Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 14-B, Image 28

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    14 B
TT or- r.,. ...8: uHU 5 8 3
iiikh I:? R.:A, " V 1 ! JSfr.SH'HMKBl
13, 1913.
1 WM I M 1HsV-sssBiaBBsBi'SH I ! sW m !!
i k. m .xsjr i i ii i i m-4. i mi m m JLasesssY mwmvm i ! u va
Ladcs' Hand'fc'fs
Very special bargains in
clean new goods.
5c Handkerchiefs at 2MC
10c Handkerchiefs, at 5c
15c Linen Hdkfs., at 7C
25c Handkerchiefs, fancy
embroidered, at . . . .15c
50c fancy embroidered
Hdkfs., choice 25c
7Bc Hibbons UBc All our BOo
and 76c fancy W-arp Print
Ribbons and a beautiful lino
of oxtra wide plain r"
and fancy Hash 1 j f
Beginning Monday, April 14th
u VJjKY department throughout this big busy
J ' store will join hands in an immense special showing of
quality goods in all lines. We believe that to create and to
maintain public interest a store must display stocks that excel
in newess, variety, novelty and value, and that to a certain
extent such displays should be educational in character. We
know that superior assortments and values are ours. We
want you to know it more definitely, hence the special demonstration of
quality goods in nearly every department throughout the next two weeks.
Come in and let us show you why we consider cer tain lines superior. Take
advantage of the hundreds of special offerings.
Dow Bleached Belfast Satin
Damask, assorted r f -fl f
designs, worth j) f . 1 U
$1.00 yard r
Imported Mercerized Batln
Damask, oxtra width, worth
G9c yard 436
8x10 Unhemmed Pattern
Cloths, worth 11.75, oach,
at ....... ...... OSjC
Lace bordered Dresser Scarfs,
Squares and Circles, worth up
to $2.00 oach (1.00
Pure Linen Hemstitched Hucka
back Towels, worth 4 Bo euch, BSo
Extra largo Hemstitched llti'.k
Towels with colored borders
worth lCc eac't lOo
Barnsley Huckaback nnd Gins
Towcllnts, values up to lBc per
yard, at 9o
Beginning Monday, April 14th
While Goods
Hems for Monday
Grand assortment all kinds
whlto uoods, Swisses nnd
mulls, values
up to 10c
Imperial EfigllBh Long Cloths
and Nainsooks, values up to
29c yard IScJ
Sheer Persian Lawns for tho
graduation exorcises, values
up to 50c yard 25d
Wash Chiffons, this season's
choicest fabrics In white, worth
up to 75c a ynrd 39 o
Pllsse Crepe, the new spring dress
and skirt material, worth 26c a
yard 180
Ramie Cloth, strictly pure flux.
In every conceivable shade and
worth up to $1.25 a yard.... 75c
Embroidery Sale
Values we believe super
ior to any ever previously
Dnlnty matched sets in
edges and insertions,
choice assortment of pat
terns for selection.
$1.00 Kinbroldcrlcs 35c yd.
A fine assortment ot full 46-
ln. Skirt Flounclngs suitable
for'Summer Dresses,
regular $1.00 yard
values, at ....
Superb Quality, Matchless Variety and Surprising Values
Offered Buyers Here Monday In Our Great ,
April Sale of High Quality Rugs
Months of careful preparation for this event, buying early before tho price advance
buying direct from the mills for cash, places us in a position to offer in our big April
Sale. Now, Perfect, High Class Ruga at Prices Actually Less Than Mill Cost of the
Same Merchandise Today. Hero Are a Few of the Matchless BaVgain Offerings:
9x12 Axminster Rugs
Extra quality, made to
soli for $30, choice of 48
nattorns, Sff ?98
9x12 Velvet Rugs
Seamless, big lino of
patterns, made to sell
at $25.00: $4 E98
at 1 -
Wilton Velvet -Rugs 9x12 sizo, choice now pat
terns, made to sell at $30.00; $ O90
, A V
9x12 Seamless Tapestry
Brussels Rugs, 8 wire
on sale, at
9x12 Bigelow Eleotra
Rugs In most beauti
ful Orierftal patterns
and colorings $32.50
values at, $Fi50
clioicn -
quality, $16,50 $Q98
values, at
10 wire quality, $20.00
values, at ....$12.98
Seamless High Pile Axminster Rugs 9x12 sizo,
bier varioty of patterns, made to $ "19B
hoII nf. fca0.0O: nn snln nt. choice
Many Other Specials
$1.50 Tapestry
Bugs, 27x54
Bizo 69c
$2.75 Axmin
ster Rugs, 27x
54 sbso, S1.59
$4.50 Axmin
ster Rues, 36x
72 size, sa.YD
9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs Fino lino of patterns, rugs that were made COO
to sell at $35.00, go on salo at, choice
Demonstrations 0f
Sco tho Special Demonstration
of the
Regtna Pnoumntlc Sweeper.
