Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Image 14

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The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
2 I Copyright. 1913, by the Star Company. Urent Britain Right Reserved.
NOW 1 the
Time to
FEW people glvo thought to tho dangers of the
housefly during cold weather, when flies are
not about the house, but as soon as tho warm
weather sets In and these health-menacing pests begin
to flock about tho place, people resort to screens and
perhaps a fow traps or some sticky paper, and grumblo
about tho files.
There Is no more reason for waiting until files got
Into the house before fighting them than thero Is reason
to wait until the' house Is aflro before thinking of In
suring It
It will not be many days before tho fllos begin to flock
into the homes, and It Is nono too soon to make prepara
tions to repel these unsanitary and really dangerous
InBect Invaders. Everyone knows the real danger of the
housofly. It has been spread broadcast until thero la
scarcely an intelligent community but what contains
peoplo who know how the fly can carry all sorts of foul
disease germs; how typhoid, tuberculosis and many
other dread diseases even Infantile paralysis can
be spread by tho files.
And In a great many homes In most of them, in fact
some efforts are made to keep those flies out The
trouble Is, however, that tho fight Is not begun soon
enough. Flies get into the house. This Is a sign that
it Is time to put In tho window screens.
As a mattor of fact this should not bo a sign to do
this. The window screens should all be in place, and
tho screen doors also, long before the flies arrive
It is a good doal like locking tho stablo after
the horse is stolen to wait for tho coming of the
Dies before fighting them. It is so much easier
Do Not Wait to DRIVE THEM OUT, Begin at Once to KEEP THEM OUT
to keep them out than to drive them out
Thore are actually scores of different things that
ono can do to keep out flics and to destroy them,
but tho time to got ready for thlB work Is now.
Do not wait until the leaves aro out and the lawns
greon, and the flowers In bloom; do not wait until the
balmy days havo come, but havo your fly traps In readl
noss now; havo your fly poisons in readiness; have
your houso well screoned, and bo In readlnesa to anni
hilate Mr. Deadly Fly the moment he attempts to poke
his ugly, gorm-laden forefeet into your houso.
If you have a stable, that should bo as carefully
guarded against flies as your dining table and your
kitchen. In fact, you should do more to keep flies from
your stable, as they flock about such places and then
come into your kitchen and walk across your food or
fall Into your coffee
ana till a, though un
pleasant to talk about,
happens quite fre
quently, as everyone
knowB. Now, the pad
ded feet of the fly are
the lurking places of
all sorts of germs, with
tho chances In favor
of thero being ten
deadly germs to one
harmless germ, because
files are attracted to
places whero tho deadly
gorms lurk.
Fig. 1
bum, State Entomologist Has described in a leaflet
and sent broadcast through tho country for tho benefit
of all who will take advantago of it. It is known as
the Minnesota Fly Trap, and has a record of catching
twelve thousand UIob In one day on a' porch near a sta
ble containing a fow horses. Tho cost of tho trap Is
Iobs than fifty cents. It Is made of ordinary wlr6 net
ting and a small amount of lumber. Mr. Washburn's
description of how tho trap is made and record of what
excellent results were secured are given below:
"Tho upper oval part (c) serves as a receptacle
which tho flies enter through the opening In the top
of the middle portion (b) mad a' of screen and shaped
like the roof of a houso. Under this- is the base
board (a), upon which rest two tin bolt pans. All three
parts are held together by the hooks at each end, a3
shown. Space between
baseboard and middle
portion (between a and
b) about one-half inch,
and between this and
bait pans through
which space flies enter
pans, about one-fourth
inch. Figure 1 shows
a cross-section of the
trap, tho arrows indi
cating how the flies
enter the bait
pan and then as
cend through tho 8-10
opening above into
Sticky paper Is good as far as it goes. Be sure and
havo some on hand the moment tho FIRST fly is seen
in your home. A trap Is much better, and there should
always be a fly trap In your kitchen. When tho first
fly is soen It is not always possible to set tho trap, be
causo so few people have them in readiness. That Is
why it is important to prepare to flght the fly long be
fore tho fly appears for his disease-spreading Summer
visit with you.
