Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 18

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Tim Omaha Sunday Bke. !
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Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should bo addressed
Omaha Bee. Editorial department.
dtate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss:
Dwight Williams, circulation manager
At The Bee Publishing company, being
duly aworn. says that the average dally
tlrculatlon for the month of March. 1018,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
10 before me this 3d day of April. 1913.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Subscribers lenvlne the city
temporarily abnuld Unvr Th Hen
mulled to tlirm. Address will be
changed as often na requested.
And yot showers tiro tho natural
thins for April.
Omaha has a few cheap no-ques-Uons-asked
hotels, too.
Kroe sugar Is not tho same
sugar free, by any moans.
Lower water rates, "not next
month, not next yoar, but now."
The man who nover has time to
worry will have moro tlmo to llvo.
Tho March Hon evidently got lost
a few days later, from tho turn of
the woather.
Somo folks seem to have confused
tho olx-powor loan with tho tho sir
cylinder machine.
The big fellow is seldom Jealous
of tho littlo fellow. It is usually tho
other way around.
Popo Plus recognizes no earthly
overlord. Ho will not bo. bosBod
oven by his doctors.
An ond must come to all good
things, including freo' food for ablo-
bodied Btorm victims.
Lots of talk about flood proven
tlon. Why not some expeft advice
about tornado prevention t
Mlis "Wilson Talks to Suffragists.
Even though father refuses.
And now a South American avia
tor is tho latest victim. High flying
is equally dangerous all the world
It's a cinch the kids do not stand
around and wait to get In on the ball
outsldo tho penitentiary base ball
The tight skirt Beams at least to
juako men courteous enough to stand
back and let the woman board tho
street car first.
Illinois Is now represented In the
United States senate by one man who
ldoks like "Abo" ..Lincoln and an
other who resembles "Lord Hav
It turns out, as suspected, that all
that fake raid on tho stock yards by
tho hydraulic spoutors was merely
to make them coma In and help pull
the cheotnuta. ,
A prominent clergyman Bays fall
urea lead to success. Thomas Gray
said "PathB of glory lead but to tho
grave." It keeps a man guessing
which, road to take.
Before despairing of getting
enough ambassadors for the Jobs,
President Wilson will, wo trust, lm
pprtuno a few of the reticent patrl
ota of Nebraska's unterrifled.
Tho defeated democratic candidate
for the mayoralty nomination
Boyth Omaha Is going to entertain
bis followers with a buttermilk ban
quet. That must explain why ho
President Wilton's first message to
congress Is thoroughly democratic). Mr.
Bryan's Commoner.
Who would have expected such
unqualified praise from such a crlt
leal source?
Colonel Roosevelt vouches that he
always found the late Mr. Morgan
truthful, and his -word absolutely
food. In a nuteholl, he was ono of
the few who could not qualify for
tho Ananias club.
"Who will take Morgan's place?
auks an exchange. Nobody; it will
not be taken. Another man will
take bis own placo Instead of Mr
Morgan's place, or, perhaps, :t would
be more correct to say, other men.
Ultimate Effect.
Great public calamities nro often
called blessings In disguise, and it Is
true that they often work transfor
mations and Improvements that
might have been easily brought
obout without them. Under impera
tive necessity of repairing the dam
age, pcoplo aro spurred on to offorts
and achievements of which they have
no idea they woro capable.
Visitation of n tornado llko that
which visited Omaha, for example,
will be followed by unusual activity
In rebuilding, and the money spent
for this purpose will glvo employ
ment to many workmen and noticea
bly quicken numerous channels of
trade. In Its ultimate effect, how
over, destruction of life and property
can nover bo anything but nn addi
tional burden. It extinguishes earn
ing power and wipes out savings and
Investments which can be replaced
only by further saving, although for
the tlmo being tho draft may bo
mado upon n-reservoir tof wealth,
which will take its time to bo re
plenished. This thought is well expressed In
a discussion of the steel trade in tho
Engineering and Mining Journal,
which says:
It ,ls said in some quarters that a push
will be given to tho steel tirade by tho
emergency demand for bridge and other
material for repairs and rebuilding. This
Is true, but It Is a very llrhltod view of
the rase. Tho property destroyed by
storm and flood Is a total, or almost
total, los. It Is so much property which
has disappeared and must be mado good
tn one form or another. It will In the
end diminish tho amount available for
new construction, and In tjiat way will
docreasq tho demand for (ton and steel
to nn amount far greater&han the re
quirements for emergencytrepalrs will
lncrcase It. Loss by war or public
calamity Is an entire loss, and will
sooner or later make Itself .felt In busi
ness. Fortunately, our present condi
tions are such that we can meet these
losses without any extraordinary exer
tion or disturbance.
