Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 A
Beginning Monday We Will Show Many Very
Modish New Styles of Women 's Wearing Apparel
The new Modish Semi
Tailored Dress Suit, with
the mannish cut vest is a fea
ture of the latest models, in
navy poplin,
price . . . . .
Handsome Hand Tailored
Suits, all French hair
ench hair- jjj
cloth lined
Very Fashionable Suits in
Bedford Cord, with the new
draped nr
skirt . . . . ' . . 4ZJ
Pompadour Irish Dimities
Dainty floral designs "a la Pornpadour"
in many colors, printed on new cross-barred
material of the finest texture, also the more
conventional designs, as well as stripes and
dots, are represented in the new line of our
Imported Real Irish Dimities. For dainty ef
fects, Dimities are unsurpassed. Prices
25c, 30c, 35c a yard.
Wash Goods Section DaBomeaL
Silk Gloves
Embroidorcd gloves in a
complete assortment of tho
Bp ring soason's favored
Btylcs. A toticli of dainty
embroidery will add a dressy
finish toujour silk, glqveS. Wo
have never shown prottiqr
styles nnd havo a good as
sortment at poptrlar prices:
$1.50, $1.75, $2 up to $4, pah-
BlaSse Brcaksf Out 'in Tcriitentiary
. at Lansing at Noon.
rvrltttt 1'innt, Tailor Shop hnrt ten
sine i Tonne. '..V&itepx&j ,flnn-'
yletu Locked in Celta Two
Hundred Vitt Arrayr "
LANSING. Kan!, April 12.-Tlie fire,
though atlll burning fiercely, waa under
control at 1:30 o'clock. Vive bulldlnsa
then had been destroyed. Tho wariiei.
then estimated tho total losa at ?,Q01,
The prisoner made no attempt to eaca
although 800 were In tho -prison yard tu
tho time. Tho flro' was duo to an ex
plosion under. a motor.
LANSING, Kan.,' April 13,-Flrc. broke
out Hn tho twine plant of, the Kansas
atatl -pmtlentlary here shortly be'ore
nooif and burned -fiercely. The plant U
the largest prison twlno manufactory In
the country. There nrd more than lido
prisoners In the penitentiary.
News of the fire soon spread to l,.av
enworth, three miles distant, and nur
dreds of persons Began streaming out la
the prison, anticipating Whr outbreak.
In ffcar of a mutiny prisoners wording
In the mines were kept below ground and
others who were 'at outside tasks wr
rushed to the cell -houses.
At 1" o'clock the twine plant, tailor shop
and engine room had been destroyed and
thr fire was within 204 feet of the. cell
houses, but wan .believed to be nearly
under control. The three buildings de
stroyed were 100 feet long and two-and
three stories lit height
The fire brokjohtnt -11:6$ .q'rlock t$
ine twine plant. --&nr.e3 (oy a mgn .winq
' "y'-o V 1 ' '
Genuine Merit Required to Win 'the
People's Confidence
Have you ever stopped to reason why
't lx that so many products that are ex.
tenelvely advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and arc soon forgotten? The
reason Is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises pf the manufacturer. Thlt
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that ha Teat
curative value almost sells Itself, aa like
an endless chain system the remedy Is
recommended by those who have been
:ured, to thoee who are In need of It
In an Interview on the subject a prom
inent local druggist aays, "Take for ex
mple Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a pro-
.taxation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for
In almost every case It shows Immediate
results, aa many of my customers testify.
Vo better kidney remedy that I know of
j as so largo a sale."
The aueceas of Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-
Root is due to the fact that It fulfills
every wish In overcoming kidney, liver
and bladder diseases, corrects urinary
roubles and neutralizes' the uric sold.
which, causes rheumatism.
A free trial bottle will be sent by mall
absolutely free Ad drees Dr. Kilmer &
Ulngharpton. N." Y.. and mention
thl-t paper. Regular site bottle wdd at
all urusglata Wo and ILW
1 .ttL
LaCe Curtains and Curtain
Our drapery stocks are now complete,
comprising the last designing ideas and qual
ities impossible to duplicate elsewhere. We
invite your inspection of the new things.
Bungalow Nets, 20c to $1.25 a yard.
Plain nnd fancy scrims, 15c and 45c a yard.