Slmplo, Practical, Efficient,
In Carpet Dept., 8d Floor.
Manufacturer's Sample Lines at
about half worth.
25o Neckwear at 15c
35o Neckwear at 19c
50o Neckwear at 25c
75o Neckwear at 35c
$1.00 Neckwear at . . . .49c
Big Variety for Selootion.
Wool Dress Goods
You'll Certainly Appreciate
59c values in Cream Wool Serges, 9 Q C
and Diagonals, on sale, yttd JOyd.
$1.00 quality All Wool Sorgo, a fino heavy
quality, 42 ins. wide, .yard- 68c
$1.25 Cream All Wool Serge, 52 ins. wido,
storm or Fronch woayo, yard 88c.
Imported French Wool Taffetas in navy
and black, regular prico $1.25, one of tho
best bargain ovor, yard 78c
Several OMicr Specials Monday In Wash Goods 800.
Four Remarkable Special Silk Items
That Should Crowd this Department Monday
75o Quality All Silk Satin Foulards In splendid assortment of
now stylos. and colorings, 24 inches wido, Monday, at, yard ......
85c and $1.00 Messalines All silk,
27 inches wido, 30 different shades
$1.50 Orepe de Chines Tho most
favored silk for sprincr; fino, heavy
for your selection, at yard. .58c I quality, 40-in. wide, at yard $1.18
$2.00 Quality Satin Orepe de Meteor 44 inches wido, in a full line of col
ors, soft clinging fabrics, very much in vogue, at tho yard $1.48
A Wonderfully Complete Stock of Silk SuitingB Silk moires, Colcle Silk,
Suitings, "Kismit" cloth, the newest; silk popluiB, heavy crepe medora,
canton orepe, etc; superior values, at prices up from $1.50
A $40,000 Stock of Women's and Children
Ready to Wear Outer Garments made by
New YorK manufacturers for Mer
chants in the flooded districts and
secured by our New York resident buyer
at a big discount.
ForSaleNowatPriccs Scarcely More
than Half the Actual Retail Worth
New lots brought forward every day.
You'll find the style correct and widely
varied. Qualities will prove a pleasing
iurprise to even those expecting most.
203 Handsome New Tailored Suits
made to retail at$40.0Q and $45.00.
Come in esponge. bedford cords, nell rose
cioins, eic, in proaa assort- H Jr
ment of most wanted colorings. M
Your choice Monday . . . mmtJ
280 Pretty Tailored Suits
manufactured to sell at $18.00 to $25.00,
nobby new designs in serges, diagonals, fancy suit
nigs, etc., iind including a fine lot of misses'
Norfolk Suits, all sizes from 14 to 48, Tf C J
your choice Monday $AmsJ
SUMMER DRESS Styles I Special Display and Demon
A display of beautiful stration Monday of the
summer dresses in all ft if i nk:
wanted now colorings
and materials. Soft
crepes, pretty marqui
settes, dainty lingeries,
fancy ratines, etc., fore
oasts of summer styles
that boar tho stamp of
authority, r o f 1 eoting
with accuraoy the last
word from accepted ar
biters of fashion. Spe
cial values at $19.50,
$25, $35 to . . . .$75
Nothing else produced that will
take its place with well dressed
women. No bunching round
the hips. A perfectly smooth
fitting garment in scores of
most beautiful styles. See
Beautiful crepes and silks; a
magnificent assortment of rich
new styles, $1.95, $2.95 up
to $25.00
Authentic Fashions in
Not a single detail is
lacking to make this
display one of excep
tional pleasing propor
tions. If there's a fabric
most desired, its here; if
there's a style you ad
mire more than others,
you'll find it surely
among the broad assort
ment we have to offer.