What nnfllles to tho stool trade ap
plies In varying degreoTto Industry
in general. Tho ultimata offect of
tho tornadp havoc is loss; its bene
fits must coma from at reawakonod
public spirit and a stimulated Indi
vidual and community effort.
On False Issues.
Tho approval by tho legislature of
tho water district bill over the pro
tests of a largo majority of tho dele
gation from this county shows what
can bo accomplished by raising false
issues. Dy cunning misrepresenta
tion tho law-makers woro led to bo
llovo that municipal ownership was
at stake, and that oxcluslvo Jurisdic
tion over a larger area was necessary
to safeguard the 7,000,000 Invest
mont Omaha has mado in ita water
works plant. As a mattor of fact,
tho quostlon of municipal ownership
has not entered Into tho controversy
at any stage, and enlargement of
powot ie only a cloak to hide the real
purpose of exompting tho water
-works from tho home rule provisions
of tho constitution.
All that tho moasuro seeks to do
by way of extending Jurisdiction be
yond tho corporato limits of Omaha
could readily have boen done without
creating a water district, without in
vesting the Water board. with special
privileges not enjoyed by other oleo-
tlvo city officers, without depriving
the people of Omaha of proporty
rlghtB paid for with their; own money,
and without trading off, or giving
away, any of tho revenue said, to bo
necessary to financial success.
The passago-of tho water bill again
furnishes tho unanswerable arga
mont for home rule. In refusing to
let the people concornod pons on it
first by popular vote, Us sponsors ad
mil mot moir amy uupo my m
suadlng a body of nonresident law
makers, unfamiliar with our own
conditions, to impose their will Upon
Omaha without asking our consent
and rogardloss of our protests. No
more flagrant violation of the. bomo
rulo principle could possibly havo
been perpetrated.
Belgium'! Political Strike.
Plural voting In Bolgium, which
has provoked the present political
strike, Is a survival of tho old foudal
system of .the middle ages, under
-which political powors and the rights
of landlords were united and ten
ants and vassals often Identical
While, therefore, tho present appll
cation of the methods and forces of
organised labor for solely political
purposes may bo novel in history.
the principles Involved in the con
trovorsy are not new.
Under feudalism men performed
certain services or made certain
payments, not always In money, to
the grantor of a fief to whom as
rulo tho granteo performed. a bond
of homage or fealty. It Is Impossl
ble, perhaps, to traco down the con
dltlon In western Europe from six
to ten centuries ago to tho prosent
system in Belgium by which the
suffrage is -rogulated upon a basis
of property ownership, or the pay'
ment of taxes, but It is easy to recog
nlto the same general principle.
It Is not surprising that the wage
earners of Belgium have rleort
against this medieval system, for
Belgium bas forged forward In many
"ways of late. The strikers demand
the right of a single vote for every
male citizen, Instead of the present
rule allowing additional votes ac
cording to size of families and for
tunes. The report that the working
people have organized and raised
6trlke fund of $3,000,000 to start
with would seem to indicate a da-
termination to stop short of nothing
1 lnt Btiltrnati In tvlmtn ttn.t Tf
talnly will rank as one of tho most
remarknblo strikes in history, tho
culmination of several lesser at
tempts of the kind during which
preparations for a long struggle
have evidently bcon made.
A Memorable Arbor Day.
The idea of devoting special at
tention to planting trees In tho tor
nado section on Arbor day is n
orthy one. With tho co-operation
bf school children and othors it
should be mado a most memorable
Arbor day In this state, to which it Is
atlve, as the homo of J, Sterling
Morton and Dr. George h. Miller, Its
Ono of tho most saddest features
f tho great storm Is to be found in
the gaunt, nude skeletons of once
beautiful trees all along the way. If
considerable number of theso could.
bo replaced on April 22, oven though
will rcquiro years for growth, It
will be a work well worth doing.