Probably ono of the best fly traps known was made
by A. M. Bull, of the engineering division of the Minne
sota' State Experiment Station, and which F, L. Wash-
Fig. 1 Show Croit Section
of the Minnesota Fly Trap.
Fig. 2 Show General View.
Explanation of Letter Will
Bo Found in Text Twelve
Thousand File Hare Been
Caught in One Day in a Trap
Like TfaU.
the largo receptacle. Figure 2 shows a general view
of tho trap.
"We append herewith tho result of several days' use
of the trap illustrated. These results were reported to
the chief of this division by Mr. Dan Nelson, an em
ploye, who was placed in charge of the traps, with di
rections to keep a careful record of tho flies caught;
dairy barn, one day, 1,700 flies; two days, 2,000 flies;
dining hall, rear of building, two days, 3,000 flies;
eame place, two days, 3,000; same place, five days,
13,000 flies; dairy barn, two days, 1,800 flies; dining
hall, rear of building, threo days, 6,000 files; same
place, three days, 6,000 flies; samo place, one day,
4,200 flics; on the back porch of a dwelling house not
far from a stablo containing a fow horses, two days,
8,700 flies; same place, one day, 12,000 (twelve thou
sand) fllea; same place, one and a half days, 18,800
(eighteen thousand eight hundred) flies."
"Tho most Important thing In the use of this rather
remarkable trap Is tho bait. Above all things, says Mr.
Washburn, bo suro and use bread and milk for bait
Be sure, also, and frequently renew this bait Always
have it fresh. Never allow It to dry up,' for it then
loses Its attractiveness. The best way to kill the
trapped flies Is to immerse the top portion of the trap
in boiling water; then destroy the dead flies by burn
ing, thereby getting rid of all the germs that are on
Destroying flies by fumigation and poisons are good
methods, provided tho greatest care Is used In the
fumigation and In tho handling of poisons.
Oloso the kitchen at night after tho evening's work
is finished, pour a teaspoonful of carbolic acid upon a
tin cup placed on the floor, so the fumes will spread
over the air surface as soon as possible. In the morn
. lng, if your kitchen Is fairly tight, all the files In It will
be dead and the acid fumbs will have disappeared.
Cobalt Is sometimes used. It is efficient when poured
in a plate and a cheese cloth laid in it, but it is ex
tremely .dangerous and should not bo used If there aro
children about tho home, as It Is poison. Common
black- pepper and sugar heated until It dissolves, and
poured on a plate, will kill flies, butlt Is far better to
depond upon posltlvoly fly-proof screens at the doors
and windows, cellar wlndowB and attic windows, and
ocrccn doors in the cellar entrances or bulkheads, to
gether with good traps like that described above, and
only harmless things, that Is, things that are poison
only to files.
There is, really no need of using deadly poisons wlfon
there are so many safe ways of gotting rid of the pests.
Eternal vigilance may bo tiresome, but It will keep
away flies, and it is better to bo vigilant and tired than
dead because of some dread disease brought into tho
home by the most dangerous of all insects the
ARMS While You Walk
IF you watch people walk you will note that
nearly all of them movo their arms. If
they walk elowly the movement of their
arms is scarcely perceptible; If they walk
rapidly their arms generally swing vigorously.
Most poople bollove this swinging of the
arms as they wllk is morely a natural sway
ing motion caused by the movemont of tho
body, just as tho tassel of an umbrella will
Bwlng when one Is walking with it, but this
is by no means tho reason. Tho swinging of
the arms is natural enough, but thonaturo
of it dates away back to those unknown days
when man was a quadruped.
Of course when man was a four-footed
animal ho walked with his "arms" as well as
his legs, and even to-day, after tho thousands
upon thousands of generations that have
passed since he assumed an upright position,
every time he takes a stop his arm moves a
trifle, involuntarily, as though desirous of
taking a step In its turn, Just as it did when
man, then four-footed, prancod up and down
the earth.
