM WANTED FEMALE. A T p nfOmSiVia 11KM WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALK I HELP WANTED MALE The Monk Adventure Want ads received ni any Umo, but to insure proper classification must bo presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning und Sunday editions. Ynnt ads re ceived after such liours will havo their first insertion under tlie head Ing, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One insertion 2 cents a word. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 1U cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE The Hco wiU not be re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho 10th of the foUowing month. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must bo stopped by written orcTer. Verbal or telephono cancellations cannot be accepted. CT1 AKGeTkATES : Six words to the line. One insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per line'. One line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons saving accounts are measured by the Une, not by the word. DHAT11 AMD KU.-IKBAI NOTICES. J. A. TAGGART & SON, Undertakers; new location. 2212 Cuming street. Tel. uoug. 714. nmTIIS AND DEATHS. Births-John and Dora West, hospital, girl: Carl and Mabel Carlson, Bonson. boy; M. and Edith Burbank. hospital, boy; Dave and Fannie Candy, 209 North Thirteenth street, boy. Deathe-Loul?e Bosak, 18 years. 291. South Thirty-eighth street: Joseph lecha, 49 years, 1213 South Fourteenth street; Mr. Anderson. 69 years, Tenth and How ard street: Mrs. Viola McOonkejr, 19 years, hospital: Anna Rau, 49 years, 3123 Leavenwortn street. MA1UUAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued: a Name and Residence. Edwin Moberg, Benson " Aline Lindebrog, Benson ' Theodore R. Hudson. Council Bluffs, la. 21 Florence Emerlne, Council Blurts, la... u Grant Holloway. Omaha... f Marguertta Holman, Omaha Frank Schmidt. Omaha Clara Hansen, Omaha fj Reuben Roffman. Omana j Fannie Coz, Omaha Anton Ucer, Omaha Mary Kysela, Omaha Max Strunger, South Omaha 31 Antonla KaullUky. Omaha 2o Adam A. 'Seller, Stockton, Mo 55 Anna A. Zettler, South Omaha M Harry B. Pierce, Oneonpe, N. Y..... 28 Hazel Lungeway, Council Bluffs. Ia.... A HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical nnd Olflcc. 1 Q.nnn rrn hnnbltnr. A Steno. $50; Steno. Dictaphone $55; Steno. Real Eat. Mo; menu. v iiuicaw w WEST REFERENCE & BOND ASS N.!.. 752 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Factory anil Trudes. THE Nebraska Telephone company can tse a limited number of girls In the op erating department. Applicants must fur nish references. Salary paid while learn .ng. Apply C. F. Lambert, District Traf fic Chief, 18th and Douglas Sta. FITTERS WANTED Women litter- and alteration hands wanted at once. Apply, cloak and suit dept., 2d floor. ORKIN BROS. WANTED Experienced operators on shirts; good pay; steady employment. Alv ply. Ottenhelmer Co., Salt Lake Uty, Utah. HousekeepliiK nnd Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tho desired results. This- applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Girl for general housework; 3 In family. 4902 Underwood. Dundee. GOOD German or Danish girl for gen eral housework. 720 S. 22d. GIRL for general housework; aroall family. 3119 Cass. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no laundry work; good wages. 3821 Cuming St. Phone Harney 3174. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework In small family; middle aged woman preferred, Tel. Harney 2018. WANTED A girl for plain cooking"; small family; also second girl. 62S South 23th Bt. Phone Harney 1936. AVANTED Colored girl for general housework; must be good cook and give references; good wages; no washing. Tel. Harney 596. GIRL for general housework, washing done at home. 821 South 88th Ave. Har ney 3088. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. Harry Tukcy. 