Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Image 20

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The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Pace
Copyright, 1912, by tho Star Compnny. Grcnt Tlrltnln nights Itwr.t
The New Full Skirt., with Trouser
Pockets, the "Going-Ashore"
Jacket and Bulganan
Cloth Cod.
The Effect of the War in
the East Is Shown in the
New Boylike Costumes
for the Debutante's
Little Sisters
LADY DUFF-GORDON, the famous "Lucile" of
London, and. foremost creator of fashions in the
world, writes each week the fashion article for
this newspaper, presenting all that is newest and best in
styles for well-dressed women.
Lady Duff-Gordon's Paris establishment brings her
into close touch with that centre of fashion.
Lady Duff-Gordon's American establishment is .at
Nos. 37 and 39 West Fifty-seventh street, New York.
Turkish Jacket and Slit Skirt
of Blue Eponge, arid the
New Soldier Sath.
Shortness as regards the 'basques, and this Is em
phasized by the lowering ot the waist Une. Tho
seams, too, are stitched In such a way that they
ere brought into a new prominence and often,
Indeed, constitute the sole but smart adorn
ment for tho coat.
In the pictures I am sending you this week
you will notice that the shoulder seam is making
a desperate effort to get back to Its old place, and
you will notice also the decided effect the war
troubles ot tho East are having on the fashions.
Tho first costume Is fairly typical of. the Turk
ish soldiers. The skirt, as you see, has tho ankle
slit, and this gives to this little costume a piquant
effect that is very fetching and very boyish. Tho
blouse of soft white mull is created on tho lines
of tho very chlo lingerie blouses of the Spring.
This particular model, made up with real lace. Is
the coming favorite for the warm season.
In the second picture are shown two boyish
models that are really very smart when worn by
slender girls of fourteen and sixteen. Tho
seated figure is wearing a Turkish jacket and a
straw cap that Is Just the shape of the Turkish
The Jacket Is one of the shapeless kind that
Paris has adopted with avidity this season. It
has the long narrow sleeves that I think are
more chic than tho short ones that some of the
modlsts are putting forth.
The standing figure is wearing the full skirt
that Is even more boylike than the severe skirts.
Tho fulness Is gathered In the back at the heels.
Around the ankles is the hobble band, and there
are pocket slits at the back Just below the hips.
The coat is much the shape of a sailor man's
golng-ashoro pea Jacket. And the bobbish bat is
The Turkish Costume Showing the Straw Fez
and Soldier's Blouse.
- i .
merely a tight polo cap with a small spray of
flowers in tho front.
The costume and tho bat are created in rough
blue eponge. The odd little collar and tie Is a
most smart touch, giving the careless effect that
adds boyishness to tho whole thing.
This costume, and; in fact, all these shown,
are meant for girls up to eighteen, but they must
bo slender perhaps I should 'say thin.
Tn the last picture you -will' see tho full skirt
without tho coat,' and so can receive a clearer im
pression of It You see, the front panel is fast
ened to the belt with two buttons. This fasten
ing is new and odd, and will bo used on many of
the severe tailor-mades this Spring.
Tho bodice is a modification of the Bulgarian
jacket The long wrinkled sleeves are put in at
the top of the shoulders. The plain cutaway
effect In the front Is very good. This costume as
it is worn here would bo fascinating for a
piquant little miss of sixteen.
"Roof Garden Coatee' the Latest Evening Wrap j$
The Full Skirt Costume Showing, the Bulgarian
Soldier Bodice and Odd Necktie.
By Lady Duff-Gordon.
ELL, I suppose you know that your
rate as regards fashions is practi
cally settled now for the next few
months to come, at any rate. And.
anyway, I know that you will all love to
hare a peep into the future which has been
thus planned out for .you by tho Great
Powers in the World ot Dress.
So let me tell you that some new Influ
ences have been brought to bear upon both
attornoon and .evening gowns, and even upon
some few tailor-made models, and that, In
stead of or, at any rate, In. addition to
the Oriental contours and colorings which
have so decoretlvely dominated our attire of
late, you are now going to pay the flattery
of Imitation to the Albanian and Bulgarian
national dress. How do you like the pros
pect? The actual and attractive reality, at
ory rate, is likely to capture your fancy as
it certainly has done mine
But on tho whole, and aa far as tailor-
mades are concerned, I nnd tne
new creations of ,tbe most noted
houses singularly and pleasantly
free from exaggeration of style and
extravagance of faerie. So that If
you are in search ot n smartly sim
ple suit for general and walking
wear, you will have no difficulty
in being suited The majority of
the coats are rather inclined to
pled the same armchair.
"Darling-," suddenly wbloperea tie. lata
her little pink ear, "I shall never tr
really happy until I've told you some
thing:." His little wife's heart fluttered wildly
as she cooed:
"Then, tell me, love."
"You remember the reason you mar
ried me, don't you7" resumed her remi
inlscent hubby. "You gave yourself 4o
me In gratitude for my having eAved
youn life from drowning: Isn't thai
"Yes, sweetheart." Little Mrs. 3
voice was sweetly tremulous.
"Welt dearest," her better kalf -ooa
ttnued, with set face and tranlc calm.
"I deceived you. The water waa but
waist deep."
A deathly silence, broken only by
the deep breathing of the self-confessed
Then out of nowhere came a-raeeh,
mall voice, which said:
"Don't worry, dear; I know, because
Td had cny foot on the sand all tb
Here's the very latest In Summer evening wraps
the Roof Garden 5oatee. Doesnt look as thouah you'd
ever need It the way the Winter holds on and tries to
get new grip on the world; but you, my lady, will be
glad It la- not heavier when you are wandering arouna
In ens of the torrid Summer nights that hit the town
along In July. It 'was designed especially for American
women by A. M. Qrean, and the members of the Ameri
can Tailors' and Dressmakers' Association have put the
seal of their approval on the chic little garment The
original modal is made of green chiffon, lined with gold
cloth, and Is combined with wide brocade ribbon In a
rose design on an olive green background. All told It Is
"JJXCUSE me, sir." said the well.
dressed stranger, as he stepped'
Inside the door. "Is this Mr. Smart'
"No," replied the man at the desk,
rather angrily; "his office Is ussUlrsi,
on the floor above."
"Much ottlgedt" muttered ths
stranger, as he. proceeded to absent
But he was artful, was that stranger,
for he left the door wide open.
Then It was that the gentleman Ut
the desk "became angrier still.
TH1!" he called. "Come back and
dose my door! HI, d-o-o-r!"
The artful one returned. From
bag he produced a mechanical appli
ance. Upon his face there sat a pleas
ant smile.
"AMow me, sir, to show you my pat
ent double-action door spring. Closes
the door without a bang. Absolutely
the very latest and bestl Warranted
for ninety-nine years."
The dodge worked when tho artful
man had talked a little longer.
, -
Old Gentleman D you know ysu
are the thirteenth beggar who has
pestered me for money to-day!
Beggar That's aU right. J, ain't