Many people can movo their oara a trifle,
many can movo their scalps, and there is an
abundance of hair scattered about our arms
and logs, now useless, but still tho remnunts
of tho abundant coating of hair that once
kept our anthropoid ancestors warm.
By keeping our minds upon it we can bold
our arms nearly motionless when walking,
but lot us hurry along, thinking of something
else and our arms still swing, proclaiming
our descent from ancestors who walked on
four limbs that kopt timo togothor.
YES, this Is all true things Impressed upon the
mind stuff a million years ago aro still with
us to trouble and worry many men and women.
Every intelligent person knowB that we have reached
our present physical condition and shape through a
long process of evolution from the four-footed stage
of existence. It Is stated by scientists that wo have
over eighty rudimentary organs In our body which
were of uso to us at one time, but about as much use
to us now as a buggy whip is to an automobile. We
cannot cast off these useless remnants not In many
generations. However, they are gradually losing their"
identity and will in time disappear.
It Is necessary to get these facts clearly in the
mind so that more important facts regarding the iem
nants left in man's memory may be appreciated, then,
we shall cease to worry about most of them. These
aro fears, superstitions and peculiar psychic disturb
ances which make life scarcely worth living for certain
persons. Many of these troubles havo been treated as
diseases of the mind and nervous system, when really
they are nothing but remnants of normal acts and feel
ings produced under a totally different mode of ex
istence. Take, for instance, the fear of snakes. This is a
fearful state of anxiety and horror in some persons. I
have known it to cause a state of hysteria lasting for
some time. Monkeys to-day show the same fear, but
reasonably so, for serpents seek them for food. Now,
when our ancestors were living among trees and their
foliage, they had to keep a vigilant outlook for snakes,
even In the trees, for these slimy foes could climb after
their prey. They also would He in wait along tho
snarled branches and suddenly shoot out their slnuoua
neckB and heads and grab the unwary. This acute fear
of snakes 1b one of the memories loft us &b a reminder
of our past existence.
There are people who cannot stay In open Bpaces
without feeling uncomfortable, and a few really unable
to do so at all, on account of a fear which they cannot
explain. This state of the mind we call agoraphobia,
and to overcome It ono has only to know its origin. In
fact, most all of these unaccountable fears can be con
quered by a knowledge of the! rcause and origin. Drugs
and other medical treatment in ordinary caBes do. harm
Just face tho facts and laugh at your old ape grand
mother when you picture her running and shrieking
from branch to branch to escape the snake, or perhaps
rushing to the covering of tho forest from an open field
where she was searching for ground nuts.
Tho farther away from the shelter of dark woods,
the greater was the danger to our ancestors, bo that, In
open places, they were always timid and fearful. They
could not 'escape their onemlea, sabre-toothed tigers
and other beasts, by running upright; their agility was
at Its height when climbing and swinging from tree to
tree. So, you see, that this fear oftopen places comes
directly down and Js nothing to worry about It meanB
nothing In the way of mind trouble, only that you have
Inherited a fear from good causes and havo not had
an insight to its real meaning.
P--?HROUQHOUT. life there are a great many traits
I and characterises that go to mark the business
man, some have faithfulness, others determina
tion, others energy, and so on. But to actually deter
mine tho relative value of these characteristics is a
most unusual proceeding, and one that reflects great
merit upon the man who did this.
In his remarkable book, "How to Get and Keep a
Job," Nathaniel C, Fowler, Jr., has made quite plain
tho actual value of persistency. He did this by talking
with or writing to two hundred ninety-eight American
men who iiad made a groat buccobb in life, a success
that put them really in tho leadership of their class of
work, whether it wero trade, business or profession,
Mr. Fowler's question was alike to each one of these
men. It was "To what ono thing, or to what two or
three things, do you attribute your success?"
New Art Palace
of New York
(Contlnuad from Preceding Page.)
hi. Thnmmt TAwrtmca! & "Portrait of a Lady," by Sir
Henry Raoburn, a Theodore Rosseau and a Jakob
This bouse has always been noted for Its dealings
in the works of the Barblzon school, -which once held
an unrivalled place In the affections of American con
noluaeura. In recent years Americans have grown
very fond of the English eighteenth century masters
because they make such splendid decorations for our
greaj. new houses. In harmony with this development
of taste, the Knoedlera have lately bought the works
of Sir Joshua Reynolds and bis companions as assldu
jualy as they have always bought those of the Barbl
zon school.