123 S J7th St. II 145. ' l" WANTED Thoroughly competent white cook. ppiy at ouice, ii no. nth St. W. H. McCord. WANTED A good girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; gnol wages ana iman ramuy ui houui w.h ST. Jl 1K.S.- WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 601 South 3Stfi Ave. H52. WANTED Good girl for general house, work. 3017 Farnom St. Tel. H. 40i. I WW X"Xl JB. TL JUT hJ HoiucUfcperi. nnd Dnmcitlci. -- w. va v"m""' Aaniln, Snlviimeu mill Solicitors. AKriiU. itlemmMi unit Solicitors. Miscellaneous. Omaha Sunday OMAHA, of the Blood-Ourdling WANTED A good cook; good wages. I SOOG St. Mary's Ave.' WANTED Competent girl for general housework: small family: city references required. 'Phono Harney 635. Res., 123 j S Kith St. WANTED Qlrl for general housework' references required. Mrs. M. B, New man. Suite 1, Tho Normandle, Park AVc. and Pacific. NICE, neat girl or mlddlo aged woman. Call at 1S09 Chicago. WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. M. H. Updlko. 3614 Jackson St. H. 29.14. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; new house. 316 N. 41st. Mrs. J. W. McCann. WANTED Rcllnble Klrl for general houpowork; family of three; no children. Call at 820 South 35th Ave. WAVTPnRYhorinnMil nnnV tlirAn In family; reference required. 007 S. SSth St. Harney 3009. WANTED Girl for general housework 5617 Fornam. Tel. Harney 4048. Mrs. N-J-gle. Miscellaneous. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's avenue and 17th St.,' where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to women. Excellent salaries. Influenco unneces sary. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 732B, Rochester, N. Y. L.ADIES Earn JG.00 per day spare Umo For particulars address American Mfff Co., Box 903, Pes Molnea, la. WOMEN to do plain sewing at home for a large Philadelphia firm; good money and steady work; no canvasa'ntf. Send reply envelope for prices paid. Uni versal Co., Desk 1, Walnut St., Philadel phia, Pa.' , LADIES make supporters. J16 per 100; no canvassing; material furnished. Stamped envelope for particulars.' Wis consin Supply Co.. Desk F 174 Milwaukee, Wis. LADIES make shields at homes; 310 per 100: work sent prepaid tov reliable women. Particulars for stamped ad dressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept. 89-B, Kalamazoo, Mien. HELP WANTED MALE. Agtnlti Hulesiiien nnd ttollcltors. Live Agents Season now on. Write Jaeger Mfg. Co., 607 Brandels Theater Blag. WANTED Two first-class piano sales men. Address W. W. Kimball Company, 220 Third Ave.. Cedar Rapids. la. FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, J10; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Sts. AGENTS Fast selling specialty; agents are making $10 per day. Write for terri tory. W. LEE, Spring Valley. Minn. LIVE AGENTS Sell our specialty; money maker from start: $40 to $70 weekly; quick seller; sure repeater. Write immediately. Carter Specialty Co., Dept. E, Treynor, la. AGENTS Improved specialty for auto mobile owners; quick seller; big profits; Illustrated booklets. Write today. The Lincoln Specialty Co., Box 284, Eaton Colb. WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, fur nishing everything; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating our "new sys tem specialty candy and popcorn crisp ette factories" anywhere; opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Djawer D, East. Orange, N. J. WANTED Broom salesman for Iowa and Nebraska, to sell the finest line of brooms made. Hartman Broom Co., Clay Center, Kan. EARN $75 weekly as my salesmanager for great premium proportion; free out fit and instructions. Clinton Mfg. Co., Clinton Bldg.. Columbus. O. PROMOTER for home building com pany (going business) to sell stock ($1 per share): permanent position to good young man If desired. Address at once, B IK, uee.