Sutifast materials, 50o to $1.25 a yard.
; An ondlosH assortment of now curtains, including every
popular stylo, 79c to $21.00 a pair.
Itonson Beldam Ql
It swept that structure nway and at
tacked tho tailor ahop.
A hurry call for a,ld w ent tp Icav
;nwortli and the leavenworth flro de
partment responded with alt Its ap
paratus Aided by prison guards nnd
overy nvallablo cltlion of tho town of
Lansing, the department at Ills o'clock
Hoemod to be making headway against
the (laipes,
, .Most pf . tio ,pron hulldtngs are of
brick -und aanditone. Tho prison was
built In 1561. Numerous additions elnco
have brought tho total cost up to ,12.000,.
fiCO. Thero, (arc three largo cell houses,
containing Ik all 1.061 cells.
(Continued from Page One.)
Omaha," us ox-Mayor V. 8. Tucker hotly
declared, -"Dangerous to life and so
negligently handled thut the streets are
practically Impassable nt. uccount of the
big' ditch and .the dirt In the street,"
supplemented P. 1. Brown, a real estate,
Florence Authorities Protest,
nv iinun .nrntMted and we will keep
on protesting. We have been shamefully
treated. Because of this ditch, that part
of the city la. In a tcnlblo shape," said
Councilman" T M. King. "Tho mayor,
the council rtnd the Commercial club are
of the llama mind about the treatment we
have received."
"Wo feel Just like that ditch looks,"
said a prominent lumber dealer, pointing
to the hill of mud In the atreet.
"8lmply awful," continued Mr. Tucker,
who had Just returned from Lincoln,
whero 'he appeared against Howell'.
.. . . tin sir
metropolitan water aisuici oiu. ou
Into the ditch and had to have the at
doctor for a week. One
of my neighbor's little girls fell In and
was Injured. A horse fell In the ditch
and was crippled and hod to be killed.
Problem To Cross the Ultcb,
"Vnti nflti see nconlo walking along the
with hnnrda In their hands look
ing for a place to cross the ditch. The
crossings now are dangerous. They are
barely wide enough, whero the ditch haa
been filled, for a team to paas over and
the dirt la loose and treacherous.
i I. an nutrase. Tha worst outrage
ver perpetrated cn us. Traffic la Im
peded.'' For half u day I tried to get
three teams across this ditch. There Is
no safety for pedestralns In walking the
hog-back paths, which are the only
means of getting across the street, where
the pipe Is laid."
"Just look at that ditch." said Mr.
Drown, waxing wrathful. Look at It.
High plies of mud; crossings dangerous;
pipe exposed, rustling, leaking, when
there's water In It. 8e that stretch
there. I don't know It on authority, but
I hear tho reason It has not been tilled
Is because there Is doubt as to whether
It will have to be replaced with pipe of
Ko, tor mntArlaJ.
"NectlKenca. that's what It Is. and In
competency. They aro trying to kidnap
Florence by putting over this water bill,
They are endangering our Uvea leaving
this . ditch open and our streets nuea
with this sllDoery clad and mud. Our
property has been damaged, our lives
endangered and through It all we have
nniUnl hut the Water boar Is still
aklng us to be patient. Pur patience
la about worn out
New French Models in Dresses
A visit Monday will be a pleasure
and a style education. Our beautiful
dress section is the great center of at
traction. Here can be seen, side by side,
the daintiest and most simple dresses and
those worn for elaborate evening func
Laces for Your Spring Gowns
Beautiful laces have always conferred
upon their wearer a mark of elegance and pro
priety. Because this is so, we have always
aimed to show a plentiful stock of the most
desirable lace patterns. Our efforts this sea
son have surpassed any former attempt. New
Gluny laces, Shadow laces, Macrame laces,
Irish laces, Venise laces, Val laces, Net top
laces, Torchon laces, Lace flouncings and All
over laces.
California Banker
Pleads Guilty to
SAN FRANCISCO, April 12,-Charles V.
Baker, former assistant cashier of the
Crocker National bank, pleaded guilty
today to embexslemcnt on forty counts,
In amounts not specified In tho Indict
ment. Kxperts .aro still working on the
books nnd tho shortage Is estimated at
approximately 1300.000. Uukor requested
that ha be given a few days to wind up
his affairs and Judge Van Fleet In the
United States district court deferred sen
tence until Monday, April 21.