Our people should, as far as possible,
keep "open dates" for this day and
end nil tho help ihey can townrd
sotting out and trimming trees and
shrubbery. Thoy should do as well
in that as thoy did In tho two days
of general clennlng-up of tho debris.
Supplanting Loan Sharks.
The many futilo efforts to curb
the rapacity of loan sharks In vari
ous states mako it worth while to
consider tho plan proposod by the
Industrial club of Chicago, In which
sixty largo firms, with a total of
about 100,000 employes, have or
ganized to loan money to deserving
tollers at rates of Interest that will
work no hardships upon tho bor
rower. As an evidence of good faith
and business stability they sub
scribed to bogin with a fund of 150,
000, to bo increased as necessity oc
casions. With tho sanction of tho leg
islature, tho plan is expected to op
erate successfully and put tho un
scrupulous loan sharks out of busi
ness. Of course, if tho wage earner can
borrow monoy at a fair rate of in
terest on reasonable terms, whero
his rights will bo respected, ho cer
talnly will not patronize money p.
rates seeking to proy upon his mis
fortune. Abuses of tho loan system
has mado all sorts of trouble, not
only for tho employo, but the em
ployer, and, though not prompted en
tlroly by philanthropy, It is com
mendablo when largo .employers thus
organize to provide protection for
tho unfortunato. If the plan proves
successful in Illinois It will doubt
less be adopted in other stntes.
More Colonization Work.
Some of the railroads report plans
for increased activity In western
colonization work, which for a few
years, has been allowed to movo
along without much special effort.
This Is very good news. With tho
excellent progress going on In the
west, there Is opportunity for moro
rapid settlement, which will be
facilitated by renewed systematic
campaigns. Of course, thero may
nevor bo another rush to tho land
such as most western states havo
witnessed in tho courso of tholr de
velopment, but what Is better, thero
should b steady Influx of perma
nent settlers, families' Booking rural
homos, with n littlo capital and a lot
of grit. For such tho groat states
west of the Mississippi aro over beck
oning. And In pursuing a new cblohlzatlon
enterprise those in charge may bo
able to avoid errors of tho past and
locate their Bottlers with better at
tention to local fitnesses and tastes,
which will work mutual advantages,
Now Is the time for each western
state to look to lis own Interests li?
this particular, as most of them aro. i
Missouri, heretofore, very conserva
tive In this and other ways, has ap
propriated through Ita legislature
$100,000 for rural development,
along somowhat different lines, how
ever, than contemplated runner
west Its plan 1b to promote local
interest with a view of keeping Its
own people within Its own borders.
That, too, Is a needful provision to
make, but states like Nebraska havo
less occasion for anxiety on that
score than tho inducing of now popu
Rural Community Life.
Tho chief need for tho Improve
ment of American rural life Is a
community of lntorest, social a8
well as economic, and social before
economic, for one will naturally fol
low tho other. This lies at the bot
tom of the present movement to se
curo improved systems of farm
credit and marketing of products.
Organized co-operation Is tho key
word to this whole enterprise. Tho
entire scheme for cheaper Interest,
hotter credits, advantageous market
ing, Is predicated upon It. Profitable
production and economical distribu
tion are to come through this or
ganized co-operation of tho men who
actually till the soil.
We are getting very close to the
crux of the rural problem when the
salient needs are thus commonly
recognized by farmers, financiers and
economists, as shown In the confer
ence at Chicago on marketing and
farm credits, whose conclusions aro
soon to be presented to President
WlUon with recommendations that
whatever reform of currency and
banking may be enacted, congress
shall provide facilities for financing
i Vi n farm nnrl urtlfillnr tnrlllatrlna
"relatlvely equal to tho facilities af
forded tho great manufacturing,
commercial and businoBS interests."