- GROCERY SALESMEN Our dlrect-to-the-consumer plan offers a splendid opportunity for energetic, honest men. Experience not necessary. Largest and best known firm in America. Closest investigation Invited. Write for particulars, naming county desired. JOHN SEXTON & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Chicago, III. TRAVELING salesmen wanted, Best sideline yet. Pays all expenses. Pocket sales outfit. Easy seller. Prompt com munions. Tern by Jewelry Co., 2006 Mich igan Ave,, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN WANTED to handle our fine line of calendars, some exclusive de signs; over 300 special styles of leather goods; a complete line of fans and novel ties; also memorandum books and dia ries. Liberal compensation. The El wood Myers Company. Springfield, P. SALESMEN Sell merchants" sales and order books; large demand; liberal com mission; pocket samples. Wlrth Sales book Co., Chicago. SALESMEN to handle high grade spe cialty; has great merit; rapid seller; big profits; elegant sideline. Free book on salesmanship. Latto Co., 435 Stillwater. o. WANTED salesmen for larm specialty. Our men last year cleared $100 per week. Bain Brothers. Cedar Rapids, la. AGENTS Send for free Sample pat ented specialty; gets you Into every house and office; sells at sight; big profits. Eureka Mall Order House, 1447 Summer St.. Eureka. Cal. WOMEN to sell the leading' and fait selling shirtwaist belt on commission, send for particulars. Cllngerbelt Co., tftt 6th Ave.. New YorK City. AGENTS. SALESMEN Postal brings flee copy of new publication devoted ex clusively to your Interest; contains de tail ot newest nest-seuing articles and money-making propositions. Distributor. 28 Cedar St, New York. 1 n ' I SUNDAY MOliNINO, APRIL Threats ARON'S Jewelry, corner 16th un1 r arnam. spring clearing o.ue uii all novelty jewelry. A A RTIST Model Cornets sold only by Mrs. Alberts, 211 City Nat. ilk. ttlclR. "Phono Red 5t31 for aprolntmetUs. NCHOR FENCE CO. Iron mil wlra fenoes cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N. 17th St. Tel. Red Sit. A RKIN'S KOSHER RESTAUKAMT stands for quality, quantity and economy. 316 8. St.. 2d floor. BELL. DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. Crutch rubbers, crutches, elastic trussi-. all kinds of rubber goods anything you want from a drug store. BENNETT. Mme., 214 N. 17th, Tel. Douglas 2D07. Why throw your ola hats away, when you can nave them retrlmmed In the latest styles for 1T GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co. Ml kinds laundry, dairy second-hand mach Inery, pipes, sliaftlpg and uelting. TTILLSIDE Sanitarium. :ist ina Ohio. M Tel. Web. 5620. Lylng-ln hospital, rest home for convalescents and de bllltated. Regular physician In attendance. I F YOU havo scrap metal, rubbers and rags, writs lor prices to omana Metal and Rubber Co., 101 S. 8th SL KERR Abstract Co.. 90S S. rfth du Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. KOENIO'S LABOR AGENCY. 13J0 Dodge St.; offices in all Important cities: supplies MALE help of ALL kinds FREE of charge. 'Phone Doug, S2o4. M ONHEIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupees, helt's Beauty Parlors, 403 B. 16. DZSSi TvTEBRASICA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's," l 18th and Harney. Douglas iwi " We rent, repair, sell noedl)3, parts of all sewing machines. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL.. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGI NEERING. Write for new cata logue. 1415-17 Dodge St.. Omaha.. Neb. AMAIIA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, II 120C-S Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water tronta, grates ror rurnaces, steam and hot water heaters in stock. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. We make mattresses and pillows to your order, renovate feathers, mattresses and down covers. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. HELP WANTED MALE AkciiU, Hulenmeii uud Solicitude. WANTED A real salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he would for him self, to represent us exclusively in Ne braska the remainder of 1913. Wo have a large, well known and in every way first-class line of exclusive calendars and advertising specialties. Our line 1b bo at tractive and varied that each and every business in every town In the country, without regard to size, can be success fully solicited. Our goods are very at tractive but no more so than our reason able prices, and we know from the ex perience of others who have been and are now In our employ, that any bright, hustling man who has ability and Is will ing to work, can make with us from $50 to $150 per week. Commissions liberal. Our company was organized in 1882. Cap italized $200,000. We are responsible and mean business. If you do, It will pay you to write Sales Manager, Merchants' Pub. Hulling Co., Kalamazoo, Mich, Enclose this advertisement with your application. LEARN halrdresslng at reuRonol price. J. L Brandels & Sons' hair goods pariors. $10 STARTS you In a manufacturlnj Dusiness ot your own on a zs-cent article that Is consumed, thus enabling you to build up a permanent business; pays over 400 per cent profit; superior to any arti. cle of Its kind: unlimited Bale; sampie and full particulars for 5 2-cent stamps, Lincoln Mfg. Co., 451 Gumbel Bldg., Kan. sua uuy, nio.- LET the parcels post help you; ndil ($15 to $25 weekly) to your present in come; start during spare time and build up a permanent business of your own; we show you how and help you make gooa; no canvassing; experience unneces. sary; returns quick; write today for val uable free booklet, "Mall Order Suc cess." Pease Mfg. Co., Inc., Dept. E36, fri Broadway, Uuffalo, N. Y. THE exclusive agency for a stamp af flxer selling at $15 and an envelope sealei selling at $10 can be had by party exper ienced In handling specialties. Requires a little cash and salesmanship experience. Address Office Specialty Co., Shubert Building, St. Paul, Minn. EARN $50 weekly selling collection cab inets to merchants. Write for free tain Pies. Bayers Co., 662 Laclede Bldg, St. Louis. Mo. AOBNTS-$10 dally. Means big saving to automobile owners; sells on sight. Big profits. Address Interstate Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED City salesmen, or man with sales ability; ermanent eon tract; share profits: must stand In vestlgatlon and give beBt references and bond, Address J 243, care Bee. STORE MANAGERS WANTED By large corporation soon to establish chain of general stores throughout Ne braska. There Is an unusual opportunity for advancement for a man with capacity and Judgment An Investment of at least $1,000 In stock of corporation required and positions on salary and commission basis. Address C 152. Care Omaha Bee. AGENTS make 500 per cent profit tol'. Ing "novelty sign cards," merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren St , Chicago. III. AGENTS make big money weekly; high-class, rapid seller; most families want several. Write today for free pir tlculars, A. T. Renter, Aulne, Kan. HUNDREDS make $50-$75 weekly soil ing guaranteed hosiery for largest man ufacturer in America: why not you Complete outfit free. Write quick. Aladi son Mills, m Broadway. N. Y. BIG CASH BONUS MONTHLY AND 100 PER CENT PROFIT, working wbol., pr part time; best 25c seller; a two-mln. ute demonstration makes every call i sale; free sample and particulars. U. Sales Co., 21 Sprucg street, New York. A 13, 191.1. WANTHD SuleBiiinn, mlddlo nRcd man of energy nnd good tuldrcss, to moot nnd dcnl with substantial biisl noKs mon; iitnnlo compensation to rlRht nmn. Olvn ago nnd IiubIiicsb oxporlonco. Address P 150, caro lleo. "AGENTS Sell the great flood book i'f thu national calamity; lto per cent prof't. prompt delivery; send 