Haunted House is
Burned by Incendiary
CH1SUQLM. Minn., April 12.-i3uper-stltlous
persons believing the late Foil
tana home to bo haunted, are thought to
have set fire to the dwelling here late
last night. The structure was destroyed.
The house was the scene of the murder
of Mrs. John Fontana by her husband
a week ago. Fontana then drowned him
self In the cellar. At the time of the
fire the house was uninhabited. Hlnoe
the murder and suicide nu ono has
ventured Inside the dwelling, and chil
dren who always played In the street
In front of the building have moved to
other open places. Tho foreigners, be
lieving tho house 'haunted, took the other
Busy John Guild Even Works
While Riding in Automobile
Commissioner John M. Guild of the
Commerlcal club Is a busy man these
days. When he Is not directing the mul
tifarious atfalra of Ida own office he Is
serving on the relief commutes, and be
tween the two he managta to get about
a nlokle'a worth of sleep even day. But
this sleep doesn't come at regular in
tervals, for he has found that It la to be
had only when the other things he la in
terested in at present will adjust them
selves so he can devote a little time to
rest. Those who know him are aware of
his methodical habits, as Well as that
peculiar phllospohy of action that sus
tains him throughout the strenuous days
and night he haa spent since the calamity
of Kaster Sunday. They will not be aa
tonlshed to learn that In addition to his
office at the Commercial club rooms and
his desk at the Auditorium where the re
lief committee does business, he hai es
tablished headquarters In the auto that
haul him horns at night alter tht can
tions. We have dresses from
$4.95 up to $150.
T.-B. &Co., the Store
for Shirt Waists
Separate Goats, New Mod
els, Stylish Coats, $12.50, ,
$16.50, $19-50, $22.50. and
Voile flouncings and bands
to match.
Crepe flouncings and bands
to match.
Allovor embroideries.
Beautiful edgings nnd inser
tions. Seam headings and ribbon
Convont embroideries.
Fancy Ribbons
Tho latest novelties in rib
bons for sashes, girdles, hair
bows and hat trimmings.
sldtt of the street.
When tho flro was discovered no ono
rang In the alarm, so that when the de
partment nrr.lvrd tho housq had burned
down to Its flooded collar.
Cattle Starving in
California Valleys
STOCKTON, Cal., April 12.-Thousands
of head of cattle and sheep aro threat
ened by starvation In the valley regions
of central California, according to stock
raisers, and the secretary of agriculture
In Washington nus directed a represen
tative of tho forestry servlqe to Investi
gate for the purpose or determining
whether to grant an appeal that forest
reserves bo opened for grazing purposes.
A message received today by San
Joaquin county's representative In the
stato legislature from Congressman John
13. Baker, uayn that tho. secretary of
agriculture has promised to do all pos
sible to relelvo conditions. The messuge
ays tho forestry representative Is on tho
way horo to confor with tho chief fores
ter of this state.
Tho stato legislature adopted recently
a joint resolution appealing to tho gov
ernment to permit an Increase In the
pumber of animals to be fed on the re
serves. Lack of rain Is responsible for feed con
ditions In tho valley and stock owners
assert that absolute starvation must re
sult unless relief Is afforded. In the
mountains the grass has attained normal
haVe reused to run. John doesp't know
who owns this machine, It was cinv
mandeered tho other night at tho Audi
torium by members of the committee who
had been kept late, and who wanted. 19
ride home. When Fortieth and Harney
or thereabouts had been reached, some
thing went wrong, and the chauffeur
Stopped to do a little Job of repairing. It
promised to take some time, and so all
the passengers save Guild climbed out
and dispersed for home on foot. Not the
busy John: he arose to the occasion most
magnificently and merely switched on the
light In tho limousine, drew from his
jnner pocket a bundle of papers and
calmly went to work, while the chauffeur
busily tinkered with tha mechanism of
the refractory machine. Minutes are too
precious to be wasted, and It Isn't at all
unlikely that we will next hear of tha
energetic John having a stenographer's
desk In the car. so that he can also
dictate his replies as well as read his
correjpondidca wbil &xx hl way. horn.
Seek to Bring University Bill from
Committee Hands.