Exceptional values at
prices from $14.90,
$19.50 to . . $35.00
Specials in
Domestic Room
Dons' 72x00 made shceta, soft
finished muslin, ft r
BoodOBc TL)C
Pillow Cases, well mado, Rood
quality ot muBlln, size 42x30,
12o values Q
Farmers' Chotco, 36-lnch naif
bleached muslin, 10a values,
at 7tt
Aurora 9-4 bleached sheeting,
good weight, 28c values 23J
Hemmed Ded Spread, good
size and weight, 1.39 val
ues 05tk
Dleached table damask, 58 In.
wide, good 39c values, 25
Huck Towels, fringed, red
borders, lOo values .
17-lnch brown linen toweling,
12 Mo values 10
Special Display and Demon
stration of the
In Trunk Dept., Main Floor.
Xftydta'a aak tfc prloo on
Drnffn, Toll Qooda and Smr. tson
drlai. Way pay mor? Xotlo
gtctals for acbnaayi
26o ntie Pure Hydrogen Proxtde
at 10o three for 9So
1.00 alia Pura Hydrogen Perox
ide, oxtra size, for ,...880
6o bar Packers Tar or Woodbury
Facial Hoap for lBo
10a Williams' or Colsate' Shavlnx
Soap for ..Bo
10a Physicians' and Buregona' or
Samoa's Bonn, per bar .......Bo
35c can of Williams' Violet or Car.
Ration Taloum Powder for, .10o
One bt lot of regular 10c, IGo and
25o a bar Toilet Boap, assorted
brands, go at two bars for,.18o
Four bar of Ivory Boap for. ..19o
16o package of 2QMule-Te&m Bo
rax for 80
ISo site Banltol or Dr. Ii U Graves
Tooth Pasta or Powder for..l0o
X5o size Pond's Extract or Banltol
Face Cream for ., ISo
COo size Stlllman'a Freckle Cream
for a so
60c Java nice or Poieonl'a Face
Powder for flSo
Large size Pompetan Cream Mas
an for 49o
$1.(0 bottle of Oourand Oriental
Cream for 880
$1.00 box of La Trefle or Azurea
Face Powder for .....76o
50o alze (about 13 ota.) of Jlny
Rum and bottle for 18o
50o size Sodium Phosphate, sale
price S5o
One hundred Dr. lllnkle'o Caacara
Tablets for 25o
Hayden's Quality Goods & Pure Food Exhibit
Will commence Monday morning, April 11, for two weeks. In this exhibit wo have secured the most com
petent demonstrators In the country and will explain to you the various methods to use the goods they aro
demonstrating to tho best advantage. Every housewife is cordially invited to visit the mammoth dis
play. Among them will be McCord-nrady & Oo.'s Advo Jell, Paxton & Gallagher's full Une Yollowstone
canned goods, Delft Peanut Oil1 for salads, Dncotnli Wheat ITcarts, Iten's famous cookies and crackers,
Crlsco for pastry making, Haskln Bros.1 bath, toilet and laundry soaps, Gebhardt's Heans, Koffee, the sub
stitute for coffee; Health Flour for broad, plo and cako baking; Hunkle's Chocolate for cakes and drink
ing purposes; Sturo IloulUon for beef tea, Diamond II Breakfast Coffee, tho coffee of quaUty, and numer
ous other specials-. Come and don't bo afraid to sample tho different Unes. GROCERY SPEOIAIiS FOR
83 U. Best
10 bara Diamond C,
Lenox' or lieat-'Kiu-All
Soan for.... 23o
10 lb. beat Ho lied
Breakfast Oatme il
for U5o
10 lbs. best White or
Yellow Cornmeal,
for 17V4o
10 lbs. best mashed
chick feed for O3o
E lbs. best Japan Itlua
for 33o