Wo havo proceeded slowly along this
line In tho United States, oven with
the profitable oxporlonco of Euro
pean countries to guldo us, but it
seems finally determined at last
that in this pre-eminently agricul
tural land, ono of tho basic needs Is
an adequate readjustment of fi
nance's that will especially accommo
date tho farmers, so from now on
progress should bo more rapid.
The Morals Court.
Chicago has a new tribunal known
nB the morals court, before which
violations of what Is termed
morals'' aro to bo taken for ar
raignment. It is designed to relievo
other courts of pressure, and If It re
sults In speeding blind Justlco on her
blundering way It will perform an
additional service of great value.
But n question arises as to tho dis
tinction of strictly moral offenses.
A very old law gives ono category to
"Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt
not commit adultery" and "Thou
shnlt not steal," preserving sllenco
as to penalties In each case, leaving
all apparently to bo tried before a
common bar under ono Jurisdiction.
Society has since made its own dis
tinctions, but It is easy to porcoivo
porno difficulty In deciding between
two wrongs as to tho strictly moral
olement, especially when tho moraf
turpitude is involved in all offenses.
What nro commonly called social
evils, of course, are tho ones at
which this morals court is primarily
aimed, but now that we have gono to
linking economic inequalities with
social malefactions it Is suro to bo
still harder to draw tho line with
oven approximate precision.
Mexico's Predicament.
The anti-American feeling evi
dently Is deepening in Moxico, and
this manifest ill will is not conducive
to oarly American recognition of the
now government. President Huerta
is reported as acutely aggrieved at
our deliberation. In tho meantime
American sailors aro slain and new
disorders arise on Mexican soil. All
General Huerta has to do to induco
the United States to recognize his
government is to provo his ability to
socuro and maintain peace and order
and protect American citizens.
For threo years Mexico has boen
in tho grasp of civil war. Two chief
executives havo been dopose'd, ono of
them exiled and tho other murdered
Revolts within revolts have come and
gone, and oven now thore Is nothing
approximating a coherent patriotism
Personal ambition and perfidy havo
shown themselves to bo dangerously
intertwined. General Huerta, him
self, first followed Porfirlo Diaz, be
ing bo stanch a friend of the old war
rlor as to bo chosen to escort htm to
Vera Cruz to begin his exile. Later
he Joined Madero, tho conquorer of
Diaz, and finally led tho onslaught
that deposed him.
In it all, tho anti-American spirit
has been strong, and fanned by the
officials to curry popular favor for
themselves. If Moxico needs our
recognition to rehabilitate Its credit
abroad. It should first deserve our
A Chicago newspaper Is making
much of tho fact that property own
ers thero are subject to twenty-four
separato and distinct taxing bodies,
making responslblo control of the tax
rate an Impossibility. That is worse
than here in Omaha, whero five dif-
feronrtax rates have to be paid, and
ours 1b bad enough.
"Men die and tho world wags on,'
dryly commented James J. Hill upon
ho death of, his old-time rival in the
railroad world, B. H. Harrlman. And
In quick succession Cassatt, Grlscom
McCrea and Morgan have followed
and still the world wags on. What
a great old world It Is!
Mr. Bryan's Commoner notes that
when ox-Governor Burke of Norlb
Dakota qualified as treasurer of the
Unltod States he receipted for one-
half billion dollars. 'Yes, and noth
lng like such an amount waB over
turned over by an outgoing demo
cratlo administration.
Senator Norrls la going to push
his bill to take tho postofflce com
nlotely out of politics by making
every Job In it subject to civil serv
Ice. It's dollars to doughnuts tbe
senator's bill does not become a law
so long as the democrats are hand
lng out the pie.
The thrifty and shifty gentleman
who held down the Job of superin
tendent of the Kearney Industrial
school under two governors of op
posite political parttes, with his
whole family on the payroll, was a
reformer, all right.
The Intimate and confidential ro
tations between the president and his
secretary of state may be understood
from the fact that the secretary
learned of the appointment of Mr
Page as British ambassador through
the newspapers.
How a former precedent-smashing
president must be kicking hlmeeK
now to think that he let slip the op
portunity of addressing congress in
person. To have a mere professor
put that stunt across must be humiliating.
looking Backward
? poo
aoo c
.piul ia.