Jome nitter Words Spoken on Snb
jeot Before It In .Finally Dis
posed of by Beferrlna- It
to a Committee.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 12.-(8peclal.)-Unl-Verslty
removat had another Inning this
morning when tho senate met for a
short sesiilon betoro adjourning ur.yi
10 o'clock Monday morning. The dis
cussion was brought on by a motion of
Iloagland of Lancaster to enforce rule
No. 21 of the senate which provides
that no bill can remain In the hands uf
a standing committee more than four
days. The rule Is not generally enforced,
nnd the Lancaster senator attempted to
have It enforced In relation to the Mai
tery bill, which provides a levy for the
maintenance fund of the State university.
The bill has been- In the hands of the
committee for some time, and the Lan
caster senator thought he saw an at
tempt by the committee' to cripple the
His onslaughter on the committee was
reinforced by his nephew, Iloagland of
Lincoln, and the remarks became such
that. President pro tern of the Senate
Kemp protested against the nature of the
attack on the committee, most of which
he looked upon as an attack upon Its
chairman, Senator Reynolds.
"I protest against any remarks," said
the Nonce county senator, "casting any
reflections upon the honesty of the sen-,
ator from Dawes. Such remarks against
tho Integrity of a man like Senator Bey
olds, who has the respect of every man
lit this senate, are unfair and out of
place. No man In this legislature haa
performed, his duties more faithfully or
with a greater respect for the best In
terests of the state than haB tho senator
from Dawes. I for one will not stand
hero and listen to any reflection upon his
honesty as a senator and member of
this body."
Both of the senators who had attacked
the committee again spoko and said they
had no Intention of reflecting on tho
honesty of tho Dawes county senator.
Their remarks were aimed more espe
cially at the committee whom they be
lieved were holding back this bill for
tho purpose of using! It to further certain
Oil Is moved that the communication be
referred to the finance commltteo and
Iloagland of Lincoln demanded a roll call
which resulted as follows:
For the Motion Bushee. Cordeal,
I least v Hummel, Kemp, Kohl, Ollls,
Placek, Reynolds, Robertson, Shumway,
Talcott and West 14.
Against Bartllng, Iloagland of Lan
caster, Iloagland of Lincoln, Klcchel I
A large number of the senators was
absent undertsandlng that only a short
session would be held this morning.
In speaking of tho matter after the
session had closed, Senator Cordeal, who
Is a member of the finance, wayB and
means committee and also of the senate
end of tho conferenco committee, said:
"There haa been no attempt to hold
up this bill In the committee In the In
terests of any other bill. The only tmo
tho matter haa approached lifting put
the bill has been on a motion of two of
the members of tha committee who hap
pen to bo against university removal
and each time they have withdrawn their
motions of their own accord. Our com
mittee had practically ngreed that ws
would report out the bill next Monday
morrrlng when wo will hold another ses
sion, and I expect It will reach the son
ata at that time.
Effort to Gain Sympathy.
"I brand this latest move of the anll-
removallsts In the senate as a last des
perate attempt to gain sympathy for' a
cause which Is fast losing ground. I do
not know why tho senate committee,
which composes one-half of the confer
ence committee, should be blamed no
much because wo havo not been able to
come to any conclusions on tho matter
of university extension. We have tried
to hold meetings and havo made several
advances' toward a compromise, but 1
cannot see how we aro going to agree on
anything when the house end of the con
ference committee haa been bound so
tllughtly with Instructions not to agree
to anything unless It Is their own pet
ucheme, that they cannot very well meet
us on anything without to a certain ex
tent violating the instructions. Of
courso. they wero not given specific In
structions not to agree, but the commit
tee was appointed to be composed of
men opposed to removal of the university
to the farm and that virtually means tho
same thing.
"Tho matter of university removal, as
far as our committee Is concerned, Ik
a matter of Itself and does not in any
way cut any weight with any othar legis
lation and Is not being used In any way
to benefit or defeat any other bills."
Train Bearing
200 Men Goes
Through Bridge
VINCKNNES, Ind., April 12. Baltimore
& Ohio Southwestern work train, carry
ing nearly S men. went through a tres
tie three miles west of here shortly be
fore 3 o'clock this afetrnoon. Many aro
Injured and It Is reported a number was
drowned. One relief train Is bringing
nbput 100 here. All doctors have been
requested, to be at the Union station
when the train arrives. The trestle
which went down Is a temporary one and
was being used for work trains only.