Fancy extra large
Queen Olives, per
quart 33o
The -best bulk Peanut
Ilutter. lb.,,. 13H
Advo Jell. Jellyconor
Jello, pkff 7Uo
1- lb cans assorted
soups 7V4o
Yeast Foam, pkg. 3o
Largk bottles Wor
cester Bauce, Pick
lea, pure Tomato
Catsup, or muat
tard, bottle... Bio
2- lb cans fancy Sweot
Sugar Corn Bo
2-lb. can fancy Wax,
String, Qreen or Li
ma Beans .... 7Ho
The best domestlo
Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti,
pkg. for 7Ho
The best Tea Sitt
ings, lb. ...... lOo
Golden Santos Cof
fee, lb. , 35o
The best Creamery
Butter, carton or
balk, lb 36o
Tho best Fresh coun
try Eggs, dozon SOo
Full cream New York
white, Wisconsin
Cream or Young
America Cheese, per
lb 180
Imported Rocquefort
cheese, lb 39o
Neufchatel Cheese, at
each , 3o
The Greatest Vege
table Uarket in the
West for the
1C lbs. best Colorado
Potatoes ISo
15 lbs. Red Olobe
. Cooking Onions lBo
Best Holland Seed
Cabbage, lb lo
Large bunches beets,
carrots, turnips,
radishes or shallots,
per bunch io
Fresh Spinach, pk ISo
Fanoy Cauliflower,
lb 7Ho
8 lbs, fancy shelled
popcorn 10o
S heads fancy leaf
Lettuce So
Fanoy large head
Lettuce, each..7io
Fancy Rhubarb, per
lb 7Ho.
S bunches pars
ley at 8a
S large soup bunches
for loo
Large cucumbers, ca,
at lOo, lBo
3 large green pepura
for lOo
Fancy wax or green
beans, lb too
Fanoy ripe tomatoes.
per lb lOo
Fancy new potatoes.
per lb 7Vo
Largo' stalks celery,
for So
Large Orape fruit, at
.each 6o
Fancy Strawberries,
.box 100
Watch for Eayden's
Quality Goods and
Pure Pood Exhibit,
oommenolng aionday,
April 14th. Porty spe
cial Demonstrations.
Curtain and
Cable Net Curtains, 3
yards long, white only,
made to sell at ff)ML
$4.50,' choice pr. Pfc
Nottingham Lace Curtain's,
made to sell to $3.00 pair,
white or ecru, on sale, at,
pair S1.49
Nottingham and Fish Net Cur
tains, regular prices up to
$1.75, on sale Monday, at,
pair OSd-
09c Bungalow Nets, In ecru,
45 In. wide, yard ....35d
40-In. Marquisettes, colors,
ecru or cream, yard . Zdd
Rope Portlers for double doors,
made to sell at $5.00, Mon
day 83.25
.Matting Shirt 'Waist Boxes,
16x30, $5.00 value, 2.08
Poplins, Voiles,
Ginghams, Lawns
and .All Kinds of Wash Qooda
at Cut Prices Boniestlo Boom.
Poplins, assorted col- f
ore, good weight, I .
10c values i.
Ginghams, fancy plaids, checks
and stripes, good colors, val
ues to 12c
Shirting Madras, 36-ln. wide,
fancy stripes, good colors, 19c
values 15
Fancy striped feather ticking,
30c values 25 d
Lawna, pretty patterns, good
10c values 7Mi
Prints, perfect goods, light and
dark colors, blues, blacks
and grays, 6io values, 5J
Fancy Crepe for kimonos,
fancy colors and patterns, 18c
values 12Md
AmoBkeag Ginghams, blues,
browns and greens, 8o val
ue8 7d
Special Demonstration of
Electric Washers, Electric
Irons, Electric Appliances.
All kinds in Hardware Dept.
Exi rdinary Clearing Sale Bargain of
Used Sewing Machines
Floor Samples Machines that have been rented and
machines taken in trade, all in first class condition.