Thirty Years Air.
uisiriot court Is about to adjourn. Judge
Neville going- to Memphis on business.
Judge Wakeley holding forth f. few days
longer for equity matters.
As Indicating what a high wind was
blowing It was noted that tho Union Pa
cific Overland train with thirteen cars
was stalled on the cast side of the bridge
by the force of the gale, and only brought
across by tho aid of a helper.
William J. Scanlan with his famous
"Peek-a-Boo" song Is holding forth at
the Boyd.
Mrs. McCaig, wife of 'Engineer ' John
McCalg, has gono to Schuyler to visit
Miss Kmma Van Sickle of Newton, N.
J., Is the guest of Mrs. William F.
S. II. Brewster of Grand Island Is
spending a few days with his mother
on North Seventeenth street.
How It pays to advertise is again proved
by the public announcement by Senator
Manderson that tho free flower and vege
table seeds he was distributing as part pf
his senatorial perquisites aro all gone,
and he Is unable to supply the demand.
Jtev. w. E. Copcland performed the
iniwriago of John Cocrnft rtnd Miss Min
nie Davis, both of Omaha.
Mrs. Kennnrd, residing at tho northeast
corner of Nineteenth and Dodgo Btreets,
is again advertising for an experienced
girl. "Bohemian. German or Swede pre
ferred." A good baker willing to go to Grand
Island can got a Job that will pnv him 17
a week, board and washing, by Inquiring
of Meyer & Haapke, 711 Douglas street.
mrs. j. h, Dumont, Farnam and Twen
ty-fifth streets, wants a clrl fnr
Twenty Years Ago
josopn Jefferson, the old favrtrltrt.
played nip Van Winkle to a crowded
houso at tho Boyd. Mr. Jefferson at CI,
had boen plnylng this remarkable piece
for thirty years and more. Hlo support
was good. .
Robert Mantell began a short engage
ment at the Farnam Street theater in
'Tho Face In the Moonlight."
Mrs. Johana Delaney. wife of Michael
Dclaney. 233G South Eighteenth street,
died of dropsy at the age of 63.
The Board of Health Issued notices to
many property owners ordering them to
abate certain nuisances on their premises
and make sewer connections.
Former United States Marsha! brad
. Slaughter, It becamo known, had oeen
elected councilman In his homo town.
Fullerton, saving him from being a
statesman without a Job.
Mrs. Mary M. Bced returned from
California, whero she spent tho winter
and became tho guest of Mrs. John H.
Levy, IMS South Thirty-first street.
Henry Vpss was much elated over his
appointment as superintending architect
of the new federal building and expected
hla commission from Washington about
April 16.
Ten Years Ago
lirastua a. Benson was nominated by
petition for mayor by antl-republlcans,
who met in the evening at Washington
hall, where the day before, they had
bolted the regular city convention, which
nominated Mayor Frank E. Moores.
Charles A. Goes, as the spokesman for
tho Benson party, termed the assemblage
a "citizens mass meeting." and tho peti
tion was signed by 385 names. Among the
nctlvo leaders besides Goss were W. G
Ure. A. H. Burnett. A. W. Jefferls. nvron
G. Burbank, W. J. Broatch, John N.
Westberg. F. D. Wead, W. A. Saunders.
C. F, Harrison and others.
rne socialist city committee filed an
amended list of nominations for the city
election. It named John T. Eklund for
city attorney and Bmll Busher for build
lng Inspector, James M. Taylor for comp
troller. Instead of Guy R, Franklin, with
drawn, and J. Alfred LaRllle for the city
council In the Eighth ward Instead of
Clark W. Adair.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edholtn wero tn
Salt Lake City for a fortnight's visit.
John C. Ludckc, accompanied by his
father-in-law, C. Jastram, was planning
for a four months' visit In Germany,
leaving for New York tn a few days.
John Thumel of New York, a strike
breaker, tolling at the Union Pacific
shops, was thumped on the nose, us
tolnlng a compound fracture of that
member. His assailant got away without
People and Events
Undo Sam proposes to play a lone hand
with John Chinaman, unmindful of Bret
Harts's warning about celestial Jokers
up the sleeve.