They have also a remarkaly fine collection of tho
Dutch and Flemish schools. The Italian old masters,
co, are well represented among their treasures.
This great establishment can otter to the conolssour
masterpieces by Veronese, Corregsio, Lulni, Bellini,
Bordone. Palma, Peruglno, Tintoretto and Quardl; by
Pieter da Hooch, Ruysdael Van Dyck, Hobbema, Metsu
and Tonlers; by Nattier, Rtgaud, Fragonard and Bou
cher; by Ia'nsborough, Hoppner, Raeburn, Lawrence
ind Romney; by Corot Rousseau, Daubigny and Diaz.
It is a peculiarity of the great art dealers that they
will not reveal to everybody all that they have. The
modern American collector is attracted to the dealer's
8tablUhment by the possibility that forgotten treas--
are hidden tier.
When all those replies were rounded up and tabu
lated Mr. Fowler found that persistence led the list.
That the ability to persistently stick to their task,
whether it was selling cabbagos or finding new microbes,
was what made them successful was the claim of sixty
six of these men. This Is the manner In which the
author tabulated his list:
PERSISTENCY, stlck-to-lt-iveness, and constancy.. 66
Application 69
Hard work, eto .64
Industry 28
Fulthfulnes ',...22
Concentration 20
Earnest desire to Bucceed 10
Dtllgenco v- .14
Determination 8
Energy 8
Total 2S8
( This shows, not only that persistency is the most
valuable thing for a man to have who would succeed,
-but that those characteristics which are closely allied
with it such as constant hard work and application, are
a close second in value.
To the young man who would honestly succeed, then,
the first thing to tell him Is "Be persistent" The writer
explains that he came In contact with thousands of suc
cessful business men, men who were, in the common
phrase, "self-made," men who achieved something worth
while through tholr own efforts, not through capital
inherited or otherwise given them, and that he found
every one of these men to b persistent.
Nearly all these men selected their walk in life be
fore they reached maturity, before they were out of
their "teens," and that by sticking persistently to their
plans they built up successes for themselves.
DISEASE in Mind and Body
WE shall hear as Spring arrives much about "swat the fly." So much has been written
about the fly and other germ carriers that it Is well understood how the diseases
so Injurious to man and his neighbors spread and destroy.
So far we have gained much In understanding that if we can destroy, or keep out of our
systems, disease germs, there is no reason why we should not live and do good work way
beyond a hundred years.
But "swatting the fly" and killing other germ carrying insects will be of little avail
Just a local preventative. Wo must destroy the breeding places of the carriers. This means
that Instead of offering school children prizes for a barrel of dead files, they should be
taught how and where they breed. Offering prizes for the discovery of these places Is the
thing to do. Then the proper authorities will destroy . them.
It is the small cities and country towns that menace the health. Here are to be found
old manure heaps, deserted vaults, stagnant pools and other opportunities for the breeding of
germ carriers. These places destroyed and never again allowed to exist, and we are on our
wav to llvft for a rnntiirv'it wnrlrovoi. - .. '
- w.wj uua Ul UD.
Why MILK BOTTLE CAPS Should Be Improved
Whkn douios were nnany generauy
adopted in place of the moro danger
oub tin cans, aftor volumes of printed
artlclos and thousands of speeches clamoring
for this change, It was believed that about
everything possible had been done to safe
guard tho consumer as far as milk receptacles
were, concerned. There was some trouble
with tho cardboard caps, owing to the diffi
culty of getting them out without squirting
milk all over tho premises, but little pointed
lifters wero mado for this, and then the caps
were made with a little tab to take hold of.
It Is this tab which seems to be the great
bother, although there Is danger In the plain
round carboard capa also, for It Is impossible
to lift ono of these caps from the bottle
quite evenly, due to the little groove in the
neck of the milk bottle made purposely to
keep it in place.