Turks Massacre All
Christians on Island
ATHENS, April 12.-A body of Turk
coming from the coast of Asia Minor
has massacred all the Christians among
the Inhabitants of the Island of Kustol
oo xo .southeast of Rhodes, according to
a dispatch received here today. No de
tails were given.
VIENNA. April . I Prince William of
Sweden, second son of King Qustare,
will bo the first occupant of the throne
of Albania. If the wishes of the triple al
lianceGermany. Austria-Hungary and
Italy are carried out. Thla announce
ment wa made today by tho Neue V-io
Pre as e.
Dispatches from Cattaro, the seapoit of
Montenegro, announce that the fortress
of Scutari Is being subjected to a were
bombardment by the Montenegrin he
al agar.
The Perautent and Judicious Use of
Newspopar Advertising Is tha Road to
Bualnaa fluocaa.
Fire Sale Monday
Morning at 8 O'clock
And Share in These Wonderful Bargains
Ladles' 912.SU nnil $15.00 Net
Linen ami LlnRcrio Al nr
Drowses, perfect, cliolco.)l(QQ
$10.00 and $12.50 Set-go and
SSS:. S2.9B-S3.9a
$8.00 Lingerie, Linen nnd Btreol
Lndles' finest kind of Street and
Ladles' and Misses' New Spring
Lndles', Misses' nnd Juniors'
Beautiful 8prlng Suite
Girls' nnd Children's Tp-to-Dato
Spring Coats
Ladles' and Misses' At nn
SHp-On nalncoats SI Kfl
Girls' and Children's Shoes
Misses' and Young Men's ShTel,
Oxfords nnd Pumps '
J?lf'8hocs' ,vorth fron $2.00
.parfaot, pair ddO
0i.?.0t,?- Thread
-I ...a, AKirpins.
ladles' Belts, worth to
Ic 2c
3c 5c
ladles' Bandker- I r n
chiefs, each 10 CQ OO
ladl.a' SCnlt Union Suits JjJJq
af.'..'.. 3o IQo
dran'a Hosiery, or. Ic 3c 5c 8o
Xadies Black Fettlooats
'390 480 a9n
Muslin Fettlooats, down Chemises,
Princess Bllua and Corabln(on
Baits, worth to 3.SO, soma cn.
slightly soiled ,, OyC
Sr.r.rt I9c 29c39c 69c
Cargo Kimono Aprons for 39oj lor re
g.T 10c 15c 19c
36o Children's TJudervests
Muslin Drawer and Dorset Oottw-b,
rt.rt.h.t.0..!B'!' I5o25o
r.oo'.Ttt!h.!.1:00. 39c 69c
tolies' nnd 'Misses' real swU Bolts
nut. v--tr MO " to (MM)"
$8,95f$9.-95$11,95 to $14,85
" Toa must sea them; sure.
Fire Sale Location
1414 Harney Street
Consul Places Blame
for Griiaymas Fight
on American Sailors
MEXICO CITY, April .-Reporting the
killing of two Bailors and tho wounding
of three other men frorrt the United
States cruiser California, nt Quay mas.
Scnora, yeBterday by Mexican policemen,
American Consul Qllfoylo at Hermoslllo.
Bonora, saya tho Incident was "duo to
the sailors being intoxicated and very
The consul bases his report on the
statement of an eye witness, adding that
the trouble, In al likelihood, could have
been avoided had the consular agent at
Quaymas notified tho commander of tho
California opportunely.
NOQAL.ES, Arls.. April 12. American
refugees arriving here today from Quay
mas are Inclined to place upon American
sallora the responsibility for the street
clash Tuesday night In Quaymas, In
which two American Bailors were killed
and a number of sailors, and Mexican
police were wounded. They Btate that
fifty seamen were on Bhoro leave with
out tho customary escort of officers, and
that American residents, fearing a race
clash, warned Consular Agent C. D. Tay
lor, who declined to take any action In
officially notifying Admiral Cowles.