Just to make surroundings fit the occa
sion the house of representatives had
comfortable benches Installed and occu
pied when the former schoolmaster ap
niassacnusetts surrraglsts threaten an
exodus to votes-for-women states unless
the Bay State gets Into line with the
franchise. That's the stuff.. Wyoming's
publicity bureau should see that the e-
odusters aro ticketed to the destlna
Cleveland is putting the finishing
touches on a $1,000,000 municipal electric
light plant, which will furnish light to
small consumers for 3 cents u kilowatt
hour, with a minimum rate of 1 cent for
large consumers. What city can equal
it? OmahaT Not by 11 cents.
A Connecticut genius has Invented tho
"gastograph," a contrivance which pro
duces on the palate the sensation of eat
lng and drinking without the real stuff
To the multitude lingering about tho pie
counter at Washington the gastograph
will prove a vehicle of sweetness and
The weary man sought relaxation from
business cares In a theater box In Chi
cago where a chorus of comely damsels
warbled "When Dreams Come Truo." Be
side htm a comely affinity with spar
kling eyes lent zest to melody and move
ment. In the midst of the applause fol
lowing the song the man In the box
stopped with his head the swing of a
handbag. Three more swings landed be
fore he ducked for shelter from the -wrath
of hla wife. Subsequent swings landed
on the topknot of the affinity, mussing coiffure In a scandalous fashion ere
the theater manager Interfered. The au
dience thought It was a part of the pjay
and was Inclined to applaud the cublstlc
ttraperament of the swings, but the
swinger removed the doubt by stepping
to the front of the box and announcing
the name of the affinity. The side scene
was peculiarly Chlcque. but falls to ex
plain the contrariness of dreams.
New York World: A clergyman M
years old preached yesterday In Orange
county. Just as Dr. Osier is coming back
to this country, tool
Boston Transcript: What a faux paa
President Wilson might havo committed
had ho received Cardinal O'Conncll 'In,
sny tho orange room, instead of tho green
Philadelphia Ledgers In Pennsylvania
a Methodist minister In' charge of a
church draws from the state a salary of
5,C0O, and had his boy on the payrolls
at $100 a month for work after sfchool
hours. Still, we hear all tho tlmo that
preachers have no business skill."
Springfield '.Republican: A revision of
the Blble--or of the Old Testanien.t by
emtnaut Jewish soholors will be a re
llgloUs and Jlterary event of first-class
Importance. The Jewish Publication So
ciety of America is entirely competent to
undertake it, and the society Is to be
congratulated on tho contribution of
60,000 by Jacob H. Schlft toward com
pleting the 'necessary fund,
Philadelphia Kecord: Old church mem
bers can recall when tho Introduction of
nn organ or any other Instrument of
muslo divided congregations and led to
serious quarrels. Now we read that tho
Presbyterians are prepared to Introduco
moving pictures Into their Sunday
schools. From moving pictures the next
logical step is the talking' pictures and
then what will become of the preachers?
Mighty few men' live up to their obitu
aries. '
No woman Is really mannish unless she
dislikes' shopping.
Somo people are satisfied to pave tho
wny with good Intentional
Self-conceit la the derrick that raises
a man In his own estimation.
Jt Isn't every man who can distinguish
between Inthusiasm and mere -gush.
The pessimist Blghs foe yesterday; the
optimist thinks the happiest day of his
Ufa is tomorrow.
The fact that mon and women aro al
ways running' after each other is what
makes the human race.
The difference between a want and a
need Is that man want but little hero
below, but heeds a lot.
You can't always tell from a man's
woebegono expression whether he has
loved and lost or loved and won.
Thero Is such a thing as being too
smart. The fish that is quickest to
catch on doesn't live as long as the ono
that keeps Its mouth shut.
Imitation may be tho stnecrest form of
flattery, but .somehow or other a woman
doesn't seem to feel flattered when
some other woman falls in love with her
husband. New York Times.
Man's Propositi Mocked.
Springfield Republican.
Such a flood as has devastated Ohio,
Indiana and other states makes a mock
ery of all proposals to prevent damage
by flood by forestatlon, dikes or retain
ing reservoirs. A cloudburst lasting
forty-eight hours turns tho most Insig
nificant "creek" Into a mighty Tlver and
makes a lake out of wide regions whitM
ordinarily seem as safe as Ararat.