10 cents for pros pectus and Instructions. C. B. Comer. Mgr., Dayton, O. AGENTS Grab this one; a douf mute can sell It lo everybody; 10i per cent profit; write today, Tho Wilson Supply Co.. Box 104SE, Lincoln. Ncb. MANUFACTURER of tho highest sradf guaranteed hosiery wants local represent ative to sell direct to consumer; wtltu nt oncu. Grange Mills. Fourth and Grangu Ave., Philadelphia, Pa . WANTED At once, 4 experienced so licitors for rond work; first-class tioii Inquire "00 Brandels Theater Bldg "AGENTH-Senrt for free sample and new spring catalogue of latest special ties; quick doles; big profits; make I0 dally. S. H. l.ocffler & Co., 54 Doan Ave., E. Cleveland, O. HORRORS of Tornado, Fire and Flood. Over 300 pages, fully Illustrated; the big money maker; outflt 10c. W. A. Hlxen bailgh & Co., 1814 St Mary's Ave, Omaha. VOIlN'n tnnli In nnt nil collector! mUt be thoroughly familiar In tho city and bo able to furnish personal bond. Inquire, ou nrnnncls Theater mug. HIGH-GRADE, permanent business; no samples, Helling or collecting; oxperlente unneccsary. Write at once. L. W. Browne, Secretary, 290 Bchwlnd Bldg., Dayton. O. KEMPER-THOMAS CO., Cincinnati, want traveling men for advertising fans an stde-llne. Quick money. $75 weekly. Copyrlghtod designs. Selling season now on. Apply Fan Dept. SALESMEN for Nebraska to sell our lino of ndvertlHlng, Imported, domestic and deluxe (.'nlundurs, novelties cloth and leather goods. Permanont position. Lib eral terms. Address Immediately, Sales munager United tSatcn Calendar Co,, Cincinnati. WANTED Off Ico man correspondent with $1,000 to tako charge of Omaha of fice. Handle, own money. Something out of tlin ordinary; popular demand; quick monpy; permanent. References required, California Soli Products Cotnpuny, Los Angeles, Cal. SALESMEN wanted to visit country towns; salary and commission contract; old established firm. Victor Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN to call on grocers, con fectioners, general stores; $150 monthly and expenses; yearly contract. Man ager, 18 S. 2d St., St. 1jOxh. Mo.' WANTED Salesmon to handle our new merchandise Belling plan; commission 25 per cent; weekly settlements; salary and expenses paid to successful men. Import China & Glass Co.. St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN WANTED Visiting notion trade, to take orders on fnst selling shirt walBt belt; commission only. Address, Cllngerbelt Co., 303 6th Avo., New York City. SPECIALTY salesmen either slde-llne or regular; those with oash register, scales or vending machine, experience pre ferred, but not necessary, for new postage stamp vending machine; delivers stick gum with each sale. No competition. Ter ritory filling fast K. C. Stnmn Vending Machine Co., 306 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Ambitious young men to be come traveling salesmen, Hundreds of good openings. Wrlto for particulars. Bradstreet Training SyMem, Rochester, N. Y. CAN you write a moving picture play as good as the one you saw last night If you want to make money write moving picture plays, write to Farmer Smith, InooriKiiatcd. 123 So. Summit Ave., Cedar Grove. N. J. NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER, l'atonted and guaranteed. Over 197,000 satisfied customers In United Stutes und Canada. Best known vacuum cleaner on market. See new metal flexible sprlmr udptutlng nozzle. Also makers of fast selling Daisy 3 Bellows type machine. Wrlto lor prices. LANNING STONE SALES CO.. Gas Bldg., Chicago WE FURNISH YOU CAPITAL TO RUN PROFITABLE BUSINESS of your own. Become our local representative and sell high-grade custom made shirts, also guarunti-ed iiWeuters, underweat, tindery, and neckties, direct to homes Write STEADFAST MlLIJj, Pept. 29. Ooheos, N. Y. FREE samples no-splash water strain ers are winners for agents, both sexes, dally profit $5 upward; let us prove It; send 2c (mailing cost), N. A. Heed Filter Co.. New York. ARE you wanting a good substantial agency? Chewing Gum sells ull year rround. Apply for our proposition today. Helmet Gurn Co., Cincinnati i AGENTS i Hurry -Joiru't ,ng new. Sanltury device for telephones. Millions will be sold. 150 per cent profit Apply for territory. Hygienic Phoudatc Co.. 10s7Jeferson. Toledo. P. AGENTS make big money selling Flood tmd Cyclone Book. 350 pages; Illustrated, Best terms. Outfit free. Credit given. Freight Prepaid. Central Supply Co., Edgewood, Iowa. OHIO floods, booklet. 