Morgan's Body Lies
in State in Library
NEW YORK, APrll It Almost butled
in rosea and twining Ivy the triple coffin
that contains the body of J, Pierpont
Morgan Ilea today In the west wing of
the marble library which holds his books
and many art treasures. There 't will
repose until 1.G00 of his friends gather
to pay final tribute to his memory at the
funeral services In St. Qeorge'a church,.
Only members; of the family and a few
Intimate friends were admitted to thu
library. The police today turned W
the curious who braved tho rain and until
the hpdy'a removal strict guard will be
maintained. Of the many floral trlbutea
only those given by the family will be
taken to Hartford for the committal.
Mayor of Cienf uegos
Is Assassinated
mavana. Anrll 11. Corforlno A. Men
der, the newly elected conservative mayor
of the city of Clenfuegos, in tne proini
of Santa Clara, waa assassinated last
niiht. A btoud of men waylaid him on
the street while he was on his way home
and riddled him with bullet.
The motive of tho assassination U
known, to have been political. Mendez
having incurred the bitter enmity of the
llSFtT912-?:. $2.85
nuo Mtn's nmts $4,85
822.80 Men's Bolts 7 OR
for " 1 1
for00. $9.85
A new lot of Mtn'a Pants Rflfl
worth np to tl.GO, for QUU
83.00 Msn's Pants 98C
$3.50 Xan'a Pant $135
SS-OO una $6 Men's Pant J Q Q
Men' Slip-on Bainooat J J Qg
813.50 Man's Ovarooata JJ g
$3.00 Man's Union CQ.
Baits QaO
Men's rancy Vests, small QQn
alsea, for aOD
Bora Shoes, slse 10 to 8, QQfJ
Men's elegant Shoes and QO
Honse Slippers, pair. 5Ou
.Men's Shoas and Oxfords, ( I or
trorth 63.SO, pair iiOO
Men's Shoes and Oxfords, (I or
Ooodyear welts I lOtf
Men's Shirts, mussad, QO
1.00 Men's Whit Zianndsrsd I Q.
Shirts, each 130
$3.00 Boys' salt 75C
03.60 Boys' Bolts 98C
$4.00 Boys' Salts g
j 1
Mn' Hemstitched Hand
kerchief, Mh .. .
Man's Pin
Br Shirts,
35c 45c 59c
Men's Union
35c 45c 59c
Men's Weor
wear Ic 3c 8c !5o
COo and 7Bo Snspsndars g q 3 Q
Boys' Snspendars, par
Men's Bibbed Porosknlt and OCn
Balbrlggan Undarwaf a.UU
25c 50c 79o 90c
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants, in.
par pair Iu
Arrow Brand Collars,
Man's Cotton Mittens,
Q18.00 Man's Top Coats 2
John B. Stetson Hats g gg
917.60 Man's dray Slip-On (P"f"-(i R
'Balncoats, perfect w s. U 9
.defeated liberals at the time of his
lx suspected men have been arrested
In connection with the crime.
Fears are entertained by the author
ities, that the murder will be tho begin
ning of a bloody feud between the con-
servatlvea and liberals.
NEW YORK, April 12. The New York
Commercial company. Importers of crude
rubber with connections all over the
world, filed a petition In voluntary bank
ruptcy today. Its liabilities are stated at
15,023,000, Its asset' as nothing.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Koad to
Business Success,
This 1b what thoy say of tho
girl who uses Al-Ka-La, Bea
ton's Chlorate of Potash tooth
paste. Cleans the teeth perfect
ly and gives them a tastFous
sleam. Sweetens the breath.
Specials for Tomorrow.
25c Al-Ka-La, Beaton's Chlor
ate of Potash Tooth Paste,
at 15d
85c Ideal Hair Brush . .306
75c Rubber Gloves (preserves
the hands in kitchen work),
at 30
25c Rose Glycerine Soap 10
1.00 Raior Strop, $1.50 Rn-
xor, $1 Rasor Hone an
postlvely guaranteed. En
tire outfit S1.00
11.75 Nail Clippers ..Sl.lO
25c Pond's Vanishing Cream,
at 19
50c Cupid Puff in fancy metal
box 15
76c De Mar's Massage Cream,
C-oz. size 39c
60c De Mar's Face Powder
at 20
Merltol Clothes Cleaner, largo
8-oz. bottle 25
"Follow the Beaton Path"
Faniani and 15th Sts.