In the restaurants all the year round, and
in the delivery teams and freight cars In
Summer, these bottles of milk are packed in
cases something like beer cases, and, to keep
the milk, cracked Ice or large ice cakes are
placed over the tops of the cases. As every,
ono knows, there is a considerable quantity
of dirt In Ice, especially where It is used In
this manner, and when the bottle of milk Is
brought Into the home or set upon the table
In thousands of restaurants where milk is
served individually in such bottles there is
always to be found a little water and a little
dirt tiny black specks from the melted lw,
and possibly other foreign matter that has fallen Into
tho cardboard cap, for the top of the bottle forms a
cup which holds such dirt.
Now the danger comes in removing these caps. You
cannot lift It straight up, whether you pry It out with
the tine of a fork or lift one up by the little tab (A).
One edge must come up first Now, with a little water
' on tho top containing particles of dirt and no one
(A) Tab to Lift Cap. (B) Where the Dirty Water Col
lect. (C) How the Dirty Water Run Into Your
Milk When the Cap I Lifted Up. ,
knows Just what sort of foreign matter (B),
the moment this cap Is lifted up it all runs
oft the edge (C) and Into your milk!
Perhaps If peoplo would always stop and
soak up all the moisture carefully from the
top of tho cap with a napkin, and wipe It
carefully, this might be avoided; but very fow
people will stop or bother to do this, as In the
home the maid Is In a hurry an yanks the
cap out of the bottle as speedily as possible.
Invariably tho result Is that, no matter how
clean your milk was, you have dumped not
only dirty water from melted Ice Into It, but
this water has slid along with It and carried
into your milk a number of particles of dirt
and thus the whole milk Is contaminated. It
does not necessarily follow that deadly germs
are always thus slid into your milk, but there
is always the chance of some of this dirt on
the paper cap being extremely dangerous.
What is needed now is some sort of cap
or covering for milk bottles that will slip
Into position neatly and quickly without the
need of workmen's thumbs Jamming it down,
and especially without the danger of dumping
a little dirt Into your milk every time you
remove the cap. Apparently, here is an op
portunity for some clever Inventor to perfect
a cap for milk bottles that will be absolutely
sanitary. Ab yet there seems to be no such
cap at least not in tho average restaurant
and home have any milk bottles been found
with such caps.
The same precautions need to bn tnkAn v onMi
individual as regards his body. No dirt should be
permitted to stay inside or outside; especially In
side. Over-fatnesa allows body pollution because it
crowds and hinders free action of the little and big
sewerage of the whole body. Congestion of the liver
Is one result rheumatism of thev Joints is another and
"colds in the head" are often only an effort of nature
to rid the system of inflammatory products due to some I
stoppage of a tiny set of canals or ducts. Innamma-'
tlon of the tonsils follows a lethargic system, and '
then the germs always In the air find a perfect breed
ing place. Under these conditions men loses much of
his recuperative powers and breaks down long befor
his time.
Constantly clean up the body; then gernui find ns
nests In which to breed. Tho trees and shrubi. in the.
Spring have to get the Bap to their upmost branches.
They do it by swaying, bending and twisting with the
Spring winds. That twisting and bending expands
and compresses the Inner fibres of the limbs and so
force the sa pto every tiny ending. You can do the
same by twisting and bending every morning for a
few minutes. This sends the fluids of the body even
to the finger ends and eliminates the poisonous ma
terial. It reduces extra fat sends rich blood to
stagnant spots and keeps for ever a Spring-like con
dition of all the tissues.
But most important of all is a clean mind. The
mind stuff can be polluted by a certain form of germ;
evil thoughts, malicious Intentions, misuse of intel
lectual activities. Get them out by putting in good
thoughts, instructive reading, informative material,
proper ambitions.
We do not know, not one of us, the power that lies
In a healthy mind because we so seldom have It free
from Injurious thought germs. We are commencing
to understand, and what the future man will even
tually evolve from an unhampered mind Is unknown
I believe It will be some sort of an insight into the
future existence.