34 views, 25c. Box 831, Columbus, O. Agents wanted. FLOOD, fire, tornado, Dayton, Omaha, other cities ruined, Biggest $1 book; 50 Illustrations; 100 per rent piiflts; agent's outfit free now. We propay postage, Book Dept., Novelty Cutlery Co., Can ton. O. NOW READY THE GREATEST BOOK OF MODERN TIMES, "Swept By Mighty Waters." u true his tory of the Great Tornado and Flood DIs uster. KngHKh und Gerinun editions; paper, 35c; cloth. $1 Agents, big money for you. Sample copy complete book, to commence work, 40c; or prospectus, 15c postpaid. Sample free when 25 copies or more have been ordered. No wis the great opportunity Others arc getting rich, why not gut your share of the liur vest Lulrd & l-ee. Publishers, 1732 Mich igan Ave., Chicago. Bee SINGLE Drawn for The Bee by Gus Mager WANTRD-lh" nn fiM timtm high class salesman of good stzo and ap pearance. . to sell food products to the grocery trade. Address In own handwrit ing stating size, age, experience und salary roqtilred. All communications con fidential. Address C 157, cara Bee. AGENTS WANTED A large corpora tion offers dealers and agents a real and ono of tho few live opportunities to be first In tho field with a small, compact, absolutely necessary automobile acces sory, never needing repairs; absolutely now; easy to attacp by simply Inserting In manifold Intake; no moving parts, and lasts forover; necessary because It posi tively reduces the cost of gasollnu 25 to 40 per cent; backed by our guarantee; ample territory yet undeveloped: large advertising campaign In full swing; leads rurnisiied to dealers and agents; prorits from 100 por cent to 200 por cent, depend ing on quantities handled; easy und quick to sell: a good sldo line; sells at $3 to $t; everybody wants It: anybody can Nell It, Address E. F. Holplt, P. O. Box 246, New York. Clerical nnd Office. MGR. BLDG. MAT'L DEPT. $100: f"OR- RICSPONDENT A DEPT. MOR. (1NV). $125; TRAVELINO RA LEHMAN OAS UN- OINEB. $100; TRA VELIO SALESMAN, MER. LINE. $100' CITY SALESMAN, TENTS & AWNINGS. $100: TRAVELING SALESMAN, BBWBR PIPE & TILH, $125; TRAVELINO SALESMAN, DRUGB, $100; TRAVELINO SALESMAN, FUR NITURE. $751 BOOKKPR. WHOLE SALE. $85; BOOKKPR. t BTBNO. $0; BOOKKPR. & ACCUNTANT. $125: GEN ERAL OFFICE MAN oLARGE INVEST MENT CONCERN, $75; STENO. $70. STENO. $03; STENO, $50; STENO & CLK.. $CB. WRRT. n INFERENCE A BOND ARS'N.. ORIGINATORS OF THE REFERENCE BUSINESS. 752 OMAHA NATL BANK BLDG.' Wo want at once. Elllott-Flsher operator, $75: Timekeeper, $75 and Vonrd; Ledger Clerk. $ti0-$ii5: Stenographer (Implements),; $60; Book keeper. $C5. Wo have 31 other openings. Call and see us. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. SPRINO rush Is commencing In lh automobile bUMlnosa; learn now oy prac tical experience In completely equipped shops; $10 Oto $20 Ocarned monthly ov good men. Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n, 2814 North 20th St., Omaha, Neb, WA NT ED Job compositor or good two thlrdcr of good hnblts. Steady position. Augustine Co.. Grand isianu. wen, Drug Btore snaps; Jobs. Knlest. Bee Ulng. HARNESS maker wanted who Is an amateur ball player; pitcher preferred. Address Y 113, lice, nrmii 1, . ntnntmA whn Im n inll. lituni. 1 1 1 1. . . ,.....-.. .. ..w - - -- teur ball player; pltoher preferred. Ad- aress it in, nee. 111. .