1 Eldridge, automatic chain
1 Wheeler and Wilson 5-drawer
drop head, ball-bearing, with,
attachments, at ....$20.00
1 Eldredge Vibrating Shuttle
Now, with full set of attach
ments, at 815.00
1 Ruby, good as new, -with at
tachments, ball bearing, S18
1 Defiance, 5 drawers, drop head
-with attachments at ..38.00
1 White Tailoring at . .38.00
stitch, sample, good as new,
boll boarlng, at . ...S20.00
1 White vibrating shuttle, auto
matic lift, all attachments,
at 810.00
1 Singer, 5 drawers, drop head,
with all attachments at 818
1 Reliable, 7 drawers, drop head,
ball bearing, runs like new,
at 811.50
1 White box top, at . . . .85.00
A number of other machines at , $2.50 to $25.00
Everyone of them worth much more thnn prices.
New Home Machines Tho best mnohineB produced. Wo
buy direct from the factory nnd save you tho middlo
man's profit; prices rnngo from 35i $38, $40 to $50
10c Oil. -5c 25c Belts. .15c Steel Needles, doz;. .20c
Of ths Superior Hsrlts of
Hart, Schaffher
& Marx
Ready-tO'Wear Clothes
Xt us show you how they are
made Inside and out.
Some Things We Can Bhowt
Superior Quality of Tailoring.
Superior Quality of Material.
Perfect Pit Distinctive Style.
An Altogether Better Suit Than
the Average Custom Made Ur
ments at about Half tae Custom
Tailors' Prices.
Many men who have always
thought they must have their
clothes made to measure are
Wow Wearing' Hart, Behaffner
It Marx Clothes.
Zet Us Convert Yon.
New Veilings
All latest novelties included in
three special lots.
Lot 1 85o Veilings, yard..lfld
Lot 2 50c Veilings, yard.,35
Lot 8 76o veilings, yard.. 50
We Will Demonstrate to You
That We Carry the Best
Assortment of
Styles 6hown in Omaha and can
save you from 15 to 00 on
the price of your spring and
summer hats. See .our display.
f Fireproof
Cooking Ware
To Introduce this ware we wlU'&ell
these articles at the below price:
1 Casserole
2 Baking Dishes,
6 Custard Cups.
1 Asbestos Mat. ,
1 Cookbook. . . .
12 85
Pieces, Set
Seed Dept. Specials
Grass Seed, lb 2,06
Blusgrass and clover, lb.. .30d
4 quarts ot red and yellow onion
aets 25
All flower and vegetable seeds, 2
packages for 56
nil Try HAYDEN'S First ;T,
2s Hardware "T.X"'
Others Follow
Double Galvanized Poultry Netting, per square foot 94 c
Double Galvanized Poultry Netting, In full rolls, per 100 sq. ft. QO
Screen wire, per square foot 26
8-lnch Post Hole Augers 7D6
76c D Handle Shovels, special at 40J
sue1 High Grade Bath Room Fixtures
16-lnch Glass Towel Bars with
heavy nickel plated brass mount
ings 390
Nickel plated brass Tumbler Holders
and Tooth Brush Holders, tulip
style 9o
Heavy nickel plated brass SoaD
Dlshea 39o
Heavy fancy brass nickel plated
Toilet Paper Holders 49o
Heavy braBs nickel plated Towel
Rods, 18-ln. long 39o
Bath Tub Sets 70c
Bo six Sold Band Toi
let Paper, la rolls 25o
10c else Oold Band Toi
let Paper, 12 rolls SOo
Clothes I'rns. 120...1DO
Genuine Slogan Alco
hol Stoves 39o
Any size steel Fry
Pans for loo
Williams' Eltctrio Iron
7a written guarantee
with every Iron S2.'i9
25a Shaker Flour Sieve
for ... 19o
Ideal" Flour Selve 60
Heavy tin Flour Bins,
SO lb. capacity, fanc
lly decorated . . . ,79o
Shlnola Shoe Polish Bo
Heavy Twisted Wire
Clothes Lines, heav
ily galvanized ...lBo
3-hole Perfection Oil
Cook Hrove . ...S9.0O
Large size 2-burner
Ovens, tin and asbes
tos lined .... .,$1.98