Fruitions ExnKBCrnUonn.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Ohio flood situation is improving.
The 7,000 persons who were drowned in
March are now About 400, and' tho 6,W0
are glad to say that the reports of their
death, while probable enough, were exaggerated.
Engravings can be made either from
photographs or drawings, or direct from tho
object itself. The engravlna Dlant. of Th
Omaha Bee is thoroughly equipped to handle
every detail. Including mnkinc tho original nhntn.
graph or drawing. Our engravers have been choBen,
each because he is the beat in his own line of work.
Our equipment is the newest and best.
When you need Illustrations, give us an opportunity
to show our ability.
A newspaper engraving plant makeB cuts
which show good results under most difficult
printing1 conditions. Our prices reasonable.
Eara?iig Department, The Bee Publishing Ct.
1704 Pa mam St, Omaha, Neb.
Nebraska National Bank
12th and Farnam Streets
It Is as hard to hide real merit as sun
Bettor be a oandlo at home than a
meteor abroad.
The real man is always greater than
tho work he does.
Character begins at the cradle, but God
alone knows where It will stop.
Tho man with a bee in his bonnet ofter
finds himself In a hornet's nest.
Some preachers seem to forget that tht
devil always goes to church,
Trying to talk to. people who havo no
ears Is a waste of breath.
It wasn't a long prayer that brought
firo from heaven to Mount Carmel.
Trying to make a silk purse out of a
sdw's car Is certain to bankrupt the
There is still plenty of room at the top.
but tho top is higher up than it used
to be.
Tho dollar that does the most for us is
thq ono with which we do tho most good.
Thoro is a kind of religion that Is too
noisy on Sunday and too quiet all tho
rest of the week.
"Your father Just told me not to hang
around hore after 10 o'clock," said Itcgl-
""Dld It hurt your feelings?'' askel Ethe
Unda. , ,
"No. I feel rather encouraged, It Is
the first tlmo he has given a sign that ho
was aware of my existence." Boston
A man with a fishing pole sat on the
rlvor bank near tho Atchison water works
Intake, "How many have you caught.'
some one asked him.
"When I got another one I'll have one,
he replied. Kansas City Star.
"Look here, Mose: I thought you wcrt
going to be baptized Into tho Baptist
"Yaas, sah, I was. But I's bcln"
sprinkled Into de "PIscopal till do summer
comes." Life.
"Why don't you take a wife, old chap?'
"Oh, I don't know."
"Vou must havo a reason."
"Well, the fact Is. I can't afford a 191?
wife on my 1902 salary." Kansas City
"There arc times In every man's II f
when he wants to kick himself.
"Quite so. And at the same time he l!
secretly glad that the facilities are so In
adequate." Birmingham Age-Herald.
"Do you believe in a minimum wage
for girls?"
"8ure. I pay It." Detroit Free Press.
"A statesman must rely a great deal on
publicity," said tho young man who Is
learning politics.
"Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "But
It must bo carefully managed. His suc
cess may depend largely on getting what
ho says Into print and keeping what ho
thinks out." Washington Star.
Author Unknown.
Mother, watch tho little fect
Climbing o'er the garden wall.
Bounding through the busy street.
Ranging cellar, shed and hall.
Nover count tho moments lost,
Never mind tho tlmo It costs;
Little feet will go astray
Guldo them, mother, while you may.
Mother, watch the little hand
Picking berries by tho way,
Making houses tn tho sand,
Tossing up the fragrant buy.
Never daro the question ask,
"Why to me this weary task?"
These same littlo hands may prove
Messengers of light and love.
Mother, watch 'tho little heart
Beating soft and warm for you;
Wholesome lessons now impart;
Keep, oh, 'keep that young heart true
Extricating every weed;
Sowing good and precious seed.
Harvest rich you then may see.
Ripening for eternity.
peak of
in advertising
may be obtained
through the use of
good engravings.
Pictures tell the story of
tho goodB advertised and
everybody grasps tho point at
once from the picture.
Tr -fcnuilf in 1 .