- A r.n tnlnirUA nr tlftr- sonal Interview will explain how w teach barber trade In few weeks. We wont more men to learn at once. Jobs waiting. Investigate now. Moler Barber College, no M. mn m. WANTED Wood working machine man for Bash and door department. vier to., 4-itn ana vjuiiiimk . . -t i i.... ...... I ..,,,-. lt.ntlier ... I , , ., .Mn Aiimunt t'finil Wlll?CB. uuuern. niruu ,.n.,w ........ o ' This factory runs steadily all year round. Apply Wallace & timion v.o., o . St. Milwaukee. Wis. Mlacellaneons. WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information npply to Re cruiting Officer, Army Building. 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 605 Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; 130 No. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $100; experience unnecessary. Send nge,stamp. Address Y 109. Bee. "l NEED GOOD MEN everywhero, part n , i . l i ww. lniMlnnRH' mnltn irinnev with me: pii experience needed; desk and full outfit free. w. . us trnnder, Dept. 73. 12 W. 31st St. New York itr a vrm.Tv t n 1 1 tti r ttntl rlorUui tV nmlnatlon Mny 3: $900 to $1.MM yearly. I conducted government eunuiiuiiuii. -" help you pass. Trial lesson free, write . n . T . . I .. ln uzmeni. is lAnun. y .ft,,t,,iit.i'w ...ii .vi'iin I lurta1 ninat uwvi'.uiii)trj.i i ... - thorough preparation $o; returned If not appointed. Particulars free. American ci, .11 Ua.vlrn plinnl. Wushlmrton. D. C I "t..V - j.i..ii,i. .apt, nvttw lllO innnthlv greatest opportunities, Write petectlvo Wagner, 1243 Lexington Ave.. New York. WiVTKIl-Mn rallwav mall clerkii. postofftce clerks, carriers, everywhere, account parcel post; earn $70 to $160. Write at once, stating position desired. Amerl can Institute. Dept. 19. Kansas City. Mo. WA.VI'KD Men try me for good luck; the eucalyptus pig, the Panama craze, the queerest thing over happened, 10c. Gray, 234 W. Jefferson, Los Angeles. Cul. "MEN of IdeaH with Inventive ability should write today for new list, "Needed Inventions." Prizes for patents. Randolph Vi Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C . WANTED Experienced night watch man who can give A-l reference. Ad dress N 190. care Bee. BEGIN NOW oleaning and blocking hnts. Excellent business, requiring ll't'u capital; good profits. Wrlto for booklet! lieu-vonoo nysit'iu, ueiu. ui, i imuoiit, N. C $10 PER 100 upward paid tacking algns distributing booklets, samples, etc. Stud 6c stamps for prluellst paid secrrc t r rltory. Ehepard's Agency. Lubanon, N, H. want-ads COPY FIVE CENTS. $100 MONTHLY and expense to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work. Hclteffer, Treas urer, 734 Sherman. Chicago. $25 WEEKLY nnd expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholeiala house. C, Emery. Chicago. FARM hands, laborers furnished free of charge to employer. Evans' Employment Office, 1617 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 8011. WANT a telegraphy JobT We have one watting for you. It's yours Just as soon as you can qualify for It It's a steady all the year round year In and year out position, with good pay nnd better oppor tunity for promotion. You can qualify for It In a few short months at BOYLKS COLLEGE. OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC nnd ILLINOIS CENTRAL n, It TRAIN ING SCHOOL. Free transportation to your post of duty will be given to you. Send for our catalogue today. BOYLEH COLLEGE. BOYLES BUILDING, 11. B. BOYLE8, PRESIDENT. OMAHA. NEB. HELP WANTED MA LIS AND FEMALFI MEN-WOMEN Get government parcel tvost Jobs. $20 week: write for list of po sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 214B. Rochester, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person may earn steady Income corresponding for newspapers: ex perience unnecessary. Address. Press Correspondents' Bureau, Washington, . v. . MAKE $S0 to $100 woekly writing photo Dlavs: experience unnecessary. We ex plain how. Writers' Byndlcate, 860 F, Monandock Block, Chicago. ARE YOU out of a position, or dlssat laflnd with voiir Dresent one? If so. fall on us Monday morning. We place sten. ographcrs, bookkeepers and office clerks, .National Reference Company, 894 Bran dels Bldg. Doug. 2898. LADY or gentleman, fair eduoatlon, to act as our representative In home town. We furnish the capital; show you how to build up permanent profitable busi ness from your own home: staple line; exclusive territory; selling experience un necessary; our booklot now to start In business for yourself." explains all. Free on request. Address Clown Company, I'liiiaaeipnia, i'a.. ucpt. n.- $5 TO $10 a day for reliable men and women agents: samples and complete outfit free; credit given; easiest, fastest, best sellers ever offered; a sale for every call. Altz of .Mollne, 111., averaged $1 an hour; Fitch of Bt Paul, Minn., worked only part time, averaged $125 a month for six months; Sill of Laredo, Tex., mode $12.50 In eight hours and says, "Anyone willing to work can make $5 to $10 a day." 40 per cent profit to you; full de tails free. Address Dow Sales Co., Dept. 96. Topeka. Kan, ADVERTISING solicitor to get $1 llnem for our annual catalog. $50 commission, for 10 days, work. Address D 332, Bee. MEN, women, get government Jcbs; excellent salaries; write Immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 214-C, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS COLORED man wants position as all around man. Call Webster 7001 A Gardener and florist wishes place In city. Address E 150. care Bee. POSITION by a widow lady in a wtd owera home; western states preferred, Colorado or California. Address V 248, care of Tho Bee. POSITION lnphyslolan'i or demurs office by undergraduate nurse. Address M 169, care Bee. WANTED Girl for general housework. Private boarding home. 809 So. 20th. Douglas 4059. WANTED Position by young married man, either In office or bank. Nine yearn experience In dealing with public. Good reierencea lurnisnea. Address Y 117, Bee. as housekeeper. Mrs. Evert. Call at 1st stair In the front of 4015 So. 19th. WANTED-Posltlon as housekeeper: wnjihlnir. Irnntnir pUaninv T.v, i G07Z. ANNOUNCEMENTS D. B. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frenzor Blk. Gibson's Buffett . 322 South 15th Bt. ' NOW OPEN. ' KAPLAN'S KOSHER CAFE Northwest Corner 15th and Harney. Finest Kosher meals In the city. HAVE your piano reflnlshed, good us new. Welrlch Fixture Co. Webster 2oii. THE TIB THAT ENDURES la a lucky wedding ring from Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. At th Sign of the Crown up the Golden Stairs. FOUND AT LAST SCREEN DOORS, windows made up and Installed complete. Order now before spring rush. Omaht Window Screen Co., 624 N. 16th. bisomeul. Doug. 4C9t We are makers of Fero'a patent metal corner for windows and doors. Wedding announcements. Doug Ptg. .:o. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Bjst remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud. ing piles; 50c postpaid; samples freo. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN-LUW rate. 310 Bea Bldir. Tel. Doug. 2904, Union Loan C). CAMERAS bought and exchangod. 1 m m ifialnnar1 ?saa Jordan, Douglas 7254. 1823 Leavenworth. ntTl! nnllnnnl calami... 1 . and tornado; 350 pages; 50 photographs; thrilling stories and sketches. Cloth bind ing, $1; leather, $1.76; mailed or delivered May 1. E.M.Slnger. 6328 N. 25th A.. Omaha ANYONE having lost their nl&nn . the recent storm wishing to replace haino with another will be favored to the limit by a. H. Harr Piano Co., Sd. Floor. Bos ton Store. D. 2017. v ""TORNADO PICTURES, postal curds, lantern slides with lecture. 503 Welling ton Bldg. or Tel. D. J183, Omaha. Neb., ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film exch., Hth and Doug. No tion picture machine and film bargain.